The problem of social adaptation of children with handicapped educational development*

V. A. Sitarov (Moscow University for the Humanities)

The article deals with the problem of organizing the education of children with developmental disabilities, shows the need for their all-round social adaptation through the practice of educational integration, reveals the psychological and pedagogical conditions for building this practice.

Hawking, who cannot voluntarily move his muscles, uses a voice synthesizer to communicate with people, including his students. For, incredible as it may seem, and in spite of all the difficulties that he faces because of his physical limitations, the scientist teaches at the University of Cambridge, the institution in which he holds the post of professor of mathematics in Lucia, which is already held by no less than Sir Isaac Newton .

Having lost his fingertips, the scientist found another way to communicate. Attached to the frame of his glasses and connected to a computer, a device allows Hawkin to "type in" phrases through the movements of his phase muscles, aiming a beam at the words he wants to write. A power source for computer operation has also been added to the wheelchair. In addition to the internal source, car batteries were attached to the underside of the chair.

Key words: children with developmental disabilities, social adaptation, integrated education, barrier-free environment, developmental pedagogy.

The problems of the full development and socialization of children with disabilities as capable members of society are of particular importance today. There is a growing understanding in society of the need to change attitudes towards a disabled child, which is associated with the assertion of the value of his human dignity and the potential opportunity to become a full and competent member of society. Meanwhile, the existing practice of socialization of this category of children has developed within the framework of

Psychology and preschool education: the possibilities of intervention of a school psychologist. Psychology and preschool education: possibilities for the intervention of a school psychologist. Early childhood education and psychology: opportunities for intervention by the school psychologist.

One of the aspects of the work of a modern school psychologist is assistance in the psychosocial development of children in the educational environment, including preschool education. In this sense, the present article aims to report on the experience of the intervention carried out by interns of a psychology course in the context of an institute. early education children. The methodology used in the intervention phase included observation of the participant conducted in everyday school life and participation in meetings with the professional team of the institution, formulating the posture of the psychologist as a facilitator.

a medical model in which disability is seen as an ailment, disease, pathology and which, in fact, is discriminatory. This model weakens the child's social position, exacerbates his unequal social status, involves treatment, occupational therapy, and the creation of services that help the child not so much live an active life as survive. In practice, this approach comes down to isolating children with developmental disabilities (DVR) from society in a special educational institution.

From a review of the requirements of the institute, objectives and strategies for implementing the intervention were developed, such as: establishing learners in the institution and getting closer to the teaching team and the daily life of the school; Care of children's families; monitoring children's adaptation to day care; Compiling and preparing children for the transition from preschool education to primary education; speech stimulation for children who presented with language difficulties; And individual interventions with children. The activities carried out and evaluated by the institutional team were very positive and were formulated with the pedagogical proposal developed in the institution.

* The publication of the article is carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 13-06-00318).

research, leads to the development of an inferiority complex and passive-dependent life orientations.

However, the phenomenon of disability cannot be resolved in a purely medical way, it belongs to a broader humanitarian context of life and is directly related to social problem unequal opportunities.

In addition, he was characterized by a close and cautious relationship with children, as well as in mediating and articulating relationships with relatives. Key words: School psychology. context of child development. One of the aspects of the modern role of the school psychologist is to assist in the psychosocial development of children in educational institutions, including preschool institutions. In this context, the purpose of this article is to describe the experience of intervention performed by students of a full-time internship.

The methodology used during the intervention included observation of the participant in the daily life of the school, as well as participation in meetings with the staff of the institution, leaving the role of an intermediary to the psychologist. After a survey to determine the needs of the institution, a set of goals and strategies are set out in order to implement the intervention, such as: adjusting trainees to the institution and its everyday life and their relationship with the teaching staff, and in the context of the development of children's education in the first years of the school year.

What makes a person disabled? It is obvious that in more it is made so by the attitude of others and the world that is not adapted for the independent functioning of a person with disabilities. People are disabled due to physical barriers in the environment, due to the impossibility of access to information and full communication, due to the lack of opportunities to study in ordinary schools and universities, due to the lack of equal rights in obtaining a job, affordable housing, using transport, and finally , due to inadequate and negative attitudes of others and discrimination from society. Thus, disability is a problem that mainly concerns the humanitarian standards of society, social status and human rights.

The activity was evaluated by the institutional staff and formulated with the pedagogical proposal of the institution. characteristic feature there was a close and careful attitude towards children and mediation agreed with their family members. Key words: educational psychology.

One of the aspects of the modern function of the school psychologist is to assist in the psychosocial development of children in an educational context, including preschool. In this sense, the present work aims to link the experience of the intervention conducted by psychology course students in the context of an institution. kindergarten. The methodology used during the intervention practice was to observe the participants in the school every day and participate in meetings with the professional team of the institution, articulating the position of the psychologist as an intermediary.

In contrast to the defectological paradigm, the social developmental model of education and upbringing is becoming increasingly important today, which considers disability in terms of obstacles or restrictions on the activities of a person with various physical, mental, sensory and mental disabilities caused by the conditions existing in society under which people with these deviations are excluded from active life (Sitarov, Shu-tenko, 2011: Electric resource).

From checking the requirements of the institution, goals and strategies for the implementation of the intervention were determined, such as: placing students in practice in the institution, as well as approaching the pedagogical equipment and the school curriculum; Care of children's families; supporting the adaptation of children to the nursery; preparing children for the transition from preschool to basic education; speech stimulation of children with language difficulties; interventions with children. The activities carried out by the staff of the institution were very positive and formulated with the pedagogical proposal developed in the institution.

Education is an inalienable constitutional human right. However, not all children with disabilities can exercise this right and study in mainstream schools on an equal basis with others. Until recently, almost all secondary schools in the country were completely inaccessible to children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, they are simply not equipped with the necessary

Key words: Psychology of education. With the rise of industrialization and urbanization in the country and the subsequent entry of women into the labor market, institutions for the care of young children have emerged. These facilities, which we now refer to as children's centers, are primarily welfare-oriented and focus primarily on the basic care and safety of children from impoverished communities.

Today there is a change in the quality of day care services, concomitant changes in social concepts of children, families and the role of women in society. Thus, in this new perspective, psycho-pedagogical aspects are emphasized when thinking about the day-to-day activities of kindergartens. Thus, infant education offers not only to care, but also to take into account the complexity of the development of the child in teaching and caring for children, along with families, which play an additional role in shaping the personality.

movement by ramps or elevators. Mainstream schools, for the most part, are not adapted to teaching children with hearing, vision, speech impairments, etc. Moreover, children with OCD often face discriminatory attitudes towards themselves, they are viewed as handicapped children who need special continuous attention. , guardianship and, most importantly, as unable to study at school (Morova, 1998).

The Law on Guiding Principles and Foundations of National Education states that education for newborns is the first stage of basic education, considering children as subjects of rights and having in infant education the goal of developing them integrally, in their physical, psychological, intellectual and social aspects. In this modern model of education, day care is valued for its role as a children's center, which is conceived as a historical and cultural entity. Therefore, this means that the infant and little child it is necessary that an adult and environment interacted with the world and built their personal and collective identities.

The formation of the practice and system of teaching children with disabilities (unlike ordinary children) was decisively influenced by the dominant attitude towards them in society, set by state institutions, religion, culture in different eras. People with disabilities and disabilities, as a rule, found themselves in the shadow of an active social life.

Among the documents stands out the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education. According to volume 2 of this document, the main pedagogical goal of the educational proposal is the development of both the personality and the autonomy of the child. Therefore, in order to fulfill these prerequisites in everyday school life, a professional acting in this area creates conditions, situations and organizes environments and materials that give the potential and potential of choice for children. Among the professionals who deal directly or indirectly with children in kindergartens and who can help develop children's autonomy are teachers, assistants, pedagogical coordinators and psychologists.

Today, for society and the education system as a whole, it is especially important to build an active practice of socialization of children with developmental disabilities (DVR) through their full integration into the socio-cultural environment (Integrative tendencies..., 2003). Pedagogical integration means joint upbringing and education of both healthy children and children with ODD.

In addition, they suggest action sequences in which the child must move according to the guidelines, preventing them from being more expressive. Thus, play activities are pedagogical practices that, in addition to stimulating psychomotor stimulation, ensure the development of autonomy, attention, memory, imagination, interaction between equals, experimentation with the rules and the social role of children, as well as the expression of feelings. In this sense, play activities planned as intervention proposals in the school context cannot be neglected in order to ensure and enhance the development of the child.

In historical terms, integration processes in pedagogy intensified with the development of civilized standards of life and the humanization of the social sphere. In the organization of integrated learning, a certain barrier-free environment is needed. And the main obstacle here, as a rule, is a psychological barrier in the existing culture and education. It is due to the traditional stereotype of the norm in relation to the development of the child and is, in fact, discriminatory. First of all, it must be recognized that children with disabilities are the same children. And, like all children, they need full communication with their peers for development. These children, like all others, have their own interests, hobbies, dreams of becoming someone, achieving something, finding a profession and getting a decent job. The practice of pedagogical integration, which implements the idea of ​​inclusive education (including

Vygotsky, play is not the predominant aspect of childhood, but it is a very important factor in development, since it allows fundamental successes for the subject's personal growth, such as cognitive and affective dimensions. Thought arises in the context of motivation, which includes attachment, emotions, interests, inclinations, impulses, and needs.

Thus, understanding of human thought is possible only if its affective-volitional basis is understood. However, although the topic related to emotionality was not deepened by Vygotsky, he suggested an association and revealed the importance between cognitive and affective dimensions. For Wallon, who shares the same epistemological matrix of Vygotsky-historical-dialectical materialism and developed the complex dynamics of child development in his research, the affective dimension occupies a prominent place both in the constitution of the individual and in knowledge.

chennogo), is increasingly recognized among progressive educators, scientists and public figures. Joint education of healthy children and children with developmental disabilities equally meets the educational interests of both groups of children. Main principle inclusion is the availability of education for all categories of children and the cultivation of equal opportunities in education that meets the different needs of all children.

The process of child development occurs in interactions that go beyond the satisfaction of basic needs, in order to strive to build new social relationships, and emotions are the driving force of activity. For Wallon, emotions and intelligence are important to a child's development. Therefore, adults must learn to deal with emotional states child in order to better stimulate and potentiate his individual growth. Thus, the development of the intellect will be connected in connections mediated by attachments.

Consequently, the development of the child is permeated with dynamics and emotional exchanges with social agents, whether they are family members or teachers. Institutes preschool education are developmental contexts that separate the family from the care and education of young children. The school is usually the first socializing agent outside the family environment. Thus, it is necessary that this place be perceived by the child as safe and protected, as a healthy place for learning. Thus, according to Vale, the child should start getting his activities in the context of early childhood education, since on this occasion he or she leaves the family department to start a new experience, which represents an important step towards the development of personality and autonomy.

Inclusive education is based on the idea that excludes any discrimination of children and assumes the indispensability of an accessible, barrier-free environment and equal treatment of all children by creating acceptable conditions for the education of all children, including those with special educational needs. The current practice of homeschooling (as the most humane today) has shown that it cannot provide a quality education and ensure the optimal inclusion of a child with a disability in society. The child does not acquire social soil, is excluded from the society of peers, in which the main process of his socialization takes place.

Integrated (or included) education is a term used to describe the learning process for children with special needs in mainstream schools. Inclusive education is a broader term referring to the process of integration in terms of making education accessible to all and the development of general education in terms of accommodating the different needs of all children. Both terms are generally used to describe the process of providing access to education for children with special needs. In international practice (UNESCO), the term "integrated education", which described this process, was replaced by the term "inclusive education".

Undoubtedly, the problem of integrated education requires significant material and technical re-equipment of existing schools and educational institutions. This side is an important starting factor

material and physical organization of the learning space that meets the characteristics of children with disabilities. However, no less important, and in fact, the main thing is the pedagogical support for the education of children in this category, which requires a certain transformation of the existing pedagogical system and approaches.

In the theory and practice of teaching children with disabilities, there is an acute problem of finding such models and standards of education that meet the urgent tasks of the development of this category of children, ensure their barrier-free integration into the general educational process of the school and, at the same time, do not lead to a general decrease in the level and quality of training for children. in public school. In our opinion, the main psychological and pedagogical developments in the field of integrated education and social adaptation of children with ODD should be devoted to the study of this problem.

The established foreign and domestic experience in the socialization of children with OCD shows that the creation of accessible schools and joint education contribute to the social adaptation of disabled people, the development of their independence and independence, and most importantly, they change public opinion, form an attitude towards them as full-fledged people, help "ordinary" children become more tolerant and responsible. As practice shows, ordinary schools with an inclusive orientation are the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes, contribute to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the children's community, and provide education for all (Ratner, Yusupova, 2006). In general, the transition to integrated education of children with developmental disabilities in the logic of inclusive education consists in substantiating and developing the conditions for building a barrier-free, adaptive educational environment within the educational space of the school for the comprehensive and full inclusion of the child in a holistic pedagogical process. The successful progress of a school towards such a model is determined by

the following series of psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Accounting for specific educational needs and potential of children with disabilities;

Identification of various forms of psychological and pedagogical support for this category of children in the learning process;

The use of flexible modern learning technologies, including variable information technologies aimed at individualization and personalization of children's learning;

Determination of didactic features of joint education of children of various categories of health in a general education school;

The use of developing forms and methods of teaching children with disabilities.

In the successful social adaptation of children with ODD, it is important to be guided by the values ​​and principles of equal development and realization of the capabilities of all participants educational process regardless of their natural and individual characteristics. In our opinion, the construction of a productive practice of adaptation of atypical children is possible if the following principles of the functioning of the educational environment are observed and taken into account.

The principle of accessibility means not only the feasibility of education for children with ODD, but also the need to find certain ways, methods and means of education that best meet the strengths and capabilities of children, the current phase of their mental, moral, social and physical development. In addition, this principle expresses the imperative of equal opportunities in terms of the organization of education, i.e., it requires the availability of the space itself and the education system for children with ODD.

The principle of environmental friendliness and health-saving believes that in building the education of children with ODD, it is necessary to take into account the natural features of their development and formation in the natural environment, and the training itself must correspond to natural mechanisms.

mothers of the development of these children, the laws and logic of their natural development, contribute to the cause of strengthening the health, physical and psychological well-being of children. In addition, it is necessary to provide a connection with nature in the content of education, rely on the patterns and processes of the surrounding natural world in the assimilation of knowledge, form environmental knowledge and worldview.

The principle of connection with life, with practice requires a constant relationship between the process of assimilation of knowledge and its application in life. It involves correlating the content of education and the forms of educational work with changes in the economy, politics, culture and the whole public life country and beyond in order to ensure not only the effectiveness of knowledge, but successful socialization.

The principle of subject-practical activity in teaching children with ODD suggests the use of visualization, stimulation of sensory-manipulative activity. In the development of children with ODD, the lack of object-practical actions cannot be filled and compensated for by anything. Therefore, it is necessary to include elements of practical activity, manual labor in training, the use of labor practice in education with the achievement of a socially useful result. In mastering knowledge, it is important to rely on various forms of experimentation of children with educational and cognitive material as the basis for the formation of educational activities.

The principle of optimism relies on positive feelings in teaching children, strengthening their faith in the obligatory success of education, the teacher's support on the real level of knowledge of students, the formation of their confidence in their own strengths, abilities, and capabilities.

The principle of independence provides for overcoming the dependence of children with intellectual disabilities on teachers and other adults, when all manifestations of the natural inclination of children to independent activity are taken into account, as well as the conscious creation of optimal conditions for the development of independence in the activity and thinking of students.

The principle of combining an individual approach and collective activity in learning presupposes the connection of the interests of the child's personality with the interests of the group, the disclosure of individuality in the jointly distributed activities of students, the use of various forms and elements of children's cooperation in the educational process.

Compliance with psychological principles

building an adaptive educational environment creates the necessary socio-psychological atmosphere for the favorable existence and development of children with disabilities in the educational process.

The principle of acceptance presupposes an unconditional, non-judgmental positive attitude towards children with ODD as equal participants in the educational process along with other children, recognizing them as they are, without emphasizing their features that impede full-fledged education.

The principle of tolerance provides for tolerance for the differences of children with ODD from other children, understanding, respect for their behavior and interaction, their positions and opinions, the complete exclusion of any form of violence and intolerance in the classroom. This principle is aimed at establishing a safe atmosphere in the educational process and the formation of a sense of security in children with ODD.

The principle of facilitation means the priority of measures and methods of pedagogical assistance, assistance, support and participation in the educational process. This principle means cultivating the value of mutual assistance and participation among children in the educational process, eliminating indifference and alienation in interpersonal relationships, the establishment of humane norms and standards of life in the classroom.

Principle of amplification (expansion) child development means: the student, as far as possible, should be given a wide choice of various activities, then he has a chance to find those that are closest to his abilities and interests.

The principle of syntonicity suggests the establishment of a communicatively developed environment

educational interaction, characterized by the dominance of consent, responsiveness, friendly relationships among children based on mutual sympathy and disposition towards each other.

The principle of self-realization means relying on the strengths of the personality of a child with ODD in the educational process, the maximum possible disclosure of his inner potentials and abilities, following a personal approach to learning, an appeal to the self-consciousness and dignity of a child with ODD as a full-fledged personality.

In general, the construction of an adaptive educational environment for teaching children with developmental disabilities requires taking into account certain patterns that, in line with educational integration, acquire the status of initial requirements or imperatives for conducting educational activities. These are the following:

The educational environment is proportionate to the personality developing in it;

The teacher and the student act in it as subjects;

The organization in it has a social-personal character;

The educational environment is a set of external and internal conditions for ensuring the full development and socialization of the individual;

The educational environment is culturally compatible, since it is in it that it is possible to rethink the old and create new cultural norms in the process of education;

The educational environment is variable (the teacher and the student have the opportunity to build their educational trajectory based on their own needs and in accordance with their direction of development);

The educational environment involves the choice of teaching methods aimed at various ways the activities of the teacher and the student;

Any activity of its subjects is creative and research;

The educational environment is aimed at the formation in students of all types of reflection

this, a holistic positive picture of the world and a basic life-affirming attitude.

The organization of an adaptive educational environment in a general education institution involves the provision of assistance to children with developmental disabilities and their families in the following areas:

Reorganization of the educational process;

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of problems in the development of the child;

Prolonged and targeted counseling;

Implementation of coordinated interaction with various services and organizations to provide specialized support and assistance, provide treatment, leisure, etc.


Integrative trends of modern special education(2003) / ed. N. N. Malofeeva. Moscow: Polygraph service.

Morova, N. S. (1998) Fundamentals of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences. M.

Ratner, F. L., Yusupova, A. Yu. (200b) Integrated education of children with disabilities in a society of healthy children. M. : VLADOS.

Sitarov, V. A., Shutenko, A. I. (2011) Development of educational competencies of children with disabilities in the context of integrated learning [Electr. resource] // Humanitarian information portal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill". No. 6 (November - December). URL: http:/ / zpu-j e-zpu/ 2011/ 6/ Sitarov-

Shutenko_Integrated-Learning/ (accessed:

Date of receipt: 15.05.2013


The article considers the problem of the organization of the teaching process for children with disabilities, shows the need for their full social adaptation through the practice of educational integration, and reveals the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of this practice.

Keywords: children with disabilities, social adaptation, inclusive education, barrier-free environment, developmental pedagogy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (TRANSLITERATION) Integrativnye tendentsii sovremennogo spet-sial’nogo obrazovaniia (2003) / pod red. N. N. Malofeeva. M.: Poligraf service.

Morova, N. S. (1998) Osnovy sotsial’no-peda-gogicheskoi reabilitatsii detei s ogranichennymi voz-mozhnostiami: dis. . d-raped. science. M.

Ratner, F. L., Iusupova, A. Iu. (2006) Integri-rovannoe obuchenie detei s ogranichennymi voz-mozhnostiami v obshchestve zdorovykh detei. Moscow: VLADOS.

Sitarov, V. A., Shutenko, A. I. (2011) Razvitie obrazovatel’nykh kompetentsii detei s ograni-chennymi vozmozhnostiami v usloviiakh integri-rovan-nogo obucheniia // Infor-matsionnyi gumanitarnyi portal “Znanie. Po-nimanie. Umenie". No. 6 (noiabr' - dekabr'). URL: (data obrashcheniia:

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Adaptation of children with disabilities in a general education school.

The first year of a child's education at school is a very difficult period in the life of a small student. These are new conditions for the life and activity of the child, and new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. This is a very stressful period, primarily because the school sets a number of tasks for students from the very first days. The regime of the day is changing, the mobilization of all the forces of the child is required. Therefore, adaptation to school does not occur immediately, it is a rather long process associated with significant stress on all body systems. An indicator of the difficulty of the process of adaptation to school are changes in the behavior of children. It can be the following manifestations: lethargy; depression; feeling of fear; reluctance to go to school. All changes in the child's behavior reflect the characteristics of psychological adaptation to school. Especially acute is the problem of adaptation of children with disabilities. Due to the peculiarities of development in children with disabilities, interaction with the social environment is difficult, the ability to adequately respond to ongoing changes, more complex requirements, is reduced. These children experience particular difficulties in achieving their goals within existing norms. All these features predetermine the difficulties that a child with disabilities may encounter when communicating with peers. Younger students often focus on the features appearance and behavior of a classmate, may shun him or even enter into open conflict. One of the main tasks of schools that implement inclusive practice is the inclusion of children with disabilities in the social space, their social adaptation in the general education class. This process should be managed by teachers, educational support specialists, and an inclusive education coordinator, and go through in such a way as to cause a minimum of discomfort for both a child with disabilities and his classmates. The main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for the organization of the educational process of a school implementing inclusive practice involve complex correctional and developmental work:

The use of special methods, techniques and teaching aids that ensure the availability of the educational environment for a child with disabilities;

Individualization and differentiation of education, taking into account the state and characteristics of the development of cognitive processes of children with disabilities;

Providing a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Organization of work on the socialization of children using methods of additional education that correspond to the interests of children and ensure their personal growth;

Determination of the circle of persons involved in education and their interaction (the need for the coordinated participation of qualified specialists of different profiles, for the inclusion of the parents of a problem child in the process of his rehabilitation by means of education and their special training by specialists).

Adaptation in school conditions through the implementation of special programs ("Accessible environment", "Barrier-free environment", "Special child"). Here, the creation of a special material and technical base to ensure comfortable access for a child with disabilities to education comes to the fore. Educational institutions Those who provide support for such children should take into account both general pedagogical and special requirements for equipment and equipping a personal space for a child with disabilities. Especially it concerns technical equipment all spheres of the child's life: the implementation of household needs, the formation of social competence, social activity of the child. The next direction is work with the family. The family introduces the child into society, instills in him the first skills of self-service, mastering various forms of communication that satisfy the need of a child with disabilities in communication. Therefore, within the framework of this direction, it is important to organize advisory support for the family, as well as the mandatory inclusion of parents in the educational and rehabilitation environment of training and education as a condition for real interaction. The third direction of inclusive education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, involves psychological and pedagogical support for the socialization of a child with disabilities in the school community.

The main burden and responsibility for the results of adaptation falls on teachers. elementary school. It is not advisable to try to change the child's behavior by instilling in him the norms and rules of behavior. With this child, it is necessary to work in this direction by involving the child in group activities with classmates, entrusting him with a simple task. To create favorable conditions for the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the social space, it is necessary, first of all, to work with the team in which he is located. When solving the problem of continuity, especially during the period of adaptation of yesterday's preschooler with disabilities to new learning conditions in grade 1, it is necessary to take into account: - age and psychological characteristics of children; - clinical and physiological features of the development of children with disabilities; - the level of school maturity with which the child came to the 1st grade; - the possibility of difficulties in the passage of the adaptation period. Specialists of educational institutions in this period need to organize a special educational space for first-graders with disabilities: - contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the school and classroom, which ensures the survival of the age crisis and the crisis caused by sudden changes in pedagogical conditions, without stress and negative phenomena;

To teach the establishment of certain norms for the relationship of children with other participants in the educational process, including teachers, to form a close-knit class team (correctional and developmental classes, joint events);

Implement an individual approach to learning, regulate the load based on the individual characteristics of first-graders with disabilities;

Work with parents (lectures, consultations, round tables, parent clubs).

Work will bring results only when joint activities all organizers of the educational process: medical specialists, teachers, school administration, psychologists, school specialists and parents of students.