Word CROSSWORD formed from two English words - CROSS(cross, intersection) and WORD(word). In general, the word CROSSWORD means word intersection. The first crossword puzzle appeared in 1913 in the United States in the New York World newspaper. In Russia, the crossword puzzle was first published in the Ogonyok magazine in 1929. The world's longest crossword puzzle consisted of 50,400 words and was 31 meters long and 53 centimeters wide. The author of this crossword is Belgian Bruges Roger Bokar.

Crosswords come in different types, and they are called differently (chainword, crossword, etc.), but the principle of solving them is the same.

The work presents thematic crosswords for music lessons of the 4th grade, compiled in accordance with the program of educational institutions. Music. 1-8 grades. Auth. count under the direction, edition, - M .: Education, 2006.

The use of crossword puzzles is expected when summarizing the material of the topic or after a generalizing repetition based on the results of a quarter or a year.

We invite you to unravel musical crosswords compiled for the following topics "Musical Instruments", "Dances", "Composers".

Crosswords on the topic "Musical Instruments"

CROSSWORD No. 1 (I half of the year).

1. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Balalaika, 5. Sopel, 7. Guitar.

Vertically: 1. Bayan, 2. Domra, 3. Zhaleika, 4. Spoons, 6. Gusli.

CROSSWORD #2 (IIhalf a year).

2. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Chonguri, 4. Domra. Vertically: 2. Doira, 3. Rubab 5. Cymbals.

CROSSWORD #3 (IIhalf a year).

3. Enter the names of folk musical instruments.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 5. Bandura. Vertically: 1. Rubab, 2. Kankles, 3. Zurna, 4. Nay.


5. Enter the names of musical instruments. https://pandia.ru/text/80/126/images/image005_66.jpg" alt="Tools 4 cl.bmp" width="564" height="306"> !}

Horizontally: 2. Percussion instrument of a symphony orchestra. 6.Kyrgyz folk three-stringed plucked instrument. 7. Russian folk percussion instrument. 10. The lowest sounding brass instrument. 11. Georgian folk plucked instrument. 13. Ancient Greek string-plucked instrument. 14. Estonian folk string instrument. Vertically: 1.Ukrainian folk stringed-plucked instrument with an oval body and a wide neck. 3.Klavishno-wind instrument. 4. Antique string-plucked musical instrument. 5.Armenian string-plucked musical instrument. 6. Japanese folk string-plucked instrument. 8. Indian steam drum. 9.Uzbek folk two-stringed plucked instrument. 12. Russian folk push-button wind instrument.


Answers. Horizontally: 2. Bells 6. Komuz. 7. Ratchet 10. Tuba 11. Chonguri 13. Kifara 14. Cannel.Vertically: 1.Kobza 3.Organ 4.Lute. 5. Tar 6. Koto 8. Tabla 9. Dutar 12. Bayan.

CROSSWORD based on the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf"

1. What musical instruments play these roles?

2. Name the author of this work?
Crossword Answers: 1. Violin, 2. Flute, 3. Bassoon, 4. Timpani, 5. Horn, 6. Oboe, 7. Viola, 8. Clarinet. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Crosswords on the topic "Dancing".

CROSSWORD No. 1 "Dancing" (3rd quarter)

Horizontally: 3. Moldavian folk dance. 4.Ukrainian folk dance. 5. Russian folk dance.

Vertically: 1.Belarusian folk dance. 2. Georgian folk dance. 3.Uzbek folk dance.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 1. Moldovenyaska, 4. Gopak. 5. Trepak

Vertically: 1. Bulba 2. Lezginka. 3. Mavrigi.

CROSSWORD No. 2 "Dancing" (4th quarter)

Horizontally: 1. Polish mobile dance. 2. Czech folk dance.

Vertically: 2. Polish majestic dance-procession. 3. Dance, descended from Lendler.

4. Hungarian folk dance. 5. Spanish dance.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 2 . Polonaise 3. Waltz 4. Czardas

Vertically: 1. Mazurka. 2.Polka

CROSSWORD No. 3 "Dancing"

The final crossword puzzle on the theme of the second half of the year "There are no impassable borders between the music of my people and the music of different peoples of the world."

Horizontally: 5.Modern Brazilian dance. 6. Czech folk dance. 8. Jazz dance that originated in the USA in the 20th century. 9. Norwegian solo male dance. 12. Uzbek folk dance. 14. Russian folk dance. 16.Italian folk dance.

Vertically: 1.Polish folk dance. 2.Fast ballroom dance French origin. 3. Dance procession. 4. Hungarian folk dance. 7.Belarusian folk dance. 10. Ukrainian folk dance. 11. Greek folk dance. 13. Spanish folk dance. 15. Dance, descended from landler.


Crossword answers. Horizontally: 5.Samba 6.Polka 8.Foxtrot 9.Halling 12.Mavrigi 14.Trepak 16.Tarantella. Vertically: 1. Mazurka 2. Gallop 3. Polonaise 4. Czardas 7. Bulba 10. Gopak 11. Sirtaki 13. Hota. 15. Waltz.

K R O S V O R D on the topic “Composers” (4th quarter).


2.Norwegian composer. 4.Austrian composer. 5. German composer.

Vertically: 1.Polish composer. 2. Russian composer. 3. American composer.

Crossword answers. Horizontally: 2. Grieg 4. Mozart 5. Beethoven.

Vertically: 1.Chopin 2.Glinka 3.Gershwin


1. Methodical lesson developments.

2. Programs of educational institutions. Music. 1-8 grades. Auth. count under the direction, edition, - M .: Education, 2006.

Crossword on the topic "Music"


1. A musical and dramatic work (often with comedic elements), in which singing alternates with dances and dialogues. (Operetta.)

5. Keyboard stringed musical instrument. (Piano.)

7. Four-string bowed musical instrument of high register. (Violin.)

8. Art reflecting reality in sound artistic images. (Music.)

9. Type of musical (artistic) works, characterized by certain plot or stylistic features. (Genre.)


1. A musical and dramatic work in which characters sing with the accompaniment of an orchestra. (Opera.)

2. Poetic and musical work for performance by voice or voices. (Song.)

3. A stringed musical instrument, medium in register and size between a violin and a double bass. (Cello.)

4. A small lyrical musical and poetic work for voice with musical accompaniment. (Romance.)

5. Woodwind high-pitched musical instrument in the form of a straight tube with holes and valves. (Flute.)

6. An artist playing a musical instrument. (Musician.)

It happens that at school as homework are asked to compose. This, in general, is not tricky, however, this task can be solved even easier if you use a special program for compiling crossword puzzles.

In this article, I will show you, as an example, a simple musical crossword, and I'll tell you how easy it is to make the same yourself. The music crossword puzzle was compiled by me taking into account the school curriculum - the questions are downright simple.

When you yourself compose a musical crossword puzzle, in order not to rack your brains over inventing words and questions, just open a school notebook and use the notes that you made in class. Different terms, names of works, musical instruments, names of composers, etc. will fit for this work.

An example of a musical crossword puzzle

Here is the crossword puzzle I came up with, try to solve it:

Horizontal questions:

  1. The name of the famous play by I.S. Bach for flute.
  2. Ancestor of Russian classical music.
  3. An orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet that sounds just before the start of a performance.
  4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylov.
  5. A work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass, is, for example, by Mozart.
  6. A percussion musical instrument, with tremolo (this is such a playing technique) of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins.
  7. Name of the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky on the New Year theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king.
  8. The musical and theatrical genre in which such works as "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M.I. Glinka, " Queen of Spades» P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  9. Low male voice.
  10. One of the "whales" in music: dance, march and ...?
  11. A musician who directs a symphony orchestra.
  12. Belarusian song-dance about potatoes.
  13. A musical instrument whose name is composed of Italian words, translated meaning "loud" and "quiet".
  14. Opera-epic by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the harp and the sea princess Volkhov.

Vertical questions:

  1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps.
  2. Austrian composer, author of the song "Evening Serenade".
  3. sign in musical notation, which indicates lowering the sound by a semitone.
  4. Ensemble of three musicians-instrumentalists or singers.
  5. Surname of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia.
  6. Who wrote the "Pictures at an Exhibition" series?
  7. The dance that underlies Strauss' play "On the Beautiful Blue Danube".
  8. Musical composition for a solo instrument and an orchestra, in which the orchestra and the soloist seem to compete with each other.
  9. The musical style, which includes the work of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel.
  10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March".
  11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginsky's play Farewell to the Motherland.
  12. The great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the Matthew Passion.
  13. Consonance of three or more sounds.



1. Joke 2. Glinka 3. Overture 4. Quartet 5. Requiem 6. Timpani 7. Nutcracker 8. Opera 9. Bass 10. Song 11. Conductor 12. Bulba 13. Piano 14. Sadko


1. Second 2. Schubert 3. Flat 4. Trio 5. Rubinstein 6. Mussorgsky 7. Waltz 8. Concerto 9. Baroque 10. Mozart 11. Polonaise 12. Bach 13. Chord

How to make a music crossword?

Now I'll tell you a little about how I did this miracle. helped me crossword software entitled Crossword Creator. It is free, it is very easy to find it on the Internet and install it (it weighs about 20 MB - that is, a little). Before I entered this program, I tried a number of others. This one seemed the best to me.

As you can see, I didn’t include so many guessing words in my musical crossword puzzle - only 27. You can use any number of words. The list of necessary words is simply entered into the window of the program, which itself then distributes them vertically and horizontally and crosses them beautifully.

We just have to choose the design style, and then download the finished crossword puzzle. Moreover, you can download several necessary files at once: a crossword without answers, it is also with filled cells, a list of all answers, and a list of questions. True, here, the questions are taken from different dictionaries, so it is most likely that the questionnaire will have to be adjusted. For the example of a musical crossword puzzle that I showed you, I wrote the questions by hand.

Now a very important point. How to display the crossword itself in a graphic file? There is no separate export function to other formats in the Crossword Creator program. In fact, we just copy the image and then paste it wherever we want. It is best to paste it into some kind of graphics editor: Photoshop, for example. The easiest is in standard Paint, or you can directly in Word, in the same file where you have questions.

One technical moment. After the picture is inserted into the graphics editor, press "Save as", then enter the name and ( important!) select the format. The fact is that in Paint, by default, it is bitmap bmp, and Photoshop has its own format, but it is most profitable for us to save the picture in JPEG format, and we select it.


Your music crossword is ready. Thank you for attention. If you find this material “useful for society”, please send it to “Contact”, “My World” or somewhere else - there are buttons for this right under this text. See you soon!

It happens that at school, as homework, they are asked to make a crossword puzzle on music. This, in general, is not tricky, however, this task can be solved even easier if you use a special program for compiling crossword puzzles. In this article, I will show you a simple musical crossword puzzle as an example, and tell you how easy it is to make the same one yourself. The music crossword puzzle was compiled by me taking into account the school curriculum - the questions are downright simple. When you yourself compose a musical crossword puzzle, in order not to rack your brains over inventing words and questions, just open a school notebook and use the notes that you made in class. Different terms, names of works, musical instruments, names of composers, etc. will fit for this work.


Horizontal questions:

1. The name of the famous play by I.S. Bach for flute.

2. Ancestor of Russian classical music.

3. An orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet that sounds just before the start of a performance.

4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylov.

5. A work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass, is, for example, by Mozart.

6. A percussion musical instrument, with tremolo (this is such a playing technique) of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins.

7. Name of the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky on the New Year theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king.

8. The musical and theatrical genre in which such works as "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M.I. Glinka, "The Queen of Spades" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

9. Low male voice.

10. One of the "whales" in music: dance, march and ...?

11. A musician who directs a symphony orchestra.

12. Belarusian song - dance about potatoes.

13. A musical instrument whose name is composed of Italian words, translated meaning "loud" and "quiet".

14. Opera-epic by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the harp and the sea princess Volkhov.

Vertical questions:

1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps.

2. Austrian composer, author of the song "Evening Serenade".

3. A sign in musical notation that indicates a decrease in sound by a semitone.

4. Ensemble of three musicians-instrumentalists or singers.

5. Surname of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia.

6. Who wrote the "Pictures at an Exhibition" series?

7. The dance that underlies Strauss' play "On the Beautiful Blue Danube".

8. A piece of music for a solo instrument and orchestra, in which the orchestra and the soloist seem to compete with each other.

9. The musical style, which includes the work of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel.

10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March".

11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginsky's play Farewell to the Motherland.

12. The great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the Matthew Passion.

13. Consonance of three or more sounds.



1. Joke 2. Glinka 3. Overture 4. Quartet 5. Requiem 6. Timpani 7. Nutcracker 8. Opera 9. Bass 10. Song 11. Conductor 12. Bulba 13. Piano 14. Sadko


1. Second 2. Schubert 3. Flat 4. Trio 5. Rubinstein 6. Mussorgsky 7. Waltz 8. Concerto 9. Baroque 10. Mozart 11. Polonaise 12. Bach 13. Chord


Now I'll tell you a little about how I did this miracle. helped me crossword software entitledCrossword Creator. It is free, it is very easy to find it on the Internet and install it (it weighs about 20 MB - that is, a little). Before I entered this program, I tried a number of others. This one seemed the best to me.

As you can see, I didn’t include so many guessing words in my musical crossword puzzle - only 27. You can use any number of words. The list of necessary words is simply entered into the window of the program, which itself then distributes them vertically and horizontally and crosses them beautifully.

We just have to choose the design style, and then download the finished crossword puzzle. Moreover, you can download several necessary files at once: a crossword without answers, it is also with filled cells, a list of all answers, and a list of questions. True, here, the questions are taken from different dictionaries, so it is most likely that the questionnaire will have to be adjusted. For the example of a musical crossword puzzle that I showed you, I wrote the questions by hand.

Now a very important point. How to display the crossword itself in a graphic file? There is no separate export function to other formats in the Crossword Creator program. In fact, we just copy the image and then paste it wherever we want. It is best to paste it into some kind of graphics editor: Photoshop, for example. The easiest way is to standard Paint, or you can go straight to Word, to the same file where you have questions.

One technical moment. After the picture is inserted into the graphics editor, press "Save as", then enter the name and ( important!) select the format. The fact is that in Paint, by default, there is a bitmap bmp, and in Photoshop it has its own format, but it is most profitable for us to save the picture in JPEG format, and we select it.


Your music crossword is ready. Thank you for attention. If you find this material “useful for society”, please send it to “Contact”, “My World” or somewhere else - there are buttons for this right under this text. See you soon!

Crossword questions:

Crossword on the topic "Instrumental Concert"

Crossword questions:

  1. The name of the first concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  2. An orchestra and ... compete in the concert.
  3. The name of the third concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  4. The name of the second concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  5. The founder of the instrumental concert as a genre
  6. The name of the last concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  7. One of the means of musical expression

Crossword on the topic "Instrumental Concert"

Crossword questions:

  1. The name of the first concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  2. An orchestra and ... compete in the concert.
  3. The name of the third concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  4. The name of the second concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  5. The founder of the instrumental concert as a genre
  6. The name of the last concerto from the cycle "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi
  7. One of the means of musical expression