Max Korzh is a self-made performer, without enslaving contracts with producers and huge financial investments. This musician posted his tracks on the Internet, and so won wide recognition.

Clips, participation in big concerts - all this was later. Max, like many stars today, prefers not to talk about his personal life, but in the age of universal information accessibility, a lot can be learned about his family.

The novel didn't start right away.

Tatyana Korzh, nee Matskevich, was born in 1990 in the same city as Max himself - the Belarusian city of Luninets, Brest region. In 2011, she graduated from the Minsk Technological College and then entered the Belarusian State Economic University. Tatyana is an economist-marketer by profession, she worked at the Home Credit bank.

According to Max Korzh, she and Tatiana knew each other for a long time, still in Luninets, but romantic relationship was not between them. Young people began to meet already in Minsk, lived together for four years.

The formation of Max as an artist took place before her eyes, Max says that Tatyana is worried about his work even more than he himself. And before the official marriage, and after, Tatyana supported her man.

When the tour began in incredible quantities (10 concerts a month in different parts of the post-Soviet space), Tatyana never showed displeasure and rejoiced at success with her husband.

He made an offer to Tatyana when he realized that due to frequent trips he could lose her. Frightened, made an offer. The wedding took place in 2102, and in 2013 their daughter Evelina was born.

The main thing that Max appreciates in a woman

Max admits that he considers it very important to see a like-minded person in his wife. People who try to succeed as musicians go through a difficult path, everything does not work out right away.

“Sometimes the second half just can’t stand it and leave because they don’t see the prospects”

He says, if a woman is real, then she should be there, and not only support, but also guide. She should calmly relate to the lack of money and everyday difficulties, because if the goal is strictly followed, the money will come.

Tatyana Korzh is strikingly different from the girlfriends and wives of most Russian-speaking rappers: she prefers to dress more comfortably and relaxed than aggressively sexy, choosing flat shoes, only occasionally wearing heels.

At the same time, she has a more than spectacular appearance, but does not make a cult out of her own beauty. her photo in Instagram feed rather family, homely and cozy than secular ones. She takes a lot of pictures of her daughter, shares with subscribers what book she is currently reading. By the way, she admits that she has a lot of books!

Interesting Notes:

Having a large enough number of subscribers, she does not use her popularity for commercial purposes. There was a period in her life when she devoted a lot of time to charity, helping to raise money for the treatment of sick children. Her popularity on social networks has helped many in a difficult moment.

Max Korzh's family today

Tatyana and Max live in their native Belarus, in Minsk, although they could move to Moscow. According to the Korzh couple, you can live wherever there is the Internet.

Max still works a lot, Tatyana, judging by recent photos on Instagram, is mainly engaged in raising her daughter, travels a lot. At all, the family of Max and Tatiana is like a modern happy family, without unnecessary pathos and demonstrating yourself loved to the whole world.

It just so happened that Max's work is promoted mainly on the global network, so you have to blog, talk about yourself.

In all his few interviews, when it comes to fans, girls, women, Max emphasizes that he is married. One of the joint photographs is signed by Tatyana like this: “ Married for four years, together for nine years. We all said to each other».

Apparently, Tatyana Korzh - real love Maksa, a woman, tested by time, everyday hardships, a friend of life and the main fan of a talented Belarusian guy

FULL NAME: Korzh Maxim Anatolievich

DATE OF BIRTH: 11/23/1983 (Sagittarius)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Luninets, Brest region


HAIR COLOR: fair-haired


FAMILY: Wife: Tatyana Korzh (Matskevich). Children: Emily.

HEIGHT: 180 cm


Belarusian singer and songwriter. Since childhood, Max has been fond of music, his parents sent him to a music school, and at the age of 16, together with his friends, he already organized the LunClan group.
After school, Korzh entered the Belarusian State University. But, after studying for three years, he decided to take up music seriously and left the university. He recorded the song "Heaven Help Us" for $300, which he borrowed from his mother, and posted it on the social network VKontakte. After that, he was drafted into the army, and when he returned, he found out that the song had become a hit.

Max decided that he would become a solo artist. Together with friends, he began to organize concerts in different cities of Belarus. A number of concerts were given under the name "Takeoff March". Korzh decided to graduate from the university, but he did not change his priorities. Music was still paramount to him. In 2012, the artist released his debut album, which he called "Animal World". It included songs that Korzh wrote over the course of three years. They share a similar theme. The album, according to the singer, is designed for an audience of different ages. In the same 2012, Max signed a contract with the Respect Production label. Thanks to this, he had the opportunity to perform not only in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, but also in European countries.

In 2012, the audience was able to appreciate the first video clip for the song "Heaven will help us." In a fairly short time, this music video has taken a leading position in the music charts.

In 2013, the second solo album was recorded. Its name is "Live in high". The performer considers it a more mature, serious work. "Live in high" left a noticeable mark in the hearts of listeners. The number of concerts gradually increased, but Korzh gained the greatest popularity in Belarus.

At the beginning of November 2013, Max organized a grand concert in the most prestigious and largest hall of Belarus, the Minsk Arena, in order to present his second album "Live in a high" with the aim of presenting his second album. The largest venue in the country accommodated about thirteen thousand people, and there were much more people who wanted to get to the concert. The performance of the performer was a huge success.

Korzh has always considered family values ​​to be the most important in life. For four years, the singer met with a girl named Tatyana. She always supported Maxim in his work. Young people officially formalized the relationship at the end of 2012. Soon a daughter appeared in the family. Maxim and Tatyana named her Emilia.

Born November 23 1988 in the city of Luninets, Brest region. Graduated from music school, piano class.

At the age of 14, he became interested in hip-hop. He recorded his first song, "Tata Luninets", at the age of 17. By that time, Max and his friends created their own group, Lunclan, whose participants read rap in the Belarusian language. The group recorded the Internet album “Smack me in Belarusian”, and in February 2007 joined the Minsk underground party M.U.Skool.

Max wanted to continue to be “friends” with music and enter a music school, but his parents dissuaded him - in their opinion, music could not be lived and earned. Korzh entered the Faculty of International Relations (FMO BSU), where he studied for two years. The chosen specialty was a burden, and Korzh dropped out before the third year. Then there was the army reserve, from which Max returned already popular - the song “Heaven will help us” recorded before the call became a hit on the Internet.

1st of May 2012 the musician released his debut album called "Animal World", which included 17 tracks. At the same time, Korzh held a large number of concerts in the cities of Belarus, presenting a new album.

In summer 2012 Max Korzh signed a contract with the famous Russian label Respect Production, owned by the Kasta group. With their help, the artist shot two videos for the tracks “Where am I” and “In the dark”, which instantly became popular on the network, and also got into the broadcasting grid of many CIS music TV channels.

In March 2013, the musician won the award Street Awards in the "Artist of the Year" nomination, and three months later the famous Russian TV channel, holding its annual music award, included Max Korzh in the list of contenders for victory in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination.

Tatiana Korzh

Interesting Facts:

  • turning point in the career of a musician was a concert on March 7, 2013 in the Minsk Palace of Sports. Such a concert was a risky step, because before that a much smaller performance by Korzh had failed in Minsk - very few people came to the presentation of the album in one of the Minsk clubs, the event did not pay off. However, this time the listeners bought tickets so quickly that they had to print another thousand more. Six thousand people came to the concert, and Max Korzh became the first independent Belarusian musician who was able to do this. After that, the musician also gathered full houses in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv.
  • Max Korzh is a descendant famous Vasily Korzh, the creator of the first active partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War. Vasily Zakharovich is the brother of the great-grandmother of the musician.



    • (2012) Heaven help us
    • (2012) Where am I
    • (2013) In the dark
    • (2013) Live high
    • (2014) Moth
    • (2014) Become
    • (2014) Amsterdam
    • (2014) Home
    • (2014) Don't make it up
    • (2015) Fiery Light
    • (2015) Flat feat F.O.T.H
    • (2016) Insomnia
    • (2016) Boy's word
    • (2016) My friend
    • (2016) Style
    • (2017) Small matured
    • (2017) Optimist
    • (2017) Napalm
    • (2018) Raspberry Sunset
    • (2018) Knee high mountains
    • (2019) Control
    • (2019) Blackmail


  • Muz-TV-2013 award - nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" - nominee;
  • Street Awards - nomination "Artist of the Year" - winner;
  • Muz-TV-2014 award - nomination "Album of the Year" with the record "Live in high".
  • Muz-TV-2015 award - nomination "Best hip-hop project" - nominee.
  • Muz-TV-2015 award - nomination "Best Album" - nominee.
  • Muz-TV-2015 award - nomination "Best concert show" - nominee.
  • VK Music Awards-2017 - with the composition "Small has matured" - the winner.

Max Korzh and his older sister Natalya were brought up in an intelligent, wealthy family. From childhood, the boy showed interest in music. At the request of their son, his parents enrolled him in a music school to learn to play the piano. At the same time, Korzh was a fan of the work of overseas performers: rapper Eminem and the Onyx group.

Perseverance and desire to create

As a teenager, the guy organized his own group "Lul Clan". Although the project did not last long, but the experience gained was useful to Max. The enterprising guy repeatedly tried to assemble a team of like-minded people, but all efforts were in vain. Then Korzh decided to retrain as a beatmaker, but this attempt failed miserably.

Max's parents did not share their son's passion, considering it meaningless and unpromising. On this basis, there was a split in the relationship between the son and the father. The only one who remained on the side of the talented musician was his sister Natasha. Korzh will describe this period of life in one of the songs, and the lines “Mom Valya, dad Tolya were hysterical” will remain in memory forever.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Max decided to develop his musical abilities, but once again his parents intervened in his plans.

At their insistence, the guy entered one of the prestigious universities in Belarus at the Faculty of International Relations. But the student was in no hurry to plunge into the world of knowledge, but continued to develop creativity. After finishing his second year of university, Korzh dropped out of school.

During these two years, Max managed to write several ironic tracks that became popular in narrow circles. Even the father stopped resisting his son's passion and later starred in one of Maxim's videos. Soon Korzh was drafted into the army, where he continued to write texts and make plans. After demobilization, the musician was restored to the university, although it was still just a formality for him.

Climbing the creative Olympus

Before going to defend the Motherland, Korzh recorded the song "The sky will help us", which cost him $ 300. The aspiring rapper posted the track on the World Wide Web and went to the recruiting station. Returning home, Max learned that the song was in the rotation of two Belarusian radio stations. The popularity that fell on the guy became an occasion to get rid of addictions: alcohol and nicotine.

In 2012, Max's fans finally waited for the release of the debut album "Animal World", which included 16 songs. The most famous were such tracks as: “Where is your love?”, “White fog”, “Open your eyes”, “Alien woman”, “In the dark”. According to the artist, in his creative piggy bank there are songs for any age audience.

The next significant step was the signing by Max of a contract with the music label "Respect Production" and the beginning of a tour in near and far abroad.

Interesting Notes:

November 2013 Max Korzh presented the second disc, called "Live in high". This album quickly broke into the top charts in Russia and Belarus, taking the top lines. Soon the musician edited two concert clips: "Endorphin" and "It doesn't matter." A year later, Korzh presented a fresh video for the song "Traliki" and went on a tour, called "Torn May".

In the capital of his native Belarus, the rapper gathered a full stadium of fans who came to support his fellow countryman and enjoy his work. A few months later, Max triumphantly performed in the capital of Russia, gathering a full hall at Luzhniki. In the same 2014, Korzh won the prestigious Muz-TV music award in the Album of the Year nomination.

In the fall of 2014, the artist presented the third disc, Domashny, to the fans, which included 10 tracks. The album differed significantly from the rapper's previous works. It is filled with family warmth and joy.

In the same 2014, Max Korzh became a father for the first time, and his daughter Emilia was born. Inspired by Korzh, he went on tour in support of the Domashny album, which took place in major cities of Europe and America. In 2015, Max again took part in the Muz-TV annual music award. This time, the artist was nominated in three categories at once: "Best Live Show", "Best Album", "Best Hip-Hop Project".

The following year, Korzh presented a record called “Small has matured. Part 1". It included such tracks as: "Emilia", "I'll take my own", "MacLeod". He was well received by Max's fans.

The fifth studio album under the predictable name “Small has matured. Part 2" came out exactly one year after the first part. Fresh work is filled with memories of youth, the beginning creative way and, of course, love. Of the seven tracks included in the album, the most popular were: "Crimson Sunset", "Drunken Rain" and "Optimist".

In the summer of 2018, the premiere of the video “Knee-deep mountains” took place, in which Kamchatka appeared instead of the usual landscapes of Minsk. After the performer was not on tour in Ukraine for 2 years, he gathered 25,000 loyal fans in Odessa. In the fall of 2018, Max Korzh went on a tour of America, where he will present both new and well-known tracks.

Not a word about Mimi and Emilia

Max Korzh, like most artists, does not like to advertise his personal life. The rapper is married to a petite brunette named Tatyana, whom he affectionately calls Mimi. In 2012, a modest wedding took place, and a year later, daughter Emilia was born.

The rapper dedicated many tracks to his family and little daughter. Max Korzh's wife Tatyana is raising a child, and also supports Max in all his endeavors. You can read more about the artist's wife.

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, in Belarus on November 23, 1988 for the first time saw the light Maxim Korzh. Since childhood, he began to be interested in music, listening to Dr. Dre and other performers.
Parents saw their child's passion, so they sent him to study at a music school. At the age of fourteen, Max expressed a desire to become an artist - he wanted to perform on stage with his songs, but his father and mother did not approve of his son's choice.
As a result, Korzh entered the Belarusian State University. However, the guy never finished his studies, deciding for himself that being creative is more important for him.
The song "Heaven will help us" became the main impetus for the continuation of the solo musical career. After the publication of this track on the network, the performer is taken into the army.

During the period of service, the composition gradually gained popularity and made Korzh famous not only in the military, but also in civilian life.
Demobilized, in 2012, Maxim released the first disc "Animal World" and the long-awaited video for the very song that brought the singer his first recognition.

November 2013 is marked by the release of the second album "Live in high", songs from which began to play almost all the most famous radio stations. The solo album became a real hit and collected many awards.

A year later, the 3rd album of Korzh under the warm name "Home" sees the light.

Maxim Korzh is a very talented and extravagant singer. No wonder he has a lot of fans, this is a good reward for such a difficult path to a musical career.

: "My Ten",, freeze frames
: Social networks (scan from Korzh's personal album)
: (Official Instagram page)
Stills from YouTube music videos by Max Korzh ("respectproduct", "ELLO")
Personal archive of Maxim Korzh

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"