The melodic rock songs performed by Kurt as part of the Nirvana group combined punk and pop styles. The group managed to sell millions of albums in the early 1990s. Their song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" became a real anthem in 1991, staying at the top of the charts for a long time. The song also helped grunge rock rise above Michael Jackson's pop. We can say that after that Seattle, located near the city of Aberdeen (where Cobain was born), was put on the musical map of America.

Then, in the biography of Kurt Cobain, albums such as Bleach (1989), Nevermind (1991), In Utero (1993) were released. For a while, Nirvana was the hottest band in the world. However, fame brought Kurt inconvenience, was his tempter. Cobain soon developed a drug problem in his life. He cemented his status as a rock legend when he committed suicide in 1994 by shooting himself in the mouth.

Additional data: Cobain in 1992 married actress, rock musician Courtney Love. Kurt Cobain's daughter Frances Bean was born in 1992.

Some fans of the singer continue to believe that he was killed. However, a post-mortem note was found near Kurt's body. The murder investigator determined that the singer had self-inflicted injuries. Still, fans remain who continue to claim that Cobain's death is a set-up, while some blame Courtney Love for Cobain's death. The rumors were widely circulated, but were not verified by anyone. In 1998, the film "Kurt and Courtney" was released, telling the biography of Kurt Cobain, as well as his relationship with Courtney Love, the story of Kurt's death.

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I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. This short biography is dedicated to the songwriter, musical artist, "voice of Generation X". Kurt Donald Cobain born February 20, 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington.

This was the first child of a housewife and an auto mechanic, only three years later the boy had a younger sister.

The Cobain family consisted of creative natures - the grandmother was a professional artist, one uncle performed in musical group, the other was a tenor, my aunt played the guitar. Already at the age of two, Kurt Cobain performed the works of the Beatles, and at the age of 4 he wrote his own song about a trip to the park.

At the age of 7, the boy was given a drum to develop his talents. At the same age, Kurt's parents divorced, which negatively affected state of mind child.

At first he lived with his mother, but not finding mutual understanding with her 22-year-old roommate, he moved to his father.

Cobain also did not get along with his stepmother, so he began to be brought up first by his grandfather and grandmother on his father's side, and then by his mother's relatives. Fourteen-year-old Kurt quits playing the drum kit and learns to play the guitar.

Then he had a dream to create a punk band. After graduating from school, the young man does not agree to enter an art college, his mother gives him an ultimatum - go to work or leave home. Cobain shows his defiance and leads nomadic image life, once even 8 days in prison for drinking alcohol and penetrating into someone else's territory.

At the age of 18, Kurt Cobain created the Fecal Matter group. It has only existed for a single year, without even releasing a disc. With the hope of realizing his musical abilities, Cobain distributes a demo of his first band, one of his friends, Krist Novoselic, listens to it.

Together they form a new project consisting of three members. After many name changes, they settled on Nirvana. In 1988 their first release comes out, and next year the musicians release the whole album "Bleach".

After 2 years, the second solo album is released - "Nevermind", one of the compositions of which becomes MTV hits.

After this album, Kurt Cobain is called the voice of a generation. The soloist is oppressed by such wide popularity, because he himself considered his work for the more elite.

Therefore, Cobain makes the following works deliberately heavier and darker. However, they also deserve recognition and high positions in music ratings.

Everyone who has a gun in the house is equal to Kurt Cobain, everyone who can read between the lines is doomed to have a gun in the house ...
Alexander Vasiliev

Born somewhere between Apollo 1, which burned down at the start, and the flight to the USA of Joseph Stalin's daughter - in February 1967. The Jews had not yet kicked the Arabs, the Chinese had not detonated their hydrogen bomb, and the Beatles had not released "Sergeant Pepper" - "the best album of all times and peoples ”- all this happened in the first months of his life.
Like all children, he, of course, will not notice all these important world events, lying in Grays Hospital next to his mother - Wendy Elizabeth Cobain, nineteen years old and doing the same as thousands of other babies.
Kurt was born in the middle of nowhere, as the Americans say. "The center of yo ... nothing" was located in the town of Aberdeen - and this is not even the same Aberdeen that is in Scotland, but just a pale copy of it near Seattle. Speaking of Scotland, the Cobains had Scottish roots, as well as German, Irish and English.
By 1967, when Kurt was born, Wendy and Donald Leland had been together for about 2 years. Wendy Elizabeth worked as a teacher, then as a secretary, and sometimes as a waitress, Leland worked as a mechanic at the service station.
Three years after the birth of Kurt, in 1970, he had a sister, Kim.

Until I was 9 years old, I was firmly convinced that I would become either a rock star, or an astronaut, or a president.

Kurt's relatives were very musical - his mother sang well, aunt Mary Earl played the guitar and, together with Kurt's uncle Chuck, performed in a country ensemble. But, of course, they were all surpassed by Delabert, Cobain's great-uncle, the famous Irish tenor who starred in The King of Jazz.
Against this family background, Kurt's passion for music arose. At four, he sang with pleasure, composed lyrics and tried to learn how to play the guitar from Mary, but nothing came of this idea. However, Kurt still disappeared at her rehearsals.

I was incredible happy child. I screamed and sang all the time. I just couldn't stop in time. I was truly happy

As a child, Cobain was unrestrained and sensitive. The boy liked to listen to The Monkees and The Beatles, he enjoyed drawing - mostly Disney characters - Pluto, Donald Duck, or superheroes like Aquaman.
At seven, live music was added to singing and composing texts - having failed with a guitar, Mary Earl gave him drum kit"Mickey Mouse". Unlike Mary, Donald wanted to introduce Kurt to the game of baseball, but to no avail - Cobain would later say that he would always prefer the company of losers and a cigarette to the company of those who are crazy about baseball.
Apart from minor childhood griefs, Cobain's childhood was happy, and happiness was short-lived.

…today I found my friends.
In my head

In 1975, Kurt's mother leaves her husband. Wendy believes that Leland does not pay attention to her and the family, devoting all his time to basketball and baseball. Despite Donald's apparent reluctance, the Cobains disperse. Kurt is eight. His sister is five. The impression made by the breakup of parents on Kurt is huge. He is ashamed of his mother and father and wants to have a normal family.
Kurt did not get along right away with his mother's new roommate, 22-year-old Michael Medak. It was then, according to his mother, that he became gloomy, angry and cynical. Having failed to establish contact with Wendy's roommate, Kurt decides to move to his father in Montesano. One wilderness gives way to another, and a teenage conflict with Michael conflict with his father's new wife.
Jenny Websty already had two children - James and Mindy, and in January 1979 gave birth to another - Chad. Life under the same roof with them seemed unbearable to Kurt, and he moved again - this time to his grandparents, Donald's parents. The periods when he lived with Iris and Leland were replaced by others where he had to live with his mother's relatives.
At the age of 14, Cobain throws drums and takes on Uncle Chuck's gift - a guitar, which Warren Mason of The Beachcombers teaches him to play.
By the way, about uncles - Kurt's uncle Berl, dearly beloved by his nephew, committed suicide in the year he moved to his father. A year later, Berl's brother Kenneth would shoot himself, also fatally.
Kurt returns home to his mother. Under the influence of all these events, he strongly closes, preferring once again not to leave the house. And when he does go out, he finds more than dubious entertainment for himself - drawing graffiti inscriptions, often with homosexual content. At the same time, he closely communicated with a couple of gay friends. It is difficult to say what was more here - homosexuality or protest. Soon, under pressure from society, their paths diverge.
His mother, Wendy, remarries in 1984. Her new chosen one, Pat O'Connor, is a dock worker and an alcoholic. During one quarrel, he breaks her arm, during the other she drowns his arsenal in the river. Kurt quickly hires two guys and pulls the trunks, and then, having driven them, buys himself powerful amplifiers, persuading their seller to take "herbs" from his drug dealer with the proceeds.

My name is Kurt, I sing and play the guitar, but in general, I am a walking and talking bacterial infection ...

Having learned to play the guitar tolerably, Cobain defines his style. After reading about the Sex Pistols in Creem, Cobain gets the idea to form a punk band. How do S.P. sound? Kurt doesn't know - you can't get their records in Aberdeen.
Cobain invents his own version of punk - "a lot of screams and three chords" and begins to look for something similar around. The Melvins, a band from Aberdeen that is trying to combine punk with hard rock elements, anticipating the upcoming grunge, seems to suit him. It is in the company of the Melvins that Cobain closely converges with the Croatian emigrant Chris Novoselic.
Soon Cobain collects the first viable group - "Fecal Matter". Kurt becomes the vocalist and guitarist of "Fecal Matter", Dale Crover works on bass, and Greg Hokanson is in charge of drums.
As Kurt dives deeper into music, giving up on everything, his relationship with his mother deteriorates. So, a case is known that occurred when he brought home a girlfriend and tried to have sex with her in his room. Then Wendy broke into them and threw both of them out of the house, not forgetting to call the girl a prostitute.
This was Cobain's first intimate experience.
Not finishing the tenth grade, he leaves school. His mother puts him before a choice - leaving home or looking for a job, and Kurt - leaves. For some time he sleeps with friends, then in the backyards of their houses, in the public library, and finally under the bridge over the Uishka River.
This "white trash" life experience would later influence Kurt's work, especially on songs such as "Something in the Way". He also gave the name to Cobain's first group since Fecal Matter's demise, Skid Row, a street in Los Angeles that became a household name.

I was looking for a title that was pretty or nice or cute

After the collapse of Fecal Matter, Kurt went around with friends with the demo of the disbanded band, wanting to put together a new lineup. After listening to “his” record, Novoselic… forgot about it for several months. And then suddenly approached Cobain with a proposal to create a rock band. At first, their drummer was Bob McFadden, who left the group after a month.
"Skid Row", "Ted Ed Fred", "Bliss", "Pen Cap Chew", "Bliss Thrroad Oyster", "Windowpane" - the names of the newly formed team change with astronomical speed, and the basis of the music is the developments of "F.M.".
In parallel with the musical searches, Cobain is still forced to start earning money. In May 1986, a drunken Cobain, who has climbed into someone's private property, is "accepted" by the cops. He is sentenced to 8 days in prison.

Your right to... Nirvana

By the winter of 1987, Kurt and Chris changed drummers again, hiring Aaron Burkhardt. Soon he is replaced by Dale Crover, with the participation of which the first demos of the team are written. He is replaced by Dave Foster.
At the beginning of 1988, the kaleidoscope of names finally clicks out the coveted "Nirvana". A couple of months later, in March, the guys give their first concert under a new name, and around May they find a permanent drummer - Chad Channing. In the same year, the newly minted team released the first single "Love Buzz / Big Cheese"
In June 1989, the debut album Nirvana was released, published on the Sub Pop label and produced by Jack Endino. The recording money, $606.17, was lent by Jason Everman, a seasonal fisherman from Alaska and Channing's friend.
The album was called "Bleach" - bleach.

I never wanted fame or anything like that. That's how it happened...

In the wake of Bleach's success, Nirvana embarked on a major West Coast tour of the United States, performing in 26 cities.
Their debut, which combines the influence of punk and black metal, Black Sabbat, Led Zeppelin and The Melvins, attracted record sharks, including Geffen Records. Success was cemented by a European tour, when the guys staged 36 concerts in just 42 days, earning a resounding success with the British public.
It was not without difficulties. The label tried to fit the music as much as possible under the “grunge”, severely pressing Kurt on this topic, and discord began among the musicians themselves, which resulted in the expulsion of Chad, who claimed a large role in creating lyrics from the group.

I love everyone - that's what's sad...

What is love for Cobain is difficult to say. While shocking the audience, he passionately kissed the bassist, dressed in women's clothes and declared that he could be as feminine as he wanted. He loved everyone - blacks, gays, women and asked their haters not to come to his concerts. Kurt walked around the stage in heels, a bra and a crown, and stated that he would like to be gay, only to annoy the homophobes more.
And then I met Courtney.
This happened in 1989, their acquaintance was fleeting, but later both said that they felt sympathy for each other.
In 1991, Love began to communicate with the band's new drummer, Grohl, who introduced her to Kurt's circle. Their relationship developed rapidly, and in 1992, Kurt's pregnant Courtney married him. Cobain was happy.

When I started taking heroin, I knew it would be as boring as smoking marijuana.

In parallel with the passion for Love, Cobain begins to experience a passionate craving for heroin, which will soon become "air" for him. The inevitable problems mount after the release of Nevermind, Cobain's most "positive" album, released in 1991.
The album becomes "multi-platinum", and Lithium, Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come As You Are - MTV hits. "Voice of a Generation" Kurt is shocked by the fame that has fallen on Nirvana - after all, the new album seemed to him sugary, too poppy and smooth.
On the Nevermind support tour, Chris and Cobain heat themselves up with high doses of alcohol, smoke weed, and break guitars. Grohl sits behind the drums and, after sternly warning Cobain not to dare jump on his kit, sips agadam.
After the "alcotour", in 1992 after the birth Francis Cobain, in an interview with Vanity Fair, Love casually says that she shot heroin during pregnancy, not knowing that she was expecting a child. But the article, which comes out later, claims that she was on heroin in the last months of her pregnancy. Against Kurt and Love begins a campaign in the press, and then the court. The court verdict is soft - just regular drug tests for Kurt and Love.
Shortly thereafter, Cobain began work on "In Utero", shielding his vision of the sound in new job. The deliberately rough, raw album produced by Albini did not suit Cobain in some details, and it was already finalized by Scott Little. Rumors spread about the conflict between Cobain and the DGC label. As a result, the album, although it was commercial, still did not achieve the success of Nevermind, but did not go into the mainstream either.

Better to be dead than cool

In early 1994, Nirvana toured Europe, and on March 1, after a concert in Munich, Cobain fell ill with acute laryngitis and bronchitis. Some concerts have been cancelled.
On March 4, Love finds Kurt unconscious at the hotel. According to the conclusion of the doctors, he is in a pharmacological coma, which came from a "cocktail" of Rohypnol and champagne prescribed to him.
Cobain is pumped out after 20 hours. There are no traces of drugs in his blood.
March 18 between Kurt and Love there is a quarrel. Love calls the police, telling the cops that Kurt is threatening to commit suicide. She is lying. Kurt denies everything, saying that he simply does not want to see his wife - that's why he closes himself in his room.
At this time, Courtney begins to spread rumors that their relationship is in decline due to her husband's increased heroin addiction. This is refuted by Nirvana's opening guitarists Barber and Shelley, who claim that on the last tour, Kurt walked around with water without even touching alcohol.
On March 20, under pressure from Love, Kurt is sent back to the Exodus center for rehabilitation. In a conversation with a doctor, he denies having a problem with heroin, although he shows a desire to get out of the clinic "to be done with it."
April 1, 1994 Kurt runs from downtown by jumping over a fence. In Los Angeles, he orders a ticket to Seattle and, after signing autographs, goes home.
On April 8, 1994, electrician Gary Smith finds Cobain's body in the greenhouse. His corpse is ugly - his head was torn apart by a shot in the mouth.
On the hands of Cobain, traces of injections, in the blood a triple dose of heroin. There are no distinct marks on the trunk. Nearby is a very vague suicide note written in red ink. There is no direct indication of his death in it, and the last lines, allegedly addressed to Love, may not have been written by him.
Love herself tells Detective Tom Grant that Kurt went missing on April 1st, but he later learns that on April 2nd Courtney and Kurt seen each other. He is also wary of Love's confusing testimony, and her attempts to block Kurt's credit card fraudulently.
The divorce proceedings, in which Love's share of Kurt's inheritance could be reduced from 30 to 1 million, are curtailed. Profit of copyright holders after Cobain's death- 800 million dollars
Well, to hell with him, with money. Let's talk about art. In one of the songs, "homosexual, pagan, and drug addict fucking potbellied pigs" wrote: "I'm in a daze because I found God."
Did you really find it?

Dmitry Melekhovets and Valeria Berekchiyan

Kurt Donald Cobain was born in February 1967 in Aberdeen, not far from Seattle.

Each concert of the musician gathered thousands of loyal fans. Cobain experienced discomfort from such popularity. The musician was annoyed that he became the idol of the masses. Nevertheless, media representatives called the Nirvana group "the flagship of Generation X."


The musician sought to be identified with the direction of independent rock, so the next album, In Utero, released in 1993, was deliberately gloomy by the American rock artist. The album did not become popular like the previous one, but took the lead in the charts. The most successful songs were About a Girl, You Know You're, All Apologies, Rape Me, In Bloom, Lithium, Heart-Shaped Box and Come As You Are. Clips for these compositions have become popular all over the world.

The musician's fans also liked the cover version of the song And I love her, which was performed by The Beatles. In an interview, Kurt noted more than once that as a child he liked to listen to the compositions of a popular band from the UK.

Personal life

Kurt Cobain met his future wife in 1990 at a concert in one of the clubs in Portland, where both performed as part of their groups. She herself claimed that she spotted Kurt back in 1989 at a Nirvana concert and instantly showed interest in him, but the musician ignored the girl.


Kurt Cobain has had health problems since childhood. The performer was given several diagnoses, including manic-depressive psychosis, as a result of which he was forced to take psychostimulants. In his youth, Kurt became addicted to drugs, and this passion grew into a full-fledged stable addiction. This was also influenced by the fact that alcoholics and the mentally ill were present among Cobain's relatives - the uncles of the musician on his father's side committed suicide.

Embed from Getty Images Kurt Cobain with guitar

After experimenting with various drugs, Kurt Cobain switched to heroin. In 1993, the man suffered a severe overdose of this drug. A couple of weeks before his death, friends persuaded Kurt to undergo a rehabilitation course, from where the artist fled the very next day.

The body of the musician was found on April 8, 1994 in his own house. Electrician Gary Smith, who came to the Cobains to install the alarm, was the first to see the dead Kurt. After several knocks on the door, Smith entered the garage and went up to the greenhouse, where through the glass door he saw a man without signs of life. At first, Smith assumed that someone was sleeping, but then he noticed blood and a gun.

Given the overdose incidents that had taken place, the police drew up a formal protocol, according to which the musician injected himself with an overdose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun. A suicide note was also found next to the body. The cause of death was listed as suicide. Fans are still convinced that the death of Kurt Cobain was faked, and the assumption of police officers that the idol of millions shot himself is wrong.

Embed from Getty Images

The deceased idol still haunts fans today. After the death of the musician, the directors presented a large number of films about his life and work. The audience especially noted the film "Kurt and Courtney", released in 1997. In this film, the authors tried to talk about the reasons for the death of a celebrity.

Later, the film “The Last 48 Hours of Kurt Cobain” appeared, and in 2015 the documentary film “Cobain: Fucking Montage” was released. The last tape turned out to be plausible, as members of the Nirvana band and Kurt's relatives, who own unpublished materials, provided access to the filmmakers.

Trailer of the film "Cobain: Damn Montage"

Thousands of fans expressed their desire to attend the funeral of the idol. On April 10, 1994, a public memorial service was held for Cobain. The singer's body was cremated, and the ashes were divided into three parts.

In 2013, information appeared in the media that the house in which the Nirvana leader grew up would be put up for sale. A similar decision was announced by the mother of the legendary musician.

After his death, the diary of Kurt Cobain, which contains letters and diary entries from the musician from 1980 until 1994, gained particular popularity.


The quotes and reflections of the American artist have become as legendary as his songs.

“When I realized that I would not find a person like me, I just stopped making friends with people.”
“I never craved fame or anything like that. That's how it happened."
“All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, your self-respect, everything that has to do with self-love.”
"It's better to be a gloomy dreamer than a mindless party-goer."
“Let me be hated for what I am, than loved for what I am not.”


Studio albums:

  • Bleach
  • Nevermind
  • In Utero

Live albums:

  • MTV Unplugged in New York
  • From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
  • Live at Reading
Kurt Cobain is an American rock musician and singer, songwriter, artist, lead singer of the cult rock band Nirvana. Even during his lifetime, he became a symbol of his generation, and Nirvana's style influenced many of today's famous musicians.

Childhood and family

Kurt Cobain (Kurt Donald Cobain) was born February 20, 1967 in the town of Aberdeen, Washington, in a poor family of auto mechanic Donald Leland and housewife Wendy Elizabeth. Kurt had Scottish, English, Irish, German and French roots. In 1970, the boy had a sister, Kim (Kimberly).

According to relatives, already at the age of two, Kurt showed an ability for music - even then he was singing the songs of The Beatles with might and main. Later, Cobain discovered the music of rock legends - AC / DC, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Queen and Kiss.

He often went to rehearsals with his aunt and uncle, who performed in a country ensemble. At the age of seven, Aunt Marie Earle gave Kurt a Mickey Mouse drum kit.

When the boy was only 9 years old, his parents divorced. This had a very strong effect on him - he became gloomy and withdrawn, it seemed to him that the former world collapsed before his eyes.

Cobain later admitted: “Then I was ashamed of my parents. Because of their divorce, I could not communicate properly with my classmates. I terribly wanted to have an ordinary complete family with a mother and father. I wanted that reassurance and protection from them, and because I didn't have that, I got mad at my parents for years."

For some time, Kurt lived with his mother, but then moved to his father. At this time, Kurt's uncle, whom the boy loved very much, committed suicide. Soon his father remarried, but Kurt could not get along with his stepmother and left his father. Then he began to live with Donald's parents, then with relatives on his mother's side.

At the age of 14, Kurt began learning to play the guitar. His first teacher was Warren Mason, a musician bands The beachcombers. Soon Kurt met the members of the Aberdeen Melvins band. It was then that Cobain became interested in punk rock - his tastes were influenced by the famous British Sex Pistols, whose music he did not even hear at first, but only read about it in magazines. He was very interested in the description of the Sex Pistols style as "little music and a lot of screaming", and he wanted to create something similar himself.

After leaving school, Kurt wandered a little, but then he still got a job - for some time he worked as a cleaner in the hospital where he was born. On May 18, 1986, Kurt was arrested for trespassing and drinking alcohol. He served eight days in prison.

The birth of Nirvana

In 1985, Kurt Cobain created the group Fecal Matter, which included bass guitarist Dale Crover, drummer Greg Hokanson and Kurt Cobain himself as vocalist and guitarist. The team disbanded a year later. Kurt wanted to start a new band, so he started distributing the Fecal Matter demo. The recording was heard by guitarist Chris Novoselic, a friend of Kurt's.

The new team, in which a third member soon appeared - drummer Aaron Burkhard, changed several names, as a result, the choice was stopped at Nirvana. In 1988, the band's first single, Love Buzz/Big Cheese, was released, and in 1989, Nirvana's first album, Bleach, went on sale.

In 1991, Nirvana's second album "Nevermind" appeared and literally shot into the masses. This was not expected, and the musicians themselves did not really want it - the hype and admiration of the crowd were not included in the plans of the group defending its independent sound. The album sold out at 400,000 copies a week - such numbers were not dreamed of by their colleagues in the shop, Sonic Youth, who collaborated with the same label. In 1992, "Nevermind" moved the album "Dangerous" by Michael Jackson on the Billboard 200 chart.

Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

The main breakthrough of the album was the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit", although the first single was planned to be released more melancholy, but no less explosive "Lithium".

Cobain later admitted that he hated "Smells Like Teen Spirit" for the countless times he had to perform it in concert. Nevertheless, it was this song that literally became the anthem and protest of generation X, and the subsequent "Ys" and "Zets". Kurt hated popularity even more - the crowds of fans at concerts gave him more and more discomfort, and the ridicule of connoisseurs of alternative music pissed him off.

Nirvana - "Lithium"

In 1993, the group released a new album - "In Utero" with the songs "Heart-Shaped Box", "Rape Me", "All Apologies" that became popular. Despite the fact that Nirvana tried to make the sound heavier on this record, the disc sold well, and the catchy compositions were a success with the listeners.

Nirvana was for the most part an apolitical group, but Kurt often used the status to draw attention to issues such as homophobia, sexism, racism. At some concerts, he arranged improvisational performances, shocking the audience.

Nirvana - "About A Girl"

Despite the fact that many consider Nirvana the progenitors of the grunge genre, this is not entirely true. Kurt Cobain's band brought the genre into the mainstream of rock music, but its founding fathers include Soundgarden, Melvins and The U-Men. "Grunge" from English means "dirt", "neglect", "anguish", this style is characterized by dirty guitar sound, sound distortion, "lazy" vocals with wheezing and screaming.

Personal life of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain met Courtney Love around 1989 or 1990 at one of the concerts in Portland, where she also performed with her band. In 1991, Courtney met Kurt again, and an affair began between them. In 1992, Kurt and Courtney got married on the Hawaiian island of Waikiki. At this time, Love was already pregnant, and on August 18, 1992, she gave birth to a girl, Frances Bean Cobain.

Shortly before the birth of her daughter, Courtney mentioned in an interview that she used heroin during pregnancy, but when she found out about her situation, she gave up drugs. She had no idea what such a confession would turn into for her: after the birth of Francis, a case was initiated against the Cobains to deprive them of their parental rights. The trial lasted several months, as a result, the Cobains won the case, but were required to undergo regular drug tests. Kurt was deeply hurt by such suspicions, because he was loving husband and caring father.

Drug addict

From childhood, Cobain was in poor health. He suffered from chronic bronchitis and severe pain in the stomach, which the doctors could not diagnose. From the age of 13, Cobain used marijuana, smoked, took drugs and hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. He began using heroin in the hope of getting rid of stomach pains, but they only became more frequent, and the drug quickly became an addiction.

On March 4, 1994, in Rome, Cobain almost died from an overdose of Rohypnol. He took about fifty pills, which he then washed down with champagne. Courtney found him lying unconscious and called an ambulance. Then Kurt said that it came out by negligence, but many were sure that it was a suicide attempt.

On the 20th of March 1994, Cobain decided to undergo therapy at the Exodus rehabilitation center in California. On March 30, Kurt flew to Los Angeles to begin treatment. However, already on April 1, he escaped from the hospital.


On April 8, 1994 at 08:30, Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home at 171 Lake Washington Blvd East in Seattle. The musician shot himself in the head with a gun, and before that he left a suicide note. According to some assumptions, before committing suicide, he took a large dose of heroin.

The last 48 hours of Kurt Cobain

There are still mysteries in his death - forensics also confirmed that the body was found only 3 days later, and Cobain died on April 5th. Soon there was even an assumption about the murder of Kurt, and Courtney Love herself was on the list of suspects, but the official version is "suicide."

After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the Wishka River in his native Aberdeen, and Courtney kept some for herself. An unofficial place of worship for the singer's memory is a memorial bench in Viretta Park, which is located near Cobain's last home in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997 and the house was sold.

"The Last Days" (Trailer)

In addition to numerous documentaries about the life and death of Kurt, Gus Van Sant dedicated the film The Last Days to him in 2005, in which Michael Pitt starred as the legendary musician.