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As you know, since 2009, the Unified State Examination in Literature has become a mandatory test for admission to a number of specialties, including those in demand today, such as Journalism, Advertising, Graphic Arts and Design, and others. This fact could not but force the graduates to choose the subject "Literature" as a compulsory examination.

My students are no exception either. Finding myself in a situation where I needed to prepare my graduates for an exam, I started by buying literature that would help me figure out where to start. After analyzing the benefits received, I concluded that it usually consists of the following components:

  • methodological recommendations for students in preparing for the exam,
  • features of task types,
  • training tasks from open variants of CMM,
  • training options for the exam,
  • criteria for checking and evaluating the fulfillment of tasks C1, C2, C3, C4, C5-1 - C5-3,
  • list of literary texts for obligatory reading.

All this is not enough to answer the questions: where to start preparing for the exam, how to divide the material, what scientific and educational literature can be useful and similar ones. Designated problem: lack of sufficient methodological assistance in solving difficulties in preparing for the exam in literature

The demand for the subject today and a number of unresolved issues in this regard allow us to talk about relevance my work.

Real methodical development It has purpose creation of recommendations (cheat sheets) for preparing graduates for the exam in literature in the USE format.

  1. Councils of psychologists to graduates.
  2. Structure of control measuring materials.
  3. List of literary texts according to different literary eras.
  4. Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer (C1, C2, C3, C4).
  5. Memos for the analysis of epic, dramatic and lyrical works.
  6. Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of part C5 (C5.1, C5.2, C5.3 at the choice of the examinee).
  7. Recommendations for writing-reasoning part C5.
  8. Recommended literature and Internet sites.

How to prepare for the exam

  • First, prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.
  • You can introduce yellow and purple colors into the interior of the room, as they increase intellectual activity. For this, any picture in these colors or a print is enough.
  • Make a lesson plan. To begin with, determine whether you are an "owl" or a "lark", and depending on this, make the most of the morning or evening hours. When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: "I'll work out a little", but which sections and topics.
  • Start with the most difficult, with the section that you know the least. But if it’s hard for you to “swing”, you can start with the material that interests and pleases you the most. Perhaps you will gradually enter the working rhythm, and things will go.
  • Alternate classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of classes, then 10 minutes - a break. You can wash the dishes at this time, water the flowers, do exercises, take a shower.
  • No need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, preferably on paper. Outlines are also useful because they are easy to use for brief repetition of material.
  • Run as many different published tests as you can. These workouts will introduce you to test item designs.
  • When preparing for an exam, never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph.
  • Leave one day before the exam to repeat all the answer plans again, dwell on the most difficult questions once again. Annex 1
  • Part 4

    Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer (С1, С2, С3, С4)

    Tasks of type C1 - C4 refer to tasks of an increased level of complexity - this is a question to which you need to give a short (restrictedly detailed) coherent answer. The fulfillment of tasks C1 - C4 involves entering a broad literary context: the problems of the analyzed work (fragment) are included in the literary connections of the course.

    Evaluation of the implementation of tasks C1 and C3

    Evaluation of the implementation of tasks C2 and C4


    Part 5

    Memos for the analysis of epic, dramatic and lyrical works

    Analysis of the epic and dramatic work

    1. The place of the episode in the development of the plot and composition of the work;
    2. Speech system (description, narration, reasoning, the presence of author's digressions);
    3. What events take place in the episode, who participates in them, what sides of the character of the characters are revealed;
    4. How and for what purpose the author uses the details of subject representation;
    5. What figurative and expressive means of artistic speech does the writer use, for what purpose;
    6. What is the emotional pathos of the episode and how is it created;
    7. The theme and problem of the work that was developed here, the significance of the episode for revealing the idea of ​​works, expressing the author's position.

    Analysis of a lyrical work

    1. Author, title;
    2. Genre of the poem (sonnet, elegy, confession, miniature, letter);
    3. Main theme (love, friendship, feat, loneliness, poet and poetry);
    4. The plot, the composition, the problem.
    5. Motive of creation: what was the source of writing, inspiration;
    6. Lyrical hero;
    7. The place of the author in the work;
    8. Emotions, feelings that arise when reading a poem;
    9. Artistic media(portrait sketches; speech characteristics; landscape, its role; dream; letters; dialogues; monologues);
    10. Language means (phonetic, lexical, tropes, morphological, syntactic); []

    Part 6

    Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of part C5 (C5.1, C5.2, C5.3 at the choice of the examinee)

    1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question Points
    The examinee shows an understanding of the problem proposed in the question; formulates his opinion taking into account the position of the author, putting forward the necessary theses, giving arguments and arguments developing them and drawing appropriate conclusions; demonstrates knowledge of the problematics of the work and the ability to justify judgments; there are no actual errors. 3
    2. The level of theoretical and literary knowledge.
    The examinee reveals a high level of theoretical and literary knowledge, appropriately applying the relevant literary terms in the analysis of literary material and explaining the functions of certain literary devices. 3
    3. The validity of the involvement of the text of the work.
    The text of the work under consideration is reasonably and quite versatile (citations with comments to them, brief retelling content necessary to prove judgments, reference to micro-themes of the text and their interpretation, various kinds of references to what is depicted in the work, etc.). 3
    4. Consistency and consistency of presentation.
    The parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops from part to part, there are no violations of the sequence within the semantic parts of the statement and unreasonable repetitions. 3
    5. Following the norms of speech.
    Maximum score


    How to write an essay?

    Composition of the essay:


    Main part


    1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that is behind the proposed topic.

    The intro can:

    • contain the answer to the question asked on the topic;
    • your opinion is presented if the title contains a reference to the opinion of the writer (“how do you understand the meaning of the title…”);
    • contain a fact from the biography of the author or characterize the historical period, if this information is important for the subsequent analysis of the text;
    • formulated your understanding literary terms, if they are used in the topic title (“ fate theme"," the image of the hero "...).

    2. Main part: is an analysis of a literary work in accordance with a given topic.

    In the main part, you should avoid:

    • Retelling of a literary work;
    • Presentation of information not directly related to the topic;

    In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of literary material, the ability to logically, reasonably and stylistically correctly, to correctly express one's thoughts;

    The main part is a test of how well the topic is understood.

    3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, once again drawing attention to the most important thing.

    The final part should be:

    • Short but capacious;
    • Organically related to the previous presentation.

    In conclusion, the attitude of the writer to the work, its characters, the problem can be expressed. It should be stated correctly, without excessive enthusiastic assessments, have a clearly expressed certain meaning and be prepared by the main body material.

    In the final part of the work, I will outline the greatest difficulties that arise in preparing for the exam in literature, and ways to solve them.

    Difficulties Solutions
    1. Psychological: anxiety, confusion, lack of clarity in the structured thinking, etc. 1. Form an internal action plan;

    2. Organize the work area;

    3. Understand the specifics of the work;

    4. Select the necessary literature;

    5. Explore the Internet space in search of useful links.

    2. Lack of information base 1. Seek help from comrades;

    2. View and select the necessary literature in the catalogs of the library;

    3. Visit the official sites that prepare for the exam

    3. Large amount of material 1. Divide the material into blocks convenient for repetition;

    2. Create a conceptual dictionary with the necessary literary terms;

    3. Use reference books and manuals such as “All works of Russian literature in summary”;

    4. Systematize the material using the reader's diary.

    5. Lack of necessary practice in writing essays in literature lessons. 1. Pick up a convenient memo for writing detailed answers and the necessary recommendations for writing a literary essay;

    2. Practice writing short works, analyzing episodes from epic, dramatic and lyrical works in accordance with the criteria;

    3. Select the most frequently encountered topics of the compositions of part C5 and work out some of them in detail.

    6. A small number of rehearsal exams in the USE format. 1. Systematic solution of USE options with self-examination;

    2. Control performance of tests with a teacher of literature.

    Do not forget that, if possible, it is necessary to consistently read and study literary texts in accordance with the school curriculum!!!

    Practical use of work:

    1. Psychological mood.
    2. Dividing the material into convenient blocks.
    3. Save time when searching for information.
    4. Ready-made memos and analysis algorithms.
    5. Such a systematization of the material allows you to better prepare for Part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    Promising areas of work are

    - compiling a dictionary in accordance with the blocks;
    - systematization of essay topics by sections;
    - selection of samples of essays of part C5 and answers of parts C1-C4.

    Surprisingly, in order to score high on the exam in literature, it is not enough just to be able to write well and have a huge number of books read in your luggage. No, this is certainly important and necessary, but we must remember that the final exam in the form of the Unified State Examination has a clear structure, and the inspectors have certain criteria by which they evaluate the work of eleventh graders. No matter how creative and original you are, if your work does not meet the basic requirements of the assignment, then, alas, you will not score 100 points. Therefore, in this article we will reveal all the secrets and give you helpful tips, listening to which, you can get a high result and enter the university of your dreams.

    As already noted, graduates taking the exam in literature just need to know exactly how the USE in literature is assessed. In fact, everything is very simple and not as scary as it seems at first glance.

    When completing 8 and 15 tasks that require a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences, you must give a direct and concise answer to the question. we have on the site. Try not to deviate from the topic, do not use lengthy reasoning, follow a simple scheme - thesis, evidence. Nothing super complicated is required of you, it is important to carefully read the passage from the above artwork, analyze it and give a short but clear answer to the question, citing evidence from the text as an example. The criteria are:

    1. depth of judgment
    2. persuasiveness of arguments
    3. following the rules of speech.

    In total, for 8 and 15 tasks, you can get 4 points for each (do not forget that the primary points you have scored are converted into a hundred-point system, and even 1 mistake you make can cost 4 test points, so be careful).

    In questions 9 and 16, you are required to compare the proposed passage from a literary work with two other texts. you can look at the site. The most important thing here is a convincing justification why you think the examples from works of art you have given are suitable and in what exactly you find their similarities. Do not forget that you need to correctly indicate the titles of works and their authors. The criteria by which your answers will be judged:

    1. inclusion of the work in a literary context
    2. persuasiveness of arguments

    Since the exam is always a stressful situation for graduates, we advise you to think over examples of works under various subjects, it is more convenient to do this in a table. Divide it into specific topics, for example, war, unrequited love, etc. (you can take them from exemplary KIMs), and select texts in which these problems occur. So at X-hour it will be much easier for you, and you will be able to score the highest score for this task.

    And finally, the last task is to write a long essay on one of the three proposed topics. you can look at the website. Here you have to show:

    1. knowledge of literary text
    2. possession of literary terms
    3. literary outlook

    The examiner will evaluate:

    1. depth of understanding of the topic
    2. persuasiveness of the judgments cited as arguments
    3. level of theoretical and literary knowledge
    4. the validity of attracting the text of the work
    5. compositional integrity
    6. consistency of presentation
    7. following the rules of speech.

    The only advice we can give you when writing this essay is to prepare for it. You must know all the evaluation criteria and, following them, write a coherent work that will reflect the depth of your knowledge and the meaningfulness of your arguments.

    What do you need to know?

    Before you start preparing for the exam in literature, you should find out what the exam consists of, how much time is allotted for solving each task, what you need to read, and much more.

    Let's start in order:

    1. How long is the exam in Literature?

    Graduates are given 3 hours and 55 minutes. Believe me, this time is enough to complete and check all tasks. But, despite this, from year to year, many graduates lose precious points just because they simply do not have time to answer all the questions or rewrite the essay in a clean copy. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone who is preparing to take the exam in literature, practice writing KIM for the time that will be allotted for the exam. Record the time and objectively evaluate whether you have time to write, check and rewrite all the essays. If not, then try to reconsider your time commitment, it may be more convenient for you to start with the last task, and then return to the first part of the work. Determine the maximum number of minutes you can spend answering a particular question and try not to exceed this limit.

    1. How many questions are on the exam?
    2. The exam in literature consists of two parts. Part 1 is divided into 2 blocks - in the first you are required to answer 7 questions that test your knowledge of literary theory, and 2 questions with a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences. The entire first block is devoted to the epic or dramatic genres of literature. Block 2 deals with lyrics and also consists of 7 questions on theory and 2 questions, when answering which you must write a "small essay".

      Part 2 consists of writing essays on one of the three proposed topics. Each topic relates to a certain era (1 topic - ancient Russian literature, literature of the 18th century or literature of the first half of the 19th century, 2nd topic - the second half of the 19th century and 3rd topic affects literary works written from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century). The essay must be at least 200 words.

      1. What to read?
      2. To pass the exam in literature, it is enough to read the entire list fiction compiled specifically for this exam, the so-called, which you can read on the site.

        But we must immediately warn you, if during all your school years you have not read practically anything from the school curriculum, then it is impossible to catch up for 1 year. But if you, on the contrary, have always been responsible for the list school literature then you don't have to read anything else.

        1. When will the results come?

        Both at the exam itself and on the official website of the exam, the deadlines for obtaining the results will be indicated. Don't worry, you won't be left in the dark. Try to remain calm, even if your results in literature are delayed (this happens), you have already done everything that was in your power. And don’t be afraid, inspectors are not animals, they just do their job, and if you work hard, then your work will be appreciated.

        How to prepare?

        See previous point. Indeed, it is simply useless to start preparing for the exam in literature, if you have not yet read most of the works. If everything is in order with the list of literature read, then it is worth turning to the theory of literature. In the first part there are as many as 14 questions concerning literary terms (genre and type of literature, the size of the poem, etc.). All these questions are absolutely simple, so it will be very disappointing to lose your points on them. And in order to prepare, you just need to look at the knowledge of which will be tested, understand and analyze them in detail, then you will never confuse iambic with trochaic.

        Well, there is only one way to prepare for tasks with a detailed answer - training. Write as much as you can more essays, try to comply with all requirements, carefully reread your work (it is very important to be able to notice your own mistakes), and, of course, it will be very good if there is a person who will check your literary achievements at least at first (I think your school teacher should not refuse such a request).

        How is the exam going?

        Just like any other exam. You come to the exam site, having left all the electronic devices at home before that (after all, you have been preparing hard all year, and you don’t need them, right?), go to a certain audience and wait for the exam to begin. When the X-hour comes, the observer once again announces in detail the rules for the event. Next, you start filling out the forms (take this seriously, do not forget to double-check whether you filled out everything correctly, otherwise it will be a shame if your last name is not on a brilliantly completed, hundred-point work).

        When all the organizational moments are over, you will finally receive your KIM and will be able to start its implementation. Read assignments very carefully! In a stressful situation, you can easily confuse Tolstoy with Dostoevsky, so re-read several times not only your answers, but also questions (even a well-written work on the problem little man in the work of Chekhov will not be counted if the question was about Gogol). 3 hours 55 minutes pass, you turn in all your completed forms and go home with peace of mind.

        How did you pass the exam in literature in 2017?

        Some statistics: in 2017, 43,548 graduates took the exam in literature, of which only 4.3% could not pass the threshold (minimum score) of 32 points. And 44% of those who passed the exam were able to score more than 61 points. So, dear graduates, not everything is so scary.

        Every eleventh-grader who takes literature once asked in desperation: “What is needed to pass the exam in literature?”. But you have no idea how simple the answer is - you need to prepare. There is no need to assume that if the exam requires you not to have a specific, only correct answer to a question, but a detailed answer in the form of an essay, then you can let the preparation process take its course and trust your intuition, and when writing essays, give free rein to your imagination and just speculate on a given topic. This approach will not lead you to success, you must clearly know what is required of you, your essays must comply with the “requested” format, and the knowledge of literature in your head must be clearly structured. Ideally, you need to have a good understanding of a particular historical context in order to better understand the themes of a particular author's work. You should also be able to confirm your thoughts with quotes (which you need to know by heart), and this is possible only under one condition - you need to start preparing for the exam in literature in advance! Then you will not have any problems, and even if you are very emotional person(what everyone becomes at the time of passing the exam), you will be more calm and confident, and this is the key to an excellent result.

        Interesting? Save it on your wall!

    One of the most common tasks of the Unified State Examination in literature is the definition of a genre, genre specificity. This question can be found in tasks with both epic and dramatic, and lyrical texts.

    In literary criticism, the problem of defining a genre is particularly acute. Often classic combines the features of several genre varieties, and most literary theorists generally believe that brilliant works in general are always created at the junction of genre forms.

    In the school curriculum with genres, too, everything is not so simple, at least take the "Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin. What is it in terms of defining a genre? Is it a story like most textbooks give? Or is it a novel, as given in The Codifier? What is right? What to write in the answer?

    In principle, the authors of the USE assignments in literature are well aware that there are differences in theory, different views, different approaches, so they try to avoid such questions. Sometimes in the answers in the literature we can meet variability, i.e. Initially, several correct answers will be included in the program, and we believe that this is correct. For example, what is the genre of “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy? Is it a novel, an epic, an epic novel? What to write? It seems that in the near future these questions will be completely excluded from the exam in literature, leaving only questions with detailed answers.

    However, the theory of genres is still worth knowing, because one of the criteria in detailed answers is the use of terms for analysis.

    You can watch a detailed analysis of task number 2 in the video.

    And also we provide a small summary for solving task number 2.

    So the task itself:

    2. Indicate the specifics of the genre of "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin.

    As we already know from task number 1, “ Captain's daughter» A.S. Pushkin by birth is an epic. Accordingly, we need to know epic genres.


    Genre- this is a literary form of the existence of a work of art, a kind of genus. The genre is characterized by certain artistic characteristics, i.e. the criteria by which the genre is distinguished. Each genre has its own set of criteria by which it stands out from the rest.

    epic genres

    The main epic genres are epic, novel, story, short story, fable.

    Epic (epic novel)- works of national problems, monumental in form (“War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy, “ Quiet Don» M. Sholokhov and others). The epic is characterized by a large number of characters, the breadth of the image of the life of the people in a certain historical era, the solemn vocabulary and the majestic tone of the story.

    Novel- this is a great epic work that reflects a wide range of life phenomena, covers the fate of a number of characters. "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov, "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov and others.

    Tale is the middle epic form. In terms of coverage of events and characters, the story is more than a short story, but less than a novel. For example: "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin, "The Overcoat" by N. V. Gogol, etc.

    Story (short story, essay, essay, etc.)- a small epic work that tells about one or more events in a person's life. These are stories from the series “Notes of a Hunter” by I. S. Turgenev, “Thick and Thin” by A. P. Chekhov and others. narrative work small size, usually in prose. Actors there is little in it. Not in the story detailed description the lives of heroes. Usually the writer depicts the actions, the behavior of the characters during some important event. The story takes up a few pages, but readers remember well the characters of the story, the environment in which they live and act.

    Fable- a short allegorical story in prose or verse of an instructive nature. The fables of I. A. Krylov “The Monkey and Glasses”, “The Quartet”, “The Elephant and the Pug” are widely known. A fable is a short poetic or prose story of a moralizing nature, which has an allegorical meaning. Fables consist of a story and a moral conclusion. Morality may be before the story, after it, or even absent (in this case, it is implied). Since animals act in the fable, and people are meant by them, personification is used in it (the animals in the fable speak, think, feel). Allegory- translated from Greek - allegory - an image of a person or other object through another person or other object: Fox - a cunning person; Hare, lamb - a defenseless person; the wolf is an evil, heartless person.

    The specifics of epic genres:

    Specificity is an additional clarifying distinctive characteristic of the genre. Depending on what is the basis of the characteristics, they distinguish:

    • Specificity by artistic method or direction: sentimentalist story, realistic novel, romantic ballad, classic ode, etc.
    • Specificity by the nature of the content: a mystical novel, a revolutionary fable, a didactic (educational) story, etc.
    • Plot source specifics: historical tale, chivalric romance, fantasy story, etc.

    In principle, in relation to the specifics of the genre of "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin, we can safely say:

    "The Captain's Daughter" is a story or a novel, and taking into account the specifics based on the source, it is a historical story or a historical novel.

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    The first thing that is needed when preparing for the exam in literature from scratch is knowledge of the texts. You have to read a lot.

    Literature is a cumulative subject, one might say, archeological. For example, the program for students of the Russian Department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is designed so that they read 6-7 hours every day for five years. And if you have not accumulated this resource in large quantities, then you simply will not know what to rely on.

    At the exam in literature, unlike mathematics, there are no single correct answers to questions. It may seem to you that your answer is beautiful, but it will turn out to be meaningless. So it's not just about reading. You need to know what to focus on. We need to get feedback in any way.

    How to prepare for the exam in literature from scratch?

    Literature is based on knowledge of texts. If you are preparing for the exam in literature, you need at least two years. If you want to be in time for a year, you must have “read” all the main texts.

    And at the same time, it is important not only to “get acquainted with the plot”, but also to remember all the details and structure of the work.

    For example, you need to know the answers to questions such as:

    Is there an epigraph to "Eugene Onegin"?
    Answer: Yes, for every chapter. There is also an epigraph to the whole work (and it must be remembered). We must also remember in what languages ​​the epigraphs to the chapters of "Eugene Onegin" are given, how many chapters are in "Eugene Onegin" (answer: 8).

    How many parts are in Oblomov?
    Answer: Four! Like seasons.

    What parts does "A Hero of Our Time" consist of?

    Answering this question, the high school student recalls the chronological order of action and lists: "Taman", "Bela", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist" ... People usually forget about "Maxim Maksimovich".

    But the actual order of the chapters is quite different! First, a preface to the novel. Then - the first part, this is "Bela" and "Maxim Maksimovich", then the preface to Pechorin's journal, where it is reported that Pechorin has died and his notes can be printed, and finally, "Taman". The second part consists of "Princess Mary" and "Fatalist".

    Yes, Lermontov rearranged parts of his narrative, and this is world-class innovation, this is pre-modernism - although we do not say such terms to schoolchildren. “A Hero of Our Time” is a brilliant text and a brilliant finale. "A Hero of Our Time" ends not with the death of Pechorin, but with a description of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych about predestination.

    But usually a schoolboy does not see this, does not understand the logic of the novel, because he pays attention only to the plot, to the development of the action. And when preparing for the exam in literature for high scores, you need to know the structure of the work, and not just the plot. You need to remember all the details, not just the main events. You need to be able to retell the text in detail, surprise with “tricks”, answer all difficult questions.

    Further, we must remember and not confuse the names of the characters, the place of action, the details of the biographies of the heroes. Let's check ourselves:

    What was Bazarov's name?
    Answer: Evgeny Vasilievich.
    What was Pechorin's name?
    Answer: Grigory Alexandrovich.
    What was the patronymic name of Tatyana Larina?
    Answer: Tatyana Dmitrievna.
    What was the name of the fortress where the main events in The Captain's Daughter took place?
    Answer: The fortress was called Belogorskaya. Graduates write “Belgorodskaya”, then “Belozerskaya” and lose points. These are typical mistakes on the exam.
    Where do Petrusha's parents live in the same "Captain's Daughter"?
    Answer: In a village in the Simbirsk province.
    Which city is being besieged?
    Answer: Orenburg.

    And this is only the first step in preparing for the exam in literature from scratch.

    The second thing you need is an analytical mindset. The exam in literature has its own specifics. You need to understand that there is a certain algorithm, or technology.

    Is it possible to prepare for the exam in literature from scratch in a year?

    Yes, you can do it in a year if you have very good time management. This really means that every day you need to devote at least an hour to this work. Literally set a timer. Honestly check what you wrote according to the criteria. Show to an outside observer - for example, a school teacher or tutor.

    At the first stage, we study the texts. On the second - we write the variants of the exam and check according to all the criteria.

    This year the publishing house "Phoenix" has released my book "Literature. The author's course of preparation for the exam. In it, I talk in detail about preparing for the exam in literature from scratch.