More recently, people who have lost one or more teeth tried to open their mouths less often, embarrassed by their defect. With the advent of immediate prostheses, life has become much easier, because this temporary construction allows you to feel confident and calmly wait for the gums to heal after removal and subsequent installation of implants or a prosthesis.

The name comes from the English word "immediate", which means immediate. Such an orthopedic design is designed to replace both one and several teeth immediately after their removal. It performs the following tasks:

  • Resumes chewing function;
  • Does not allow displacement of teeth;
  • Helps accelerate the healing of the gums at the site of removal;
  • Prepares for wearing permanent dentures;
  • Allows you not to feel discomfort from a cosmetic defect.

The construction is made of nylon or acrylic, and is held in place with metal or plastic fasteners that are almost invisible. The use of these fasteners makes it possible to keep the adjacent teeth intact without grinding them.

The manufacture of a prosthesis takes from several days to a couple of weeks in especially difficult cases. Most often, the design is placed for the time required to restore the gums after tooth extraction and subsequent implantation. But sometimes it is worn as a permanent one. For example, if the body rejects implants, and the patient does not want to grind adjacent teeth to attach conventional prostheses.

Main types

All types of immediate dentures are removable. Depending on how many teeth need to be replaced, different types of structures are used.

Immediate "butterfly". Designed to replace one to three teeth. This type is ideal for the frontal area. It is called a butterfly due to the fact that its attachments, located along the edges of the main part, vaguely resemble the wings of this insect.

Partial. Designed to replace the space of four teeth. Most often it is installed in the masticatory region and is characterized by a more voluminous supporting part for better fixation.

Full. It is an excellent remedy for adentia. This type of prosthesis can be used as a permanent option, subject to quality workmanship. It is possible to install it based on implants.

Indications for use

The loss of even one tooth can lead to irreparable consequences for the whole organism. If it is not restored in time, the following changes occur:

  • Neighboring teeth tend to occupy the resulting space, which makes subsequent prosthetics difficult;
  • Malocclusion develops;
  • Teeth located on the opposite side loosen or change position;
  • Facial features are distorted;
  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract worsens.

To avoid all this, it is recommended to do prosthetics as soon as possible. But this is not always possible for various reasons. Among them can be both a banal lack of funds, and an allergy to the materials from which the prostheses are made. And sometimes the process of tissue restoration after tooth extraction is also delayed.

In this case, immediate prosthetics will come to the rescue, because this method will help to avoid all the above problems and wait for the installation of permanent prostheses without adverse health consequences and discomfort due to missing teeth.

Manufacturing rules

Preparation for the procedure can begin even before the extraction of teeth. This will allow you to better fit the design and make it more convenient. The main stages of direct prosthetics with immediate prostheses are:

  • Removal of casts from both jaws before removal;
  • Making a prosthesis using special equipment;
  • Trying on, and, if necessary, adjusting the structure.

If the prosthesis is made after the loss of teeth, this will only slightly complicate its fitting, but will not make the design less comfortable. As for the choice between nylon and acrylic, it is better to stop at the first option. Although nylon is several times more expensive, it is more durable and comfortable to wear. Acrylic is very fragile, so structures made of it quickly break.

Immediate prosthesis "butterfly" is easy way return of an aesthetic and healthy smile. They are made quickly and installed absolutely painlessly. Butterfly prosthetics is the cheapest way, as a result of which the patient will receive, which practically does not differ from relatives.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding to install an immediate prosthesis, you should get more information about this method of restoring teeth. After all, this method, like all the others, has certain features that characterize it from different angles.

Although this method of prosthetics has appeared relatively recently, it has earned the high praise of many people. Most of those who have used it, note its positive aspects. Benefits include qualities such as:

  1. No need to grind neighboring teeth, which prolongs their life.
  2. Complete naturalness. The prosthesis is almost invisible in the mouth, especially if its fasteners are made of plastic.
  3. Manufacturing speed. The design does not need to be often tried on and adjusted for a long time. Usually one sample is sufficient.
  4. Permissibility of both temporary and permanent use. The main thing is not to forget to change the design every 4 months.
  5. Possibility of installation immediately after tooth extraction. In this case, no one will guess about your problems.
  6. Easy to operate. It will not be difficult to learn how to manage such a device.
  7. Hassle-free care. To maintain the prosthesis in order does not require much effort and time.
  8. Low cost compared to other types of prosthetics.

If we talk about the negative aspects of this recovery method, then there are relatively few of them. Among them are the following points:

  1. Fragility. It's in more applies to acrylic models.
  2. Short service life.
  3. Not always strong fixation, especially if the patient has a malocclusion.
  4. Addiction problems that only a small percentage of people experience.

In some cases, the installation of an immediate prosthesis is not possible. The design is not suitable for those who have deformation of the jaw bones or pathological tooth mobility.

Care instructions

  • Be sure to remove 2 times a day and rinse with warm water or a special solution, and then clean with a regular paste;
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • The device should be stored only in a special solution;
  • Before removing or putting on, you should put a towel or napkin in the sink so that the design does not break if accidentally dropped.

It is not necessary to remove such a prosthesis at night, and it is forbidden to do this for the first 10-12 days after installation. In order to quickly get used to the foreign structure in the mouth, you should first give preference to softer food, and if you have problems with diction, read aloud.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the installation of a "butterfly" is an excellent solution for people who are faced with the problem of prosthetics. But before installing it, it is still recommended to weigh all the pros and cons of the design and listen to the opinion of a specialist.

A removable immediate denture is made of plastic (acrylic or nylon) and is placed for the time required to restore the jaw after the removal of one (butterfly) or all teeth.

Repair and relocation, i.e. adjustment to restore a snug fit in a nylon immediate prosthesis is most often not possible due to the nature of the material. Casts for creating an immediate prosthesis are often taken before the tooth is extracted.

The installation of an immediate prosthesis is most often carried out in place of the front teeth and includes the following steps:

  • removal of the impression;
  • production (takes about 2-3 days);
  • removal of a tooth;
  • fitting the prosthesis in the oral cavity;
  • correction;
  • recommendations for the care of the prosthesis.

You can find out the exact cost of installing this prosthesis in our clinic during a free preliminary consultation. Dentistry "All yours!" regularly pleases customers with special offers: follow our promotions.

Price for an immediate prosthesis

Terms of wearing an immediate prosthesis

The prosthesis, as a rule, must be worn for 1-2 months - this is the time required to restore the jaw after tooth extraction. If the prosthesis is needed for the period of engraftment of implants, i.e. from 3 months to six months, it is recommended to give preference to an acrylic structure, since it is more likely to require relocation or repair.

Immediate prosthesis: indications for installation

The most common indication for the installation of this prosthesis is the need to immediately replace lost teeth. A removable temporary denture is needed to:

  • improve appearance patient's jaw (see photo before and after prosthetics);
  • restore, albeit with limitations, chewing function after the loss of one or more teeth: after installing an immediate prosthesis, it is not recommended to eat too hard food, for example, drying and crackers, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, shish kebab, etc .;
  • creating pressure on the wound surface, smooth out the bony protrusions that form after the extraction of teeth, reducing the period before the installation of a permanent prosthesis;
  • exclude dentoalveolar deformities, i.e. displacement of the remaining teeth towards the removed ones.

Removable prosthesis Butterfly belongs to the group of temporary dental structures, and are installed only until a permanent prosthesis is made.

This type of construction has another name - an immediate prosthesis.

This type of prosthetics is widely used in dentistry.

What is immediate prosthetics?

Butterfly - this is used to fix it next to the extracted tooth for the period of manufacture of the main prosthesis, most often such a prosthesis is installed on one tooth, less often on two.

The immediate looks like an ordinary tooth, on the sides of which there are special attachments in the form of "wings". It is because of this form that the prosthesis got its name.

A temporary tooth protects the gums from damage in the area where the tooth was removed. It also performs an aesthetic function.

It is used in the event that installation is planned in the future or (usually on the front tooth).

It is he who is often used to eliminate the gap in the front teeth, since the latter can cause moral suffering, especially for the fairer sex, for whom outer beauty plays an important role in life.

Varieties of the prosthesis

Despite the limited use of this design, the butterfly prosthesis is divided into two types:

  • for partial prosthetics;
  • for complete dentures.

The first type of prosthesis is used if it is necessary to close the gap in order to keep healthy neighboring teeth in place for the period while a permanent prosthesis or crown is being made. The second, in turn, is a replacement for the entire dentition and is used at the preparatory stage before installing a permanent prosthesis.

The material from which the butterflies are made is also different. They can be nylon or acrylic. Nylon prostheses are characterized by special softness, flexibility and lightness. Acrylic ones are more natural and also cheaper.

IN Lately Immediates from soft hypoallergenic plastics began to gain popularity.

Solution features

In modern dentistry, two types of structures are used, which differ from each other in the material of the clasps. They can be made of metal or plastic. In the first case, you need to be prepared for the fact that with a smile they will be visible. However, they are often chosen for their reliability.

As for plastic retaining hooks, prostheses with them can be applied both to retaining teeth and to areas of the oral mucosa, which is adjacent directly to the defect site.

In addition, some designs have a slight expansion of the base, which is adjacent to the sky on the back of the dentition.

The area of ​​this part is very small, but it serves to increase the stability of the prosthesis. This is facilitated by the use of a special fixing cream.

Indications and contraindications for the installation of the structure

  • if it is necessary to restore the chewing function of the tooth, but you need to remember that too hard food can damage the prosthesis;
  • to preserve soft tissues after surgery, as a result of which they will not need to be built up to install a permanent prosthesis;
  • for the reconstruction of the integrity of the dentition, which will increase the aesthetics of the smile;
  • when there is a need to replace a missing tooth in order to save adjacent organs due to the presence of periodontal disease;
  • when preparing soft tissues for the installation of a permanent implant (it is not always possible to do this immediately after tooth extraction).

As such, there are no contraindications to the installation of an immediate, however, there are factors that can prevent this, and these are exclusively the technical characteristics of the oral cavity:

  • deformities of the jaw bones, which can be both congenital and acquired;
  • destroyed adjacent teeth, which makes it impossible to fix the prosthesis.

The prosthesis does not have any negative impact on the body.

How is the manufacturing and installation process going?

The whole process takes place in several stages, and the doctor strictly observes the maximum accuracy in the calculations, otherwise the prosthesis simply does not fit in the place prepared for it.

The main manufacturing steps are:

The prosthesis is absolutely not felt by the patient. In the course it is not demanding, it is easy to remove it yourself for cleaning.

If the prosthesis is made to replace several teeth at once, the work is almost identical, but the attention that the dentist pays to the teeth that serve as a support for the prosthesis should be closer.

If they are problematic, unpleasant sensations may appear while wearing the prosthesis. The use of a temporary nylon prosthesis will help to correct the situation, since it is more flexible and softer.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of this type of prosthetics are:

safety for neighboring teeth, since they remain completely untreated (neither before installing the crown, nor during fitting the shape of the prosthesis), all manipulations are carried out with the prosthesis itself;

  • high aesthetics due to the naturalness of the artificial tooth (it is visible only if metal is used in the manufacture of cleats);
  • production speed: the whole process takes several days (an impression is made at the first visit, the prosthesis is already installed on the second visit, additional adjustment may be required when using a cast frame);
  • the possibility of using it as a temporary (for wound healing after tooth extraction and before the planned implantation, which is delayed for a certain period) and a permanent structure, and it is possible to make a prosthesis even before tooth extraction, which will allow it to be used immediately after the manipulation (this will allow the patient not to experience discomfort that occurs in the presence of a lumen);
  • the possibility of using at;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost;
  • long service life.

Despite the large number of obvious advantages, do not forget about the disadvantages. Although they are much smaller, they can influence the choice.

In particular, the disadvantages are:

  • the use of metal hooks (this design is made in the case when plastic clamps are unable to thoroughly fix the prosthesis on adjacent teeth);
  • insufficient fixation (observed very rarely due to the individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw).

In any case, the decision on the advisability of using the prosthesis is made only by the doctor on the basis of the examination and subsequent treatment.


As a rule, this design is used as a temporary measure. That is why, those materials that are used in the manufacture of the Butterfly prosthesis are selected in such a way that the patient does not feel discomfort while wearing it.

The service life depends on the timing of the manufacture of permanent implants and can range from two weeks to six months. However, such prostheses can be used much longer.

While wearing this design of a temporary prosthesis, you can easily maintain oral hygiene, since it can be removed and put on by yourself.

From the practice of patients

Butterfly dentures are in high demand in dentistry, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.

I lost part of my front tooth after a car accident. Everything would be fine, but I had to be a witness at the wedding of my best friend. And, of course, in this form, I could not appear there. Turning to the dental clinic, the doctor advised me to remove the butterfly prosthesis. Made it pretty fast, no discomfort was not immediately. He just saved me.

Irina, 23 years old

I almost never had problems with my teeth, I went to the dentist only for preventive examinations. But then problems began with one of the incisors. The treatment took a lot of time, effort and money, but in the end it was removed anyway. There is no money for an implant, the doctor advised me to put the implant in for a while. And I never regretted it. Convenient and very inexpensive.

Svetlana, 47 years old

Expert opinion

Many patients refuse removable dentures, arguing that there is a feeling of discomfort and the need to remove them daily for cleaning. But in reality this is not so. If the prosthesis is made in accordance with the size of the jaw, there is no discomfort. This is facilitated by the use of soft materials such as nylon or soft plastic.

Valery Leonidovich, work experience 9 years

Issue price

The cost of manufacturing and installing a butterfly in different clinics is different, and can range from 5.5 to 25 thousand rubles. Price depends on the prestige of the clinic, the level and professionalism of the dentists and dental technicians working in it.

As for the materials used, the cost can be reduced by replacing plastic with metal in the manufacture of hooks.

Such a cost is not considered low for a temporary prosthesis, but many patients can wear it for years, which significantly reduces the cost of construction.

Removable orthopedic construction - immediate prosthesis, took its name from the English word immediate. Translated into Russian, it means "immediately." This prosthesis often saves the situation immediately after tooth extraction. It is also credited with the name "butterfly" due to its special design features: it has the appearance of an artificial crown part of the tooth, equipped with special hooks on the sides, which makes it look like a butterfly or a bird (which is why some patients mistakenly call it an immediate prosthesis "bird") .

The prosthesis has a soft base, the color of which corresponds to the natural tissues of the mucosa. With the help of hooks - clasps, the prosthesis is fixed to the dental units located on the sides of the defect. For a stronger fixation, a special adhesive used for removable dentures can be used.

Solving the problem of adentia, and in particular its aesthetic component, with the help of an immediate prosthesis is a quick, painless and quite economical way to restore integrity and former attractiveness to the smile, and to the patient - self-confidence.

Indications and functions of the immediate prosthesis

Indications for use - almost all situations in which restoration of the dentition is required. With the help of a prosthesis, it is possible to effectively fill the “gap” in a smile; it can be used if it is necessary to restore one or more adjacent teeth.

“Immediate prosthesis is an excellent way to prevent the psycho-emotional discomfort of a patient who has lost a tooth - it replaces the defect during the entire time of bridge production or in preparation for . In my practice, I quite often resort to the installation of an immediate prosthesis before prosthetics of the anterior teeth,” notes a dentist-orthopedist with a work experience of 12 years, a member of the StAR (“Dental Association of Russia”), Barinov N.A.

It should be noted that the design performs several important functions at once:

  • aesthetic: fills the "gap" of a smile and relieves discomfort,
  • chewing: helps to fully chew food and withstand chewing loads,
  • insulating: reliably protects the wound surface, reduces the risk of inflammation of tissues damaged after tooth extraction,
  • stabilizing: serves as a prevention of the displacement of the remaining teeth, occupying an empty space. The prosthesis maintains the desired position of the remaining units of the row, reduces the likelihood of structural changes in the bone.

Contraindications for fixation

Immediate prosthesis has relatively few contraindications. These include some specific deformations of the bone tissue of the jaws, as well as the inability to fix the prosthesis on the abutment teeth. This may be due to both deformation and the absence or mobility of the teeth surrounding the row defect.

Types of immediate prostheses

In dentistry, there are several types of immediate prostheses. They are divided according to several criteria.

According to the material of manufacture, acrylic is also distinguished. The first is a soft, elastic construction that can be effectively used to restore up to three units of a row. The second group - more rigid prostheses, however, more durable.

According to the type of fixing structure of immediate prostheses, it is customary to distinguish them in 2 varieties: with metal and plastic fixing elements (the first are made in the form of a kind of hooks, the second look like clasps). It is worth noting that in the first case, the metal will be quite clearly visible when smiling, but its advantages include the strength of fixation. Most often it is used for prosthetics of chewing teeth.

When fixing, plastic elements involve not only units of a row, but also soft tissues to a certain extent - there is an extension at the base of the prosthesis, which also makes it possible to guarantee the stability of the orthopedic structure. Such prostheses are an excellent solution for making up for row defects that are visible to others when smiling.

Advantages and disadvantages

The prosthesis "butterfly" has a number of significant advantages:

  • the absence of a preparatory stage in the form of turning adjacent teeth: when fitting the structure, it is processed, and not the supporting dental units,
  • lack of surgical intervention, violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes,
  • aesthetics: restoring the integrity of a smile, even in this temporary way, for many patients is an opportunity to avoid self-doubt and psychological discomfort,

“Recently, I was given an immediate prosthesis to replace an extracted tooth, I must say that the aesthetics are excellent - it is not conspicuous, in conversation and when smiling it is not at all noticeable to others. It didn’t take long to get used to it either, it didn’t interfere even at the stage of healing of the hole ”

Denis O., fragment of a message from a dental forum

  • Efficiency of production: during the first visit, the doctor will make an impression, and the installation is carried out at the next visit. More time will be needed only in the manufacture of a structure with a cast frame,
  • possibility of use as a temporary measure,
  • ease of use: you can put and remove the prosthesis yourself, it does not require special care,
  • affordable price: a nylon immediate prosthesis for one tooth costs an average of 5.5 thousand rubles, acrylic - 7-10 thousand rubles. If it is necessary to replace all defects, the cost can be about 25-40 thousand rubles.

However, it is worth paying attention to the disadvantages of such a solution: the structures are fragile and short-lived when compared with other methods of prosthetics. In some cases, they cause addictive difficulties - temporary speech defects, some discomfort in the oral cavity. Also, they cannot be worn for more than the allotted period (from two weeks to six months in the case of dental implantation). Nominally, they can last longer - only the aesthetics of a smile, alas, will get worse, because materials such as acrylic and nylon tend to absorb odors and food coloring.

Technology and manufacturing stages

The manufacturing steps are as follows:

  1. taking an impression of the tooth before extraction. The doctor takes into account the features of adjacent teeth (they must be strong and healthy enough), because they will act as a support for the prosthesis,
  2. manufacturing and correction of fixing parts in accordance with the parameters of the teeth adjacent to the defect,
  3. fitting, fitting (correction) if necessary, fixing.

The technique of manufacturing an immediate prosthesis is supplemented by one more step if the prosthetics is carried out some time after the extraction of the tooth. The doctor creates a control, intermediate model. It is tried on, and only after that the specialists of the dental laboratory create the final version, which will eventually be fixed in the oral cavity.

As a rule, the manufacture of an immediate prosthesis takes no longer than a few hours.

Note! Solutions for anterior teeth have a more complex structure, so the production time may vary: as a rule, the creation of a "butterfly" takes about 1-2 days.

Features of care

Food particles tend to accumulate under any removable orthopedic structure, so careful hygiene is very important. Care of prostheses of this type consists in the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to remove the structure at least twice a day: it must be washed with running water without the use of detergents,
  • rinse the “butterfly”, if possible, after each snack and a full meal,
  • after washing, the prosthesis should be cleaned with a brush, toothpaste (no need to use pastes with a high degree of abrasiveness - this will cause scratches and complicate hygiene),
  • when removing the prosthesis at night, it is necessary to place it in a special solution (liquids - rinses with chlorhexidine, previously diluted in water, for example, President, Corega, etc.).

“I recommend that my patients do not remove the prosthesis for the first few days, even at night - this accelerates addiction, and from 3-4 days of wearing around the clock, as a rule, there is no harm. Nevertheless, after getting used to it, it is important not to forget to remove the structure - this will extend its service life, as well as preserve the natural shade, ”- comments the orthopedist, chief physician of the capital's dental clinic Anisimova E.I.

Life time

The design can last about 2-3 years, but doctors recommend using the prosthesis as a temporary measure for no longer than 6 months. As a rule, this time is quite enough for the manufacture of a permanent solution and thoughtful preparation for fixed prosthetics.

Related videos

1 Lunitsyna Yu.V. Immediate prosthesis as a means of social and psychological adaptation of patients with severe periodontitis, scientific article, 2011

An immediate prosthesis is a temporary removable structure that is used by the patient during the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis. Most often, an immediate prosthesis is used during dental implantation. The titanium root can engraft up to several months, so the missing tooth is replaced by a temporary system for this time. The use of such structures is necessary for several reasons. Neighboring teeth are trying to fill the space vacated after the removal of a diseased or damaged tooth, which means that temporary dentures are needed to avoid displacement of the dentition and prevent related complications. In addition, they take on part of the chewing load, which is very important for the proper absorption of food, and also perform an aesthetic function.

Varieties of immediate prostheses

Removable immediate dentures come in three types: full, partial, and butterfly dentures. Let's look at these systems in more detail.

This is a removable construction made of acrylic or nylon, which is designed to replace 1 to 3 teeth (in most cases 1-2). This prosthesis was so named because of the similarity of its supporting part with the wings of a butterfly, but in general its appearance resembles this insect only remotely. The butterfly-immediate prosthesis is suitable for temporary restoration of teeth both in the chewing and frontal areas, and its relatively low price makes it very popular among specialists and patients.

A partial immediate denture is placed when more than four teeth need to be restored. They look more bulky than butterfly prostheses and tend to have a larger support portion for ease of fixation. Such structures are often placed in the chewing region, as they help the rest of the teeth to participate in chewing food.

A removable full immediate prosthesis models the upper or lower jaw and is used for complete edentulous (absence of all teeth). The main difference of such a prosthesis is that it can serve as a permanent structure and be installed based on implants (covering dentures on implants).

Making an immediate prosthesis

Modern removable dentures look very natural and are almost invisible in the oral cavity, which is especially important in case of tooth loss in the frontal zone. Most immediate dentures are made of plastic-based materials and have a soft base that mimics the gum and part of the palate. At the moment, one of the highest quality and most comfortable structures of this type is considered to be a nylon immediate prosthesis, which does not cause allergies and has high aesthetic values.

The manufacture of an immediate prosthesis takes place in a dental laboratory. The whole process takes very little time - from one or two days to a week. An immediate prosthesis for the anterior teeth is considered a more complex system, so the waiting time for the finished structure in this case may increase, but only slightly.

Cons of immediate dentures

As already mentioned, an immediate prosthesis copes well with the role of a temporary structure and allows you to restore some of the functions of a lost tooth, as well as hide aesthetic defects. However, there are also disadvantages. Among the shortcomings of immediate prostheses, one can single out their fragility and fragility, and in some cases, difficulties with addiction (discomfort and deterioration in diction). However, modern systems are considered quite comfortable and aesthetic, so the patient usually does not have big difficulties.

Immediate prosthesis - price in Moscow

The price of an immediate prosthesis varies and depends on the number of teeth to be replaced and the materials used. A simple acrylic prosthesis for 1 tooth will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, and the latest generation nylon construction with multiple loss of teeth can reach up to 30-40 thousand rubles. You can make a choice in favor of one or another system and find out about the final amount of treatment after consultation with a specialist, so do not postpone treatment if you understand that it is necessary.