It is difficult to part with a person with whom so much has been experienced together! But even more difficult is to decide what your relationship will be like now. Who are you enemies? friends, as if nothing had happened? good friends? or maybe you won’t be able to make life without each other at all and decide to get back together? Much depends on how the parting was, and yet everything is possible! And here are 10 reliable signals that indicate that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200breunion has already visited your ex.

1. You don't know anything about his personal life.

Did he recover easily after the breakup? Is he dating anyone? You can’t scout anything with any effort - your ex’s personal life is shrouded in mystery. Why would he hide these quite everyday details? The whole point may be that he just wants - and even counts! - to return you: he tries not to hurt your feelings, does not want to provoke you to also find a mate for himself, well, just in case, he takes care that after a possible reunion, make less excuses.

2. His behavior makes you suspect that he is bored.

Men are straightforward and not too good at hiding their confusion. Look through the pages of the former in social networks: if they are filled with suffering messages or thoughtful sayings, this fact speaks for itself. You may even notice that this is written as if specifically for you to read. Sometimes even with a direct appeal to you, perhaps without a name.

3. He calls for no particular reason.

More often than a friend, and even more often than good friend This is how often your ex might call you. Sometimes it also happens that there is absolutely nothing to say in such a conversation: it revolves around trifles or completely marks time. If you notice that your ex is clearly grasping for any reason to call you, this, of course, indicates that he needs you.

4. He looks for ways to get close to you.

Literally and figuratively! If you drifted apart after a breakup because you didn't have mutual friends, you may now notice that your ex is trying to infiltrate your buddies. And being in the same room with him, you always notice that he is somewhere nearby. He speaks to you more quietly than to everyone around him (so that you come closer), casually touches his shoulder, or, at worst, just keeps close. And in parting, be sure to hug.

5. He doesn't shy away from reminding you about your relationship.

If the past is completely and without any regrets left in the past, then there is nothing to talk about it - there is nothing to remember, especially with warm feelings. If you notice that your former partner after parting, he does not avoid common memories at all and even willingly talks about your relationship - with anyone, but especially with you - there is nothing unobvious: these memories are pleasant for him, they are alive for him, he lacks these relationships.

6. He often talks about how he has changed

Even if you broke up without mutual accusations, your ex-partner may still blame himself - and, if so, instinctively trying to fix everything and deserve a "second chance", he tries to show you his best side. Therefore, he tries to tell and show you how he has changed, even if you did not reproach him for anything.

7. He is jealous

The relationship is technically over, but emotionally it's still going on - which is why it's so hard for your ex to stop being jealous. It’s not even just difficult: in fact, he doesn’t even try, internally believing that your mutual obligations are still in force. Therefore, he cannot calmly watch how you flirt with someone - although, it would seem, what difference does it make to him now.

8. You often "accidentally" meet him everywhere.

He has never been to these places before - and now you meet him from time to time in your fitness club or in the pool, while walking in your favorite park, somewhere near your office just at the moment when the working day is over and everyone goes home, although he himself works in a completely different area. Pay attention to all these little accidents - if your ex has objectively nothing to do in these places, this is a sure sign that he came here on purpose. And who will notice whom first - he you or you him?

9. He calls or texts you when he's drunk.

One such call is a common situation, with whom it does not happen. But if your ex-partner does this systematically every time after his visit to the bar, this already indicates that you simply do not get out of his head. He constantly thinks about you, so there is nothing easier than picking up the phone and dialing your number, there would be only an excuse. Well, you don't need a reason to be drunk.

10. He keeps in touch with your relatives.

Sometimes your ex's last stronghold in your love life is...your mom's affection. Or some other close relative. It would seem that everything is quite innocent: they just became friends during your relationship, so what now, break this friendship just because you broke up? And now your ex is already in full swing with your relatives, says hello to you and at the same time will be the first to know all the fresh details of your life. Maybe, of course, this is really such a strong friendship, but most likely he just tries to wait out difficult times, so that later he can easily return to your life, casually appearing at a family dinner at the invitation of your mother.

You can't make someone love you, but you can call at 4am and hope for the best. This scenario for the development of relationships after a breakup is familiar to many. Especially if you were connected by a long, eventful history. The idea of ​​returning to the former is clear and simple. First, it's about feelings. It is impossible, even having made a decision, to immediately erase the memories and feelings that you have lived for so long. Secondly, you know each other, whatever one may say, and a new relationship is a step into the unknown. To understand that your ex-boyfriend no longer wants to be with the prefix "ex", take a closer look at his behavior.

1. He hides his personal life

Maybe there is something there, maybe not. But the very fact that he does not want to show you the current state of affairs suggests that a place in his life is still free for you.

2. I miss you

This message can be transformed in different ways. Strange statuses with a hint of lyrics, similar songs in the playlist. Sometimes your old joint photos may even appear. He is really bored.

3. Calls

Yes, he will look for opportunities to hear your voice. More often than an “ex-boyfriend” should. And it will certainly be about the little things. About how the day went, to ask something, to clarify. He just enjoys talking to you.

4. Closer to the body

Nothing literal. But he is looking for a date. Accidentally or on purpose, in a joint company or tete-a-tete. And in his behavior there will definitely be elements of flirting.

5. A pile of memories

The phrase "Do you remember ..." often pops up in his conversation? It returns to your common places, favorite activities, and other reminders of “that life.” This sure sign that he wants everything back.

6. He emphasizes that he apologized

They just don't separate. The couple has conflicts that lead to a breakup. Now he most likely wants to apologize for his past mistakes, show that he has changed and you can start everything from scratch.

7. Jealousy

Generally this is not best feeling, and sometimes it is difficult for jealousy to maintain healthy boundaries (if any). But many men are owners by nature, so it's not surprising.

8. “Random” meeting

Especially those meetings that could not be should lead to reflections. That is, if a guy appears where he should not have been: it could be your job, a company in which he didn’t seem to have any acquaintances, the place of your hobbies (never skated, but then he came), etc. .

9. On the forehead

Well, here, perhaps, comments are superfluous. But keep in mind that he probably did not gain courage for a day or two. And he is very afraid to get a turn from the gate.

10. Calls after a couple of beers

They are usually performed with thoughts in the head like: “Ah, come what may!”, “We live once!”, “What if now is the very moment!” When a drunk ex calls you and often starts to talk nonsense about feelings, then you should know that he just voices everything that has been in his head so far.

But remember one thing: relationships should be restored after a break only if each of you is aware of his responsibility for their future.

It's not an easy task anyway. But getting over a breakup becomes much more difficult if the ex-boyfriend regularly sends you funny pictures on social networks, likes yours, and generally behaves as if you decided to remain friends (although in fact nothing of the kind happened).

If all of the above is your case, then it is quite possible that the ex wants you back. And here are ten signs that will help make sure of this.

You do not know anything about his personal life - but not because you are not interested, but because it most likely does not exist (another option: he carefully hides this fact even from close friends, which is rather strange). If ex-husband rank still loves you, it makes sense that he wouldn't date someone else as long as there's at least a minimal chance of a happy reunion.

2. He makes you think he misses you.

It’s worth considering if he regularly writes something like “My life suddenly became yours empty” or “It’s a pity that some things cannot be returned” in the status. Or if he posts photos of you together. Or when he writes on the wall that for the hundredth time he is reviewing a film that has always been only "yours".

3. He turns to you with or without

If an ex wants to win you back, he will call and write much more often than is required by the etiquette for couples who have broken up. In fact, sometimes he may turn to you for all sorts of trifles or dial your number when he objectively has nothing to say. Have you noticed that he regularly comes up with excuses for calls? In 99 cases out of 100, this means that he is incredibly bored.

4. He finds ways to be there for you.

If the man you broke up with still has feelings, he will continue to act in a very warm or flirtatious manner. So pay attention to his behavior: a soft voice, a whisper in your ear, and a habit of holding your elbow when he wants to say something important - all these are signs that very soon he will offer to get back together.

5. He loves to reminisce about your relationship.

Ex-partners who find it difficult to move on (and are not at all sure they want to) most often talk about past relationships as something wonderful. If every time you meet, your ex starts a “Do you remember how we…” story, or makes assumptions about “1000 and 1 reasons why we broke up,” it’s quite obvious that he hopes that you will give him a second chance.

6. He constantly talks about how he has changed a lot.

If your ex does not ask, but demands that you give him the opportunity to apologize for the mistakes he made in the relationship, this can be for at least two reasons. First, he wants to clear karma and move forward. The second is that he wants to clear a certain area of ​​karma in order to suggest that you start everything from scratch.

7. He's jealous (and can't hide it)

Depending on the degree of his jealousy, this may or may not be pleasant. So, for example, if your ex gets annoyed when he sees you openly flirting with another man, this can cause you extremely positive emotions. But if he gets furious every time you start talking to a man, it's time to tell him that this is not normal. One way or another, both of these manifestations indicate that he is not as good without you as he would like.

8. He regularly appears in your favorite places.

If you run into your ex-lover wherever you go, and it happens a little more than every day, then you definitely have something to worry about. True, only if you do not want to renew the relationship. We recommend that you do not try to analyze the situation, but directly ask what is happening and how you should respond to it. Further actions - according to the circumstances.

9. He calls you every time he drinks.

The phenomenon of calls to those who were under the influence of a certain amount of alcohol recently received an official name from psychologists - drunk dialing. There may be nothing serious in calls from a bar if it happened no more than two times in all the time (imagine that no one answered him except you). But if you hear his voice on the phone on Friday nights with enviable consistency, you can be sure that he still feels something.

10. He directly says: "I miss you"

Does a man frankly tell you that he would like to turn back time and change everything? Believe me, it was very, very difficult for him to decide on such a step. But if he nevertheless gathered his strength and did it, he should be respected for his courage. And at this time you should think about whether you were both right when you wanted to end your relationship.

Many stories in our lives tend to repeat themselves. Surely you are familiar with such a situation when an ex-boyfriend suddenly appears for no reason and tells you that he wants to return. There is confusion in the soul (especially if very little time has passed after parting) and confusion - is it worth returning? ...

The choice, of course, is always yours, because it all depends on how and how the relationship ended, how long it lasted, and in fact, what good could still bring. But before you decide to reunite, read this short passage.

Some website, some forum

The men always come back. Such is their nature: to achieve love, lose interest, quit, and then return. Moreover, they want to return when you are not interested, when life is in full order and a new love has met. And then he calls you or accidentally meets on the street, offers to see you. And I really want to agree. Because spring or autumn, because memories come. Once upon a time, he was the one and only for you.

But you broke up, perhaps on your initiative, but with the hope that he would try to return. However, time passes, and there are no attempts to stop the separation. And you scold yourself for stupidity, but pride does not allow you to come by yourself. Yes, there is nowhere to go. You saw him with someone else. They were good together, they kissed and held hands. He hugged her, like once you, with the hand of the owner, and you remember how pleasant it was to be in these arms. Understand that he does not want to let you go even for a minute. Memories.

Or maybe he took the plunge and you weren't ready for it at all. It happens that way too. It just all happened so unexpectedly. After all, he sought you for a long time, walked with his tail, and when you took a step towards him, he was immensely happy. Everything was very good, even excellent. But one day he said that your relationship had become insipid, that he began to get tired of them. Naturally, you begin to blame yourself for the breakup. Look for reasons, and even find them.

It seems to you that you began to take less care of yourself or turned into a homebody, or maybe you never learned how to cook his favorite borscht. Then you suffer for a long time, you worry. Everything falls out of hand, I don’t want to work, but I don’t want to work, I don’t want to live. And you start to exist. Sometimes you even call him. You meet him. Of course, he looks great, tells something, laughs. And it gets even worse from his appearance. Because you're mad at yourself. You are angry for what you are going through, you cannot live normally and you constantly think about him.

He's doing just fine without you. Seeks another, maybe she is already the third or fourth since you broke up. You get angry, and at that moment comes the desire to show that you are also well, that you also live. At night, for the thousandth time, you replay the moment of the next meeting. Either you are at a party surrounded by fans, or at a resort with friends, and sometimes you marry a handsome millionaire. At night you regret that dreams do not become reality.

And now time passes. All bad things are forgotten, you no longer want to take revenge or be better than you really are. Work begins to bring joy, and happy girlfriends are no longer annoying. And flirting ... You no longer understand how you used to do without it. And then, when I was with him and after you broke up. It turns out that you are not unhappy at all, just free. In addition, men make it clear that they are interested in you, that you are not some kind of crippled, as he said, but a normal, beautiful woman.

And then a man appears. He is not handsome and not even a millionaire. Or maybe both. He smiles at you and compliments you. You are pleased, and the heart begins to beat quickly, quickly. Wings appear again behind the back. You are in love and are embarrassed to look into his eyes, although you are no longer a girl. First kiss, first night. You are happy and he proposes to you, or maybe just happy together. you forgot about past life about past love. Or rather, I didn’t completely forget, only pleasant memories remained, you are happy.

And then, the climax, he appears. It doesn't matter how. Did you meet him by chance, or did he dial your phone number. He asks to meet, says that he understood what a stupid thing he did and puts you before a choice. Meet, plunge into the pool again or refuse? In the evening you look at a sleeping man, the one who managed to give you happiness and who doesn’t care how you look and whether you know how to cook borscht. You look and think: to meet or not?
You know, I made up my mind. There will be no more meetings. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom says that you cannot enter the same river twice. It's true… tried….because they always come back! If he wants, be his friend. Indeed, it would be cruel! After all, there is no worse fate than to see you joyful and happy, not accepting a return.

Men always come back, but you can't step into the same river twice...


Pay attention to his body language when he is around you. Does he try to casually touch your hand? Does he lick his lips nervously when he looks at you? Does he use any pretext to touch you? Does it follow you, when parting, with a glance?

If he always finds some obviously far-fetched reasons to call you, especially if these conversations last longer than any conversations before your breakup, if he ends the conversation in a positive way, he says that. How pleased he was to hear your voice is a good sign.

If he constantly finds some common things for you, if he says that you can be friends and tries to spend a lot of time with you as before, then this does not mean that he wants you back. On the one hand, he may indeed still love you, and on the other, he may simply enjoy the fact that he still controls your life.

Talk to your friends, ask if your ex has contacted them to talk about you? If he is also not sure that you are ready to take him back, he may “test the soil” through them.

If almost all of your conversations boil down to discussing your breakup, then this may mean that your ex did not understand what and when went wrong, that he cares about you, but he is too proud and self-confident to admit it.

Mention someone in the conversation your ex doesn't know. If he starts to take a keen interest in this person, asking where and when you met, how you ended up there, who else was there - this is a good sign, it means that he still considers himself a part of your life and he cares about what you do, and so Or maybe he's a little jealous.

If he compliments you, talks about how good you look, how he likes your smell, how this haircut or blouse suits you, this is a clear timid step towards reconciliation. He shows that he finds you attractive, that he is still physically "drawn" to you.

Women trust their intuition. They always feel when they are loved and when the attitude towards them becomes different. Often they do not want to believe that they could stop loving them. That's when they start to doubt their intuition. In order not to think and guess whether a man fell out of love or he just has some temporary difficulties, just watch his behavior.


If your lover suddenly has too much to do, do not jump to conclusions. Maybe he really has a lot of work to do. But remember, if he loves you, he will find time to at least call you and talk for 5 minutes. If you stopped seeing him, he calls you once every few days, it is unlikely that he still feels something for you. Most likely, he lost interest in you. He no longer feels the need to communicate and meet with you.

When a person falls in love, he does not notice the minuses of his half. All her shortcomings seem to him virtues or trifles that you should not pay attention to. But if love passes, everything begins to irritate in a still recently loved person. If your words, actions, deeds irritate him, it seems to him that you should change, then his feelings have passed. Perhaps he is no longer satisfied with your appearance? Then, all the more, all bad.

You will immediately notice if your chosen one stops being affectionate with you. Has he started hugging and kissing you less? Does he have less and less desire to make love to you? Does he seem to be sleeping in bed? Accept that his feelings have cooled.

If your young man has always been angry when other men showed you signs of attention, and now he does not pay any attention to it, this is a serious reason to think about whether he loves you or not. Perhaps he just began to trust you more, he is sure that you pay attention only to him. Or maybe his love just died.