Anya is one of the truly sincere and open characters in A.P. Chekhov's play, which has become a classic of Russian fiction.

The image and characterization of Anya Trofimova in the play "The Cherry Orchard" is a hope for the spiritual rebirth of Russia.

The role of the heroine in the play

Anya Ranevskaya is not the main character of the work. She is assigned a role of secondary importance, she complements the plot of the play, helps to understand the problem raised by the author of the play. A.P. Chekhov himself tries to characterize the role of the character in his letters. In one of the letters, he says that Anya's role is "short and uninteresting." This young and thin girl is an example of childishness, naivety and burning hopes for better life. For actors, the author simplifies the task. In his opinion, it can be "played by anyone." The main thing is external similarity. Youth, a sonorous voice, the ability to hold back tears and be cheerful and carefree. But if you do not think about the significance of literature, you can deny the importance of many insignificant characters. Anna cannot be removed from the text. It helps to understand the character of many heroes:

  • loss and fear of Vari's life;
  • isolation from the real perception of the mother's life;
  • laziness and parasitism of representatives of the nobility;
  • love for the chatter of the learned Peter;
  • the insincerity of Gaev's words;
  • vanity of Lopakhin.

Communicating with each character, Anya emphasizes its negative sides, emphasizes individuality.

Girl character

Anya is 17 years old, she has not yet matured and feels like a naive child in her soul. Anya's mother is an impoverished noblewoman who does not understand the complexity of her position. She is in the air, making plans that are not destined to come true. Part of her demeanor passed on to her daughter. Anya flew in a balloon in Paris, she admires ordinary things, enjoys life and does not understand people. Anya spent most of her life abroad. She was educated by a governess of French origin with an unknown past. Governess Charlotte is a circus performer. It cannot be assumed that her knowledge is sufficient for a girl. Anya independently searched for what helped her become interesting and educated. She read a lot, looking for correct life principles in books. The books did their job: the girl grew up enthusiastic and emotional. She easily succumbs to the ideas of Peter, believes his every word. The young man was the teacher of the deceased brother, but it is likely that his lessons were also interesting for Anya.

The daughter loves her mother very much, she chooses the most tender words for her: beautiful, kind, good. Anya loves her half-sister Varya, she treats her as affectionately as her mother: beautiful, darling.

Anya and eternal student Petya

Ranevskaya is friends with Peter Trofimov. Young people talk, looking for the meaning of happiness and freedom. They do not accept the possibility of feelings of love between them, trying to deny love in existence. Their goal is a bright star that shines in the distance and beckons them with its light. The author does not give the exact content of their conversations. The reader is forced to guess what the heroes of the play dream about. There is only fragmentary data of their hopes:

  • new cherry orchard;
  • quiet cozy house;
  • reading books in the evenings;
  • happy people around.

A bright future is tempting, but very vague. It is clear that young people are not afraid of changes in life. Anya is ready for work, study, exams. But she, hoping for Peter, does not notice his isolation from reality. At eternal student many words, but few actions. The author hopes that the energy of the girl, his desire to find the meaning of life will help "ideological" people (such as Peter). Their inner strength is not enough to spread their knowledge, and "Ani" will become the driving force, "pushers" and helpers.

Connection with nature

The play describes the loss of a beautiful old cherry orchard. Few objects from the author give the reader the opportunity to imagine real beauty. Anya grew up in a quiet estate, among beautiful trees. It was nature that allowed the girl to maintain the purity of her soul and thoughts. Young Russia is a new cherry orchard, it is the aroma of freedom and movement towards a dream. Anya will help her loved ones, she will change the usual way of life of the nobility. The girl will be able to start working and achieve her goals not with the help of rich relatives, but on her own, like a truly happy person.

The Cherry Orchard is one of his best works. The action of the play takes place on the estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, on an estate with a cherry orchard surrounded by poplars, with a long alley that "goes straight, straight, like an outstretched belt" and "glistens on moonlit nights." This garden is going to be sold because of the numerous debts of L. A. Ranevskaya. She does not want to agree that the garden should be sold for summer cottages.

Ranevskaya, devastated by love, returns to her estate in the spring. In the cherry orchard doomed to bidding - "white masses of flowers", starlings sing, above the garden - blue sky. Nature is preparing for renewal - hopes for a new, pure life awaken in the soul of Ranevskaya: “All, all white! O my garden! After a dark, rainy autumn and a cold winter, you are young again, full of happiness, the angels of heaven will not leave you ... If only I could remove a heavy stone from my chest and shoulders, if I could forget my past! And for the merchant Lopakhin, the cherry orchard means something more than an object of a profitable commercial deal. Having become the owner of a garden and a manor, he experiences an enthusiastic state ... He bought an estate, which is more beautiful than anything in the world!

Ranevskaya is impractical, selfish, she is petty and went in her love interest, but she is also kind, sympathetic, her sense of beauty does not fade. Lopakhin sincerely wants to help Ranevskaya, expresses genuine sympathy for her, shares her passion for the beauty of the cherry orchard. The role of Lopakhin is central - he is a gentle person.

It was not given to Ranevskaya to save the garden from destruction, and not because she was unable to turn the cherry orchard into a commercial, profitable one, as it was 40-50 years ago: “... It used to be that dried cherries were carted and sent to Moscow and Kharkov . There was money!

When they only talk about the possibility of a sale, Ranevskaya "tearing the telegram without reading it" when the buyer is already called - Ranevskaya, before breaking the telegram, reads it, and that's when the auction took place - Ranevskaya does not tear the telegrams and, accidentally dropping one of them, confesses her decision to go to Paris to the man who robbed and abandoned her, confesses her love for this man. In Paris, she is going to live on the money that Anina's grandmother sent to buy the estate. Ranevskaya turned out to be below the idea of ​​a cherry orchard, she betrays her.

The comedy "The Cherry Orchard" is considered Chekhov's top work. The play reflects such a socio-historical phenomenon of the country as the degradation of " noble nest”, the moral impoverishment of the nobility, the development of feudal relations into capitalist ones, and behind this - the emergence of a new, ruling class of the bourgeoisie. The theme of the play is the fate of the motherland, its future. "The whole of Russia is our garden." The past, present and future of Russia, as it were, rises from the pages of the play "The Cherry Orchard". The representative of the present in Chekhov's comedy is Lopakhin, the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev, the future - Trofimov and Anya.

Starting from the first act of the play, the rottenness and worthlessness of the owners of the estate - Ranevskaya and Gaev - are exposed. Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, in my opinion, is a rather empty woman. She does not see anything around her but love interests, she strives to live beautifully, carefree. She is simple, charming, kind. But her kindness is purely external. The essence of her nature is in selfishness and frivolity: Ranevskaya distributes gold, while poor Varya, out of "savings, feeds everyone with milk soup, in the kitchen they give old people one pea"; arranges an unnecessary ball when there is nothing to pay debts. He remembers the dead son, speaks of maternal feelings, love. And she herself leaves her daughter in the care of a careless uncle, does not worry about the future of her daughters. She resolutely tears telegrams from Paris, at first without even reading them, and then she goes to Paris. She is saddened by the sale of the estate, but rejoices at the possibility of going abroad. And when he talks about love for the motherland, he interrupts himself with the remark: “However, you must drink coffee.” For all her weakness, lack of will, she has the ability for self-criticism, for disinterested kindness, for sincere, ardent feeling.

Gaev, Ranevskaya's brother, is also helpless and lethargic. In his own eyes, he is an aristocrat of the highest circle, "rough" smells interfere with him. He does not seem to notice Lopakhin and tries to put "this boor" in his place. In Gaev's language, vernacular is combined with lofty words: after all, he loves liberal rantings. His favorite word is "whom"; he is addicted to billiard terms.

The present Russia in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" is represented by Lopakhin. In general, his image is complex and contradictory. He is resolute and compliant, prudent and poetic, truly kind and unconsciously cruel. Such are the many facets of his nature and character. Throughout the play, the hero constantly repeats about his origin, saying that he is a peasant: “My father, however, was a peasant, but here I am in a white vest and yellow shoes. With a pig’s snout in a kalashny row ... Only now he’s rich, there’s a lot of money, but if you think and figure it out, then a peasant is a peasant ... ”Although, it seems to me, he still exaggerates his common people, because he already came from the family of a village kulak-shopkeeper. Lopakhin himself says: “... my late father - he then traded here in the village in a shop ...” Yes, and he himself is currently a very successful businessman. According to him, it can be judged that things are even going very well with him and there is no need to complain about his life and his fate in relation to money.

In his image, all the features of an entrepreneur, a businessman, personifying the present state of Russia, its structure are visible. Lopakhin is a man of his time, who saw the real chain of development of the country, its structure and was drawn into the life of society. He lives for today.

Chekhov notes the kindness of the merchant, his desire to become better. Ermolai Alekseevich remembers how Ranevskaya stood up for him when his father offended him as a child. Lopakhin recalls this with a smile: “Don’t cry, he says, little man, he will heal before the wedding ... (Pause.) Little man ...” He sincerely loves her, willingly lends Lyubov Andreevna money, not expecting to ever receive them. For her sake, he tolerates Gaev, who despises and ignores him. The merchant strives to improve his education, to learn something new. At the beginning of the play, he is shown with a book in front of the readers. Regarding this, Yermolai Alekseevich says: “I was reading a book and did not understand anything. Read and fell asleep.

Yermolai Lopakhin, the only one in the play busy with business, leaves for his merchant needs. In one of the conversations about this, you can hear: "I now, at five o'clock in the morning, go to Kharkov." He differs from others in his vitality, diligence, optimism, assertiveness, practicality. Alone, he proposes a real plan to save the estate.

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Homework on the topic: Description of the image of Ranevskaya in the play " The Cherry Orchard» .

Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" combines several key ideas and thoughts - the conflict of generations, the end of the Russian nobility, attachment to home and family. In the center of the story is a cherry orchard owned by the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. heavy financial situation makes her go to the sale of the garden, to which Ranevskaya herself is strongly attached by soul. For her, this place is the personification of family, comfort, calm, measured life without change.

Chekhov paid great attention to female images in his works. The character of Ranevskaya in the productions of The Cherry Orchard is one of the brightest Chekhov's images, around which critics are constantly arguing. Despite the external complexity of this heroine, there are no contradictions in her, she is true to her thoughts and principles.

Lyubov Andreevna was married to a "sworn attorney" of non-noble origin. The husband had huge debts, drank a lot, from which he died soon. Not experiencing happiness in marriage, but experiencing the loss of a spouse, Ranevskaya starts an affair with another. However, the woman has to experience a new grief - the tragic death of her little son, after which Ranevskaya tries to escape from her grief to Paris. The lover goes with her, but instead of support and sincere sympathy, Lyubov Andreevna receives only a waste of her fortune, after which she remains alone. Then the landowner returns home.

The characterization of this heroine is dual: on the one hand, Lyubov Andreevna is well educated, has an excellent upbringing, she is true to her convictions, kind to others and generous. On the other hand, the depravity of Ranevskaya, her inability to think rationally, is clearly visible. A woman loves to live for her own pleasure, without denying herself anything, which eventually leads to a sad end: the need to sell the garden.

Ranevskaya herself speaks of her inability to manage money and her habit of littering them. Despite this recklessness and even viciousness, others love this woman, are drawn to her. In the situation with the garden, there is also a duality in the character of Lyubov Andreevna: she is very attached to this place, therefore she is very worried about the need to sell it, but she tries to disguise her feelings with ease of behavior. Ranevskaya sings melodies and throws a ball at the estate before the auction. And in these actions - the whole essence of Ranevskaya.

The reluctance to sell the cherry orchard, the fear of change is not a reason to take any action for Lyubov Andreevna. Lopakhin offers several real ways to save the site, but Ranevskaya prefers to express her suffering only in words, without putting the merchant's ideas into practice. The landowner is somewhat detached from the real world, she lives in her fantasies, and this detachment more than once leads to a sad ending. Cultured, educated, sensitive Ranevskaya is a bright representative of a disappearing aristocratic society, literally in front of her eyes, being forced out by people of a new formation - active and down to earth.

Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

Quotes. A comment.
Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, landowner.
“She is a good person. Easy, simple man. About her Lopakhin.
“Six years ago my father died, a month later my brother Grisha, a pretty seven-year-old boy, drowned in the river. Mom couldn’t bear it, she left, left, without looking back ... (Starts.) How I understand her, if she knew!” Anya about the tragedy in the family.
“God knows, I love my homeland, I love dearly, I couldn’t look from the car, I kept crying. (Through tears.) However, you need to drink coffee. High-flown words about love for the motherland Ranevskaya immediately interrupts with ordinary phrases about coffee. There is a lot of artistry, ostentation in her speech and behavior.
“... I won’t survive this joy ... Laugh at me, I’m stupid ... My closet is dear ... (Kisses the closet.) My table.” Gaev. And without you here the nanny died. Lyubov Andreevna (sits down and drinks coffee). Yes, the kingdom of heaven. They wrote to me. Glad to be home. But again, everything is ostentatious: love for things and indifference to the fate of people. Too calmly perceived the death of the nanny.
“Oh, my garden! After a dark, rainy autumn and cold winter, you are young again, full of happiness, the angels of heaven have not abandoned you ... If only a heavy stone could be removed from my chest and shoulders, if I could forget my past! The past weighs on the soul of the heroine.
Gaev. Yes, and the garden will be sold for debts, oddly enough ... Ranevskaya does not seem to hear these words of her brother about the fate of the garden, she is not trying to do anything to save the estate.
“She married a non-nobleman and behaved, one cannot say, very virtuously. She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much, but no matter how you think of extenuating circumstances, nevertheless, I must admit she is vicious. It is felt in her slightest movement. Gaev speaks about his sister in a very contradictory way.
Lyubov Andreevna (looks in his wallet). Yesterday there was a lot of money, and today there is very little. My poor Varya, out of economy, feeds everyone with milk soup, in the kitchen they give old people one pea, and I spend like a meaningless. Ranevskaya just squanders money. At a time when the family has no money even for a normal meal.
« I've always been throwing money away without restraint, like a madwoman, and married a man who did nothing but debt. Critical of himself.
« You boldly look ahead, and is it not because you do not see and do not expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes? You are bolder, more honest, deeper than us, but think about it, be generous at the tip of your finger, spare me. After all, I was born here, my father and mother lived here, my grandfather, I love this house, without a cherry orchard I don't understand my life, and if you really need to sell it, then sell me along with the garden ... (Hugs Trofimov, kisses him on the forehead.) After all, my son drowned here ... " Trofimov.

Ranevskaya asks to spare her feelings, because the garden is so dear to her. At the same time, she understands that young people are more honest, bolder than the older generation.

Lyubov Andreevna. This is a telegram from Paris. I receive every day. Both yesterday and today. This wild man fell ill again, it’s not good with him again ... He asks for forgiveness, begs to come, and really I should have gone to Paris to be near him. ... he is sick, he is lonely, unhappy, and who will look after him there, who will keep him from making mistakes, who will give him medicine in time? And what is there to hide or be silent, I love him, that's clear. Love love…" Trofimov.

Ranevskaya admits that she loves the person who is now there, in Paris, who needs her help. And if at first she did not read his telegrams, then after a while she already wants to go to him.

Trofimov. After all he is a scoundrel only you don't know this! He's a petty scoundrel, a nonentity... About her lover Ranevskaya, when she said that she wanted to go to Paris with him, because he needed him.
"You have to be a man, at your age need to understand those who love. And you need to love yourself ... you need to fall in love! He accuses Trofimov of not understanding her feelings, says that he needs to fall in love, then he will be able to understand her.
“I am leaving for Paris, I will live there with the money that your Yaroslavl grandmother sent to buy an estate - long live grandmother! “But that money won’t last long.” Anya before leaving.

Ranevskaya does not think about the future, about where she will take the money. As long as she has them, and she is ready to go to her beloved again.

“I am leaving with two concerns. The first is sick Firs. My second sadness is Varya. She was used to getting up early and working, and now without difficulty she is like a fish without water. She lost weight, turned pale and cries, poor thing ... ". Ranevskaya leaves, not caring about the fate of people close and devoted to her. She never made sure that Firs a was taken to the hospital. She leaves Anya, Varya, and her brother to the mercy of fate. So many unfinished business, and she's leaving. This is indifference, love is only ostentatious, external, in the foreground are her interests and feelings.

General conclusion.

  • Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya- landowner, one of the mistresses of the family estate. Once she was rich, littered with money. Generals and barons danced at her evenings. A blooming cherry orchard for her is a symbol of a beautiful past life.
  • However, that time has long passed. Her husband drank, dying from this, she went abroad for her lover, but he robbed her. At the beginning of the play, the author showed how she and her daughter Anya return to their native estate. But he is about to be sold for debts.
  • The heroine has two daughters - Anya, she is 17 years old, and Varya, her adopted daughter, her 24 years old.
  • She is very happy to return, everything in the house is dear to her, because it reminds her of her childhood, her parents, her dead son Grisha. It seems to her that she is able to start a new life.
  • There are many attractive features in Ranevskaya: kindness, charm, enthusiasm, love for nature, music, emotionality.
  • However, Ranevskaya is not capable of decisive action. So, she doesn’t want to hear about Lopakhin’s proposal to sell the estate to summer residents. He continues to waste money: he eats in an expensive restaurant, orders musicians, distributes money to a passer-by and peasants. Ranevskaya, like her brother Gaev, it seems that everything will somehow be decided by itself, that something will happen and the estate will again belong to them.
  • She is very frivolous, even helpless in solving everyday problems. Someone has to decide for her.
  • By nature, she is a kind, considerate woman. It is no coincidence that Lopakhin recalls all his life how she reassured him as a child after his father's beatings. Peasants, servants love her, everyone regrets when she goes abroad again.
  • However, she does not undertake anything serious in the fate of her loved ones. Ranevskaya leaves the children (Anya will study, work, Varya entered the service of the landowners), did not complete the deal with Firs, because he was never admitted to the hospital. So many unfinished business, and she's leaving. This is indifference, love is only ostentatious, external, in the foreground is her interests and feelings.
  • Ranevskaya is selfish, she lives with feelings. It is no coincidence that her brother calls her "vicious."
  • Attitude towards the heroine is ambiguous. She evokes sympathy, because fate was sometimes so cruel to her. At the same time, she herself is largely to blame for her situation: inability to work, idle life, inability to live, some indifference to the fate of people, although kindness to them - all this cannot cause sympathy. The author showed that the time of the nobility, as an estate that is not able to keep up with the times, has already gone. You have to change, otherwise you just end up with nothing. Namely, this is what awaits Ranevskaya after a certain time, when the money runs out.

The material was prepared by: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna.

>Characteristics of heroes Cherry Orchard

Characteristics of the hero Ranevskaya

This heroine is accustomed to luxury, and does not know how to deny herself anything. Even when it comes to saving her childhood home, she can't go against her lifestyle. The newly minted merchant Lopakhin offers her to set up summer cottages on the site of the garden and rent them out in order to pay off debts on the estate. Thus, she will be able to save her father's house. But she and her brother Gaev oppose the idea. They consider renting summer cottages to be vulgar, and they don’t want to cut down the cherry orchard either. This garden is dear to her not only for childhood memories, but as a symbol of the motherland and nobility.

To the last, she does not believe that they can deprive her of the cherry orchard, she still hopes for the help of her relatives. Sometimes it seems to her that everything will work out by itself. However, fate decrees otherwise. During the auction, Lopakhin himself buys their estate with a garden. Now nothing keeps her at home, and heartbroken, she returns to Paris. The character of Ranevskaya absorbed the features of the true Russian nobility, which was primarily characterized by tribal traditions.