
Igor LIKHUTA: "In Poland, I danced a male striptease - the Wild West forced me. As a result, I got on the pages of an erotic magazine and received an offer to star in a porn film for three thousand dollars"

The most famous Ukrainian producer celebrated his 45th birthday
The queen, as they say, is played by the retinue, and who leads this retinue, who commands? I don’t know how at court, but on stage, of course, the producer. Workaholic Igor Likhuta is one of the most prominent representatives this powerful clan. Not without irony, he calls himself a man with a flexible psyche and mind, and, perhaps, there are no such feats that Igor is not able to accomplish for the sake of art and his beloved wife Taisiya.

The queen, as they say, is played by the retinue, and who leads this retinue, who commands? I don’t know how at court, but on stage, of course, the producer. Workaholic Igor Likhuta is one of the brightest representatives of this powerful clan. Not without irony, he calls himself a man with a flexible psyche and mind, and, perhaps, there are no such feats that Igor is not able to accomplish for the sake of art and his beloved wife Taisiya. Together with Taya and instead of her, he is ready to attend parties, sit on the jury of a stripper competition, walk the catwalk, and even threaten to have plastic surgery if the interests of the case so require. Interestingly, for a start, Igor stepped on the throat of his male ambitions, leaving Taya the name of her first husband: for the stage, they say, Povaliy sounds more harmonious, and most importantly, this is a ready-made brand. It's no secret: show business is cynical. In Moscow, for example, resourceful producers can decorate billboards overnight famous singer with the inscription: "Whore" to sell tickets to her concert, and then brag about a successful publicity stunt. For Igor Likhuta, such, so to speak, frills are unacceptable. At the very beginning, he gave his beloved the image of a lady with chic suits, hairstyles, diamonds, limousines, and since then he has been tirelessly watching him. Today, this brilliant couple has all-Ukrainian and all-Russian fame, fashionable, expensive clips, the highest connections and financial well-being. Looking at them, it's hard to believe that they started from scratch, and it seemed as if the whole world was against their love. Igor, for example, was immediately disliked by her mother-in-law, whose "well-wishers" literally buzzed her ears: "He left two wives and Tae will ruin her life." Taya, in order not to injure her son, who was turned against her by her former mother-in-law, had to become a “Sunday mom” for a while, and what scandals with breaking dishes broke out in their nest when Igor was called by his ex-wives! The settled spouses are reluctant to remember this, and the mother-in-law now does not care for her son-in-law. In their large comfortable house, not matriarchy, not patriarchy, but a good mood reigns, but Igor still wanders around all day on business. There are also shops, bazaars, filling the family refrigerator... At the same time, Likhuta does not get tired of joking, joking, conquering, conquering: there is no woman who can resist his irresistible charm. ... Once the daughter of Pavel Zibrov, then two years old Diana, was asked what to give her for her birthday. "Husband!" she replied. "What?" parents were surprised. "Igor Likhutu". - "So he's married to Aunt Taya," the adults tried to reason with the child. "Let him leave her!" It seems that this extravagant choice has only one explanation: from an early age, the girl dreams of becoming a superstar and subconsciously already knows who exactly is able to turn Cinderella into a queen.


- Most people naively think: "If a singer is very talented, he will definitely become a superstar." Alas, this is far from the case. It is impossible to climb to the top of the musical Olympus alone - you need a highly professional producer. Today, in my opinion, you are beyond competition among Ukrainian producers, you are the best...

I just want to say... is not so?

That I am categorically against such rigid definitions: the best is not the best. It is only in sports that someone can be first, second or third - there, in the end, you can see by the result. We have a lot of talented people in show business.

I think I understood: you, Igor, are not the best - you are modest. At the same time, I think you will not deny that you put your whole soul into your work and have never in your life walked forward over other people's bones and corpses. You were born on April 11, 1961, and on the 12th, Yuri Gagarin flew into space. All over the country, the boys who were born were then called in honor of the first cosmonaut Yurami - why did this fate pass you by?

And you know, no less famous Ukrainian producer Yuri Thalesa was born just on April 12, 1961, only somewhere in the Urals. We have four hours difference with him, but if you take into account the time zones, we were born almost at the same time.

Then, on April 12, many journalists went to maternity hospitals, and the medical staff gently and unobtrusively suggested naming newborns with the fashionable name Yuri, but my mother is a non-standard person, she did not want her son to be like everyone else. That's why they named me Igor.

To be honest, I absolutely can’t imagine myself as Yuri. Looking in the mirror, I sometimes think that the name of each person is predetermined from above, and if they already called me Igor, then so be it.

Before the fateful, as far as I understand, meeting with Taisia ​​Povaliy for both of you, you managed to get married twice, have two children, play in many restaurants not only in Kyiv, but also in Poland ...

Also Sweden and Norway...

- Sorry for the indiscreet question: was restaurant music making a profitable business in Soviet times?

Ooo! In those years, I considered myself, probably, the most happy man in the world. Why? Well, firstly, at the age of 22 I already labal in one of the best taverns in Kyiv - an insanely pretentious establishment at the Rus Hotel, which was opened in 1980 for the Olympic Games. Gorgeous audience, three halls...

-... the most severe access control...

Undoubtedly. Many foreign tourists stayed at this hotel, and, of course, the State Security Committee kept a close eye on all of them.

- You helped our bodies?

No, we worked, so to speak, in parallel.

Knocked, then, but in a different direction? By the way, there is an anecdote about this. Our academic symphony orchestra comes to the decaying West, and with it, of course, an escort from the KGB. At the very first concert, he settles in the front row and is perplexed: all the musicians play in the sweat of their brows, and the drummer only occasionally: boom! boom! During the break, the vigilant committeeman calls him up. “Comrade,” he says, “I’m watching here, everyone is playing, and you just hit “boom!” with a stick and then again be silent for a long time.” The musician was confused: "Sorry, comrade, I just have such a party." - "No need: we have one party, but we need to knock more often" ...

-(Laughs). I've only played morse code on drums. By the way, at one time he was even the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Kyiv Association of Musical Ensembles. KOMA (many jokingly called it coma - in the medical sense) united musicians who worked in city restaurants. Then this organization was the most powerful musical get-together, where the best forces were gathered.

The maximum salary of a tavern labukh - I emphasize, it is the salary! - was 140-150 rubles, and when a musician just got a job, they could put him 90 rubles. It was quite modest money (although at that time they somehow managed to live with such people), but do not forget: in our brother's taverns there was one big plus, and it was called "parnus". He was received for performing songs to order, and depending on the status and pathos, catering points ran different amounts. If you got along with the leadership of KOMA, you were given the opportunity to work in central restaurants where richer people went, where there were more orders and, accordingly, earnings were more solid. If, however, relations with the authorities suddenly deteriorated sharply, you were sent into exile somewhere on the outskirts: to the Forest Range or to Darnitsa, to a wretched, small restaurant with poor cuisine ...

-... and with bad people...

Well, yes: bandits, showdowns, assaults... Naturally, there was less money and more expended nervous energy. So, at the age of 22, while still studying at the Glier School of Music in the percussion class and having official rate at 90 rubles, I earned 300-400 rubles of parnus per month. And this is in the 82nd year! ..

-... with an average salary of 150 rubles ...

Believe me, this money was enough for us that sometimes they even forgot to come to KOMA for a salary. Moreover, it is impossible to say that we plowed to the point of wear and tear: from 19 to 23 hours four sections played for 40 minutes each. Beauty, the whole day is free! When it's summer, we disappear on the beach: we sunbathe, swim ... The guys are strong, healthy, money in their pockets, around the beautiful Soviet reality ...

-...everywhere you look, absolutely trouble-free and selfless girls...

Well, I can’t say that they are absolutely trouble-free, but that the most beautiful ones are for sure. Of course, when you are young, and even in good shape, girls still treat you without self-interest, although I like the brilliant phrase that some, in my opinion, Odessa sage, said: "A rich man cannot be old."

Of course, we loved our country, and what then did our people know about the same America? She could only be judged by publications in the comic magazine "Pepper". As I remember now, there was a heading "Visti z that retinue", where the Western way of life was rather viciously ridiculed.

Like all normal young people who had access to foreigners, we gambled. We could buy Levi’s or Lee jeans for 180 rubles from tourists from Asian countries or from African students, we could bargain sneakers from Romanians, we didn’t have gum in our pockets ...


- We went, probably, exclusively by taxi ...

Well, it's when, because, as far as I can remember, I have always been married.

- Since childhood?

From 19, to be exact. I had to curb myself a little: I knew that I had to provide for my family, feed and clothe the child. From a young age, I had a heightened sense of responsibility towards my loved ones. In 1972, my father, now, unfortunately, deceased, contracted to play at the wedding, but suddenly fell ill. What to do? To replace him, my mother took me. As I remember now, I played decently and earned 15 rubles. Then I was 11 years old.

Was your father also a musician?

Leonid Likhuta, nicknamed Lesha Bams, was a chic jazz drummer, very famous in musical circles.

In general, under the communist regime, I did not feel disadvantaged at all, another thing is that with age you begin to understand what the alignment really is. Probably, one had to live both then and now in order to realize what advantages and disadvantages were in our country then and what are available under the current political system.

I remember the song with which the young Kolya Hnatyuk once debuted: "The drum was bad, the drummer was God." He didn't sing about you? Did you play well?

If without false modesty, very good, but as for the drums, they were different. At the age of 17, still a tenth grader, I earned fifteen hundred rubles - just think about what that amount was!

- You're a terrible person!

I played in the Kiev suburb - in Brovary. Then "On the fork" - Brovarians have such a stop - there was a restaurant "Prolisok", and I, living on Otradnoye, went there through all of Kyiv. I returned home at half past one, at one in the morning, and in the morning I went to school. Arriving, he hastily did his homework and went to bed, because in the evening he had to go to Brovary again.

I earned 250-300 rubles a month, and when I collected (fortunately my parents helped to organize everything correctly) one and a half thousand rubles, I bought myself an Amati drum kit - absolutely new (got it by pull), chic, shiny! I put it at home and literally could not stop looking at this beauty. The thought was especially warming that he himself earned money for it, with his own work.

- I think your parents respected you ...

Most importantly, I respect myself. I am convinced - this is my principled opinion! - that, while protecting, protecting, supporting and instructing our children to the maximum, we must at the same time teach them to rely solely on their own strength. Personally, I am in favor of our children learning how to earn a piece of bread as early as possible, and if a boy or a girl can somehow - naturally, within the law, in an honest way - earn money, I only welcome this. It is bad when a child grows up in greenhouse conditions, knowing that any of his desires will be fulfilled and his parents will do everything for him. He is relaxed, lacking initiative, and if, God forbid, something happens to his parents, he goes into shock, he does not know how to continue to live.

Igor, it was no coincidence that I called your meeting with Taisiya Povaliy fateful for both of you. By the way, do you remember the first time you saw her?

Of course - this television broadcast has radically changed the life of both mine and Taina, and our former halves ...

-... and, now, the life of Kolya Baskov...

- (Laughs). At that time, I worked under contracts in Poland, Norway, Sweden - I went there for three months, played in nightclubs and restaurants ... Then, in the late 80s and early 90s, all this colossus called Soviet The union collapsed, broke. I remember in Poland - I'm madly in love with this country! - Poles friends with malice said: "Igor, Zvensk Radetzky south is dumb - he eats Spulka of the Panstv of the Indecent." Well, like, Soviet Union no longer - there is the Union of Independent States.

- Did you speak Polish well?

Gorgeous, almost no accent. I have a musical ear, plus languages ​​- Ukrainian, Russian and Polish - are very similar. Although we spoke with the musicians in Russian, we constantly inserted Polish words, and when I came home to Kyiv, many people said: "You have an accent." Indeed, I adopted the manner, even some subtleties ... Up to the point that we nod: “Yes, yes!”, And I, like the Poles in such cases, said: “But, but, but!”. ..

In short, on one of my visits to Kyiv, I watched a TV broadcast of some government concert from the Ukraina Palace at home. Naturally, I didn’t know the artists who went on stage - well, maybe, with the exception of Vitaly and Svetlana Bilonozhko, Alla Kudlay, Lilia Sandulesa ... When the general curtain was closed (behind the scenes, apparently, they were changing the scenery), I got distracted and suddenly I heard - "Dawn Blues". I go to the TV, I look: a young lady is standing on a narrow strip of the stage and singing so that I was thrown into a sweat.

My favorite singer - I repeated this a hundred times - has always been Larisa Dolina: I really like her timbre, manner of performance. In principle, she was considered the only super-professional jazz singer in the Union, and suddenly I heard such powerful vocals! Then the credits rolled, but the name of Taisiya Povaliy told me absolutely nothing.

Immediately I called my friend composer and arranger Anatoly Karpenko: "Tolik, who is Taisiya Povaliy?" He was surprised: you, they say, what? It's like jazz singer super trooper. "Can you introduce me to her?" - I ask. "Why not?".


- Sorry, did you like Taya as a woman, as a singer or both?

At first - as a singer: I really did not have time to consider her.

Why did you want to meet her?

I just didn’t know that they could sing like that in Ukraine, I couldn’t even imagine. It was European, world level.

In general, the shooting of the New Year's "Spark" just turned up, and Tolik said to me: "Listen, don't you want to play the drums a little? We will portray musicians in front of the TV camera." That's where Tai and I met.

- Did you impress her?

None! Moreover, when we already began to communicate, Taya admitted that the first meeting was a minus for me. It turned out that Tolik, knowing my Polish history with participation in a male striptease, did me a disservice.

- You danced a male striptease?!

Well, what - the Wild West forced. I was heavily in debt...

- Card?

No, thank God, but in order to pay off, I had to take part in the annual Polish competition "Mr. Erotica and Dances" ...

- So you were almost Tarzan!

Well, yes! (Screams throatily imitating Tarzan). Ah-ah-ah! Almost Tarzan, Narzan, Borjomi and even "Morshinskaya". 17 people participated in the competition. On an empty stomach, I drank 100 grams of vodka with ice and went to show everything I could to the song: "Ra Ra Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine". I molested the chairman of the jury, did incredible steps with her ... Today I would not have done this even at gunpoint, but then ... As Bogdan Benyuk says, I was 30 years old, I was 90 meters tall and I had blue eyes, so everything went great. As a result, I took second place, got into the pages of an erotic magazine and even received an offer to star in a pornographic film for three thousand dollars.

No, no, I was quite satisfied with the fact that I paid off my debts.

Of course, I told this story to my friends, and Tolik Karpenko introduced me to the girl in all its glory. "Taya," he said, "Igor Likhuta, by the way, a sex symbol, took second place at a striptease contest in Poland." She looked at me very coldly: "Some impudent, impudent stamp."

- Well, did the girl strike you at first sight?

How to say... I liked that she was modest, restrained, with amazing charm and dignity. Sometimes you look: a lady, for example, does not have legs up to her ears, not the eighth size of her chest, her waist is not 54 centimeters and her height is not 75 meters or 80 meters, but there is some kind of zest in her, and this outweighs everything that I have listed.


- Didn't it seem then that it was for you that your mother grew a little card?

At that moment, no. Anyway, when we started dating...

-...did you start dating right away?

At first, exclusively on musical matters. In general, I suggested that Taya try my professional qualities.

- In what sense?

As far as I knew, she had neither a director nor a producer - she took care of herself.

But she had a husband!

Yes, Volodya is a very good, professional musician.

Were you also married at the time?

The second time, my son was growing up ... The ways of the Lord are inscrutable: having begun to communicate, Taya and I saw that we had a lot in common! We thought in the same categories, we didn't have to explain to each other musical terms. Well, let's say if I came home and wanted to listen to jazz or jazz-rock, my second wife said: "Make the music quieter." This does not mean that the wife is bad, no, she just was brought up on other music and loved calmer, more pop music. With Taya, we had, have and, I hope, will have common interests in everything, although, of course, the grinding went on for a very long time.

Under what circumstances did you kiss for the first time?

The circumstances were somehow erased, but I remember the feeling - it was very sweet.

Then we were preparing for two contests: named after Volodymyr Ivasyuk, which was held in Chernivtsi by Nikolay Mozgovoy, and for the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk". We were faced with a choice: to go to the Ivasyuk competition or to the Chervona Ruta - they took place almost in parallel. I confess honestly: we proceeded primarily from mercantile interests. If at the Chervona Ruta festival for the Grand Prix, relatively speaking, a two-cassette tape recorder "Iva" or a TV set "Hitachi" were awarded, then Nikolai Petrovich Mozgovoy, we must give him his due, the winner received five thousand dollars.

- Not bad for those times!

Still would! Then, in 1993, we really needed money, and we knew what we were going to fight for. Exactly the same amount - five thousand dollars - was due for the victory at the "Slavianski Bazaar".

In general, thanks to the competition of Ivasyuk and Taya, I first came to Chernivtsi. For me, everything there was insanely interesting and wild ... I mean competitive meat grinder, cruel gossip, when competing teams slandered each other all sorts of nonsense.

It was simply impossible not to give Tae the first place. I'm not saying that other artists are bad, but she was much taller and brighter, she stood out so much against the general background that the jury, headed by Mozgov, awarded her the Grand Prix. Now we have a bronze statuette of Vladimir Ivasyuk at home...

"...and it's got five thousand dollars in it?"

When we received this money in Kyiv, they immediately decided to spend it. At that time there were still dollar stores, currency - and went there. So we started dressing Taya, sculpting her image.

A little earlier, especially for the Ivasyuk competition, we sewed for her - on credit! - suit for $150. To be objective and honest, it must be admitted that, besides me, two more people put a lot of effort into the Secret success: composer and arranger Anatoly Karpenko (by the way, the husband of the wonderful Ukrainian singer Zhanna Bodnaruk) and sound engineer (and now producer) Oleg Stupka. We've got a great team.

- In terms of financial promotion, you were absolutely penniless: neither you nor Taya had a penny for their souls ...

We were the same as most citizens of our country, and this level is not even average, but low. We lived on a salary, traveled by subway and trolleybuses...

Once Taya confessed to me that once, when you got off the bus, a car stopped literally two steps away and a luxurious woman in a chic fur coat got out of it. Looking at her, Taya almost cried, and you said to her: "Taya, you will have an even better car and a fur coat" ...

I am convinced that you need to set some kind of goal in front of you and stupidly (in the good sense of the word), without exposing others to trips, without doing nasty things to anyone, without sending curses right and left, go towards it. Only then will God (or the Higher Mind, which exists somewhere in the Universe) see that you are working, that you are a normal person ...

-...and will reward you according to your deserts?

Yes, you just have to really want it and believe in it. Once, on my way to the next tour, I took the Sovershenno sekretno newspaper with me on the train. There was printed a large article about faith. Not about the name Vera, not in a religious sense, but in a human one. It was said there: if you truly believe in something, your faith takes on a physical shape, materializes, but unbelief materializes in the same way. In other words: what you do not believe in will not come true and vice versa. Taya and I had no doubt that we could achieve everything, achieve, and this inner energy was transferred, probably, to those around us, gave us strength.


- After the success at the Ivasyuk Competition, you won the "Slavianski Bazaar", although, as far as I remember, there was a scandal there ...

Yes, someone doubted that Taya - she was a chubby then - is not 30 years old. We showed our passport, but Nadezhda Babkina said that the document was fake (another confirmation of how serious the struggle was). 37 very strong singers from 12 countries participated in the competition, and here is the first round. The jury includes the late Vladimir Mulyavin and Igor Nikolaev. They talked, wrote something, drank lemonade, but when Taya came out and sang, they immediately fell silent. Mulyavin put on his glasses, glanced at the lists, and turned his gaze to the stage. Again on the lists, again on the stage ... He was clearly puzzled: who sings this? Where does such a voice come from?


And not only. These songs, both to the words of Kolya Brovchenko, stood out for their range, their, let's say, American, Italian roots - they were a little non-Slavic. Nikolaev even said in his interview: “I don’t understand why a singer of such a level as Taisiya Povaliy should come to Slavyansky Bazaar at all.

Then, according to the rules of the competition, the Grand Prix was awarded only on the condition that the winner broke away from other contestants by at least 20 points. Tai and the singer who took second place had a difference of 22 points, that is, she was professionally head and shoulders above everyone else.

So, you won two very impressive victories, but both you and Taya must have faced the question: what to do next? After all, it was necessary to decide something with the families ... Divorces turned out to be painful, or did everything work out as if by itself?

Of course, the process was painful. Taya must be given her due: despite her fragility, she is a very strong woman internally, and if she decides something, no one and nothing can prevent it. She explained the situation to her husband, and Volodya agreed that they should try to live separately. I had the same conversation at home. Naturally, I left the apartment to my wife and son and left light.

As I remember now, in Obolon, near the Natalka grocery store, I rented a one-room hotel for $ 55 a month - then, in 1993, it was crazy money. The same Tolya Karpenko in his car transported the bundles into which Taya tied her things, helped bring them in ... When he left, we drank 50 grams each, and I began to unpack everything. Then, often with laughter, we recalled the first question that I asked. "Taya," he asked, "do you even know how to cook?" As it turned out, she not only sings well, but also cooks deliciously, however, now she doesn’t do it so often anymore.

- I can imagine what would have happened to her if her relationship with the kitchen had not developed ...

To be honest, even if she didn't know which side to approach the stove from, I wouldn't give a damn about it, pardon the expression.

What threw you into each other's arms - strong love, passion, from which your heart sank and your head was spinning?

Definitely a strong love. She was and is now, and although people who have been married for 11-12 years, the volcano of emotions is replaced by more stable, calm feelings, you still understand that you cannot live without this person.

- Did Taya and her ex-husband, did you and your ex-wife have scandals during the divorce?

To be honest, I don't remember any. They are reasonable, mature, normal people. Yes, it was hard, but we resolved all issues peacefully, based on the fact that this is life and you won’t be forced to be nice.

- When you started from scratch in a hotel near the Natalka grocery store, did you have a desire to return everything back?

I don’t know about Tai, but I never have. It was different: I was haunted by the thought that my wife is a singer, that I took her from the family and now I am responsible for her.

- A sense of responsibility - how many men lack it! ..

Leaving at eight in the morning, I returned at nine in the evening (then we didn’t have a car) ... I went around all the radio and television editorial offices, brought new Mystery songs there. How many radio stations were there in Kyiv then? "Promin" and one FM-ka, it is also the only Ukrainian-American megapathic station "Music Radio" in the country. It is now that we have become good friends with her boss Andrei Vasin, I know that he is a smart, decent person, a professional to the marrow of his bones, and then it was no easier to get an appointment with him than to audition for Hollywood.

I flew through these radio stations and, looking people straight in the eyes, giving my heart and energy, I explained: “Guys, Taisiya Povaliy is super ...

This is a mega-, maxi-, turbo ", as Sasha Egorov, who has only excellent values ​​\u200b\u200bsays. By the way, this wonderful composer and singer also worked with us. We often met, he wrote songs for Tai, and we recorded duets Then, in order to avoid any nuances, Sasha helped us with intra-family problems... So, with his light hand, I tried to convince the people that Povaliy was a super singer, and I did it absolutely sincerely, knowing that I did not sin against the truth with a word.


- Well, of course, you had something to sell - you had a product ...

To clarify: there was a great singer with an amazing voice, but there were no songs. Only when such hits as "Just Taya", "Chortopolokh", "Sweet Sin" went on, when we took up the album with the wonderful composer and poet Zhenya Rybchinsky, did the real flourishing begin.

- Do you remember your first fee? How much were you paid?

Then domestic artists worked for rather modest amounts. We, Ukrainian producers, even scored a shot, where we agreed: from now on, we won’t go on stage for less than, relatively speaking, 400 dollars. Some of the dissatisfied tried to hook me, called, as I remember now, from Chernivtsi and said: "We pay you 399, will you go?" But I was firm: "No, and don't call here again. Only for 400." We agreed, how can we?

- It seems that you alone fulfilled the terms of the contract ...

But why? At that time, in 93-94, she was a megastar in Ukraine - and now she remains! - Ira Bilyk. A group of professionals worked with her: Yura Nikitin, Zhora Uchaikin, each of her songs became a hit. In addition to the fact that Ira is a great singer, she is also an outstanding actress, so she turned every song into a performance. In addition, such a guard as Pasha Zibrov, Ivo Bobul, Vanya Popovich worked with might and main - a whole galaxy of chic singers.

- And yet you did not name the amount of the first fee ...

Now it's hard for me to say: in my opinion, 100 or 200 dollars. Then it was crazy money, because, firstly, the prices were different, and the dollar was quoted much higher. Sorry, I don't remember what we spent them on.

I know brilliant singers, superstars, including Russian ones, who have everything in life: a repertoire, a voice, and money. There is only a cool producer, and therefore their life goes awry. Many believe that, ideally, a producer and a singer should be either husband and wife, or lovers. Do you agree with this?

On the one hand, yes, because every normal man feels responsible for the woman who is next to him, and does everything for her, sometimes even more than he can. Therefore, apparently, such couples as Yuri Thalesa and Ani Lorak, Yura Kvelenkov and Katya Buzhinskaya have achieved success. Now they, as far as I know, live separately, but this is not so important. Yura Nikitin and Ira Bilyk had a crazy tandem. By the way, I learned a lot from Yura, although he is younger than me. Smart guy, talented professional...

On the other hand, sometimes you have to be tough with a singer (or a singer, it doesn’t matter), but you don’t have enough spirit, because this is a close, dear person. Well, how to send a sick wife to the stage: “Go sing! I don’t know anything, I have a contract”? With someone else, maybe it would be possible to do this, although ... Any person, probably, is a pity.

- Taya still had to send?

No, I would never go for it. In extreme cases, he could say: "Taechka, maybe you can take some pills, bring down the temperature?" She answered: "Igor, I have 40. What concert?".

In principle, Taya, although a fragile woman, will give odds to many men in terms of endurance, internal discipline and commitment. December 15 marked exactly 12 years since we were together, and for all these years, literally two or three times she did not go to the concert, because it was beyond her strength.

- Was it overworked?

The temperature was 40 or 42. The person could not stand, let alone sing, although the organizers persuaded: "Maybe we'll put a plus sign?". She was indignant: "What plus? I'm not even able to open my mouth!". There was another situation when they were waiting for us, in my opinion, I'm afraid to make a mistake, in Kuznetsovsk, Rivne region. A city of nuclear scientists, a large hall ... We then had a huge number of concerts, and Taya simply could not stand it - she lost consciousness, fell right in the bathroom and broke her lip.

I saw that she was lying on the bed, and I said: "Taya, it's time for us to leave." I walk up to her, but she doesn't respond. "Taechka, what happened?" I look, and she cries, and blood flows from her lips. "Igoresha, I just got up off the floor. I lost consciousness, fell down...". I’m on the phone: “I’ll call now, I’ll cancel the concert,” and she: “No, wait, I’ll lie down for about 15 minutes.” Then she drank some kind of valocordin or corvalol, took Relanium ...

- And went?

Yes! I lay down in the back seat of the car, slept for three hours (despite the fact that we were driving along a terrible road), got out, worked out a solo concert ...

-... then got behind the wheel...

Yes (laughs) like in that joke. Do you remember what Lyon Izmailov told you? “Yesterday I met one pilot. We drank one, two, three ... I pour him a fourth, and he shakes his head: “I can’t take it anymore - I’m still driving after the flight.”

Seriously, Taya was so ready that none of the one and a half thousand spectators noticed anything. They could not even imagine that a few hours ago the people's artist was lying unconscious in the bathroom with a broken lip. Only after the concert did she allow herself to burst into tears.

Igor, Taya beautiful woman and, I am sure, from the fans, showing unambiguous signs of attention and waiting for something in return, she has no end. Surely there are among them powerful, very influential men who already have absolutely everything - for the exotic, only, as Lolita says, the girl from the TV is not enough. Tell me, have there been delicate situations in your life when one of the people with money and power sought special favor from Tai?

Of course, we had to communicate with the powers that be, but these people treat the artist (whether a woman or a man) the way he puts himself. Taya immediately managed to clearly indicate the distance, the border that must not be crossed. No one could ever pat her on the shoulder: "Girl, Taechka!" - the treatment has always been very respectful.

You know: with many people who either used to be in power, or today, in fact, they are, we have established excellent relations. Taya and I are monogamous and do not change our views for the sake of the situation, we do not change love for dislike, depending on some processes taking place in the economy or politics. We are either friends with a person or we are not friends, but not because he is, say, a president, prime minister, minister or banker.

Of course, I am aware that one cannot be good for everyone. Everyone cannot love Alla Pugacheva, and even Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru has not only ardent admirers. This also applies to presidents: both the current one and the previous one, but if you love someone and someone loves you, these relationships should be treasured, they should not be betrayed.


- Okay, Igor, let's talk about you. You are an interesting man, in the recent past, a sex symbol, with money ...

Money is everything.

Nevertheless, you are the husband and producer of a star, and, after all, you are also a star. Has Taya ever thought that you can afford something on the side?

- (thoughtfully). This question should be asked to Tae. Maybe it slipped...

-...maybe even more than once...

Well, what is there to hide - I am a living person, I travel around the cities by car. If Taya is driven by a driver, then I, as a rule, drive myself.

- So, of course ... Girls walk the streets ...

Which we have in Ukraine, as you know, the most beautiful in the world. Of course, sometimes, especially in spring and summer, the head turns after them so that the cervical vertebrae pop out, and you have to go to the chiropractor to put them in their place. And yet, after all, after all... Firstly, I respect Taya and respect myself, and secondly, even if I wanted something, there is no time...

- That's the trouble!

Dima, I am scrupulous about this matter. We are adults - well, where to go with a lady? To a hotel, to a front door, to a rented apartment? People know me, conversations will immediately start: to whom did you go, why did you leave from there?

- Igor, have you tried it in the car?

Unlike American cars, ours are small, but you understand: I'm joking. Today I am completely satisfied with my family. Think ahead? For what? No one is given to know how the card will fall and what awaits us next ...

The country recently celebrated the anniversary of the Orange Revolution. For millions of people, this event became really joyful, but a year ago you and Taya had cats in their souls, because for you the victory of the Maidan turned into a moral trauma. Like many other artists, Taya campaigned to vote for Viktor Yanukovych, and did not shy away from side to side after his defeat. When your colleagues, who managed to check in on the Maidan on the last day, shouted that they were already with this government, you said bluntly: "Yes, we voted for Yanukovych, we supported and continue to support him." Tell me how you felt in those days? Did any threats sound in your address and did the thought come to you to drop everything and run wherever your eyes look?

-(Sighs). It was very hard, but I think that representatives of both camps received moral trauma, because no one then knew how it would all end. I call this period the time of emotions. Huge emotions. Well, imagine, the entire Internet, all e-mail (I mean my address), was filled with malicious messages, which I can’t quote - there is sheer obscene language. We were threatened: “We will hang you on Khreshchatyk!” We were insulted: “The Kuchma administration had you in different places every day!” - and all in the same vein: "We will finish you, tear you, tear you to pieces ...". My cell phone did not stop: continuous threats and obscenities rushed from it, for two weeks armed guards lived around the clock at our house.

- And from whom did the threats come? Whether from colleagues on shop?

To be honest, I never thought about it. Friends offered me to change my mobile number, but I refused on principle - I didn’t want anyone to take it as a sign of weakness. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything...

- And you, in the end, did nothing to be afraid of ...

Moreover, I believe that not only deputies, but all of us, ordinary people, must learn to respect someone else's choice - this is a matter of our political culture. If someone votes for this or that politician, this is his right, and the person should not make excuses later. Even if he preferred this presidential candidate only because he likes blue eyes, while his opponent has brown ones, his opinion must be reckoned with.

Igor, did it happen that artists, maybe even less talented and popular than Taya, told you in those days: “Well, thank God, your hegemony has ended, now we will sing without you”?

They didn’t tell me this openly, to my face, because they knew my quick-tempered character, they knew that they could get melon in a melon. But there were people who supported morally. For example, I am very grateful to Sasha Ponomarev - he called and said: "Igoresh, if you have any problems, please contact me." We met a couple of times in a cafe, in a restaurant, he gave me some advice, because the time was really difficult and dangerous.

Some of my friends led the district headquarters of Viktor Andreyevich Yushchenko in the elections, but when their employees began to gloat: “Well, do you see what your girlfriend is?” !".

You see, that’s what friendship is for, in order, in spite of everything, to lend a shoulder to a person ...

Tain's birthday is December 10, and the year before last we celebrated it just at the height of the events on the Maidan. Then Alik Noyabrev confessed: “When I went to congratulate Taya, I thought that I would come alone. They told me: “Are you going to Povaliy? Have you lost your mind or something?". Nevertheless, we survived this time of emotions, and thank God that everything went peacefully. I hope this became a lesson for all of us, a lesson not in terms of what choice we made, but in that we have kept the peace is the most important thing.Having behind us the experience of such political battles, it seems to me that we will go through the new election campaign much more calmly, balanced and soberly.


- There would be no happiness, but misfortune, they say, helped: just during the concerts in support of Viktor Yanukovych, the wonderful duet Taya with Nikolai Baskov was born, which gave a big impetus to their collective and individual creativity ... Taya began to unwind in Russia, she is now known and loved there, and today for many Russians Taisiya Povaliy is a symbol of Ukraine. Tell me, was it thought out and calculated in advance, or did it happen by accident?

In fact, the promoter Valentina Basovskaya muddied everything - it was she who introduced us to Baskov. Valya advised: "You should definitely sing together."

We recorded a song, planned to perform it in the Kiev solo concert "Nikolai Baskov and his friends", in which many Ukrainian artists participated, but ... At that time, Taya was on a solo tour in Ukraine, and in order not to postpone the concert in Kherson (we have already postponed it twice, and people, once deceived, treat the artist with distrust and are reluctant to buy tickets later), I suggested a knight's move. “Let’s,” I say, “take Taya on video, and when Nikolai sings on the stage of the Ukraine Palace, she will perform her part on the big screen.”

At one time, the wonderful singer Natalie Cole did this, singing as if with her late father. She is on stage, and her father, who is no longer in this world, is on the screen ... It was brilliant, the whole audience just sobbed. In the same way, by the way, Celine Dion sang with the late Frank Sinatra. Such, if I may say so, an interesting directorial move, I proposed to two, thank God, living artists ...

-... barely alive after the tour...

But Basovskaya convinced us that this was still not the same, she insisted that Taya come on stage. Once again we postponed the Kherson concert, nevertheless I am grateful to Valya for everything, because our creative and human friendship with Kolya began with this duet. He is an amazing person: kind, generous, decent...

And, I will add, at 29 years old, very smart. That's what I said to Kolya: "Soon you will be a deputy of the State Duma." He smiled: "At 34, I will become the Minister of Culture of Russia." Watching him long enough, I have no doubt: it will happen!

I once told him: "Kolya, I want you to become the president of Russia." "No," he waved it off, "I'll be a minister." - "Let's argue!" - I suggest. I don’t know ... Sometimes something like that, sorry for the expression, I blurt out, and then everyone is amazed: “How did he know?”. But what if? Kolya is really very smart and hardworking: he sleeps two or three hours a day, monitors radio stations and television, learns songs on the go, rehearses them in the car ...

- Awesome head!

Instead of a head, a piece of gold.

I heard somewhere that the President of Russia invited Taya and Kolya to his place for dinner, and the three of them talked about something for a long time. About what, if not a secret?

In July, Taya and Nikolai performed in Sochi at a concert dedicated to Vladimir Putin's meeting with the Turkish Prime Minister. When we asked what to sing, we were very gently told: "Guys, you are from Ukraine, but we have not heard for a long time Ukrainian songs". Taya chose "Two colors", "Guy, green guy", "Chervona Ruta" ...

The next day, Taya and Nikolai were invited by Vladimir Vladimirovich to dinner. Communication was extremely warm and democratic...

We talked about the fact that the Ukrainian language is very melodious and it is a pity that our songs - due to the fact that we are now somewhat distant - have been forgotten in Russia. Maybe that's why the Russians are now doubly pleased to listen to us, and it touches them to tears. Very often in Russian concerts and TV programs, Taya performs Ukrainian songs. To the best of our ability, we are trying to promote Ukrainian culture both in the Baltic States and in Kazakhstan.

Russian public - I know it! - I am convinced that Nikolai Baskov took Taisiya Povaliy away from her husband. Now, they say, they travel together, play pranks, record duets, and poor, abandoned Igor Likhuta is quietly crying, abandoned, in Ukraine. Do you even know this?

Of course - many publications and Internet sites write about it. The life of a public person cannot be closed, and we accept this as a fact. Often gossip and stories are not true, but if they are chewed in every possible way, then the artist is interesting.

You're amazing at telling jokes and you're known to be good at it. Would you please in the end with something fresh?

In fact, I am far from the luminaries from the Golden Goose program, such as Ilya Noyabrev, Volodya Bystryakov, the late, unfortunately, Tolik Dyachenko, Valera Chiglyaev and others like them. These guys are geniuses at telling jokes.

I will tell you the one that I consider the strongest for the last quarter. It is very subtle and at the same time characteristic.

43rd year Patriotic War in full swing. Moscow Kremlin. Stalin summons Voroshilov and says: "Comrade Voroshilov, please tell me why, at the moment when the entire Soviet people are fighting the Nazi occupiers in unison, representatives of the Jewish community somehow withdrew themselves from this struggle?" Voroshilov's hands were at his sides... A week later he reported: "Comrade Stalin, on your instructions, a powerful Jewish division has been created and is ready to be sent to the front." Stalin nodded dryly: “Send it!”, and Voroshilov hesitated: “Comrade Stalin, the only thing they asked for was 10 rubles for each killed or captured German.” - "Are you crazy, Kliment Efremovich? The country is in ruins, the people are starving, what money?" He backpedaled: "They said: no, no." The commander-in-chief thought: "Well, well! Say: Stalin allowed it as an experiment."

A week passes, and in the editorial of the Pravda newspaper it says: "A large German group fell into the cauldron near Berdichev. 80,000 were killed, 50,000 were taken prisoner." A week later: "The Soviet Zhytomyr region was liberated, the enemy lost 200 thousand killed and 100 thousand captured." A week later: "Vinnitsa and Khmelnytsky regions are ours again. 250,000 invaders were killed, 120,000 were captured."

Crowded trains with captured Germans go to Moscow, there is nowhere to place them. Stalin again calls Voroshilov: "Comrade Marshal, you are my dear man! Comrade Stalin was wrong, I admit it. Our Jewish comrades are fighting beautifully! I only ask you to talk to them, let them lower the price a little: well, let's say, they take not 10 rubles each , and seven each. Every penny goes to the front: we will consider this a wholesale purchase. " Voroshilov shook his head: "Comrade Stalin, they do not agree to seven rubles." - "Why?". - "The fact is that they themselves take seven from the partisans" ...

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Taisia ​​Povaliy was born on December 10 in the village of Shamraevka, Skvirsky district, Kyiv region, in a family where they always loved and knew how to sing. WITH early childhood Taya performed on stage with a children's ensemble. And the very first, real tour of the future Golden Voice of Ukraine took place when she was only six years old. The music teacher took little Taechka to an outdoor concert, and for this performance she was paid a real, adult fee, which she immediately spent all on gifts for her mother, Nina Danilovna. According to the singer herself, she still remembers those first applause - generous, sincere, long.

After graduating from school, Taisiya enters the Kiev State Musical College named after R. M. Glier at the conductor-choir department, and optionally studies academic vocals. She was even predicted a great operatic future. By the way, Taisiya is still sure that without this magnificent school she would not have become such a versatile singer - after all, it is academic experience that makes it possible to perfectly master various singing styles - from opera aria to soul style.

In 1984, after graduating from college, Taisiya Povaliy began working at the Kiev State Music Hall. First in a vocal group, then as a soloist.

The artist participates in many song contests and in 1990, in Moscow, at the well-known and respected competition of the USSR State Radio and Television "New Names", she won the first important victory at the level of the whole country. And in 1993, Taisiya confidently won the prestigious International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar", received the Grand Prix of the "Competition of Young Vocalists" and immediately became famous throughout the post-Soviet space.

In 1994, according to the results of the Musical Television National Festival "New Stars of the Old Year", Taisiya Povaliy was recognized as "The Best Singer of Ukraine" and "The Best Musician of the Year". In 1996, this will be confirmed by another official recognition - "Variety Star of the Year".

In 1995, the singer released her first solo album "Panno kokhannya" and shot the first video clip for one of the most popular songs at that time. In 1996, a new video for the song "Chortopolokh" was released.

In March 1996, Taisiya received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. A year and a half later, on October 30, 1997, President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma signed a decree conferring the title of People's Artist of Ukraine on her.

Taisiya continues her creative activity. In 1997, he released another album, “I Love You,” and in 1998, he gave his first solo concert, the program of which included not only popular compositions from the singer’s repertoire, but also excerpts from opera arias. New video clips appear on the air of music TV channels - "Sweet Sin" and "White Bird".

In 1998, the singer again received the title of "Variety Star of the Year", having won the National Program "Person of the Year". In the same year, in October, Taisiya Nikolaevna was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - "For the increase of good on Earth."

In 2000, on Independence Day, the singer was awarded the Order of Glory for Loyalty to the Fatherland, II degree. And in September of the same year, she became a holder of the Order of St. Anne, IV degree.

Taisiya never ceases to delight fans with her work: solo albums are released one after another - “It will be so” (2000), “Charivna Violin” (2001), “Chortopoloh” (2001). New clips are being shot for the songs “Don’t feed me, why”, “Charivna violin”, “It will be like that”, “Song about matir”, “My beloved”, “Your lips are scarlet”, “Free bird”.

In 2001, the National Palace "Ukraine" in Kiev held five solo concerts to a full house, one of which was a charity concert for orphans. At the invitation of the Inter TV channel, Taisiya takes part in the filming of the New Year's musicals "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", where she performs the song "Three Winters" by Konstantin Meladze as a princess, and "Cinderella", where she plays the role of a matchmaker.

In 2002, Taisiya begins cooperation with the People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon, the artists record 21 songs in Ukrainian and release a joint album. In the same year, Taisiya's solo albums were released - "Free Bird" and "Ukrainian Song Pearls".

In March 2003, Taisiya Povaliy opens new era Ukrainian music DVD - the singer releases the first Ukrainian digital disc "A Star Born by Ukraine", which includes all the singer's video clips and the solo program "Become so". In the same year, Taisiya records an album and shoots a video for the song "Serdenko", in which she appears in an unusual image of a brunette for her. She takes part in the joint project of the Inter and Rossiya TV channels - the New Year's musical The Snow Queen.

A separate stage in the singer's musical career is the acquaintance in 2004 with a wonderful artist - Nikolai Baskov. Their duet songs “Let me go”, “You are far away”, “White snow”, “River of fate” fell in love with people in all corners of the planet. Concerts are successfully held in Ukraine, Russia, the Baltic States, Belarus. Taisiya and Nikolai traveled to dozens of cities - from Tallinn to Kaliningrad. The concert in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, gathers a record number of spectators. In 2007 they will make an enchanting tour of the USA and Canada, will perform in Israel, Germany, gathering full houses in the most prestigious halls. And in 2004 and 2005 - they shoot two videos for the duet songs “Let me go” and “You are far away”, release a joint album.

On December 2, 2005, at a solemn ceremony at the State Kremlin Palace, the star duet receives the Golden Gramophone award for the song Let Me Go, and exactly one year later - for the song You Are Far Away. In 2006, they won another prestigious title from the Muz-TV channel - "The Best Duet of the Year".

Despite the amazing success of cooperation with Nikolai Baskov, the artist does not leave her solo career. In 2006, a video was released for the song "I'll Survive", directed by Semyon Gorov, and in 2007 Taisiya pleases the audience with three more new videos - "For you", "Former", "May you be lucky in love". The solo album "For you" is sold in huge circulation in the cities of Ukraine and Russia.

In March 2008, the singer performs two concerts “Ukraine. Voice. Soul" at the National Palace "Ukraine". The performances are a resounding success, and the presented program, directed by Roman Viktyuk, is subsequently released on DVD with the same name.

In 2008, Taisiya Povaliy with the song "Bird-Soul", and in 2009 - with the song of Igor Krutoy and Igor Nikolaev - "May you be lucky in love", is one of the winners of the oldest music television festival in the CIS "Song of the Year", the finalist of which with since then becomes every year.

In 2009, the rapid Solo career again leads to the birth of a duet union - this time with Stas Mikhailov. Their joint hit “Let go” collects many prizes, including Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, holds a record long time in the top ten of the most prestigious charts in Russia, and the video clip for this song is still actively rotated on music channels.

Thanks to a creative alliance with Stas Mikhailov, a new song appears in Taisiya's repertoire, and later a video, "Go away", the author of the words and music of which is Stas.

In 2010, the singer is working on a solo album "I Believe You", shoots a video, takes part in the filming of various programs and concerts. In July, Taisia ​​is invited to head the jury of the music competition of the international festival "Slavianski Bazaar".

In the spring of 2011, he tours the Far East of Russia and the cities of Siberia.

On May 28, 2011, the star of Taisia ​​Povaliy "lit up" on the Avenue of Stars in the center of Kyiv. Over the years, this prestigious award was awarded to such outstanding personalities as Sofia Rotaru, Iosif Kobzon, Igor Krutoy, Bogdan Stupka, Ada Rogovtseva, Yan Tabachnik.

2012 was a particularly successful year for the artist. In the spring, she goes on a big tour, gathers full houses in the cities of Russia and Ukraine; writes new songs, shoots two video clips - “I will pray for you” and “Share”.

On November 2, 2012, the Head of the Republic of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, solemnly presents Taisiya Povaliy with the title People's Artist of Ingushetia.

On November 22, 2012, the singer's childhood dream comes true: she performs with solo concert on main stage Russia - in the State Kremlin Palace. Her star friends - Nikolai Baskov, Stas Mikhailov, Lev Leshchenko, Verka Serdyuchka, Nadezhda Babkina, Evgeny Kemerovsky, Lolita Milyavskaya, Zurab Sotkilava, Potap and Nastya - take part in the program "May you be lucky in love ...".

And on December 1, Taisiya receives her first "Golden Gramophone" for the solo song "I Believe You".

But Taisiya Povaliy is successful not only in her musical career. According to the results of the all-Ukrainian survey "Outstanding Ukrainians", conducted by GfK-USM at the request of the Korrespondent magazine, she became one of 32 outstanding personalities of Ukraine. Among the names recognized by the people, there are only six women: Lesya Ukrainka, Sofia Rotaru, Yulia Tymoshenko, Taisiya Povaliy, Yana Klochkova and Princess Olga. For Taisia ​​Povaliy herself, such an assessment of the people was unexpected, but very pleasant.

Since 2011, Taisiya Nikolaevna Povaliy has been the Presidential Adviser on Cultural Affairs, and in the fall of 2012 she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Now the singer is a member of the VR Committee on Culture and Spirituality.

And yet, in the first place for Taisia ​​has always been and remains creative activity. Now she is one of the most touring artists in Ukraine. Her repertoire has absorbed almost the entire palette of musical styles and trends - from folk songs and classics to soul compositions. But the main thing in the singer's work was and remains popular music, loved by millions of people.

Taisia ​​Povaliy is noticeably distinguished by a strong voice, rare in its dense timbre color, which the singer masters with virtuoso ease. Allowing herself to experiment in search of something new, she improvises a lot, which makes each of her performances unique. Taisiya Povaliy has been on the professional stage for over 20 years. During this time, she released 14 albums, which included more than 150 compositions of different styles and genres, shot 24 video clips, took part in more than one hundred concerts and programs.

Of course, this success is not only the result of Taisiya's work. The permanent producer Igor Likhuta, the Fest instrumental group, the Art Classic ballet, the press service, stylists, make-up artists, fashion designers, driver, security - this is the team of professionals that is always next to the artist on her creative path.

Taisiya is not going to stop there. Her plans include new songs, filming, tours to the delight of many fans of her work - the work of the People's Artist of Ukraine and Ingushetia, the Golden Voice of Ukraine Taisiya Povaliy.

Denis Povaliy, who is the son of the scandalous Ukrainian singer Taisiya, stunned the jury of the fifth edition of the 8th season of the vocal show "Voice of the Country" with his performance as part of the trio "Nude voices".

Musical career

The participation of Povaliy's son Denis in the show caused a storm of emotions, because his mother, People's Artist of Ukraine, lives and works in Russia.

By the way, Taisiya Povaliy wrote on her Instagram that she was looking forward to her son's performance.

But this is not the first time Denis has been trying to establish his musical career. Denis Povaliy in 2010 participated in the first season of the X-factor vocal show. Then he said that he came to the casting thanks to the support of a friend - now a famous singer Yulia Sanina from the group "The Hardkiss".

Denis Povaliy sings Nikolai Noskov's song "Tse cool" on "X-factor" - video

The judges decided to unite Denis in a duet with the son of singer Viktor Pavlik Alexander. But then it didn’t come to live broadcasts - he was disqualified from the project due to provocative behavior and indifferent attitude to the show.

Taisiya Povaliy with her son Denis

After that, Denis appeared in show business in 2016, when he wanted to take part in the National selection for Eurovision. Under the stage name "Me and Lamak" (the name reads backwards as Kamaliya, who then sat on the jury), he performed the author's song "Written On Your Heart".

Denis Povaliy in the national selection for Eurovision-2016 - "Written On Your Heart" - video

However, out of 20 contestants for Eurovision 2016, Denis Povaliy took the fourteenth place.

Denis Povaliy as part of the trio "Nude voices" on the Voice of the Country 8 season 5 issue watch online - video

Personal life

As for his personal life, since 2015 Denis has been married to Svetlana Vikhrova, who is almost 10 years younger than her husband.

Taisiya Povaliy with her daughter-in-law Svetlana

Political position

In 2014, during the Euromaidan, Denis Povaliy at that time was a people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, and his mother Taisiya Povaliy was listed as a people's deputy in the ranks of the Party of Regions.

Denis was then asked to influence Taya so that she would leave the Party of Regions.

"God, how wonderful these people are! They say the truth - God takes the best. Down in peace, rest in peace, I did not have the courage to even go to the Maidan. I found an excuse - the people who broadcast from the stage did not inspire confidence. I don’t know how look into the eyes of the heroes," he said then.

In 2015, he stated that Taisiya Povaliy had always been divided into two persons for him - a mother and a singer.

It has always been divided, probably 20 years ago. When my favorite singer Taisiya Povaliy began to enter Russia and earn money, we decided this: she earns money, and I sing the songs that she performed when no one knew her, when she sang jazz. Perhaps, if everything was fine, she would sing here on this stage now. But it so happened that the Russian show business, glory,
Denis said.

And in 2016, he surprised him with another thought, saying that his mother, who, against the backdrop of the Revolution of Dignity, got scared and left for Russia, "has no one to repent to in Ukraine."

“Mom, having lost her job here, has an audience not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Belarus. First of all, she works for people, for her fans. They are not to blame for the fact that there is a war. But it happened. Our politicians decide for us. We are divided into black and white. I would do the same in her place. How about in general? For whom to sing? Come here and repent? Before whom? If you got into a party, and then left it in this way, it is, of course, better to sing, and not to press the button. There is nothing to condemn here," Denis said.

Who is Taisiya Povaliy? This is a 53-year-old People's Artist of Ukraine, a former people's deputy from the "Party of Regions". Pop singer Taisiya Povaliy actively tours Russia, in particular, she traditionally takes part in the filming of Russian New Year's concerts and has repeatedly performed at the Kremlin Palace.

In 2011, she received the "Order of Friendship" in Russia - "for her great contribution to the preservation and popularization of the Russian language and Russian culture, the expansion of cultural ties between the Russian Federation and Ukraine." Due to her active work in Russia, she causes massive outrage in Ukrainians.

Place of Birth. Education. She was born in the village of Shamraevka, Skvirsky district. She graduated from high school in Belaya Tserkov. In 1984 - the Kiev Glier Music College (conductor-choir department and optional - academic vocals).

Childhood and youth. I was born in a family in which they always loved and knew how to sing. From early childhood, Taya performed on stage with a children's ensemble. As a child, she imagined herself a famous singer, imitated the idols of those years, giving herself the word to become just as famous.

Povaliy noticeably highlights the possession of a strong, rare in dense timbre color, voice, which the singer owns with virtuoso ease. She was seriously engaged in academic vocals, and she was predicted to have a great operatic future. And until now, the singer is sure that without that magnificent school, which allowed her to perfectly master various manners of singing - from opera aria to soul style, her career would not have been so successful.

Career and achievements. After graduating from the music school, until 1990, she worked at the State Kiev Music Hall - first in a vocal group, then as a soloist.

In 1990, Povaliy won the New Names contest of the USSR State Radio and Television in Moscow. In 1993 he takes the Grand Prix at international festival arts "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk. At the same time, she won the competition named after V.Ivasyuk "Pisnya will help us" in Chernivtsi.

In 1994, he was awarded the title "New Star of the Old Year". In 1995, the first album of the singer "Panno kokhannya" (a collection of the best songs) was released.

In 1996 and 1998 Povaliy wins the national program "People of Roku" in the nomination "Variety Star".

Again, in 1996, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. And in 1997, the president signed a decree conferring the title of People's Artist of Ukraine on her.

In 1998 she was awarded a prize in the Golden Firebird competition.

A separate stage in the career of the singer was the acquaintance and joint work with the Russian singer. In 2005, the duo received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award for the song Let Me Go. In 2006, the same hit brought the singers the title of "Best duet of the year" from the Muz-TV channel.

In 2015, Povaliy took part in the filming of the program " Just the same" on Channel One (Russia) , where the participants are reincarnated as famous personalities.

Discography."Panel kokhannya" (1995), "I love you" (1997), "Sweet sin" (1999), "Be like this" (2000), "100 minutes with Taisiya Povaliy" (collection of clips - 2000),"Charivna Violin" (2001), "Free Bird" (2002), "One - One" (together with Iosif Kobzon - 2002),"Ukrainian song pearls" (2003), "Zirka, people of Ukraine" (DVD-collection of audio and video - 2001), "I return" (2003), "Serdenko" (2004), "Let me go" (duet with Baskov - 2005 ), "Behind you" (2007), "Punished by love" (2008), "I believe you" (2010).

Filmography."The Rustle of Wings" (melodrama, 1989), "Uranus" (drama, 1990), "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" (musical comedy, 2001), "Cinderella" (musical, 2002).

Policy. In the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of the 7th convocation, Povaliy was included in the electoral list under number 2. The idea to include the singer in the top five is credited with being the first number. In parliament, Povaliy chaired a subcommittee on creative activity, arts, cultural and educational activities and charity of the VR Committee on Culture and Spirituality.

September 17, 2014 together with a group of deputiesFor peace and stabilityvisited the State Duma of Russia. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine called the trip of a number of people's deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation disrespect for Ukraine and a betrayal of the country. The Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened criminal proceedings under the article on encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Civil position. During the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, he continues active concert activity in Russia, performs on Russian television, in particular on Channel One.

Appearance of Taisiya Povaliyon the airTV channelin New Year's programs from December 31, 2014 to January 1, 2015 caused massive outrage inin social networksAndblogosphere; subsequently, many statements on this subject were made by Ukrainian officials of the highest level, politicians and public figures.

In September 2015, a bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada to deprive the title of "People's Artist of Ukraine" , Taisiya Povaliy, Iosif Kobzon and.

Personal life. 1982-1993 - first marriage to keyboardist Vladimir Ivanovich Povaliy (born 1958), who worked at the Kiev Music Hall, made backing tracks, now works as an arranger in the presidential orchestra. In 1993, the marriage ended in divorce.

Since December 1993 - the second marriage with Igor Likhuta (he is also the producer of the singer).

Son from his first marriage Denis Povaliy (born June 28, 1983).Studied at the Lyceum of Oriental Languages, graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, singer. In 2011, he reached the final of the Ukrainian Eurovision selection.

Almost any listener associates the name Taisiya Povaliy with excellent vocals, bright appearance and self-confidence. So it is, because Povaliy is just an example of an incredibly successful woman who has time always and everywhere.

She not only made an excellent career as a singer, which is listened to in Ukraine and other countries, but even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. But we will talk about this a little later, while I want to pay attention to the external data of a woman who is no longer so young, but still holds the bar even among young and promising figures in show business.

Height, weight, age. How old is Taisiya Povaliy

Looking at the famous Ukrainian singer Taisiya Povaliy, the question immediately arises about height, weight, age. How old is Taisiya Povaliy? She seems to be a fairly young woman who always and everywhere has time, not forgetting to look good at the same time. It's not so easy, because with such a crazy schedule like Taisiya's, not everyone will be able to constantly smile and be positive.

But how did it all start with Povaliy? How did she manage to win the recognition of a large audience? Why did you choose the career of a singer, and what contributed to this? We will consider this in great detail in this article, where we will talk about the life of Taisiya Povaliy, about her creative path.

Biography of Taisiya Povaliy (singer)

The biography of Taisiya Povaliy begins in a family where everyone loved to sing, as if for them it was the meaning of life. Taya herself began performing on stage from early childhood, because she sang in a children's ensemble. She was only six years old when her first tour took place, because the music teacher then allowed her to go with him to an away concert. In addition, the girl loved to change her image, constantly dressing up in various famous women, among whom was Marilyn Monroe. By the way, she still retains love and admiration for this woman, if only because the style of the singer's dresses gives off the spirit of a fatal blonde.

Always and everywhere Taisiya loved to sing. Already at the age of eighteen, she entered the professional stage in order to conquer the audience. Her voice makes you listen with bated breath, because it has an amazing timbre coloring. In addition, Povaliy is constantly trying to improvise, look for something new, improve, experiment. In other words, she really loves what she does, as if when she was just born, she already knew what her creative path was. She has a musical education, she was seriously engaged in vocals, constantly developing her vocal abilities, so all her colleagues, friends, acquaintances were sure that she would go far.

The pinnacle of her career occurred in the nineties, when she became especially active in her own songs. She wins repeatedly at various competitions, becomes the owner of prestigious prizes and awards. In the first half of the nineties, Povaliy was recognized as the best singer in Ukraine, confirming that this woman is really the best in her business. It should be noted that among all the awards that Povaliy received, there is one that is not government. The award is called "For the increase of good on Earth", at one time Mother Teresa received this award.

During her years of creativity, Taisiya Povaliy collaborated with a variety of poets, prose writers, singers, and a variety of creative people. Everyone has contributed to the development of creative talent, which has adorned the Ukrainian stage for many years and continues to decorate. Together with various talents, she releases many songs that are favorably received by the audience. She also collaborated with Nikolai Baskov, and also became a People's Artist of Ukraine. In general, I did everything to constantly raise the bar and keep it. Taya constantly conducts tours, and makes these very tours not only within the same country.

These are festivals and forums of international scale, and also performs at the Blue Light almost every year around the New Year holidays. Creativity of a talented woman, her manner of singing, constantly win recognition among different audiences. Each next program, which is developed by the singer, is initially presented on the Ukrainian stage, after which it turns into a solo show. After all, this is a real event every time, where various scenery, ballet, and, most importantly, live sound are used. The singer has her own team of professional musicians who play various instruments. Most often they go on tour to different countries of the former Soviet Union. But that's not all, because the singer was repeatedly invited to a concert in Argentina, Canada, Brazil and other countries.

It is also interesting that Povaliy got into the Guinness Book of Records. She did the almost impossible, because in just one month she was able to give thirty concerts in different cities of Ukraine. As soon as she spoke, she again had to set off on the road, and so on for a month. At the same time, all this was done live, without the use of a phonogram. Perhaps only a true fan of his craft can do this. So before us is truly a miracle woman who proved that if you wish, you can do whatever you want, most importantly, faith in one's own strength. And, of course, love what you do, not forgetting to improve.

Personal life of Taisiya Povaliy

The personal life of Taisiya Povaliy began in 1982, when she got married for the first time. He was a keyboardist and also a guitarist, they met while working together when they were recording the next songs of the singer. But in the end, the marriage ended in divorce, they did not live much. Perhaps all this is due to the fact that they simply realized that they were not suitable for each other. Or, as sometimes happens, the relationship has run its course. A little later, Taisiya Povaliy married Igor Likhut, after a while he became a musician and producer of the singer. So the spouses had not only a common personal life, but also a job to which they could devote themselves wholly and completely by joint efforts.

Family of Taisiya Povaliy

The family of Taisiya Povaliy today is herself and her husband Igor Likhuta. The singer also has a son from her first marriage, whose name is Denis. A son was born in 1983, today he is already an adult young man. Now he is starting a career as a singer, who knows, maybe he will become the next successor to his star mom. He has a good start, because in 2011 he already reached the final in the Eurovision selection. What will happen next is still unknown, but now Povaliy is a happy wife and mother, even an adult son. So she fully realized as a woman, and made a dizzying career.

Children of Taisiya Povaliy

The children of Taisiya Povaliy are her only son, who is already an adult man. It is very important for Taya to make sure that her child is realized, even though he can choose his own path. However, in a dynasty where everyone loved to sing, it is not surprising that the son also chose the creative path of a singer. He has already passed once the final path in the selection for Eurovision. It is not known how far his career will go, on the one hand, it seems that with such a mother, everything is subject to him. But on the other hand, Povaliy believes that he himself can create his own destiny, that he absolutely does not need someone to stand behind him.

The son of Taisiya Povaliy - Denis

The son of Taisia ​​Povaliy Denis appeared at Povaliy from her first marriage, when she was married to keyboardist Vladimir Povaliy. After a year of marriage, a son was born, who was named Denis, and who today is an aspiring singer. The guy has a higher education, he understands that he must achieve everything on his own, just like his mother does not underestimate the bar. So far, it is difficult to say anything about his successes, he is just beginning to reach any heights, but, if desired, everything can be achieved, especially if you have an example to follow nearby. And he has enough such examples, because there are only creative people nearby.

Former husband of Taisiya Povaliy - Vladimir Povaliy

Ex-husband Taisiya Povaliy Vladimir Povaliy became her first chosen one in 1982. They met when he worked as a keyboard player with Taisiya. They agreed on the basis of interests, realized that they wanted to be together. However, they did not manage to do this for a long time, if only because after a while they dispersed without finding a common language. But, in principle, Taisiya is glad that this person was in her life, because this allowed her to feel herself for the first time. married woman, and this is sometimes very important for any even the most famous singer. Now they both started new families and are happy each in their new life.

Civil husband of Taisiya Povaliy - Igor Likhuta

The civil husband of Taisiya Povaliy - Igor Likhuta - became her second husband, with whom she lives to this day. They also met while working together, when they were recording another song by Taisiya Povaliy. Now they live together, do not have joint children, the singer has a son from her first marriage. Therefore, spouses can live, as they say, for themselves, not worry about the fact that they will have to be distracted by children's worries. In addition, they constantly have some business to solve, build a career, in general, their life is rich and interesting even without children. But this is exactly what is needed in order to live happily in the family.

Photo by Taisiya Povaliy before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Taisiya Povaliy before and after plastic surgery can be easily found on the Internet, but it is not known how authentic they are. Does Povaliy do plastic surgery? Or maybe she just looks good by nature. Often on the Web you can see information that Povaliy has changed beyond recognition, that, they say, she made herself a nose, plastic or facelift. Taisia ​​herself very evasively answers questions regarding the appeal to plastic surgeon.

Each of the fans will be able to decide for himself what he believes in. Does Povaliy remain so beautiful thanks to her good external data, or does the surgeon help her in this.

Instagram and Wikipedia Taisiya Povaliy

There is a lot of information about Taisiya Povaliy on the Web, one of the main sources is a personal page on Wikipedia ( There you can find the necessary information of a general nature, ranging from her childhood to various moments creative way.

But if you want to know more about her, then take a look at her personal Instagram page (, where she uploads photos and shares news from her life. You can also easily become his subscriber, watch the development of her career and future plans. Instagram and Wikipedia Taisiya Povaliy is always at the service of those who want to learn more and small details about the life of a star.