It is important to determine in time when a person is lying in order to protect himself from possible troubles. The liar is betrayed by the demeanor, facial expressions, gestures, speech. Law enforcement officials and juries often resort to psychology to make their job easier and reach a verdict. The art of recognizing deceit is highly valued in modern world. To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with effective ways to detect lies, and start training on potential liars.

How to know if a person is lying

Chat with a friend and notice traces of sweat on his shirt? This is one of the signs of a lie. Human physiology is so arranged that the sweat glands begin to work at an accelerated pace when the opponent makes an effort to hide something.

When law enforcement agencies use a lie detector on suspects, they pay attention to this very sign. Of course, a person can just sweat, but coupled with other factors, the conclusion is obvious. Profuse sweating and regular swallowing of saliva go hand in hand with each other.

How to know that a person is lying by head movements

If the police pay attention to physiology, then psychologists are more focused on behavior. So, tireless nodding of the head they define as a lie factor.

Frequent nodding
Ask your child if he has done his homework. If the student answers in the affirmative and often nods his head, wanting to convince you more, he is deceiving. Perhaps the baby did not completely make them, but in any case, suspicions will appear.

Professional liars learn to lie from acquaintances or friends, wanting to suppress constant nods. But as practice shows, in an ordinary person who tells a lie, this sign is always present.

Delayed nodding
You asked your opponent a question, but he doubts and is in no hurry to answer? Consider that the interlocutor is preparing to lie. A person who does not hide the truth nods confidently and measuredly before answering. The liar will begin to hesitate and nod his head with a pause, as if after a quick thought.

The natural behavior of a truthful opponent is accompanied by open gestures, a comfortable posture and a confident body position. If the interlocutor is forced to resort to lies, he will sharply jerk his arms and legs, take uncomfortable postures, then completely resign himself to the lack of comfort.

Restriction in movements indicates a person’s unwillingness to lay out important information, as well as a possible attempt to replace them. The arms crossed over the chest say the same.

Lack of gestures
The liar does not make any body movements, he does not gesticulate with his hands, does not show his palms (a sign of openness), does not use his fingers, wanting to point to an object.

Is the interlocutor constantly fiddling with a scarf, straightening his hair, or fiddling with a coin in his hands? Consider him lying.

Surface contact
Liars tend to find comfort in squeezing furniture. If you notice that the interlocutor holds tightly to the arm of the chair during the conversation, he is lying. Moreover, such movements are often accompanied by whitened knuckles and sweating.

People are characterized by a behavior called "mirror". They imitate each other and repeat the movements in the process of talking. If a person lies, he will be busy controlling his own body, wanting to hide his true motives.

Watch the body language, the liar interlocutor often keeps a distance, the movements become constrained and they do not look like yours. Truthful people, on the contrary, have a desire to be closer to the opponent. So they show openness, because there is nothing to hide, therefore, the fear of being revealed recedes.

When you start a conversation and start asking questions, the opponent will move a certain distance away, moving further and further away. He will try to quickly end the conversation so that the truth does not come out.

When the interlocutor deceives, he looks up and to the left (for right-handers), up and to the right (for left-handers). Pay attention to the eyes: the opponent will begin to blink frequently when he is telling a lie. He can rub his eyes, this sign is more typical for men, but ladies also deceive.

People are inconsistent
They lie and do not believe what they say, so they make a lot of mistakes. Have you noticed that when talking, the interlocutor closes his eyes for a long time, then slowly opens them? This means that he does not agree with his own words. To judge by such a factor, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the daily movement of the opponent's eyes.

Do not rush to draw conclusions
Many times, scientists have proven that eye movements are fickle, they can change several times a day, and this cannot be considered a sign of a lie.

How to know that a person is lying in the face

When a person deliberately lies, his facial expressions will tell you the truth. The interlocutor is alarmed, his eyebrows creep up and wrinkles appear on his forehead.

The opponent will begin to touch the tip of his nose with his finger and cover his mouth with his hand. These factors can be used to determine the restless state, which is caused by a conscious desire to lie. A sign of untruth is a touch on both eyebrows and any part of the head on the left side.

Hands will be constantly close to the face, lips can be tightly compressed, showing a sense of anxiety. Pay attention to the skin tone, the liar will turn red, although this sign characterizes a lie only by 70%.

It is not difficult to reveal a liar if you carefully observe his behavior. Watch the position of the interlocutor's body, pay attention to fussiness and lack of gestures. When a person is lying, he will not copy your movements and will try to end the conversation as soon as possible. Do not fall for slow blinking, this is not a sign of relaxation, but a lie factor.

Video; how to find out if you are lying or telling the truth

Lies have long been an integral part of every person's life. When telling a lie, people can be guided by different motives: deception can be purposeful, focused on humiliating a person, or it can be unintentional, to save relationships between people.

In this article, we will consider not so much the causes of lies as its signs. You will learn how to activate your inner "lie detector", which will help you to know by the facial expressions of a person and by his gestures he is lying or telling the truth.

The face is the mirror of the soul.
Mark Tullius Cicero

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions?

Of course, you can use such a device as a lie detector, but this is a very expensive device, which, moreover, is quite bulky. Researchers have identified other ways to determine lies.

According to psychologists, a person who wants to deceive tries his best to pass off a lie as the truth. At the same time, the lie is accompanied by certain gestures, body movements, specific intonation.

There are no absolutely identical people. Everyone has a different outlook, everyone feels differently. People lie differently too. However, there is a whole range of signs, according to which we can conclude that in front of you is a liar.

Symmetry and lies

A person tenses up when he lies. And, despite the fact that he is trying hard to hide it, it does not always work out. In addition, the deceiver loses self-control. The tension is noticeable, you only need to observe the left side of the person's body.

You ask - why behind the left?

  • The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for human emotions and imagination.
  • The left hemisphere is responsible for the mind and speech.
Hence we conclude that left-hand side slightly less controlled. However, both hemispheres maintain close contact with each other. What we want to demonstrate to others will appear on right side, our feelings will be clearly visible on the left side.

What do the emotions and facial expressions on the face of a liar say?

  1. When a person cheats, the sides of his body are not the same. For example, your opponent is actively gesturing with his left hand, but his right hand is not moving. This says one thing: the person is telling a lie. The brain thinks through lies while the body is out of sync.
  2. Perhaps even more information is displayed on our face that a person is lying. Asymmetry indicates a lie. Deceivers rub either their lower or upper lip, and may cough while covering their mouths with their hands.
  3. Lies tend to stress a person. When a person cheats, his complexion changes, his eyelids begin to twitch, and the frequency of blinking increases. The fact is that a person has a desire to close his eyes to everything that happens. By rubbing parts of the body, the brain wants to block the untruth. A slight squint indicates discontent.
  4. Most believe that shifty eyes speak of a person's deceit. But much more often it is the one who keeps looking into the eyes that turns out to be a deceiver.
  5. As a rule, rubbing gestures indicate dishonesty. Psychologists say that a deceiver who is worried pulls the collar of his clothes or simply rubs his neck.
  6. A person is given out by the position in which he sits or stands during a conversation. A self-possessed person can control himself, but he can give himself away by leaning back. The deceiver cannot find a comfortable position, this indicates that this situation is unpleasant for him.
  7. The liar is nervous and uncomfortable, which affects the speed of speech. Some deceivers speak more slowly than under normal circumstances, others pick up the pace.

Video: How to know if a person is telling the truth?

How to recognize lies by gestures?

Every average person in ordinary life inclined to pretend, put on different masks, each time changing his role. Some of us are more sincere, and change only in a formal setting. And someone is already used to lying (and does it more regularly than he eats). However, do not think that no one will detect a lie. This fact is immediately visible in the non-verbal language of the human body.

There are people who intuitively feel that they are being deceived. But, not every one of us can easily catch the dissonance between words and gestures. How can you guess what a person is really thinking? And is it possible to detect a liar?

Of course you can. And even necessary! It was reading the language of gestures and facial expressions that he devoted his famous book “Body Language. How to read the minds of others by their gestures "famous Australian writer. Being quite young, he has already managed to earn his first million. Including, and thanks to his ability to read non-verbal language.

What are the main gestures and body movements that indicate that the interlocutor is telling a lie?

Step back

If your colleague, during a conversation with you, leaned back with his whole body or only his head, or perhaps began to stagnate at the moment when you asked him a question, then this indicates that he does not want to answer at all. And if so, then he is quite capable of lying to you.

Touching the face

Gestures associated with touching one's face, as a rule, inform us that a person is telling a lie. This gesture is very typical for babies who, having uttered a lie, cover their mouths very quickly, sometimes crossing their fingers in their hands. Less noticeable gestures are also characteristic of adults who already have self-control, hands strongly betray a person.

However, not all gestures associated with touching the face speak of a person's deceit. After all, sneezing, yawning and coughing, we also touch the face. And this fact does not mean at all that a person is lying at this time.

If the gate presses

Observant people have long noticed that liars who are afraid that their lies will be discovered, and trembling at the possibility of exposure, begin to fiddle with the clasp of the collar, bulge the collar of the suit, or simply touch their neck in some way.

Such actions related to the neck, as well as periodic patting on it, may also indicate that the person forgot to fulfill what he promised you, and is now trying to find an excuse for himself.

exaggeration of emotions

During a conversation, the face of a mentally healthy person always expresses any emotions, feelings. A face that does not express anything at all is extremely rare. A person who tells a lie has a face that is too lively in showing his feelings.

The artificiality of emotions, among other things, is complemented by overly expressive gestures. The whole face is playing, but not really playing. And everyone can notice such unnaturalness of the interlocutor.

At the pace

Feeling "out of place" can have an impact on the speed of the speaker's speech. Only the rate of speech in some slows down, while in others it increases sharply. In addition, the intonation of the voice may change: for example, the deceiver may speak in a higher voice or, on the contrary, a slightly lower, coughing one.

It is also worth paying attention to the volume of the voice at the end of the spoken phrase. The liar begins to speak too loudly, or, conversely, too quietly.

How to bring a liar to clean water and avoid mistakes in your conclusions?

In order not to be mistaken, you need to study "body language" not only with respect to gestures that clearly say that a person is lying. In addition, you need to know what body movements are characteristic of a person experiencing fear, boredom, self-doubt, delight, etc.

It is not worth drawing rash conclusions based on any of the above gestures until you evaluate the behavior of a person as a whole.

It is important to note that being overly partial to a person we dislike is often overly subjective. Therefore, all his gestures can be interpreted in a negative direction towards him.

Important notes:

  • It is much easier to analyze a person's behavior if you have interacted with him repeatedly. If something has changed in his behavior, it will be immediately noticeable, although not always. It happens that at the first glance at a person, discrepancies in body movements and words are already noticeable.
  • In nature, sometimes there are such skillful liars with the highest self-control that it is almost impossible to figure them out.

The spoken word was, and yes, and no, but the written one lives forever

During various studies of non-verbal language of communication, scientists concluded that most often people lie to each other over the phone, followed by the statistics of evil eye to eye conversations. And least of all people lie to each other in writing. After all, what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.

SUMMARY: 30 main signs of a lie

We all want to be able to distinguish lies from the truth. After all, so often we become victims of deception when we did not expect it at all. It's so embarrassing! Do not fall for this hook again - liars can be recognized, they give themselves away! Your weapon is knowledge.

We have compiled for you in one list the 30 main signs of a lie. Be sure to read them and remember, everyone needs to know them.

Important clarification:
One of these signs is not enough to accuse a person of lying. Therefore, to be sure, you must detect at least a few signs at once.
And, if you see in a person 5 or more of the signs listed below, then this is already a serious signal that he is deceiving you.

  1. The easiest way to test a person for the truth is to ask him a question, for example: “Did you do this?” and if he clearly answers "no", then most likely he is telling the truth. And if he answers vaguely “How could you think that I did this”, “Do you think that I am capable of this?” - such answers are more likely to indicate a lie of the interlocutor.
  2. The next favorite technique of liars is to laugh off the question. You ask him an uncomfortable question that he doesn't want to answer, and so he gets off with a joke.
  3. Liars love to emphasize their exceptional honesty: they will constantly say the phrases “I swear to you”, “I give you a hand to cut off”, “But it's true, because I never deceived you!”, Etc.
  4. Eye contact. In normal communication, people, on average, maintain eye contact for 2/3 of the entire time of communication. But when a person is lying, then most likely, he will look at you much less often.
  5. The desire to inspire sympathy and sympathy. For example, he will say: “I have a wife and children”, “I have a family”, or “I am the same as you, I understand you too” ...
  6. Answering a question with a question. You ask him, but he does not want to answer specifically and asks counter questions. " You did it? - Why are you asking?".
  7. The next sign of a liar is that he may refuse to answer for no apparent reason. It would seem that the question is harmless, but he just "stops" and refuses to talk to you.
  8. "Slowed down" emotions. It is normal when a person is informed of some shocking news and he reacts to it with his emotions instantly. But if the liar knew about this in advance, then, of course, he will not succeed in acting out emotions believably. Therefore, pay attention if his emotional reaction does not follow immediately, but with a delay of several seconds.

    For example, he stole money from you and you suspect that it could be him. You say: “Imagine, my money was stolen!”. And only after 2-3 seconds he will make an amazing grimace, because it just took time to figure out what to do. A normal person would react instantly.

  9. The next way to distinguish fake emotions is to pay attention to their protractedness. If emotions are artificial and simulated, then they will very often last more than five seconds. The point is that in real life human emotions change very quickly, but if a person pretends to be surprised, then it will drag on for quite a long time.
  10. "Dry Sip". Liars have a very dry throat and take a very noticeable sip. You can even watch their Adam's apple move. Therefore, if a person often swallows and coughs during a conversation, this means that he is very worried that he will be bitten.
  11. Asymmetry of facial expressions. In a normal person in a calm state, facial expressions are always symmetrical. That is, if we smile, we smile the same way on both sides. But when you observe that in a person one of the parties acts more strongly than the other, then most likely this emotion is simulated.
  12. Frequent repetition of the question you asked. When a person is honest, he constantly uses different word forms. But when a person lies, he will most likely repeat your question and your phrases and words.
  13. Changing the rate of speech. For example, he spoke normally, and then abruptly slowed down. Also, a sign of a lie is the so-called hitch during a conversation.
  14. Hostile tone. The interlocutor answers very rudely and inadequately: “I am not obliged to answer you!”, “I don’t want to talk to you!”, “I will not answer in that tone!” - this is all an attempt to get away from an uncomfortable question.
  15. The liar restrains himself when answering questions: he is forced to control himself so as not to blurt out too much.
  16. If the opponent always waits a few seconds to think before answering, then most likely he just thought about how to get out of this situation and lie plausibly.
  17. "Running" eyes- a classic sign of a lie. The person seems to explore the whole room around.
  18. You are often asked to "clarify" a question. This is nothing more than the same attempt to gain time to think about further actions.
  19. Masking the essence of the answer with a mass of information not related to the question. Roughly speaking, when asking about "Foma", you get a detailed answer about "Yeryoma".
  20. As a rule, a liar cannot give a detailed explanation and avoids giving details. And if you delve into the details, then he will generally begin to get confused in them.
  21. If at first the interlocutor answered questions, but suddenly he lost all desire to speak, this means that he was simply tired of lying.
  22. One of the favorite attempts of liars is to move on to another topic.
  23. Another sign of lying is that the liar will oppose your attempt to get to the heart of the problem. You will just feel that he does not want you to get to the bottom of the truth.
  24. How the person moves towards you. If a person is honest and does not hide anything, then subconscious level it will move closer and closer to you. And if the opponent is lying, understands this and is afraid to be revealed, then on the contrary, he moves away from you somewhat, thereby trying to get away from the problem situation as soon as possible.
  25. Attempts to inflict direct insult. This indicates a VERY nervous state.
  26. Stepping from foot to foot will also indicate a person's lies.
  27. Covers face, forehead or neck with palm.
  28. It scratches the nose or earlobe.
  29. The appearance of trembling in the voice. Perhaps even the appearance of stuttering, if it was not there before.
  30. If your interlocutor is lying, then often a slight smile appears on his face, and this smile has 2 reasons:
    A way to relieve stress.
    Masking true emotions.

In conclusion - Your face when they lie to you

When they lie to you, your face really changes and your lying interlocutor can also notice this. Keep this in mind when dealing with a liar.

But that's a topic for another post...

We constantly encounter deception in our lives: human psychology is such that lies are an integral part of life. We cheat to avoid unpleasant hitches, to get things done, and simply to spare the feelings of others. Despite the fact that often people are not ready for the truth, they want to know it. Despite the fact that the truth often hurts our feelings, knowing the situation allows us to influence events. Therefore, many ask the question: “How to understand that a person is lying?”.

If we put aside mysticism and the ability to read minds, we find that modern psychology is quite successfully coping with the answers to this "eternal" question. We offer you instructions on how to understand that a person is lying to you, which will help you recognize a lie.

To understand that you are being lied to, you need to be able to recognize situations in which deception is most likely. Therefore, we will consider the main types of deception, as well as situations in which they are used by liars.

  • Hoax.

A kind of lie, when statements are given out as truth that do not have actual confirmation. In other words, a liar is wishful thinking, drawing conclusions without being based on facts.

An example from life.

Tatyana believed her young man: he convincingly told her about the opportunities that he had! The father is a sea captain who will help financially with housing, the mother is the director of the plant ... However, after the wedding, everything turned out differently. Despite the high position of Eugene's parents, they believed that the son should achieve everything himself. As a result, Tatyana, who was counting on help, was deceived.

  • Falsification.

A lie in which the facts are "rigged", trying to give them the desired meaning and initially realizing that the opponent is being misled.

An example from life.

Marina decided to give her mother a vacuum cleaner. She chose for a long time so that the price correlates with quality, stopping at an unknown company, which, according to the manager, was in no way inferior to the leading ones in terms of product quality. Despite the working condition of the device, it soon became clear: there is not enough power in it! The seller knew this very well ... but kept silent, trying to sell the goods quickly.

  • Simulation.

In other words, pretense. A person pretends that he has certain feelings, but in fact they are not. The depicted feelings can be different: love, shame, hatred, affection, indifference. The simulation of feelings is used by manipulators of all stripes who seek to get something from you.

An example from life.

Alesya was going to marry a beautiful young man without bad habits. She was saved from a fatal mistake by a chance: she found out that her fiancé had ... a pregnant girl, whose marriage he explained by the need to advance in the service (Alesya's father is a high-ranking official), promising financial assistance, and after achieving the cherished proper growth - a divorce from an unloved wife. Alesya was lucky, but how many girls could not understand that they were being used?

How to understand that they are lying to you, thereby protecting yourself from all sorts of abuses of trust?

Body language, or an easy way to understand that you are lying

Psychology says: there are ways to reveal lies! That a person is lying can be understood by their eyes, facial expressions, smile and gestures. Enough to be careful. Interesting? Then remember the simple rules that make it possible to determine a lie with 80% probability.

How to understand by the eyes that a person is lying

A lie can be rehearsed, but in the process of voicing it, certain physiological changes still occur that help to understand it: at the subconscious level, a person understands that he is wrong, and this affects his reactions. Including the eyes. You are being lied to if:

  • the interlocutor does not look into the eyes, and his own eyes "run", avoiding your gaze,
  • the interlocutor looks too intently and honestly into the eyes, with an unnaturally frozen look,
  • eyes downcast,
  • the pupils in the eyes of the interlocutor are narrowed (an involuntary reaction of the body to a lie),
  • if a person looks to the right, he is probably lying, if a person is left-handed, then, deceiving, he looks to the left,
  • if the gaze is directed straight and upward, his brain is working on creating a picture, visualizing the image created by the brain.

How to understand that a person is deceiving, by facial expressions

Mimicry also betrays the liar:

  • a slight involuntary smile on the face, which the deceiver tries to hide,
  • tense, frozen expression,
  • lip twitching,
  • (blush, for example).

Lies in your voice

Lies affect not only behavior, but also the voice. How long have you been in contact with the person? Then you should be alerted by changes in his speech. Psychologists say that outwardly unconditioned changes in intonation can be signs of a lie:

  • speeding up the pace of speech
  • stretching words, slowing down speech,
  • change in voice tone.

Gestures of lies, or how to recognize a lie by behavioral factors

Another way to understand that they are trying to deceive you is to consider “lie gestures” in time:

  • covering mouth with hand
  • touching the face (most often rubbing the eyes and nose),
  • collar pull,
  • constant changes in posture, as if the person is "out of his element",
  • twitching or wiggling of the leg
  • rapid breathing,
  • increased sweating (if a person is really very worried).

Also pay attention to the emotionality of the story. What is told in an ordinary voice, without emotion, often turns out to be a lie. In life, any event necessarily causes an emotional response, which is noticeable in speech, facial expressions and other behavioral reactions. If they are not, the event is most likely fictitious!

How to catch a liar: psychology to help!

Understanding that they are trying to deceive you is often not enough. After all, you can behave suspiciously and fair man, who is just very worried for some reason. Our advice will help not only to suspect something was wrong, but to “bring” the liar to “clean water”, leaving no doubt about his guilt.

What to do if you think you are being lied to? You can finally understand this by applying several strategies.

  1. Change the subject abruptly.

Anyone who is trying to deceive you will most likely be happy with this turn of events. He happily picks up the topic, leaving the "problematic" question. An innocent person who believes that he is right, on the contrary, will resist, trying to prove to you that he is right.

  1. Play for surprise.

Understanding that a person is lying about their social status or work, taking advantage of the fact that you are unfamiliar, is easy. Just let him relax by asking neutral questions like preferences, meals, places to stay, and then ask head-on about the subject of the alleged lie, for example: “Is it hard to be a boss? How is your workday going?". An unexpected "uncomfortable" question will make a person tense up and give himself away.

  1. Attention to detail!

When a person lies, he is forced to add details to the story in order to make it believable. But the brain does not perceive fiction as reality, and therefore quickly forgets the details. Are you being told the same story twice with different nuances? The most reason to think that something is wrong!

Sometimes, in order to find out the deception, it is enough to ask a few clarifying questions: who was wearing what, in what place the meeting took place. Clarify the same thing several times after a certain period of time: if the story completely matches, or conflicting details appear, most likely they are lying to you.

By the way, liars often use details to inspire confidence in you. If a conversation with someone unfamiliar is full of some details that are not needed, it makes sense to be wary. So do some agents of dubious companies that arrange marriage trainings and other events, the purpose of which is to extract money from gullible clients.

Summing up

There are many ways to understand that you are being lied to, even by a smile. Being vigilant and noticing the signs of a lie in time, you insure yourself against the unpleasant consequences of deception.

Everyone uses a lie - someone out of sports interest, someone for the sake of their salvation, someone for selfish purposes. Yes, and you yourself sometimes sin this too, don’t you? But how do you know if a person is lying?

Features of speech

Even if you are talking on the phone and do not see the eyes of your interlocutor, you may well understand when you are being told a lie. The speech of a liar has some peculiarities. Let's take a look at them.

It is possible to determine that a person is lying by “extra words”. This is especially noticeable if you know the interlocutor well and know that he does not suffer from such speech garbage. If, however, unusual “so to speak”, “well, for example”, etc. suddenly appeared in the speech, it is quite possible that they are lying to you. And the bottom line is that a liar can come up with something on the go and will try to mask the pauses with all sorts of “so to speak”.


Too many words. This includes "somewhere", "somewhere" and so on. “I will do something for you” means that nothing will be done for you. This also includes expressions that indicate a person’s insecurity: I will try, I will try, I will make an effort, I will try to help you. Here are the introductory words: perhaps, perhaps ...

You are assured of authenticity

Do not even doubt that if you are told "do not even doubt", you are definitely being lied to. This is true, because the liar projects onto you doubt in his sincerity.

Just not wanting to speak

It is your unwillingness to lie.


I just want to tell you ... after all ... only ... A person who has such words in his speech unconsciously (or consciously) feels guilty or embarrassed.

Ask him for details

And remember. Over time, the liar will definitely get confused in them and there will be inconsistencies in the story. If there are too many details and without questions, you can also suspect that you are being told false information.

Gesture hints

How to recognize a lie by the movements and plasticity of a person? Pretty simple. Here are some labels.
  • Minimum gestures during speech. If a person tells the truth, there will be many gestures: this is how he splashes out his own emotions, trying to stir him up. If there are almost no gestures, or a person is standing like an idol, perhaps he is now lying. Gestures perfectly betray us.
  • If the person is very mobile, make sure that the gestures match the words. For example, if a person agrees with everything, but shakes his head in the negative (a classic example!), the body is telling the truth.
  • The liar may be hiding from you. No, not in the pantry, but at the computer, for example, or at the table. Again, even a person with a weak intellect understands that his body will definitely betray him.
  • The power of touch. How to find out that a person is lying using a piece of paper? Look what he does with it. A liar will definitely turn a piece of paper, a curl, a pencil, a flash drive in his hands. However, this does not apply too much emotional people who always do this. And a lying person constantly touches his face. Particular attention should be paid to the lips. If a person constantly touches them, he is definitely lying. Also, the lips can be closed, or a person will bite them. However, if this is just a habit, do not pay attention.
  • The man takes a break. For example, to drink coffee or smoke, coughs. During this time, he can come up with a continuation of his lies, if anything. This also does not apply to nervous and emotional people.
  • A liar may hug himself during a conversation, or deviate. And also move back sharply. In addition, during a lie, gestures will be closed.
  • The liar is very tense during the conversation. He may not blink when speaking.
  • It becomes difficult for him to speak. Sometimes with a lie, the throat begins to dry up and the breath gets confused. It will be noticeable.
  • Another alarm signal is when a person sharply tilts his head at a direct question. It doesn't matter if it's back or to the side. Also, make sure the person is not poking their fingers at you or somewhere else. This may indicate that he was angry that he was caught in a lie.

Other tricks of liars

Pay attention to the person's communication style. Sometimes he will not give himself away with a single gesture, but will change his communication style. We pay attention to such changes too.

Insincere behavior

It is always noticeable. A person can put on new role to hide your lies. A striking example is a girl admiring her friend's new hairstyle. In fact, the hair color or hairstyle may be terrible, but the girl may gloat over the failure of a competitor.

Liar includes "fool"

If you ask a person a question, and he pretends that he did not understand its essence, most likely you will fall behind: what to take from him. And the liar will breathe a sigh of relief. This will differ markedly from a real misunderstanding in hypertrophy and emotionality. From the same series, the inclusion of amnesia when you need to comment on any situation.


If the interlocutor does not want to reveal the truth, then he can begin to accuse you, and of all sins at once, and translate the arrows. Crushed by guilt, you are unlikely to continue to search for the truth.


The liar will blame everyone except himself. He will blame for everything on you, on a neighbor, on a colleague.

Luscious affection and flattery

This method is used by many who want to cloud your mind and distract from the topic of conversation.

Religion cover-up

If a liar cannot justify himself in any way, he may begin to cry out to God and crucify himself on the topic that religion will not allow him to do so. This is also a lie.


A liar can not only translate the topic of conversation or appeal to God, but also defiantly go to work or be distracted by important matters, so as not to speak to the point. Such a zero for the mass is obtained. This is also a way to lie.

All of the above are just very generalized behaviors of people who lie. You should not accuse of lying a person who is simply bad with nervous system. Just look into your eyes and much will become clear.

Lies are a widespread communicative phenomenon in the modern world. Scientific studies and surveys show that people lie on a daily basis. However, deceiving every day, people themselves do not know how to understand that a person is lying.

Only a "professional" liar and manipulator knows how to regulate his behavior so that others do not reveal his deceit. Psychologists and physiognomists are able to determine a lie by observing a person. But everyone can learn to recognize deception.

There are many definitions of lying. In logic, a lie is the opposite of truth, a statement that obviously does not correspond to the truth. In everyday life, a lie is called a deception realized by a person.

In psychology, a lie is a deliberate attempt to form in another person a belief that the speaker himself considers wrong. Conscious utterance of a lie is a kind of communication tactic chosen in a particular situation.

There are many types of lies:

  • hoax,
  • falsification,
  • simulation,
  • plagiarism,
  • flattery,
  • fairy tales,
  • slander,
  • bluff,
  • self-incrimination, self-deception,
  • exaggeration or understatement
  • perjury, perjury,
  • a good lie
  • good lies,
  • naked,
  • children's,
  • pathological
  • involuntary.

Why do people cheat

Why do people lie several times a day? Everyday lie is not a gross deceit, but the concealment of insignificant information, it is a lie “on trifles”. Everyone wants to appear better and does not want to spoil relations with others.

A weighty and significant lie is always associated with some significant situation for the individual. It can destroy the structure of personality and spoil the life of the individual.

A person who is dishonest with himself and others is forced to live in constant tension from the need to hide the truth. The truth will sooner or later be revealed, and the revealed deception will entail a lot of negative consequences.

Scientists have two main versions of why people deliberately lie, even when they understand that lying will not lead to anything good:

  1. Fear. Why does a person lie? Because he is afraid to tell the truth, even if he cannot admit it to himself.
  2. Belief in the necessity of lying. An individual can be sure that it is better for the interlocutor not to know the truth, since it is difficult to accept, understand, and experience it.

Unfortunately, people are used to deceiving each other, but an unscrupulous lie is not a normal phenomenon, but an immoral act.

Every child is taught from childhood to tell only the truth and tell everything to his parents. But the baby still learns to lie over time, looking at adults. Children easily detect inconsistencies in the words and actions of adults and soon realize that untruth can be used as a way to get what they want.

Unless the person is an inveterate liar who takes delight and pleasure in deceit, he will feel negative emotions and feelings when speaking lies. Lying generates shame, fear, and guilt for making the decision to deceive someone and taking that action.

Saying and experiencing lies is. negative emotions during a lie, they worry in the literal and figurative sense of the word, physiological changes begin to occur in the body, expressing excitement. The brain sends nerve impulses to the muscles, which cause visible to others and manifestations of deception.

Signs of a lie

How to know if a person is lying? What are the signs of a lie that help declassify it?

No known sign of a lie can be regarded as direct evidence of it. Conversely, the absence of signs of deception does not mean that a person is sincere.

You need to evaluate the behavior of the interlocutor as a whole. Separate actions and movements are considered in combination with other manifestations of a person in relation to the interlocutor.

The behavior of the subject who is lying differs from his normal, usual behavior. Therefore, it is much easier to determine that a person is lying if he is close or familiar. Determining whether a stranger or an unfamiliar person is lying is much more difficult.

When determining deception, a person is carefully observed, signs of a lie are noticed and his situational behavior is compared with normal behavior accepted in a particular situation and environment. Without knowing a person, it is easy to make a mistake and confuse his habitual action with a sign of a lie.

It is possible to catch the interlocutor in a lie, knowing the truth in advance or having the opportunity to verify the information heard. And how do you know that a person is lying when it is impossible to check his words? In this case, knowledge of the signs of a lie will come in handy.

Signs of a lie are verbal and non-verbal. Verbally, deceit is expressed in verbal form.

Non-verbal signs are divided into:

  • physiological,
  • mimic,
  • gestural.


  1. Increased sweating and increased heart rate. Moisturizes the palms, forehead and skin area above the upper lip.
  2. Dry mouth. From experiences, the throat dries up, a person often drinks water or swallows saliva.
  3. Heavy, irregular breathing or its delay; deep breaths and heavy exhalations.
  4. Constriction of the pupils, rapid blinking; staring into the eyes or, conversely, the inability to look at the interlocutor.
  5. Change in complexion, redness, blanching or blotching of the skin.
  6. The appearance of goosebumps on the body.
  7. Tension in the face: twitching of facial muscles, wry smile, furrowed brows.
  8. Trembling in the voice, stuttering, coughing, change in timbre, tone, volume of the voice (provided that these speech defects are not caused by anything).
  9. Inappropriate and untimely smile or smirk.
  10. Chaotic and fussy movements: walking back and forth, rocking the body and the like.
  11. Rubbing and scratching various parts of the body.
  12. Frequent touching of the neck and face: nose, lips, eyes, forehead, ears, back of the head.
  13. Biting lips, fingers or nails.
  14. Nervous twitching and tapping of limbs on the floor or other surfaces.
  15. Crossed arms or legs, so-called bodily locks.
  16. The desire to hide hands behind the back, in pockets, under the table.

All of the above manifestations can be observed when a person is simply worried, worried, trying to please. For example, before a public speaking or meeting new people. To determine for sure that a person is lying, you can compare his actions with words.


  1. Unwillingness to discuss the topic and constant attempts to change it are clear signs of withholding information.
  2. Reticence, evasion, or short yes or no answers. When there is something to hide, a person will be afraid to say too much.
  3. Oaths. The interlocutor zealously tries to prove his case, swears and repeatedly gives his word of honor.
  4. Long reflections before saying or answering something; protracted pauses in conversation.
  5. Repeated flattery and attempts to enter. So the liar is trying to switch attention, reduce the vigilance of the interlocutor.
  6. Attempts to arouse sympathy and self-pity. This is done so that the interlocutor does not even think to question the incoming information. Is it possible to doubt the sincerity of the "unfortunate" person?
  7. Demonstration of indifference, ostentatious indifference to the topic under discussion.
  8. Another significant sign of lying is behavioral. The deceiver never keeps his promises and always finds excuses for this.

It cannot be said that a person is lying if only one sign of lying is found. There should be several of them, both verbal and non-verbal.

How to deal with a scammer

According to statistics, the vast majority of women believe that the truth is better than deceit, while at the same time, every second man is sure that a sweet lie is simply necessary in difficult life situations. But with age, men lie less, try to be frank.

Unfortunately, some people lie so skillfully that it is difficult to declassify them, relying only on the signs of a lie. Help will come. Having sufficient life experience, one can guess that a person is lying and protect himself from the consequences of deception.

Lies are classified depending on the degree of complexity, the level of "skill" of the deceiver:

  • First level

Manipulation without the intention of influencing beliefs. Such a lie is called childish. The deceiver utters a clear lie, not realizing that it is not difficult to declassify him. Why do people lie like children? Because they are afraid of punishment or want to receive a reward, hiding negative or inventing positive actions, respectively.

  • Second level

The manipulator convinces the interlocutor of the veracity of the information, realizing that this will affect all subsequent thoughts and actions. Roughly speaking, second-level liars know how to "show off", mislead.

  • Third level

A liar knows how to deceive so that he is not caught in a lie. This is skillful manipulation and skillful deception. Fraudsters use tricks, techniques and deception strategies. Such "advanced" lies are not uncommon in politics, journalism, commerce, and entertainment.

Having noticed several signs of lies in the behavior of the interlocutor at once, it is worth considering why the person is openly lying and how to continue to behave with him. But do not rush to bring charges without checking your guesses.

Suspecting the dishonesty of the interlocutor, you need to:

  1. Try to keep calm. The natural reaction to untruth is resentment and indignation. But if you express them in the heat of the moment, the deceiver will find a way to justify himself.
  2. Guess why the person is lying now. To say exactly why a particular person is lying, only he himself can.
  3. Check your assumptions, if necessary, find evidence and facts.
  4. Talk to the deceiver, giving him the opportunity to explain the situation, confirm or refute the truthful information.
  5. Establish fraud. Having understood the situation, you need to make a decision to forgive the deceiver or stop due to the loss of trust in him.
  6. Not everyone will find the courage to expose a liar, sometimes it is dangerous to do so. But when it comes to intra-family conflicts or disagreements at work, it is simply necessary to find out why people lie and dot the i's.

Once a person who lied, it is difficult to regain trust, and if deception becomes a habit, others cease to respect and love. Liars and deceivers often become outcasts, stop in their development, degrade.

Lies can destroy any relationship, personal life and career. Why people lie knowing this remains a mystery. It is much more effective to communicate sincerely, openly, honestly express the available information, your thoughts and feelings to others.