Each of us in life had to stand at a “crossroads”. A person grows up and he has to make a choice: profession, life partner, means to achieve the goal. Some people figured it out quickly, while others took their whole life to do it. Many circumstances contribute or hinder this. But in the end, the choice is ours. An example of how a person is afraid to change his usual way of life is the hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov “The Man in the Case”. Teacher Belyakov is a quite ordinary person. He lives according to the principle “no matter what happens”, closes himself from everyone. His "case" life causes a negative attitude among the townspeople and colleagues. He has a chance to become happier. But Belikov chooses the direction of life familiar to him, and as a result of this choice - a new "case" - a coffin. The hero of the story Startsev A.P. Chekhov "Ionych" had the opportunity to become a noble doctor, a loving spouse.But he made a different choice. Startsev chooses a well-fed life. He rejoices at the opportunity to count money, play vint and replenish a bank account.

The problem of the transience of human life

Each of us believes that his life path will be long and successful. But sometimes we are faced with situations where it is obvious how transient and unpredictable human life is. The circumstances of the death of Berlioz - one of the heroes, clearly demonstrate this to us. Confident in his future, and even more so in how he will spend the evening, a well-read editor is ready to argue with a stranger about the suddenness of a human death. But very little time passes, and Berlioz's head rolls along the pavement. The gentleman from San Francisco, the hero of the story of the same name by I. A. Bunin, could hardly have foreseen how the long-awaited cruise would end . The certainty that a luxurious trip is a well-deserved reward in his life overwhelms him. But fate decrees otherwise. A chic dinner ends with the sudden death of the hero. His body is placed in a soda box. Life is over.

The problem of finding the meaning of life

The meaning of life is individual. Someone lives for himself, someone lives for others, someone intelligently combines both. There are people who don't see this as a problem. They just live, go with the flow of their destiny. But there are those who are constantly searching for the meaning of life. Such is the favorite hero of L. N. Tolstoy from the novel “War and Peace”.He suffers from dissatisfaction with his life. An active search for the meaning of life leads him to dubious companies, Freemasonry, and an unhappy marriage. In captivity, Bezukhov is rethinking life values. He begins to understand the truth of human happiness. The hero of A. S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, is also in constant knowledge of himself.from novel of the same name. He was tired of the idle life. An attempt to change the way of life in high society to life in the village did not lead to positive result. The duel with Lensky, the feelings of Tatyana Larina - for him these are just episodes of constant searching. The author, saying goodbye to the hero, leaves him in search. This is his lot.

True and False Values

In the course of his life, a person prioritizes, chooses what he considers important for himself and rejects the unnecessary. But is what is important to him always useful to society? The hero of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov commits a crime.The death of the two women he killed does not give him moral torment, and he even justifies himself. This is how the well-known theory about the right of special people to decide the fate of others is born. But acquaintance with leads him to the acquisition of values ​​that have been tested for centuries. Raskolnikov takes the Gospel in his hands. In M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”, a collective image of people who were “spoiled by the housing problem” was created. Their positions are consonant with many. The rain of money that fell on the audience of the Variety Theater is the value of the majority, but not all. The ability to love, to create is important for the Master and Margarita, and the image of Yeshua is represented as a moral ideal. Thus, the works classical literature provide an opportunity to illustrate the problems of creative works-essays on the specified topic. And the problems raised by the author can give rise to reflections of a moral nature. For other examples and arguments for the exam on the topic of the problem of the meaning of life, see the video below.

About choice life path

Some people may be lucky in life, but this luck does not always please them. Those who are chosen by luck in the surrounding life are much less than people of a different plan - those whose lot is everyday work, overcoming obstacles and the absence of bright events.

The problem presented in the text is as follows. Suppose a person can be uplifted by two unexpected occurrences. One is a consequence of luck, a happy twist of fate. The second is the recognition by others of the merits and successes achieved primarily by perseverance and hard work.

Which path to follow, which course to follow, what to prefer, what to achieve?

Comment to the problem. People who are addicted, love effects, subject to rapid mood swings, will choose the first path. They will wait for their happy hour when they are just lucky. And others, people with more resilience nervous system, hardworking and purposeful, capable of making informed decisions, will choose the second path.

The author's position is seen on the example of the fate of the hero of the essay. Daniil Granin, physicist, writer, believes that each person should determine for himself his main life line and try to follow it along the path measured by fate. Only in these circumstances will the integrity of a person's nature be revealed, and as a result - significant deeds, a vivid biography, perhaps fame. And only hard work is the key to success.

I agree with the position of the author and prove its correctness by the first argument. A.P. Chekhov, the great humanist writer, in 1890, on his own initiative, undertook a trip to the island of Sakhalin in order to census the exiles. On Sakhalin, he visited all the villages, visited prisons, mines. Under him, the guards punished the guilty with whips. Chekhov started a card for each settler, where his age, reasons and terms of punishment were indicated. In total, the card index numbered eight thousand cards - the result of the enormous work of the writer, journalist, honest citizen, compassionate to the unfortunate. For his selfless work, Chekhov was awarded a bronze medal, and in his subsequent works "everything was stale". V. Lakshin, a literary critic, assessed this fact of Chekhov's biography as follows: “Each great Russian writer had his own feat, his own pinnacle in life and his own suffering. And he (Chekhov) himself created his feat - a trip to the prison island.

The second argument confirming the correctness of the author's judgments can be cited from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The protagonist Bazarov is passionately devoted to science, he is ready to devote his whole life to the profession of a doctor. He is not tired of either endless experiments or the hard work of a county doctor who heals peasants. If he had remained alive, his name would have been on a par with the names of outstanding Russian physiologists, researchers in the field of medicine - Sechenov, Pirogov, Pavlov and others.

In conclusion, we can cite the statement of N.A. Nekrasov:

The will and labor of man / Marvelous divas create.

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  • life choice problem
  • life is a journey essay on literature
  • the problem of choosing a life path arguments

Even an adult sometimes feels that his life has failed. The work is not to their liking, the profession does not bring the desired profit, there is no love, nothing around portends happiness. But the biggest difficulty is the problem of choosing a life path. Arguments from the literature will help to understand this extremely complex issue. Probably the best example for younger generation- This is Goncharov's novel "Oblomov". The theme of the whole work is the choice of one's place in life. On the fate of several people, the author tells what can happen if you are weak-willed, or vice versa, strong-willed and stubborn. Ilya Oblomov as main character, carries negative traits- inability to work, laziness and stubbornness. As a result, he turns into a kind of shadow, without purpose and happiness. Another example of how inheritance, and not one's own choice, affects a person's life is "Eugene Onegin" by A. S. Pushkin. It would seem, what else does a young nobleman need? Carefree life, balls, love. But Onegin is not satisfied with such a life. He protests against the established secular life, against the moral norms of his time, for which many consider him an eccentric. Onegin's main task is to find new values, the meaning of his life.

What to do with a profession Another insoluble problem of the younger generation is the problem of choosing a profession. Arguments can be given by completely different parents, offering their child the best, in their opinion, occupation in life. Moms and dads are forced to go to study where their child does not want to go at all. They argue their position in different ways: it is profitable to be a doctor, it is prestigious to be a financier, a programmer is in demand, and a poor teenager just wants to become a machinist. An example of the fact that it is not enough to choose a good profession to your liking, but you also need to develop your skills, is given by A.P. Chekhov in the story "Ionych". Especially if you are a doctor. So it was with the main character Ionych. He conscientiously worked, helped people, until he became morally obsolete. He did not follow the latest in pharmacology, was not interested in new methods of treatment. The moral of the work: the right choice of profession is only half the success, you need to improve your skills and talent.

Literature teaches us humanity, mercy, the best examples are given by M. Sholokhov. He has several stories from where you can draw theses about mercy and humanity. This is the "Science of Hate", "The Fate of Man". The problem of choice arose among the heroes of the epic novel by M. Sholokhov " Quiet Don". The action takes place during the years of the revolution, and the main characters have to sacrifice something in the name of the revolution. The problem of choice also appeared before the heroes of Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. This is an excellent work in which the branches of good and bad deeds are very skillfully intertwined. And one more story that I would like to remember in this context. This is Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil". The brave hero Danko tore out his heart from his chest in order to save people, thanks to which the path was lit up, and everyone was saved.

And in the end, I would like to say that each work makes us think about life and our life path.


Independence era man

Every person needs spiritual activity. Creativity is a spiritual activity. Structure spiritual world a person contains: faith, feelings, emotions, intellect, etc.
Independence is the quality of a person-personality. Every person has their own opinion. So, having your own opinion and needing to personify your spiritual needs, you can reach many peaks in creativity. Write interesting and informative books and articles. Transmit and give helpful tips.
In general, each person is talented in his own way. If a group of people, for example, take the same topic for reflection or writing an essay, then everyone will reveal it in their own way, starting from their own opinion and worldview. It follows from this that there is no absolute truth, there are points of view, and everyone is right in his own way.
Now imagine for a moment that a person does not have an opinion or is not allowed to express it: What will come of this? In my opinion, nothing good, and I think many will agree with me.
Here's a question to think about: Is it possible to write a book or an article if you don't have independence and an opinion to speak out? Of course not! This is impossible!
Fortunately, we have a free country and freedom of speech. And everyone has the right to express their point of view and their thoughts. This gives rise to disputes and creativity of reflection, without which it is impossible to do without. And we come to where we started. “Independence and freethinking are the essence of creativity.”

  • Situations of moral choice show the true qualities of a person
  • A brave, strong-willed person in a difficult life situation would rather choose death than a shameful life.
  • Moral choices are often so complex that they can lead to dire consequences.
  • Only a coward can go over to the side of someone he considered an enemy for a better life.
  • Situations of moral choice are not always associated with a threat to human life
  • By the behavior of a person in situations of moral choice, we can judge his inner qualities.
  • A real person, devoted to his moral principles, will not be stopped by any life circumstances


A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" More than once, Petr Grinev found himself in difficult life situations, when he had to make a choice on which he depended. future life. When captured Belogorsk fortress the hero had two ways: to recognize the sovereign in Pugachev or to be executed. Despite fear, Pyotr Grinev refused to swear allegiance to the impostor, not daring to betray home country. This is not the only situation of moral choice in which the hero made the right decision and proved that he is a man of honor. Already under investigation, he did not mention that he was connected with Pugachev because of Masha Mironova, because he did not want trouble for his beloved. If Pyotr Grinev had told about her, the girl would certainly have been brought to the investigation. He did not want this, although such information could justify him. Situations of moral choice showed the true inner qualities of Pyotr Grinev: the reader understands that he is a man of honor, devoted to the Motherland and true to his word.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The fate of Tatyana Larina is tragic. In love with Eugene Onegin, she did not see anyone as her fiancé. Tatyana has to marry Prince N., good man which she, however, does not like. Eugene rejected her, not taking the girl's confession of love seriously. Later, Onegin sees her at one of the social evenings. Tatyana Larina is changing: she becomes a stately princess. Eugene Onegin writes letters to her, confesses his love, hoping that she will leave her husband. For Tatyana, this is a situation of moral choice. She does the right thing: she keeps her honor and loyalty to her husband. Although Tatyana is still in love with Onegin, she asks to be left alone.

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man." The trials that people went through in wartime showed the willpower and character of everyone. Andrey Sokolov showed himself as a man loyal to the military duty of soldiers. Once captured, he was not afraid to express his thoughts about the backbreaking work that the prisoners were forced to do. When, due to someone's denunciation, he was called to Muller, the hero refused to drink for the victory of German weapons. He was ready to endure hunger, to give up the desire to drink before death, but to preserve his honor and show the true qualities of a Russian soldier. The moral choice of Andrei Sokolov allows us to consider him a real person with great strength, who loves his country.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The situation of moral choice, in which Natasha Rostova finds herself, is not connected with the threat to her life. When everyone left Moscow besieged by the French, the Rostov family took away their belongings. The heroine was faced with a choice: to take things away or give carts to transport the wounded. Natasha Rostova chose not things, but help people. The situation of moral choice showed that for the heroine material well-being is not as important as helping those who are in trouble. We can say that Natasha Rostova is a person with high moral values.

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Everyone makes a moral choice based on their life principles, goals, attitudes and desires. The dearest person in life for Margarita was her Master. To see her beloved, she no doubt agreed to a deal with the devil. In a situation of moral choice, she chose what is dearest to her, despite all the horror of the way to achieve her goal. Margarita was ready for anything, even for such a dishonorable act, because the meeting with the Master was vital for her.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Sometimes only the possibility of choosing one's life path reveals true human qualities. Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, who went over to the side of the enemy because of his love for the Pole, showed the true traits of his character in a situation of moral choice. He betrayed his father, brother and his homeland, showing vulnerability to the power of love. A real warrior would not reckon with any enemy, but Andriy was not like that. Circumstances broke him, showed the inability of the young man to be faithful to military duty, devoted to his native land.

V. Sanin "Seventy degrees below zero". Sinitsyn did not prepare winter fuel for Gavrilov, which endangered Gavrilov's life in severe frosts. Sinitsyn had a choice: at first he wanted to do everything to ensure the safety of the expedition, but then he was afraid of adverse consequences for his mistake and left everything as it was. The situation of moral choice showed that Sinitsyn is a cowardly person, for whom the desire to remain without punishment is more important than the life of another person, which depends on him.

Here are collected problems from texts for preparing for the exam, which are most often encountered by applicants. Literary arguments are selected for each of them, available for download in the form of a table, link at the end of the article.

  1. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" act of Andriy. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol touched on many topics that still seem relevant to us in his work "Taras Bulba". Before the son of Taras, Andriy, there was a choice between love for the girl and love for the motherland, family. And in his case, the first option carried more weight. The young man thought that thanks to his love for the Polish lady, he would be able to justify himself to his father. But his confidence was superfluous, since Taras could never forgive betrayal, and least of all he expected that his son was capable of such an act. After all, Taras also had a choice: he could save his son's life, but drop his own authority, which in a war was like death. Therefore, he kills Andrii, cursing himself for reproducing him into the world.
  2. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Andrei Bolkonsky. In the novel "War and Peace" you can find answers to any questions. Just as the Bible once taught people about life, so this work can serve as a guide for those who are full of spiritual quests. The personality of Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel is very multifaceted. His whole life is a daily clash with choice. But, probably, the main question for him was how to behave in difficult wartime? Bolkonsky came from a noble family, was rich, and could well afford to sit in the rear when others would give their lives on the battlefield. But this man knew what honor and courage are. He always bravely went to the epicenter of battles, at first only for glory, but later he realized that he was really ready to give his life for his Motherland. Bolkonsky fought in the war, not trying to hide behind someone else's back. He was a man who deserved the title of a hero, and did heroic deeds until his death.
  3. Vasil Bykov "Obelisk" - Ales Ivanovich Moroz. In his heroic story "Obelisk" Vasil Bykov tells us the story of a simple school teacher who became a hero during the Great patriotic war. Ales Ivanovich Moroz belonged to this type of teacher who literally lived his own business. His heart always burned with a desire to teach children not only to memorize stupid formulas and rules, but also to be able to think. Naturally, such a person saw in his students much more than just schoolchildren. And in a critical situation, when he was faced with the choice of whether to protect his wards, he did not hesitate for a second. He knew that their lives were in his hands, and it was his duty to save them.

Choice in love

  1. L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". Probably, every person has ever faced the problem of a love choice. "Anna Karenina" is the most famous love story, where the main character also has to choose. And the decision affected the whole further fate Anna. She hit the intersection of two fires. On the one hand, there was a family - a dearly beloved son, but an unloved husband, and on the other - incredibly deep, passionate feelings for Count Vronsky. The heroine preferred ardent love instead of a quiet and peaceful existence with her family. She loses power, respect in society, turns a blind eye to everything, because she understands that she cannot live life with a cold and prudent person. But Tolstoy shows that even the choice of sincere love can be fatal. Anna falls under the yoke of high society, loses everything that was dear to her, and decides to die so that the pain will finally stop tormenting her every day.
  2. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Natasha Rostova. Natalya Rostova is one of those heroines of Russian literature who faced the problem of choice throughout her life. But, probably, the most important choice still concerned love. She, in her childish naivete, decided on a relationship with Anatoly Kuragin, not even suspecting that he could deceive her. Bolkonsky's cold love was not enough to melt her heart, and she makes a big mistake when preparing to run away with Kuragin. Perhaps, if not for this betrayal, their love with Prince Bolkonsky would have continued for a very long time. But Tolstoy thus wanted to show how erroneous fleeting decisions can be, and how much we, at times, can regret them.
  3. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana. Of course, in the "encyclopedia of Russian life" should be touched upon love theme. The main character Tatyana is faced with a love choice that was connected with her future and past. Having passionately fallen in love with Eugene Onegin, while still very young, she could not think that this handsome and intelligent man could refuse her this feeling. But that's exactly what happens, and it breaks the girl's heart. Many years pass, and Tatyana blossoms, becomes more mature and smart. Marriage with the general brought a lot of new things to her life, the changes were beneficial. When Eugene meets her and now offers his love himself, she refuses. Tatyana understands that to change her current quiet life for, perhaps, a momentary happiness with Onegin, it would be stupidity. In this choice, she is guided only by a cold mind, because her feelings had faded by that time and were not allowed to act recklessly.
  4. Moral Choice

    1. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov.“Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right”? - this is the main life question of the poor student Rodion Raskolnikov. This young man, confused in himself, set foot on a very dangerous path, which leads him to even more terrible consequences than ordinary poverty. He chooses to kill, thinking that this step will exalt him, make him a winner, a man to whom everything falls into his hands from heaven. But Rodion did not know how wrong he was. He could not soberly assess himself, and instead of soaring, he fell down like a stone, into the abyss of despair, remorse and constant fear for himself and his loved ones. Dostoevsky was very a good psychologist and wanted to show what can happen to a person who has reached the extreme degree of insanity, and how he will try to survive in these conditions.
    2. N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district ". The name of Lady Macbeth has been shrouded in an ominous veil of secrecy since the time of William Shakespeare. Leskov does main character of his work is even more legendary, because it highlights the whole work for it. Katerina Lvovna faced a moral choice in her life. It was a kind of test for the level of evil that a person can commit. In her case, it turned out to be the maximum. The heroine played so much in love that she does not disdain to bathe in blood for the sake of a few seconds of bliss with Sergey. Many will think that the situation in which Katerina found herself left her no choice, but still the choice was very sinister. Lust and greed added their weight and tempted the woman to take the lives of many people. But, in more, it was a cold calculation, albeit based on emotional instability.
    3. Choice of life path

      1. A.P. Chekhov "The Man in the Case". The protagonist of the story "The Man in the Case" is a clear example of what kind of lifestyle a person can choose for himself. Someone opens up to everything new and interesting, communicates with people every day and enjoys all the moments of life, while someone closes deep inside himself and does not allow circumstances to change the existing order of things. And at the same time, a person consciously limits himself from everything that can bring joy, literally buries himself alive. Belikov independently takes a brush and paints his life in black and white, fixes the framework of conventions around him, because he believes that everything should happen according to a previously known scenario. Any life shocks and shifts can severely cripple the psyche of people like Belikov, but Chekhov shows an even sadder result in the history of this person.
      2. M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" This is the first psychological novel, which tells the story of a man with a deep personal tragedy in his soul. Pechorin is an ambiguous character who, although he does not give up all life's pleasures, still chooses cold isolation and solitude for himself. Here we can consider a problem on a deeper scale: the hero chooses loneliness for himself, since collisions with the outside world bring him only misfortunes. In all his life he had no real friends, and in love this man also remained deeply unhappy. His choice fell on a feeling of hatred and contempt for everything that surrounds him, including people. He accepted it, based on the life circumstances that made him the way he eventually appears before the readers.
      3. I.S. Turgenev "Rudin". Turgenev in his novel "Rudin" wanted to show readers the image of a person who is commonly called "superfluous". Cause that's how it feels main character throughout the events of the novel and until the very end, when despair leads him to the barricades. Dmitry Rudin is accustomed to arrogantly and arrogantly treat people who are in his company. Thus, he seems to erect a barrier within himself that does not allow sensitivity to come out into the light. He attaches too great importance his person, because of which many involuntarily imbued him and fell in love. But, the problem is that behind all this hypocrisy and false tirades hid an ordinary self-doubt. He also chose the path of permanently limiting himself from life, because he thought that this would make him happy. Rudin plays with his own life by wearing various masks every day, and as a result, he cannot make important decisions that can completely change his fate. The only one really a brave deed his life - participation in french revolution and the desire to die a hero.