Class hour"About the culture of behavior"


1) to promote the formation of cognitive interest in ethical knowledge, the foundations of ethical culture;

2) encourage students to self-improvement.

Decoration, equipment and inventory:

1) on the blackboard:

a) the theme of the class hour and the words of the poet Alexander Mezhirov:

The work of factories and fields is not easy,

But there is much harder work.

This job is to be among people.

b) a “cup of wisdom” (you can draw it with chalk or use a pre-prepared drawing on paper) and leaflets attached to it with situations, pedagogical tasks, sayings or aphorisms from the field of etiquette;

2) Charter of the school;

Preparatory work.

The class teacher on the eve of this class hour invites students to complete the task:

Take a look and reflect on your school life. What do you like about student relationships? What's not to like? What do you think these relationships should be? After thinking about all this, try to make a set of rules for students.


I. introduction class teacher, in which the topic of the class hour is called and the words of the poet A. Mezhirov are read. Together with the students, an explanation of the concept of "culture of behavior" is given. ( The culture of behavior is a set of forms of everyday human behavior (at work, at home, in communication with other people).The totality of forms of everyday human behavior () is called the theme of the class hour and the words of the poet A. 00000000000000000000000000) , in which the moral and aesthetic norms of this behavior find external expression).

II. It is proposed to work with the "cup of wisdom". Those who wish take out a piece of paper from the “bowl”, where situations, pedagogical tasks, statements or aphorisms from the field of etiquette are indicated. After reading the written, the student justifies his decision or comments on the statement.


1. Where does the opinion about a person come from, whom you don’t know at all? (In former times, people attached even more importance to the first impression than now. They judged even by appearance. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote that a person whose hands reach his knees is bold, honest, free to handle, and the one who has disheveled, shaggy hair, cowardly.

A real sensation was produced by the philosophical treatise of the Swiss writer Lavater “Physiognomic Fragments” published in 1775, in which the author tries to find a connection between the spiritual qualities of a person and the structure of his skeleton and facial features. His contemporary argued with him, guided by the thesis: appearances are deceptive. And although the debate continues to this day, it cannot be denied that 90% build their relationship with a person based on first impressions.)

2. If you don't know the name of the person you're addressing, how do you start a phrase? ("I'm sorry..." or "Please, please...")

3. Why do people visit? (You can tell an incident from the life of Voltaire.)

4. Why was the saying born: “They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”? (You can tell an incident from the life of Mozart.)

5. What famous book are these tips from?

- Do not grab the first dish and do not blow into the liquid so that it splashes everywhere. Don't sniff when you eat (when you eat).

- When something is offered to you, then take a part of it, give the rest to another.

- Do not slurp over food like a pig, and do not scratch your head. Without swallowing a piece, do not speak.

- Do not make a fence of bones, crusts, bread and other things near your plate ... ("Youth honest mirror»)

6. What should be remembered so that it flows down the mustache and gets into the mouth? (It is necessary to remember which dishes are what.)

7. What did the particle "s" serve before? (In Russia in the 19th century, the particle “s” was common as a particle of polite address. It could be attached to any significant word. It originated from the treatment “sir.” It was especially widespread in the bureaucratic sphere and gradually began to be perceived as an expression of obsequiousness.)

8. How to characterize the behavior of Eugene Onegin from the point of view of etiquette?

Everyone claps, Onegin enters.

Walks between the chairs on the legs ...

9. Name the main, from your point of view, rules of etiquette.

Having drunk completely the “cup of wisdom”, students come to the conclusion that a person lives in a society and must follow certain rules of behavior: rules of conduct at home, at school and other public places.

III. School rules.

Teachers and students come to school every day. They have one common task - to make sure that all boys and all girls become real people: smart, educated, hardworking, happy and useful members of society. They solve this problem together, but in different ways: some teach, others study. And relations arise between them ... Special relations arise between those who teach; between those who study; between those who teach and those who learn. If people have a common cause, if they spend a lot of time together and enter into complex relationships, then norms of behavior become necessary that facilitate and streamline them. life together and work. And they exist. These are the Student Rules.

The class teacher reads the rules from the School Charter, then the students present their rules (See Preparation Work). After the discussion, general rules of conduct for the students of the class are drawn up.

The following tasks can be proposed:

a) during control work your friend asked you to write off the task. How will you do it?

1. I'll write off.

2. I won't let you write off.

3. I'll write it off, and then I'll work with him so that he can decide for himself.

4. I will tell the teacher about this.

b) The guys conspire with the whole class to leave the lesson. You think it's wrong. How will you do it?

1. I'll go to the teacher's room and warn the teacher.

2. I won't say anything and stay in class.

3. I will try to dissuade the guys, and if I fail, I will go with them.

4. I will try to dissuade the guys, and if I fail, I will stay in the class.

5. Without saying anything, I will go with everyone.

IV. The class hour ends with the students' conclusions about the importance of observing the rules of a culture of behavior by all members of society.

What shall we put at the basis of upbringing, which determines the culture of behavior? (Respect for the person.)

What is respect for a person? (In friendliness, courtesy, tact, delicacy, naturalness, restraint, tolerance.)

What do they define? (The degree of respect for another person and the way it is expressed.)

Now turn to yourself and try to establish the degree of your own respect for others.

Open class hour "About the culture of behavior at school" (grade 5)

Class teacher: Zinchenko N.A.

Goals : Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, rules of etiquette, worked out and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on the topics of the class hour;
prevention of disputes among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of conduct at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, so that later they more consciously adhere to all this.

Task : Development of communication skills of students.

Facilities and equipment:

  1. Tables with chairs for groups
  2. Tasks for groups to discuss one topic
  3. Hints for each topic (common to all)
  4. Paper and markers for writing
  5. multimedia projector
  6. interactive board

Conduct form: the work of students in groups to develop rules of conduct at school, school etiquette, as well as the development of the duties of the class on duty.

The class is divided by the class teacher into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The children sit down at their tables. The class teacher brings students up to date: informs the topic of the class hour, introduces the goals of the event.

Class hour progress

Before the start of the teacher's speech, B. Okudzhava's song "Let's exclaim!" The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the class, a connection with the theme of the classroom is being searched.

Introductory word of the teacher

Man has been living among people since his birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each “I” to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, a librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person's good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of conduct at school, as well as about moments disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which resentment arises. As a rule, resentment is mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of courtesy, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships:“From one word yes forever quarrel”, “The razor scratches, but the word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word “polite” means (observing the rules of decency).

So, I suggest that you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively play scenes of typical situations of compliance with or violation of the norms of the culture of behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street”, “How we object to adults, parents”, etc.

Independent work in groups.

Group presentations and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation.


In front of you on the interactive whiteboard is a little man. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

The personality traits of an educated person are discussed. Rules of conduct are being developed.


  1. Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in a relationship is mutual. Develop these qualities in yourself.
  2. Do not allow quarrels, fights, abuse, shouting, threats. It humiliates a person.
  3. Cherish your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from bad deeds.
  4. Help the younger ones, be fair to the unprotected.
  5. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

“Treasury of Folk Wisdom”

The interactive whiteboard contains a two-column table. The beginnings of folk utterances are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side to the corresponding lines.

Make up two parts of the proverb about the culture of behavior:

The meaning of each statement is discussed.

Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing tasks from the hands of the teacher.

Themes :

  1. School etiquette ( appearance, speech within the walls of the school, politeness)
  2. Rules of conduct at school
  3. duty class duties


  1. Form
  2. Interchangeable hairstyle or second shoes
  3. Greeting students and adults
  4. Addressing each other
  5. Garbage
  6. Thrift
  7. Politeness
  8. being late
  9. absenteeism
  10. Players and cell phones
  11. Everyday speech at school
  12. manner of communication
  13. foreign things
  14. Behavior in the cafeteria
  15. Behavior during lines and events
  16. Coming to school
  17. Skipping lessons
  18. school property
  19. Compliance with safety rules
  20. Caring for the younger and weak
  21. Resolution of controversial issues
  22. Smoking at school
  23. Behavior in the classroom
  24. Behavior during change
  25. Use of obscene language
  26. Responsibilities of the School Superintendent
  27. duty class duties
  28. Behavior at school parties and discos


Within 15-20 minutes, the topic is discussed, proposals and recommendations are made, their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the provided paper. The students then select the most important points. From the selected material, students prepare a presentation, which they defend in front of the class, defending their achievements and proving the need for one or another item. 25 minutes are allotted for preparing and defending presentations.

At the end of class, a decision is made.


Come out with a proposal to other classes to conduct similar cool watch with the same topics to develop such rules of conduct at school, so that all students of the school already fulfill them.


Teacher: I suggest you now take the exam on the rules of conduct. The best one who copes with the tasks will be awarded the medal "Super Politeness"

Final word.

How to learn "knowledge"

Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. There are a number of ways to learn to be "respectful".


Reception is difficult. You need to double up. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal. For example, today - "manners". Another time, the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Mark not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits.


It is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but to give an honest assessment, without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful in this, in which thoughts about oneself, about the people around, assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Helps and self-knowledge, and observation of the behavior of others. One ancient Eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” - "With the ill-mannered," he replied, "I avoided doing what they do."

So, the first condition of upbringing is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; the second is to train and practice right conduct; the third is strong and stable habits of behavior.

Class hour "About the culture of behavior"


1. Introductory speech in which the topic of the class hour is called

What is a culture of behavior?(The culture of behavior is a set of forms of everyday human behavior (at work, at home, in communication with other people).The totality of forms of everyday human behavior () is called the theme of the class hour and the words of the poet A.) , in which the moral and aesthetic norms of this behavior find external expression).

2. It is proposed to work with the "cup of wisdom". Those who wish take out a piece of paper from the “bowl”, where situations, pedagogical tasks, statements or aphorisms from the field of etiquette are indicated. After reading the written, the student justifies his decision or comments on the statement.


1. Where does the opinion about a person come from, whom you don’t know at all? (In former times, people attached even more importance to the first impression than now. They judged even by appearance. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote that a person whose hands reach his knees is bold, honest, free to handle, and the one who has disheveled, shaggy hair, cowardly.

2. If you don't know the name of the person you're addressing, how do you start a phrase? ("I'm sorry..." or "Please, please...")

3. Why do people visit? (You can tell an incident from the life of Voltaire.)

4. Why was the saying born: “They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”?

5. What should be remembered so that it flows down the mustache and gets into the mouth? (It is necessary to remember which dishes are what.)

6. What are the main, from your point of view, rules of etiquette.

III. School rules.

Teachers and students come to school every day. They have one common task - to make sure that all boys and all girls become real people: smart, educated, hardworking, happy and useful members of society. They solve this problem together, but in different ways: some teach, others learn. And relations arise between them ... Special relations arise between those who teach; between those who study; between those who teach and those who learn. If people have a common cause, if they spend a lot of time together and enter into complex relationships, then norms of behavior become necessary that facilitate and streamline their life and work together. And they exist. These are the Student Rules.

What are the school rules?

After discussion general rules of conduct are drawn up for class students.

It is proposed to solve the following tasks: What would you do?

a) During the test, your friend asked you to write off the problem. How will you do it?

1. I'll write off.

2. I won't let you write off.

3. I'll write it off, and then I'll work with him so that he can decide for himself.

4. I will tell the teacher about this.

b) The guys conspire with the whole class to leave the lesson . You think it's wrong. How will you do it?

1. I'll go to the teacher's room and warn the teacher.

2. I won't say anything and stay in class.

3. I will try to dissuade the guys, and if I fail, I will go with them.

4. I will try to dissuade the guys, and if I fail, I will stay in the class.

5. Without saying anything, I will go with everyone.

IV. The class hour ends with the students' conclusions about the importance of observing the rules of a culture of behavior by all members of society.

- What shall we put in the basis of upbringing, which determines the culture of behavior?(Respect for the person.)

- What is respect for a person?(In friendliness, courtesy, tact, delicacy, naturalness, restraint, tolerance.)

- What do they define?(The degree of respect for another person and the way it is expressed.)

- Now turn to yourself and try to establish the degree of your own respect for others.

Where do you get an opinion about a person you don't know at all?

If you don't know the name of the person you're addressing, how do you start a sentence?

Why do people visit?

Why was the saying born: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"?

What must be remembered so that it flows down the mustache and gets into the mouth?

Name the main, from your point of view, rules of etiquette .

Purpose of the lesson: instilling in children the need for cultural behavior.


Develop cultural behavior skills in public places.

Build positive moral character.

To form the ability to give self-assessment and mutual assessment of actions, to express their opinion on the topic.

Develop Creative skills children.

Event progress.

What is "etiquette"? Everyone knows this:

That is impossible and that is impossible. Who is objecting?
We joked, friends, there is no doubt about it.
And now let's give a serious definition.

“Etiquette is the rules of human behavior among other people.”

A person needs to know a lot: and at what distance you need to be when you talk with different people, and how to address them, and how to behave at the table. How to dress, how to behave in public places. And much more. People came up with rules for all cases of behavior and called them etiquette.

What is the name of a person who knows all the rules of etiquette and follows them?

It is called cultural.

They call him an educated person.

- But what rules of etiquette, unfortunately, are often violated at school?

Cases from school life”

Friends, just in case

Poems about a schoolboy.

His name is ..., but by the way,

We better not name it here.

"Thank you", "hello", "sorry" -

He's not used to pronouncing

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

He is often lazy

Say at the meeting: “Good afternoon!”

It seemed like a simple word.

And he is shy, silent,

And at best, "great"

He says hello instead.

And instead of the word "goodbye"

He doesn't say anything.

Or say goodbye:

“Well, I went, bye, just…”

He will not tell his school friends:

"Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya."

He calls his friends only:

“Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka. Only.”

Guys, we can't

Tell you what his name is.

We honestly warn you

We don't know his name.

But maybe you know him

And you met him somewhere,

Then tell us about it

And we... We'll say thank you.

Attention! Dictionary of polite words!

I ask you to finish the phrases I started in chorus:

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm (Thank you ).

The old stump will turn green,

When will hear (Good afternoon ).

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom (Thank you ).

The boy is polite and developed

Speaks when meeting Hello ).

When we are scolded for pranks,

We speak (forgive me please )

Both France and Denmark

Saying goodbye (Goodbye )

Listen carefully to the poem and determine whether Vitya is polite or not?

Vitya offended the baby,
But in front of the school in the ranks
Vitya asks:
"Sorry, I admit my mistake."
The teacher came to the lesson
Put a magazine on the table
Next is Vitya:
"Sorry, I'm a little late."
The dispute has been going on in the classroom for a long time
Is Vitya polite or not?
Understand our dispute
And send us an answer.

^ Rules of conduct at school.

When meeting adults, always say hello first, even if they are strangers to you.

    Always remember that you are not alone. Do not run in the corridor and on the stairs. This often leads to various troubles and even injuries.

    Show attention to your friends and classmates, try not to offend them with your words and actions.

    Try to always maintain cleanliness and order in your home school.

A cultured person, above all, is neat in clothes.

He knows how to dress in different occasions, which cannot be said about the hero of the poem by V. Livshits.

He doesn't need a sidewalk

unbuttoning the collar,

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead!

He does not want to carry a briefcase,

It drags him along the ground.

Peel off the strap on the left side.

A tuft was torn out of the trousers.

I confess, it is unpleasant -

What did he do?

Where he was?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink?

Why is there clay on the trousers?

Why is the cap pancake

And the collar is open?

Who is this student?

Guys, what is the name of such a student? (Answers of children).

If you want to be beautiful.

    Clothing should always be appropriate for its purpose and your age.

    All items and parts of your costume should be combined with each other in color and style.

    In clothing, neatness and accuracy are important. Make sure your clothes are always clean and ironed. Your shoes should also always be polished, regardless of the weather.

Nowadays, it is simply impossible to do without a phone. We are all accustomed to this common means of communication as something ordinary. Many students now have a personal mobile phone. But does every student know that there is telephone etiquette?


On the phone every day

You can't call us!

Our people live like this -

Responsible persons:

We have three students

Yes, Kolenka is a first-grader.

Students come home

And the calls begin

Calls without interruption.

And who is calling? Students,

The same boys.

Andrey, what is given, tell me? ..

Ah, repeat cases?

Everything again, all right?

Okay, hold up the phone

I'll look for the notebook.

Seryozha, here is the question:

Who took the hemisphere?

I fumbled in the desk, fumbled,

No map of the hemispheres!...

Someone is calling on the phone:

And according to the botany of the forest,

Meadow or swamp?

Calling, calling students ...

Why write in their diaries,

What is the lesson for them?

After all, the phone is nearby!

Call each other at home!

Calling, calling students ...

They have empty diaries

We're calling, calling, calling...

A first grader Kolechka

Calling Smirnova Galochka -

Say that writes sticks

And not tired at all.

Phone rules.

    You should not call the phone often and at a late time, even if you disturb a person very close to you.

    Never address a stranger on the phone with "you".

    Phone hooliganism is unacceptable. For false calls and telephone hooliganism violators will face heavy fines.

    Don't talk long and loud mobile phone in public places.

The people say...

    From polite words, the tongue will not wither.

    Feel free to talk about a good deed.

    An affectionate word and an affectionate look will lure a ferocious beast to your hands.

    Managed to be guilty, manage and obey.

    To argue is to argue, and to scold is a sin.

Our courtesy holiday is over, but I want to believe that there will always be real friends among you guys, courageous and noble people who can always come to the rescue, protect the weak, strong, courageous, noble people - real knights and gentlemen!

Etiquette is not a label

And not a brand new suit,

This is a life note

Both education and intelligence.

In the yard and in the classroom,

Home and when away

Stay simple and polite -

It's not empty at all.

Instead of shouting evil

Better a kind word

And don't forget to smile.

Life is arranged wisely:

It's not hard at all -

Please take care of your speech!

And how we need kind words!
More than once we have seen this for ourselves,
Or maybe not words - deeds are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us
At the bottom of the soul until the time is stored,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.

"Learning to be cultured"

"Behavior is a mirror,

in which everyone shows

your appearance."

Class hour of moral orientation. Formally, we are talking about etiquette, rules of conduct, but the main direction of the conversation is the formation internal culture children, cultivating respect for others.

A significant part of the scenario is occupied by a conversation aimed at motivating cultural behavior, forming a positive assessment of good deeds. Fifth graders are not always able to explain why they need to behave culturally.

The practical part requires some psychological preparation: fifth graders are usually embarrassed to show politeness and courtesy towards girls. We need to explain to them that this is just an exercise - an exercise in the culture of behavior - the same as physical exercise. Only there muscles are built up, and here the general culture grows. And it, by the way, is manifested in every man, first of all, in the way he treats women.

It is also necessary to warn the girls so that they help the guys, play along with them. Ultimately, the whole class will benefit from these exercises.

Goals: expand children's ideas about the rules of etiquette; develop the ability to properly assess yourself and others; to form the skills of cultural behavior in Everyday life; to form the experience of moral relationships in the team.

Preliminary preparation.

1. Working with children.

Warn the girls (each separately) to play along with the guys and help them complete the etiquette exercises, explaining that the game will help their relationship with the boys, improve the atmosphere in the classroom.

2. Props.

Prepare lottery tickets with numbers from 1 to 15 (according to the number of boys in the class). As the game progresses, the boys draw tickets with task numbers, the teacher reads the tasks from the book, and the boys do etiquette exercises. The cards need to indicate the specific names and surnames of the girls in the class.

3. Class decoration.

At a break before class, write a topic, an epigraph on the board.

Class plan.

The course of the classroom.

1. Interactive conversation. Motivation to practice

Classroom teacher. Guys, what is the difference between wild plants and cultivated plants? Well, for example, a wild pear from a cultivated, thoroughbred pear?

Sample responses from children:

- A wild pear grows anywhere and anyhow, and a cultivated one grows in the garden.

- No one takes care of the wild pear, but the cultural one is watered, fertilized, grafted.

- The fruits of a wild pear are ugly, tasteless, and the fruits of a cultivated pear are good.

Classroom teacher. People are also wild and cultured. What is the difference?

Sample responses from children:

- Wild people do not know how to behave, but cultured ones behave reasonably, politely, they are not ashamed

Classroom teacher. Do you think it is more pleasant for people to communicate with a cultured person or with a wild one?

Children answer that it is more interesting and pleasant to communicate with a cultured person.

Classroom teacher. A pear can be vaccinated and it will become cultural. Can a person be vaccinated? What can be instilled in him?

Sample responses from children:

- You can get vaccinated against flu, against diphtheria.

- You can instill the rules of culture, good manners.

- You can instill good skills, habits.

Classroom teacher. If we instill in a person the skills and habits of cultural behavior, what will he become?

Children respond in chorus: cultural

Classroom teacher. What does it mean to be a cultured person?

“It means following the rules of cultural behavior.

“It means to behave in such a way as not to disgrace yourself.

- So behave in such a way that your parents are not ashamed of you.

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. What do you think, what kind of person was called "uncouth" in the old days?

- A person ill-mannered, uneducated, uncultured.

The one who didn't learn anything.

- The one no one respects.

Classroom teacher. Really. Hewing a log or stone means making them smooth and shiny. Rough means unfinished. And in a figurative sense, uncouth means an ill-mannered, ignorant person, a blockhead. This will explain the meaning of this word in Dahl's dictionary.

Classroom teacher. Do you want to be cultured people?

Children answer in the affirmative

2. Work in groups. "Problem Questions"

Classroom teacher. Guys, the rules of cultural behavior are called "etiquette". There are a lot of etiquette rules: there are rules of behavior at the table, at a party, in the theater, at work. But all these rules boil down to one main principle: "Respect the people around you." If you start from this principle, you will never go wrong!

With that in mind, I have a few questions for you. You will answer in groups. (Groups are divided into rows: each group is half a row)

    So, the first group: Why is it uncultured to walk on the sidewalks in a crowd? (Because this is disrespectful to people walking towards: the crowd blocks the entire sidewalk, interferes with the oncoming traffic of people)

    Second group: Why is it uncultured to wave and gesticulate in public places? (Because you can touch the hands of a stranger)

    Third group: Why is it uncultured to talk loudly and laugh in public places? (Because this is disrespectful to others: they may be in a completely sad mood, and your laughter may annoy them)

    Fourth group: Why is it uncultured to litter on the streets? (Because this is disrespectful to the work of janitors, and to other people who do not like to see garbage)

    Fifth group: Why is it uncultured to come to school in tank tops with a bare stomach, in tight jeans, in sportswear, with loose hair, in shorts and T-shirts? (Because this is disrespectful to classmates and teachers: they dress like this for leisure, and not for work)

    Sixth group: Why is it uncultured to speak with a full mouth at the table, to wave a fork? (This is disrespectful to others, since you can hit a person with a fork, during a conversation, crumbs will fly from your mouth into the neighbors' plates, and no one will like this)

3. Analysis and evaluation of situations “Who greets you first?”

Classroom teacher. Respect for others is the law for a cultured person. This law necessarily includes respect for elders, respect for women. Do we always follow this law?

Listen to this story "Who says hello first?"

"IN Lately around Dimka something incomprehensible began to happen. Friends stopped talking to him. Yesterday, for example, on the way to school, he met a neighbor, Baba Katya. Dimka looked at her with all his eyes, and she passed by, and did not even say hello. Approaching the school, Dimka met a mathematics teacher, and he also silently passed by. All day Dimka painfully searched for an answer to the question why no one greeted him. And in the evening in the yard, nose to nose, I ran into Lenka from 5-B. He literally bored her eyes - and imagine, she did not even say "hello". All night Dimka painfully searched for a clue to this strange phenomenon and decided that a conspiracy was brewing around him.

And what do you guys think, why did no one greet Dimka?

Examples of children's answers.

- There is no conspiracy around the hero of the story. He just had to say hello first.

- Men should be the first to greet the elders, women, and not wait until they are greeted.

- And girls should also be the first to greet the elders, but not with the boys.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, the younger ones should be the first to greet the elders, the boys should be the first to greet the girls, but if you forget this rule, it never hurts to say hello first.

And now the continuation of this story.

“The next day, our hero met his friend Denis, and he explained that Dimka was the first to greet everyone. And Dima decided to correct the situation and greet everyone again, and not just like that, but by the hand. What could be better than a strong male handshake!

He decided to start with Baba Katya. She, as always, returned from the store with a huge bag on wheels. “Hello, grandmother Katya!” Dimka shouted and rushed to the old woman, holding out his hand for a handshake. The old woman greeted her, but did not return the handshake. She decided that Dimka wanted to help her, and happily handed him her heavy bag. I had to be completely noble and drag this bag to the 5th floor. Because of this, Dimka was almost late for school - and he still had to greet the math teacher!

Ivan Ivanovich Dimka saw from afar. But he had a heavy briefcase in his hands. Dimka decided not to risk it and wait until Ivan Ivanovich left the briefcase in the teacher's room. As soon as the teacher went out into the corridor, Dimka held out his hand to him: "Hello Ivan Ivanovich!" But the teacher hurriedly put his hands behind his back and smiled guiltily: "Hello, Ezhikov, unfortunately, I have nothing to give you." Frustrated, Dimka went to the 5th grade to at least give Lenka his strong male handshake, but Lenka was indignant and gave him a lecture.

What do you guys think, what did Lena tell him about?

Examples of children's answers.

- That by his behavior he humiliated the old woman, the teacher and Lena

- That the eldest always extends his hand first, and not the youngest.

- That the woman always extends her hand first, and not the man, and if she did not do this, then there is no need to shake hands with her.

– When two men of the same age and position meet (for example, two classmates), it does not matter who is the first to extend their hand for a handshake.

Classroom teacher. Our hero, it turns out, did not know the elementary rules of the culture of behavior.

And, unwittingly, offended others.

4. Politeness tasks. The game "Lottery win-win".

Classroom teacher. And now, guys, we will have practical work. I invite all our boys here.

The boys go to the blackboard.

Classroom teacher. You all know what a lottery is. And now we will spend with you win-win lottery. Each of you will draw from the box lottery ticket, which will record which etiquette rule you need to follow. You follow the rule and get a reward - the applause of our girls.

So let's start. Who is first?

The boys come up to the teacher, pull out tickets with task numbers from the box, the Teacher reads the text of the task from the book and a hint on how to complete this task.

Tasks for cards:

    Exit with (name, surname of the girl) out the door.

(It is necessary that the boy opens the door and let the girl go ahead)

The teacher needs to agree with the girl in advance that as soon as this ticket falls out, she will go to the blackboard and slowly head to the door

    Invite (name, surname of the girl) to the dance.

(You need to approach the girl, tilt your head and say: “Can I invite you to dance?”, Then take the girl by the hand and lead her to the board)

You need to agree with the girl in advance so that she answers: “Good”

    Help (name, surname of the girl) put on a jacket.

(You need to take the girl’s jacket and hold it until the girl puts her hands in the sleeves, then straighten the collar on the jacket from behind)

You need to agree with the girl in advance so that as soon as this ticket falls out, she goes to the board with a jacket, jacket or coat

    Two girls are sitting at the desk. They are talking. Ask one of them what time it is.

(You need to go up to two girls who are sitting at a desk and say: “Sorry for interrupting you, (girl's name) tell me, please, what time is it?”

    Call the phone (name, surname of the girl), find out what is given in math. And, if the girl is not at home, talk to her mom.

(You need to pick up the phone, say "Hello, call, please, (girl's name). Please tell me you called (name, surname of the boy). I wanted to know what is given in math.

It is necessary to agree with the girl in advance so that as soon as this ticket falls out, she plays along with the boy, answering as if she is a mother: “She is not at home. And who is it calling? What should I give her?"

    Approach (name, surname of the girl) and invite her to sit down.

(Should say: "Sit down, please")

You need to agree with the girl so that she goes to the blackboard

    You sneezed (Say "ap-chi!"). Your actions.

(Need to say: "I'm sorry")

    You were late for class. your words and actions.

(You need to knock, open the door and say: "Hello, I'm late, please allow me to enter")

For this exercise, the boy must go out the door, knock and enter.

    You call a friend. But they answer you: "There are none here." your words in response.

(You need to say: "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number")

    Sit on a chair, then make way for the teacher. Your words and actions

(You need to get up, turn to the teacher and say: Please sit down, (name, patronymic of the teacher)"

    Congratulate (name, surname of the girl) happy birthday, wish her something good.

    Congratulate all the girls on a good spring day, wish them something good

    You are walking down the street. In front of an old woman with a heavy bag. Offer her your help.

(you need to go up to the "old woman" and say: "Let me help you")

You need to ask one of the girls to play the role of an old woman (put on a headscarf and take a big bag)

    Tell all the girls Good morning, girls!

    You are visiting a friend. Suddenly, your friend's grandmother enters the room. Your actions.

(You need to get up and stand until the grandmother sits down, or leaves the room, or she herself invites you to sit down)

You need to ask one of the girls to play the role of a grandmother

Classroom teacher. Our lottery has come to an end. Tell me, please, guys, why is it called "win-win"? What did you win in this lottery?

- We won the applause of the girls, which means we behaved culturally.

- Each of us has become a little more cultured, which means we won.

– We won the knowledge of how to behave in different situations.

5. Summing up.

Classroom teacher. We are living in the 21st century. Some rules of etiquette seem ridiculous, outdated to us, but does this mean that you can do without rules of conduct at all?

Examples of children's answers.

- Now the rules of conduct are also needed, because without them people will not respect each other

– You can’t live in a society without rules, people will quarrel

“The rules are very important. Children must learn from adults how to behave, otherwise they will turn into savages.

Additional materials.

1. To talk about etiquette.

Classroom teacher. So, a cultured person is a person who knows and follows the rules of conduct, knows etiquette. Etiquette - translated from French - these are the rules of cultural behavior that every person needs to know.

In Russia, the first rules of conduct were written down in the book Domostroy. Domostroy taught “not to steal, not to lie, not to envy, not to condemn, not to remember evil” ... We also find in Domostroy such a “golden” rule: “What you don’t love yourself, don’t do to others.”

Tsar Peter the Great often gave balls attended by ambassadors from other countries. At these balls and receptions, young people could find a bride, make a career. But in order to achieve success, you had to be able to behave. It was then that a book about the culture of behavior appeared. There were, for example, such rules: “do not blow your nose loudly and do not sneeze into a handkerchief”, “do not clean your nose with your finger”, “do not eat like a pig, and do not blow into the soup so that it splashes everywhere”. And this helped many to seem cultured, well-mannered people. This book was called "The Honest Mirror of Youth". How do you understand these words?

Examples of children's answers.

The book is like a mirror, looking into which you will look honest and beautiful.

This is a mirror that honestly showed the youth their lack of culture.

This is a magic mirror in which you see only the good.

2. For an additional class hour on the same topic*

Scenario of educational case:

Scene from the legend of the Tower of Babel

The students act out the scene.
1. Author. The whole earth had one language and one dialect. Moving from the east, people found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And the people said to each other: Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they became bricks instead of stones, and earthen tar instead of lime. And they said, Let us build ourselves a city, and a tower as high as the heavens, and make a name for ourselves, before we spread ourselves over the face of all the earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building. And the Lord said...
Lord. Here is one people, and one language for all; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they have planned to do; Let us go down and confuse their language so that one does not understand the speech of the other.
2 Author. And the Lord scattered them over all the earth, and the city and the tower remained unfinished. Therefore the name "Babylon" was given to her, for there the Lord confounded the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over all the earth.

Leaders come out.

1st leader. Hello everyone! Let's imagine that you and I are in the same time and place that the guys just told us about, and try to complete the tower. Whether or not the tower will be completed depends only on you, dear participants of our meeting.
Now everyone will be given cards, each card has a word written on it.
"hello" in four different languages. Greeting each other, all participants should gather in teams (depending on the chosen language).
The result should be four commands (hereinafter we will call them

2nd leader. Centuries passed, and the idea to build a tower was revived. But this can happen if people of different nations, speaking different languages ​​and dialects, can agree among themselves. Our four
"peoples" will have to go through great tests to see if they can find a common language, even if they speak different languages.
Each nation will be asked to complete a task. If the “people” fulfills it correctly, then they receive a part of the tower, which will have to be completed by everyone together.

1st leader. Peoples, are you ready? So, listen to the conditions of the first task. Each "people" must come up with its own name. The name must be different from the existing ones in real life names of peoples.

2nd leader. And you should also come up with a greeting ritual. For example, in
When meeting Japan, they say "konnichiwa" and bow at the same time. In Buryatia they say “sanboyna”, while pulling the dagger out of its sheath, putting it behind the back, and in Yakutia, when they meet, they say “doroobo” and put their hand to their heart, leaning forward a little.

1st leader. Preparation time 3 minutes.

"Peoples" are preparing and fulfilling the first task.

2nd leader. At all times, trade relations developed between peoples. Not knowing the language of neighboring peoples, people communicated through gestures.

The story of 2 students about gestures:
1 student talks about gestures, another student shows them.

1st student: In Japan, the “thumbs up” gesture means senior in position. The gesture "hand rests on the heart" means in Japan "rely on me." The gesture "point to yourself with the index finger" means I. When we need to say quieter, we replace this word with the gesture “raise the index finger up and put it to the mouth.” This gesture is used in both Russia and Japan.

1st leader. For example, in America, the “zero” gesture formed by the thumb and forefinger right hand, means "okay", i.e. "everything is in order."
The same “zero” in Japan means “money”. But in Portugal, Spain and some other countries, be careful with this gesture - there it is perceived as something obscene.

2nd leader. The second task will be as follows: "the people" need to buy something from another "people", explaining in sign language, you can use pantomime. The participants of the first team must show, depict what they want to buy, the participants of the second team must guess what they want to buy in 30 seconds in question. Buying and selling takes place in a circular system.

2nd leader. You know that we have 7 wonders of the world in the world. For example:
In Paris, it's the Eiffel Tower. In Moscow, this is the Kremlin, etc. Now all nations will have to come up with their own wonder of the world.

3 minutes to prepare.

1st leader. We're moving on to the last task. Imagine that one of the inhabitants of your "people" was captured, and there is only one way to help him out of captivity - to recognize the hand of his fellow tribesman who was captured.

2nd leader. The task is as follows: from each “people” a “prisoner” and the one who will “save” him are selected. Previously, the "rescuer" feels the hand
"prisoner", trying to remember her. Then the “rescuer” is blindfolded, the ion from four different hands tries to guess the hand of his fellow tribesman.

The participants complete the task.

2nd leader. We have come to a very important and crucial moment of our meeting. Each "people" scored a certain number of parts of the tower, and now you all have to build it together. This must be done thoroughly so that the tower is strong and no force could destroy it.

The children are building a tower.

2nd leader. You have built a high tower, and in order for it to remain stable, it must have a solid foundation, a foundation. Our tower was built by representatives of different nations. What do you think is the basis, the solid foundation of relations between peoples?

The guys answer (mutual understanding, trust between peoples).

1-leader. What qualities should people of different nations have in order to maintain strong relationships between people and have peace throughout the world?
We will probably find out about this if each team writes one quality in the bricks of the tower, the most important in your opinion

The guys are doing the job.

1st presenter (reads the words inscribed in the bricks). Of course, if all the people of the world built their relationships on such a basis, then many great, beautiful, good deeds would be done in this world for the benefit of all mankind.

(*From the book: Potanina L.G., Shchurkova N.E. Lessons of goodness and beauty)