Victoria Karaseva, for whose life doctors are still fighting, tried to commit suicide.

Tori was taken to Sklif with a burn of the esophagus and a closed craniocerebral injury. According to doctors, the girl drank acetic acid and collapsed dead, hitting her head hard.

The story of the mussel shard in the seafood pizza that allegedly caused the dark-haired beauty to suddenly fall ill, as it turned out, is only half true.

This is evidenced by the documents that were at the disposal of the online publication: Tory was first taken to the psychosomatic department of the Sklifosovsky Institute - where they bring everyone who tried to commit suicide. Vika was taken to the Department of Psychosomatics with a diagnosis: “TBI, burns of the esophagus, damage to the wall of the esophagus”

A few weeks ago, one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project, Victoria Karaseva, ended up in a hospital bed. Her common-law husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, told a touching and outrageous story that the girl ate a pizza with seafood, which turned out to be a fragment of a mussel that cut her esophagus.

As it became known to, in a regular hospital in Victoria, they really did have a diagnosis: acute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), swelling of the throat. But this disease is not so dangerous that a person ends up in intensive care. What happened in those few days until Tori was taken to Sklif is known only to her and, perhaps, to Slava, Olga Buzova and other closest friends on the show. But in the clinic, she was immediately put into psychosomatics, where, according to the doctors, “only those who tried to poison themselves, hang themselves, rushed from the balcony” are delivered.

As the girl's friends say, Victoria has repeatedly spoken out about suicide as a way to solve all problems. “On the project, Tori showed herself to be a very wayward girl, sharp-tongued, straightforward,” Karaseva’s friends from Dom-2 say. She was always open about whatever she wanted to say. Once it was about what girls should do, for love ended. Vika then stated that it was impossible to love life in which the most important person no longer exists. She said that life no longer makes sense. Then they had an idyll with Slava. But still, when she talked about suicide, she was uncomfortable with such conversations.

Friends of the star believe that Vika was killed by acetic acid, which Tori swallowed to get away from problems. Indeed, the entries in her medical record speak of this. The girl was brought to the clinic with a severe burn of the esophagus and a closed craniocerebral injury. Apparently, after drinking poison, the girl fell and hit her head.

The condition of the 29-year-old star of "House-2" doctors still assess as critical. The girl is still in the emergency room.

Recall, according to the channel, Victoria Karaseva, a participant in the scandalous TV show Dom-2, was hospitalized after she ate a pizza in one of the capital's restaurants, which contained a piece of a mussel shell - it cut the girl's esophagus and stomach.

Prior to this, Victoria turned to the doctors of two hospitals, including a paid clinic. But the doctors failed to give her a correct diagnosis. Tori complained about severe pain in the neck, and blood tests revealed an increased content of leukocytes in the blood, which indicated a strong internal inflammation.

Due to an erroneous medical diagnosis, Tori was first treated for osteochondrosis. But the pain kept getting worse. It became difficult for Tori to swallow food. Then the doctors suggested thyroid disease - but this was again an erroneous diagnosis. Tori was brought to the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky in a critical condition. There, too, it was not immediately possible to establish the correct diagnosis, because neither ultrasound nor X-ray showed any problems.

Finally, an experienced doctor suggested that Tori be tested again, but this time with barium (the fluid that coats the esophagus and intestines). When the doctors looked at the pictures, they finally made the correct diagnosis: perforation of the cervical esophagus with a foreign body (a piece of shell). At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Tori underwent a complex operation.

The girl's husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, is preparing documents for the court - he intends to punish the cooks who prepared the deadly food, and the doctors who failed to make a diagnosis in time.

Muscovite Victoria (Tori) Karaseva spent 1,256 days on the Dom-2 show, that is, almost 4 years. She came to the project to Andrei Chuev on September 30, 2005, but the relationship between the guys did not work out. On the project, Tori had a serious relationship twice: with the Moldovan rapper Russell Proskurov (he proposed to her) and her current husband, actor Vyacheslav Dvoretkov. Tori and Slava secretly got married this summer, hiding their marriage from everyone. They promised to arrange a magnificent wedding in a year.

In 2009, a tragedy happened in the life of Victoria Karaseva. The girl, along with Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, went to one of the Moscow restaurants. The seafood dish served to her was poorly cooked, a sharp fragment from a mussel shell cut her esophagus. Victoria underwent several operations to save her life, and after discharge, Karaseva's weight was only 32 kilograms.

Terrible incident Tori can not forget to this day. In her Instagram, the former star of "House-2" is still writing about the difficult path that she had to go through after the operation. “Yes, the doctors said that it would get easier with time, but such a miracle did not happen. I waited, did all sorts of manipulations to relieve the pain, but miracles do not happen, so the first five years were spent realizing what had happened to me for the sixth year. I decided that I needed to learn to live with pain for the seventh year. I studied and already only in the eighth year I learned. I decided that the pain would not go anywhere, would not leave, would not slam the door, so it should become a part of me and I learned to live with the remnants of health, and with pain. It happens so twisted that the nail plates are cracking at the seams, ”Victoria wrote in her microblog.

Karaseva also spoke about breast plastic surgery, which she was forced to do due to surgical interventions related to the injury.

Victoria Karaseva often posts photos with her lover / Photo: Instagram

Alla Pugacheva told how she refused the creators of the ABBA group

August 9, 2013, 22:44

I read the article and saw in the comments short descriptions, how was the fate of "Household", who watched the times of Buzov / Vodonaev and others, so I can not vouch for the authenticity, ordinary gossip.

Olga Nikolaeva Solntse stayed in Moscow, moonlights as a DJ, opened a production center, although there is no sense in it. She rents an apartment and lives with a girl, her girl is a thunder woman by nature. They travel together, Olga sometimes donates money to charity.

Andrei Chuev found himself in a very difficult situation. He had some kind of spinal disease, like a hernia, his back was twisted with the letter "Z", and he needed an expensive operation and treatment. There was no money, the producers of "House-2" refused to help him. His friends eventually found money for the operation, it was done abroad, and he recovered. Now Andrei brings shoes from Moscow and sells them in his city on the market, builds a cottage.

Alexander Nelidov, who first met the Sun, and then married fashion model Natasha Pavlova ... In general, they lived in Moscow next to his mother, Alexander conducts trainings for companies such as "success is easy" and the like. A year ago, Natasha divorced him, because she could not stand his emotional instability and selfishness. She married someone else and gave birth to a son. Nelidov also did not get bored and almost simultaneously married beautiful girl without revealing her name.

There were also Karimov brothers. Both returned to their hometown, but travel as DJs touring clubs. I am writing from memory, because the page where they posted photos and wrote about themselves, in my opinion, was deleted. Stas married a girl with a child. He opened a clothing store with his brother, which was closed due to lack of payback. Oscar is not married.

May first hosted a paranormal show on REN-TV, where even Babkina appeared with him. Then, due to low ratings, the program was closed, new job not offered, he went into a crisis. Then he began to go to church, decided to leave people and settled in the village, out of pity he was given to write news for the magazine, and maybe even for the site if the magazine is not printed. Journalists came to this village, May did not open them and locked himself in the house. The sister said that he lives very poorly, walks in a stretched sweater all the time, receives money orders at the post office. She said that she buys cereals, matches and cards for the Internet in a rural store.

Styopa Menshikov stayed in Moscow, works as a host at corporate parties, sings songs in clubs. But all his shows are built on self-deprecation, they say, look what a fool I am. Sometimes the truth tries to go into love lyrics, but they don’t perceive him in this role. Works for a couple with Rustam Solntsev. They are like clowns of the demimonde, they are not invited to significant parties, they are always somewhere in the back. Styopa filmed clips with his own money, tried to promote them on YouTube, but the result was zero. Married, has a son. There was a video on the Internet where he lay stoned on the bed, he was even pumped out. Well, in general, he is some kind of sad clown, he wanted to make films as a director, he was sent nafig, as an actor, too, did not catch on.

Victoria Karaseva and Vyacheslav Dvoretkov are still married, they built themselves a cottage in the Moscow region, there are no children yet. At first they opened a production center, they were looking for work for artists, but things didn’t work out. As a result, Victoria opened a wedding dress store. She tried to sue the restaurant for 5 million rubles, but the judge sided with the businessmen and she did not receive the money.

Roma Tretyakov married a model a couple of years ago, already divorced. Leads all sorts of corporate parties.

On August 7, the court made a final decision, and Dashko was sentenced to 3 years in prison. As the assistant to the district prosecutor said, the speech of the defendant before the announcement of the verdict was extremely emotional.

The television project "Dom-2" has not lost its popularity for many years. Dozens of reality show participants have become famous only because of their participation in it. They are loved, admired, and many have already forgotten what these stars were like when they first came to the TV project. With the help of plastic surgery, the work of stylists, many of them have changed beyond recognition! Do you remember them like this?

Victoria Bonya

At the age of 16, Victoria came from Krasnokamensk to conquer Moscow. She started her career at Lotto Bingo on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, worked as a waitress, secretary in a plastic window company. In 2001, she represented Russia at the Miss Earth beauty pageant.

Since May 9, 2006, Victoria Bonya has been a participant in the reality show Dom-2, which she left on April 12, 2007. In May 2007, she was included in the list of "50 most beautiful people in Moscow" by TimeOut Moscow magazine.

Victoria was in an unregistered marriage with the son of an Irish millionaire, Alexander Michael Smurfit, whom she met in Moscow in 2010. Daughter Angelina Letitia Smerfit was born on March 17, 2012. In mid-2016, Internet rumors about the couple's separation appeared on the Web, which Bonya stubbornly denied until February 3, 2017, when scandalous photos of an already former roommate with other girls surfaced on the Web. Victoria Bonya confirmed the fact of parting on her page on Instagram. Victoria lives in London.


Olga Buzova

Olga got on the TV show "Dom-2" in 2004. She spent four years on the project as a participant, according to the results of the audience voting, she was recognized as the best participant in the entire history of the television project. In 2007, wax figures of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, the most popular members of Doma-2, appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum. Over the four years of her life in Dom-2, as a participant, she wrote two books, Romance with Buzova and The Case in the Hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde.

Since December 2008, Olga has been the host of the Dom-2 reality show and the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show magazine. House 2".

On December 30, 2016, Olga Buzova divorced football player Dmitry Tarasov with a scandal, with whom she had been married for 4 years. According to her, the model Anna Kostenko broke up their family.


Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva is a journalist by education, she worked on television in Tyumen. July 10, 2004 Alena Vodonaeva first came to the television project "Dom-2". The girl said she wanted to build a relationship with Stepan Menshchikov, and she succeeded. After meeting for several years, the couple broke up, and Vodonaeva brought stripper Anton Potapovich to the project. But this alliance proved fragile. May Abrikosov was next, the couple finally broke up after May was kicked out of the project. June 12, 2007 Alena Vodonaeva left the project.

On August 7, 2009, Alena married businessman Alexei Malakeev. The solemn ceremony took place in the Gagarin registry office, where only the closest and dearest people were invited. On August 23, 2010, Alena gave birth to a son, Bogdan. In 2011, her husband left her. At the end of 2011, being legally married, Alena Vodonaeva began dating businessman Arseny Sharov, the romance lasted until the beginning of 2013. In 2013, Malakeev and Vodonaeva officially divorced.

In May 2013, Vodonaeva began dating the St. Petersburg party-goer Slava Panterov. From February to August 2014, Alena Vodonaeva met with a 23-year-old St. Petersburg party-goer and entrepreneur, the owner of a real estate agency, Yuri Ande, she was going to marry him, but the union broke up. At the moment, he is dating an unknown young man, according to some media outlets who identified specific tattoos from the photo provided by the model, he is. 20-year-old racer Artem Markelov, who is 12 years younger than Vodonaeva.


Ksenia Borodina

Since 2004, Ksenia Borodina has become the host of the Dom-2 project. Ksenia met with Leonid Nerushenko, the lead singer of the Dynamite group, who later tragically died in a traffic accident. On August 8, 2008, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met at the Comedy Club. On June 10, 2009, their daughter Marusya was born. On April 4, 2011, the couple divorced.

She met with former participants in the reality show "Dom-2" Oscar Karimov and Mikhail Terekhin. On July 3, 2015, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Kurban Omarov. December 22, 2015 gave birth to a daughter. The girl was given the name Thea.


Evgenia Feofilaktova

February 28, 2009 Evgenia Feofilaktova came to the reality show "Dom-2". On the program, Evgenia Feofilaktova did not waste time in vain: the spectacular brunette liked many project participants and managed to start many novels. Zhenya's first chosen one was Nikita Kuznetsov, and soon the girl settled with him in a separate room. However, few believed in the sincerity of the relationship of this couple. The audience turned out to be right: a few days later, Evgenia Feofilaktova and Nikita broke up. Andrey Cherkasov, a former member of Dom-2, also laid eyes on Zhenya, which is why he had a big conflict with Kuznetsov. Later, Evgenia Feofilaktova had a rather long relationship with the newcomer to the project, Ilya Gazhienko. Ilya showed the most serious intentions towards Zhenya. At first, their relationship was strong enough, but over time they began to quarrel often. Sometimes quarrels ended in assault. The relationship between the lovers ended when Ilya was kicked out of the project for indecent behavior.

For a short time, the girl was alone, and then started an affair with Alikhan Khudaibanov, but this relationship did not last long either. After another breakup, Evgenia decided to take care of her appearance: she underwent breast augmentation surgery to the third size, then she enlarged her lips and raised her eyebrows. Zhenya's next suitor was Alexander Zadoynov. The couple for quite a long time delighted the audience with violent scandals and beautiful dates. After Zadoinov was kicked out of the project, the girl was left alone again, and the situation changed only with the arrival of Mikhail Terekhin on the show. He easily won the heart of Evgenia Feofilaktova, but a month later he admitted that he never liked her. On the Dom-2 project, Evgenia Feofilaktova received the nickname "Tru-la-la".

Shortly thereafter, Evgenia Feofilaktova began dating Anton Gusev, and after only three months, the young man proposed to her. The reason for this haste is simple: information appeared on the Web that Zhenya was expecting a baby. The wedding ceremony took place on June 17, 2012 at the Gagarinsky registry office, from where the young people went to a banquet at a luxurious restaurant in the center of Moscow. December 14, 2012 Evgenia Feofilaktova-Guseva gave birth to a son. The boy was named Daniel.

At the beginning of 2016, Evgenia became a co-founder of a beauty clinic. According to Evgenia, the clinic uses the best premium drugs. In addition, Guseva plans to start advertising fashionable beauty salons.

The couple divorced last year. Anton traded Evgenia for a younger and more spectacular girl.


Daria Pynzar

Daria Pynzar joined the project on December 28, 2007 and left on January 1, 2017. On the project, the girl married Sergei Pynzar and gave birth to a son, Artem. The couple recently welcomed their second boy. A young family develop a common business selling clothes and accessories.


Victoria Karaseva

Victoria Karaseva (Tori) came to Dom-2 on September 30, 2005 to Andrey Chuev. But the first serious relationship on the project was built by Tory with the Moldovan rapper Ruslan Proskurov (Russell). The guys found a lot in common, including a passion for music. The couple of Tori and Ruslan broke up, as their scandals eventually began to develop into real battles, when everything around just shattered into pieces.

On the project, Karaseva was constantly haunted by the desire to get married. And some guys even agreed to it. For example, labor teacher Dmitry Chizhevsky agreed to be Tori's husband. True, the wedding fell apart. In 2009 something terrible happened. Tory and her husband Vyacheslav Dvoretkov went to one of the elite restaurants in the capital, where a terrible tragedy occurred. The seafood dish was poorly cooked, and the star of the screen construction received an injury to the esophagus from a shell fragment. The girl miraculously survived. After being discharged from the hospital, Victoria Karaseva's weight was 32 kilograms. When Tori recovered, she and her chosen one decided to leave the project. On July 6, 2009, Victoria Karaseva and Dvoretskov said goodbye to Dom-2. After the project, the guys lived together, and on June 30, 2009, the wedding of Victoria Karaseva and Vyacheslav Dvoretskov took place. Now the girl works as a singer.

  • Dom-2 is a Russian original reality show that has been airing on TNT since May 11, 2004.
  • On July 28, 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow issued a ruling prohibiting the broadcast of the TV show during "children's time" - from 16:00 to 23:00. TNT has filed an appeal against this decision. On October 20, 2009, the Moscow City Court confirmed the ban on broadcasting the reality show Dom-2 during the day.
  • From October 21, 2009 to October 17, 2010, only evening and night editions were released, then the daytime edition was restored.

Victoria Karaseva (Tori)- ex-participant. A native Muscovite, born June 23, 1979.

Vika was a gifted child from childhood and dreamed of becoming an actress. She attended a dance studio for five years and also graduated from a music school. The girl participated in many international competitions by singing. After school, she studied opera vocals at the Schnittke Institute. Later, she received a second higher education, graduating from GITIS.

Before joining the TV show, she managed to work as a host on the Europe + radio, Victoria, together with Anton Kamolov, hosted the Full Version program.

I came to the project, but the guy was indifferent to Vika.

First love story on the project began a relationship with a rapper from Chisinau, Russell (Ruslan Proskurov). The couple looked harmoniously together, they were united by common interests (love of music). Over time, the guys began to quarrel, and the scandals grew stronger every day and often ended in fights! The parting was natural ...

Then in Tori's life was "always smiling". A guy with a beautiful appearance charmed Victoria, and she was even ready to marry him. But, it didn't work out...

Victoria with Dmitry Chizhevsky

The result of being on the project was a relationship with a new participant, Vyacheslav Dvoretsky. An eccentric and charismatic young man won Vika's heart and they formed a strong couple, and a little later, they got married.

Later, a tragedy happened in the life of the couple, in one of the capital's restaurants, due to the negligence of the staff, Victoria cut her esophagus with a fragment of a clam shell in a seafood pizza. The girl ended up in intensive care and miraculously survived. In the operational and postoperative period, Slava looked after his beloved wife.

After returning from the hospital, Tori and Slava decided not to return to the project.