Poem "Dead Souls" occupies a special place in the work of Gogol. The writer considered this work the main work of his life, Pushkin's spiritual covenant, which prompted him the basis of the plot. In the poem, the author reflected the way of life and mores of different strata of society - peasants, landowners, officials. The images in the poem, according to the author, "are not at all portraits of insignificant people, on the contrary, they contain the features of those who consider themselves better than others." Close-up landowners, owners of serf souls, "masters" of life are shown in the poem. Gogol consistently, from hero to hero, reveals their characters and shows the insignificance of their existence. Starting with Manilov and ending with Plyushkin, the author intensifies his satire and exposes the underworld of landowner-bureaucratic Russia.

Main character works - Chichikov- up to the last chapter of the first volume remains a mystery to everyone: both for officials of the city of N, and for readers. Inner world The author reveals Pavel Ivanovich in the scenes of his meetings with the landowners. Gogol draws attention to the fact that Chichikov is constantly changing and almost copies the behavior of his interlocutors. Talking about Chichikov's meeting with Korobochka, Gogol says that in Russia a person speaks differently with the owners of two hundred, three hundred, five hundred souls: "... at least rise up to a million, there are all shades."

Chichikov perfectly studied people, in any situation he knows how to find a benefit, he always says what they would like to hear from him. So, with Manilov, Chichikov is pompous, amiable and flattering. He talks to Korobochka already without any special ceremonies, and his vocabulary is consonant with the style of the hostess. Communication with the arrogant liar Nozdrev is not easy, since Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate familiar treatment, "... except if the person is of too high rank." However, hoping for a lucrative deal, he does not leave Nozdryov's estate until the last and tries to become like him: he turns to "you", adopts a boorish tone, and behaves familiarly. The image of Sobakevich, personifying the solidity of the landowner's life, immediately prompts Pavel Ivanovich to lead the most thorough conversation possible about dead souls Oh. Chichikov manages to win over "a hole in the human body"- Plyushkin, who has long lost touch with the outside world and has forgotten the norms of politeness. To do this, it was enough for him to play the role of a “motishka”, ready at a loss to save a casual acquaintance from having to pay taxes for the dead peasants.

It is not difficult for Chichikov to change his appearance, because he has all the qualities that form the basis of the characters of the depicted landowners. This is confirmed by episodes in the poem, where Chichikov is left alone with himself and he does not need to adapt to others. Looking around the city of N, Pavel Ivanovich “teared off the poster nailed to the post so that when he came home he could read it thoroughly,” and after reading it, “teared it neatly and put it in his chest, where he used to put everything that came across.” This is reminiscent of the habits of Plyushkin, who collected and kept various kinds of rags and toothpicks. The colorlessness and uncertainty that accompany Chichikov until the last pages of the first volume of the poem make him related to Manilov. That is why the officials of the provincial city make ridiculous guesses, trying to establish true identity hero. Chichikov's love to neatly and meticulously lay out everything in his chest brings him closer to Korobochka. Nozdryov notices that Chichikov looks like Sobakevich. All this suggests that the character of the protagonist, as in a mirror, reflected the features of all the landowners: Manilov's love for meaningless conversations and "noble" gestures, and Korobochka's pettiness, and Nozdrev's narcissism, and Sobakevich's rudeness, and Plyushkin's hoarding.

And at the same time, Chichikov differs sharply from the landowners shown in the first chapters of the poem. He has a different psychology than that of Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdrev and other landowners. He is characterized by extraordinary energy, business acumen, determination, although morally he does not rise above the owners of serf souls. Many years of bureaucratic activity left a noticeable imprint on his manner of behavior and speech. Evidence of this is the cordial welcome given to him in the provincial "high society". Among officials and landowners, he new person, the acquirer who will replace the manilov, nostril, sobakevich and plushkin.

The soul of Chichikov, just like the souls of the landowners and officials, became dead. The “shining joy of life” is inaccessible to him, he is almost completely devoid of human feelings. In order to achieve his practical goals, he pacified his blood, which "played strong."

Gogol sought to understand the psychological nature of Chichikov as a new phenomenon, and for this, in the last chapter of the poem, he talks about his life. Chichikov's biography explains the formation of the character revealed in the poem. The hero's childhood was dull and joyless, without friends and maternal affection, with constant reproaches from his sick father, and could not but affect his future fate. His father left him a legacy of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, please teachers and bosses, and, most importantly, save a penny. Pavlusha learned his father's instructions well and directed all his energy towards achieving his cherished goal - wealth. He quickly realized that all high concepts only hinder the achievement of his goal, and began to make his own way. At first, he acted in a childishly straightforward way - in every way he pleased the teacher and thanks to this he became his favorite. Growing up, he realized that each person can find a special approach, and began to achieve more significant success. Having promised to marry the daughter of his boss, he got a job as an assistant. While serving at customs, he managed to convince his superiors of his incorruptibility, and later to establish contact with smugglers and amass a huge fortune. All the brilliant victories of Chichikov ended in failure, but no setbacks could break his thirst for profit.

However, the author notes that in Chichikov, in contrast to Plyushkin, “there was no attachment to money for the sake of money proper, he was not possessed by stinginess and stinginess. No, they didn’t move him - he imagined life ahead in all its pleasures, so that finally later, over time, he would certainly taste all this, that’s what the penny was saved for. Gogol notes that the protagonist of the poem is the only character capable of manifesting the movements of the soul. “It is clear that the Chichikovs turn into poets for a few minutes,” says the author, when his hero stops “as if stunned by a blow” in front of the young daughter of the governor. And it was this “human” movement of the soul that led to the failure of his promising undertaking. According to the author, sincerity, sincerity and selflessness are the most dangerous qualities in a world where cynicism, lies and profit reign. The fact that Gogol transferred his hero to the second volume of the poem suggests that he believed in his spiritual rebirth. In the second volume of the poem, the writer planned to spiritually "purify" Chichikov and put him on the path of spiritual resurrection. The resurrection of the "hero of time", according to him, was to be the beginning of the resurrection of the whole society. But, unfortunately, the second volume of "Dead Souls" was burned, and the third was not written, so we can only guess how Chichikov's moral revival took place.

All topics of the book “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol. Summary. features of the poem. Compositions":

Summary poem "Dead Souls":

Chichikov's characterization is the topic of this article. What can be said about this hero from the work "Dead Souls"? Belinsky, a well-known Russian critic, noted in 1846 that, as an acquirer, Chichikov is no less, and perhaps more than Pechorin, a hero of our time. He can buy dead Souls", to collect donations for various charitable institutions, to acquire railroad shares. It doesn't matter what kind of activity the likes of him are engaged in. Their essence remains unchanged.

The author's characterization of Chichikov at the beginning of the work

It is indisputable that Chichikov is an immortal type. You can meet people like him everywhere. This hero belongs to all times and all countries, only takes on different forms, depending on time and place. In the poem "Dead Souls" the action begins with the fact that the reader gets acquainted with the main character. What is the characteristic of Chichikov? This is the "golden mean", neither this nor that. The author, describing him, notes that he is not a handsome man, but not a "bad-looking" person, not very thin, but not too fat, not old, but not young either. Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich - honorable collegiate adviser. Such is the characterization of Chichikov at the beginning of the work.

Visits made by Chichikov in the city

How does he begin his stay in the city? From numerous visits: to the prosecutor, vice-governor, governor, tax farmer, chief of police, head of local state-owned factories, etc. Chichikov, behaving like a well-intentioned person, knew how to very skillfully flatter everyone in conversations with these rulers. So, for example, he praised the governor for the "velvet roads" in the province subject to him, and Chichikov said something flattering about the city guards to the chief of police. He mistakenly called the chairman of the chamber and the vice-governor twice "your excellency." Chichikov made a compliment to the governor's wife, which is decent for a middle-aged man who has not too low, but not too high rank. Quote characteristic Chichikov will complement the image created by the author. Pavel Ivanovich called himself nothing more than an "insignificant worm", lamenting that he had to experience a lot in his lifetime, endure for the truth in his service, make many enemies who even attempted on his life.

Ability to hold a conversation

The characterization of Chichikov ("Dead Souls") can be supplemented by his masterful ability to keep up the conversation. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol writes that if it was about a horse farm, he spoke about it, but he could also make sensible remarks about good dogs. Moreover, Chichikov did this with "some sort of gravity," he spoke neither softly nor loudly, but exactly as he should, he knew how to behave well. As we see, he learned to wear a mask of imaginary decency and vulgarity masterfully. Under this guise of a completely decent, decent gentleman, the true characterization of Chichikov ("Dead Souls"), the content of his actions and thoughts, was hidden.

Author's attitude to Chichikov in the first chapter

The author in the first chapter only allegorically, indirectly expresses his attitude towards Chichikov and his actions. And this hero himself, talking about the world of thick and thin, hints at his true vision of the world around him. He says the fat ones do a better job than the "thin ones" who mostly do special errands and "wander around." The citation characteristic of Chichikov helps to better understand this image. The main character is referred by Gogol to the world of fat, firmly and securely sitting in their places. Confirming the appearance of who Chichikov seems to be, thus, the author is preparing his exposure, revealing the truth about him.

First successful deals

The deal with Manilov is the first success. It strengthens Pavel Ivanovich's confidence in the safety and ease of the scam he conceived. The hero, inspired by the first success, is in a hurry to make new deals. On the way to Sobakevich, Chichikov meets Korobochka, who showed him that the enterprise conceived by him requires caution and subtlety, and not just perseverance. This lesson, however, did not go to Chichikov's future. He hurries to Sobakevich, but unexpectedly meets Nozdryov and decides to go to him.

Chichikov at Nozdrev

Among the main properties of Nozdryov, almost the main thing was the passion to "spoil his neighbor", sometimes without any reason. And Pavel Ivanovich involuntarily falls for this bait. Nozdryov finally reveals the true purpose of Chichikov's acquisition of "dead souls". IN this episode the frivolity and weakness of the hero are revealed. Subsequently, of course, Chichikov scolded himself for acting carelessly, talking about such a delicate matter with Nozdryov. As we can see, purposefulness and perseverance in cases where they go too far, turn into a disadvantage.

Buying "dead souls" from Sobakevich

Chichikov finally arrives at Sobakevich's. An interesting characterization of Chichikov by other characters. All of them have different tempers, and all in their own way relate to the main character. Sobakevich is a persistent and quirky person when it comes to his benefits. He guesses, most likely, why Chichikov needs "dead souls". Sobakevich shamelessly bargains, besides, he also praises his dead peasants. He says that Yeremey Sorokoplekhin, who traded in Moscow, brought 500 rubles per quitrent. This is not like the peasants of some Plyushkin.

Comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin

Let's compare these two characters. Comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin are very curious. After all, Pavel Ivanovich was a serving nobleman, and Plyushkin was a landowner. These are the two classes on which tsarist Russia of that time rested. Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the need for daily work, the inability to do any useful thing makes these heroes related, leading them to a deplorable result. The characterization of Chichikov and Plyushkin is very unattractive. And this is the backbone of the state, the "tables of society"! Curious connections helps to discover in the work Comparative characteristics Chichikov...

Deal with Plushkin

The enterprise conceived by Chichikov ends with a deal with Plyushkin. With this landowner, even money comes out of the living circulation. He put them in one of the boxes, where, probably, they were destined to lie until his death. Chichikov is now on top. All papers are signed, and he turns into a "millionaire" in the eyes of the townsfolk. This is a magic word that opens all roads and affects both scoundrels and good people.

The real biography of Chichikov

Soon, however, Chichikov's triumph ends with the exposure of Nozdrev, who told the authorities that he was trading dead souls. Confusion and turmoil begin in the city, as well as in the mind of the reader. The author saved the true biography of his hero for the finale of the work, in which, finally, a complete and true characterization of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls" is given. Throughout its entire length, Pavel Ivanovich seemed virtuous and decent, but under this guise, as it turned out, a completely different essence was hidden. The characterization of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls", given by the author in the final, is as follows.

It turned out that this was the son of a half-impoverished nobleman, who did not even look like his mother or father. As a child, he had no friends or comrades. And so the father one fine day decided to send the child to the city school. During parting with him there were no tears, but Chichikov was given one clever and important instruction: to study, not to fool, not to hang out, to please bosses and teachers, to save a penny more than anything, since this thing is the most reliable thing in the world.

The unsociable and lonely Pavlusha accepted this instruction with all his heart and was guided by it all his life. He quickly grasped the spirit of the authorities in the classrooms of the school and understood what the “correct” behavior should be. Chichikov sat quietly in the classroom and as a result, not possessing special talents and abilities, he received a certificate at graduation, as well as a special book for trustworthy behavior and exemplary diligence. After graduating from college, Pavlusha plunged into reality: his father died, leaving him as a legacy only 4 jerseys, irretrievably worn out, 2 old frock coats and a small amount of money.

At the same time, which is remarkable, another event occurs that reveals the true qualities of Chichikov, the future swindler. So fond of a humble student, the teacher was fired from the school. He disappeared in a forgotten kennel without a piece of bread. Former arrogant and recalcitrant students raised money for him, and only Pavel Ivanovich limited himself to a penny, while citing his extreme need.

The means by which Chichikov was promoted

Chichikov, it should be noted, was not stingy. However, he imagined a future life with prosperity and in all allowances: excellent arranged house, crews, delicious meals and expensive entertainment. For this, Pavel Ivanovich agreed to starve and selflessly engage in service. He soon realized that honest work would not bring him what he wanted. And Chichikov begins, looking for new opportunities to improve his position, to take care of his boss's daughter. When he finally gets a promotion, he completely forgets about this family. Scams, bribes - this is the path Pavlusha took. He gradually achieves some visible well-being. But now, in the place of his former boss, they appoint a military, strict man, to whom Chichikov could not ingratiate himself. And he is forced to look for other ways to arrange his well-being.

How Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service"

The protagonist of the poem goes to another city. Here, by a lucky chance, he becomes a customs officer and begins to conduct "commercial" relations with smugglers. This criminal conspiracy was revealed after some time, and all those responsible for it, including Chichikov, were brought to justice. This is how, in reality, Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service." Chichikov, taking care of his offspring, decides to commit another scam, which Gogol describes in detail in the poem Dead Souls.

Chichikov - the hero of our time

So, Chichikov, who was brought face to face with the usual, traditional order of things, contributes by his actions to the destruction of the existing order. He lays the foundation for the new. Therefore, we can say in this sense that Chichikov is rightfully the hero of our time.

The characterization of the hero of the work "Dead Souls" (Chichikov) was presented in this article. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote the poem we are interested in in 1842. In it, he was able to talentedly and eloquently depict the perniciousness of the serfdom that existed at that time, its horrific consequences for the entire Russian society. Not just individual people degenerate - the people and the whole state are destroyed along with it. It can be said with certainty that the anti-serf works of Nikolai Vasilyevich played a certain role in bringing about the abolition in our country.

He managed to surprise the audience by naming his seminal work Dead Souls. Despite the intriguing title, this novel is not about ghosts, zombies and ghouls, but about the adventures of Chichikov, a greedy schemer who is ready to do anything for his own benefit.

History of creation

Researchers and literary critics still make up legends about the history of the creation of "Dead Souls". They say that the creator of "" prompted Gogol to the non-trivial plot of the prose poem, but this fact is confirmed only by indirect evidence.

When the poet was in exile in Chisinau, he heard a very remarkable story that in the city of Bender, since joining Russia, no one has died, except for the military. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the 19th century peasants fled to Bessarabia. When the guardians of the law tried to catch the fugitives, these attempts were unsuccessful, because the cunning people took the names of the dead. Therefore, not a single death has been recorded in this town for many years.

The first and modern editions of "Dead Souls"

Pushkin told this news to his colleague in creativity, embellishing it in a literary way, and Gogol took the plot as the basis of his novel and started work on October 7, 1835. In turn, Alexander Sergeevich received the following message:

“I started writing Dead Souls. The plot stretched out for a long novel and, it seems, will be very funny.

It is noteworthy that the author continued to work on his work, traveling through Switzerland and Italy. He treated his creation as a "poet's testament". Returning to Moscow, Gogol read the first chapters of the novel to his friends, and worked on the final version of the first volume in Rome. The book was published in 1841.

Biography and plot

Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich, a former collegiate adviser who pretends to be a landowner, is the main character of the work. The author of the novel covered this character with a veil of secrecy, because the biography of the schemer is not presented scrupulously in the work, even his appearance is described without special characteristics: “neither fat nor thin, neither too old nor too young.”

In principle, such a description of the hero indicates that he is a hypocrite who puts on a mask to match his interlocutor. It is worth remembering how this trickster behaved with Manilov and how he became a completely different person, communicating with Korobochka.

It is known that by origin Chichikov is a poor nobleman, his father was a sick and poor man. But the author does not say anything about the mother of the protagonist. The future buyer of "dead souls", listed as "alive" during the census (he bought them then to fraudulently pledge them to the Board of Trustees and hit a big jackpot) grew up and was brought up in a simple peasant hut, and he never had friends and buddies.

Pavel Chichikov buys "dead souls"

The young man had a "practical" mind and managed to enter the city school, in which he "nibbled on the granite of science", living with his relative. And since then he has never seen his father, who left for the village. Pavel did not have extraordinary abilities like him, but he was distinguished by diligence, neatness, and also, on the advice of his father, fawned over teachers, so he graduated from an educational institution and received a book with golden letters.

It is worth saying that Chichikov showed a talent for speculation from a very early age, especially since his parent gave his offspring the life instruction to “save a penny”. Firstly, Pavlusha saved his own money and kept it like the apple of his eye, and secondly, he thought about how to get capital. He sold the treats offered to his acquaintances, and also fashioned a bullfinch from wax and sold it very profitably. Among other things, Chichikov gathered crowds of onlookers around him, who watched the trained mouse with interest and paid for the performance with coins.

When Pavel Ivanovich graduated from college, a black streak began in his life: his father died. But at the same time, the protagonist of the work received an initial capital of one thousand rubles by selling his father's house and land.

Further, the landowner entered the civil path and changed several places of service, without ceasing to fawn before higher authorities. Wherever the main character was, he even worked in the commission for the construction of a government building and at customs. One can only “envy” Chichikov’s shamelessness: he betrayed his teacher, pretended to be in love with a girl, robbed people, took bribes, etc.

Despite his talent, the main character more than once found himself with a broken trough, but his self-confidence involuntarily arouses admiration. Once a former collegiate councilor ended up in the county town "N", where he tried to impress the inhabitants of this haunted place. Ultimately, the swindler becomes a welcome guest at dinners and social events, but the inhabitants of "N" are unaware of the gloomy intentions of this gentleman, who then arrived to buy up dead souls.

The main character has to conduct business conversations with sellers. Pavel Ivanovich meets the dreamy but inactive Manilov, the stingy Korobochka, the gambling Nozdrev and the realist Sobakevich. It is noteworthy that when describing the characteristics of certain characters, Nikolai Gogol revealed images and psychotypes: such landowners, encountered on the path of Chichikov, can be found in any locality. And in psychiatry there is a term "Plyushkin's syndrome", that is, pathological hoarding.

In the second volume of "Dead Souls", which is covered with legends and tales, Pavel Ivanovich appears before the readers as a man who has become even more dexterous and courteous over time. The protagonist begins to lead a gypsy life and is still trying to acquire the dead peasants, but it becomes not so easy to do this, because the landlords are used to pawning souls in a pawnshop.

But in this volume it was planned to show the regulars of bookstores the moral rebirth of the main character: in the continuation of the novel, Chichikov nevertheless did a good deed, for example, he reconciled Betrishchev and Tentetnikov. In the third volume, the writer was supposed to show the final moral change of Pavel Ivanovich, but, unfortunately, the third volume of Dead Souls was not written at all.

  • According to literary legend, Nikolai Gogol burned a version of the second volume, which he was dissatisfied with. According to another version, the writer sent a white draft into the fire, but his goal was to throw a draft into the oven.
  • The journalist wrote the opera Dead Souls.
  • In 1932, the sophisticated audience enjoyed a play about the adventures of Chichikov, staged by the author of The Master and Margarita.
  • When the book "Dead Souls" was published, indignation fell upon Nikolai Vasilyevich literary critics: the author was accused of slandering Russia.


“Nothing can be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book ...”
“... women, this is such a subject, it’s just nothing to say! One of their eyes is such an endless state into which a person drove in - and remember what your name was! You can’t get him out of there with a hook, nothing.”
"Be that as it may, a man's goal is still undetermined if he has not finally become a firm foot on a solid foundation, and not on some free-thinking chimera of youth."
"Love us black, and everyone will love us white."

The creation of the poem "Dead Souls" fell just at the time when in Russia there was a change in the traditional, outdated foundations of society, reforms were brewing, changes in people's thinking. Even then it was clear that the nobility with its old traditions and outlook on life was slowly dying out, it was to be replaced by new type person. Gogol's goal is to describe the hero of his time, declare him in full voice, describe his positive and explain what his activities will lead to, as well as how it will affect the fate of other people.

The central character of the poem

Nikolai Vasilyevich Chichikov made the central character in the poem, he cannot be called the main character, but it is on him that the plot of the poem rests. The journey of Pavel Ivanovich is the framework for the entire work. It is not for nothing that the author placed the hero’s biography at the very end, the reader is not interested in Chichikov himself, he is curious about his actions, why he collects these dead souls and what it will lead to in the end. Gogol does not even try to reveal the nature of the character, but he introduces the peculiarities of his thinking, thus giving a hint where to look for the essence of this act of Chichikov. Childhood is where the roots come from, even at a tender age the hero formed his own worldview, vision of the situation and the search for ways to solve problems.

Description of Chichikov

The childhood and early years of Pavel Ivanovich are unknown to the reader at the beginning of the poem. Gogol portrayed his character as faceless and voiceless: against the backdrop of bright, colorful images of landowners with their quirks, Chichikov's figure is lost, becomes small and insignificant. He has neither his own face nor the right to vote, the hero resembles a chameleon, skillfully adapting to his interlocutor. This is an excellent actor and psychologist, he knows how to behave in a given situation, instantly determines the character of a person and does everything to win him over, says only what they want to hear from him. Chichikov skillfully plays a role, pretends to hide true feelings, tries to be his own among strangers, but he does all this in order to achieve the main goal - his own well-being.

The childhood of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov

A person's worldview is formed at a young age, so many of his actions in adulthood can be explained by studying his biography well. What guided him, why he collected dead souls, what he wanted to achieve with this - all these questions are answered. The hero’s childhood cannot be called happy, he was constantly haunted by boredom and loneliness. Pavlush did not know any friends or entertainment in his youth, he did monotonous, tedious and completely uninteresting work, listened to the reproaches of his sick father. The author did not even hint about maternal affection. One conclusion can be drawn from this - Pavel Ivanovich wanted to make up for lost time, to receive all the benefits that were not available to him in childhood.

But do not think that Chichikov is a soulless cracker, thinking only about his enrichment. He was a kind, active and sensitive child, subtly perceiving the world. The fact that he often ran away from his nanny in order to explore places never seen before indicates Chichikov's curiosity. Childhood shaped his character, taught him to achieve everything on his own. Father taught Pavel Ivanovich to save money and please bosses and rich people, and he put these instructions into practice.

Chichikov's childhood and studies were gray and uninteresting, he tried in every possible way to break into people. First, he pleased the teacher in order to become a favorite student, then he promised the boss to marry his daughter in order to get a promotion, working at customs, he convinces everyone of his honesty and impartiality, and he makes a huge fortune on smuggling. But Pavel Ivanovich does all this not with malicious intent, but with the sole purpose of making his childhood dream of a big and bright house, a caring and loving wife, a bunch of cheerful children come true.

Chichikov's communication with the landowners

Pavel Ivanovich could find an approach to everyone, from the first minutes of communication to understand what a person is. For example, he did not stand on ceremony with Korobochka, he spoke in a patriarchal-pious and even slightly patronizing tone. With the landowner, Chichikov felt relaxed, used colloquial, rude expressions, completely adjusting to the woman. With Manilov, Pavel Ivanovich is pompous and amiable to the point of cloying. He flatters the landowner, uses flowery phrases in his speech. Refusing the proposed treat, even Plyushkin was pleased by Chichikov. "Dead Souls" very well demonstrate the changeable nature of a person, because Pavel Ivanovich adapted to the mores of almost all landowners.

What does Chichikov look like in the eyes of other people?

The activities of Pavel Ivanovich greatly frightened the city officials and landlords. At first they compared him with the romantic robber Rinald Rinaldin, then they began to look for similarities with Napoleon, thinking that he had escaped from the island of Helena. In the end, the real Antichrist was recognized in Chichikovo. Of course, such comparisons are absurd and even to some extent comical, Gogol ironically describes the fear of narrow-minded landowners, their speculation about why they actually collect Chichikov dead souls. The characterization of the character hints that the characters are no longer the same as they were before. The people could be proud, take an example from the great commanders and defenders, and now there are no such people, they were replaced by selfish Chichikovs.

The real "I" of the character

One would think that Pavel Ivanovich is an excellent psychologist and actor, since he easily adapts to the people he needs, instantly guesses their character, but is it really so? The hero was never able to adapt to Nozdryov, because arrogance, arrogance, familiarity are alien to him. But even here he is trying to adapt, because the landowner is incredibly rich, hence the appeal to “you”, the boorish tone of Chichikov. Childhood taught Pavlusha to please the right people, so he is ready to step over himself, to forget about his principles.

At the same time, Pavel Ivanovich practically does not pretend to be with Sobakevich, because they are united by serving the “penny”. And with Plyushkin, Chichikov has some similarities. The character tore off the poster from the post, having read it at home, folded it neatly and put it in a chest in which all sorts of unnecessary things were stored. This behavior is very much like Plyushkin, who is prone to hoarding various rubbish. That is, Pavel Ivanovich himself did not depart so far from the same landowners.

The main goal in the life of the hero

And once again money - it was for this that Chichikov collected dead souls. The characterization of the character indicates that he invents various frauds not just for the sake of profit, there is no stinginess and stinginess in him. Pavel Ivanovich dreams that the time will come when he will finally be able to use his savings, live a calm, prosperous life, not thinking about tomorrow.

The attitude of the author to the hero

There is an assumption that in subsequent volumes Gogol planned to re-educate Chichikov, to make him repent of his actions. Pavel Ivanovich in the poem is not opposed to the landowners or officials, he is the hero of the capitalist formation, the “primary accumulator”, who replaced the nobility. Chichikov is a skilled businessman, an entrepreneur who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. The scam with dead souls failed, but Pavel Ivanovich did not suffer any punishment either. The author hints that there are a huge number of such Chichikovs in the country, and no one wants to stop them.

I have been thinking about this trip around the city for a long time. Not for acquaintance with the capital - for the rich fates of life in Mexico, the streets and squares are already trodden vdozh and across. I just wanted to take a closer look, cheer those who are not put on display - the life of ordinary people.

The reception was frowned upon by the singing world: a foreigner, whom you call for a "gringo", people are reluctant to open their souls, shy away. Additional vipadok: Mexican friends got to know me Jose Ramires, a young good-natured lad, a grower of vegetables and fruits in the central market; and then take me to work with you.

José checks me on the bus bells, squinting coldly, and, schib zіgrіtisya, іnоdі vіdhodiv ubіk vіd cherzі і like a childish boxing wіth аn obvious opponent. The new boule was wearing a T-shirt and dark blue jeans, tight-fitting legs.

Bulo early frown wounds. Fog hung on the wasteland of the kalamutny veil, and low houses stood on the far side of the road - life of the dead - the ice could be broken apart. Behind them already, maybe, the place was running out. All around deserted, and only a handful of people, whose teeth were tightly huddled together, tolerantly checked the bus. Disguised as they were, remembering them with an uneasy sleep, they hooted displeasure. Wanting people, sing-songly, chirped here for many days, the stench behaved as if they didn’t know: they moaned, or they cursed at those who hadn’t been on the bus for a long time.

Nareshti bus pіdіyshov, rumble and vivergayuchi black dim. A replica of one of my friends was guessed: “Be safer to fly into space, don’t ride on these jalopies.” The bus transport was full of bells and whistles at the press - the masters did not hurry to renovate the park, and the cars looked really antediluvian. In the newspaper chronicle, there were reports about accidents, especially tragic ones on the highway, and the stench often ended in a fatal crash near the river.

In the world closest to the center, the bus filled up all the gaps and gaps. The driver’s language included sales of tickets. The skin of the passenger was redeemed with water, the procedure took an hour to finish, but the gentlemen - again, for the sake of savings - they put the undersized mother on the conductor’s bus.

The one on the right urged two people to enter in short phrases: “Get back! There is a moon there!” I to you at the next stop of the bus now angrily, then malignantly domed: "You should come here, boy!"

After the empty center, labor quarters are rebuilt. In the midst of gloomy years, the walls were smoked, black-red patches were smeared on the missing plaster, self-made whiskey over the benches, covered with irzhey and a saw, inducing tautness. On a deserted street, a low woman and a ditlakhiv hung out in front of the door of a shop where they would sell milk at lower prices (subsidized order).

The market "La Merced" speaks about its close presence to the growing rhythm of human life. In the present quarters, everything is already in a state of turmoil, it has gone to pieces. The poor people wiyshov for jokes їzhi and small pennies - whoever sells it, whoever buys for a meager peso simple їzhi or unshowy clothes.

On the small square of Candelaria, near the shabby walls beaten by the hour, women lay out on tin trays dimlyachs in olive corn, swings and draglets of boiled meat. a shirt or a shirt, and if you lose a few more pennies, then celebrate a modest luncheon meal.

Cantini in this region show a clear way of life - no extramundane things: a sprat of rough wood "of the tables and polished with the sleeves of a style. the canteen does not sway the door, but two high chairs, on springs, the middle and the name are raised; if a person is standing behind them, you can see his legs up to his knees and the ceiling. The old one, who was sitting in front, categorically declaring that there are no doors for one single reason - that of the one who gets drunk, hitting, when leaving, not bumping into her, but, squeezing on the chairs, leaning over Having rebutted and said that the chairs were short in the mountains and below, that the cantina was easily brought to the outer light - it was easier to call for help, if you were sleeping with the beat. such an attachment of doors is assigned to Indians, that they come here from the village: in the door of the stink of fearfulness of going out, do not hang around, but to kick people’s feet, that one can smell the rich homin, and fear arises.

I poshkoduvav, scho so pizno roztanuv lid vіzhennya between me and the passengers, - the bus, like an ungrateful hippopotamus, already climbed onto the near-market Maidanchik, making its way between cars and all-pervading people.

Market "La Merced" - two majestic critical blocks - weaning human goosebumps, in which the skin is purposefully engaged. Everyone is getting ready for the cob of trading, and this spirit is putting a win on the behavior of people. Golden bananas are piled on the ground with poods of weight. On a living conveyor, hand in hand, they fly, like green m "boxes, kavuni. Crawling under the vag of dekilkoh boxes or bears, krekchuch and crouching, the crewmen collapse. "I hit! I hit!" - shout those who transport goods on carriages. Deyaki with the same camp are roaming under the awnings;

In this wild vir_ one sees little servants of the market - lads of rokiv at seven or eight, they stand with carriages and check, if there is a buyer in the car, to attack him with a gleam and to propagate his services - to carry goods along the rows for a penny fee.

In the market itself, under a high dash, rows stretch - from one kіntsya you won’t win another. Yaskravo-chervonimi humpbacks, behind which you can’t see the seller forever, lie tomatoes. And the charge is a bulk of greenery, fiery spicy chile peppers. And on all the counters, which stretch for hundreds of meters, a bubbling symphony of colors, rich gifts of the Mexican land.

"La Merced" is not just a Russian market, but a whole shopping mall. At yoga budіlyakh they sell clothes and metal wool, fish and canaries, cheap handicrafts and bread. Kozhen Goods are brought in a different manner: one with tales and jarts, with an hour of saltiness, in a hush, one word is repeated to the point of hoarseness - naming the product; dehto navіt to bring a program and a popular song to attract buyers.

To the market, as if hungry to їzhі, to reach out to the unfortunate. Only foreign merchants feel themselves impressed here, knowing what to buy with a surplus. Bagato is selling someone else's goods, otrimuyuchi for the price of a small amount of money. A great army is being built up by those who can’t have a direct relationship to trade, weeping at the hope that in this majestic sea of ​​​​people you can go hungry and get a small portion of pesos, proponuyu someone of your services. You should be ordered to bury the car, and if it’s on the nіy є vm "yatin, then in an hour, while you walk around the market, you can straighten it out; you are boldly asked to carry a bag with important luggage, clean the slippers, buy a newspaper ...

Children of various age-old groups of natan themselves: the children of not all the buildings sing this, and the need for the vishtovkhy children to go to the street in jokes like a hedgehog, like knowledge and unbelievable love. not namagavsya in their own way, we grow up.

The child's wickedness is turbulent in power. The head of one of the police departments of the Federal District, Estrada Ojeda, said in his time that, behind the approximate fagots, in the capitals and outskirts of the city there are close to a thousand organized gangs, which are formed mainly from young people in the neighborhoods. Exhaustion in liquoreries and police stations showed that on an average day in Mexico City there are 30 attacks, more than a hundred thieves.

Barring the entrance to the market, the hurdy-gurdy was wearily sleeping. Lyudina in a tarpaulin robe and a shabby military cap, with a turn of the handle of a vitiskav from an old red screen, the popular waltz “Over the Whistleblowers”. The organ-grinder feels yogo rich a thousand times, absolutely knowing, perhaps, the sound of a skin note and, maybe, in a way tediously and summarily marveling at one point on the earth, nibbling, that the stars are about to appear.

Tse your hurdy-gurdy?

Yakby is my bula ... - vidpoviv organ-grinder deshchoo frozen.

And whose is it?

- Take it here...

What brothers?

The Gaona is their calling. They have two hurdy-gurdies, and we take two pieces for rent.

And how can you go?

Anything, patron. Day after day is not brought. I first need to send a few pesos, so that I can win the favor of the Lord for renting a hurdy-gurdy. Reshta - sobi. Call and call, to eat. The axis of the saint is good: people are in a good mood, do not skimp.

Evidently, they didn’t often speak to the katerinnik, and out of the satisfaction of the door, sharing their troubles:

Bagato give us dribnitsa from the heart. І on a thin kіnets - іz spіvchuttya. And then you know something like a badass, so I strive to figure it out. "Hey ti, hello, pratsyuvati treba!" - scream. Bach ti yaky ~ ti joke to the robot! And call on your shoulders this important box and wander, spend the whole day, not asking for mercy, - why, rozvaga hіba?

The lad was dispersing all the time, and yogo was importantly zupiniti.

And the master does not give indulgence. If you want, let the robots go for three days. And pay rent. But the hurdy-gurdy zipsuetsya - even if they stink all the more old, - those are the same for their rahunok. Once I put in a pen: there behind my back on a charmer, you can’t see it, it was torn, singsongly. And the gentleman vimahaє: "Pay!"

Unacceptable thoughts and spogadi roared the organ grinder. Vіn becoming natyagati zaplіchnі belts, getting ready to destroy on the road.

There are few decent listeners here today. I'll go faster.

Then we wandered with José along the dovkolishnih streets - Juan de la Granja, Candelaria, San Cuprian, Frey Servando, and many other people. José told that he is one of the "filthy" districts of the capital, where eternal need nests and її terrible companions - bezpritulnіst, rudeness of vdachas and wickedness. Win a moment bi and don’t talk about it - the picture is zlidniv and so bula dosit Krasnomovna. Bagato budinkov dilapidated. Here and there, up to the walls, pribudovs with zherstі and plywood lay down.

Near the water column stood women with buckets. We talked with one of them, summery, serious, more ohayno dressed up.

It’s not easy for us to be brought up,” she said. “It’s necessary to cripple the souls of people. Molodі, scho mozhut stink here? Get up vrantsy lad - where to go? Like at home, have tortillas or beans, wake up. And no, so the new one has turboti - de post? Go to the street, to the market. Hunger, you know, merciless, shtovhaє everything. Good, she went on, - if the lads go to work, they can bring purchases anyway. And if not, - where to go? Axis and zazіhnut on a stranger, what a rotten lie. If you grind it like that, two - and the vada has already planted it. And the entrustment is to the lost people, they don’t spend anything on them. Sound "fellow with them, and the road to the gang is straight ahead.

What do you mean in a gang? - I asked.

Our neighborhood always knows a bat, like a group of young lads and leading them. bracelets.

Vaughn marveled at us with her summed eyes, lifted the winds, and, swaying, went out of the yard, bending over, to pass under the wet whiteness, as if it was drying on her feet.

Then one policeman, who knew José, told me about the names that they fought during the days of street life:

You don't know anything here. You ask someone: “Where are you alive Bisky?” (these are the bats of one of the bands). And you have an answer: “I don’t know.” - “What is the name of that woman?” I repeat: “I don’t know.” - “How is your I?” І tezh zdivovane: “And now?” People swear one by one: one through fearful revenge, and others simply to those who feel unreasonable hostility to the representatives of the government.

We said goodbye to Jose late in the evening. Maybe it’s like a hundred bags of our acquaintance, saying shyly:

In your field, I would call a drawing about those who shove me like this: "Mexico without exotics."