Are there people who do not respect the work and efforts of other people? The outstanding Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev reveals the problem of disrespectful attitude towards people.

In the text proposed for analysis, the author says that people often show disrespect for each other. To understand this problem, examples from the text are important, one of which is the narrator's own example. The author recalls a story from his childhood, when he showed disrespect to the singer who performed in the orphanage and pulled the loudspeaker plug out of the socket, just because her voice somehow irritated the narrator.

Further, the author describes another event that happened many years later. At a free concert symphonic music the musicians of the orchestra, who had seen everything in their lifetime, performed with serious works by famous composers, but already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the audience began to leave the hall with indignation and cries. The musicians did their best to convey the suffering and feelings of the composer, but the audience showed disrespect.

In the work of Razumovskaya "Dear Elena Sergeevna", the students came to congratulate their teacher. Flowers and warm words touched Elena Sergeevna to the depths of her soul, but it turned out that the arrogant and cynical guys only played a comedy of sincere congratulations, for the sake of good grades. When they did not get what they wanted, they began to reproach the teacher for her old-fashioned clothes, her honest attitude to work, for not being able to profitably sell her knowledge. These students are a vivid example of arrogance and disrespect for the honest work of people.

M. Zoshchenko's story "Case History" shows the disrespectful attitude of medical personnel towards the unfortunate patient, for whom they actually do not care. In response to a request to restore order in the department of the nurse, he declares: “Maybe you will be ordered to be put in a separate ward and put on guard to you so that he drives away flies and fleas from you?” The author tells about the negligence of doctors towards sick people.

Thus, in our life there are people who have lost spiritual values, for whom it is not difficult to show disrespect and indifference. Some of these people repent, but there are those who do not see anything wrong in this.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

We write an essay-reasoning in USE format- 2017 Text by V.P. Astafiev (option 5 from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko - Unified State Examination - Russian language - 2017) The work of the teacher of Russian language and literature Repina Ekaterina Kirillovna (Moscow)

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Plan for writing-reasoning The problem of the text. Commentary on the problem of the text. The position of the author of the text. My opinion (my position). literary argument. Second argument. Conclusion to the essay.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The Problem of VP Astafyev's Text There are several problems in the text of the Soviet and Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafyev. One of them is the problem of uncultured and disrespectful attitude towards people. Is it acceptable to treat others with disrespect? Why does a person allow himself to treat others rudely and uncivilized? The author tries to draw the reader's attention to this topical issue, includes us in a dialogue so that everyone thinks about whether he treats the people around him this way?

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Commentary on the problem of the text Viktor Petrovich Astafiev considers the issue of cultureless and disrespectful attitude towards people on the example of two cases from the life of the narrator. The first incident that happened to an orphanage does not give an adult a rest, his conscience torments and gnaws all his life for the fact that he so thoughtlessly and irritably “pulled the loudspeaker plug out of the socket”. And the second case is the behavior of the listeners of the concert in Essentuki, the behavior is unceremonious, rude and evil. The author writes about this: “I wanted to ask for forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor ... and from the orchestra”. And this incident is also deeply embedded in the memory of the writer and worries him very much. And how not to worry about all this? After all, this is a very burning question. It touches all of us! We all want to be treated only humanly, that is, culturally, respectfully and kindly.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Commentary on the problem of the text That is why V.P. Astafiev is trying very hard to convince us that every person remembers that all people deserve a cultural, respectful and kind attitude towards themselves everywhere and always. Wherever a person is: at home, on the street, at work, in an educational institution, in a theater or concert hall ... After all, human dignity no one is allowed to offend. A person, showing a cultural, respectful and kind attitude towards all people, first of all helps himself. And not only to himself, but to all those with whom he communicates. And this is of no small importance in our life ...

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The position of the author of the text This text proves the idea that if a person shows disrespect for other people, he offends them. This attitude towards those with whom we communicate is simply unacceptable. From the text of V.P. Astafiev, one can clearly understand that a cultured person has self-respect. And this quality in a person will never allow him to be disrespectful, uncultured and rude to others.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

My opinion (my position) My opinion completely coincides with the point of view of the writer Astafiev, since everything that the author wrote about is painfully familiar to me, as if the text tells about what I had to see and hear. I have repeatedly visited theaters in Moscow and other cities and the Moscow House of Music. I saw those situations that V.P. Astafiev wrote about. And I, too, felt ashamed to the point of pain when, at the beginning of the performance, latecomers entered the hall noisily, and during the concerts bells sounded mobile phones, the noise of candy wrappers was heard, and some spectators left the hall without waiting for such a wonderful moment when everyone thanked the artists and performers.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

First Argument Recently, I have read several articles about the writer A.P. Chekhov, about the artist Kachalov, about the engineer Shukhov. All of them are united by the fact that they always and everywhere treated others with great respect. And most importantly, everyone who communicated with them was not only interested, but also very comfortable, as they had a talent for self-respect and a respectful, cultural attitude towards those with whom they communicated. Artist Art Theater Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov loved people very much, appreciated and respected them. He treated women in a special way, and in the presence of the artist they also felt sowing in a special way:

9 slide

Description of the slide:

The first argument is that every woman "felt attractive and worthy of care." Such a case happened with Kachalov. Late in the evening the artist saw two unfamiliar women. They seemed too strange to him. They were blind women who got lost. Kachalov quickly escorted them to the tram and helped them get into the car. What was the driving force behind such an attitude towards blind women? Whether only observance of rules of a good tone? I think that the depth of this act lies not only in the cultural and respectful attitude towards unfamiliar women, but above all in spiritual qualities artist - in his heart and kind

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The first argument is the attitude towards all the surrounding people. What is the conclusion to be drawn from this? Knowing the norms of a cultural and respectful attitude towards people only helps to manifest the inner qualities of a person: kindness, humanity, decency, restraint ...

11 slide

Description of the slide:

First literary argument And in Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" we see a completely opposite picture, where the attitude towards everyone around is far from being manifested. in the best way. Why is this happening? All the inhabitants of the house have absolutely no self-respect. But where can he come from if an ignorant mother and wife run the house? Arbitrariness, humiliation, rudeness, rudeness reign here from morning to night ... Terrible incontinence, cultureless and disrespectful attitude towards everyone - that's what distinguishes this house. This cruel mistress of the house declares the truth: “... I scold, then I fight; That's how the house holds up." Prostakova is even proud of it! Reading a comedy, we understand that the author wants to tell us: "He who is not able to respect himself will never treat others with respect and culture."

Olga Alinskaya

Passed the training

Social rank is the value of a skin person. For him, the number of zeros in the bank account matters. Hence the feeling of superiority over those who do not participate in social ranking, or are not so successful.
There is a manifestation in the visual vector - snobbery. It is not based on money, although if the skin is below, then it may well complement the skin feeling of material and social superiority with intellectual superiority.

In addition, people who do not own systemic perception consider sound engineers and olfactory people to be arrogant. There is a feeling in sound - I am above all of you, and in smell - you are all below me. You can call it arrogance, right?
There is a great risk of being wrong.
In addition, untrained people interpret what they observe in others based on their value system. This is quite natural for non-systemic perception. Thus, defining others through themselves, people attribute their own desires and thoughts to those around them.
Therefore, I invite you to a full training on systems-vector psychology to learn to observe the psyche different people and accurately determine the causes of certain manifestations of it.
Don't miss the free lectures in February.
All the best!

Olga Sarafanova

Passed the training

Good evening!

In any field, there can be people with such an attitude. This is how a leather worker can manifest himself, who looks at a person from the position of “benefit-benefit”, i.e. “if he is poor, then he is not useful, there are no connections that can be useful to me”, etc. This is his nature - he strives for property and social superiority, to compete, to be an individualist, "his own shirt is closer to the body."

We must not forget that we look at people through the prism of our desires. We may think that people behave in one way or another. Without a clear understanding of the psyche of another person, it is difficult for us to do this. The category of respect/disrespect is inherent in the anal vector. He will think about the leather worker that he is arrogant with a disrespectful attitude towards him, for example.

There are also such concepts as - snobbery in the visual vector or egocentrism in the sound vector. The same anal person will think about the sound engineer that he is arrogant, but in reality such a person comes “in himself” and can simply be non-contact. Visual snobbery is a manifestation of a certain superiority over others, based on the feeling of one's high intelligence. Such a person is inherent in “subtle” hints to show another that he is lower than him and at the same time, as it were, “condescendingly” treats him.

Read articles on these topics:

Ekaterina Krestnikova

Passed the training

Psychiatrist, psychiatrist-narcologist

Hello! The definition of "respect" is characteristic of a person with an anal vector. People perceive each other only through themselves. The anal man in the skin sees a dishonorable anal man, and does not respect him, regardless of his wealth. A skin person considers it irrational to interact with a skin person who is below him in the system of social and property superiority. A person with a skin vector may consider communication with an anal person unprofitable, perceiving him as his skin-brake.
Sound egocentrism and visual snobbery is not about respect.
In addition, there are organized groups of people in which it is customary to have certain views, often these are false beliefs. This also needs to be taken into account.
And yet, yes, income, the social ladder - these are the values ​​of the skin vector.
When you see everyone through yourself like this, it's very easy to get confused! There is an opportunity to learn to see people for who they are. Come to free lectures
All the best to you!

Olga Sarafanova

Passed the training


The category of underdevelopment/non-realization is a rather generalized concept. They are needed for a superficial understanding of the human predestination in SVP. The skinner may be undeveloped, but be at the top of the social ladder. Or developed, but insufficiently realized in its scope and thus fill its lacks.

Again, this is more a matter of our perception. An undeveloped skinner may or may not show his superiority. His underdevelopment is determined by his actions, each vector has its own. In the skin, this is a desire to steal, lie, sit someone down, save on the brink of absurdity, etc. By itself, he can be quite educated in the cultural superstructure and educated.
A developed skin specialist, for example, a leader, can be dry and demanding of employees. For him, people are resources, he needs a result. He doesn't shake hands because there is no time, so both of these skinners can seem arrogant.

Sometimes we look at the same properties in a person that we ourselves possess and, depending on development, perceive them in one way or another. For example, a KZ-hysteric will hate such a KZ, only developed. There can be no specifics here, for this you need to accurately determine the behavior of a certain person, and also take into account the presence of other vectors.

Articles on the topic of skin vector.

If for women the concept of "respect" lies in emotional sphere, then for men it has a more practical meaning.

My wife doesn't respect me! I have lost respect for my husband! In our relationship, respect for each other has disappeared ...- the family psychologist hears such complaints every day.

If you ask any person what they would like from a relationship with other people, I am sure that most often you will hear the word "respect".

What is respect and why is it

The need for respect for most people is among the top priorities. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, age and gender, we are very sensitive in everything that concerns respect.

Why? What gives us respect?

To answer this question, let's try to define respect. It is quite difficult to give a simple and understandable definition right off the bat, so let's try to construct this definition.

1. Respect is the attitude of one person(groups of people) to another person(group of people)

2. This relationship is based on mutual recognition of the merits of the personality of each of these people.(groups of people).

3. Recognition of the priority of their safety and non-harm: physical, psychological and moral.

4. Recognition of their fundamental rights to freedom, self-expression, religion, etc.

As can be seen from our definition, Respect is a whole complex of concepts that affects, oddly enough, our instinct for self-preservation!

Now it becomes clear why in personal relationships the problem of loss / restoration of respect becomes one of the central ones.

In order to understand what gives us respect, let's look at the diagram:

As can be seen from the diagram for men (highlighted in blue) and for women (highlighted in red), the priority qualities in the concept of "respect" are different things.

If for women the concept of "respect" lies in the emotional sphere, then for men it has a more practical meaning. Understanding these differences becomes especially important when we try to analyze what behaviors and actions inevitably lead to a loss of respect from him or her.

Before talking about the reasons for the disappearance of respect in relationships, let's think about how this concept is formed in a person in principle.

In order for a person to be able to respect others, he must have an appropriate upbringing based on mutual respect for men and women, children for parents, parents for children, as well as for other people. And one more important addition is this man must respect himself!

There is a very close relationship between self-respect and respect for others. Surely many people know the axiom that it is impossible to gain respect from others without respecting yourself. It is believed that a person's self-esteem is divided into two components:

    emotional- how I feel about myself in terms of "good and evil", my assessment of myself as a "good" or "bad" person, and

    rational- an indicator of my competence, professionalism, success. Note that both components that form self-esteem in men and women are different.

Consider the figure:

From the figure it becomes clear that we call respectful such an attitude towards us that strengthens or, at least, maintains our self-esteem.

Accordingly, "unfriendly" behavior that calls into question my competence or my self-esteem, I will regard as disrespectful. In relations between a man and a woman, respect is closely related to sex-role behavior, more precisely, with the expectation of a certain behavior.

Let's look at a simple example.

A man and a woman are driving in a car. Stopped.

The man got out of the car, opened the door on the woman's side and helped her out of the car.

The man showed respect for the lady (he helped to get out of the car), the woman showed respect for the man, waiting for him to come up to help get out, thanked him, thereby showing that she was confident in his good manners.

Respect breeds respect.

Unfortunately, manifestations of disrespect begin with "little things", the most typical of them are: lack of elementary gratitude at the level of thanks", inattention, failure to fulfill one's promises, raising one's voice.

Of course, some will respond to this, and some will not. I'm sure you know the saying that "little lies breed big mistrust"? The same can be said for respect. small acts of disrespect grow into big problems over time.

Signs of chronic disrespect in men and women are shown in the following figure:

It is important to note that respect is lost not only when such behavior is manifested directly to this person, but also to his relatives, friends or colleagues.

My husband does not respect my mother! My wife does not respect my friends!

Periodically, at the reception, I have to hear how this or that client speaks about the loss of respect for his wife / husband due to her / his disrespectful attitude towards relatives or friends.

Indeed, we often associate ourselves with people close to us and tend to take on our own account what is not always directed directly at us.

Why is this happening?

Belonging to a group (and family, friends, colleagues - this is a group) gives us an additional sense of security and comfort, so the manifestation of disrespect for this "our" group automatically extends to us. In disconnected families, where there are no close emotional ties, this does not happen.

There are a number of behaviors that almost always cause a long-term(if not final) loss of respect.

They are well known, they are: betrayal (treason), humiliation, insult, lies, violence.

Regardless of gender, a person who encounters such manifestations on the part of a partner instantly loses respect for him. Restoring respect after such acts is unusually difficult. This is due to the fact that each of these acts deeply hurts the self-esteem of the injured person, hurts him. Pain and respect are incompatible.

A feature of respect is that it is much more difficult to earn it than to lose it. In this sense, respect as a concept is close to trust.

What to do if you feel a loss of respect for yourself from your loved ones?

Here is a simple step-by-step instruction which can help regain lost respect.

1. Look at yourself.

Analyze your behavior as "possibly wrong" in relation to the person. Maybe you violated his "boundaries", doubted his value, or simply offended ...

Not everyone is able to openly and immediately declare a wrong attitude towards themselves. Unspoken hurts don't go anywhere.

Having admitted the wrongness of your behavior, do not rush to immediately ask for forgiveness, but rather try to understand why (?) you did this.

Without understanding the motives of your behavior, you run the risk of repeating it in the future. The next step in your analysis will be to find another way to act that will not be perceived by your partner as disrespectful.

2. Start a dialogue.

Tell your partner how important his respectful attitude is to you and how you feel when such an attitude is not. Don't make excuses or shift the blame from yourself to him.

Admit your mistakes by simply listing them. Recognize the right of a person to be offended by you and change their attitude towards you.

3. Ask for forgiveness.

It's forgiveness, not apologies.

Not many people know that there are big differences between these two terms.

Apology is a more formal, secular term. Its essence boils down to asking to withdraw the apologetic from the "state of guilt". Forgiveness is a more personal term, not to say intimate - its essence is a request to accept repentance.

4. Take action.

Whether you've been forgiven or not, your awareness of your mistakes must be transformed into a new attitude and actions.

Remember that you first need to regain your respect for yourself and you are on the right track. published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

The focus is on the figure of Emelyan Pugachev - a rebel, a man who opposed the authorities. What prompted him to do this? Why did he not only encroach on the throne himself, but also led the people? And how did the people believe the impostor? Why? Under the burden of years, we can forget the historical environment in which the idea of ​​rebellion was born. People (note, not serfs, not cattle) being in serfdom from their not always humane masters (remember, for example, Skotinin from The Undergrowth), were forced to obey their will, unquestioningly listening to every, even crazy demand. The idea of ​​a good king lived in the heart of every person. A brave, daring, desperate rebel took responsibility and decided to give people the will, albeit short-lived, albeit such an ephemeral, but will. It is possible to assess the degree of his courage only by understanding the tale told to Grinev. Pugachev initially knew the final development of events, in the cycle of which he plunged his country. But he was not afraid, did not steal and disappeared. No, he went to the scaffold to prove how inhuman power can plunge the country into the horror of a merciless bloody slaughter.

2. A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

The poem was written at a time when Stalin's repressions brought the whole country to its knees, when the author of the poem herself stood in line with the transfer to her son, who was condemned as an enemy of the people. From memories and living impressions, a poem was formed:

It was when I smiled
Only the dead, happy with peace.

The lyrical heroine draws a parallel between the fate of her contemporary and her longtime compatriot, whose husband was executed as an archery rebel

I will be like archery wives,
Howl under the Kremlin towers.
The death stars were above us
And innocent Rus' writhed
Under the bloody boots
And under the tires of black marus.

3. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

The protagonist of the novel is the Master, a man living in the terrible time of Stalin's repressions. Having written a novel about Pontius Pilate, he touched upon the problem of a person's responsibility for a decision. His main character novel Masters - the procurator of Judea - a man invested with almost unlimited power, doubts his innocence. The phenomenon for the authorities is practically unacceptable. For the era of Stalinism, a person exposed to power has no right to doubt that his decision is just. This means that such a work is a priori harmful. Masters are arrested. This act broke him, made him weak-willed. So a person who became against the authorities turned out to be outside the law, he himself was subjected to repression.

4. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

The story is dedicated to the fate of a man who ended up in a camp on charges of treason, although all his fault is that he was in captivity for several days, but left the encirclement and was ready to defend the Motherland further. However, his act seemed like a betrayal to the authorities. While serving his term, Ivan Denisovich carefully preserves his human dignity, he works and complies with all the requirements of the law that prevails in the zone. This is a kind of denial of Shukhov's guilt. This person is always and everywhere law-abiding. Why is he disliked by the authorities? Simply, the authorities are looking for enemies, and who is among them today is insignificant.