Ramson is a world-famous ingredient in spring snacks and salads. Its taste is devoid of excessive bitterness inherent in the closest "relatives" - onions and garlic. We bring to your attention recommendations for harvesting wild garlic - our recipes will help you preserve the taste of this healthy vegetable crop until the new harvest.

- a worthy representative of the Onion family. Its habitat is quite wide - residents of Central, Southern and Northern Europe, the Caucasus and Turkey are familiar with the medicinal and nutritional qualities of this plant.

Having decided to cook dishes based on wild garlic or start harvesting it, it is worth remembering that young leaves of wild garlic grown in coolness are considered the most delicious (the optimum temperature is 12–17 ° C). Heat and drought spoil the taste of this plant.

The aerial part of the wild garlic begins to be harvested in April - May, but the turn of the bulbs comes only in the fall. After harvesting, the raw materials are sorted out, freed from dirt and used to prepare various dishes and preparations (fresh wild garlic quickly loses quality).

special instructions

Ramson is rarely grown on their plots - the high distribution of this crop allows you to harvest rich crops in the wild. Therein lies the danger, appearance wild garlic leaves are similar to the leaves of some poisonous plants (autumn colchicum, lily of the valley). Only the characteristic garlic smell inherent in wild garlic helps to avoid mistakes.

Frozen wild garlic

The wild garlic is sorted out, washed, dried, laid out on a towel, and put in plastic bags (each of them should contain a single portion of useful grass). Tightly tied or sealed bags are stored in the freezer for no longer than 9-12 months.

Marinated wild garlic

  • wild garlic stalks
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1-1 ½ tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 150 ml

The wild garlic stems are cut, washed thoroughly and soaked for a couple of hours in cold water (this allows you to remove bitterness). Meanwhile, prepare the marinade, which includes water, sugar and salt (vinegar is added last). Soaked wild garlic stalks are tied into small bunches (up to 20 pieces), placed vertically in tall jars and poured with warm (not hot) marinade. Half-liter jars are sterilized in boiling water for five minutes and rolled up.

Winter harvesting of wild garlic

  • Cheremsha
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vinegar

Young shoots of wild garlic are tied into bunches and boiled, changing the water several times (due to this, the garlic smell practically disappears). Prepared shoots are poured with a salted to taste mixture consisting of vinegar and vegetable oil(the optimal ratio is 1:3). Banks are closed with nylon lids and stored in a dark and cool place.

Salted wild garlic

  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 l
  • Cheremsha
  • condiments

Young shoots of wild garlic are washed, tied into small bunches and filled with them in a barrel, layered with allspice and black pepper, horseradish, oak, blackcurrant and mint leaves. Salted cold water is poured into the barrel and the product is put under oppression for about a month.

Harvesting for green cabbage soup

  • Sorrel - 800 g
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Ramson - 200 g
  • Water - 200 g

Ramson and sorrel are washed, allowed to dry, finely chopped, placed in an enamel bowl and poured with cold salted water to taste. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, laid out in prepared jars, poured with the remaining liquid and rolled up with lids.

Wild garlic tincture

Ramsons are thoroughly washed, crushed and poured with good vodka in a ratio of 1:5. The tincture is kept in a dark place for a month. Outwardly, it is used for bruises, sciatica and rheumatism, and inside it is used as an anti-sclerotic, tonic and antimicrobial agent. Externally and internally, the tincture is prescribed for a strong cough.

It is a pity that it is not very popular - the barbaric methods of collecting natural raw materials lead to the depletion of the useful culture.

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Ramson or wild garlic is an amazing herb that has many beneficial properties for the human body. It belongs to the bulbous perennial plants, but propagated mainly by seeds. Small bulbs are formed from a single leaf base. Its leaves are narrow, elliptical, up to 25 centimeters long, up to 7 centimeters wide and with a petiole about 20 centimeters long.

When flowering, it forms small star-shaped white flowers with a diameter of about 16-20 mm with stamens shorter than the perianth.

It grows almost everywhere, from the Caucasus up to the tundra. Likes damp shady places. Wild garlic is called bear's onion, wild garlic, flask, kalba.

It can be eaten raw or cooked, added to soups, salads, stews, sauces and other dishes.

With all its many advantages, wild garlic is not stored for a long time and the season of its collection is limited to a short period. The easiest way to prepare it for the winter is to dry or freeze.

In addition to these two methods, there are other methods for harvesting wild garlic for the winter:

  • Prepare the pesto sauce;
  • Canned with oil;
  • Make alcohol extract;
  • Pickle or pickle.

How to prepare wild garlic tincture

This tincture is more used as a medicine.


  • wild garlic leaves
  • 500 ml vodka

How to make wild garlic tincture

Rinse the collected leaves thoroughly with cold water and pat dry.

Finely chop and fill the jar with them, tamping with a wooden spoon.

Pour vodka over the leaves.

Put in a warm bright place for 2-3 weeks.

Strain and squeeze the raw material well.

Take tincture of 10-15 drops, diluted with water.

Shelf life - 3 years. But it is better to do it every year.

Wild garlic pesto


  • wild garlic leaves
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts)
  • Olive oil
  • Chilli
  • Lemon

How to make pesto sauce

Rinse the wild garlic thoroughly with cold water.

Shake off the water and let dry for a while.

Put the leaves in a blender. Add salt, pepper and nuts.

Turn on and puree.

Pour in enough oil so that the paste is not very greasy.

Mix and place in clean sterilized jars. Close with lids.

Keep refrigerated. Serve as a side dish with pasta, fish, meat and other dishes.

Ramson with butter

Adding oil to salted wild garlic will extend its shelf life.


  • 500 grams of wild garlic leaves
  • 500 ml olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to pickle wild garlic with butter

Rinse the leaves well with cold water and dry.

Coarsely chop and put in a food processor, adding oil and salt.

Grind to puree.

Transfer to clean, dry jars, making sure a small amount of oil covers the contents.

Close with lids. Store in refrigerator or basement. Shelf life - up to one year.

Pickled wild garlic leaves for the winter

For pickling, you only need two ingredients: wild garlic and salt. Salts take 2% of the wild garlic weight, i.e. per 1 kg - 20 grams of salt.

Wash the wild garlic and dry the leaves. Chop and place in a large bowl or saucepan.

Sprinkle with salt and mash with your hands until the juice comes out.

Cover with a plate and put the load (a jar of water or other). The main thing is that all the leaves are immersed in the released juice. If it is not enough, you can add filtered boiled cold water or mineral water without gas. Leave it like that overnight.

In the morning, transfer to a jar and tamp tightly. Press down on top.

Close the jar with a lid or tissue paper. Put for 2 weeks in a cool place.

Pierce the leaves daily with a wooden stick to expel the gases produced during fermentation.

Divide into smaller jars and seal with plastic lids.

Store in a cool place. Use an opened jar within a maximum of two weeks.

Salted wild garlic stalks (pickled)


  • 1 kg stems
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 liter of water

Prepare the ramson stalks by removing the leaves.

Rinse well with cold water and let it drain.

Prepare brine. To do this, bring water to a boil and add salt and sugar. Boil for a couple of minutes after dissolving the salt and sugar. Remove from stove and cool to room temperature.

Put the stems in a saucepan or a large deep bowl. Pour in prepared brine.

Cover with a plate on top and place the load, so that all the steles are completely covered with liquid.

Put in a cool place for 2 weeks. Pierce the wild garlic daily and remove the resulting foam from the surface.

If necessary, rinse the plate and load so that the wild garlic does not start to mold.

When the fermentation process is over, arrange the stems in clean jars. Pour in brine and close with a plastic lid.

Store in a cold place.

How to pickle wild garlic for the winter

Pickled mainly bulbs or flower arrows. Leaves are best frozen, dried or canned with oil.

For conservation wild garlic is harvested before the start of the flowering period.

Some preserve young flower arrows (buds) that are in the process of formation. You can pickle flowers. They are also edible and can decorate salads.

Most often it is done without sterilization, preparing a marinade with one vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. Such spicy wild garlic will be a good addition to fried meat.

The preparation process before canning is general:

The parts of the plant prepared for pickling are washed well with cold water;

Be sure to dry off the water with paper towels or a clean kitchen towel;

Tightly stacked in jars, shifting with spices and spices;

Water for the preparation of the marinade is taken filtered;

Bring to a boil and add vinegar, salt, sugar and boil for 2 to 5 minutes after the salt and sugar have dissolved;

Banks are sterilized over steam, heated in the oven or microwave. They must be dry;

Before sterilization, they are thoroughly washed with soda solution;

Sterilize the lids as well. New metal must be washed well with soda solution;

Prepared glass jars are poured with hot marinade and immediately sealed tightly with lids;

The jars are turned upside down and left to cool completely, covered with a terry towel, blanket or blanket;

Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic is ready in 1-2 weeks. Once opened, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Marinade for wild garlic

Wild garlic is most often marinated in small glass jars with a capacity of 250-500 grams.

For pickling, you can take bulbs, stems, flower buds.

The taste of the marinade depends on the amount of vinegar, sugar and salt.

The aroma is added by spices and spices: dill, chervil, celery, parsley, black peppercorns and fragrant, bay leaf.

How to pickle wild garlic marinade recipes

Option 1

For 1 liter of water:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 80 grams of table vinegar
  • 4-5 pieces of peppercorns
  • 2-3 bay leaves

Option 2

For 1 liter of water:

  • 50 grams of salt
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of table vinegar

Option 3

For 700 ml of water:

  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 50 grams of table vinegar

Pickled wild garlic bulbs

A very easy way to pickle wild garlic, which will be stored throughout the winter.


  • 5 cups onions (with small stalks)
  • 1.5 cups table vinegar
  • 2.5 cups of water
  • 3 tablespoons of salt
  • 0.25 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons mustard seeds
  • 2 tablespoons black peppercorns (you can mix with allspice)

How to cook

Trim the leaves, leaving a small stem. If necessary, clean the top layer.

Wash the bulbs. Pat dry on kitchen towels or paper towels.

Place in clean, sterilized jars.

Prepare marinade. To do this, boil water with salt, sugar, vinegar, adding mustard seeds and pepper.

Pour the hot brine over the wild garlic and immediately roll up the lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool.

Store in refrigerator or basement.

Marinated wild garlic with ginger and celery


  • 150 grams of wild garlic bulbs
  • 100 grams of white wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 0.5 teaspoon dried celery
  • 0.5 cm grated ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt

How to cook

Clean and wash the wild garlic bulbs. Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients and boil it for 5 minutes after boiling.

Place the bulbs tightly in a sterilized jar and pour over the marinade. Roll up lids. Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic with apple cider vinegar


  • 100 grams of wild garlic stalks
  • 5 sprigs (or dill umbrellas with seeds)
  • 200 ml water
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar

How to cook

Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients except the chervil.

Place the prepared stems in a clean, dry jar, shifting with chervil sprigs.

Pour in brine, roll up and put in a dark, cool place. In a week the wild garlic will be ready.

Marinated wild garlic for the winter


  • 1.5 kg wild garlic stalks

For marinade:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 liters of filtered water
  • 2 teaspoons table vinegar
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • Dill, black pepper and allspice

How to cook

Strip off all leaves. They can be used for pesto or marinated with butter.

Rinse well with cold water and pat dry.

Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients.

Put the stems in a clean, dry, sterilized jar, shifting them with spices and spices.

Pour hot marinade over and immediately roll up the lids.

Store in a cool place.

Marinated wild garlic with cinnamon


  • 1 kg wild garlic (with leaves)

For marinade:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 100 grams of table vinegar
  • 50 grams of salt
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon (ground)

How to cook

Sort the wild garlic, removing all withered and spoiled parts. Rinse well with cold water and pat dry.

Cut randomly and put in prepared jars.

Boil water and add vinegar, salt and sugar. When salt and sugar dissolve, add cinnamon.

Pour the wild garlic with hot marinade and immediately tighten the lid.

Cool by turning the jars upside down. Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic buds

This recipe uses unopened wild garlic flower buds. You need to collect them when they are still firm and dense, light green in color. The buds are sharp, but very beautiful and crispy.

They can be added as an appetizer to meat, cheese, salads or instead of capers.


  • Ramson buds - about 300 grams
  • White wine vinegar - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 50 grams
  • Salt - 5 grams
  • star anise
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece

How to cook

Wash the flower buds by cutting off the long stems. Dry and place in a sterilized jar.

Bring vinegar, salt and sugar to a boil. When the marinade boils, add bay leaf and anise.

Pour the buds with hot marinade and immediately tighten the lid.

Store in a cool place.

Tip: spices can be taken to your liking, wine vinegar can be replaced with regular or apple cider vinegar. But in this case, adjust the marinade to taste.

Pickled wild garlic flowers

Pickled wild garlic flowers are best eaten before the New Year.


  • 120 ml water
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 40 grams of vinegar

How to cook

Sort the collected flowers and rinse with cold water.

Lay out on a cloth and dry.

Put into small jars. Add spices to your taste: dill (seeds), peppercorns, cinnamon and others.

Prepare the marinade by boiling water, vinegar and sugar.

Pour the hot marinade over the flowers and seal tightly.

Store in a cool place.

Ramson is a vitamin gift of nature. But, unfortunately, the season is limited. To prolong the culinary pleasure, prepare for the future.

Pickled with vinegar, it can be stored for several years. But it is unlikely that it will last for such a long time.

Pickled and pickled wild garlic can be eaten as a separate dish, added to salads, soup, served with meat and poultry.

Marinated with little, it perfectly complements pasta and pasta, roasts, sauces, soup.

Do not be too lazy to collect it in the spring or buy it on the market to prepare for the future.

Herbaceous wild garlic plant pleases the eye already in May. This is one of the first types of greenery that appears with the advent of spring. Ramson has a strong aroma and taste, at the same time reminiscent of onions and garlic. Greens are filled with vitamin C, which is so lacking after a cold winter. Ramson grows for a short time, so it does not hurt to make small blanks for the future.

How to determine the freshness of wild garlic

A green plant for freshness can be checked as follows:

  • leaves should not be sluggish and rough.
  • from the greens comes a special, slightly garlicky smell.

Ramson is desirable to eat before flowering. It is during this period that it is most useful and nutritious.

How to store fresh wild garlic

When fresh, the plant does not last long - up to four days.

Greens should be carefully put into the bag, remove as much air as possible and close. You need to put the wild garlic in the refrigerator.

You can also put the greens in a jar of water so that only the petioles are drowned in the liquid. Leaves should remain on top of the water. Contains a bouquet with wild garlic in the refrigerator.

You can store fresh weed for a week, although the taste and smell will not be as rich. Outwardly, it will hardly change, but the content of useful substances will decrease several times.

If there is a lot of wild garlic, it is better to choose other ways to store it.

How to save wild garlic for the winter

The season of the onion plant is very short, so freezing will allow you to use this healthy herb year-round. First you need to do some preparatory operations:

  • Untie bunches of wild garlic.
  • Place in a wide bowl and cover with plenty of water. Let it swim for ten minutes.
  • Drain the water and rinse the leaves a few more times to make sure they are completely clean.
  • Spread the shoots on a towel, cover with another one and roll up like a rug. So the greens will quickly dry out, since the fabric will faithfully absorb water.

You can freeze not only leaves, but also petioles:

  • We cut greens, as for salads. We chop the petioles more finely.
  • Pour the wild garlic into small bags and twist into a roll. We fill bags with a clasp 2/3 full, remove the air and close.
  • We spread the wild garlic in the freezer.

We freeze the grass and in the form of mashed potatoes:

  • Grind coarsely chopped plants in a blender. We get a thick puree.
  • We lay it out in small molds made of silicone.
  • We send wild garlic to the freezer until the morning.
  • We take out the frozen puree from the molds, put it in a bag and tie it tightly.
  • We place the container with wild garlic in the same freezer.

Greens preserved in this form can be added to first courses, meat and vegetable stews, and egg dishes. It is also suitable for baking.

Freezing does not destroy the taste of wild garlic. Greens remain the same spicy and healthy for at least a year, or even a year and a half.

Other ways to save wild garlic

You can extend the storage time of wild garlic by three to four months by mixing the plant with salt:

  • Chop clean and dried herbs and place in a bowl.
  • Add salt (a teaspoon per 100 g of greens) and mix.
  • Put wild garlic in a glass container, tamp.
  • Close hermetically.

Video recipe for the occasion:

You can store greens outside the refrigerator - in the pantry or in the basement.


If you do not know how to freeze wild garlic for the winter, then this recipe will be a real salvation for you. At home, preparing such a beautiful plant is very simple, especially if there is a desire for this. In addition, it should be borne in mind that wild garlic is a very valuable plant in two areas at the same time, which we will now discuss in detail.
In cooking, wild garlic is considered a popular spice, as it has a strong pleasant aroma, which gives the dish cooked with it a special expressiveness. Various salads, first and second courses are prepared from such a stunning fragrant plant, and with the addition of wild garlic it is possible to prepare amazing snacks for the festive table. In addition, unique fillings for making pies are made from its leaves. In the Caucasus, this spice is slightly salted, and then they eat it with a bite of bread. Therefore, if you decide to diversify your assortment of blanks for the winter, then the idea with wild garlic is an excellent choice.
In addition to the fact that wild garlic is used for culinary purposes, it is also considered a medicinal plant, which is widely used in folk medicine. So, the plant is valued for the content of important trace elements, beneficial features which have a positive effect on the human body. For example, thanks to wild garlic, appetite is significantly improved, and the blood and stomach are completely cleansed. In addition, such a plant has a beneficial effect on the work digestive system person.
We suggest using step by step instructions this recipe photo and prepare a frozen spice for the winter.


How to freeze wild garlic? - recipe

Since there was a lot of greenery collected, we will prepare it for the winter in two different ways. First, let's put the wild garlic in the bath. Then fill it with plenty of water and rinse from dirt, various bugs and spiders. After that, we lower the water from the bath in order to fill it again with clean water. It is advisable to repeat this procedure several times.

Now half of the prepared spicy leaves are finely chopped and placed in special bags for freezing food. The filled bags are immediately sent to the freezer. This is the first way to freeze wild garlic at home.

Otherwise, wild garlic will be stored in jars. We pass the rest of the prepared leaves through a meat grinder and mix the resulting spicy mixture with rock salt. Then we spread the twisted greens in sterile jars and pour over the mixture sunflower oil. Store chopped wild garlic in jars in the refrigerator.

Thanks to such excellent preparations at home, you can independently make a unique mixture for meat and other dishes. To do this, you will need a bag of wild garlic that is not yet completely frozen, so that later it can be twisted through a meat grinder. As a result, the resulting mixture should be mixed with salt and add your favorite homemade adjika to it.

simple and easy way prepare wild garlic leaves for the winter - freeze.

Bear's onion (that's what wild garlic is called) is one of the most useful and delicious herbs that appears on our spring table very first. The duration of her season is only two or three weeks.

The only way to enjoy spicy greens throughout the year is to prepare it for future use. To do this, the housewives marinate, ferment and salt a spicy product.

Freezing grass is another way to maximize the taste and useful qualities of the fruit.

In this case, wild garlic leaves are frozen in large segments in portioned packages. This allows you to preserve all the taste qualities of greens as much as possible, as well as use it at your discretion.

You can make various salads from frozen wild garlic, add it to the fillings for salty pies, okroshka, and also sauté.

How to freeze wild garlic

Food wrap or bags;

Freezer bags;

1. We prepare wild garlic for freezing: we wash it under water and remove debris and dirt. We spread the leaves on a linen napkin, leave for several hours (to remove excess moisture).

2. Shred the wild garlic into two parts, separate the stems from the leaves.

3. We form small bundles from the prepared leaves and wrap each with a film.

4. We put the briquettes with wild garlic in a freezer bag, close it carefully, trying to remove excess air as much as possible, and send it to the freezer for storage.

Use frozen wild garlic leaves and stalks as you wish.

Since the season of the first spring greens is coming to an end, today we will tell you how to freeze wild garlic for the winter so that you can enjoy its unique beneficial properties throughout the year.

How to freeze wild garlic for the winter

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Of course, frozen wild garlic is not suitable for salads, but it perfectly flavors soups and borscht, stews and roasts, you can add it to chicken cutlets and cook delicious risotto, and cream-based sauce with a lot of wild garlic is also very tasty. This sauce has not only a wonderful taste and aroma, but also a wonderful emerald color, it goes well with fish dishes. If you do not have the opportunity to collect wild garlic in the forest, then in the nearest market you will find it in large quantities and at a low price. So, how to freeze wild garlic for the future, for the winter.

1. Prepare bunches of wild garlic and do not forget to buy bags for storing the workpiece in the freezer.

2. Sort the wild garlic, remove the spoiled leaves and wash it well in cold water to get rid of dust and sand.

3. Spread the washed leaves on a kitchen towel, they should dry well. You can blot them with paper towels, this will help get rid of excess moisture faster.

4. Finely chop the wild garlic leaves along with juicy white roots.

5. Place chopped spicy greens in freezer bags, do not stuff tightly, so that later you can easily take the right amount of frozen wild garlic for cooking. Put the filled bags in the freezer, frozen wild garlic is perfectly stored until the next season, without losing any bright color, no vitamins, no fragrant taste.

Freezing wild garlic for the winter at home is easy. All you need is fresh leaves and special freezer bags. See recipe with photo.

How to prepare wild garlic for the winter: pickle, salt, sour, freeze

In spring, in nature, and in someone's gardens, the first edible spring greens with a spicy-sweet spicy taste appear - wild garlic.

Recipes for preparing wild garlic blanks for the winter are always eaten first, sometimes not surviving until autumn

If you want to know how to cook wild garlic for the winter so that you have wonderful dishes from it on the table, read about different ways keep this delicious seasoning for several months.

Harvesting wild garlic for future use does not require special knowledge and skills, just follow proven recipes.

Salted wild garlic for the winter

  • wild garlic
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • water - 1 l
  • spices - allspice and black pepper, horseradish, oak, black currant and mint leaves

1. Wash the young shoots of wild garlic, tie them in small bunches and fill the barrel with them, layering with cooked seasonings.

2. Pour salted cold water into the barrel and put the workpiece under oppression for about a month.

Store in a cold place.

pickled wild garlic recipe

In some recipes for preserving wild garlic, various spices are put (pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, coriander), garlic, mustard grains.

Marinating wild garlic for the winter:

1. Rinse the greens thoroughly, chop or leave the stems whole.

2. Boil the water, salt it, put the wild garlic and let it boil for 1.5 minutes.

3. Transfer the leaves to sterilized jars, tamping.

4. Let the broth boil again, add vinegar and pour into jars with wild garlic.

5. Immediately roll up boiled lids, turn upside down and leave at room temperature to cool.

How to ferment wild garlic

How to ferment wild garlic:

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1. Rinse the freshly harvested wild garlic (leaves only) and chop finely.

2. Pack very tightly into liter jars in layers by a centimeter, generously sprinkling with coarse salt.

3. Leave open in a not too warm place in the shade for a week, daily piercing to the bottom with a wooden stick to release gases.

4. When fermentation is over, take it to the cellar or put it in the refrigerator.

How to freeze wild garlic in the freezer

1. Sort the wild garlic, discard all weak and damaged stems, rinse, dry, spread on a towel, and divide into portions, each of which should be enough for one time.

2. Tie the bags tightly, releasing the air, it would be better to seal them with an iron through the paper.

3. Put in the freezer for winter storage.

You can do it differently. Punch the washed and dried wild garlic greens in a blender until gruel, add a little olive oil so that water crystals do not appear when frozen, and arrange in ice molds.

Put on shock freezing for 5 hours. Dip the mold into the water, remove the wild garlic ice and put it in freezer bags.

Send to the freezer to wait in the wings. In winter, add to a variety of soups and sauces for spiciness and color.

Frozen wild garlic for the winter is stored in the freezer for no longer than 9-12 months, without losing its beneficial properties.

Wild garlic tincture

This tincture is quite popular both in cooking and as a means of traditional medicine.

It helps externally in the treatment of bruises, hematomas, any kind of rheumatic or sciatic pain.

Inside use as an anti-sclerotic and antimicrobial agent.

Externally and internally prescribed with a strong cough.

Often, the tincture is also used as a light tonic, which can be taken orally in small doses not exceeding a teaspoon per day.

To prepare the tincture of wild garlic, thoroughly wash, chop and pour high-quality vodka in a ratio of 1:5.

Keep the drug in a dark place for a month.

Can wild garlic be dried? Bear onions are not dried, because with this method of harvesting, it loses all its properties.

In spring, in nature, and in someone's gardens, the first edible spring greens with a spicy-sweet spicy taste appear - wild garlic. Recipes for preparing wild garlic blanks for the winter are always eaten first, sometimes not keeping up until the fall. If you want to know how to cook wild garlic for the winter, so that on your table