People have been thinking about the human mind and human feelings since ancient times. And there is still no answer to the questions: what is more important in life: mind or feeling? How to live: feeling or reason?

Not a single writer, perhaps, disregarded such pictures of life, where the heroes of the books have an internal struggle, a struggle between reason and feeling.

What was more important in life for Olesya, main character stories by A.I. Kuprin: feeling or reason? What did she choose, the Polissya sorceress: a calm, far from civilization life without Ivan Timofeevich or the joy of love? Getting to know the city intelligent person she loved him. This feeling became all-consuming for Olesya.

Olesya is a reasonable, sensible girl. She had special, unconventional abilities. Olesya took a sober look at life, especially since she foresaw her misfortune when, at the request of her loved one, she read fortunes on the cards. Once she said that she even wanted to ask the young man to stop visiting them. And when he fell ill and she did not see him for a long time, then she decided that it would be, it would be, and she would not give her joy to anyone. When Ivan Timofeevich appeared at Olesya’s after an illness, during this silent meeting he felt that she “joyfully gives him, without any conditions or hesitation, her whole being.”

Ivan Timofeevich invited her to become his wife. The girl said it was impossible. She realized that they were not a couple: he was a gentleman, an intelligent, educated person, and she couldn’t even read. Olesya believed that he would be ashamed of such a wife. Another obstacle is her grandmother. She could not leave her alone, and she could not live in the city.

A lot of tender, grateful words were said by Olesya to Ivan Timofeevich. Olesya made sure that the young man, after an illness, would not catch a cold again in a cool time. She wanted to do something very, very nice. Olesya decided to go to church. The women beat her badly. Was she smart? She deliberately decided on such an act, because she loved very much. After this story, Olesya said that she was to blame, that she did it in vain. She really did not want her beloved to feel guilty.

The reader understands that Olesya's love defeated her common sense. But she does not regret that she met with a man not of her circle. Olesya regretted only that she did not have a child from him. She would be very happy about it.

Most will not deny that in the 21st century reason prevails over feelings. Man is given a mind. But not everyone is given such an all-consuming feeling by fate as Olesya's. For her, it came first.

Probably since ancient times, people have been wondering: What is guided by reason or feelings? However, you cannot choose just one. Thoughtless actions committed under the power of emotions often lead to irreversible consequences, on the other hand, people who have tried to renounce emotions are not only unable to comprehend happiness, but also doom other people who are close to them to misfortune.

For example, Katerina, from A.N. Ostrovsky, succumbing to emotions, decides to cheat on her husband. She is an honest and kind girl, and therefore cannot lie to her husband and confesses to her sin. In the end, she cannot stand the oppression and rushes into the Volga, thereby depriving herself of her life. In this play, the girl just lacked the deliberation of her actions.

On the other side of the scale stands Pechorin from the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

This character did not know how to love and put reason in the first place, as a result, the girl whom he forcibly left nearby dies, falling in love with him, and not only she, the hero himself cannot find his happiness throughout his life, the author informs us about the death of the hero is still in the middle of the book, but does not even specify how it happened, this tells us that Grigory Pechorin has long since died morally, and the reasons for his physical death are not so important.

Thus, I believe that in every person reason and feelings should coexist in harmony, and only then will he find his happiness.

Updated: 2016-12-05

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1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign":

Reason gave way to feeling, and Igor, instead of a reasonable decision to save the army and his life, after all the omens, decides to die, but not to shame his honor.

2. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Undergrowth":

Reason is completely absent in the actions of Prostakova and Skotinin, they do not even understand the need to protect their serfs, since they have all the welfare of these "masters of life." Mitrofan shows complete control over feelings: when a mother is needed, he fawns over, says that he loves her, and as soon as the mother has lost all power, he announces:

Get off, mother!

He has no sense of responsibility, love, devotion.

3. Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov "Woe from Wit":

Main character- Chatsky - at first glance, is a model of reason. He is educated, understands his place well, determines the political situation, is literate in matters of law in general and serfdom in particular. However, the mind refuses him in an everyday situation, he does not know how to behave in relations with Sophia, when she says that he is not the hero of her novel. In relation to Molchalin, Famusov and all secular society he is bold and daring and, in the end, ends up with nothing. A feeling of annoyance and loneliness squeezes his chest:

My soul here is somehow compressed by grief.

But he is not used to obeying feelings and does not take seriously discord with society, but in vain.

4. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin":

From his youth, Onegin was used to subordinating feelings to reason: “the science of tender passion” is already proof of this. Having met Tatyana, he “did not give way to a sweet habit”, did not take this feeling seriously, deciding that he could cope with the feeling, as always, when he knew how to “shine with an obedient tear.” Reverse Tatiana. In her youth, she obeyed only feelings. Onegin read her a sermon in which he recommended: "learn to control yourself." The girl took note of these words and took up self-development. By the time of the next meeting with Onegin, she already masterfully controls her feelings, and Eugene could not see a single gram of emotion on her face. But happiness is no longer possible ...

5. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time":

The main character, Pechorin, is a man consisting of reason and feeling. When he is one on one with nature, with a diary or with a person with whom you do not have to pretend - it is a naked nerve, an emotion. A vivid example in the episode when he drove the horse down the road in pursuit of Vera. He cries in grief. This state lasts for a moment. But the moment passes, and another Pechorin rises above the “crying child” sobbing on the grass and soberly and sternly assesses his behavior. The triumph of reason does not give happiness to this person.

Final essay- this is an exam format that allows you to evaluate several aspects of a student's knowledge at once. Among them: vocabulary, knowledge of literature, the ability to express one's point of view in writing. In a word, this format makes it possible to assess the student's general knowledge of both the language and subject knowledge.

1. 3 hours 55 minutes are allotted for the final essay, the recommended length is 350 words.
2. Date of the final essay 2016-2017. In 2015-2016 academic year it was held on December 2, 2015, February 3, 2016, May 4, 2016. In 2016-2017 - December 7, February 1, May 17.
3. The final essay (statement) is held on the first Wednesday of December, the first Wednesday of February and the first working Wednesday of May.

The purpose of the essay is reasoning, a competently and clearly built point of view of the student using examples from the literature within the framework of a given topic. It is important to note that the topics do not indicate a specific work for analysis, it is of an oversubject nature.

Topics of the final essay on literature 2016-2017

Topics are formed from two lists: open and closed. The first is known in advance, reflects approximate common topics, they are formulated as concepts that contradict each other.
A closed list of topics is announced 15 minutes before the start of the composition - these are more specific topics.
An open list of topics for the final essay 2016-2017:
1. "Mind and Feeling",
2. "Honor and dishonor",
3. "Victory and defeat",
4. "Experience and mistakes",
5. "Friendship and enmity".
The topics are presented in a problematic way, the names of the topics are antonyms.

An approximate list of references for all those who will write the final essay (2016-2017):
1. A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
2. A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"
3. A.S. Pushkin Captain's daughter”,“ Eugene Onegin ”,“ Stationmaster ”
4. B.L. Vasiliev "I was not on the lists",
5. V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains"
6. V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov"
7. V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"
8. Henry Marsh "Do No Harm"
9. Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe",

10. Jack London "White Fang",
11. Jack London "Martin Eden",
12. I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"
13. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
14. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
15. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"
16. M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
17. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot"
18. E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea",
19. E.M. Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front",
20. E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades".

Argumenyou to the topic "Mind and feeling"

The point of view should be argued, in order to properly formulate it, one should involve literary material corresponding to the topic. The argument is the main component of the essay, is one of the evaluation criteria. It has the following requirements:
1. Relevant to the theme
2. Include literary material
3. Be inscribed in the text logically, in accordance with the overall composition
4. Be communicated through quality writing
5. Be well-designed.
To the topic "Reason and Feeling" one can take arguments from the works of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa”, Jane Austen “Sense and Sensibility”.

Examples of final essays

There are a number of essay templates. They are evaluated according to five criteria, here is an example of an essay that scored the highest score:
An example of an essay on the topic: "Should reason prevail over feelings?"
What to listen to, to reason or feelings - every person asks such a question. It is especially acute when the mind dictates one thing, and feelings contradict it. What is the voice of reason, when a person should listen more precisely to his advice, a person decides for himself, the same with feelings. Without a doubt, the choice in one or another favor depends on the specific situation. For example, even a child knows that in a stressful situation one should not panic, it is better to listen to reason. It is important not only to listen to both reason and feelings, but also to really learn to distinguish situations when it is necessary to listen to the first or to the second to a greater extent.

Since the question was always relevant, it was widely used both in Russian and in foreign literature. Jane Austen in the novel "Sense and Sensibility" on the example of two sisters reflected this eternal contradiction. Elinor, the eldest of the sisters, is sensible, but not devoid of feelings, she just knows how to manage them. Mariana is in no way inferior to her older sister, but prudence is not inherent in her in anything. The author showed how their characters affected in the test of love. In the case of her older sister, her prudence almost played a cruel joke on her, thanks to her reserved nature, she did not immediately let her lover know what she felt. Mariana, on the other hand, became a victim of feelings, so she was deceived by a young man who took advantage of her gullibility and married a wealthy lady. As a result, the older sister was ready to put up with loneliness, but the man of her heart, Edward Ferras, makes a choice in her favor, refusing not only the inheritance, but also his word: engagement with an unloved woman. Marianna, after a serious illness and deceit, grows up and agrees to an engagement with a 37-year-old captain, for whom she does not have romantic feelings, but deeply respects.

A similar choice is made by the characters in A.P. Chekhov "About Love". However, Alekhin and Anna Luganovich, succumbing to the call of reason, give up their happiness, which makes their act right in the eyes of society, but deep down in their souls, both heroes are unhappy.

So what is the mind: logic, common sense, or just boring reason? Can feelings interfere with a person's life or, on the contrary, provide an invaluable service? There is no unequivocal answer in this dispute, whom to listen to: reason or feeling. Both are equally important for a person, so you just need to learn how to use them correctly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them in our group in VK:

Direction "Mind and feelings"

Sample theses essays

Mind and feelings. These words will be the main motive one of the topics at the graduation essay in 2017.

Can be distinguished two directions on which to discuss this topic.

1. The struggle in a person of reason and feelings, requiring a mandatory choice: act, obeying the surging emotions, or still not lose your head, weigh your actions, be aware of their consequences both for yourself and for others.

2. Reason and feelings can be allies , harmonize in a person, making him strong, self-confident, able to emotionally respond to everything that happens around.

Reflections on the topic: "Mind and feelings"

o It is human nature to choose whether to act wisely, considering each step, weighing one's words, planning actions, or obey one's feelings. These feelings can be very different: from love to hate, from malice to kindness, from rejection to acceptance. Feelings are very strong in a person. They can easily take possession of his soul and consciousness.

o What choice to make in this or that situation: to submit to feelings, which are often selfish, or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two "elements"? Everyone must answer these questions for himself. And a person also makes a choice on his own, a choice on which not only the future, but life itself can sometimes depend.

o Yes, mind and feelings often oppose each other. Will a person be able to bring them into harmony, make sure that the mind is supported by feelings and vice versa - it depends on the will of the person, on the degree of responsibility, on those moral guidelines which he follows.

o Nature has rewarded people with the greatest wealth - the mind, gave them the opportunity to experience feelings. Now they themselves must learn to live, being aware of all their actions, but at the same time remaining sensitive, able to feel joy, love, kindness, attention, not to succumb to anger, enmity, envy and other negative feelings.

o One more thing is important: a person who lives only by feelings, in fact, is not free. He subordinated himself to them, to these emotions and feelings, whatever they may be: love, envy, anger, greed, fear, and others. He is weak and even easily controlled by others, by those who want to take advantage of this human dependence on feelings for their own selfish and selfish purposes. Therefore, feelings and reason must exist in harmony, so that feelings help a person to see the whole gamut of shades in everything, and the mind - to respond correctly, adequately to this, not to drown in the abyss of feelings.

o Learning to live in harmony between your feelings and your mind is very important. Capable of it strong personality living according to the laws of morality and morality. And there is no need to listen to the opinion of some people that the world of the mind is boring, monotonous, uninteresting, and the world of feelings is comprehensive, beautiful, bright. The harmony of mind and feelings will give a person immeasurably more in the knowledge of the world, in self-awareness, in the perception of life in general.

arguments for an essay on the topic: "Reason and feelings"

1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

2. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

3. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

4. I.S. Turgenev "Asya"

5. A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"

6. A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"

7. A.P. Chekhov "Lady with a dog"

8. I.A. Bunin "Dark alleys"

9. V. Rasputin "Live and remember"

10. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Artworks Arguments
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
The protagonist of "Words ..." is Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky. This is a brave, brave warrior, a patriot of his country. Brothers and squad! Better to be killed by swords. Than from the hands of the filthy people! His cousin Svyatoslav, who ruled in Kyiv, in 1184 defeated the Polovtsy - the enemies of Rus', the nomads. Igor could not participate in the campaign. He decided to undertake a new campaign - in 1185. There was no need for it, the Polovtsy did not attack Rus' after the victory of Svyatoslav. However, the desire for glory, selfishness led to the fact that Igor spoke out against the Polovtsy. Nature seemed to warn the hero about the failures that would haunt the prince - a solar eclipse occurred. But Igor was adamant. And he said, full of military thoughts, Ignoring the sign of heaven: "I want to break the spear In an unfamiliar Polovtsian field… Reason receded into the background. Feelings, moreover, of an egoistic nature, took possession of the prince. After the defeat and escape from captivity, Igor realized the mistake, realized it. That is why the author sings glory to the prince at the end of the work. This is an example of the fact that a person endowed with power must always weigh everything, it is the mind, and not feelings, even if they are positive, that should determine the behavior of a person on whom the lives of many people depend.
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
The heroine Tatyana Larina has strong, deep feelings for Eugene Onegin. She fell in love with him as soon as she saw him in her estate. My whole life has been a guarantee of a faithful date with you; I know you were sent to me by God, Until the grave you are my keeper ... About Onegin: He no longer fell in love with beauties, but dragged himself along somehow; Refuse - instantly comforted; Will change - I was glad to have a rest. However, Eugene realized how beautiful Tatyana is, that she is worthy of love, and he fell in love with her much later. A lot has happened over the years, and most importantly, Tatyana was already married. And happiness was so possible, So close! .. But my fate is Already decided. (Words by Tatyana Onegin) The meeting after a long separation at the ball showed how strong Tatyana's feelings are. However, she is a highly moral woman. She respects her husband, understands that she must be faithful to him. I love you (why dissemble?), But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.. In the struggle of feelings and reason, win the mind. The heroine did not tarnish her honor, did not inflict a spiritual wound on her husband, although she deeply loved Onegin. She refused love, realizing that, having tied the knot of her life with a man, she simply must be faithful to him.
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
How beautiful is the image of Natasha Rostova in the novel! As the heroine is spontaneous, open, how she longs for true love. (" Catch moments of happiness, force yourself to love, fall in love yourself! Only this one is the real thing in the world - the rest is all nonsense "- the words of the author) She sincerely fell in love with Andrei Bolkonsky, she is waiting for the year to pass, after which their wedding should take place. However, fate has prepared a serious test for Natasha - a meeting with the handsome Anatole Kuragin. He simply charmed her, feelings flooded over the heroine, and she forgot about everything. She is ready to flee into the unknown, just to be close to Anatole. How Natasha blamed Sonya, who told her family about the upcoming escape! Feelings were stronger than Natasha. The mind just went silent. Yes, the heroine will repent later, we feel sorry for her, we understand her desire to love .(I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him. Tell only him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything ...) However, how cruelly Natasha punished herself: Andrei freed her from all obligations .(And of all people, I did not love or hate anyone else like her.) Reading these pages of the novel, you think about many things. It is easy to say what is good and what is bad. Sometimes feelings are so strong that a person simply does not notice how he is rolling into the abyss, succumbing to them. But still, it is very important to learn to subordinate feelings to reason, and not to subordinate, but simply to coordinate, to live in such a way that they are in harmony. Then many mistakes in life can be avoided.
I.S. Turgenev "Asya"
25-year-old N.N. travels carelessly, however, without a goal and a plan, meets new people, and almost never visits sights. This is how I. Turgenev's story "Asya" begins. The hero will have to endure a difficult test - a test of love. This feeling arose in him for the girl Asya. It combined cheerfulness and eccentricity, openness and isolation. But the main thing is that she is different from the rest. Perhaps this is due to her former life: she lost her parents early, the 13-year-old girl was left in the arms of her older brother, Gagin., Asya realized that she really fell in love with N.N., and therefore led himself unusually: either closing himself, trying to retire, or wanting to draw attention to himself. Mind and feeling seem to be fighting in it, the inability to drown out the love for N.N. Unfortunately, the hero turned out to be not as decisive as Asya, who confessed her love to him in a note. N.N. also had strong feelings for Asya: “I felt some kind of sweetness - it was sweetness in my heart: it was as if they poured me honey there.” But for too long he thought about the future with the heroine, postponing the decision for tomorrow. And there is no tomorrow for love. Asya and Gagin left, but the hero could not find a woman in his life with whom he would connect his fate. The memories of Asya were too strong, and only a note reminded of her. So the mind became the reason for the separation, and the feelings were not able to lead the hero to decisive actions. “Happiness has no tomorrow, it has no yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future. He only has the present. - And it's not a day. And a moment. »
A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"
The heroine of the play is Larisa Ogudalova. She is a dowry, that is, when she gets married, her mother is not able to prepare a dowry, which was customary for a bride. Larisa's family is of average income, so she does not have to hope for a good match. So she agreed to marry Karandyshev - the only one who offered her to marry. She does not feel any love for her future husband. But a young girl wants to love! And this feeling was already born in her heart - love for Paratov, who once charmed her, and then just left. Larisa will have to experience the strongest internal struggle - between feeling and reason, duty to the person she marries. Paratov seemed to bewitch her, she admires him, gives in to a feeling of love, a desire to be with her beloved. She is naive, believes the words, thinks that Paratov loves her just as much. But what a bitter disappointment she had to experience. It is in the hands of Paratov - just a "thing". Reason still wins, insight comes. True, later. " A thing... yes, a thing! They are right, I am a thing, not a person ... Finally, a word has been found for me, you have found it ... Every thing must have an owner, I will go to the owner. And I no longer want to live, to live in a world of lies and deceit, to live without being truly loved (what a shame that she is chosen - heads or tails). Death for the heroine is a relief. How tragic her words sound: I was looking for love and didn't find it. They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun.
A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"
"Love knows no bounds." How often do we hear these words, and repeat them ourselves. However, in life, unfortunately, not everyone is able to overcome these boundaries. How beautiful is the love of the village girl Olesya, who lives in the bosom of nature, far from civilization, and the intellectual, city dweller Ivan Timofeevich! The strong, sincere feeling of the heroes is being tested: the hero must decide to marry a village girl, and even a sorceress, as she is called around, to connect life with a person who lives according to other laws, as if in another world. And the hero could not make a choice in time. Reason had weighed on him too long. Even Olesya noticed insincerity in the character of the hero: “Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word. Love to take over people, but you yourself do not want to, but obey them. And in the end - loneliness, because the beloved is forced to leave these places, to run away with Manuilikha from superstitious peasants. Beloved did not become her support and salvation. The eternal struggle of reason and feelings in man. How often does it lead to tragedy. Save love without losing your head, understanding the responsibility for your loved one - this is not given to everyone. Ivan Timofeevich could not stand the test of love.
A.P. Chekhov "Lady with a dog"
Holiday romance - this is how the plot of A. Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog" can be called. Behind the outward simplicity of the plot lies a deep content. The author shows the tragedy of people who sincerely fell in love with each other. However, family ties tied him - Gurov Dmitry Dmitrievich, and her - Anna Sergeevna. The opinion of society, the condemnation of others, the fear of publicizing one's feelings - all this made life loving people simply unbearable. Living in hiding, meeting secretly - it was simply unbearable. But they had the main thing - love. Both heroes are unhappy and happy at the same time. Love inspired them, tired without love. They gave themselves to affection and tenderness, forgetting about their marital status. The hero changed, began to look at the world differently, ceased to be her usual burner .(... how, in essence, if you think about it, everything is beautiful in this world, everything except what we ourselves think and think when we forget about the higher goals of being, about our human dignity). Anna Sergeevna does not feel like a fallen woman either - she loves, and this is the main thing. How long will their secret meetings continue. What their love will lead to - each reader can only guess about this. But the main thing that you understand when you read this work is that love is capable of everything that it transforms, changes people, fills their life with meaning. This feeling has great power over a person, and the mind sometimes falls silent before it - Love.
I.A. Bunin "Dark alleys"
Sometimes relationships between people are complicated. Especially when it comes to such a strong feeling as love. What to give preference to: the strength of feelings that have gripped a person, or listen to the voice of reason, which suggests that the chosen one is from another circle, that she is not a couple, which means that there can be no love. So the hero of I. Bunin's novel "Dark Alleys" Nikolai in his youth experienced a great feeling of love for Nadezhda, who was from a completely different environment, a simple peasant woman. The hero could not connect his life with his beloved: the laws of the society to which he belonged too dominated him. Yes, and how many more in life there will be, these Hopes! ( ... it always seems that somewhere there will be something especially happy, some kind of meeting ...) In the end - life with an unloved woman. Gray days. And only many years later, when he saw Nadezhda again, Nikolai realized that such love was given to him by fate, and he passed her by, past his happiness. And Nadezhda was able to carry through her whole life this great feeling - love. .(Youth passes for everyone, but love is another matter.) So sometimes fate, the whole life of a person, depends on the choice between reason and feeling.
V. Rasputin "Live and remember"
A person should always remember that he is responsible for his loved ones, his loved ones. But Andrei, the hero of V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember", forgot about this. He became a deserter during the war years, in fact, fled from the front, because he really wanted to see the house, his relatives on vacation, which he received for a few days, but did not have time to get home. A brave soldier, he suddenly became rejected by society. The feeling won over the mind, the desire to be at home turned out to be so strong that he, a soldier, violated the military oath. And with this, the hero made the life of his loved ones miserable: his wife and parents have already become the family of an enemy of the people. Strong feelings for her husband and his wife - Nastya. Realizing that she is committing a crime, she helps Andrei, who is hiding from the authorities, does not betray him. (That's why she and a woman, to soften and smooth life together, that's why this amazing power was given to her, which is the more amazing, tender and richer, the more often it is used.) As a result, both she and her unborn child die: Nastya threw herself into the river when she realized that she was being chased and she betrayed her beloved .(When everything is good, it's easy to be together: it's like a dream, you know, breathe, and that's all. You have to be together when it's bad - that's what people come together for, ”the words of Nastya) A tragedy, a real drama unfolded, because Andrei Guskov succumbed to the power of feelings. You always need to remember about the people living with us, and not to commit rash acts, because otherwise the worst thing can happen - the death of loved ones.
M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
Love. It's an amazing feeling. It makes a person happy, life takes on new shades. For the sake of love, real, all-encompassing, a person sacrifices everything. So the heroine of the novel by M. Bulgakov, Margarita, for the sake of love, left her outwardly prosperous life. Everything seemed to be fine with her: a husband holding a prestigious position, a large apartment, at a time when many people huddled in communal apartments. (Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy anything she liked. Among her husband’s acquaintances there were interesting people. Margarita Nikolaevna never touched the stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment. In a word…was she happy? Not one minute!) But there was no main thing - love .. there was only loneliness (And I was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes! - the words of the Master). because her life is empty.) And when love came, Margarita went to her beloved .(She looked at me in surprise, and I suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, realized that I had loved this particular woman all my life! - the master will say) What played here leading role? Feelings? Of course yes. Intelligence? Probably he, too, because Margarita deliberately abandoned a prosperous outwardly life. And she no longer cares that she lives in a small apartment. The main thing is that he is nearby - her Master. She helps him finish the novel. She is even ready to become a queen at Woland's ball - all this for the sake of love. So both reason and feelings were in harmony in Margarita's soul. (Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!) Do we condemn the heroine? Here everyone will answer in their own way. But still, life with an unloved person is also wrong. So the heroine made a choice, choosing the path of love, the strongest feeling that a person can experience.

"Honor and dishonor".

This is how the second direction of the topics of the final essay on literature in 2017 is indicated.

At the heart of human morality are many concepts. Honor is one of them. IN explanatory dictionaries You can find a variety of definitions of this word:

o Moral qualities worthy of respect and pride

o Honor is a combination of qualities such as justice, loyalty, truthfulness, dignity and nobility.

o This is a willingness to defend one's interests, the interests of loved ones, the people, the state.

o This is the ability to neglect one's own good for the sake of others, even the willingness to give one's life for the sake of justice.

o Staying true to the ideals of the principles