Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education(until 1992 - the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR) was founded in 1929. One of the founders of the Institute was L.S. Vygotsky, the founder of the Russian school of special psychology and pedagogy. A.R. Luria, M.S. Pevzner, Zh.I. Shif, I.A. Sokolyansky, F.F. Rau, V.I. Lubovsky, K.S. Lebedinskaya, E.M. Mastyukova and other well-known scientists who have devoted their activities to "problem" children. The Institute has developed a comprehensive medical-psychological-pedagogical approach to the study of children with special needs in education, the research of the Institute ensured the creation of a differentiated system in the country special education. The Institute employs specialists in the field of physiology and neurophysiologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, neuropathologists, child psychologists, deaf teachers, typhlopedagogues, speech therapists, oligophrenopedagogues, among them are candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences, academicians of the Russian Academy of Education.

Over the past decades, the main and priority areas of research are:

  • psychological and neuro-psychophysiological study of children and adolescents with developmental and learning problems;
  • complex clinical-psychological-pedagogical examination and differential diagnostics of various deviations in development;
  • development of the content and methods of teaching children with hearing, vision, speech impairments;
  • development of the content and methods of teaching children with intellectual and emotional disturbances, delay mental development, with a complex structure of violations;
  • development of computer technologies for special education of various categories of children with deviant development.

Much attention in the activities of the Institute is paid to the issues of a comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical approach to correcting developmental deficiencies in children and adolescents, including preventive, health-improving and medical effects, as well as issues of their social rehabilitation.

Correction and diagnostic center is a scientific and practical division of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. The tradition of counseling, examination and observation of children at the Institute has more than fifty years.

CDC has developed an integrated approach to diagnostics. Neurophysiologists, neuropathologists, child psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists participate in the procedure for examining a child. Such methods of neurophysiological research are used as electroencephalography, echo-encephalography, rheoencephalography, visual and hearing examination by the method of evoked potentials. If necessary, specialized specialists (audiologists, typhlopedagogues) are involved in the examination - highly qualified employees of the laboratories of the Institute. If necessary, after a comprehensive examination, it is proposed to monitor the child in the process of his development and education, including in correctional and diagnostic groups at the CDC.

Based on the analysis of the complex examination data, a conclusion is drawn up, appropriate treatment is prescribed and recommendations are given to parents on the education and upbringing of the child, on the correction of the identified deviations in his development. At the request of the parents, the specialists of the Center determine the most suitable type of educational institution and (or) type of education for the child. Consultative reception of children at the CDC is carried out only in the presence of parents or persons replacing them.

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education- Research Defectological Institute in Moscow.

The sanatorium-school under the leadership of V.P. Kashchenko was founded on private funds in Moscow in 1908. After the revolution of 1917, the private sanatorium-school was nationalized, subordinated to the People's Commissariat of Education and renamed into Medical-pedagogical station. Kashchenko was appointed head of the station (he remained in the position of head until 1927)

In 1919, on the basis of the Medical and Pedagogical Station, the Museum of Children's Defectology (later renamed the Museum of Pedology and Pedagogy of Exceptional Childhood) was founded, which included three main departments: the study of the child, medical (corrective) pedagogy and child labor and creativity. In 1927, the Museum was liquidated by order of the new head of the station, L.S. Vygotsky.

At various times, L.S. Vygotsky, L.V. Zankov, A.R. Luria and others. The main task is the development of issues of defectology.

Address: Moscow, Pogodinskaya st., 8, bldg. 1


Since its foundation in 1929, the institute has changed its name several times during its existence:

  • 1929-1934 - Experimental Defectological Institute (EDI)
  • 1934-1943 - Scientific and Practical Institute of Special Schools and Orphanages of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR
  • 1943-1992 - Research Institute of Defectology of the APN of the RSFSR
  • since 1992 - Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education

major achievements

  • development of an integrated medical-psychological-pedagogical approach to the study of children with special needs
  • creation in the USSR of a system of special education for children with developmental disabilities (by the end of the 60s)
  • Training of most of the specialists in the field of special education, including all teachers of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities of the USSR
  • the magazine "Defectology" for specialists and parents of children with special needs begins to be published in the city


  • Kashchenko, V.P. Museum of Pedology and Pedagogy of Exceptional Childhood / V.P. Kashchenko, G.V. Murashov // Defectology: scientific and methodological journal /; Ed. N.N. Malofeev, A.B. Menkov. - 2006. - No. 5 2006. - p. 14-16.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Infographics "History of the Institute"

In 1908, Dr. V.P. Kashchenko, having rented several small houses located in the Maiden's Field area, set up a sanatorium-school for handicapped children in them. So, through the efforts and sincere care of Vsevolod Petrovich Kashchenko, Moscow acquired a unique educational institution at that time. The private sanatorium-school became one of the first Russian scientific and practical educational institutions, where the methods of educating and schooling children with intellectual disabilities were born and tested in practice. Only boys were admitted to the institution school age- "children are neuropathic, hysterical, mentally retarded, spoiled by improper upbringing in the family, prone to vagrancy, with other developmental disabilities." Initially, the educational institution was designed for 15-20 teenagers.

In 1918 V.P. Kashchenko transfers his offspring to the state, and under the name of the House for the Study of the Child, it becomes one of the experimental institutions (OPU) of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR. Dreaming of preserving the pre-revolutionary pedagogical heritage, accumulating and promoting the experience of Moscow special schools, V.P. Kashchenko opens the Museum of Pedology and Pedagogy of Exceptional Childhood. In 1921, a medical and pedagogical clinic was opened at the House for the Study of the Child, which in 1923 received the official status of a Medical and Pedagogical Experimental Station.

On the basis of the House for the Study of the Child, V.P. Kashchenko organizes “six-month courses for the training of workers with disabilities” (1918), which soon become one-year (1919), and then three-year (1920). The initiative of the enthusiast receives the approval of the People's Commissariat of Education and the support of the city's leadership, thanks to which the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Child Handicap is opened in the capital (1920). In the autumn of 1924, this small educational institution merged into the Pedagogical Faculty of the II Moscow State University.

Famous Russian doctors, psychologists, pedologists and deaf teachers took an active part in the activities of the House for the Study of the Child, its medical and pedagogical station and the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Childhood Disability: P.G. Belsky, P.P. Blonsky, V.V. Bunak, V. A.Gander, V.A.Gilyarovsky, A.N.Graborov, A.S.Griboyedov, V.P.Kashchenko, N.M.Lagovsky, S.S.Molozhavy, G.V.Murashev, B.S. Preobrazhensky, F.A. Rau, N.A. Rau, G.I. Rossolimo, N.A. Rybnikov and others.

The People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR considered the "House for the Study of the Child" as an experimental platform, the experience of which could subsequently be disseminated throughout the country. Petrograd and Moscow were the first in the RSFSR to organize the training of qualified defectologists. The successful identification of "bodily and mentally handicapped" children, the correct staffing of special schools in the capital and the region was mainly ensured by the staff of the Medical and Pedagogical Station.

In 1926, Professor V.P. Kashchenko was dismissed from work and relieved of all posts. Fortunately, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky was appointed head of the Medico-Pedagogical Station, who soon created the Laboratory for the Psychology of Abnormal Childhood. In 1929, the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR transformed the existing services into a single structure - the Experimental Defectological Institute (EDI).

With the advent of L.S. Vygotsky, his associates and students (L.V. Zankov, R.E. Levina, N.G. Morozova, M.S. Pevzner, I.M. on Pogodinskaya street receives a new impetus. EDI becomes the leading research institute fulfilling the state order for the scientific support of the school education system for children with mental and physical disabilities, a kind of "Mecca of defectology". On the initiative of L.S. Vygotsky, a Speech Clinic is created in the EDI structure (subsequently it will continue to work in the status of an experimental school-clinic for children with hearing and speech impairments of the Scientific Research Institute of Internal Medicine of the RSFSR APS), the management of the Speech Clinic is entrusted to R.E. Levina. In 1935, the first in the country (and until the 1990s the only one) dissertation council on defectology was opened at the Institute. In 1937, EDI was renamed into the Scientific and Practical Institute of Special Schools and Orphanages.

In the hard times of the Great patriotic war some of the Institute staff, teachers and students of the experimental school will be evacuated, the men of military age will go to the front, but the researchers who did not leave Moscow will continue their work. Both in the evacuation and in the capital, the scientific search, as the preserved minutes of the meetings of the Academic Councils testify, was not interrupted for a single day. By a government decree of 1943, the NKP of the RSFSR is included in the APN of the RSFSR, at the same time receiving another new name - the Research Institute of Defectology of the APN of the RSFSR.

The official names of the institution changed, but invariably the Institute continued to develop the domestic scientific school of defectology, fully implementing the ideas of an integrated approach to the study of an abnormal child, proclaimed by L.S. Vygotsky. The staffing of the NIID APN of the RSFSR included psychologists, speech therapists, deaf, typhoid and oligophrenopedagogues, teachers-defectologists, neurophysiologists, psychophysiologists, psychoneurologists, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, audiologists, engineers. A simple enumeration of specialties allows you to understand how complex the chosen approach was. By the mid-1960s, the Institute united 24 laboratories whose research covered a wide range of disorders, namely: deafness and hearing loss, blindness and low vision, mental retardation and mental retardation, speech disorders, movement disorders, combined defects (deaf-blindness). In the field of view of scientists were children of preschool and school age, as well as adults with hearing and vision defects.

Section “Defectology. Special Schools” of the bibliographic reference book of the APN (1958) contains more than forty major scientific and scientific-methodical publications, including monographs, collections of scientific articles and materials from the experience of experimental work, textbooks and study guides for special schools, as well as a description of 48 issues of the periodical "Educational Work in Special Schools".

The Ministry of Education of the RSFSR charges NIID with coordinating research conducted by defectological departments of pedagogical universities in Kyiv, Leningrad, Moscow, as well as defectological departments created in a number of Union republics at the Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. On the basis of NIID and under the supervision of its leading employees, coordination meetings are held annually, once every three to four years - scientific sessions on defectology.

By the mid-1960s, the fundamental provisions of the domestic scientific school of defectology were formulated and experimentally verified - ideas that have not lost their significance to date in the field of understanding the nature and mechanisms of deviant development, the foundations of special education and upbringing of children. Works that have become classics are published: Boschis R.M. Deaf and hard of hearing children (1963), Graborov A.N. Essays on oligophrenopedagogy (1961), Zemtsova M.I. Ways to compensate for blindness in the process of cognitive and labor activity(1956), Zykov S.A. Teaching language to deaf children on the basis of the formation of speech communication (1961), Issues of the formation of pronunciation and the development of auditory perception in deaf and hard of hearing schoolchildren. Collection of articles edited by F.F. Rau, L.V. Neiman (1956), A Book for the Special School Teacher, ed. G.M.Dulneva (1955), Korsunskaya B.D. Teaching speech to deaf preschoolers (1960), Levina R.E. Writing disorders in children with speech underdevelopment (1961), Luria A.R. Principles for the selection of children in auxiliary schools (1955), Meshcheryakov A.I. Mareeva R.A. Primary education of a deaf-blind-mute child (1964), Pevzner M.S. Oligophrenic children (1959), Education and upbringing of the deaf-blind. Collection of articles edited by I.A. Sokolyansky and A.I. Meshcheryakov (1962), Skorokhodov O.I. How do I perceive and imagine the world(1947). The listed studies are only a part of the publications of the post-war period, with which practitioners could freely get acquainted.

An indisputable proof of the fruitful development of the domestic scientific school of defectology is the collective monograph “Fundamentals of the Education and Education of Abnormal Children”, published in 1965, under the general editorship of A.I. Dyachkov. The named work reflected the main results of studies of previous decades, introduced the reader to the clinical, physiological, psychological and pedagogical views on the development of a special child, the basics of his education and upbringing. The authors of the collective monograph were R.M.Boskis, T.A.Vlasova, A.I.Dyachkov, A.P.Gozova, L.V.Zankov, M.I.Zemtsova, S.A. Zykov, A.I. Kaplan, B.D. Korsunskaya, Yu.A. Kulagin, V.I. Lubovsky, A.I. Meshcheryakov, N.G. Morozova, L.V. Neiman, F.F. Rau, T.V. I.M. Soloviev, Zh.I. Shif and others. The very construction of the book allows you to get an idea of ​​the level of development of defectological science: “Anomalous children”, “Education and education of abnormal children”, “Principles for the construction of special educational institutions and training systems defectologists".
The system of special educational institutions, according to researchers, “can work successfully if they are properly staffed, which, in turn, depends on the thoroughness of the differentiation of special schools in accordance with various types of abnormal development; from the selection of specialists to work in the selection committees; from the depth and comprehensiveness of the study of abnormal children, the use of the totality of modern methods of their examination.

The book concludes with a chapter on teacher training. Representatives of the national scientific school insist on interdisciplinarity, offering to combine the natural-science and cultural-historical training of future defectologists, to require specialists to have knowledge of anatomy and pathoanatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, the basics of linguistics and philology, general and special psychology, general and correctional pedagogy.

The second half of the 20th century is the time of improvement and differentiation of the domestic system of special education, the time of the productive formation of the unique domestic scientific school of defectology. The Institute strengthens the tradition of an integrated (medical-psychological-pedagogical) approach to the problems of studying and teaching children with mental and physical disabilities. Scientific development of special educational spaces: types of special educational institutions, organizational forms and learning technologies aimed at overcoming and preventing secondary developmental disorders, made it possible to create a differentiated state system special education. By the end of the 1980s, it united 8 types of special schools (15 types of special education programs), included a differentiated system of preschool training for different categories of children with developmental disabilities.

Throughout the years of its existence, the Research Institute of Defectology of the APS of the USSR has remained the country's leading scientific institution in the field of special education; in different years, outstanding defectologists, founders of systems for teaching and educating children with hearing, vision, intelligence, speech, and musculoskeletal disorders work within its walls , emotional-volitional sphere, children with a complex structure of the defect: V.I. Beltyukov, R.M. Boskis, T.A. Vlasova, A.P. Gozova, I.I. I.Dyachkov, G.L.Zaitseva, L.V.Zankov, M.I.Zemtsova, A.G.Zikeev, N.N.Zislina, S.A.Zykov, T.S.Zykova, K.G. Korovin, B.D. Korsunskaya, N.F. Kuzmina-Syromyatnikova, M.I. Kuzmitskaya, Yu.A. Kulagin, K.S. Lebedinskaya, R.E. Levina, A.R. Luria, E.M. Mastyukova, A.I. Meshcheryakov, N.G. Morozova, L.V. Neiman, N.A. Nikashina, L.A. Novikova, L.P. Noskova, M.S. B.I. Pinsky, A.F. Pongilskaya, F.F. Rau, T.V. Rozanova, O.I. Skorokhodova, N.F. Slezina, I.A. Sokolyansky, I.M. Solovyov, L. I. Solntseva, L.I. Tigranova, G.V. Chirkina, Zh.I. Shif, M.B. Eidinova and others; L.P. Grigorieva, E.P. Kuzmicheva, E.I. Leonhard, V.I. Lubovsky, M.N. Fishman and others.

The tasks for the construction of a system of special education, set by the state in the 1930s, thanks to fundamental and applied research conducted by the staff of the Institute, by the end of the 1980s were not only solved, but also repeatedly overfulfilled. Of course, from the heights of today, numerous gaps in the established practice of special education are obvious: there was no law on special education; operating system covered with special training no more than a third of those who needed it; the state practically excluded parents from the process of teaching children with disabilities; contacts of students of special schools with their peers from the "mass" school were reduced to a minimum; some children were recognized as unteachable because of their inability to master the qualification; the vast majority of teachers and special schools did not have a higher defectological education.

In the transformed Russia, the idea of ​​the state about the tasks facing the education system and science is radically changing. The reorganization and modernization of the APS of the USSR, which began in 1991, leads to the transformation and renaming of the Research Institute of Defectology into the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education (IKP RAO).

The Russian Federation recognizes the values ​​of an open civil society, signs the UN declarations "On the Rights of the Child", "On the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons", and "On the Rights of the Disabled", adopted by the Western world twenty years earlier. The ratification of the international documents named and consonant with them serves as evidence of a change in Russia's attitude towards the rights of disabled people, children with physical and mental deficiencies, who from now on should officially be called "children with handicapped health", "children with special educational needs". Without completing the previous period, without legislating the right of persons with disabilities to education, the state in 1991 proposes a different vector of movement - "from equal rights to equal opportunities", which predetermined the future integration of mass and special education.

The updated Academic Council of the ICP RAO was developed and presented to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Presidium of the RAO, specialists and all stakeholders The program of modernization of the national system of special education. MTR. The journal "Defectology" publishes articles "Actual problems of special education" (1994) and "The current state of correctional pedagogy" (1996), containing an analysis of the situation and a scientific forecast of its development. Assessing the then state of the domestic system of special education as a crisis, ICP RAO outlined his own ideas about the measures and ways to overcome this crisis. The mentioned publications were a kind of manifesto, policy documents that outlined and substantiated the content of research and development work planned by the institute for the next decade and a half. The accuracy and correctness of the forecast made in 1992, the choice priority research areas time confirmed. Judging by the final documents of the meeting of the board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (On measures to create conditions for the education of persons with disabilities, December 2009), the Academic Council of the Institute sixteen years earlier accurately predicted the upcoming changes in the content and organizational forms of school education children with disabilities.

The cycle of advanced fundamental and applied research carried out at the ICP RAO made it possible to determine and substantiate the main parameters for modernizing the system of special education of a new type (in the field of personal development, training and education of children with special educational needs, organization of the educational process, training of highly qualified personnel). The results obtained make it clearer the ways of further structural and functional modernization of the system, helping to avoid mistakes and making inefficient decisions of an organizational and methodological nature.

And in the 21st century, FGBNU "IKP RAO" remains faithful to the national scientific school, remaining the country's leading scientific center in the field of correctional pedagogy and special psychology.