Many anime lovers try to hide their hobbies while in society. But you know what? I SEE EVERYTHING! And so I want to give some tips that will allow you to look into even the toughest shell, but this requires that you also fulfill something - a completely tiny condition: you, in turn, must not hide your anime nature! Well, now let's go catch other anime people :)

1. Make a recognizable JoJo pose.

If someone nearby yells "GOD CATS, IS THIS A JOJA REFERENCE??" - congratulations, you are already a winner, and it was easy.

2. When asked what shows you like, don't hesitate to say, "You know... 'Breaking Bad' is a great show, and so are 'Rick and Morty' and *cough* K-On! *cough*».

Embarrassed individuals may classically try to get away with, “Wh-what was the last thing? I... uh... never heard of that...”

3. Light up some themed accessory or t-shirt with a popular symbol of your favorite anime.

Civilians won't understand anything, and anime people in hiding may recognize you...or recognize you and turn away because they hate your favorite anime.

5. Listen to the obvious opening.

See how it happens in the video? If it's enough for the suspect to hear just the band's name, then he's clear, but if he continues to investigate...

6. Switch to tank mode

"Hey, that guy is such a baka, man... I haven't even heard of Shingek, nii-chan..."

Civilians will be puzzled, because you speak some foreign language, and the hiding anime guy will feel that you are knocking right on his soul!

7. Call the suspect a tsundera.

“What did you just say?! I'm not your tsundera! I mean... What, what are you talking about? What does this outlandish word mean?

8. Wardrobe cosplay.

There are a lot of characters that can be lightly styled for your everyday style. Most people will think that you are... almost normal, so this is a good way to expose the smart ones.

In a society of young people, peculiar subcultures often spread. They are united by common interests, a number of values, manner of dressing and even their own slang. Among such people there are adherents of Japanese cartoon characters.

But with a more thorough study of the question of who anime people are, one should delve into their ideas about the world, the way of life and the subject of study.

Historical moments in Japanese animation

A special subculture, obsessed with bright, recognizable cartoon characters, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century among Japanese youth. It was at that time that cartoons began to be produced based on popular comics.

The characters were so unusual that not only children, but also some adults considered them. In Tokyo, entire shopping centers were born and now successfully operate, where not only goods dedicated to anime are sold, but all the design is made in the appropriate style.

Animators from the word "anime"

To understand who anime people are, you need to understand the concept of "anime". It is a Japanese animation, which differs in focusing on teenage and even adult audiences.

Japanese cartoon characters are distinguished by a clear drawing of details and the surrounding background. The plot can be completely different. Characters differ not only in style, but can be depicted in different places and even eras.

Not only Japanese fans, but also anime fans in Russia know and try to imitate Miyazaki Hayao, a famous director in the world of animation. His captivating stories with especially touching music won over many connoisseurs of this genre.

Differences of anime adherents

Unlike punks or hippies, anime people cannot be said to have any external differences. They do not create horrors with hair, do not arrange processions in the cemetery and do not hold rallies in the squares. Sometimes they can be distinguished only by small details and peculiar pictures on clothes.

But still, at themed parties, which anime people especially love, they come off. In the course are clothes that imitate your favorite characters, and all the relevant paraphernalia. The subculture also has a special style of communication. Hobbyists even learn Japanese to use their words when speaking. But here the emphasis is on slang, so we are not talking about full knowledge of the language.

Anime Dictionary

especially favorite word animeshnikov is an omnipotent "NU", which, depending on emotions, can mean anything, from joy to anger. In order to understand their speech, it is enough to learn the favorite words of anime people.

  1. "Kawai" - something incomprehensible and "cute". It is the unspoken pinnacle of knowledge to be reached.
  2. "Sayonara" - bye, bye.
  3. Kenji is a Japanese character that is simply impossible to comprehend. Advanced Writing.
  4. "Oyasume" - good night.
  5. "Ohio" - good morning.

True adherents of the subculture often seem a little crazy. But with the right approach, a teenager can benefit from hobbies and learn many useful things.

Participant classification

Depending on the degree of enthusiasm, basic knowledge and time of familiarization with culture, anime people divide their adherents into groups.

Newbie. A person who has just joined the ranks and practically does not know the peculiar slang. However, it may have several samples of anime drawn.

Interested. He has not joined any group yet, but he is actively interested in the intricacies of culture, has large collection created anime. Already knows a few "professional" words. Actively attends various specialized events. Actively expanding his knowledge of Japan and the history of animation.

Japonist. A special group of people who view anime coupled with an interest in all things Japanese. They study it in the same way as everything related to the country.

Otaku. A person who is completely absorbed in a subculture knows all the subtleties. He has an extensive collection of his own sketches. However, it is in Russia that otaku are associated only with anime people. In Japan, they are associated with the worship of anything at all.

Signs of a real Otaku

To clearly understand who anime people are, consider the signs of a real Otaku. Not necessarily all of them are fully manifested, but most of them have a place to be.

  1. So, Otaku spend a lot of money on everything related to their hobby. They have an extensive collection of anime, music for them and games based on them.
  2. As soon as any novelty comes out, they immediately purchase it or download it. On the Internet, they visit specialized forums, read a lot of specialized literature or study virtual pages.
  3. Be sure to take part in specialized parties, where they take on the images of their favorite characters and join anime clubs.
  4. As a decoration, they use figurines made in the appropriate style and are ready to answer all the questions of the "newbie".

The passion for the cultural values ​​of Japan and its traditions is especially noted. But in a larger measure, this applies to anime and the slang used by the founders of the subculture.

Anime lifestyle

To understand who anime people are, you need to know their lifestyle and interests. Everything, as a rule, begins with a passion for Japanese cartoons and watching them from morning to evening.

Then comes the desire to repeat the images on paper and create your own, inspired by anime samples and your own imagination. Often, an anime guy comes up with a continuation of a cartoon he especially likes and, trying to surprise the girl, presents his own creation.

People who have joined the anime subculture, in addition to watching and drawing characters, study the mythology of Japan, traditions and mystical phenomena. In order to attract attention, an anime person does not use techniques that would cause a ban and condemnation in society, unlike punks or skinheads. They dress up in costumes of bright, peculiar characters of Japanese animation and act weird. Even this action has its own name, which comes from Japanese slang - cosplay.

Eccentricities of the anime subculture

Cheerful, cheerful, looking at the world with children's eyes, fond of Japanese animation and drawing funny, bright characters - all these are anime people. A subculture that sometimes causes bewilderment, sometimes causes dislike or denial, but their friendly, inventive actions carry absolutely no bad intention.

Their cute nagging when they see something tender and sweet, or "xo'ing" at the mention of failure is considered funny, but is disliked by especially conservative people. However, the use of slang is often used by anime people only in their own circle.

Anime in Russia

In our country, the craze for Japanese animation began with the legendary Pokemon and Sailor Moon. Teenagers began to appear on the streets in bright outfits, with poison-colored hair and decorated with badges with adored heroes.

It is believed that the subculture, and any, the prerogative of young people. But if a hippie at the age of 40 is perceived as a strange creature, then an anime person can look ordinary, but put ideas on paper and even make money from it.

The basis of anime people are not only wonderful images, but also special music, the so-called J-Rock - Japanese rock. There are so many styles mixed in it, from jazz to metal, that it's hard to describe the main theme. The bands playing this music use various instruments, both classical and purely Japanese folk.

Japanese animation is always accompanied by J-Rock, but depending on the nature of the character and the plot, it can sound like a ballad or have all the signs of pop.

Anime people in everyday life

Parents who have noticed signs of their children's attraction to strange Japanese cartoons need not worry. The subculture is quite peaceful, their strangeness lies only in fantastic plots, naive heroes and a passion for Japanese mythology.

Participants can organize festivals, arrange processions, be members of clubs. But the worst thing that can be is too frequent and out of place imitation of bright characters by a teenager.

Young people can dye their hair in green color if the hero has the same, and wear to school too bright clothes. Although this is more common in teenagers. Older young people prefer to highlight their addictions with key rings, printed T-shirts and an interesting hairstyle.

When anime characters are depicted, a photo of the characters helps to understand their essence. Often they can be seen with their favorite toys and unique bags.

However, there is also a negative point. Like any subculture, anime takes a lot of time. Teenagers become addicted to watching new things. Often fictional characters replace live communication for children. People from weak character become too dependent and sometimes go too far in their hobby. But this applies more to teenagers who have no friends, and anime becomes their only outlet.

There is also quite a positive moment. This is the desire to realize oneself in creativity, a kind and cheerful attitude to life. Teenagers who are serious about painting real masterpieces and learn a lot of useful things about the history of Japan.

Animator is a person who is into anime.
Today they are really very, very many.
For example, at the anime festival held in Moscow on January 28 - Animatrix 2007- more than 1,500 attended otaku- the most active fans of anime. And for them, this is no longer just an interest - it is a significant part of everyday life.
Anime people make carvings related to anime:
1. Sew suits for cosplay (costume play“costume game”, when a person completely dresses up as a favorite character, copies weapons, hairstyles (they sew the costumes themselves, buy or order) and sometimes completely imitate him.)
2. Write scripts, stories and poems ( fanfiction- fanfiction - An invented plot, with characters from various anime and manga).
3. They dance and sing along with their favorite pop idols (these are Japanese and Korean teenage singers who perform songs in the j-pop / k-pop genre)
4. Drawing in anime style
5. Or just watch it
6. And much more:)

Unlessm some myths:

Myth #1
“All anime people are little nagging children who cannot connect two words and do not have an outstanding mind”
This is not entirely true.
Such people exist, of course. And, most likely, it will seem to you that there are quite a lot of them, because a strong passion for anime often occurs at the age of 9-15 years, i.e. most of the anime people are children, and they scream very much that they love anime and it's immediately obvious. It is them, most likely, that you will be the first to see on the Internet.
But this is not a "standard of anime people", i.e. An anime character doesn't have to, and shouldn't, be like that. Many of them, on the contrary, are irritated by this manner of speech no less than non-anime people. It even becomes a shame that people judge everyone by such children, but nothing can be done, such people are everywhere.
But there are also normal anime people - adults, serious people who can have their own family, go to work, and so on. Or not quite yet adults, but quite adequate and smart.
In addition, "anime" is a loose concept. They don’t initiate into “anime people”, only the person himself can decide whether he wants to call himself that or not. Therefore, if a person draws or watches anime, it is not yet a fact that he is an anime fan.
In addition, most often the “syndrome of nagging and telling everyone that you are an anime fan” is a syndrome of beginners who have recently discovered the world of anime. It goes away with age and experience.

Myth #2
“Animation people have a very strange mindset, outlook on life. They think that short skirts, carnage and all sorts of perversions are normal, and Poushi fall in love with strange characters, replacing real personal life.
It is not true.
Everyone's mindset is different, and there are many factors involved. The outlook on life is also instilled in many people, including parents. Anime people can love anime heroes (and not only them, I bet you probably have some girlfriend in your environment who is in love with a tough guy from a musical group or series :). They may look completely in love, but this does not mean at all that their real life they replaced. If everything is normal for these people in the family and in life, then love for a hero and love for a real person are completely different concepts that do not depend on each other, which this person easily shares.
If a person replaces his life with an invented one, then the fault is not some cartoon cartoons, but, probably, the person’s life situation, and it is impossible to correct the situation simply by turning off the TV.

Myth #3
“Anime people always dress very strangely and brightly, they say strange words, they behave strangely”
And that's not true either :)
Informal people dress strangely and brightly. Not all of them are anime. Though everywhere they say about the bright appearance, green and red ribbons, but personally I have never seen a single strange-looking anime character, ribbons and strange words. More often than not, you won't know that a person is an anime fan until you ask him about it yourself.

Animation Customs

Since there are a lot of people who love anime, they try to come up with some customs for their current.
And here are some of them. It is worth noting that they are most often adhered to by beginners who are not so many years old:
1) Green (and orange) ribbon
There are many pictures on the Internet with a call to wear a green (and sometimes orange) ribbon somewhere if you are an anime fan. This is necessary in order to be able to recognize each other on the street. However, for all the time I have never seen a person with a ribbon: D
2) Animator's Day
There is also an unofficial holiday called Animation Day. It is celebrated on April 11 (some say October 28). It is not official, but on the Internet you can find many pictures with congratulations and articles on how to include it in the list of official holidays of the country: D
2) Anthem of anime people
There are even two of them. The first one is a rhyme:
Recognize us by sounds: Nya! Kawaii! Nya! Kawaii!
We yell at the whole tram: Nya! Kawaii! Nya! Kawaii!
Never forget: Nya! Kawaii! Nya! Kawaii!
It's better not to pester us, otherwise it will be NYA KAWAII !!!
We'll yell all the brains, we'll start slacking off again
Come join our party. We will be in the place NYa Kawai!!!

Another is the first track from Supergott, released in 2001 by the Swedish musical group Caramell, the track is called "Caramelldansen"

The disease can take place in a mild or complicated form, and sometimes the entire brain is affected. But even in critical cases, the infected will feel only euphoria and multi-colored rainbows in the head.

We have divided patients into interest groups to make it easier for you to immediately determine the clinical picture of friends in misfortune.

1. Noob


2. Secret animefag


  • Tells everyone that he hates Japanese cartoons
  • I watched everything, but it is better to admit that he spends evenings with Dom 2. Everyone knows anyway

3. One who honors the code of the samurai


  • Tells everyone only what the code allows him to
  • Runs almost like a ninja, carries a bokken and shuriken in his backpack. Perhaps even went to martial arts classes four times

4. Total Brain Anime


  • Says "nya" and "kawaii" to everyone, and "desu" to the chosen ones
  • It doesn't matter what he watched - he lives in the world of anime. If over the years the clinical picture does not change, then his apartment in the Lyubertsy nine-story building gradually acquires tatami, the diet is reduced to ramen, and the meaning of life is concentrated on cosplay contests

5. Critic


  • Everyone says that this is not a real anime. Regardless of the subject matter
  • Pretty sure all popular anime is for poseurs

6. Hater


7. Oldschooler


  • He tells everyone that today's anime is a pathetic echo of the past
  • Doesn't look at anything. I would, but now everything sucks

Have you ever talked to a girl who says "nya"? Are there people among your acquaintances for whom Urotsukidoji is not just a set of sounds? Your best friend spends a lot of money at the tailor making weird costumes for Japanese cartoon characters? Then you know who anime people are. It all started, of course, in Japan, and then the hysteria spread throughout the world. Who are anime people anyway? Or scientifically speaking, otaku? If you are even a little interested in anime, then you are definitely interested in this topic! So. In simple Russian slang, the word "anime" is a fan. Anime fan. Fan of anime and manga.

The favorite literature of many anime fans is manga, that is, comics. The creators of popular Japanese comics are very wealthy people and celebrities (Takahashi Rumiko is one of the richest women in Japan). Manga makes up about a quarter of all printed matter produced in Japan and is read regardless of age or gender. "God of Manga" - Tezuka Osamu is the creator of the aesthetic of modern manga and anime. It was he who began to use cinematic angles, close-ups, sound effects and emphasizing the phases of movement. For more than 200 pages of book edition, the manga told a single story filled with exciting adventures.

While working in children's magazines, Tezuka opened an anime studio in parallel. It was he who called the manga "wife" and the anime "mistress". During his life, Tezuka created about 500 manga works in 150 thousand pages.

Anime fans of all ages love Japanese cartoons not for the opportunity to escape from reality. They believe that with their help you can find your place in life and its meaning. Unlike anime people, they don’t go around in their fancy dress every day, but only dress them up on special occasions, for all sorts of meetings and parties of anime people. Some fans are content with watching Japanese cartoons at home and alone, while others are looking for their own kind, organizing anime festivals. After watching anime, they make costumes in the image and likeness cartoon characters and arrange games, contests, dances, according to the principle - whoever is in what much.

Anime slang.
The anime community has its own slang. It is replete with the Japanese words "bakunyu", "bishojo", "aizoban" and is available only to the initiated. Every self-respecting anime player should know a few verbal common truths. For example, that Kodomo (kodomo) is a child (small brat); Shounen (shounen) - a young man, a teenager from 12 to 18 years old (medium brat) Shojo (shoujo) - a girl from 12 to 18 years old; Seinen (seinen) - a guy over 18 (large jerk); Seijin (seijin) - a healthy man, that way for 20 with a ponytail ("overgrown brat"); Jou (jou) - a female who has reached the middle age period (aunt).

In e-mail, an anime character can be identified quite simply. The more "_" signs between the "^^" symbols, the better the anime character's mood. With a slight embarrassment, the anime character uses the ^^ emoticon, and with a big ^^”. The more signs """, the stronger the embarrassment that the anime guy is experiencing at the moment.
|nextpage| Types of anime people
Kawaii. Their speech is full of incomprehensible words like "nya", or derived from the interjection "nya", "nyak". "Ne" at the end of a sentence means a question. Kawaii people always distort words when talking: if you visit such an anime fan, he will certainly warmly greet you and tell you “come in”. He will immediately ask if interesting "tusoffki" are planned somewhere, and what will be "buzzy" there. Kawaii people can spend hours arguing about what is more cute and goofy. Absolutely everything can have cuteness and curvyness: from a cloud floating in the sky to a person passing by. If you want to gain credibility among kawaii, say, "Totoro is the cutest kawaii cutest."

ANIME SHOWER. Constantly shakes anime, and it doesn't matter which one. He is fascinated by the process itself. The network sits mainly at night. Knows a bunch of illegal sites where you can download anime good quality. There are several 120 gig animas on his shelf. In the absence of free disk space, it becomes depressed. In a fit of desperation, he is ready to copy all the contents of his computer to floppy disks.

OTACU. One of the most respected people in the club. Briefly characterized as "the-who-watched-everything." To the question: "Do you have ..?" promptly replies, "Yes." He doesn’t like to visit very much, as he has everything he needs at hand. The stock of Japanese words is greater than that of a kawaii anime player, but less than that of a Japanese player. Rarely leaves even the limits of his room. Does not refuse requests to rewrite anime or music. Can easily watch the 52-episode series without getting up. Then take it and look again. At the mention of his name, the rest of the anime fans begin to tremble.

JAPONIST. Can easily keep up a conversation in Japanese or overwhelm others with sentences of completely incomprehensible text. And also - without hesitation, write your name or the name of another person in hiragana. An advanced Japanese player, having obtained a disk with an anime, first of all turns off the subtitles and starts watching. And includes subtitles, only to make fun of the quality of the translation. Prefers to drink green tea. Pleasant interlocutor. Reads Japanese classics. Occasionally he writes his haiku, but rarely shows anyone what he got. Pretty dreamy.

HENTAISHIK ORDINARY. Likes semi-dark rooms. Leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. The curtains on the windows are heavy and tightly closed. The alternative is blinds. The speakers are mostly turned off so as not to disturb the neighbors. Instead, he prefers headphones. All discs are lovingly stacked and rubbed with alcohol once a week. Consumption - not less than a liter. He wipes his favorite series even more often - as a result, the surface of some discs is rather worn. Hentaischik always has a good appetite, but constantly suffers from insomnia. He does not have a girl, but on his desk there is always a tutorial on graphic programs.

HENTAI SHY. It has a modest supply of anima, but it has been watched to holes. Most often, discs are hidden in the most secluded place in the house, often under the bathroom. Caught watching non-puritan anime content, the hentai man begins to blush, turn pale and babble something incomprehensible. If you ask him what the name of the picture with a half-naked heroine is, he will immediately say: “the file is such and such” and will be absolutely right. I am sure that anime is high art, and he is not interested in the process itself, but in the play of light and shadow in the frame. Subculture