When a couple cannot have children, this is an unpleasant event for many reasons: questions from relatives, sarcastic remarks from acquaintances, relationships deteriorate due to scandals and mutual reproaches. A site for mothers, the site will tell you what to do if a diagnosis is made - the husband is infertile.

All feelings aside

Panic in such a matter is absolutely inappropriate.

Therefore, I would immediately like to note that the diagnosis of infertility does not mean at all that your spouse will never be able to have children. Since the cause of this disease in most cases lies in the violation of the functions of the male genital organ. To date, medicine is able to overcome most of the "obstacles", and the birth of a long-awaited baby is only a matter of time.

Another important point: if you cannot get pregnant for a year (and in some cases up to two years) with an active sexual life, then the couple is not considered infertile.

Since the reason for this can be any negative experienced by the spouse: stress, overwork, bad microclimate in the family. Your husband is temporarily unable to have children.

The first thing to do after a diagnosis is made is to undergo an examination, pass a series of tests. And only after that, having found out the cause, begin to treat infertility and take some measures.

How to get pregnant if the husband is infertile

And now let's talk in more detail about the causes of male infertility and possible methods for solving this problem.

Bad spermogram

Sperm analysis helps to determine the quantity, study the viability, activity and structure of spermatozoa. According to the results of the tests, if there are deviations, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both spouses should prepare: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sleep, not swear, and try to avoid stress.

In most cases, all this helps to cope with this problem, since a bad spermogram is not always a pathology or serious disorders in the functioning of the genital organs.

If for a long time the husband cannot have children and the spermogram has deviations, then additional laboratory and instrumental examinations must be completed. In some cases, stimulation of spermatogenesis and normalization hormonal background helps correct the situation. But this method takes time (spermatozoa are formed for 70 days), which negatively affects the well-being of a man.

Therefore, the wife should become a support and support for her husband during this difficult period.

What to do if the husband is infertile due to the lack of sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia)

Surprisingly, even such a problem can be solved today, so it should not scare you. When no spermatozoa can be found in the ejaculate, a scrotum biopsy is performed. Moreover, when extracting in this way, only a few spermatozoa are enough to carry out fertilization!

The only unpleasant nuance is the procedure itself for a man and the fact that conception will occur artificially (ICSI).

But how can this become an obstacle on the way to the long-awaited happiness?!

Very weak or impaired spermatogenesis (production of male reproductive organs)

In such a situation, couples are most often offered to use a donor sperm bank (IVF). However, conception with such a procedure rarely occurs the first time (more often on the fifth or sixth). With this method, the child will have the genetic set of the mother, and the spouses will be able to empathize with the pregnancy and see the appearance of their baby.

With genetic disorders in a man, conception with the participation of donor sperm is also widely used.

Obstruction of the vas deferens: that is, there are spermatozoa, but they cannot come out

If the husband cannot have his children as a result of obstruction of the vas deferens, then the problem is solved with the help of an operation to restore the canals. When the operation is contraindicated or will not be able to bear fruit, an alternative method of conception is used. To do this, spermatozoa are taken from the testicle by biopsy and artificial insemination (IVF or), due to which the husband becomes the biological father of the baby, is carried out.

With the help of surgery, you can also cope with the secretory form of infertility (varicose veins around the testicle).

Immunological incompatibility or allergy to partner's sperm

With this form of infertility in a man, artificial insemination is most often used: or ICSI.

It should be noted that such a method of infertility treatment as ICSI can be used for weak and inactive spermatozoa. And in terms of performance, it is much higher than the standard artificial conception procedure. For comparison: the probability of getting pregnant on the first attempt with IVF is 10-15%, with ICSI - 40-60%.

When a husband cannot have children at all

For one reason or another, one of the ways to solve this problem is adoption or adoption.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that there are many examples when couples, after numerous doctor’s conclusions: “your husband is completely barren”, still managed to conceive a baby and become happy parents. You should never lose hope.

There are many types of female infertility. One type of female infertility is tubal infertility, which is caused by either organic or functional pathology of the fallopian tubes. Usually, this occurs due to inflammatory processes in the female genital organs responsible for reproductive function, as well as due to hormonal imbalances associated with ovarian dysfunction. The tubal factor leads to a decrease or, conversely, an increase in the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes (hypertonicity or hypotonicity), and its complete discoordination may also occur.

The cause of infertility of the fallopian tubes may be their partial or complete obstruction. In this case, the egg cannot pass into the fallopian tubes, as a result, it cannot meet spermatozoa, fertilization does not occur and pregnancy cannot occur.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes (as well as partial passage of the fallopian tubes) can lead to ectopic pregnancy, so it is necessary to promptly identify and treat diseases of the genital organs associated with the reproductive function of the body. But in no case should you treat yourself, but you should contact a qualified specialist who will determine the cause of the disease and only after receiving the test results (ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, echography) will prescribe effective treatment. The procedure for examining the fallopian tubes for the treatment of infertility can also be carried out using a laparoscope, which is inserted through a small incision.

If the treatment of tubal infertility is carried out correctly, then in most cases a woman will then be able to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

Therapy to eliminate tubal infertility includes the use of antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory and absorbable drugs. In addition, various physiotherapeutic procedures (paraffin applications, ultraviolet radiation, compresses, and so on) can be carried out. However, sometimes it is impossible to eliminate the obstruction of the fallopian tubes in this way and there is a need for surgical intervention.

There are several surgical methods for eliminating obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The specific surgery your doctor will perform will depend on the location, size, and type of tubal blockage. Thus, the operation may consist of the following procedures: - removal of the damaged part of the fallopian tube, removal of scar tissue or insertion of a plastic tube in order to unblock the blocked part of the tube and treat blocked or affected fallopian tubes; - removal of the diseased part of the fallopian tube (salpingectomy) is the only method for the "repair" of the fallopian tube itself. The remaining methods are surgical methods to create a hole in the fallopian tube or block the opening of the fallopian tube into the uterus; - tubal reanastomosis, used to reunite the fallopian tubes separated during the tubal ligation process.

Many women wonder if the operation aimed at treating tubal infertility is safe? About 7-9% of women who become pregnant after tubal surgery have had an ectopic pregnancy, but this is most likely due to pre-existing tubal damage rather than the operation itself. But if a woman is 35 years old or more, then the main risk is that the operation, rehabilitation and further attempts to get pregnant naturally take a lot of time. The sooner treatment is started, the better for the woman and her unborn child.

Video: “The main causes of infertility”

To get pregnant, you need the following organs:

  • ovaries
  • Pipes
  • Uterus
  • Man

Pregnancy formula:

Egg(no genetic defects, mature)
+ sperm(without genetic defects, mobile, able to penetrate the egg)
+ oviduct(passable throughout, capable of pushing a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity)
+ uterine cavity(without defects, partitions, etc.)
+ lining of the uterus(mature, ready to receive an embryo)
+hormonal background(adequate hormone levels)
+ proper response of the mother's immune system(not rejecting the embryo)
+ calm (not manic) attitude towards pregnancy
= pregnancy.

Infertility and ovaries

A follicle should grow in the ovaries (1-2 pcs.). This occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, on average on the 14th day from the onset of menstruation in a 28-day menstrual cycle. This follicle should burst (ovulation). An egg will be released from the follicle into the abdominal cavity, which will be picked up by the fallopian tube. In place of the bursting follicle, a corpus luteum (temporary gland) should form, which should work well for at least 10 days.

What happens:

  • The ovary cannot grow follicles: there are many small follicles in the ovaries and none of them grows, while the ovaries are enlarged in size, sometimes surrounded by a dense capsule. This is often referred to as "polycystic". Menstruation goes with great delays, there may be rare ovulation, accidental pregnancies. This condition is treatable - pregnancy is possible after treatment. The probability of spontaneous pregnancy is high.
  • The corpus luteum does not work well: less than 10 days, stops working early, produces little progesterone (the hubbub that ensures the attachment of a fertilized egg). Periods are not regular, often come ahead of schedule. This condition is treated - pregnancy is possible. The probability of spontaneous pregnancy is high.
  • Disturbed regulation of maturation of follicles: in one cycle, the follicle matures, and ovulation is defective, in another cycle, the follicle does not grow, etc. This condition is also called "dysfunction". This is treated, pregnancy is possible. The probability of spontaneous pregnancy is high.
  • There may be only one ovary (the other is removed)- pregnancy is possible, but the probability is reduced - ovulation in this ovary may not occur in every cycle, in addition, adhesions after surgery may disrupt the patency of the fallopian tubes (see below) The probability of spontaneous pregnancy is high - average.
  • Little ovarian tissue (often after removal of ovarian cysts): ovulation occurs less frequently, few follicles are ready to grow, often combined with tubal obstruction due to postoperative adhesions. From this state of the ovaries, pregnancy can be obtained. The probability is reduced. The probability of spontaneous pregnancy is average.
  • Premature ovarian failure: ovaries stop working prematurely. This condition is also called "early menopause." Virtually no cure. There is no chance of pregnancy. Treatment is by egg donation.

Ovarian function test:

  • Ultrasound - the condition of the ovaries, the fact of ovulation, the presence of a corpus luteum (2 studies may be required in a cycle)
  • Hormone tests: FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH, T4 - generally enough - you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of the ovaries and evaluate their reserve
  • Anti-Müllerian hormone - assessment of ovarian reserve (if premature wasting is suspected)
  • The basal temperature chart does not accurately reflect the moment of ovulation and the quality and duration of the corpus luteum. Can replace ultrasound and progesterone analysis

If you have regular(like a clock) cycle - the presence of a problem with the ovaries and a violation of the hormonal status is unlikely - look for another cause of infertility.

if you have cycle disorders- most likely there are problems with the ovaries - the probability of pregnancy is reduced - examination and treatment of this link is required.

Infertility and tubes

There are two of them - right and left. They must be passable and be able to push the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

What happens:

  • One pipe missing (removed, impassable)- The chance of pregnancy is reduced. Self-pregnancy is possible even if ovulation is in the ovary on the opposite side. Pregnancy may not occur for a long time. Great chance to solve the problem by artificial insemination.
  • Both tubes are missing (removed, impassable)- pregnancy only by artificial insemination.
  • Pipes are difficult to pass- the probability of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is high, the probability of spontaneous pregnancy is reduced. This condition is treated (the effect is different, the methods are different, read more here). Great chance to solve the problem by artificial insemination.

Fallopian tube check:

If you never there was no inflammation of the appendages, operations in the abdomen(appendicitis - considered) - the likelihood that you have an obstruction of the fallopian tubes is very small.

If you have there were inflammation of the appendages, operations, many abortions- the fallopian tubes may be obstructed - start the examination by checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Infertility and the uterus

The uterus must be able to carry a fetus. It should not have partitions, other anomalies. The uterine cavity should not be deformed, the size of the uterus should be normal. The mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) - must grow to a certain size, be fully functionally active, have the correct structure, lack of inflammation, polyps and other changes. Correctly respond to hormonal stimuli.

What happens

  • No uterus (removed)– if the ovaries are left – There is no possibility of pregnancy. The solution to the problem is surrogate motherhood.
  • The uterus has congenital structural abnormalities- septum, complete/incomplete duplication, etc. - Pregnancy is possible - after surgical correction of the defect (in some conditions - correction is not required, in others - correction is not effective)
  • The uterus is changed by diseases- the most common: uterine fibroids and endometriosis - pregnancy is possible (not in all cases) - the probability of becoming pregnant is reduced. Treatment is possible, the effectiveness of treatment is high. It is possible to get pregnant without treatment with certain types of fibroids and variants of endometriosis. More
  • The mucous membrane of the uterus- does not grow (damaged by abortions, curettage, inflammation) - is treated extremely poorly, the probability of pregnancy is significantly reduced. Polyps, hyperplasia - are treated very well, the probability of pregnancy is high. Chronic inflammatory process - is not always treated effectively, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced. Unions in the cavity (sinechia) - treated surgically - the effectiveness is average (frequent relapses) - the probability of pregnancy is reduced, after treatment it is higher, but not by much.

Examination of the uterus for infertility

  • ultrasound, ultrasound with contrast
  • MRI, CT
  • Hysteroscopy
  • HSG (hysterosalpingography)

Diagnostic curettage

If you have heavy periods, intermenstrual spotting, spotting after intercourse, on the contrary, scanty periods or none at all - the emphasis in the study on the uterus.

male infertility

A man must be able to have sexual intercourse. His spermatozoa must be in sufficient quantity, be of normal shape and size, mobile and functionally active. Spermatozoa should contain normal genetic material, and there should be no inflammatory elements in the semen. Spermatozoa should not stick together.

What happens.

  • No sperm in semen- there is no possibility of pregnancy. Carry out a search for sperm in the testicles, bladder. There is a chance of pregnancy by artificial insemination. If no sperm are found, sperm donation.
  • Spermatozoa have functional and structural disorders- The chance of pregnancy is reduced. Treatment is an attempt to restore the quality of spermatozoa (treatment is carried out by an andrologist). The chance of pregnancy after treatment is increased. In the absence of efficiency - artificial insemination.

How men are tested for infertility

  • Spermogram
  • Hormone tests (FSH, LH, testosterone, prolactin, DHEAS, TSH, T4, etc.)
  • Tests for specific genes
  • Ultrasound, TRUS (testicles, appendages, prostate vesicles)
  • Consultation, examination by an andrologist

If you are infertile it is easier to start the examination with the husband- to pass a spermogram, it is not painful, simple and fast. If there are no changes in her, you can start examining your wife - examining a woman is longer, more unpleasant and more difficult. If changes are found in the spermogram - examination and treatment in parallel (do not waste time)

The concept of compatibility

Exists immunological And genetic compatibility.

genetic- if there are violations in the structure of individual genes in a couple, then with certain combinations, the resulting embryo may stop developing from the very beginning.
(I explain: each of the parents has one half of the disease, it does not manifest itself in them. If the halves converge, the embryo has a whole disease)

Immunological compatibility:

  • The woman has antibodies that destroy spermatozoa at the entrance to the cervix. For detection, the "Postcoital test" is used. It is treated by intrauterine insemination (purified sperm is injected into the uterine cavity, bypassing the cervix). Efficiency is good.
  • Immunological characteristics of both partners when combined in an embryo, they cause an aggressive reaction of the maternal immune system - pregnancy does not develop or an interruption occurs. This condition is treated - there are several methods (immunoglobulin, specific sensitization). The chance of pregnancy increases.

Psychogenic infertility

When is the most common time for pregnancy to occur? When a woman least of all thinks that she can become pregnant (if she thought about pregnancy, then she would take measures to prevent it). That is why the world produces such a huge number of abortions - an unwanted pregnancy is interrupted, that is, which arose in most cases when the woman did not want it at all.

A woman who is diagnosed with infertility expects pregnancy in each menstrual cycle. Pregnancy is expected from every intercourse, not pleasure. And pregnancy in such a situation does not occur. This is due to the fact that the cerebral cortex (responsible for thought processes) suppresses all lower parts of the brain, in particular those responsible for reproductive function.

Treatment of psychogenic infertility - stop thinking about pregnancy!

Examples of treatment effectiveness:

  • A woman signs up for IVF(artificial insemination) - finds out that it is necessary to wait 6 months - postpones thoughts about pregnancy for this period - a natural pregnancy occurs almost immediately.
  • The doctor informs the woman that all tests have been completed She will never be able to get pregnant. The woman accepts this thought and no longer waits for pregnancy, and then she comes. (Doctor, in her eyes, of course, "burdock")
  • Treatment for infertility is carried out - there is no effect for a long time. The doctor suggests taking a break and going to rest by the sea, and then continue. A woman understands that it is not worth thinking about pregnancy for a while - the sea, the beach, romance, champagne, sex for pleasure - pregnancy upon arrival.
  • A woman gives birth to a child by artificial insemination(because it is recognized as infertile), understands that she cannot become pregnant herself, after a while pregnancy occurs on her own
  • A couple adopts a child because the doctors' verdict is fruitless. Stops counting on pregnancy - time passes - pregnancy.

Of course, psychogenic infertility is infertility when there are no obvious reasons preventing the onset of pregnancy (for example, there are no or obstructed fallopian tubes)

Fertility treatment is a "project" whose goal is a child. Any project should have one leader who leads it from beginning to end.

That's why… For the treatment of infertility choose one doctor(do not run from one doctor to another), who will become the head of the "project". He must develop a strategy for examination and treatment, but since you are participants in this “project”, you must always be aware of what, why and for what is being done, how the project is progressing and understand how close you have come to its completion. If there is distrust towards the doctor, the “project” of this leader should be closed and a new one should be started with a new one, to whom you trust completely.

Self test for infertility

If you have infertility, check whether you have passed all the examinations and answered all the questions.

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs:
    • You have been diagnosed with ovulation
    • You have corpus luteum function checked (Phase 2 progesterone test, basal body temperature chart, ultrasound imaging)
    • The absence in the endometrium of polyps, hyperplasia, synechiae, myomatous nodes, chronic endometritis was established, the thickness of the endometrium in the second phase of the cycle is sufficient.
    • You do not have many myomatous nodes growing into the uterine cavity and there is no pronounced adenomyosis
  • Hysterosalpingography (photograph of the fallopian tubes)
    • It is established that the pipes are completely passable
  • Hormone tests (FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH, T4)
    • It was found that there were no significant deviations from the norm
  • Spermogram
    • It was established that there are no significant deviations in the sperm
  • Hysteroscopy
    • It was established that there are no violations in the uterine cavity
  • Bacteriological culture from the uterine cavity
    • The uterine cavity was found to be sterile
  • HLA typing done
    • It is established that there will be no immunological conflict
  • Postcoital test
    • It is established that there is no immunological conflict

B fertility is one of the most actual problems modern medicine. The impossibility of conception is noted in 15-20% of married couples. According to the WHO definition, a marriage is considered infertile if pregnancy does not occur with regular intercourse (at least 4 times a month) for a year without the use of contraceptives. What to do if the spouses are unable to conceive a child? Where to start the survey?

I talk in detail about the examination for infertility at webinars:

Today you have the opportunity to WATCH THE FULL WEBINAR in the recording.

After watching the webinar, you will receive a clear "instruction" for identifying the causes of infertility and eliminating them.


For more information on traditional and non-traditional methods healthy conception you can learn from a remote online course

Briefly about the causes of infertility you can read in the article.

male infertility

In 40-50% of couples, infertility is due to impaired male reproductive function. Therefore, the examination should always begin with a spermogram - the study of the ejaculate under a microscope. The analysis determines: the volume of the ejaculate, the total number of spermatozoa and their concentration, mobility, viability, the number of normal forms and leukocytes.

If there are deviations in the spermogram, an in-depth examination is performed to identify the causes of impaired spermatogenesis. Men are treated by an andrologist or urologist. The lack of effect from long-term therapy is an indication for the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), in particular, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). It's a variety in vitro fertilization (IVF) , during which in vitro (in vitro) using microsurgical instruments, the spermatozoon is injected into the egg, then the resulting embryos are transferred to the woman's uterus.

Immunological infertility

A fairly common cause of infertility is an immune factor - the presence of antisperm antibodies (ASAT) in the vas deferens in a man and / or in the cervical mucus in a woman. Antibodies cover the spermatozoa, thereby reducing their viability and mobility.

As a routine screening for the presence of ACAT, MAR test(mixed antiglobulin test, mixed antiglobulin reaction) in semen ( extended spermogram), cervical mucus, blood. To assess the compatibility of partners, the motility of spermatozoa in the cervical mucus of the partner is additionally determined using the Shuvarsky test, the Kurzrock-Miller test, or the Cramer test.

When immunological incompatibility of partners is detected (the presence of ASAT in the cervical mucus), intrauterine insemination is performed - the introduction of sperm, bypassing the cervical canal, directly into the uterus, which allows a couple with immunological infertility to conceive a baby.

endocrine infertility

The second most common cause of infertility, after the "male" factor, is endocrine pathology in women. It manifests itself, in addition to problems with conception, menstrual irregularities (rare menstruation up to their disappearance), decreased sex drive, anorgasmia .

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is recommended to perform: ultrasound of the small organs, measurement of rectal (basal) temperature for 3-6 months, as well as an assessment of the hormonal status. At the same time, the blood concentration of luteinizing (LH), follicle-stimulating (FSH), thyroid-stimulating (TSH) hormones, prolactin, estradiol (E2), testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine is determined (T4). An analysis for sex hormones must be taken 2-4 days after the onset of menstruation.

What are the most common causes endocrine infertility?

The examination of a patient with suspected tubal infertility should include:

  • vaginal smear for flora with counting the number of leukocytes (markers of inflammation);
  • diagnosis of genital infections by polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • detection of antibodies to pathogens using enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • bacteriological culture for the number of pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics.

An important step in the detection of tubal-peritoneal factor is ultrasound. With the standard method of its implementation, the adhesions themselves are extremely rare, only their indirect signs can be determined: displacement of the ovary, if it is soldered to the uterus; change in the shape of an organ (deformation Bladder). Performing special tests during ultrasound (with deep breathing, compression, traction) allows you to increase the information content of the method in relation to the adhesive process.

To assess the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy (USGSS) and hysterosalpingography (HSG) are widely used. The latter is now used less frequently due to an increased risk of inflammatory complications.

In patients with endometriosis, it is advisable to include the following methods in the examination algorithm:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the presence of an endometrioid tumor of the ovaries;
  • hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage for suspected adenomyosis (internal endometriosis of the uterus);
  • determination of a specific oncomarker CA-125, which increases with all types of endometriosis.

The final diagnosis is established during laparoscopy, during which you can not only see the foci of endometriosis on the surface of the peritoneum and ovaries, but also cauterize them; and if an endometrioma is found, remove it. After the operation, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy for 6 months. Pregnancy occurs in 52-73% of women at the end of the course of treatment.

uterine fibroids

Conception may be impossible due to the pathology of the uterus, primarily uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor that grows from the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium). If the myomatous nodes are located submucous (under the mucosa) or in the cervical region or are large, they interfere with conception and pregnancy .

The main manifestations of this disease are: heavy menstruation and bleeding (with a submucosal node), pain in the lower abdomen, urination and stool disorders (with a large myoma and cervical location of the node).

I talked in detail about uterine fibroids, its diagnosis and treatment, as well as the possibility of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby with a tumor on the uterus at the webinar:

You can watch the webinar in full:

A patient with uterine fibroids who is planning a pregnancy must undergo comprehensive examination , including: ultrasound of the pelvic organs; dopplerometry; MRI (for giant uterine fibroids); hydrosonography and hysteroscopy (in the presence of a submucosal node). The listed methods will help clarify the diagnosis, determine the localization of the nodes and the possibility of using one of the organ-preserving methods of treatment:

  • laparoscopic removal of a subserous myomatous node;
  • mechanical myomectomy or hysteroresection of the submucosal node;

Infertility- inability to have offspring. Marriage is considered infertile if pregnancy does not occur within 1 year of regular intercourse (sexual intercourse less than once a week) without contraception.

Causes of female infertility

The main causes of female infertility: poor quality of cervical mucus, scars, cervical fibroids; endometriosis, fibroids and uterine scars; obstruction of the fallopian tubes; lack of ovulation, the presence of ovarian cysts. Often these causes are present in combination with pathogenic microorganisms.

The causes of infertility are varied and ill-chosen. folk remedy from infertility can not only not help, but also harm, postponing pregnancy even longer, therefore it is necessary not only to know your diagnosis exactly, but also to consult a doctor about the use of folk remedies.

Ovulation disorder

In women with a normal menstrual cycle (regular cycle, no additional bleeding and pain in the small pelvis between menstrual cycles, menstrual bleeding from 3 to 6 days, pain in the first days of bleeding is insignificant, in the last - absent) and the usual premenstrual symptoms (feeling of breast swelling, hypersensitivity, mood swings), as a rule, normal ovulation occurs.

To detect ovulation, use a chart for determining basal temperature. Its decrease to a minimum indicates that ovulation is approaching, and a sharp increase indicates that it has passed. Doctors practice ultrasound, in which the diameter of the follicle is determined (a follicle over 22 mm is considered mature), as well as a biochemical analysis - for progesterone in the blood serum. Recently, ovulation tests have appeared in pharmacies, working by analogy with pregnancy tests.

With anovulatory cycles (no ovulation), the generation of sex hormones that regulate contractions of the fallopian tubes and the normal development of the uterine mucosa is disrupted.

Reasons for violation: long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, heredity, endocrine disorders, in particular the activity of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal cortex (produce an excessive amount of male sex hormones), intracranial pressure - as a rule, there are several reasons and they are interconnected.
Treatment. Prescribe drugs to stimulate ovulation (for example, clomiphene), gonadotropins (stimulate the production of sex hormones), which must be taken according to a special scheme and only under the supervision of a doctor and ultrasound. Doses are selected individually.

Fallopian tube pathology

Congenital anomalies of the fallopian tubes are possible, but more often they occur after infectious and inflammatory diseases. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes or narrowing of the lumen develops.

Determination of patency is carried out using fluoroscopic examination (with the introduction of a contrast agent) - hysterosalpingography, which allows you to establish the shape of the uterine cavity and the patency of the tubes. Studies are carried out with a hysteroscope - an optical system that is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.

Treatment. Medical treatment is carried out (with antibiotics, enzymes - lidase), usually in combination with laparoscopy - excision of adhesions. What is laparoscopy: a contrast solution is pumped into the uterus and tubes under pressure (it dissects adhesions), and an x-ray of the small pelvis is taken to check the result. A little painful, but tolerable. To stop bleeding after the procedure (due to damage to the inner lining of the uterus) and to prevent infection of the damaged uterus, tampons with an antibiotic (usually Trichopolum) are placed for 7-10 days.
If the obstruction is caused by trauma, surgery is performed, but this method is used infrequently and is ineffective.

Pathology of the cervix

The cervix secretes mucus, which is a biological filter. It prevents the entry of microflora from the vagina into the uterus, and during the period of ovulation increases the viability of spermatozoa. The consistency, composition and viscosity of cervical mucus change under the influence of estrogens in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first half of it, little mucus is formed, in the middle of the cycle it becomes more viscous and plentiful. Then the mucus becomes watery and its quantity decreases, vaginal dryness occurs.

Possible violations:
Excessive density and viscosity of mucus, preventing the movement of spermatozoa
The presence in the mucus of antibodies to spermatozoa, causing their agglutination (protein folding) and inability to fertilize. The methods allow to assess the composition of the mucus and the survival rate of spermatozoa in it. The compatibility test is carried out in the middle of the cycle, when the conditions for fertilization are most favorable. A sample of vaginal mucus is taken between 2 and 8 hours after intercourse.

Treatment: selected individually. May include drugs to reduce the viscosity of mucus, or intrauterine insemination (fertilization by introducing seminal fluid directly into the uterine cavity).

Folk remedies for the treatment of infertility:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of Adonis herb with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped for 2 hours and strain. Drink 3 times a day as a tea for infertility.
  • Pour 2 teaspoons of Adam's root grass with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for infertility.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of sage herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink 0.3 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals in the first half of the menstrual cycle with infertility. With insufficiency of the 2nd phase of the cycle and endometriosis, do not use sage!
  • Drink 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day on an empty stomach juice of a fresh sage plant. The drug should be taken within 12 days, immediately after the cessation of menstruation with infertility. With insufficiency of the 2nd phase of the cycle and endometriosis, do not use sage!
  • Even ancient healers called sage a magical herb. The ancient Greeks considered sage to be one of the best remedies for female infertility, and in Ancient Egypt after wars and epidemics with high mortality, women were even required to take a decoction of grass and sage seeds to increase the birth rate. However, you need to be very careful with sage, strictly observe the dosage - 1 teaspoon per glass of water is enough for brewing, and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 11 days after the menstruation stops. Repeat 3 months, if pregnancy does not occur, you need to take a break for 2 months. Sage contains special phytohormones, similar in composition to estrogens - female sex hormones. An infusion of sage seeds produces in a woman the so-called "suction effect" of the cervix, which facilitates the passage of sperm on the way to the egg.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of plantain leaf with 1 cup of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for infertility is 1-2 months.

The same recipe is used for male infertility.

  • Pour 3-4 tablespoons of herb mountaineer bird 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Drink 1-2 cups 4 times a day 10 minutes before meals with infertility.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of ramishia lopsided with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 1 night. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. The same plant helps with many female diseases.
  • An excellent stimulant of sexual function for both men and women, an assistant in the work of the ovaries is vitamin E. The richest source of vitamin E has always been considered a rose flower, from which you can make "rose water" and drink it. The next source of vitamin E is sea buckthorn: you can drink sea buckthorn juice, oil, eat fresh berries. Pumpkin pulp is another storehouse of this vitamin. In addition, pumpkin contains many other vitamins and minerals, replenishes the deficiency of useful substances in the body. When pregnancy occurs, pumpkin prevents the risk of toxicosis, and also increases milk production in lactating women.
  • Knotweed herb is considered a wonderful remedy for infertility. Knotweed has a therapeutic effect on the uterus and ovaries, facilitates conception. It can be drunk as tea if you brew 1 teaspoon of dry grass with one liter of boiling water. More concentrated infusion: 2 tablespoons of knotweed herb, 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 4 hours, strain, cool and drink 4 times a day before meals for half a glass.
  • Fresh juice from wheat grains also helps to cure female and male infertility. It should be drunk half a cup half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.
  • Difficulties with conception due to inflammation of the ovaries can be corrected with an infusion of a mixture of coltsfoot herbs, chamomile, sweet clover, centaury grass and calendula flowers. Mix 50 g of each plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 3 hours and take a third of a glass 5-6 times a day. Drink the infusion for 1-2 months, but during treatment you need to refrain from sexual activity.
  • One of the very effective remedies that has helped many is the one-sided ortilia, popularly called upland uterus. This remedy is successfully used for all ailments of the female genital area, including helping to conceive. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and flowers of the upland uterus, pour 30 ml of water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to let the broth brew for 30 minutes and strain. You need to take it 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the course can last from a couple of weeks to 3-4 months.
  • In addition to infusions of medicinal herbs, additional means were considered to bring good luck to the house with the help of willow twigs.
  • Healers advised women who wanted to get pregnant to place a ficus flower in their house and take care of it like a child

Vanga's recipes for female infertility

  • Bulgarian folk medicine recommends drinking an infusion of plantain seeds or sundew grass for infertility, keeping ficus in the house, as well as willow twigs.
  • In case of infertility, it is advisable not to drink plain water. When infertility is combined with obesity, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over three teaspoons of dry chopped herbs of Veronica officinalis, insist, wrapped for 10 minutes, strain. Drink warm three glasses a day for 1 to 2 months.
  • Crush 100 g of garlic and pour 0.5 l of grape vodka. Infuse for 10 days in a warm place. Strain, take 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening as a folk remedy for infertility.
  • Hang around your neck a ball of deer antler powder mixed with cow dung. From infertility.
  • Give a cup a day of mare's milk without the knowledge of the person.
  • St. John's wort herb infusion: Pour one glass of dry chopped St. Use for sitz baths to be taken at bedtime daily for two weeks to treat infertility.
  • Knotweed herb infusion: Pour one tablespoon of dry chopped knotweed herb with one and a half glasses of boiling water, insist, wrapped for two hours, strain. Take without the norm as a folk remedy for the treatment of infertility.
  • In case of infertility, it is necessary to eat parts of the body in which the attraction to love predominates, from animals and birds, the most prolific.
  • The preliminary fumigation of a woman with hot incense helps to conceive. It is also good to take a tube, one end of which is immersed in hot ashes, and the other is inserted into the mouth of the uterus, so that the uterus is heated.
  • Gum suppositories also have a good effect in the treatment of infertility.
  • Give a barren woman to drink decoctions of anise, celery seed, rue seed.
  • Do moisturizing enemas, drink goat's milk, eat fatty foods. It is useful for a woman to eat cabbage, celery, cumin, anise.
  • For the treatment of infertility, insert into the vagina candles made from goose fat, dill, azhgon, cypress cones, laurel drupes, wild cumin.

From readers' letters:

How to cure infertility

I'll start from afar, because it's important. With my future spouse, we lived in a civil marriage for 7 years, we were protected by the method of interrupted sexual intercourse (that is, in no way). My menstrual cycle began to be disturbed, slight spotting appeared in the middle of the cycle, I turned to a gynecologist, who advised me to drink "Regulon" for 3 months to normalize the cycle and, at the same time, contraception. Everything returned to normal, but 3 months after the abolition of Regulon, the discharge in the middle of the cycle appeared again. I didn’t go to the doctor, I started drinking regulon again. A couple of times during this time she treated inflammation of the appendages. For some reason, I lost (important!) 5 kg. And so we decided to have a baby - but it didn’t work out to get pregnant.

I heard that sometimes after long-term use of oral contraceptives, it takes some time for the body to recover and be able to become pregnant.
August 2005. In trying to get pregnant, a year flew by and I went to a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Ultrasound showed moderate adhesions, the uterus was tilted backwards (all this indicates a chronic inflammatory process).

The following inflammation treatment was prescribed:

(I describe in detail, but in no case do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor. I'm just sharing my personal experience)

6 days gentamicin injections into the ovaries, 2 ml syringe.
5 days tampon: ciprolet, erythromycin, doxycycline, candide,
5 days tampon softening cream Candida.
20 days injection in the ass with plasmol and aloe alternate, 2 ml syringe.
10 days injection into the ovaries resolving adhesions novocaine + lidase (they say it dissolves even strong adhesions), 5 ml syringe.
10 days of bifidumbacterin suppositories, bifidumbacterin powder inside, douche with chamomile infusion - this is from dysbacteriosis after treatment.

All injections and procedures, except for bifidumbacterin, are done by a gynecologist or nurse in a gynecological chair.

In parallel, the treatment of the husband is mandatory:

tinidazole 2 tablets in the morning 2t in the evening
on the 3rd day:
erythromycin 2t 2 times a day for 6 days
Ciprolet 1t 2r 6 days
doxycycline 1t 2 r 6 days
on the 3rd day:
bifidumbacterin 1 portion 2r 10 days
miramistin into the urinary canal every evening, there also tetracycline or erythromycin ointment.

Naturally, during the treatment period, refrain from sexual activity!

November 2005 Dysfunctional bleeding did not stop after treatment. The doctor ordered a blood test for hormones.

Hormone test results are as follows:

PRL \u003d 1765.8 norm: 67-726
ktr \u003d 621.0 norm: 150-660 nmol / l
AT-TG neg norm: 0
svT4=29.2 norm: 10-23.2 pmol/l
TSH \u003d 2.1 norm: 0.23-3.4 mIU / l
T=1.8 norm:<0,5-4,3

Thus, hyperprolactinemia was found (prolactin (PRL) is much higher than normal) and minor disturbances in the thyroid gland (high T4, and therefore lost weight). The endocrinologist prescribed to drink Bromocriptine with monthly monitoring of PRL in the blood with dose adjustment and L-thyroxine, also an individual dose is selected under the control of a blood test.

I did an x-ray of the brain and the aculist has an eye fundus, everything is fine.

I measured my basal temperature every month.

After 2 months, the hormones on the background of taking the drugs returned to normal (321), but it was necessary to take the pills under the supervision of a doctor for a long time.

Six months later, bromocriptine was gradually reduced in dose, canceled, and after the withdrawal, my BPD jumped sharply to 2000, bromocriptine was prescribed again.

At the same time, the general blood test and serological analysis were always normal.

They made an x-ray of the uterus, tubes and ovaries with a contrast solution - the tubes are contrast, everything, in general, is normal.

In the first half of the cycle, ultrasound was used to observe how the follicle matures - the size of the follicle reaches 20-21 mm, i.e. there should be ovulation. Judging by the graph of basal temperature, there is an insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. I didn’t take any additional tests confirming this, but they prescribed Duphaston, drink 10 days from the start of the upward jump in the temperature curve. Dysfunctional bleeding stopped immediately!

I forgot to say about my husband's sperm: semen analysis showed that there were 50 to 50 mobile and immobile spermatozoa in semen, they prescribed to drink "Speman" (some kind of herbal pills). By the way, after taking them, desire greatly increases, so get ready to have sex often.

Looking back and summing up at the moment, we have: a year has passed since the first visit to the doctors. Hormones are normal (but I still take pills), appendages are passable, chronic inflammation is cured, ovulation occurs, but not always, I take vitamins, sperm is good - but there is no pregnancy. Well, you can't get pregnant!

In parallel with the main treatment, she began to try folk remedies for infertility:
To begin with, she cleaned all organs and systems.
I drank sage tea in the first half of the menstrual cycle, tea from the herb hog uterus. - no changes.

According to ovulation tests, ovulation occurs, but there is no pregnancy.

I started drinking celandine tincture - it just passed.

The doctor advised the position for conception, taking into account the fact that the uterus was tilted backwards - on all fours, the man behind, and stand for a little while, then lie down on the side where the follicle matured for half an hour (according to ultrasound). To engage in sex every other day from the beginning of the jump in the temperature curve, before that, abstinence for three days. So they did - nothing. I even stood on my head with my legs up after sex - it didn’t help.

And again infertility treatment.

October 2006. They prescribed dexamethasone 1/4 tablet and clostilbegit to stimulate ovulation (only under strict ultrasound control!) drink from the 5th day of menstruation 5 days a quarter. Half the next month, a pill the next month. Then a 3-month break. The point, probably, is to cause the maturation of not one egg, but more eggs. And in the second half of the menstrual cycle, duphaston is required.

July 2007. Stimulated to the point that a cyst appeared in the right ovary (consequences of ovarian hyperstimulation). Increased the dose of duphaston. The cyst was already gone by the next cycle.

August 2007. I came across an article that infertility is a consequence of bad karma and we need to look for the cause in past generations, rummaged through my memory. I found out that we, three cousins ​​(daughters of my father's sisters) have no children. I remembered such a fact that grandfather, dying, told his grandmother that he did not forgive her .. There was something for that ... I mentally asked my grandfather for forgiveness for my grandmother.

The gynecologist advised me to go to the resort (without my husband, of course). This led to the idea, what if there is an individual incompatibility of sperm and vaginal secretions. I accidentally discovered that when sperm gets on my face, the skin turns red and itches sharply. Banal allergy? I began to take allergy pills a few hours before sex, but only when the egg was already ripe.

September 2007. The same clostilbegit was prescribed for my husband. Pregnancy did not occur in this cycle. Spit on everything. Saving money for IVF.

October 2007. On the 14th day of the cycle, spotting appeared again. I started taking duphaston. Menstruation did not come on time, and the basal temperature lasts more than two weeks, I took a pregnancy test. Hooray! I am pregnant.

I don’t know which of the above worked, maybe everything in the kit. And the gynecologist noticed that very often in her practice they become pregnant with infertility precisely after a cyst.

The pregnancy proceeded without complications, I took L-thyroxine during pregnancy, and now I take it under the supervision of an endocrinologist. The child is healthy and full of energy.

I wish everyone who wants to get pregnant, patience and good luck!