— Your coffee, sir, is specially from South America!

“Ah, that’s where you were!”

Communication between a waiter and visitors has long been a favorite topic of jokes. And it's hard to say something completely new and unfunny here. Surely everyone has their own collection of real stories from the series "Me and the waiter."

So, waiters - who are they and what is this rare species that we have to deal with from time to time? They say that after the miner - this is the second profession in terms of "severity". Every joke has its share of jokes...

Usually a person remembers not about poor quality food, but about poor service. Bad service can spoil the impression of even the best quality food. A cordial, humane service always compensates for minor technical shortcomings in the work of waiters. And, ultimately, it does not matter from which side the waiter approaches you. The main thing is that it should be a human approach.

TOP-5 typical conflict situations in a restaurant/cafe

At first, there was a serious idea to call this post: "Communication with the waiter, or how not to go crazy."

In fact, most conflict situations, in principle, can be grouped or even prevented. We usually face these typical maintenance issues:

1. "Long":

What to do: Ask the waiter yourself to name the actual cooking time of the dish, report all changes and deviations from the schedule, or ask half-jokingly: “If you have to wait longer, then at whose expense will the dish be?” The waiter should notify you of any circumstances that arise (for example, equipment problems, lack of ingredients for a dish, or an influx of visitors). And then you get a surprise - after half an hour it turns out that your dish has just begun to cook. Like in that cartoon about a lion: "The haircut has just begun"!

By the way, the wait can be justified (for example, waiting for a drink is more than 5 minutes) and unreasonable (you are waiting for your freshly prepared hot dish in 10 minutes). If you are in a hurry, be sure to inform the waiter about it in advance (preferably, indicating the exact time that you have).

Standing apart in this problem is bill payment time. The waiter should warn about whether plastic cards are accepted for payment. If he did not, fill in this gap so that there is no incident at the end. If you're really in a hurry - go to the bar and report it - someone will accurately calculate you. It is believed that asking for a bill if you have not finished eating yet is ugly and not supposed to. But if you are in a hurry - why not? I often ask for the bill at the moment when the last dish is brought. But the waiter has no right to take the initiative and bring the bill before the guest demands it.

What NOT to do: Hysteria, stomp your feet, call the waiter every five minutes and spoil your mood and once again test the strength of the waiter's nerves. And then, as in the old joke - they may not spit in the soup, but they will make coffee “with cream”.

  • 2. "They brought the wrong thing":

What to do: the risk of such a situation can be minimized - at the stage of ordering, check what you ordered and what the waiter wrote down. Do not trust the memory of the waiter and laugh it off like “let's not experiment”, “to calm the soul”, etc. Often such situations arise due to the fault of the waiter - because he does not know the menu well or cannot cope with the flow of orders. Or, for example, at the time of ordering, the waiter did not warn about the features of the dish (for example, it is very spicy).

Example: I, for example, sometimes prefer to replace mayonnaise in salads with sour cream, or replace fried meat with steamed, grilled or stewed meat. We discuss this in advance with the waiter in advance. And I carefully look to see if the waiter wrote down, I pause, I give him time.

Jokes are jokes, but when there are a lot of people in the company, confusion begins, jokes with the waiter. As a result, they laughed, joked, and what you all ordered and how they understood you was a surprise. Find out in 20 minutes.

If you really did not order a dish, then calmly and reasonably insist on your position. In this case, you will be right, and you will be required to replace it or return the money. The question, of course, is how to prove your case. But most of the time, you don't have to, especially if you stay calm. Any sane and adequate administrator of the institution will meet you halfway in this case. And he will leave the showdown with the waiter behind the scenes.

What NOT to do: Do not repeat all the time: “I will not eat this!”, do not get personal and control emotions. This is one of those cases when you are really right, and so you want to declare it as loudly as possible to the world. Remember that a restaurant will want to give a compliment from an institution or a replacement dish only if you behave calmly and adequately.

Add that this is your first time at the establishment, that you have a special occasion, or, conversely, that you have been going here to dine "on every paycheck" for the past five years.

  • 3. "Brought quickly and then, but not of that quality":

What to do: Unlike the previous situation, it will be difficult for you to prove your case here. Of course, if you have not found something indisputable.

For example, a hair 30 cm long or a flock of crawling flies. In this situation, it would be best to start communicating with the waiter in the style of a “confidential conversation”: you allegedly do not want to advertise the problem, attract the attention of other guests and ask to replace the dish / eliminate the defect.

In fact, this is a complaint against the cook, not the waiter. Therefore, if you see that the waiter does not show due skill and does not understand the hint, feel free to invite the chef. Just like they do in reputable restaurants in the movies. Such is the job of a chef: he goes to the hall not only to collect laurels, but also to receive feedback of this kind, too. In any case, talk to the chef properly. Remember - you came to visit.

What NOT to do: Do not defiantly sniff a plate with a dish, inviting your interlocutor to this exciting activity. Do not indulge in empty and offensive conversations for any cook, such as “this is not how it is prepared”, “the sauce should be sweet, not sweet and sour”.

With rare exceptions, if you are not absolutely sure that you are right and you are not a professional in the kitchen. And yet, remember - any dish, as a rule, has several cooking options. And each cook in his own way "sees" the dish.

  • 4. "Naughty":

What to do: Usually rudeness is answered with rudeness. But if you definitely haven’t touched the subtle mental organization of your waiter in any way, and you think that he just fell out with you or does not fulfill his duties, invite an administrator or manager. Ask to change the waiter.

What NOT to do: Do not indulge in all serious and do not answer rudeness for rudeness. Perhaps this is an intern or a replacement waiter. And although he does not have the right to be rude or rude to visitors, it is not worth spoiling relations with the institution because of a single waiter.

5. "Shortcut":

What to do: Once again, check for sure and make sure - somewhere, it may have turned out to be a dish by weight, or maybe there was sauce for the meat, but for a separate cost. Check everything before you resent and call the waiter.

Anyway, ask for the menu. And "relying" on the facts, show where, in your opinion, the error lies.

What NOT to do: Do not generalize and do not get personal, like "you steal everything here." Waiters are people too, everything happens. But, of course, the account is such a thing that only the lazy will not want to abuse, so you need to keep your ears open.

It's all good ... There is a problem - there is a solution. But the number of real situations is endless, and some are simply impossible to fit into any framework. They just pop up out of the blue. These are situations from the category of “no need for a bow,” as I call them. It is simply impossible to stipulate and foresee them all: for example, there is no onion in the ingredients of a salad. And in the brought dish, he suddenly appears! Well, how to predict - from the threshold to say: "Do not put onions!"?

In such cases, of course, everything is individual. But if there is a problem and you are uncomfortable, do not be silent. Silence in this case is disadvantageous to both parties. After keeping silent, you are unlikely to return to the restaurant. Feel free to declare your rights, observations, give feedback - in many institutions, constructive criticism is very much appreciated by the administration.

After all, the establishment needs you more than you need the establishment.

Dialogue with the waiter: a few simple tips

Strange, but there is still no single book with the rules of conduct and communication with restaurant staff. A book would be helpful.

Many, for sure, have a question: “Why should I observe any rules of decency and behave in any adequate way? I am a GUEST, and the waiter is obliged to serve me!” Have you heard anything about the rules of conduct at a party in this case? You also need to know how to be a guest. Just because you are a customer and a guest of a restaurant does not give you the right to be disrespectful to its staff.

Well, in general, we advise you to use these simple rules, at least in order not to become a victim of waiters' jokes (there are many horror stories about this, read on the Internet). And spitting in their soup really is like having nothing to do. It turns out that very often it is the "bad" behavior of the guests that provokes the appropriate service.

  1. 1. "Fedya, game!"

If you're trying to call a waiter by whistling, snapping your fingers, or other similar gestures, don't be surprised if they don't come right away. He will serve the more polite customers first. Not bad if you address the waiter by name (if he introduced himself). It is inappropriate to switch to “you” with waiters, even if you are a regular at the establishment and know them by name.

Snapping fingers and calling "Hey man!" the waiter was called in distant tsarist Russia. No need to tap on a glass, this is definitely bad manners.

Today, the waiter is called with a polite gesture with a raised index finger, or better with a nod or a look. Ideally, of course, the waiter should materialize out of thin air, catching your eye.

  1. 2. Excessive/Intrusive Maintenance

The ashtray is changed every 5 minutes, the dish is taken away as if eaten; coffee is brought almost immediately after the salad. And in general, the waiters conduct familiar conversations with the guest. To avoid misunderstanding, if this is important, ask for the dish to be brought exactly at the time you need, if not specified. For example, coffee only after you finish drinking a bottle of wine. And tell me you don't need anything else for now.

  1. 3. Tipping

The myth about the need for tips is spread by the owners of public catering, for them this is a huge savings. What is the meaning of the word "tip"? If they are really given "for tea" - then the answer is in the word itself. Tea is an inexpensive drink. However, much, in the category "for tea", also depends on the amount of the bill.

The generally accepted "tip price" is 10% -15% of the order amount. And do not skimp on words, they cost you nothing, if you really liked it, of course. Add, for example: "I will definitely come to your restaurant again." This will be the highest praise.

  1. 4. Account

When they bring you a bill, there is actually a “prechek”. That is, a paper that tells you how much money you owe. It has no legal force. The real check is knocked out only after the money is in the cash register. It is brought along with change. If you didn’t receive a check with change, it means only one thing: they didn’t break anything at the checkout, but simply put your money in your pocket. In the check, extra items can also be knocked out, that is, dishes that you did not order at all.

  1. How to ask for an invoice: you need to look at the waiter and make a characteristic gesture (as if you were signing a check with your hand). Try not to ask for a bill if someone hasn't finished eating yet. This is considered bad manners.

Account verification is not allowed. But don't do it like you're studying the terms of a mortgage agreement. If you really want to, then you need to quickly calculate the amount received, briefly running your eyes over the lines.

  1. 5. If you order hot order a whole piece of meat. With him, there are fewer reasons for fraud and subsequent inconsistencies.
  2. 6. Alcohol and drinks it is better to order in the "native" container, and not on tap. Unless, of course, you're in some real German brewery. Ice for drinks is better to order separately.
  3. Try to choose the cuisine and dishes that the institution specializes in: for example, it is better not to take Chinese dishes in a Mexican restaurant, and not to try sushi in a dumplings. Chefs simply cannot cook absolutely everything equally well. All chefs have a specialization.
  1. 7. When choosing a dish from the menu cut off superlative adjectives and unnecessary words. For example, “tender herring with fragrant Provence herbs and new potatoes grown in the south of Russia” is a herring with potatoes. Don't be under any illusions. Establishments communicate with you, first of all, in the language of "menu".
  2. 8. Try to go to new restaurants- they usually take care of customers more.
  3. The waiters communicate with each other and convey who is a good guest and who is a bad one.

So much depends on the waiter. Including the correct preparation of the dish.

  1. 9. If the waiter clears the dishes from your table, do not help him put the plates on the tray: he can drop everything. And, conversely, if he brought your order, do not grab the dishes from his hands. He'll have to pay, poor thing. And wait for a new dish for you.
  1. 10. If, while in a restaurant, you change seats for another table for any reason, you should not drag bottles and glasses through the entire restaurant yourself - you need to ask the waiter about this.
  1. 11. And here is a visual recommendation in the form joke:

At the restaurant.
- Can you cook a steak, but only juicy, with blood?
- No.
“And the lasagna with spinach, cheese and bacon?”
- No.
- Well, at least you can fry a sturgeon barbecue?
- No.
"What the hell can you do?"
— I can place an order, sir. I'm a waiter, not a chef.

Moral: Do not demand the impossible from the waiter.


And finally: did you know that waiters even have their own hate lists?

This is such a list of indicators, irritating phrases that eventually bring both sides to a “boiling point”. Try to avoid top phrases from these waiter sheets.

So, according to the waiters, most of all they are pissed off by phrases, requests and situations:

  • - please approach by snapping your fingers or universal "Hey!"
  • - running around with or without a reason back and forth (like: “Bring a cola!”, Then, after serving: “Oh, grab some ice,” and after: “Can I have a lemon?”). Such innocent, it seems, requests, but when there are a dozen of them at the same time?
  • - turns out to be the most the right way piss off the waiter - order hot tea. The order of his actions is as follows: boil water, prepare a cup, a spoon, fill the kettle, find and cut a lemon, put it all on a tray and bring it to the visitor with a smile. Imagine how much time and effort for a cheap cup of tea!

Well, the phrase: “Pour boiling water into the kettle!” tops the top requests annoying waiters

And the waiters are also annoyed by the fact that guests count every penny: phrases and subtexts of phrases like “what is it that you have everything here for a fee?”. And, of course, collectors of restaurant utensils, taking either a glass, or a fork, or a cup.

And here are the hate lists of ordinary visitors - on the other side of the barricades:

Restaurant critic Moira Hodgson cites several phrases that she personally would never want to hear from waiters. Phrases like this:

  • - "The manager has already turned the music down."
  • - “The fish is all right! It is delivered to us daily.”
  • - "Haven't you eaten yet?"

And these hate phrases that annoy visitors are peeped at the forums (based on real events):

  • - “Well, how is soup?”
  • - "Sorry, our device is broken, today we do not accept cards."
  • - "Tables by the window are reserved"
  • - "Garnish is not included in this dish"
  • - "I'm handing over the shift now, could you pay?"
  • - "Did you choose already?"

I don’t like the provocative question: “What will you drink?” ... Yes, I will order a drink if I want - the menu is in front of me. Maybe I came to eat my favorite pasta for lunch, and drink tea at work. And now it seems somehow uncomfortable already.

And what phrases would you never like to hear from waiters? ..

The key to success and profit in the restaurant business is delicious food and excellent service. And both these points are inseparable. In the hospitality industry, the pursuit of profit will never bring success. You should always take care of your reputation and the wishes of your customers first. And today we will talk about serving your guests.

Focus on the visitor and hospitality

It is very important to please every Guest, and leaving your restaurant should leave only a good impression. Believe me, if you pay more attention to each client individually, then at the end of the day you will see that you have made a good cash register.

Tipping plan for waiters

Many waiters set a daily goal for themselves to earn money, and they get very upset if they don’t fulfill their plan at the end of the work shift, and this is reflected in their mood and the atmosphere of the restaurant. Solving this problem is very simple - talk to your colleagues, and if you are an Administrator, then instruct the staff on planning their income not for a day, but for two weeks or a month. Everything is very simple, if they do not collect the amount in one working day, they will more than compensate for it on the next, and within the framework of the goal, everything will be in order. Good mood and motivation of employees are very important for the harmonious work of the institution.

There is such a thing as "caring". Taking care of guests is the key to success. It is very important that the waiters do not get upset at the sight of empty tables, or have the imprudence to show emotions about the fact that there are few guests in the hall, or they have only one visitor in service. They must strictly fulfill their duties for all visitors, regardless of the expected profit.

Individual approach to each visitor of the restaurant

The waiter must know what the target audience of the institution where he works is, and what these people expect from employees. It is very important to feel the line between obsession and the fact that people will wait for you for 20 minutes, hoping to order desserts. There are two completely opposite groups of waiters who definitely should not work with Guests. The first group consists of waiters, who look like robots, who smile artificially, and communicate with all visitors as if they have a disk inside them, which they impartially repeat to each visitor. But the second group is also not losing ground, and the waiters are so diligent in their duties that a person begins to feel very uncomfortable when napkins are removed from him every 15 seconds and novelties and desserts are offered from the waiter, whose smile begins to frighten more than bring good emotions.

It is very important not to overdo it, but also not to turn into a sad machine for serving dishes. Find an individual approach to each guest, and knowing the target audience, you can easily compare it with the average bill in your establishment and your guests will really like it. Believe me, it is much more pleasant to be honest and attentive, receive a good tip, and by the end of the working day feel that you have done your job perfectly than grit your teeth, serve a table with an order of one coffee, and wonder why the guest did not leave you anything for tea.

Remember: This sad guy at the end of the hall, who sluggishly sips coffee, may come tomorrow with big company and place a big order. Take care of him!

Don't use waiters' catchphrases

Many visitors want to hear recommendations about the menu, and it is not worth having a dozen prepared phrases for this occasion. Asking you a question, the client wants to hear that you understand him and offer the most suitable solution for him. Communicate with visitors using as little as possible fake smiles and hackneyed phrases “Would you like to try our new cheesecake?”. No, he won't!

“What if I spoil something if I offer a guest something that he doesn’t want at all?” The very principle of selling must necessarily include a certain percentage of failure, which will not have anything to do with you personally, as a service personnel.

Without the initiative and desire to communicate with people, you will not be able to get good recommendations and climb the career ladder.

Secret ideal phrase for waiters:

[Lock] The lock does not exist or the default lock has been deleted.

How to sell additional dishes

The profit of the waiter depends on sales. Therefore, another fear that may arise is insecurity. “What if I spoil something if I offer a guest something that he doesn’t want at all?” The very principle of selling must necessarily include a certain percentage of failure, which will not have anything to do with you personally, as a service personnel. You should not chase a large number of sales, first of all, you should remember that you do not work in a store, and visitors come to you to relax.

Very good way sales is an offer of choice. You probably have items on your menu that are not sold by the most in the best way. After listening to the client's order, simply offer him a choice instead of the position that he wants the one you need to sell. Believe me, guests love it if the waiter gives recommendations. Such a simple way will allow you to win the trust of the guest and get regular customers.

If you determine for yourself that you could recommend the same thing to your friend, then you are doing everything right. Do not forget that when people ask you or ask for advice, they want to hear your opinion, not the sales manager. Your recommendations must be based on personal experience.

The key to successful table service is to serve the client's interests, not your own. Don't try to sell a guest a dessert or a milkshake if you see that he has taken a beer and an appetizer. This will not be logical, and the guest will be upset that they do not understand him. Next time, he will go to a place where he will be offered to repeat his order, or will recommend branded chips.

Working in a restaurant is teamwork

Problems with scheduling and irregular schedules that are constantly changing are usually the case in the service industry. But try not to make a big deal out of it. Your mood will be reflected not only in your tips, but also in the people with whom you will work that day.

No one wants to work under pressure with a person who will spoil the working environment and walk around with a sad face. It is worth considering whether you often change the schedule, and maybe you are the person with whom it is quite difficult to work.

Stay calm and relaxed

How to set a good example and gain respect among your team. The restaurant business is directly related to people and emotions. If one of the chefs is not in a good mood today, or one of the waiters has problems in the family, this should not interfere with work. It is very important that the atmosphere in the kitchen and in the hall is light and positive, this will be passed on to all employees and your guests.

How to stay calm during rush hour? Ignore the panic that your colleagues will raise. Be a good example and show that even with a full blockage and a huge number of orders, you remain a good employee. One person can change the entire work environment. Become the one who makes everyone feel good and do your job with joy. Trust me, your colleagues will be happy to follow your example.

Compliment your colleagues in a restaurant

By making a simple compliment to the chef about his appearance, you will see how much better he will feel, and believe me, working with him will become much more comfortable. Learn to communicate with people. Saying nice things is very easy, and in return you will get a great mood and a working atmosphere.

Everyone knows that a good waiter's profit does not depend on the rate, but on the tips received. And this means that your income directly depends on how you serve guests. Your income will be significantly different on calm days, when there are not so many visitors, and during rush hour. You have to be prepared for this and you should not dream of writing a statement every time you have one table. In the field of hospitality, every day is not like the previous one, and you can only find out how successfully you have worked by the end of the day, having received and counted all the tips.

A good waiter serves all tables equally

Experienced waiters know that you should not relax and score on a lonely guest at a distant table. Firstly, all people share their impressions with friends, and your guest can leave negative feedback about your restaurant, and directly about your service, and secondly, this is your reputation, which must always be respected, without calculating possible tips in your head.

Pessimists in the team spoil the mood for everyone, be positive

Almost every restaurant or bar has an employee who is famous for his pessimism and criticism. He is always dissatisfied with profits, work, guests, his team, and so on. Such people will always have a reason to be upset, and spoil the mood of others. Even getting good tea, he will find something to complain about.

Having a positive attitude will help you love your job, build great relationships with co-workers, and win loyal customers. You can never predict how much tea you will get today, or how many people will visit your restaurant, but by maintaining a good mood, you, along with other staff, can have fun and survive the huge influx of people and bad days.

In restaurant business, there is no point in making assumptions, and every visitor is a new story. All you need is to find an approach to the client and enjoy the fact that guests liked your recommendations. Love your job and your visitors' trust will reward you with great tips.

Of course, the quality of your food is important, but nothing pisses customers off faster than bad service. If waiters and guest managers misbehave with customers, those customers will most likely not come back. So what should your employees do? Learn the phrases that waiters and people who greet guests should never say.

  1. « Haven't you finished yet?" Nobody likes to feel like their order is work. This makes the client feel like a wasteland, like you can't wait to get rid of them and plant a new one.
  2. "This is impossible". If the guest manager says he can't seat the customer, or the waiter says he can't make a substitution, that's not the best answer. Your restaurant can't cater to every whim of the customers - to serve a table for 11 people or to do something immediately, but the person who greets the guests and your waiters must still maintain a polite attitude. Try to answer "I'll check with the manager" or "I'll try something" before it turns out it's not possible.
  3. “Would you like fresh ground pepper?” Most waiters ask this question right after they put the plate in front of the customer, just think: how can the customer know if the dish needs seasoning if he hasn't had time to try it yet?
  4. "The wait won't be long." If customers really have to wait a long time for a free table, you should not deceive them. It is better to say that the wait will take longer than it actually is. If you say that you have to wait an hour, and they stay only half an hour, they will be happy. But if you say that the wait will last half an hour, and after an hour they still do not take a table? Well, they probably won't be happy.
  5. "What's dessert?" Many waiters talk about dessert as something terrible, wasteful. It's reasonable to assume that customers want to indulge themselves while enjoying an evening out, don't make them feel guilty! The waiter should simply ask if the customer would like to choose a dessert.
  6. "Affectionate Names". Waiters and guest managers think they'll sound friendlier if they use pet names, but many customers find this too familiar. Avoid using "cute", "darling" and other similar words.
  7. "You are alone?" If the client is dining alone, waiters and people receiving guests should not draw attention to this fact. A person who dine alone is unlikely to want to be shouted about.
  8. "Surrender?" This question is especially out of the question if, at the expense of 50 rubles, he gives a hundred-ruble note. If the client does not need change, he will tell the waiter about it himself. If the waiter asks about it, it looks greedy.

Great service is key to attracting (and keeping) your customers, so make sure your waiters and greeters know how to talk to customers. If your employees don't use these phrases, they won't offend the customer or hurt your business.

The main feature in the work of a waiter is that they must communicate with people throughout the day. A lot depends on such communication. This can directly affect the reputation and image of this institution. And also the general composition of visitors depends on it. The level of staff depends on the prestige of this institution. But in all decent establishments, waiters are far from the last employees, even despite the low salary and tips. Each qualified waiter must know exactly how to serve the client so that he is satisfied and comes to this institution more than once.

How to serve a client to a waiter

To be a worthy representative of this profession, you must constantly strictly follow certain rules. First of all, pay attention to how you look. Naturally, each restaurant provides its employees with overalls, but you yourself must monitor its cleanliness. You must change and wash your uniform on time. Don't let your visitors see the sauce drops on your uniform. For all visitors, you are the face of the restaurant. Your hairstyle, face, hands - everything must be perfectly clean. A neat appearance and cleanliness should be the norm for you.

If you are talking to visitors, then think only about them, about your work and about the order. If you are working with bad mood, then you should leave all your problems outside the restaurant. It's not the restaurant's fault that you came to work out of sorts. And they can't help you. In this case, you should take the opportunity to take a break from your worries for a while. After all, communication with different visitors of the institution is multifaceted, not all customers dryly order dishes and do not talk. Many visitors will certainly want to chat with you. Tell in detail about the composition of the dishes if customers want to order it and joke about it if necessary. You must place the visitor to your person and cheer him up.

You shouldn't be too intrusive. Be very patient, because all visitors are different and it is your job to serve them. And communication with different clients can be said to be a kind of art. Sometimes you need to apply some knowledge from psychology.

When you watch how a waiter works, it is impossible to notice all its complexities. And this means that the waiters are good actors. By the way, communication with customers is necessary not only for the restaurant to have a good reputation, but also to constantly improve its speech, find a common language with different people.

Every professional waiter should know well how to serve a client, even if he is very fastidious and not very disposed to a conversation, you need to know how to interest him and arrange him for his person and a pleasant conversation, so that in the future he will come to the restaurant more than once.

Our leisure often consists of a pleasant pastime in a good company in a cafe or restaurant. It can be breakfast before work with friends, lunch with colleagues or dinner with your loved one. In all cases, it is worth knowing the elementary rules of etiquette in order to be able to easily change a table, ask the waiter not to take away your favorite dish in your absence using the language of cutlery, or know what to do if the dish you ordered does not meet your expectations at all. Ownership unspoken rules communication with the waiter will help you feel confident and at ease in any situation.

Administrator or maitre d'

Many establishments now have an administrator (maitre d') who meets you at the entrance to a cafe or restaurant. This helpful and friendly person will show you to your booked table or any available table. If you are a young man who came to the restaurant before the lady, then you should warn the administrator (maitre d') about her imminent arrival. In this case, the administrator must meet your companion and take you to the table. Remember to stand up and move the chair reserved for the lady so that she can sit comfortably, and only then take your place to the left or opposite of her.


Sometimes the administrator can also serve you a menu when he escorts you to your table, but in most cases this is the responsibility of the waiter. As soon as you are comfortably seated at a table, the menu will be brought to you immediately. Many begin to rush into choosing an order, but it is better to calmly choose a dish and enjoy the evening. There is no need to rush, because after the menu is served, the waiter must move away from your table and wait until you are ready, for as long as you need for this.

If you think that you have decided on the order, then find your waiter with your eyes and with a slight nod of your head or a smile invite him to come to your table. If the waiter is a professional in his field, then he will come to your table faster than you have time to close the menu, because being attentive to your customers is part of the waiter's direct duties.


In many establishments, the waiter asks the client about drinks when serving the menu. You can immediately order your favorite freshly squeezed orange juice or just water, but if you are not sure of your choice, it is better to ask the waiter to come a little later and order along with the rest of the dishes.

According to etiquette, it is customary for a waiter to serve a client on the left side, and serve drinks only on the right, which is not always convenient due to the location of the tables. In this case, you can move back a little to help the waiter bring the dishes to the table. If you are in a good restaurant, where the waiters are experts in their field, then to refuse any drink or glass of wine, just touch the edge of the glass with your index finger. First, women are served, and only then drinks and dishes are served to men. We do not advise you to demonstrate to the ladies your ability to open champagne with one slight movement of your hand, because only waiters should uncork bottles of alcoholic beverages.

Hey girl!

Surely, you have heard more than once in cafes and restaurants how men refer to waitresses in this way. Sometimes it may seem that this is completely accepted with us, although from the point of view of etiquette, you still need to try to come up with something more uncultured. Even if your age is serving the table, then, first of all, she is a waiter who is at work. Service personnel should be addressed in accordance with their professional status: waiter or administrator. Regardless of gender, age and so on. It is best if the waiter introduces himself at the beginning of the service or you can read his name on the badge. Even if you go to this establishment every day, never address the service staff as “you”.

Instruments will speak for you

If you come to a restaurant where the waiters are real pros, then you can easily communicate with them using the simplest signs using your cutlery. When you have finished your meal or want to ask the waiter to remove the dirty dishes from the table, then put the fork and knife together on the plate, turning their handles to the right, as on a clock face.

It also happens that you have not finished eating yet and just went off - to the restroom or dance with the lady of the heart, but, as soon as you returned to the table, you were disappointed to find that your dishes had already been taken away by an attentive waiter. To avoid such small disappointments, leave the cutlery on the plate in the form of the letter "X" before leaving.

But do not turn the dish 180 degrees, because then this gesture will mean that you did not like the service.

If your cutlery accidentally fell on the floor, which happened to each of us, then you do not need to immediately pick them up and look around guiltily. Just wait for the waiter to serve you new cutlery.

Bad service

If you really have complaints about the service, then you can safely call the administrator (maitre d') and politely explain to him what exactly you are not satisfied with in the service, serving or quality of the dishes. It is not at all necessary to call the waiter loudly, knock with instruments and in an unhappy voice, but, God forbid, turning to screaming, start saying what you did not like. You have every right to ask for a replacement dish if you are unhappy with its quality. If you are in a good restaurant where the manager is concerned about the reputation of his establishment, then they will definitely meet you halfway and do everything to correct the misunderstanding that has happened. They will serve a new dish, replace the waiter, bring a gift-compliment from the chef, and make a good discount. You also have every right to ask the administrator to invite the chef to explain to him the reason for your dissatisfaction. If you are not satisfied with the work of your waiter, be sure to ask the administrator to replace him.

Rude customer

I heard more than once in a restaurant how a client spoke rudely with a waiter, pointing out his mistakes, or simply expressed his bad mood in this way. Sometimes I watched how the poor bartender at the counter listened to the client how to prepare a cappuccino correctly or what he did not add to this or that cocktail. Some visitors do not seek to respectfully address the service staff, making some sparkling jokes in the direction of a beautiful waitress. In all these cases, the waiter has every right to refuse to serve your table without giving a reason, so it does not matter how much money you could tip him if you are not serious about elementary rules of etiquette.

change table

Sometimes there are situations when you really want to change the table. Perhaps you finally waited until the far table at the large window with a beautiful view became free, or you met your acquaintances who offered to keep them company. Sometimes you want to take the desired table so badly that you yourself take your drinks or even dishes in order to immediately head to a new place. In fact, it is the responsibility of the waiter to take care of moving your food and drinks, so you should just give him a sign and calmly sit down at your chosen table.

You also have every right to ask the waiter at the very beginning to transfer you to the table you like, as soon as it is free. You came to relax, so calmly transfer all your worries about a more convenient place to your waiter and enjoy the evening!

Broken plate

Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant if, due to careless movement, your plate or glass falls to the floor and shatters into small fragments. Some begin to fuss, jump up, run after the waiter, thereby only reinforcing the feeling of awkwardness that has arisen. If you broke something in an institution, then you should not even focus on it. In the very near future, the staff will clean everything up, and the waiter will serve you a new glass. Of course, it should be borne in mind that this incident will not pass without a trace and the cost of broken dishes will be indicated on the receipt.

Often such situations occur when a visitor reaches across the table for a salt or pepper shaker, not noticing how the glass standing on the table touches. Most likely, this is why, according to etiquette, you should ask your waiter or companion to pass the item you need.

financial question

The issue of paying a check should be discussed in advance, but according to Russian etiquette, if a man invites a lady, then he needs to pay for her. At the end of the meal and a pleasant conversation, ask the waiter for the bill. Usually tips are 10% of the order amount, but you have the right to leave a smaller amount or completely deprive the waiter of a tip if you did not like his service at all.