cardinal sign, ruler- Mars. The element is fire.
lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
good places- stadiums, factories, forest, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, crimson, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny.
Purple- unsuccessful.
stones- ruby, amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Born From March 21 to March 31
- under the influence of Mars - especially brave, aggressive natures are born,
firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to
bravado and ardent in love.
Lucky Stones: agate, amazonite,
hematite, rock crystal, serpentine, carnelian, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz,
sapphirine, carnelian, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Occupations - officer, soldier, intelligence officer, entrepreneur, railway worker, technician, designer, shooter, policeman, surgeon, pilot, engineer, etc. usually male occupations. This is a sign that hastened to present its sexual energy to the world of women. Together with Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, he is already in his teens through the threshold of marriage. But this does not mean that the world exists. even if you have a regular partner around you at the age of 33, he usually decides to go on adventures, which are now with much younger and older women.

Born from 1 to 11 April
- under the influence of the Sun - proud, generous, noble natures,
courageous, able to command, ambitious, able to overcome
obstacles. Love for them is a great affection.
Lucky Stones: heliotrope, pearl, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx, amber.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

The emotion of the outcast due to early maturation is now stronger than ever and he can share it with a partner born under the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius and ultimately Cancer. If you liked a person born under this sign, do not think that between you happens once and for all. As a rule, once every seven years, he tends to change so much that even the mother, with whom he traditionally faces a conflicting but very dependent relationship, raises his hands to offer advice. The Aries man loves attractive women, but not in bed.

Born from 12 to 20 April- under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.
Lucky Stones: diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon.
Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Characteristics of Aries

"They did not want to learn the simplest truths that a red-hot poker will inevitably burn your fingers if you grab it with your bare hands, and if you cut yourself with a knife, you will definitely bleed."

There he does not allow him to interfere, and any manifestation of free will or refusal to comply with his dictates can be taken as a reason for withdrawal. However, even that early fruitless alliance is hard for him to break, and he usually lives in the last decades of his life - from 58 years old, alone or single, but married if he arranges his own partner.

If this happens to you, pray about it later, or at least when you already know what you are looking for or what you can expect from life. It won't leave you with much free space, though its requirements aren't pretentious or over the top. Like no other, Taurus is able to be distracted and emotionally unoccupied and maintain worldly contacts when needed. But if at the first meeting you did not have the opportunity to know exactly what his intentions are towards you, there is hardly anything to hope for - at least a long-term relationship.

Have you met an exceptionally friendly person the other day with energetic movements, a firm handshake, a radiant smile and a readiness to immediately rush to defend justice? If yes, then you can be sure - this is Aries. He will not be afraid to enter into an argument with a policeman or an armed bandit, without thinking about the consequences, although he may regret it. People under the influence of the planet Mars (and Aries are one of them) are decisive, courageous, never doubt.

His sexual fantasy cannot be ignited by your appearance, but the harmony of your features is unlikely to leave him indifferent. His strong period is from 21 to 33 years old, when he has usually already chosen his partner in life among the open-born, but he did not miss Scorpio. So far, however, the complex begins. At least two decades were needed to make sense and make this move the right one. Because when you have already decided that he has relaxed and solved his internal dilemmas, somewhere between 38 and 45 years of life there is a surge of energy, which is much stronger than in the third decade of his life and sex, broadcast, can make not one or two women do not want his company.

But he doesn't sleep either! Like a child, Aries views the whole world only through the prism of his own interests, thinks first of all about himself and
completely incapable of understanding what is causing someone inconvenience. And then there is his charming smile!

The disarming naivety of Aries explains in some way their fearlessness. The child is not afraid of anything until it gets burned. So is Aries.
However, the pain subsides, the fear passes, and he again takes up his own, having never learned anything. There is not a drop of cunning and cunning in it. Aries is exceptionally trusting and remains so all his life. Plus, he doesn't know how to lie. There is nothing secretive or complicated in his character. Like a child, he is often very defenseless and vulnerable. If an adult or stronger offends a small child or tries to take something away from him, he yells and makes such a scandal that the offender is in a hurry to retreat. So do Aries. They never develop strategies: selfish determination allows them to always achieve their goal.

And here and there there is a problem: you can hardly guess what kind of woman can now explode her fantasy. In any case, she will not have categoricalness, but patience. They love tone in both love and marriage, and often the difference in years between them and their partner is not only great, but also in their best interest.

But that's just outside. Assuming the tender and steady air of a married person, they then think that they need impulses to keep them tied to the institution of marriage and on their behalf allow adventures that do not weigh them down because they teach them to be better in marriage. Most difficult period for men born under the sign of Gemini, this is the age of 45 to 58 years, when they no longer have the opportunity to look at young chickens, but they still do not know how to make their imagination work on their own turns.

The appearance of Aries is easily recognizable: sharply defined facial features (less often soft and blurry), well-drawn eyebrows converging on the bridge of the nose, forming a sign resembling horns, often there is a mole on the face or head, the complexion is closer to purple, the hair is slightly reddish tint. Both men and women have rather broad shoulders, they walk, bending slightly forward, as if they are going to butt. Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism.

Usually these are years of crisis in their marriage, and often the inability to make a unified decision remains lonely, but well-placed and prosperous in the profession in the sixth decade of their life. But don't think they've given up. Often it is they who have the opportunity to have a wonderful love story when, as they usually say, the autumn of life is already on the threshold. But you shouldn't take it the wrong way, thinking that he's insecure and only wants to hear what he likes. The Cancer man, more than any other male class, is aware of reality but refuses to accept what he doesn't like, so he is willing to forgive and understand as long as you can conquer him with your love.

People born in March-April, despite their seeming aggressiveness, consider everyone their friends, and if they are mistaken in someone, they are deeply worried in their souls, trying not to show it. But if Aries cries, then he was wounded in the very heart. In the company of other people, he rarely listens to what others say - what matters to him is what he himself says. Also, do not expect tact, subtle understanding and patience from Aries - apparently, they were absent when God distributed these character traits to people.

To find a life partner, a cancer person usually goes through long haul in searches and attempts, which more often than he wants, and on his own, end in hasty marriages. the age at which he could successfully solve the problem of choosing a marriage partner was not before he was 33, and this does not completely negate the possibility that during the difficult period between 45 and 58 he will fall into a deep and unfinished melancholy. The only condition that can save him is huge mental disorders, which, like no other, he is created to experience - to find a true and consistent partner in his desires.

Aries are very straightforward, lies and resourcefulness are not inherent in them. But for all their honesty and frankness, they often show an almost childish
immediacy and do not feel responsible for their actions, which sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. However, this is perhaps
the kindest and warmest people in the zodiac.

Aries are desperately brave, courageous, determined, not afraid of any monsters like Frankenstein, but they absolutely cannot stand physical pain.
Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed as long as possible. They are prone to severe migraines (due to kidney disease),
indigestion, bone diseases, pain in the knee joints, cuts and burns are very common, and quite serious, but in general they have good health, you just need to watch it and refrain from alcohol. As already noted, they try not to go to the doctor, sometimes for years, even if something bothers them, and go when the disease has already become serious. And they only get smarter over the years (which happens less often). Due to their persistent optimism, Aries rarely suffer from protracted and chronic diseases which, as astrology teaches and medicine confirms, more often strike melancholics and pessimists. They are more likely to be knocked down by a cold with a high temperature, acute infections and hypertensive crises. The passion for leadership and the conviction that he will never do anything better than him lead to the fact that he brings himself to an ulcer and even to a nervous breakdown: you can’t reproach him for something, but you can’t blame him for laziness.

Most often, ladies who can appreciate the sentimental, sensual and especially delicate nature of Cancer are those who were born under the signs of "earth". It is especially important, however, that Cancer chooses a partner who is neither younger nor older, because only then will great demands not meet him with the period of her lowest sexual and emotional expression - from 21 to 33 years of life. The Cancer man still needs space for his feelings to go away. Don't insist that he live the way people of his class usually go if you want to keep him alive for life.

Although Aries is selfish, he is not cruel. He has sudden outbursts of anger, but he is quick-witted and unforgiving. Whatever is said in the heat of the "fight", there is always a willingness to apologize when it "cools down". Aries are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts and feelings, their intentions, and they have peculiar ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice. can't stand gossip, they
too busy with their own person to waste time on others, their behavior, secret plans and affairs. Therefore, they divide all people into friends and enemies, they have only two colors - black and white, no halftones.

Many might try to answer all or at least some of these conditions, but only sacrifices that can find an attractive berry in unusual things can make this sacrifice. THE LAW Traditions have turned this man into a poem and an all-powerful conqueror. Women must accept the moment when he pleases them and appears before them, not to mention whether he decides to connect to his destinies. Representatives of this "fire" sign are among those men who divorce most often and usually do not know how to stop on the verge of a second attempt, but continue to look for real woman in the third, fourth, and sometimes the followers of the official partner.

Despite the excessive straightforwardness that shocks many people, Aries, if he wants, is a model of secular treatment. He can talk for hours in an exciting and interesting way about things about which he has only a superficial understanding, moreover, he does not like to dwell on the details - let someone more prepared do it. Aries will not waste time on trifles, since he does not care about the past day or tomorrow: he is only interested in today, rather, the present moment, and the rest does not concern him. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles. In addition, he is an incorrigible optimist in everything - from love to the upcoming baseball match. Under the auspices of Mars, Aries are generally not able to admit defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in pursuit of good luck. And if they want, they can be calm, reasonable and serious, but this usually comes to them with age. They rarely succeed in politics - this field of activity is not for them. Best of all, they manifest themselves in business and creative work, balanced Aries are often good organizers.

Leo man can be the support of your life and it's worth it because there will always be a radiance in your eyes noble deeds, your eternal love and your confidence in your own beauty and worth will be endless. But to achieve all this, a woman to a Leo man must be active and artistic, well-known in society and self-serving in the family and family. A love-loving combination for an expansive and at the same time lush "leo" nature - with an eccentric and true friendly love for Lady Aquarius, as well as the impetuous wrath of Aries or Sagittarius.

The metal of Aries is iron, giving him inflexibility and tremendous vitality.

Aries man

What, in love, in a family?

If you are the woman who craves thrills, surprises, constant celebration, then Aries is your ideal. But if you need a life partner who you can rely on, with whom you can feel like behind a "stone wall", then, alas, this is not the right address. The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another: just that he is the embodiment of passion, and a minute later - like ice. If he takes offense at you or loses interest in you, you will immediately feel it, and the whole novel will have to start over.

Like all other zodiac representatives, Leo has a difficult life, during which marriage should not be decided, as well as avoiding serious love affairs, because this negatively affects his health. After 22 years, the Virgo man had already learned about himself and was convinced of his qualities, and also appreciated human dignity so that he can suggest that you could offer him something more attractive or worthwhile. Moreover, he is extremely long able to understand the views of the rest of the Zodiac, to live with abstinence without diminishing his attractiveness to women, and to reflect on his success at work.

Impatient, bold and self-confident, loves to be the leader, can sometimes be very generous and sympathetic, but also impatient, selfish and demanding if his desires are not immediately fulfilled. Their maturation and maturation occurs later, they usually look younger than their years.

When Aries is in love, he believes that he was visited by the greatest love in the world, equal only to Romeo's feeling for Juliet. He is full of poetry, enthusiasm, tenderness, passion and gives himself to his beloved so much that she has nothing more to desire. There are Aries, whose behavior is outwardly more calm, but do not doubt that inside they are all boiling from an excess of feelings. If the romance suddenly collapsed, he will also passionately try to glue the pieces together and save the day in every possible way. But when everything is hopeless, he will go in search of a new Juliet in full confidence that his "great love" is yet to come. If he is truly in love, he remains faithful to his chosen one and does not try to look "to the left." His honesty and idealism will never let him cheat on you. And how is this possible: he loves to the point of insanity. However, if the beloved does not support the illusion in him that she is a fairy-tale princess, then she may lose him. Aries loves freedom and, if he wants, he can come home late two evenings in a row, but do not try to shout at him - marriage is not a prison for him, and his wife is not a prison guard.

But let's say that you are among those born under the signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, and you managed to make a Virgo girl fall in love, which most often happens between 42 and 48 years of age. Oh, now you have to be careful! If you cross, even unconsciously, the line between truth and falsehood, if you do not show the loyalty required by parents, relatives and home, you may find yourself at some point in denial, not even knowing when and why this decision was dictated, SCIENCE If there are novels that tell the world about love, they are written - with one hundred percent certainty, to help women who fall in love with a Libra man.

Aries are very possessive and extremely jealous. Therefore, even a careless look cast by a wife or lover on another man, not to mention real treason, can lead to disaster. They put their beloved on a pedestal and pray to her, but do not let him know that you do not like it there. When someone hurts his "ego", he will come running to you for comfort and support, because behind his external self-confidence and even some aggressiveness there is an inferiority complex, which he will never admit. If you inadvertently hurt his "I", he can say evil and stinging words to you that can break your heart if you do not understand him. On the other hand, he is quick-witted, the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel and is always ready to help you. Aries appreciates your appearance and abilities, but expects the same from you. He is not stingy, loves to give gifts, but does not tolerate when his wife controls his expenses: this is his money, he earned it and has the right to spend it at his own discretion. And in general, at home he is the boss, although he does not like his wife to do only housework and embroider napkins. He needs an intellectual life partner - so get out, as you know.

No matter how much we want to look at it, we still can't. The main reason for this lies not in his extraordinary scale, but in his habit most of the time he is mainly occupied with himself, with his own longing, with the pain that he imposes on him with his misunderstanding in his tender world of the soul. And then, when you have already given up trying to chase him, take him, exhort or get angry, he appears at your feet. They can also live with those who were born for them as "air", and with typical representatives of the "earth" signs.

Aries is a wonderful father. While the children are small, he treats them like a loving, devoted nanny. When they begin to grow up, he discovers a tendency to command them and tries to direct their future in the direction he needs. Here it is necessary to remind him that children need independence as well as himself. Otherwise, Aries loves to mess around with children, tell them about animals, birds and insects, take boys to football, and girls to ice cream parlors. Everything will be fine, unless he suspects that the children mean more to his wife than he does. Then he can somewhat cool down to his offspring. But a smart woman will never give her Aries husband a reason for such suspicions.

Not only when you want to be with him, but also when he wants to be with you. The Scorpio man is secretive and capable of anything, even defeating his own principles, which he holds even more than a word when he wants to be sure of the qualities of his chosen one. To stay with him, you will have to go through a series of tests, most of which you are unlikely to see as a test of your feelings. This is mainly manifested by his energetic and super-activity in relation to the world around him, as well as the inability to combine and accept that what is left outside of his feelings has the right to self-expression.

Aries woman

When Byron wrote that for a man love is only a part of his life, and for a woman love is her whole life, he clearly forgot about the Aries Woman. Although she thinks that love is everything for her, Aries is so absorbed in what is happening inside her and the world around her that this is hardly the case. Of all the women in the zodiac, they are the only ones who get along the easiest without men. But she also has her own ideal, which she dreams of, but none of the representatives of the opposite sex really surrounding her correspond to him, because she believes that she can handle everything better than any of them, and certainly faster.

And don't think you can explain your intentions or reasons. He will nod his head, but he will never accept an argument that he has not tested in practice. Perhaps that is why she often chooses to be the partner in her life, the Pisces lady, who, with her cold emotions, seems to be the only one who is not impressed by his character. Direct them, ask them to discuss it with him, and above all - contact the Sagittarius person. He loves to patronize and feel especially powerful for the ladies of Aries and Gemini, nothing that can hardly be solved in the complex labyrinths of courtesy relationships, although it is a sign that cannot be without them and still confuses his life that there is one view from above. and there is no memorial.

Aries prefers to be the leader in love and usually proposes when she sees fit. At the same time, a man who remains indifferent to her charms intrigues her, and then she does everything possible and impossible to become desirable. In this regard, Scarlett O "Hara, the heroine of the famous novel by Margaret Mitchell" gone With the Wind", is the embodiment of all the qualities inherent in Aries women. Like Scarlett, she is always surrounded by a bunch of admirers, while her heart reaches out to the only inaccessible man; like Scarlett, she does not whimper when it is necessary to adapt to new life circumstances. Scarlett has never been more “Mars-like” than when she was left completely alone, hungry, without anyone to support her and, clenching her fists, exclaimed: “I will survive all this, I will cheat and steal, but I swear to God I will never starve again! "And when, much later, all her dreams collapsed, the child died, and the loved one left her forever, this typical Aries said to herself:" I will still find a way to return him - because there is always tomorrow ahead!

March - April women love to be admired, but do not overdo it. They are extremely devoted lovers and wives when they know that they are loved, but they do not tolerate when men command them. In addition, like Aries men, they are very jealous, so instead of a secretary, it’s better to get yourself a male secretary.

Aries demands complete freedom for herself both before and after marriage, but she is too decent to love two men at the same time. If she fell in love with someone else, and her former love faded away, she must honestly admit it.

Aries women are ambitious and strive to make a career for themselves, and they usually succeed in any field of activity no worse than men. If the husband is suddenly left without a job, they are ready to temporarily take all the care of the family on themselves, but in principle they do not respect men,
earning less than them. However, they are quite feminine and carefully monitor their appearance.

Like good mothers, they make sure that their children are always healthy, washed, cleanly dressed and happy, but she does not rush to the child at the first cry and does not try to patronize him too much. Such a mother will teach her children strict discipline and strive to raise independent people out of them. Nevertheless, her children will not lack affection and love, and she will always find time to tell them a good bedtime story.


When Aries becomes the boss, he can not stand loafers and hacks. If he notices that someone is messing around, he will immediately give him a good verbal beating, but if he apologizes and promises to continue to work conscientiously, he will be forgiven and will have the opportunity to prove it. When working under Aries, be prepared to stay up late, and sometimes come to the service on Sunday. But he will turn a blind eye if you are late for work, return half an hour after lunch break, or ask for the day off for your grandmother's funeral (to go to a football game), although he would probably let you go if you told the truth. As for bonuses, salary increases, Aries is not stingy, but in return expects his subordinates to drop all personal affairs if something important or unforeseen requires it for the company.

Aries-leader appreciates and respects enterprising employees, with a creative streak, but do not try to outshine him, you will not be forgiven. Despite outward self-confidence, he deeply needs approval and support from employees, his wife, and even passers-by; he can be terribly glad when someone recognizes his merits, and, conversely, can become discouraged if he finds out that the state does not approve of the methods of leadership and generally underestimates his abilities. Despite his independent nature, the Aries boss counts on the loyalty of the team and is ready to pay him the same. So be attentive to him, and he will reward you a hundredfold.


When hiring an Aries as an employee, the manager makes either a very reasonable step or a big mistake - it all depends on how he is going to use this explosive, uncontrollable creature. If Aries, a subordinate, is entrusted with the execution of monotonous work from now to now, he will soon get bored and begin to shirk. If you give him the opportunity to show him his organizational skills and initiative and some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is. And even if he comes to work 2 hours later than others, he will not look at his watch by the end of the working day and, if necessary, will remain alone in the institution until the night cleaner arrives. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you should not interfere with him. Despite the neglect of trifles, he will do his job to perfection - otherwise it would be contrary to his nature. Money as an incentive minor role. Of course, they are not averse to getting what they deserve, but recognition and success are more important to them. When their abilities and achievements are recognized and appreciated, they work sparing no effort. Therefore, a shrewd manager will do the right thing if he promotes such a subordinate in a position, allows him to work independently, or even makes him his deputy. If you don’t give Aries the opportunity to work creatively, invent and implement something, he still won’t be of any use.


Famous people born between March 21 and April 20:
Bismarck, Vicent Van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Pulitzer, Simone Signoret, Arturo Toscanini, Charles Chaplin, Leopold Stokowski, Peter Ustinov, Nikita Khrushchev, E. Gogoleva, I. Kozlovsky, Y. German.

According to numerology, the lucky numbers for Aries are 4, 7 and 9. The sign of Aries is represented by the curved horns of a ram, although some astrologers believe that these are the nose and eyebrows, symbolizing the bright personality of the Aries man. This image is also considered a symbol of the hidden abilities of a person and knowledge that has not yet been revealed.

Aries lucky numbers

The luckiest numbers for Aries, according to astrology, are six and seven. These numbers can be used in different combinations to achieve success, and then luck will definitely accompany you and will not turn away from you.

At the same time, the most successful day for Aries is Thursday. It is on such a day that it is better to start a new project or go on a trip.

Number 4

This number is favorable in that it gives materiality to ideas, helps to translate the plans into reality. This number is hardworking in itself. Therefore, it will never leave Aries without work, on the contrary, it contributes to a quick rise up the career ladder. Also, on the fourth day of any month, Aries is accompanied by material success. Perhaps you will receive an award or learn about the good inheritance that you got.

Number 7

On the seventh day of any month, you can delve into research on various topics that interest or fascinate you. On this day, it is best to make new acquaintances, because this number loves a good environment. Therefore, it will certainly help you to meet worthy people who in the future can become your good and reliable friends.

Number 9

Also, astrologers claim that the auspicious number for Aries is 9 (and all numbers that are divisible by 9). The number 9 has the same meaning for Aries as the number 4.

The main conditions for a comfortable life Aries

1. The need to constantly do something, not to sit in one place.

2. Rejection of established norms, conservatism and traditions - Aries love everything new and strive for improvement and development.

3. Pursuit. Without it, it is difficult for a ram to exist, because he is used to paving the way without seeing any obstacles, often thoughtlessly. That is why this sign may realize its mistakes too late.

It is not surprising that it is these people who will achieve success faster than anyone, however, due to an insufficiently thorough approach to business, they can not stay in a successful state for long. Often, the victory of the ram comes very easily, and, therefore, the rams can think that they will win any business from the very beginning of its implementation.

In love, rams are dominated by passion and hot feelings. Aries knows that if he wants to, he will win a partner by any method. Aries are temperamental and will give their partner a sea of ​​vivid feelings and emotions.

Is a long-term relationship possible with such an emotional sign? Yes, but when feelings began in school or student years, when it doesn’t work out completely to win a partner and this process stretches for years, due to which, feelings only intensify.

The most important years in the life of any Aries are seven and nineteen years, thirty and forty-two, forty-three years. Huge material rewards are possible here, a meeting of "one's own person" and, also, blows of fate. During these years, Aries collects all his energy, and strives to direct it somewhere, while fate can either encourage them in this, or, quite the opposite.