Loves? Does not love? At least guess on chamomile! Oh, these men and male psychology in love! Is it hard to just walk up and openly declare your feelings?!

Here, the fair sex is a completely different matter, just give them free rein, they can tell for hours what their chosen one is cute, smart, kind, in a word, the very best. The behavior of men in love, as in the song: they say, guess it yourself. And I want to know for sure!

Male psychology - need hints

How to understand that a man is in love? It is worth immediately dotting the "and". Quite right, it is much more difficult for a man, even a sincerely in love, to put his experiences into verbal form. It just so happens that it is much easier for them to prove their love by deed, and not to sing serenades under the windows of their beloved.

Yes, times are not the same. However, nature itself, which endowed the strong part of humanity with a more secretive character, left to women the gestures of men in love, which will help them find the answer to the most important question for them, from which the conversation began.

Words - they can deceive, but the behavior of a man in love, his gestures and facial expressions will certainly betray him with his head, you just need to learn how to guess these clues correctly.

There are big changes - it means: a man is in love

Began to notice that your chosen one does not look like himself? Always in high spirits, nice to everyone, purring under his breath, not walking, but as if flying? It is, as in a children's game, already "warm".

Psychologists say about men in love that their behavior is always predictable:

  • he is constantly looking for a meeting with you;
  • calls more often, sends messages;
  • constantly demonstrates a readiness to protect and protect you;
  • often gives bouquets, sweets and all sorts of cute trifles.

If there are two or more statements - already "hot"! He is clearly looking for a meeting, he wants to hear the voice of the object of his adoration, pamper, protect, in every way strengthen the magical connection that has arisen between you. A man in love is acting so romantic. By the way, it is the candy-bouquet period that many girls later remember as the most-most in their relationship.

How do men in love behave in their territory

Romantic walks, meetings in a cafe, on the dance floor, joint viewing at the cinema - so, your relationship develops, and one day you receive an invitation to sit at his place for a cup of tea. Go? Don't go? What will he think? What will follow? - questions are crowded in a lovely female head.

Peace, only peace! How events will develop after you find yourself on its sovereign territory, you will decide together. To begin with, evaluate the importance and decisiveness of the step he took.

If for a woman to invite a couple of friends to her place, or even a noisy company, is a couple of trifles, then men are arranged differently. They try to keep their distance, they are not in a hurry to let strangers into their territory. So if an exception is made for you, it says a lot.

If your chosen one introduces you to your parents or even more - offers to share personal square meters with him, there are high chances that later life he is also willing to share with you.

Such is the psychology of men in love. True, all this works if he is really in love. It is quite possible that a family nest is offered to be built on your territory in the absence of your own.

On the one hand - it happens, the circumstances are as follows, besides, the costs are divided in half. On the other hand, there is cause for concern. Somehow, one immediately recalls a strong male shoulder, the owners of which originally solved problems themselves, and did not shift them onto fragile female shoulders. However, living together will soon put everything in its place.

If you were simply offered to combine the vacancies of a cook, a laundress, a maid and a favorite concubine of the Sultan, in return offering the right to please him, unique, cast aside doubts: they do not like you. You are just being used. It's sad, but it's better to draw conclusions at the very beginning, then it will be more painful.

Gestures of a man in love

Unfortunately, words are big deceivers. What to do? How to understand what he really feels? Pay attention to facial expressions and gestures.

Psychologists say that it is highly likely that a man is in love if he:

  • in your presence, he straightens his shoulders, sticks out his chest, as if warning potential competitors about their readiness to fight back;
  • “demonstrates feathers”: monitors appearance, straightens hair and clothes more often;
  • takes a proud pose - straightens up, rests his hands on his hips;
  • tries to casually touch, with a patronizing gesture, puts his hand on the back of your chair, as if hugging;
  • tries to meet eyes;
  • "mirrors", involuntarily copying your gestures.

These signs eloquently say that you are loved and desired. However, even armed with knowledge of male psychology, take note:

There is a category of men who are well aware of what betrays men in love, and uses all this as a weapon. It remains to wish that such types do not meet on your life path. Be happy!

How to understand that he has already fallen into the net of tender passion, and you can move on to a subtly calculated, elusive, accurate offensive? The answer is "written" on his face, heard in his words and deeds!

So, 7 signs of love - each in two versions. The first option is for the “deeply in love-with-you” (+), the second for the supposedly “absolutely-not-in-love” (-). Look at the behavior of men when they are really in love. The behavior of a man in love - what is it?

Behavior of a man in love: confusion

“+” He is really confused, because he is not used to the fact that feelings are raging in his soul. As a rule, men are proud that they know how to put a leash on their emotions, but here emotions put a leash on him! If he has enough courage, he will simply tell you that he is blinded by your beauty and is not able to think in your presence. Only real hero can turn his weakness into such an exquisite compliment!

“-” He seems to you narcissistic, swaggering and arrogant. Acting like a thick-skinned rhino on steroids! Does he really not see that his words and antics are unpleasant to you? On the contrary, in your presence, he is overcome by bouts of shyness and self-doubt. To hide this, he begins to behave cheekily and mockingly and can not help himself! Believe me, after each episode of his "rhinocerosity" he feels like an idiot and puts an end to himself and your possible relationship.

Behavior of a man in love: persistence

"+" He shows persistent attention to your person. Conquest instinct breaks through the layers of civilization and demands immediate capture! His persistence can take the sweet form of surprises - tickets to the theater or invitations to a private party. Check, behind every surprise there is strategy and planning, heavy thinking and fear of rejection. By taking his insistence for granted, you give your future relationship the right tone, because he tries very hard for you!

“-” His persistent attention to you has an aggressive connotation. Being unable to cope with his feelings, he lets you know that you are completely unworthy of these feelings. He has already outgrown the period of pulling the pigtails, so he is trying to hurt you in some other way - with ridicule, with caustic remarks. All this means his deep interest in your person.

Behavior of a man in love: control

“+” He is constantly somewhere nearby, you feel his attentive gaze on you. He finishes work (study, walking the dog...) at the same time as you and is ready to accompany you on the road. He always wants to know exactly where you are, who you are with and what you are doing. You don't tell him about your movements, but he still knows. How? Big mystery.

“-” He pretends that you are an inanimate object, say a vacuum cleaner. H for some reason, all the time spinning next to you. He suddenly appears where you are at the moment and comes up with something to do. If you work in accounting, he will visit your department twenty times a day, and each time - not to you. Perseverance combined with deliberate avoidance of your person - sure sign strong feelings.

Behavior of a man in love: self-presentation

"+" He tries to tell as much as possible about himself. It is important to him that you think well of him. Because your dissatisfied look in his direction will pierce his heart like a knife. Don't hate him!

“-” In your presence, he tells how cool he is, and triples the evening of memories of exploits. Most of all, he wants you, after listening to these speeches, to confess your love to him yourself.

Behavior of a man in love: care

"+" He tries to be useful to you, actively offers his help. I am ready to spend my time and money, make efforts, use connections, just to help you cope with difficulties. He wants to be a positive hero for you.

“-” One way or another, but he is aware of your difficulties and is looking for an opportunity to help you. Don't be surprised if his offer of help looks like this: “It's raining outside, and you, as usual, without an umbrella, Masha the confused! Take mine or you'll be a wet chicken and ruin your makeup."

Behavior of a man in love: jealousy

"+" He does not want to endure rivals next to you. You will understand this by the assertiveness and aggression with which he treats the men who are next to you. Jealousy will gnaw at him from the inside, he may even try to avoid you so as not to worry.

"-" He's jealous, but he can't show it. It is jealousy that becomes the key that opens his feelings. Having openly shown his jealousy, he will have to justify it with something, which means becoming vulnerable. Perhaps he will try to solve the problem of opponents behind your back - making his way to you with his elbows.

The behavior of a man in love: a declaration of love

"+" The last evidence of his feelings is a declaration of love. But you are ready for it!

“-” His confession may sound shocking. For example: “Petrova, how did you get me! It's time to isolate you from society. Marry me - no one else can stand you!"

A man's love is different from a woman's love. She is special, sometimes incomprehensible and unknown, but just as sincere. Just learn to see her and treat her with awe. It turns out that understanding a man in love is not so difficult as we used to do it!

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you.

Men are secretive creatures by nature, and if we, women, speak publicly about our feelings and do not try to hide them, then the opposite is true for men. They were taught from childhood that a man should not cry, talk about his feelings and show them, so they close in on themselves, close. And we, women, when we encounter such a man and understand that we like him, we ask ourselves how to understand that a man is in love, but hides?

And in such a situation, knowledge of the male psychology of behavior, gestures and postures will come to our aid, which will tell better than any words whether a man is in love or not. So, what are these gestures and postures? Let's figure it out.


Let's start with gestures, since gestures in more our subconscious mind controls, so they are the best indicators by which you can understand if there is love.

  • At the sight of a woman, a man straightens his shoulders and spreads his legs, showing his genitals. This gesture has been male gender from animals, it is males who, at the sight of a female, begin to demonstrate their genitals and melt their shoulders in order to appear larger. The same goes for a man. If he is sitting, then at the sight of his beloved girl, he will straighten up and spread his legs wider.
  • Straightening of the shoulders when walking. If a young man is walking, then at the sight of you he will immediately straighten his shoulders and make his chest a “wheel”, as if saying: “Look! How big and strong I am.
  • His movements are dominated by "closed" postures. If in the article "" I said that when a guy likes a girl, then he has more "open" poses. Then when he is in love and hides, these poses can be "closed", but, nevertheless, his torso will still be turned in your direction. If the body cannot be turned, then the toes of his boots or knees will be directed at you.
  • He always wants to touch the object of adoration. When a man is in love, he simply physically needs to touch his beloved girl at least a little touching. It will touch your fingers when handing you a mug or other object. If you drop something, he will hasten to pick it up and pass it to you with a direct touch. When meeting or parting, he will want to shake your hand or even kiss you on the cheek.


  • You can also understand a lot from the look of a guy. If he is in love, then he constantly wants to look at the girl he likes. Of course, he may not stare at you directly, but he will not be able to resist the urge to look at you and will do it furtively.
  • In addition, he will involuntarily intercept your gaze and look into your eyes for a split second, and then abruptly look away, usually in left side and down.
  • When talking, he will also try to intercept your gaze and gradually look at you, keeping his eyes on his lips and eyes.
  • A man in love looks at his beloved woman with adoration, admiration and love are read in his eyes. This look cannot be confused with any other, and every woman, seeing this look, will understand that she is loved.
  • When a guy looks at a girl he loves, then in his eyes you can see tenderness, trepidation, as if you are a jewel that cannot be lost sight of.
  • If a man wants only sex, then he will look at the figure, chest and legs of a woman, but if he loves, then his gaze will be directed only to the eyes.
  • Large pupils. Scientists have proven that when we look at the person we love, our pupils dilate. If a man looks into your eyes for longer than the rules of decency allow and at the same time his pupils are dilated, then this also indicates his feelings.


Behavior is another indicator that will tell you more than words about a man's feelings. Remember, love is shown in deeds, not in words.

  • A man in love wants to show himself as a hero in front of a woman, so he can do some heroic deeds, for example, take a kitten from a high tree or something like that.
  • He will try to meet with you as often as possible, for example, arrange meetings on the street, in a cafe, at work, yes, anywhere, just to see you more often.
  • Pay attention to how he communicates with you and the people around him. With his beloved, he will be softer, courteous, polite.
  • A lover is interested in knowing everything about the subject of his love, so he will ask you many questions and listen carefully.
  • He will also try to talk about himself, his hobbies, and if you show interest in his hobby, then get even more inspired.
  • He wants to please you, make small gifts or fulfill your desires.

And the last thing I want to say: all of the above signs of a man’s love cannot be taken as true and applied to all guys. Remember, men are all different, so you need to evaluate them not only according to the template, but also depending on the situation and the character of the person.

Why does a man not talk about feelings

Now let's talk about why a man does not want to talk about his love. There may be several reasons for this. For example, he may have a family or be in a relationship with another girl whom he does not want to hurt.

Perhaps he was brought up in such a way that confession of feelings is implied as a sign of weakness, and what man wants to appear weak?

He can also be timid and unsure of himself. It is difficult for such a person to take a decisive first step.

It may also be that he is not sure of his feelings and does not want to give you vain hope.

In addition, there are such inveterate bachelors who simply do not want to change their lives even for the sake of their beloved.

Yours faithfully, Elena Nikandrova