"Lada Priora" is a good car in its price category. Has good qualities. What attracts young people who get the rights and for the experience put up with any car, if only there was something to ride.

This makes this vehicle model quite popular. No wonder teenagers are wondering how to draw Priora. After all, some still at school sit in the classroom, forgetting about the teacher, and think about the desired car, about the speedy coming of age. At such moments, in boring lessons, you can occupy yourself with thoughts about the car, and in order for it to appear in reality as soon as possible, you need to reflect dreams on paper. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to draw "Lada Priora" with a pencil.

Preparatory stage

Based on the lesson below, you can learn to draw without special skills. To do this, you need a sheet of paper, you can use a notebook, a pencil (one is enough, you don’t need to buy a set). Take an eraser if the pencil is plain and not colored. It is not so important, but if there is no experience in this lesson, then it is better to play it safe. When you have collected everything you need, you can start learning how to draw Priora. The work is easy and interesting.

Back view drawing

To begin with, it’s easier to learn how to draw a rear view, and then, having gained experience and skills, you can try a different angle. It is better to have two pencils with you: soft and hard. The first is suitable for creating sketches, as it is subsequently easily erased with an eraser, and the second is needed to draw details.

So, how to draw "Lada Priora" with a pencil in stages?

Outline and Front

The first step is to create an outline. With a light pressure of the pencil on the paper, draw two parallel, slightly inclined lines and one at the bottom. Two curves pass through them from the left side, and from the right side the same ones below. Between the latter there is another segment (similar to the letter "n").

Now we proceed to a detailed analysis of the front wing. We make one of the contours clearer. We finish drawing the front, the door handle and the arch under the wheel. The lines should be smooth, curved so that the image does not look flat.

We give clarity to the middle side of the front. Add lines at the bottom to show that the car is in motion.

The picture becomes more and more like the real thing. We are engaged in drawing the details of the machine. Draw the front mirror, but you can't do it with a simple rectangle, because the picture will be flat. Sketch the shape of the parallelogram, proceed from it, drawing the mount to the car and the sides, on the left side they should be larger.

Drawing and back

Now the stage of drawing the rear wing with the door begins. We start with the arch of the future wheel, we depict it according to the same principle as the arch at the front. We draw a straight line, which we still have left from the first stage. Schematically showing the lines of the bumper.

Here it becomes clear that the algorithm of how to draw Priora is simple. If at first everything somehow did not converge, it was necessary to erase and redraw, then everything is much easier with a roof. We make a sketch of the lines of the roof, mark the windows.

We proceed to the creation of the trunk and body. Draw the existing lines and add some elements. Make the headlights LED, which means that there is an oval and a circle inside the shape. Draw a place under the license plate, it should look like a parallelogram with the edges rounded at the bottom.

Now we complement the lower part of the rear bumper with additional lines and details.


We finish the wheels, the arches for which are already there. In the arches we draw two semicircles, one that is smaller, inside the other. And another circle in the center. Literally two lines help to achieve the volume of the tires.

Since the car is depicted in motion, we add some strokes on the wheels.

How to draw "Priora" without cool, fashionable disks? This is impossible! To achieve the desired effect will allow circles of different diameters. It is not necessary to make them stamped, you can draw ordinary disks or any others.

On final stage remove all the extra lines that were at the beginning, and circle the main ones more brightly.

If there is only a pencil at hand, then the work is ready, but if you have pens or paints, it is better to add colors to the drawing.

Now you know how to draw a Lada Priora car step by step. Once you've learned how to draw the back view, move on to learning the front. See more photos and draw.

Lada Priora is a very popular car among our Russian motorists. She is in no way inferior to cool foreign cars. This car is produced at the Avtovaz plant. It was created on the basis of the previous car of the same plant VAZ-2110. Only auto designers did a good job and made a lot of changes that improved this outdated car and as a result the Lada Priora was born. Many want to learn how to draw this car. Here we will draw the Lada Priora in stages with a pencil, and then color it. Our car is a little trimmed. The body is slightly lowered, and the windows are tinted. So let's get started!

Stage 1. We first draw sketches of the lines of the future Lada Priora. Two lines parallel to each other at the top of a sheet of paper. One straight line at the bottom. Between them are two curves on one side of the sheet. Two curves on the other side, connected by a convex line downwards.

Stage 2. We begin to draw the front wing. See how it's done in an enlarged view. Let's draw the contour of the wing, it is slightly curved. Under it we designate in the form of an arch a recess in the body under the front wheel. We make this arch a double line.

Stage 3. Now we draw the middle lower part of the body. This is the location of the front door. We draw straight lines at the bottom and two convex lines from the wheel - the place of the door.

Stage 5. Draw the roof of the car. From the roof down are the lines of the front and middle windows. At the back we show a sloping rear window.

Stage 6. Let's point out some small parts of the machine. This is, for example, the front mirror. It is mounted at the front window and the driver sees everything that is happening behind the car. Look at the enlarged view of how to draw it. This is a small rectangle, almost a square, attached to a special holder.

Stage 7. We draw a back part of a body. Here is the trunk, where you can put various items you need on the road. Headlights (a small circle and an oval) should be placed along its edges. And at the bottom of this part on a special plate are the numbers of the car.

Stage 8. Now we need to show the rear bumper. This is such a lower part at the back, protruding slightly forward from the general body of the car. The reflective element is shown on the bumper with a small rectangle.

Stage 9. It's time to draw the wheels of our Lada Priora. We draw semicircles under the arches, do it with double lines and show the thickness of the wheel with more lines.

Stage 10. We draw several strokes on each wheel. On tires and in the center.

Stage 12. This is what the black and white version of our car looks like.

The modern auto industry surprises and delights car fans with a colossal variety of models that were difficult to even imagine just a few years ago, and accordingly, there are much more opportunities for artistic depiction. But in order to realize this creative impulse and draw a car, you need to know some subtleties.

What will be required

In addition to patience and perseverance, to create a drawing of a machine, you will need:

Useful Tricks

What to do if you really want to make a drawing, but there are not enough skills?

You can use some tips that will allow you to find a compromise between desires and opportunities.

We draw Lada Priora

The popularity of the Lada Priora car is explained very simply: a good price, relatively good quality, but even in the event of an unforeseen situation on the road, it’s not particularly a pity. So for young people who have just received a license, such a car is a great option. So teenagers are happy to engage in graphic materialization of their dreams, namely, they draw Priora BPAN.

This is interesting. The abbreviation BPAN stands for No Landing Auto No and refers to the community of motorists who prefer cars with modified suspension in the direction of lower ground clearance.


  1. We start with sketches of the typewriter, that is, we draw two parallel lines - above and below.

    We start the drawing by drawing auxiliary lines

  2. Between these segments, draw two curved lines on both sides.
  3. We take the left wing, making its contour slightly curved on the left.
  4. Under it is an arch for the front wheel. To make the arch line more voluminous, we make it double.

    For the volume of the arch, we make its line double

  5. We draw the middle and side parts of the machine.

    Making the door line curved

  6. The next task is to show the back door and fender. We make a line parallel to the lower part of the body.
  7. We show the arch under the wheel.
  8. We outline the line of the rear bumper.

    We draw the lines of the bumper, the arches under the rear wheel and the lower part of the body

  9. Let's go to the roof. We make two perpendiculars of the front and middle windows. Draw a smooth line sloping rear window.

    Windshield and roof lines should be smooth

  10. We draw the back of the body: a trunk with a small circle and an oval - LED headlights.
  11. Add a license plate at the bottom.
  12. We are working on the image of the rear bumper. We show the reflective element with a small rectangle.

    We complete the drawing by drawing the details of the rear bumper

  13. Under the arches we draw semicircles with double lines - wheels. We direct the thickness of the wheel with a soft pencil.
  14. We draw a few strokes in the center and on the tires, and between these lines we show the stamped Lada wheels in small circles.
  15. We wipe the auxiliary lines, draw a contour and, if desired, paint the car with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

    You can color the drawing with simple pencils

Video: how to draw Priora BPAN, starting from the windshield

Video: how to professionally draw Priora

Draw a racing car step by step

You can hardly find a car lover who would be indifferent to racing cars. Speed, mobility and beauty - that's what makes cars so popular. However, drawing this work of the automotive industry is not so easy.


  1. The basic rule of drawing a racing car is to start by transferring the most simplified sketch on paper. In this case, we start by drawing an elongated body.

    We start the drawing with auxiliary lines

  2. To add volume, add the upper part - the driver's and passenger seats. On the outer edge, on the basis of the line drawn parallel to the outer edge, we build the cabin frame.

    To add volume, we draw the lines of the roof and the frame of the cabin

  3. Let's get to the bottom. We draw the bottom line, making recesses for the wheels.

    We draw recesses for the wheels, round off the line of the rear bumper

  4. Due to the fact that the car is located at an angle, we make the wheels oval.

    Due to the angle of the machine, the wheels must not be round.

  5. We make the lower part of the car curved.

    To give the correct shape, round off the front of the case

  6. Let's get to the top. Add a side mirror and soften the initial lines with soft strokes.

    We soften the lines of the top, finish the side mirror

  7. Add two lines to the side and back of the car.

    Adding lines to the side and back

  8. We erase extra lines, we work out the details. Starting with the front lines, adding headlights.

    Remove extra lines, draw headlights

  9. We draw a line below, as well as a rectangle for the number.

    Finishing the license plate, detailing the lines of the car

  10. Add a few lines to the windows of the car, as well as a line to the door.

    We complete the picture by drawing the doors and details of the front of the car

Video: two racing cars drawn from the cells of a notebook sheet

How to draw a fire truck

Modern fire engines are significantly different from those that first appeared in 1904. 10 people were placed in old cars and practically nothing from the fire equipment. But modern samples are so capacious that they have plenty of fire extinguishing equipment built into them.


  1. We draw three parallel horizontal lines, which we divide in half by one vertical line.

    For a fire truck, you need to make four auxiliary lines

  2. In one part, we draw the cabin, starting from the top, and then drawing almost half of the protruding lower part.
  3. On the bottom edge we make a recess for the wheels.
  4. The body is depicted in the form of a rectangle, with recesses for the wheels along the bottom edge. The height of the body is half the height of the cab.

    We start the drawing with the cab and the outlines of the body

  5. We draw the wheels.
  6. Cabin mark the two right doors.
  7. We finish the stairs on the body.

    In the wheels, do not forget about drawing the disks, you can use the ruler to depict the stairs

  8. We add headlights, as well as a coiled fire hose, which is fixed on the side.

    We supplement the drawing with a fire hose and the inscription 01

  9. The drawing is ready, you can color it if you wish.

    The car can be painted with a simple pencil, but if you use paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, then the main shades will be red and white

The next way to draw a special equipment car will be interesting even for those guys who are not too good at drawing.


  1. Draw a rectangle and divide it vertically in half.

    The basis of this machine will be a rectangle divided vertically in half.

  2. In the left part we draw a cabin, we draw double lines for drawing windows, we draw handles.

    On the left side we draw a cabin with double lines of windows

  3. We make windows on the body. To do this, we make the lower border just above the bottom of the cabin windows.

    We draw windows on the body

  4. From above we add a folded fire hose, a tank.

    We finish drawing a tank and a folded fire hose on the body

  5. We finish the wheels, make the lines double.

    Draw wheels

  6. We install a flashing beacon on the roof of the cab.

    Finishing the flashing beacon, inventory details

  7. We finish drawing the details of the design of the special equipment car (for example, fire extinguishing tools that are attached to the outer wall of the lower rectangle).
  8. We delete the contour lines, and we direct the main ones with a soft simple pencil or felt-tip pen.

    The car can be painted or left in the variant with induced contours

Video: how a child over 3 years old to draw a fire truck with a marker

Draw a police car

The image of a police car is not an easy task. To simplify the drawing process, it is recommended to start with auxiliary elements. In addition, for this drawing we need a compass.


  1. In the center of the sheet, draw two rectangles connected by a common horizontal line. We will draw within the boundaries of this figure.

    We start the drawing with two rectangles

  2. The top rectangle is the body of the car. The arc shows its shape.

    We show the shape of the body with an arc

  3. Add the front of the car - the hood.

    Draw the line of the hood

  4. We connect the body and the hood with a soft smooth line. We erase the auxiliary lines of the rectangle in this area.

    We connect the body and the hood with a smooth line

  5. We give shape. We depict the holes for the wheels, and turn the line separating the rectangles into a line that “separates” the top from the bottom of the car.

    Slightly tilt the line of the front part and draw recesses for the wheels

  6. We add a line for the trunk, rear suspension, as well as a line separating the windshield from the body of the car, and two vertical lines for the front door.

    Add a line for the trunk and front door, and also separate the hood from the windshield

  7. With an eraser we erase all unnecessary lines, leaving only the outline of the machine itself.

    Removing auxiliary lines

  8. With the help of a compass we make wheels.

    Draw wheels with a compass

  9. We draw the lines of the window frames, using a ruler if necessary.

    For the image of windows, we use a ruler if necessary.

  10. We supplement the wheels with circles for the disks.

    We direct the contours and color as desired

Video: how to draw a police car without auxiliary lines

Photo gallery: drawing Bugatti Veyron

We start the drawing from the base figure We make the contour lines of the supercar, as well as the bumper, side body kit, wheel arches and the hood We depict the contours of the headlights, three front air intakes, windshield and side windows, as well as the line of the driver's door and another air intake We detail the model: we start with grids front air intakes, then move on to the headlights, rear-view mirrors, fuel tank cap, and finish with the wheels.

Photo gallery: how to draw a convertible

Start by sketching out the outline: the top part is oval in shape, and the bottom part is made up of straight lines of different angles Check the angles of inclination Draw the front bumper, right fender and wheel wells of the car Draw the windshield, passenger side mirror and convertible interior Add fog lights and more we draw in detail the hood of the car, the windshield We draw the side doors from the passenger side, the contours of the rear bumper, the interior of the car and the seats for passengers, after which we draw the folded roof of the car We finish the wheels We draw the disks on the wheels of the car, paying attention to the symmetry of the spokes, we remove the auxiliary lines Draw the contours and optionally paint the car

Drawing a car with paints

If the picture is planned to be painted with paints, then it is better to take a watercolor sheet of paper - so the strokes will lie more evenly and more beautifully. The rest of the recommendations for making a drawing in paints will be as follows:

  • it is necessary to fill the contours with color only after the pencil base is completely completed;
  • before coloring, we wipe all the auxiliary lines - they will interfere;
  • if, in addition to the car, there are other elements in the picture, then it is better to start with large details of the environment (roads, trees on the side of the road), but those objects that are in the background should be left for last.

This is interesting. Models of toy cars can be drawn without pencil outlines, that is, immediately with paints. And it is more convenient to do this with gouache, since the color is saturated, and the contours do not blur, as in watercolor.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

The domestic car Lada Priora is a very popular car, according to young people, it is not inferior to foreign cars of the same price segment. Fans of Lada Priora literally live by this car, drive around to meet the owners of similar cars and exchange tuning tips. Questions constantly arise about how to draw priora bpan on landing with a pencil in stages and easily, or you need to have artistic skills to complete the drawing. This is not at all necessary, as it turned out, you can make a beautiful picture with your own hands without special training. The instruction proposed by the “how to draw a car” group will help you with this, here it is.

Step by step instructions for beginners

1) We draw sketches of the future planted Lada Priora. These are two parallel lines at the top and one straight line at the bottom. Between them there are two curves on one side and on the other, between the latter a line convex to the bottom.

2) We begin to draw the front left fender. Let's draw the contour of the wing, it is slightly curved. Under it, we designate in the form of an arch a recess in the body for the front wheel. We make the arch a double line to add volume to the part.

3) Draw the middle side of the car and do not forget to mark the bottom.

4) It is necessary to draw the rear door and fender. We draw one straight line running parallel to the lower part of the body. Then, we show the arch above the rear wheel and outline the line of the rear bumper.

5) We draw the roof of the priors. Perpendicular lines of the front and middle windows go down from the roof. We show a sloping rear window.

6) Let's point out some small parts of the machine. This is, for example, the front rear-view mirror, which is attached to the front window. Look at the enlarged view of how to draw it. It is a small rectangle, almost a square, attached to a holder.

7) Draw the back of the body. Here is the trunk, along the edges of which LED headlights should be installed (a small circle and an oval). License plate below.

8) It is necessary to draw the rear bumper to the smallest detail. A small rectangle shows a reflective element on the bumper.

9) It's time to draw the wheels of Lada Priora. We draw semicircles under the arches, do it with double lines and show the thickness of the wheel with more lines.

10) We draw several strokes on each wheel, on the tires and in the center.

11) Between these lines, you need to draw small circles, bigger and smaller, to show the cool stamped discs of the frets priors bpan.

11) Erase the guide lines and outline the visible outline with solid lines to complete the drawing.

12) To complete the drawing and finally draw the Lada Priora, decorate the body with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paint. We hope that our step-by-step instruction for beginners, draw a planted prior bpan.

If something didn’t work out or you want to work out the details, we invite you to watch the video recordings found on the Internet, where the author tells in detail and shows clearly how to draw a Priora car on landing.

How to draw a car in stages with a pencil

A lesson on how to draw a car in stages is already on the site “Drawing is easy”, but now we will learn how to draw a car from a different angle – a side view. This step-by-step scheme for drawing a car is not complicated, and having mastered it, you can draw a car of absolutely any brand.

So, how to draw a car step by step side view. Let's start with the wheels. Let's draw a line that will be the base, and draw two circles. If it’s hard for you to draw circles “by eye”, use a curly ruler or compass. I used a curly ruler - it makes drawing much easier than sitting and drawing even circles. It is better to draw with a simple soft pencil of one of the markings from “3B” to “6B”.

Now we draw the lines of the car body. Pay attention to what shape you draw the car body. If you wondered how to draw a car with a sports body, then it should be streamlined with smooth lines, as in the figure below.

In order not to get confused, in the next step draw in turn: first the headlights, then the door, and the side mirror. Also do not forget to mark the wheel arches.

Well, if everything works out, then the shape of the car is already ready. But we will continue and draw the air intakes under the headlight, and on the hood.

We have reached the finish line of the lesson how to draw a car step by step! In the side windows we will draw the silhouettes of the seats and then we will carefully work on the wheels. You need to draw two circles inside the wheels. See the picture below.

When everything is ready, draw the wheel rims in any shape you like. If there are extra lines, then delete them with an eraser. The drawing of the car is ready!

All that remains to be done is to decorate the car. I leave it to you to do it yourself. I myself will take a black marker and decorate the wheels, seats and taillight.

This is the simplest scheme for drawing a car from the side. I hope you enjoyed the lesson. I look forward to seeing you in the next lessons. how to draw a car step by step from other angles, which can be viewed here or here.

Very good article. Tried as said and hurray! everything worked out. Now I am your regular visitor and student.

In order to understand how to make Drawings of a machine with a bpan pencil, we involved our experts with extensive experience in order to solve this issue, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Probably every motorist knows such cars as “penny” and “chisel”. They received these rare names among the people. In fact, cars were sold under the trade name "Zhiguli", produced by JSC "AvtoVAZ". Since consumers often associated this name with the word "gigolo", manufacturers decided to change it. We opted for Lada. Today, Lada cars are sold not only in the domestic, but also in the international market. Modern car models look different: improved, beautiful. In 2015, the official logo is being rebranded. It is made more voluminous. The brand logo is going through the fourth design changes.

With the help of a step-by-step instruction of a simple level of complexity, we will try to demonstrate how to draw a Lada car icon correctly.

The Lada car badge has an oval shape. Draw it with an elongated figure as shown in the first step of the instructions. Place the shape in the center of the sheet so that the drawing is proportional.

Inside, draw another oval of the same shape, only smaller in size. To depict the correct contour, draw inside the figure so that the logo contour line on the sides is thicker in size than the top and bottom.

In order to understand how to make Drawings of a machine with a bpan pencil, we involved our experts with extensive experience in order to solve this issue, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

All boys, and, perhaps, girls are very fond of cars. Do you want to have your own car? Then let's first try to present it with all the details. Introduced? And now I propose to draw it. Here are a few diagrams that will help you.

So, now I will tell and show You everything I know about how to draw a car with a pencil in stages!

This scheme is suitable for the little ones. We start drawing with wheels. Try to keep them more or less the same.

Now connect the wheels with a horizontal line. But what is a car without headlights? This is an essential element that should not be forgotten. I propose to depict the headlights in the form of two ovals, as shown in the figure below.

Add a semicircle above the wheels. Connect it to the headlights of the car.

But how to drive this car? The steering wheel is essential! Two parallel lines, an oval - and it's ready. In general, the whole car is now ready! Color it well and you're good to go! =)

There are other diagrams that explain how to draw a car step by step. They may be a little more difficult, but I am sure that You will certainly cope with them. Try!

When drawing a car on paper, identify those details that you simply cannot do without. This body, cabin, wheels, bumper, headlights, steering wheel, doors.

Oh, don't you want to try to draw racing car? I have an easy and understandable scheme, but the car turns out just amazing.

Here are a few more diagrams that will tell you how to draw a beautiful car.

We draw a convertible with a simple pencil.

How to draw a truck step by step.

We draw a fire truck.

Well, now you know a lot more about how to learn how to draw cars. Try it and you will succeed! You are young!

Find more interesting tutorials here:

How to draw a car?

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In order to understand how to make Drawings of a machine with a bpan pencil, we involved our experts with extensive experience in order to solve this issue, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Interesting and easy ways to draw cars of different models

The modern auto industry surprises and delights car fans with a colossal variety of models that were difficult to even imagine just a few years ago, and accordingly, there are much more opportunities for artistic depiction. But in order to realize this creative impulse and draw a car, you need to know some subtleties.

In addition to patience and perseverance, to create a drawing of a machine, you will need:

What to do if you really want to make a drawing, but there are not enough skills?

You can use some tips that will allow you to find a compromise between desires and opportunities.

The popularity of the Lada Priora car is explained very simply: a good price, relatively good quality, but even in the event of an unforeseen situation on the road, it’s not particularly a pity. So for young people who have just received a license, such a car is a great option. So teenagers are happy to engage in graphic materialization of their dreams, namely, they draw Priora BPAN.

This is interesting. The abbreviation BPAN stands for No Landing Auto No and refers to the community of motorists who prefer cars with modified suspension in the direction of lower ground clearance.

Video: how to draw Priora BPAN, starting from the windshield

Video: how to professionally draw Priora

You can hardly find a car lover who would be indifferent to racing cars. Speed, mobility and beauty - that's what makes cars so popular. However, drawing this work of the automotive industry is not so easy.

Video: two racing cars drawn from the cells of a notebook sheet

Modern fire engines are significantly different from those that first appeared in 1904. 10 people were placed in old cars and practically nothing from the fire equipment. But modern samples are so capacious that they have plenty of fire extinguishing equipment built into them.

In order to understand how to make Drawings of a machine with a bpan pencil, we involved our experts with extensive experience in order to solve this issue, and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

How to draw a car Lada Priora step by step with a pencil

Hello dear users! I am really very glad, you are interested in the site DragoArt.ru! Over the past week, I received quite a lot of letters (as well as comments on the site) in the mail with a request to draw Priora. Since this topic is so popular, it would not be good to make you, dear friends, wait a long time. So I created a lesson on how to draw a Lada Priora car. I propose to get acquainted a little with this “car that we see every day and which many people drive”, and then proceed directly to the lesson.

Lada Priora- a family of Russian passenger cars manufactured by JSC AvtoVAZ and attributed by the manufacturer to segment C according to the European classification.

In March 2007, a little over a thousand Priora sedans rolled off the assembly line, and sales began on April 21, 2007. The release of the hatchback model began in February 2008. A modification with a station wagon body was shown at the Krasnodar Motor Show in October 2008, and the production of a variant with this body began on May 27, 2009.

In addition, VAZ produces in small batches a modification of the "coupe" (brand designation of a three-door hatchback) and led the development of a convertible based on it.

Since the beginning of 2009, the Priora family has completely ousted the Lada 110 family from the assembly line.

In 2011, it is planned to carry out a restyling of the Priora. An updated front bumper design is expected to meet future requirements for pedestrian protection in the event of a collision, new exterior mirrors with side turn indicators, a driver and front passenger seat belt identification system, cargo net in the trunk and a number of other options.

Since 2012, there will be a complete set of the car equipped with an automatic transmission.

The development of the second generation "Priora" unified with the models of the Renault-Nissan-AvtoVAZ alliance is underway. The start of mass production is planned for 2015.

AvtoVAZ plans to produce the first serial 100 ElLada electric vehicles based on the Lada Priora chassis. The first serial copies of the Russian electric car based on Lada will appear in Kislovodsk and at the international airport of Mineralnye Vody.

Step 1. At the first stage - how to draw a Lada Priora car, we need to create a frame for the future drawing. Let's draw the main outline, and then start adding vertical, horizontal and slanted lines based on the drawing.

Step 2 Now we will draw the shape of the hood, wheel arches, the top line of the side windows. At the end of the step, we will draw the lower part of the front bumper.

Step 3 Now we will draw the side windows of the car, the left side rear-view mirror, the shape of the windshield, the headlights. After that, we will draw a little “muzzle” of the “Frets” as shown in the figure.

Step 4 In this step we will draw the shape of the three (visible) wheels. Then add the right rear view mirror, front bumper covers, side skirt, and the lines that define the side doors.

Step 5 At the last step, we detail the Lada Priora: we will draw a “muzzle”, headlights, fog lights, rims, wipers, handles, a fuel tank hatch. Once this is all done, erase the lines drawn in the first step.

Step 6. That's all! This is what the car should look like after completing the tutorial. I really hope you liked it. I look forward to your comments and feedback! See you soon! ^_^

30 comments to “How to draw a Lada Priora car”

Hello administrator, can you draw an x-ray fret?

please draw wa 2109

Priora clear. Thank you ... But just draw a vaz 2101 please

class is very beautiful. can you do VAZ-2114?

I drew bugati and dodge

class but I draw (copy) better

you draw awesome, but I can give the guys who are too lazy to draw step by step advice guys take an A4 sheet, attach it to the computer screen with a photo of the car you want to draw and copy thanks for the prior, by the way, I copied it in my own way

Mdaaaa poor Andrei, so many people ask him to draw everyone. And for prior ATP

Priora super.))) please draw a Lamborghini

Draw pliz vaz 1117 viburnum thanks in advance!

please draw bmw 250i this is my very favorite car thanks in advance

please draw a fret for the grant. thanks in advance

thanks cool turned out clearly respect =-))))

Priora is clear. A big request to lay out the VAZ 2109

Please add 9! prior for fun!

from the bottom of my heart!! but it would be better if there was a vaz 2107m clasic2 here

and in what program is it to draw or is it drawn with a pencil on paper.

Draw VAZ - 2107 please

Draw the Honda Logo PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE.

Looks like a Subari...

drew thanks a lot, only I got the fret grant

cool and nine and 5 bmw with you can

Please make an eight

Kamaz euro2 and Maz can draw thanks in advance

Draw, please, BMW or ten) please!

Well done, can you draw a three-door field

Here you are laughing, and the appearance of this car is actually a work of art. Now it seems to us that only Lamborghini or can have the coolest appearance. It used to be different. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that the most advanced art form was cubism, or rather the desire to see regular geometric shapes in objects. It was fashionable in France, and then got to Soviet Union. Well, the truth is, the French still believed that the car should be comfortable, reliable and durable, but this is already the technical side of the issue. The soul of a Russian person demands external beauty. So this is the work of art:

How to draw a Zhiguli with a pencil step by step

Step one. I draw rectangular shapes of the car cabin.
Step two. I will add wheels.
Step three. Now headlights and work on appearance.
Step four. I will add shadows on the wheels.
Step five. Here's my drawing of a Zhiguli: If you drove a Zhiguli, like it. And draw other cars:

  1. Domestic cult car -