Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the popularity of the work, which raises the question of eternal values, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

"The Master and Margarita" is an unusual novel, because the theme of love is touched upon in it only in the second part. It seems that the writer was trying to prepare the reader for the correct perception. The love story of the Master and Margarita is a kind of challenge to the surrounding routine, a protest against passivity, a desire to resist various circumstances.

Unlike the theme of Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov forces Margarita, and not the Master, to contact the devil and find herself in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, so cheerful and restless, who turned out to be the only character who dared to make a dangerous deal. To meet her lover, she was willing to risk anything. That's how it started love story Masters and Margaritas.

Making a novel

Work on the novel began around 1928. Initially, the work was called "The Romance of the Devil". At that time, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decides to thoroughly return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. After 5 years, the well-known name "Master and Margarita" appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrote the novel anew. This takes about 6 months. The six notebooks he wrote became the first complete handwritten novel. A few later, he is already dictating his novel on a typewriter. A huge amount of work was completed in less than a month. Such is the history of writing. The Master and Margarita, the great novel, ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects a paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue, which has survived to this day.

Later, Bulgakov had new ideas, but there were no corrections.

History of the Master and Margarita. Briefly about acquaintance

The meeting of two lovers was rather unusual. Walking down the street, Margarita carried a bouquet of rather strange flowers in her hands. But the Master was struck not by the bouquet, not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the Master if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into a ditch. Later Master will tell Ivan that love between them broke out suddenly, comparing it with a killer in an alley. Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending - after all, the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book that was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who could understand his work, feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

It becomes clear where the sadness in the eyes of the girl comes from, after she admits that she went out that day to find her love, otherwise she would have been poisoned, because a life in which there is no love is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

The birth of a feeling

After meeting with her lover, Margarita's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The Master is next to her. Once, when she sewed a black hat for her beloved, she embroidered a yellow letter M on it. And from that moment she began to call him Master, urging him on and predicting glory for him. Rereading the novel, she repeated phrases that sunk into her soul and concluded that her life was in that novel. But in it was the life of not only her, but also the Master.

But the Master did not manage to print his novel, he was subjected to sharp criticism. Fear filled his mind, developed Watching the grief of her beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

Once the Master threw the manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched what was left from the oven, as if trying to save their feelings. But this did not happen, the Master disappeared. Margarita is left alone again. But the story of the novel "The Master and Margarita" was Once a black magician appeared in the city, the girl dreamed of the Master, and she realized that they would definitely see each other again.

The appearance of Woland

For the first time, he appears before Berlioz, who in conversation reject the divinity of Christ. Woland tries to prove that both God and the Devil exist in the world.

Woland's task is to extract the genius of the Master and the beautiful Margarita from Moscow. He, with his retinue, provokes unholy acts in Muscovites and convinces people that they will go unpunished, but then he punishes them himself.

Long-awaited meeting

On the day when Margarita had a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted to her that a meeting with the Master was possible. But she was faced with a choice: turn into a witch or never see her beloved. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult, she was ready for anything, just to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked how he could help Margarita, she immediately asked for a meeting with the Master. At that moment, her lover appeared before her. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, the story of the Master and Margarita could have ended, but the connection with Satan does not end well.

Death of the Master and Margarita

It turned out that the Master was out of his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the Master is worthy to be cured, and asks Satan about it. Woland fulfills Margarita's request, and he and the Master return to their basement again, where they begin to dream about their future.

After that, the lovers drink Falerno wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland to another world. And even though the love story of the Master and Margarita ends here, the love itself remains eternal!

Unusual love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Woland himself acts as an assistant to the lovers.

The fact is that when love visited the events began to take shape not at all as we would like. It turns out that all the world for the fact that the couple was not happy. And it is at this moment that Woland appears. The relationship of lovers depends on the book written by the Master. At that moment, when he tries to burn everything written, he still does not realize that the manuscripts do not burn, due to the fact that they contain the truth. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript to Margarita.

The girl completely surrenders to a great feeling, and this is the most a big problem love. The Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give her soul to the Devil.

Using this example, Bulgakov showed that each person must make his own fate and not ask higher powers no help.

The work and its author

The master is considered an autobiographical hero. The age of the Master in the novel is about 40 years old. Bulgakov was at the same age when he wrote this novel.

The author lived in the city of Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in the 10th building, in the 50th apartment, which became the prototype of the “bad apartment”. The Music Hall in Moscow served as the Variety Theatre, which was located near the “bad apartment”.

The second wife of the writer testified that the prototype of the Behemoth cat was their pet Flyushka. The only thing that the author changed in the cat was the color: Flushka was a gray cat, and Behemoth was black.

The phrase "Manuscripts do not burn" was used more than once by Bulgakov's favorite writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become a real one and will remain the subject of discussion for many centuries to come.

In the novel "The Master and Margarita" the themes of history and religion, creativity and everyday life are closely intertwined. But the most important place in the novel is occupied by the love story of the master and Margarita. This story line adds to the work of tenderness and shrillness. Without the theme of love, the image of the master could not be fully revealed. The unusual genre of the work - a novel within a novel - allows the author to both distinguish and unite the biblical and lyrical lines, to develop them fully in two parallel worlds.

fatal meeting

Love between the master and Margarita broke out as soon as they saw each other. “Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumping out of the ground ... and hit us both at once!” - this is how the master tells Ivan Bezdomny in the hospital, where he ends up after the rejection of his novel by critics. He compares the surging feelings with lightning or a sharp knife: “This is how lightning strikes! This is how the Finnish knife strikes!

The master first saw his future beloved on a deserted street. She attracted his attention because she "carried in her hands disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers."

This mimosa became, as if a signal to the master, that in front of him was his muse, with loneliness and fire in his eyes.

Both the master and the unhappy wife of a rich but unloved husband, Margarita, were completely alone in this world before their strange meeting. As it turns out, the writer was previously married, but he does not even remember the name of his ex-wife, about whom he does not keep in his soul, neither memories nor warmth. And he remembers everything about Margarita, the tone of her voice, the way she spoke when she came, and what she did in his basement room.

After their first meeting, Margarita began to come every day to her lover. She helped him in the work on the novel, and she herself lived by this work. For the first time in her life, her inner fire and inspiration found their purpose and application, just as the masters listened and understood for the first time, because from the first meeting they spoke as if they parted yesterday.

The completion of the master's novel was a test for them. But already born love was destined to pass it, and many other tests, in order to show the reader that a true kinship of souls exists.

Master and Margarita

The true love of the master and Margarita in the novel is the embodiment of the image of love in the understanding of Bulgakov. Margarita is not just beloved and loving woman, she is a muse, she is the inspiration of the author and his own pain, materialized in the image of Margaret the witch, which in righteous anger destroys the apartment of an unjust critic.

The heroine loves the master with all her heart, and seems to breathe life into his small apartment. She gives her inner strength and energy to the novel of her lover: “she sang and loudly repeated certain phrases ... and said that her life was in this novel.”

The refusal to publish the novel, and later the devastating criticism of the passage, it is not known how it got into print, hurts both the master and Margarita equally painfully. But, if the writer is broken by this blow, then Margarita is seized by insane rage, she even threatens to "poison Latunsky." But the love of these lonely souls continues to live its own life.

Test of love

In The Master and Margarita, love is stronger than death, stronger than the master's disappointment and Margarita's anger, stronger than Woland's tricks and the condemnation of others.

This love is destined to pass the flame of creativity and the cold ice of critics, it is so strong that it cannot find peace even in heaven.

The heroes are very different, the master is calm, thoughtful, he has a soft character and a weak, vulnerable heart. Margarita is strong and sharp, more than once describing her, Bulgakov uses the word "flame". Fire burns in her eyes and brave, strong heart. She shares this fire with the master, she breathes this flame into the novel, and even the yellow flowers in her hands resemble lights against the background of a black coat and a slushy spring. The master embodies reflection, thought, while Margarita embodies action. She is ready for anything for the sake of her beloved, and sell her soul, and become the queen of the devil's ball.

The strength of the feelings of the master and Margarita is not only in love. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Before their meeting, they did not experience happiness, having parted after - they would not have learned to live separately from each other. Therefore, probably, Bulgakov decides to end the life of his heroes, in return giving them eternal peace and solitude.


Against the backdrop of the biblical story of Pontius Pilate, the love story of the master and Margarita seems even more lyrical and poignant. This is love for which Margarita is ready to give her soul, since she is empty without a loved one. Being insanely lonely before their meeting, the heroes gain understanding, support, sincerity and warmth. This feeling is stronger than all the obstacles and bitterness that befalls the fate of the main characters of the novel. And it is this that helps them to find eternal freedom and eternal peace.

The description of love experiences and the history of the relationship of the main characters of the novel can be used by students of grade 11 while writing an essay on the topic “Love of the Master and Margarita”

Artwork test

This type of poetic work I call Extraction.
The technology is as follows: we take the book of M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", pencil and proceed.
If the line is poetic, leave it. If prosaic - cross out. So the master cuts off everything superfluous from a block of marble and receives a sculpture. So once I happened to EXTRACT the poetic content of The Master and Margarita. Naturally, a number of fragments are absolutely forced by the author and M.A. Bulgakov does not bear the slightest responsibility for this kind of my work.


All decorations are grey. Gray lawns, gray benches, gray trees, gray houses, gray iron grate patterns, gray skies. Gray sound background: the screech of brakes, disharmonious street noise, screams, beeping, the roar of a tram, the roar of engines.
Two silent endless streams of gray figures of people are moving towards each other on the stage. Two beams snatch out in two corners of the stage the figures of the Master - in a white suit, and Margarita - in a scarlet dress with a yellow bouquet of flowers.
They stand and do not see each other.
We saw. Eclipse. Thunder. Lightning.
The gray streams of people are disappearing.
Master and Margarita together.
A huge black cat runs down the proscenium.
Another eclipse. In the reflection of lightning, two white figures of the Master and Margarita are visible. Between them is the gigantic laughing face of Satan. Full light. Everything is filled with color. It sounds like a beautiful melody that torments the soul. Violin. The master approaches Margarita, passes by, returns.
They slowly walk side by side.


Do you like my flowers?

Not at all!


You don't like flowers at all?

No. I like flowers, but not like this...


What kind of flowers do you like?


Roses? How lovely!
And the color? You don't care about color, do you?

The color of scarlet blood! Rose the color of blood
Fallen on pure white snow!


And you are a poet!

Oh no! I am not a poet!


Where does this combination come from?

I walked, looked at you, and it seemed to me ...


It seemed like what? What rose am I?

What do you...


Yes, speak! After all, now you seemed
What a rose I am, fallen on the snow!

I was shocked...


What? ... Beauty?

Yes, you are beautiful... but...


Not beauty?!

Crazy loneliness ... in the eyes!


Ah, how right you are! Yes! I'm alone!
I'm completely alone... Here!

What is this?



Poison maybe...


Yes! I! I guessed that, as soon as
I will not meet anyone in an empty crowd,
I'll take the poison...

This is a coincidence!!
How strange it is...


Strange what?

After all, my hero keeps repeating
The same phrase over and over...


What phrase?

Poison! Give me poison!


Here you see! You are still a poet!
You also have a hero. And straight to me
Now I want poison! Give me poison!

You are also alone, just like me!


And you... Are you married?

Was once...


On this ... how ... I forgot ...


are you divorced?

Probably... I don't remember...
Yes, it does not matter, finally!


And I'm married ... And yet lonely!

Are you married? For whom?


For whom? Doesn't matter!
He is kind, handsome, smart... He is a celebrity!

Is he young?


Yes! He is young and rich!
We have a mansion, a servant, a dacha...

Does he love you?


Yes! Loves! Crazy!

What about children? Do you have children?


No, fortunately no...
I do not love him! I don't need this one!
He is too correct, without any flaw!
Why love him?

For kindness...


It's not his fault!

Did he harm you?


This is terrible!

So who do you need? Devil or God?


So I re-read Goethe the other day,
And I realized who I love ...



Masters! Yes Yes! I need a master!
What in the world of evil out of evil creates good!
I need a Master who creates this world!
It doesn't matter how! Perhaps over the retort,
Like Faust, he conjures days and nights,
Perhaps he writes music ... deaf ...
Let him be a blind singer - a cripple!
Let it not be separated from the pen!
Words and lines in passionate ecstasy,
Connects like elements...
Let him seek the truth ... even with an ax
Transforms a tree or a brush
And the old canvas is alive with colors...

In short, you need such a craftsman
What can create something out of nothing!
And that "something" was perfect!


Yes Yes Yes Yes! One hundred million yes!

But where to find one, here's the rub!


I believe he will find me!
I even decided to give him a sign,
So that from afar, in a monotonous crowd
He was able to find me...

Are these flowers?


Yes! Throw them: let the lighthouse go out.
Tell me, are you the Master?

I don't know...
I wrote one novel, and only...
One more chapter left...
Also, as one editor said,
The novel is badly written...


What is the novel about?

About Pontius Pilate...


I haven't heard of this... alas...
And what is your name?

Right, I don't remember...
Since I sat down to write, I forgot about the world...
Yes, the name was ... but, alas, I do not remember ...


God bless him, with a name ... I will call you Master!

And your name is probably Margarita?


You guessed! How did you guess?

Yes, so ... a detail in the novel ...


Here's a riddle!
May I have a look at the novel?
You won't refuse?


Now! Immediately!

But right... I don't know...



No, why... if you want...


Yes, I would like... You let me in
Where is your sacrament performed?
Where from ordinary, boring words
Hope and suffering arise?

I'm afraid that after those choruses in which
Your life went on... my cellar...


How lovely! Right, I'm delighted!
I thought so! And... do you have a fireplace?

A simple stove, and raw firewood ...


And a stool and an old round table?

And a stool, and an old round table!
You guessed! How did you guess?


Firewood crackling in dim light
I can barely make out the lines...




Now I know exactly who I need!

Who is Margaret?


I need you, you!
Ah, how you write! From the very first page
Anyone will understand that this is written by the Master!
I revel in every new line
I admire every turn
Plot... And the fate of your heroes
I feel like it's my destiny!
I read and do not believe my eyes,
As in reality I see these scenes:
Here is Herod's Great Palace!

/lights up on stage/

Here is the fifth procurator of Judea
Pilate-vicero of the Roman ruler,
With his cavalry gait
Out into the colonnade: a white cloak,
The lining is bloody... The sun has just risen!

The action of the immortal Bulgakov's novel is clearly tied to places in the descriptions of which the writer is very specific, and therefore the experts managed to identify most of them, which I linked into a single excursion. This is the second version of it, combining numerous posts with fragments of a large route. Perhaps you will go through the entire route, perhaps you will miss something or be content with some section - the choice is yours.
When compiling the route, I tried to make it roughly correspond to the plot of the novel: start where it began, end too. Unfortunately, then I would have to return a lot, so the resulting version is a compromise between the plot and the geography of Moscow streets. Most of the photographs were taken in early May, the week before Easter, that is, at the same time as in the novel. It is true that the city was not this year in the state we know so well, when "the sun, having heated Moscow, fell in a dry fog somewhere beyond the Garden Ring", but the spring was early and violent, so that the state of mind and weather approximately corresponded to the same necessary.
But enough preface. "Follow me, reader!"
Main trajectory: Metro station Mayakovskaya — Bolshaya Sadovaya st. - Garden Aquarium (Variety was here) - B. Sadovaya, 10 (in the courtyard - a bad apartment and the Bulgakov Museum) - Ermolaevsky per. - Patriarch's Ponds (no comment) - B. Patriarch's Lane. - Spiridonovka (path of Bezdomny chasing Woland and his retinue, 17 - one of the candidates for Margarita's house) - Nikitsky Gate Square - along Tverskoy Boulevard to house 25 (Massolit) and back - Tverskaya Street - Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane (here the Master met and Margarita) - return to the Nikitsky Gate Square (you can skip this branch) - Bolshaya Nikitskaya st. - Knife lane. - Maly Rzhevsky per., 6 (the best candidate for Margarita's house in my opinion) - B. Rzhevsky per. - st. M. Molchanovka (yard of house 10 - 3 sculptures by Rukavishnikov to the monument to the heroes of the novel) - go to Novy Arbat - Arbatsky per. — Arbat — Turn into Bolshaya Nikolopeskovsky per. (Margarita flew here and smashed the Dramlit House) - Arbat, 54 (Torgsin) - Denezhny per. - M. Levshinsky per. - Mansurovsky lane, 9 (the house of the Master and probably Margarita went to him in approximately the same way - and maybe by neighboring lanes) - Ostozhenka, 21 (the most beautiful candidate for Margarita's house) - 1st Zachatievsky lane, d. 13 (Here Bezdomny was looking for Woland, this is my personal reference, unlike others found in different sources) - Prechistenskaya Embankment (Here Bezdomny swam) - walk to the Kropotkinskaya metro station, get to the Vorobyovy Gory station and climb the cable car to the observation deck - view of Moscow from the Sparrow Hills (Farewell!), or (shorter version) view of Moscow from the Patriarchal Bridge

We start from the Mayakovskaya metro station (corner of Tverskaya and B. Sadovaya streets). Our first object according to B. Sadova - the Aquarium Garden - Variety was located here and Woland's retinue dealt with Varenukha ( .

The next address is the famous "bad apartment" (B. Sadovaya, 10, walk quite a bit along B. Sadovaya and turn into the courtyard at the sign).
It was not in vain that Woland sought to settle there - Variety was within easy reach. .

However, Woland did not live here, but in an apartment located in the next entrance on the fourth floor. A staircase leads there, which in itself is a cultural phenomenon. Here are my first impressions from there.
"... You need to visit this entrance. The already forgotten well of old Moscow stairs is covered with dense layers. Here are Choi, and Diana Arbenina and classic inscriptions like "Vasya was here" and "Gods, gods, how sad our life is" and poems (apparently our own) and a black cat painted on the window.In general, four floors we make our way between the "talking walls", saturated with the spirit of what the people wanted to say in the face of the heroes of the novel.The finishing touch is a bum sleeping in the middle of the last flight of stairs ."

The staircase is periodically painted over, and then painted over again. And in the apartment is

Then we return to the beginning of the novel and head to the Patriarch's Ponds, which are very close by.
Well, what can I say about the Patriarchs? Probably everything has already been said by Bulgakov. You can just walk around and try to imagine where the same shop stood where Woland talked about Pontius Pilate, and where on the side of Bronnaya there was the same turnstile, near which Annushka spilled oil.

We go around the pond and along Bolshoy Patriarchal Lane we exit to Spiridonovka. Here, catching up with Woland, Bezdomny ran along Spiridonovka, and in the epilogue, "through Spiridonovka, with empty and blind eyes, he goes into the Arbat lanes."

Here we pay attention to house 17 - the mansion of Savva Morozov (architect Shekhtel) - the first "candidate" on our way to Margarita's house. In general, something strange is going on with Margarita's house: none of the options is completely suitable, and it was about him that Bulgakov wrote: "Let him turn to me, I will tell him the address, show him the way - the mansion is still intact." The large number of "candidates" for Margarita's house and the shortcomings of each of them make us think that it may not have survived to this day. Nevertheless, each of the "candidates" is interesting and beautiful in its own way.

It indirectly intersects with the plot of the novel, which is also the M. Gorky Museum. It is instructive to look here directly after the Bulgakov Museum in order to compare the living conditions of Soviet writers.

Spiridonovka leads us to the Nikitsky Gate Square. Further on, the paths of Woland and his companions separated, and the possible routes branched out accordingly. You can walk along Bolshaya Nikitskaya to the Alexander Garden (this is exactly how, judging by the text, Bezdomny was chasing Woland), where he talked with Margarita Azazello, and return to Arbatskaya Square along Znamenka, glancing at the building of the Pashkov house standing on the corner of Mokhovaya and Znamenka, " one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow, a building built about one and a half years ago", on a stone terrace on the roof of which, in the last chapters of the novel, Woland watched the thickening thunderstorm and where Levi Matthew came to him. You can go from Nikitskaya Square along Nikitsky Boulevard to Arbatskaya Square (Koroviev went there by tram). But our route will make a small branch and go along another boulevard - Tverskoy (perhaps this is how Behemoth went on the footboard of the tram).
We reach house 25: "an old two-story cream-colored house was located on the boulevard ring in the depths of a stunted garden, separated from the sidewalk of the ring by a carved iron grate."

Now it is the building of the Literary Institute, and in the novel - the House of Griboyedov, or MASSOLIT. By the way, another opportunity to get closer to the MASSOLIT spirit is to dine in the famous oak hall of the restaurant of the modern House of Writers - CDL, Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 53 - where, as far as I know, everyone is now allowed in.
From Tverskoy Boulevard we exit to Tverskaya, we pass along it quite a bit and turn into Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane. It was here that the meeting of the Master and Margarita took place (remember: "She turned from Tverskaya into an alley and then turned around ... We walked silently along the crooked, boring alley"). And we will pass this way along a twisting alley.

Returning to Nikitsky Gate Square, we continue the route, repeating the path of Bezdomny in the epilogue - along Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street to Nozhovoy Lane and further to Maly Rzhevsky Lane, 6 - this is where the most suitable (in my subjective opinion) "candidate" for Margarita's house is located ( .

It is a pity that the "false jaw" of Novy Arbat, which appeared much after Bulgakov, no longer makes it possible to trace the path of Margarita's flight. Therefore, I want to pass it as quickly as possible, like an annoying obstacle on the Bulgakov route. However, on the outskirts of Novy Arbat there is another object that deserves attention. "In the backyard" of the Dom Knigi store on Novy Arbat (the courtyard of house No. 10 on Malaya Molchanovka Street) there are sculptures - the work of Alexander Rukavishnikov, (see also the top photo)

Then we cross the Novy Arbat along the underpass near the House of the Book and exit to the Arbat. The Arbat today is lacquered and filled with catering and entertainment establishments, it has little in common with the Arbat, where "the roofs of buses, trolleybuses and cars floated under Margarita." However, we will pass almost all of it, because it is worth turning into Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky lane. It was here that Margarita flew and here in the Drumlit House she smashed Latunsky's apartment.

True, according to literary critics, Bulgakov's imagination carried over the "luxurious bulk of an eight-story, apparently newly built house" from Lavrushinsky Lane (d. 17, district of the Tretyakovskaya metro station).
And in the house 54 along the Arbat was Torgsin, where the last Moscow adventures of Koroviev and Behemoth took place.

The further route is not strictly fixed, because there are different ways to get off the Arbat to Prechistenka. The Arbat lanes are well preserved, you can wander along them, trying to imagine the paths of Homeless's pursuit of Woland (we return to him again) and the paths of other Bulgakov's heroes. Having reached Prechistenka, you need to cross it and go along Mansurovsky Lane to one of the most interesting places on the route. House 9 is the Master's house, those same "two rooms in the basement of a small house in the garden" ( .

Along Mansurovsky Lane we exit to Ostozhenka and pass a little to the left, to house 21. This is the last and, for my taste, the most suitable candidate for Margarita's house in terms of architecture. small and very beautiful house really resembles a small Gothic castle, and in the large semicircular window on the second floor it is so easy to imagine Margarita.

Then it is worth going to the end of the path of Bezdomny's pursuit and finding house 13 in the lane described as "dull, ugly and sparingly lit", where he tried to find Woland in apartment 47. Of all the thirteenth houses left today in the lanes leading to the Moscow River, the house in 1st Zachatievsky lane, built in the 20s of the 20th century, seemed to me the most suitable.

Through the alley you can go to the river where Bezdomny used to bathe. There is no descent to the water now, but the river itself and the view of the Red October factory are almost the same as in those days.
If you still have enthusiasm, you can finish the walk in the same place where its heroes say goodbye to Moscow: walk to the Kropotkinskaya metro station, drive to Sparrow Hills and take the cable car to the observation deck.
Here, on Sparrow Hills, Woland with his retinue and the Master with Margarita said goodbye to the city, and Koroviev uttered his whistle. You, like them, will see "the gingerbread towers of the Devichy (Novodevichy) Monastery".

Take a look at the city, which has acquired a completely different look since the time of Bulgakov, where the streets and alleys along which our heroes walked are hidden behind modern buildings.
If you no longer have the strength or time to get to the Sparrow Hills, you can say goodbye to Moscow from the Patriarchal Bridge. True, it did not exist during Bulgakov's time, but looking at the Kremlin walls, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior that had disappeared and revived in a new guise, at houses of various sizes and a calm river - looking at all this, one would like to say in Woland's words: "What interesting city, is not it?"

The location remains a mystery to me. psychiatric hospital, where Bezdomny lay - "the famous psychiatric clinic, recently rebuilt near Moscow on the river bank" - is unknown. I heard that they called a "candidate" in Khimki, but I don't know the details. The Gannushkin Hospital in Sokolniki, on the banks of the Yauza, is also suitable in its status, it is also the Research Institute of Psychiatry. However, in Bulgakov's time this was far from "near Moscow".

The episode of the first meeting of the Master and Margarita is one of the most important and fateful moments in the development of their relationship. It is with him that the love story of the main characters begins.

In this episode, the problem is most pronounced true love. The meeting of the Master and Margarita was accidental, but the same cannot be said about their feelings for each other. Walking down an empty street, they felt the need for love. This feeling suddenly hit them both. Bulgakov is convinced that true love arises unexpectedly, and a person is unable to resist it. The meeting of the heroes turned their everyday life into a bright and meaningful one. This love was so strong that the Master saw in this feeling the meaning of his existence. And when Margarita left the basement, everything faded for the Master.

In this episode, Bulgakov uses such a symbol as bright yellow flowers against the background of the black coat of the heroine to introduce anxiety and a premonition of tragedy into the description of love.

Thus, this episode occupies an important place in the composition of Bulgakov's novel.

After all, it was after the meeting with Margarita that the Master's life began to flourish, and he began to intensively write a work about Pontius Pilate, which became the main thing in his work.

Updated: 2017-07-11

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