Every day more and more new and interesting things appear in the world of a small child. At such moments, it is very important for him to share these discoveries with his loved ones. Children usually express everything they see in speech, play, and also in creativity.

As a rule, interest in drawing appears at an early age. Toddlers try to copy their parents by watching how they use a pen or pencil. The need to pick up a pen and draw occurs in different children at different times - from a year to a year and a half.

Almost all children draw, but some more and others less.

Drawing in childhood plays a huge role not only in the aesthetic, but also in the comprehensive development of the child. It is very important at an early age to teach the baby to understand the beautiful, to cultivate aesthetic feelings. In addition, the process of drawing teaches the baby to do things on his own.

Also, drawing classes have a positive effect on mental development of children. They know the tools with which to draw (pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, brush) and the properties of these tools. Toddlers convey knowledge of objects and phenomena of the world around them through lines, strokes and outlines. And this requires complex mental operations, such as analysis and comparison.

Through the process of drawing, children develop the concept of simple generalizations. They gradually learn to depict objects similar in shape and orientation in one chosen way. For example, a child can represent a road, a thread or a stick with a line. And when he learns to close the line in a circle, he will be able to draw a ball, a sun, etc.

For the full and creative development of the child, the drawing process is very useful. Therefore, if the baby himself does not show interest in creativity, then after a year and a half it is necessary to direct his attention to drawing. To do this, take a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, and drive them along the paper just like that, and then invite the child to do the same.

best to give little child for drawing, felt-tip pens, not pencils, because with a slight pressure of a child's pen, they leave not very noticeable lines. A felt-tip pen will leave a bright and clear mark on paper without much effort. After the baby's pen gets stronger, it will be possible to try to draw with a pencil.
At first, the child will not be able to draw, the felt-tip pen will fall out of his hand. And here parents should come to the aid of their baby.

In the process of learning to draw, you should not impose the content of the drawing on the child, and, of course, you should not adjust it. Otherwise, he may lose interest in drawing. Therefore, in this type of activity, the young "artist" needs complete freedom of action. Drawing should attract and delight the baby, so you need to praise him and help in every possible way.

The main thing is that parents do not relate to " creative activity» the child is mocking, and did not express a negative attitude towards his drawings, otherwise the baby may get the impression that there is nothing interesting in drawing, and this is a completely useless activity.

Therefore, it is necessary by all means to support children's interest in manipulations with a pencil or felt-tip pen and other creative activities, such as, for example,do-it-yourself crafts (do-it-yourself crafts). AND create good conditions for classes, providing everything you need. If possible for drawing and other activities, you can put a table and a chair for the child in the bright part of the room. If this is not possible, seat the child at a large table on a high chair, placing something solid to make him comfortable.

Every day help your child to develop creatively, and maybe in the future he will become a talented artist.

We often talk with children on the topic “if I don’t want to become an artist, why am I learning to draw”. This question is very important and it is useful to think about it not only for children, but also for parents. We find very different answers, for example, the simplest one is “to be able to draw what I think about” or “so that when I grow up I can draw beautiful pictures for my children”.

I decided to write this article and talk a little about why draw, why it is necessary, even if the child does not plan to be an artist.

Children ask questions about people of different specialties, for whom it seems to be not so important to be able to draw, but here, it turns out, not everything is so simple. People of many professions are engaged in drawing and painting, and this is not only a matter of professional activity or artistic talent, which, by the way, everyone initially has. Drawing develops the qualities necessary for both a scientist and a doctor, poet, writer, worker, farmer, because knowledge and perception of reality mainly occurs through vision. It is vision that brings a person information about the shape, color of objects and the world around him as a whole. Initially, our thoughts are formed with the help of pictures-images.

So, a little more specifically about what qualities drawing develops.

Firstly, the ability to see - the accuracy of vision is developed, observation develops. A person sees more, more accurately and deeper, can consider the general in detail. A very useful quality for a doctor when diagnosing a patient, and for a scientist in a scientific study, and a mechanic in monitoring the operation of mechanisms, and in other activities.

Secondly, coordination between the hand and the eye develops. In drawing lessons, we learn to convey with a pencil or brush what the eye sees. So we learn to achieve accuracy in controlling the movement of the hand. This quality is necessary for the driver driving the car, and the worker operating the machine, and the surgeon performing the operation.

Thirdly, drawing develops imagination. And this quality is useful even in science, because at the beginning of many discoveries and inventions there was only fantasy.

In addition to these qualities, visual memory improves, understanding of the surrounding space, fine motor skills. Drawing makes it possible to learn to see things and objects from different angles, deeper and in more detail.

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Drawing is one of the oldest means of transmitting information between generations. Long before the advent of writing, the walls of caves and tombs were decorated with drawings depicting the course of people's lives. Even after writing became a much more convenient way to store and transmit data, drawing continued to develop. Today, drawing, painting, sculpture are the embodiment of creative and creative energy.

Below are 10 characteristic features people who love to draw. These characteristics make them smarter, more stable, happier, and more successful.

They have active brain cells

Drawing actually makes people smarter. This applies not only to professional artists, but to absolutely any person. The right hemisphere, which is responsible for creative thinking and imagination, increases its activity by 80% while drawing.

Their memory is better

Drawing is often used during therapy for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. According to Dr. Arnold Breska, painting and drawing help patients improve their memory by 70%. According to his assumptions, artistic activity contributes to the formation of new brain cells.

They are more observant and concentrate better

While drawing, people are absolutely focused on what they are doing. Often the focus is so strong that they may not hear the phone ring. This ability to focus on one activity carries over to other areas of activity. Da Vinci once said that painting makes the human eye notice and focus on everything at once: shadow and light, shape and location, color and distance, movement and stillness. Such intense focus allows artists to notice details that are inaccessible to the normal human eye.

They excel in communication

Drawing is a way of communication. With the help of shapes, lines and colors, the artist communicates something personal and precious to the world. People who love to draw are able to communicate on a deeper level, because they are able to share not only words, but also emotions, feelings, perceptions of the world.

They rarely suffer from depression

The healing power of art has been mentioned above. Before the discovery of Dr. Arnold Bresca, art therapy was used for many years in the treatment of "mental" ailments - depression, anxiety, manic-depressive disorder and others. People who draw regularly appear to be more resilient to negativity because the brain releases serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline while drawing, which improve the emotional state.

They have excellent motor skills

No wonder parents teach their children to draw from an early age. In childhood, working with small objects such as pencils, brushes, crayons and charcoals develops fine motor skills and coordination. Growing up, people who continue to draw boast accuracy, accuracy, and excellent coordination.

They are confident

Self-confidence is boosted when people share their accomplishments and receive approval. If a child draws a picture, no matter how funny and meaningless it may be, he will definitely be praised. This enhances self-esteem and encourages further development. People who are used to appreciating and sharing even the smallest achievements usually know their worth and are not afraid of criticism, which makes them self-confident.

They are less subject to external pressure

Even on a very stressful day, they find an outlet for negative energy just by drawing a little in the margins of a notebook. Drawing allows you to find shelter in inner world and transform negative external influences into a calming creative process.

They have a unique way to express themselves

An important advantage of drawing is that it allows you to express your thoughts in a unique way. A person chooses what to draw, in what technique and by what means. Colors, shapes and objects of the image speak about the mood of a person, his emotions and view of the world. And all this without further ado!

They know how to relax and have fun

In addition to the fact that painting itself can be a fun pastime, artists, like no one else, know the value and need for relaxation. They are good at venting their emotions in a constructive and productive manner, so their fun will end with a new painting or decor idea rather than broken furniture and empty bottles.

You don't have to be a second Van Gogh or Picasso, all you need is paper, pencil, canvas, brushes and paints, and you can relax and pour out all the stress, recharge your batteries and stimulate your brain cells.

Hello, we can say that this has been observed since childhood, possibly due to asthenic disorder. No matter what I do, I quickly lose interest in everything. I don't go to drawing or calligraphy courses. on the one hand, you want it, on the other hand, it will turn out like with yoga. I eventually quit, they paid every six months, the last time I deposited 32,000, but even this did not serve as an incentive. I stopped walking. lost interest.
I will say this very interest is alive, as long as the case arouses in me at least some feelings. no feelings no interest. no desire.
how is it related to asthenic disorder? maybe not related, but there is another component. the result of the activity is needed. the faster the better. I don't have the patience to walk the path. if I go to an art circle, then in a month MAXIMUM !! I have to draw normally and beautifully and so in everything. so no hobbies. and interests. where am I going? have time ... until interest is lost. If something doesn't work right away, I lose interest.

Alyona! Perhaps your psyche is trying to protect itself from failures in this way, i.e. the psyche protects you from the main feeling - insolvency and inferiority (as it does not sound paradoxical).

Those. you want to and can force yourself to do something by willpower and so-called interest, but not achieving quick results, you are internally convinced that you have not begun to be able to draw, you cannot perform higher yoga poses and you are not becoming more successful in these types of hobbies. And since you have not achieved a result that would confirm your viability and usefulness in a quick way, then the only way not to be convinced of this is to leave and lose interest. It's like a version.

But the thing is that this mechanism clearly fails. This is about personal life, and about career and about hobbies. The mechanism of protection against your own failures is like this for you - it’s easier to do nothing at all and do nothing.

this same interest is alive as long as the case arouses in me at least some feelings. no feelings no interest no desire

Come to psychotherapy - and we will work with your feelings, experiences - learn to understand and realize them. This is a very interesting "way to yourself".

In general, of course, your situation raises an assumption about a certain dynamic - "your perfectionism sets excessive demands that are almost impossible to fulfill - and you quickly" break off ", losing motivation and desire to do something."

Such problems are solved within the framework of "treatment by conversation" - work with a psychologist.

Contact me, I can help you with this!

Alena, hello!

There can be several reasons for this, and it is impossible to guess which one is yours. Asthenia has nothing to do with it. Asthenia is more likely not a cause, but a consequence of your low life status. Because, I assume that you have no interest not in subjects, but in life in general. It’s as if you weren’t “infected” with the joy of life. And you are right, it happens in the very early childhood. Psychoanalysis can help you a lot, this method the best way explores early childhood conflicts.

Not every mother agrees to put up with splashes of paint, plasticine on a carpet or expensive parquet, crumbs of salt dough all over the house, drawings on wallpaper ... And glue on clothes, trimmings left after application are a nightmare! It is only necessary for parents to speak unflatteringly in front of a child about his work several times, and drawing can be deleted from the category of favorite activities. Such parents want to shout: “What are you doing?”.

“My child will never be an artist,” many mothers retort. One cannot but agree with this: not everyone should be an artist, but one must not forget the benefits that drawing brings in shaping the personality of a child, his individuality.

I do not impose on anyone my love for drawing and creative work in general, but, observing children of different ages, communicating with parents who promote various beliefs, I conclude that children's drawing, like a litmus test, reflects everything that is going on in the soul of a small (and not very small) PERSON.

Researchers of children's creativity have noticed that, as a rule, ALL children love to draw, but by the age of 10-15 this interest gradually fades away and disappears without special training.

But this can happen even earlier, without waiting until the young “former artist” turns ten. Why?

What needs to be done so that the child FOREVER loses interest in drawing?

A small caveat: it is VERY difficult to discourage a child from being interested in the Beautiful, to draw, sculpt and create something with his own hands, but it is possible. Do what is written below more often and bad advice will do its job.

As soon as your kid stretches out his pens to a pencil or reaches for a brush with which you painted the fence five minutes ago, immediately yell at him (louder and scarier) so that he will forever lose the desire to touch the drawing materials. And even better - punish him in such a way that he remembers for a long time. A good spanking - and there will NEVER be any more wall-vandal creativity, we will eradicate it right in the bud.

By drawing on walls, furniture and in other "unallowed" places, children "mark" the territory.

As soon as the baby encroaches on your “Venetian” on the walls or the expensive German wallpaper in the nursery SUDDENLY becomes unrecognizable behind the petroglyphs of the little experimenter, take the strictest measures: shouting, punishment with a whip and no gingerbread for dessert!

A child under 7 years old, according to psychologists, just needs to draw on a vertical surface, so he perceives the world around him better.

Give your child a special place for creativity in the farthest corner of the apartment, where he can’t spoil anything. Dress him in special clothes and set aside a time when the whole family sits quietly somewhere in the common room and does something interesting, like watching a family comedy or playing a game of children's monopoly. Since THIS artist wants to draw so much, let him draw for himself, only in such a way that he does not interfere with anyone and does not stain anything.

The kid wants to create where the whole family gathers, he should like his workplace.

"Accidentally" forget on the locker in the locker room kindergarten“daub” the little Creator or “automatically” stuff the MASTERPIECE into the bag, which the child created with such diligence in class. The most effective option is to simply throw away on the way (and the child so wanted to show dad what bouquet he painted for mom) what the kid sculpted, glued, painted.

Repeat regularly that THIS does not happen, THIS is not how you draw, THIS is wrong. The little artist will forever remember your hurtful words and will NEVER risk experimenting and trying again, being afraid to do something WRONG.


In the presence of the child, say about his drawing something like this: “Here is my son’s daub, look what a blue dog he painted. Is it possible?".

Never help a child do homework on drawing, labor and other "useless and unnecessary" subjects. Whenever your child reaches for crayons and paints, encourage him to do something more interesting and important, like washing the dishes or vacuuming.

If SUDDENLY your child hints at going to art school or university, roll your eyes, touch right hand to a broken heart, left hand demonstratively bring it to your forehead ... In short, imitate this second disappearance from the face of the earth, because being the mother of an artist is not for you.

If your child draws everything he sees, sits for hours at an easel and forgets to have lunch, enthusiastically drawing a still life from a soup bowl and a chicken leg sticking out of porridge, reproach him for laziness, doing nothing and in general ... It would be better if he and his father went to the dacha, there from it makes even more sense.

Find a teacher who won't let you open your mouth without permission. Let him teach your child to draw like the great Malevich or Picasso. And let him just try not to teach! You are three skins from him ... In short, control and control again! No freedom of expression and wasted time thinking.

Serious conversation…

So, you probably already understood that there are different reasons why a child who likes to draw SUDDENLY loses interest in this type of activity. And parents or negligent teachers are primarily to blame for this.

In order for drawing, modeling and other types of creativity to be favorite and desirable activities for a child, he must feel happy and successful.

If adults often criticize children's work, impose their vision of the world, their pictorial stamps, techniques, scold for soiled clothes or furniture, the child gradually loses faith in his own strength, the child closes in his shell, stops drawing, so as not to lose the remnants of his own world he created . That's the way kids are, they love to do what they can do.

Dear readers! I think that all of the above is not about you. Of course, you admire the work of your little artist, invariably praise his drawings, rejoice with him in successes and discoveries, express your sincere interest in his fantasies and notions.