
How is the image of Lopakhin interpreted? Why doesn't Gaev love him?


Lopakhin is a representative of the bourgeoisie, replacing the nobility. Chekhov wrote to Stanislavsky: "Lopakhin, it is true, is a merchant, but a decent person in every sense, he must behave quite decently, intelligently, without tricks."

The vulgarity of life comes at him from all sides, he acquires the features of a rude merchant, begins to flaunt his origin and lack of culture.


“Good God! My father was a serf for your grandfather and father…”

“... My dad was a peasant, an idiot, he didn’t understand anything, he didn’t teach me, but only beat me while drunk, and all with a stick. In fact, I'm the same blockhead and idiot. I didn’t study anything, my handwriting is bad, I write in such a way that people are ashamed, like a pig.


Why does Petya speak of him as "a beast of prey" and "a tender soul"? How to understand it?


This character is no stranger to sentimentality. He is sensitive to poetry in the broadest sense of the word, he, as Petya Trofimov says, has "thin, tender fingers, like an artist's ... a thin, tender soul."

Lopakhin is sincerely ready to help Ranevskaya, he is almost in love with her. In the end, he buys a cherry orchard, i.e. act contrary to his wishes.

Lopakhin is very dependent on time. He constantly looks at his watch, pushes himself and others: "It's time", "Hurry up." He is so dependent on time that he does not dare to follow his feelings: he wants to see Ranevskaya, talk to her - and leaves, postponing the conversation. His life has its own “ghosts”, ambiguities, uncertainties, for example, his relationship with Varya. With bitterness, Lopakhin admits to Petya: “And how many, brother, are there people in Russia who exist for no one knows why.” Lopakhin took possession of the cherry orchard, but he feels the fragility of his position, foreseeing a radical break in life. Thus, in Lopakhin, a "predatory beast" and a "tender soul" coexist.


What quality will win in Lopakhin?




What features of Lopakhin are attractive?


Why Gaev and Ranevskaya refuse Lopakhin's offer?


Lopakhin is a pragmatist, a man of action. Already in the first act, he joyfully announces: “There is a way out ... Here is my project. Attention please! Your estate is only twenty versts from the city, there is a railway nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then leased out for summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year income.

True, this "exit" to a different, material plane - the plane of benefit and benefit, but not beauty, therefore it seems to the owners of the garden "vulgar".


The meaning of the complex and contradictory image of Lopakhin is to show the new "masters of life". In Lopakhin's remarks there are judgments that are not characteristic of his image. Most likely, thoughts about the homeland, about an awkward, unhappy life are the voice of the author himself.


Why doesn't Lopakhin propose to Varya?

What future of Russia is he talking about?

Why does he repeatedly call life "stupid", "incoherent"?

What is the originality of Lopakhin's speech?

How does his attitude towards Ranevskaya and Gaev characterize?


1. D.N. Murin. Russian Literature II half of XIX century. Guidelines in the form of lesson planning. Grade 10. Moscow: SMIO Press, 2002.

2. E.S. Rogover. Russian literature XIX century. M.: Saga; Forum, 2004.

3. Encyclopedia for children. T. 9. Russian literature. Part I. From epics and chronicles to the classics of the 19th century. Moscow: Avanta+, 1999.

(354 words) In the play The Cherry Orchard, the playwright allegorically depicted the process of the gradual ruin of the nobility and the emergence of a new bourgeois class in its place - merchants, who turned from Ostrovsky's slovenly and ignorant heroes into polite, beautifully dressed and modern Lopakhins. It would seem that this change is for the better: Ranevskaya and Gaev are not able to help the country in deed. But is it? How did Chekhov portray the present in The Cherry Orchard?

Lopakhin came from the common people, but managed to become the master of life. “He’s just rich, there’s a lot of money, and if you think and figure it out, then a man is a man,” he introduces himself. The hero feels a lack of education and etiquette, admits this, but at the same time understands that courtesy and intelligence can be lost in a furious and gambling capitalist game.

The hero has mastered all the skills of a businessman. In particular, he maintains impeccable business communication. Although he comforts Ranevskaya with a soft, kind voice, he still does not cease to be a capitalist. The benefit for Lopakhin is above all. He inspires the heroine to sell him a cherry orchard, although he feels how painful it is for her to say goodbye to her small homeland. At the same time, the businessman does not feel pity, that is, he does not belong to sensitive people. But he cannot be called cruel either: he does not reproach anyone for the serf past of his ancestors, he does not impose feelings of guilt on anyone for their slavery. It seems that Lopakhin lives only by business, and the emotional side of life does not concern him.

Lopakhin's characterization should begin with such a quality as determination. The cherry orchard is his old dream and he buys it. He measures everything in money, so all his goals revolve around them. Of course, the hero can be accused of narrow-mindedness, but capitalism is unthinkable without such people. It is they who create the market economy with its predatory laws and wild morals. Such an environment is necessary condition progress, so one character cannot be blamed for her sins. He is a part of this system, not its essence. If purposefulness is a positive property of businessmen, then the goals themselves are a vice of the system. This is confirmed by Lopakhin himself. With tears, he says: “It would be better if our clumsy, not happy life».

Chekhov showed the present in the image of Lopakhin not in the best light, because he hoped that the predatory laws of the financial jungle would be replaced by the time of the intelligentsia, which is democratically and creatively minded, which will finally transform the world and establish justice.

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The plot of the play "The Cherry Orchard" is based on the sale of the estate for debts. This family nest belonged to an aristocratic family, but its owner spent a lot of money abroad, and proper care was not provided for the estate. Although the daughters of Ranevskaya tried to live economically, her habits led to losses, and the estate went under the hammer.

The merchant E. A. Lopakhin plays one of the important roles in the play, previously he was a serf under the grandfather and father of Ranevskaya, and was engaged in trade in the shop. By the time described in the play, Lopakhin managed to get rich. The character himself is ironic to himself, saying that the man remained a man. Lopakhin says that his father did not teach him, but only beat him after drinking, which is why he himself, according to his speeches, is “a blockhead and an idiot”, he has bad handwriting, and did not undergo training.

Characteristics of the hero

Although Lopakhin was not trained, he can be called smart, he is also enterprising and has an enviable business acumen.

Also among the main qualities can be identified:

  • energy. He leads a stormy activity;
  • industrious. The character plants a poppy and does other work, earning his living;
  • generous. Easily lends Ranevskaya and other people as much as he can;
  • employment. A man constantly checks his watch, collects or describes immediately after returning;
  • industrious. Without work, he does not know what to do with his hands.

Other participants in the play have different opinions about Lopakhin, Ranevskaya considers him interesting and good, but Gaev says that he is a boor. Simeonov-Pivshchik considers him a man of great intelligence, Petya Trofimov calls him a rich man, and yet he is positive. He also notes his subtle and obscure soul, gentle fingers, like an artist's.

The image of the hero in the play

(A. A. PelevinLopakhin A.A., S. V. GiatsintovaRanevskaya L.A., V.V. MarutaSimeonov-Pishchik, Moscow Theatre. Lenin Komsomol, 1954)

It is Lopakhin who is the only active character, and his energy is directed to making money. The author wrote Lopakhin as a central figure, and refers to people who appreciate art, and not just rake in money. The soul of the artist lives in the hero, he speaks gentle words, he was the only one who offered a way out of the situation - the restructuring of the garden. Lopakhin is secretly in love with Ranevskaya, understands the impracticability further fate estates under the same management, in general, he soberly assesses the situation. As a result, Lopakhin buys the estate at auction, but still understands the absurdity of his life, cannot live in harmony with himself.

What message is conveyed through Lopakhin?

(Alexander SavinLopakhin A.A., Galina ChumakovaRanevskaya L.A., Youth Theater of Altai , 2016 )

Chekhov was very fond of viewing and showing Russia symbolically, putting more into each image. The play raises the question of who is the future of the country. In the history of the play, the words of the characters almost always diverge from their actions, as Ranevskaya, promising not to return to Paris, leaves, and Lopakhin admires the cherry orchard, but cuts it down.

Lopakhin clearly shows an example of human misunderstanding, in his heart he wanted to be with the landowner, and he was offered the idea of ​​​​marrying Vara. It broke his heart and tore at his subtle soul. In theory, he came out the winner, because the estate passed into his possession, but the result is tragic, and his feelings remained unshared.

    The purpose of the lesson. To give an idea of ​​the complexity and inconsistency of the "new master", of the morality that disfigures Lopakhin's soul.

    Epigraph of the lesson. The role of Lopakhin is central. If it fails, then the whole play will fail. /A.P. Chekhov/.

    Lesson form. Lesson - discussion.

During the classes.

    introduction teacher to the topic of the lesson.

2. Conversation (discussion) on issues with students

IN. What do we know about Yermolai Lopakhin? Why, when creating his portrait, Chekhov pays special attention to the details of clothing (white vest, yellow shoes), gait (walks, waving his arms, striding broadly, thinks while walking, walks in one line)? What do these details say?

IN. What features of Lopakhin are revealed in his attachment to Ranevskaya? Why the former owners do not accept Lopakhinsky's rescue project cherry orchard?

Lopakhin's attachment to Ranevskaya is not a relic of servile attachment to the former mistress, but a deep, sincere feeling which grew out of gratitude, out of respect for kindness and beauty. For the sake of Lyubov Andreevna, Lopakhin endures Gaev's lordly neglect. For her sake, he is ready to give up his interests: dreaming of taking possession of the estate, he nonetheless offers a completely real project for its preservation in the property of Ranevskaya and Gaev. The owners do not accept the project, and this is reflected in their impracticality. But in this case, it has its own pretty side: it’s really unpleasant for them, it’s disgusting to think that there will be summer cottages in place of the cherry orchard. When Ranevskaya says:"Cut down? My dear, I'm sorry, you don't understand anything, - she's right in her own way.

Yes, Lopakhin does not understand that it is blasphemy to cut down such beauty, the most beautiful thing in the whole province. And, when Gaev, in response to Lopakhin's speech that the summer resident will take care of the household and make a gardenhappy, rich, luxurious says indignantly:"What nonsense!" - he is also right in his own way.

It is no coincidence that Chekhov puts the words into Lopakhin's mouth:“And it can be said that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to extraordinary extent” .

IN. Can this be said about the people who decorate the earth? Why?

IN. Why does Petya Trofimov say that he loves Lopakhin, believes that he has thin, tender, soul and at the same time sees in him predatory beast ? How to understand it?

In Lopakhin two people live and fight among themselves -thin, tender soul And predatory beast . By nature, this, apparently, is a remarkable nature - a smart, strong-willed person and at the same time responsive to someone else's grief, capable of generosity, selflessness. Although his father raised him with a stick, he did not knock out good inclinations. It is possible that Ranevskaya, with her responsiveness and kindness, helped their development."You ... did so much for me once" , - Lopakhin tells her.

Who will win - man or beast? Most likely a beast!

IN. Reread the scene of Varya and Lopakhin's explanation. Why didn't he explain?

Many times - under the mild but persistent influence of Ranevskaya - he readily agreed to propose to Varya, and each time he evaded some awkward joke:"Okhmeliya, go to the monastery", or simply "Me-e-e."

What's the matter? Does not love? Shy, like every groom? Perhaps, but rather, the poor "bride" is right.“For the past two years everyone has been talking to me about him, but he is silent or joking. I understand. He is getting rich, busy with business, he is not up to me.

But is this the main reason? After all, there is not a penny for Varya.

IN. “We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see here new life», Lopakhin says. What could this life look like to him?

Lopakhin's ideals are vague. He is full of energy, he wants activity. “Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I think:“Lord, you gave us vast forests, vast fields, the deepest horizons, and living here, we ourselves should really be giants…”. But the activity of the acquirer increasingly influences his ideals. That is why a new, happy life seems to him possible oncountry tithes , based on some entrepreneurial activity. But this, of course, is a chimera. Petya Trofimov says for sure that these dreams of Lopakhin come from habitwave your arms, that is, to imagine that money can do anything.“And also to build dachas, to expect that individual owners will come out of the dacha owners over time, to count in this way means to wave.”

Chekhov warned that Lopakhin was not a fist, and explained that Varya, a serious, religious girl, would not love a fist, but Lopakhin’s idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future happiness is formulated by that atmosphere of acquisitiveness, business, which more and more tightens her.

IN. Lopakhin more than once throughout the play expresses dissatisfaction with life, calls it stupid, awkward, unhappy. What caused it?

Lopakhin cannot but feel sometimes the contradiction between the desire for goodness, happiness - and the life he leads: after all, to earnforty thousand pure , it is impossible to climb into millionaires without crushing anyone, without robbing, without pushing anyone out of the way. Lopakhin sometimes feels a painful split. This is especially clear in the scene of his courage after buying a cherry orchard. How democratic pride is mixed and mutually contradictory herebeaten illiterate Yermolai, who ran barefoot in winter, a descendant of serf slaves, and the triumph of a businessman after a successful deal in which he beat a competitor, and the roar of a predatory beast, and pity for Lyubov Andreevna, and the sharp discontent of thisawkward, unhappy life . And yet the last phrase of Lopakhin in this scene:“I can pay for everything!” - this is as significant as the sound of an ax accompanying the last action and completing it.

IN. Does he feel confident? How much longer does Lopakhin "reign" on Russian soil?

IN. The last sound that ends the piece is the clatter of an axe. Why?

The persistent blows of the ax make one think that the old life is dying, that the former life is gone forever, and that the beauty bought by the predatory capitalist is dying.

Chekhov seeks to "ennoble" Lopakhin. He wrote to Stanislavsky:Lopakhin, it is true, is a merchant, but a decent person in every sense, he must behave quite decently, intelligently, not petty, without tricks. A putting the words into Trofimov's mouth:“Anyway, I still love you. You have thin, delicate fingers, like an artist's. You have a delicate tender soul" , I wanted to show a living face, and not a poster image of a merchant.

3.Reflection: Who, from your point of view, is Lopakhin?

4. Homework.

Compare the characters of the play (Anya and Petya) with the characters of the story "The Bride". How did Chekhov see the younger generation?

Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich - one of the main characters in the play "The Cherry Orchard", a merchant, a descendant of serfs who worked for Ranevskaya's father and grandfather. Lopakhin's father was uneducated and rude, often beat him. Ranevskaya was kind to the boy, protected him. He says that he loves her more than his own, as she has done a lot for him. He says about himself that although he broke away from the peasants, he never became educated. But Lopakhin has amassed a solid fortune and is now rich. He sincerely helps Ranevskaya and Gaev save the estate, but they value the cherry orchard so much that they end up with nothing. His plan: to divide the garden into plots and rent it to summer residents in order to pay off the existing debt on the estate.

For Ranevskaya, this garden is like the personification of the motherland and the noble past. She says that this is the best garden in the province, it cannot be cut down. Lopakhin has no nostalgic feelings for the garden and operates from the point of view of practicality. In Ranevskaya he notices frivolity and idleness. He works daily from 5 am until late at night. Lopakhin is a predator by nature, which Petya Trofimov notices in him. This is a controversial character. On the one hand, he is hardworking, purposeful and not stupid, on the other hand, he is rude and callous. At the end of the play, it is he who buys the Ranevskaya estate and does not hide his joy about this. After all, he is a “simple peasant”, “son and grandson of slaves”, and now the owner of such an estate. The author himself refers his hero to the number of "stupid". So, for example, he wanted to meet Ranevskaya, but overslept the train, wanted to help her save the estate, and bought it himself, promised to make an offer