Love is perhaps the most mysterious of all human feelings. It is a source and a powerful converter of vital energy, ennobles and activates a person. Sometimes love is tragic, unrequited, misunderstood. But this feeling does not disappear - it only flares up with a hellish flame. In the work of any writer and poet, the theme of love occupies significant place. Mikhail Sholokhov's novel Quiet Flows the Don is no exception.

The relationship of the main characters of the work: Grigory, Aksinya and Natalya - form a classic love triangle, where the most suffering side is, in my opinion, Aksinya. Her fate was dramatic: raped by her father, she was married to Stepan Astakhov. Her husband severely beat her. Overwhelmed with work, alone, deprived of affection, far from her relatives, she dutifully carried a joyless burden.

Aksinya's unquenched thirst for happiness found a way out in her feelings for Grigory Melekhov. This love became for her both joy and grief - the only meaning and justification for life. “Today there is something joyful. What? Grigory: Grisha, ”the emerging feeling frightened Aksinya, she tried with all her might to suppress it. Being a beautiful woman, she aroused universal admiration. But it was this heroine that fate had in store for a very difficult fate.

Trying to transcend the moral and family norms accepted in her environment, every day and hour Aksinya fell more and more in love with Gregory with all her longing heart (“Incinerating her cheeks, her restless blush burned”).

Their love was passionate and ardent, but for Aksinya it had a different meaning than for Gregory. He is still a young man, a cheerful "verbal" guy; for him, love for Aksinya is, first of all, a sensual attraction to beautiful woman. Behind the shoulders of the heroine is already a lot of things: a terrible drama of abuse, three years of a difficult marriage. For her, Gregory is the only outlet in a hateful life ("For all my life I will love the bitter! .. And then kill the hell! My Grishka! Mine!").

Aksinya's feelings for Grigory turned out to be the embodiment of sacrificial, selfless love, ignoring the power of traditions, and the opinions of others, and the hardships of life ("Remember, I told you for a long time that I would follow you to the ends of the earth"). She was able to endure everything, nothing could break her spirit: neither the exhausting work, nor the beatings of Stepan Astakhov, nor the bitter relationship with Listnitsky, nor the civil war.

Not inferior to Aksinya in the power of love is another heroine of The Quiet Flows the Don - Natalya Melekhova. Sholokhov individualizes Natalya, emphasizes her trusting, shy, graceful nature. The fate of this heroine, like the fate of Aksinya, is tragic: she marries her beloved, but not loving Grigory Melekhov, obeying a strong and courageous impulse of her heart; because of a break with her husband, she tries to commit suicide, subsequently falls ill with typhus and finally dies, getting rid of the child she carried under her heart. In Natalya, feelings of resentment, bitterness constantly struggled with devoted love for her husband.

Unlike Aksinya, Natalya is restrained in her feelings, although sincerity, sacrifice and devotion distinguish the love of both of these women. "Quiet", but strong love of Natalia to Gregory was doomed to death. Although outwardly everything was peaceful, she felt that her husband was weighed down by her.

Gregory betrayed Natalya many times, but she, even when offended, remains true to her husband, her love, despite the gossip of others.

Grigory Melekhov himself loves both women in different ways. For Aksinya, he experiences an unbridled passion, from which he loses his head, forgets about his duties as a father and husband. His love for Natalia is different - it is, first of all, respect for a tender, fragile and pure woman.

Melekhov is tormented by the consciousness of his own guilt, both before his wife and before Aksinya. However, it is love that saves him from despair, cruelty, gives him strength to fight the dirt and blood of war.

Thus, it is in love that the character of the heroes of Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is truly revealed. Love becomes a life test in which the moral strength of a person is verified. It seems to me that, despite the dramatic fate, the heroes of the novel were still not deprived of life, they had a chance to experience a rare and wonderful feeling, and the obstacles encountered along the way only allowed them to feel the taste of happiness more sharply.

    M.A. Sholokhov is rightly called the chronicler of the Soviet era. "Quiet Don" - a novel about the Cossacks. The central image of the novel is Grigory Melekhov, an ordinary Cossack guy. True, maybe too hot. In the family of Gregory, large and friendly, the Cossacks are sacred ...

    How in " Quiet Don", and in "Virgin Soil Upturned" there are many characters who act only in crowd scenes, without speaking separately, without having "their own" storyline. Not to mention the "Quiet Don", which takes place at a time when "the world ...

    Main female images Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don" - these are Natalya Melekhova and Aksinya Astakhova. Both of them love the same Cossack, Grigory Melekhov. He is married to Natalya, but he loves Aksinya, and she, in turn, is married to another ...

    I don't understand anything. It's hard for me to figure it out." I'm blowing like a blizzard in the steppe. M. Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov reflected the fate of the people, the search for truth in the critical years of the revolution and civil war in an epic novel...

    The epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “The Quiet Don” tells about the fate of the people in a critical era. The destinies of the main actors. The novel is also marked by complex and vivid female destinies. The image of Ilyinichna personifies the difficult lot of a Cossack woman,...

    The fate of Gregory became a symbol tragic fates Russian Cossacks. And therefore, following the whole life path Grigory Melekhov, starting with the history of the Melekhov family, one can not only reveal the causes of his troubles and losses, but also come closer to understanding the essence ...

1. "Quiet Don" - a novel about the history of the Cossacks.
2. The life of the Cossacks and the war.
3. Natalia and Aksinya.
4. Trial of the hero by war.
5. Rethinking the meaning of life and attitude to love Georgy Melekhov.
6. The end of the novel.

The subject of the story in Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is the history of the Cossacks. Sholokhov follows the path of merciless truthfulness in recreating the events of those years, the life of the Cossacks. The reader opens up the details of the traditions and way of life of the Cossacks, the tragedy of the people. Although one of the central themes of the novel is the theme of war and revolution, the theme of the novel can be considered more broadly. This is love and death, the element of love, life and destruction, death. In The Quiet Don, Sholokhov creates two worlds: the way of life of the Cossacks in the pre-war era and war. The theme of love runs through both these worlds. Sholokhov shows how closely related historical events with a separate life common man. At the end of the novel, the main character, Grigory Melekhov, discovers the ability to love. To love children, Natalia, in general to feel life from the standpoint of love. The novel begins with a description of the house - the Cossack courtyard. The house and yard for Gregory is one of the main places, where he returns after all the trials, where he finds and realizes his love. The theme of love in the novel is connected with the main character - Grigory Melekhov, his wife Natalya and Aksinya, who devotedly loves him for many years. Just as the rebellious whirlwinds of war and revolution are raging in the country, passions are also raging in the life of a hero. Gregory's wife Natalya can't come to terms with her fate. She wants to keep her husband close to her, tries to beg him from her rival, swears, threatens, runs away from home and even attempts on her life. Her love is selfless, submissive, but Natalya does not understand the heavy thoughts that tormented Grigory. Despite all the throwing, Natalya, nevertheless, returns to her father-in-law's house, realizing that only there she still has hope to wait for her husband and return him to the family. In the end, she still defeats her rival, time, patience. But it does not bring her happiness. Natalya dies when she refuses the idea of ​​motherhood, does not want to have more children from the person who caused her so much grief, who trampled on the idea of ​​the purity of love.

Aksinya Astakhova is a tragic character, one of the facets of this difficult love triangle. The feeling of love in Aksinya is unusually strong, passionate. It is expressed in boundless self-sacrifice, in transferring the center of life from oneself to another person, to whom she gives herself completely without a trace. If Natalya transferred the reserves of her unspent feelings to children, then children do not take root next to Aksinya. She, as it were, initially did not allot for them a little love and care. All the power of her feelings is directed to the beloved man.

The juxtaposition of these two heroines, so different from each other, is very important for the plot of the novel. After all, they are united by love for Gregory. Ion loves both of these women, so different. At the same time, love for them does not break him into parts, on the contrary, these feelings complement each other. He is attracted to Natalya inner beauty, purity, which even outwardly manifests itself in the extraordinary radiance and light of this woman. Natalia is the embodiment of femininity, comfort, family, hearth, children. She is all in the traditions of Cossack life, it is warm, cozy and reliable with her. Aksinya, on the contrary, is beautiful with “provocative beauty”, vicious. It is full of mystery, risk. Her meetings with Gregory - illegal, furtive, add a sense of spice. Gregory finds a true kindred spirit in Aksinya. When Natalya reproaches her for taking the father away from the children, Aksinya replies: “At least you have children, but I have him ... alone in the whole wide world! First and last"...

The love of the characters, even at the beginning of the novel, faced Cossack customs and traditions. It is hard for Aksinya to endure the oppression of these traditions, she wants to give up everything and calls Grigory with her. But he does not have enough determination to give up everything, he only leaves with Aksinya outside the farm.

Love main character The novel is tested not only by two women who love him. Perhaps; his mother, Ilyinichna, had the most ardent love for her youngest son Grisha. Until the last minute, she waited for him from the war, having lost both her husband, her eldest son, and both daughters-in-law. Before her death, having gathered the last of her strength, she left the hut at night. “Ilyinichna looked for a long time into the twilight blue of the steppe, and then softly, as if he were standing right next to her, she called: “Gryshenka! My dear one! - She paused and already in a different, low and deaf voice said: - My little blood!

Melekhov's love is tested by the war, the hero's heavy thoughts about how he should live. His tragedy is the tragedy of a person who, in the inexorable course of history, has faced the need for a sharp turn in his fate. Gregory is shown to us by the author as a truth seeker. In search of the truth, he goes through the most difficult path - the path of self-knowledge. The confrontation between the White Guards and the Soviet authorities, the fratricidal war exhausted Melekhov. In his youth, he was a kind, sympathetic person, dreaming of love and happiness, he wanted to get everything at once. He dreams of walking on soft ground with a plow, longing for peaceful life, according to the Don, according to Aksinya's love ... And in return for this - blood, suffering, crowds of prisoners, implacable hatred of people for each other.

Aksinya carried her love for Gregory through her entire difficult, warped life. A simple, illiterate Cossack woman, she had a complex, rich soul. The writer often conveys the feelings that excite Aksinya through her perception of the surrounding nature. After a serious illness, Aksinya went out onto the porch for the first time and stood for a long time, intoxicated by the freshness of the spring air. In the final, Aksinya no longer looks like such a demonic woman. She lives in prayer for George, and even treats his children as if they were her own. From grief, loss, throwing, the hero aged early, but did not lose his human feelings. Sincerity, responsiveness, the ability to empathize, sympathy, we observe in Gregory throughout his life. And these qualities are especially expressive in the final parts of the novel. The hero is shocked by the spectacle of the dead. The ending of the novel is not joyful - Melekhov never finds happiness with any of his beloved women. But, having led the hero through a series of trials, one of the main among which was the test of love, the author shows us how George's perception of life is changing, how he treats these women, what he expects from relationships, and what becomes the main thing for him in the end. as a result.