Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be considered one of the best literary works nineteenth century. On its pages, the author introduces us to the main characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Both characters are definitely worth watching. To answer the question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana, let's first try to understand what Eugene is.

The image of Onegin at the beginning of the novel

Features of the character of the hero, his feelings, disposition and thoughts are revealed to us gradually.

Eugene Onegin is a typical aristocrat of his time, a nobleman. He was "little by little, something" studied by French teachers and tutors, which gave him the opportunity to talk about everything superficially, with the "look of an expert."

In the light, Eugene was a success with the ladies. At first he was pleased that he knew how to impress the representatives of high society, but gradually indifference took possession of him, he was attacked by the blues.

The hero is trying to find something interesting in life. He begins to write, but, as it turned out, he does not like "hard work." Reading is also of little interest to him.

He comes to the village to his sick uncle, embittered at the whole world. Here Onegin meets the Larin family. The eldest daughter of this family, a sweet provincial young lady, is imbued with feelings for him. To understand why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana, let's try to find out more about this heroine.

The image of Tatyana Larina. Why did she choose Onegin

Pushkin loves his heroine very much. Tatyana Larina is a sensitive and sentimental girl, brought up on novels. This is a highly spiritual person with a rich inner world.

Pushkin singles out Tatyana among others actors calling her
"sweet ideal." The author appreciates the ability to feel sincerely. Tatyana loves Russian nature, sees its extraordinary beauty. Since childhood, she has been striving for solitude, reading French books about love.

Why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin is easy to understand. He is a metropolitan dandy who knows how to impress, who knows how to touch the heart of a lady.

We continue our writing. Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? At first glance, everything is clear: "The soul was waiting ... for someone, And it waited ...". However, the girl's feelings are deep, "Tatiana loves in earnest."

What is common between Onegin and Tatyana

The two characters, Onegin and Tatyana, seem to be completely different: he is self-confident, she is timid; he knows the world, she is a modest provincial girl. However, in the character of the heroine there are features that are inherent in Onegin.

Firstly, both heroes are distinguished by their originality and originality of character. Secondly, the unsociable Onegin, like Tatyana, feels alone in the world, while she is a stranger among her loved ones. Thirdly, they yearn because of dissatisfaction with their environment. Fourth, the characters understand the emptiness and vulgarity of provincial and metropolitan societies. On these features, the essay is built.

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? The girl made Eugene the hero of her novel for a reason. She found a kindred spirit in him. However, we are looking for an answer to the question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana. As we know, in response to the confession of the girl, Eugene advised her to learn to "rule herself." So let's read the novel.

Second meeting

After the duel with Lensky, as we know, Onegin leaves the village. He goes to travel. Two years pass before our hero meets Tatyana Larina again. Onegin finds her in Moscow, she is a secular lady, a princess who makes her husband happy, behaves very dignified, not allowing herself "these little antics", "claims to succeed." Everyone around admires her, including our hero. He writes a confession to her, to which Tatyana replies that, despite her love for Eugene, she is given to another.

Why Onegin now fell in love with Tatyana

This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. On the one hand, Tatyana herself suggests that Eugene now liked her because of a certain position in high society. She is now "caressed by the yard." The shame of Tatyana could be noticed by everything that would bring Onegin "seductive honor."

Nevertheless, resentment most likely speaks in her, because she admits that she loves Eugene.

So why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana? Perhaps she simply aroused his interest as a young secular woman who is much more attractive than a provincial young lady. In addition, the forbidden fruit is always sweet, because Tatyana became the wife of a respected general. She is beautiful and inaccessible. We can conclude that Eugene did not love her.

However, it is worth remembering how, at the first meeting, he told Lensky that he would have chosen Tatiana, not Olga, if he had been a poet. This confirms that Onegin saw in her a deep personality capable of evoking true feelings, for which the hero himself was not ready at that time, fearing to lose his "hateful freedom." Nevertheless, it can be assumed that with his words Onegin tried to divert the attention of the young poet from Olga.

Most likely, Onegin really fell in love with Tatyana, because his letter to Larina seems so sincere.

main character the works of A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” is a modest provincial girl who falls in love with a dandy from the capital. The author, as you know, has always been interested in secular beauties, and he would hardly have paid attention to such a modest woman. However, Pushkin

So he writes about her that we involuntarily feel sympathy for the main character and ask ourselves the question: “Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin?”.

Unique individuality

It would seem that the main characters are completely different people: he is brilliant socialite She is a provincial girl. However, they have a lot in common.

Both heroes are lonely: he misses secular society, while the most dear people do not understand it. Both Tatyana and Evgeny feel misunderstood in their environment. It's hard for them to be at the provincial ball. Eugene Onegin, like our heroine, understands the emptiness of the capital and provincial

Society. This makes them related. The commonality in the views on the life of the main characters helps to comprehend why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin, and not Lensky.

She liked novels early

As you know, Tatyana was born and raised in the village. She is a deep nature, appreciating solitude. From an early age, the girl preferred French novels, rather than games with cheerful girlfriends. Her soul yearned for love, even her interest in fortune-telling was largely dictated by the desire to meet her betrothed soon. Among the village neighbors, no one was suitable for the role of the chosen one, young girls usually fall in love with those who are surrounded by a halo of mystery. Therefore, is it any wonder that Onegin, dressed as a “dandy of London”, touched the heart of our heroine.

So, we are getting closer to understanding why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin. Let's try to understand what her feelings are for the main character.

Tatyana loves not jokingly

The love of the main character is a really serious feeling, and not a slight passion of a young person. So why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? Composition - reasoning on this topic is often written by ninth grade students, for most of whom the answer to this question seems absolutely obvious, because he is so handsome, so mysterious and interesting!

However, external attractiveness and charm is what can give rise to falling in love, and not a deep feeling. It is no coincidence that we are trying to understand why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin, because we are talking it's about love. The girl's feelings for our hero are deep. After Yevgeny left, Tatyana began to visit Onegin's house and read books, paying special attention to those places that were allocated. So she tried to better understand her character. With ordinary love, girls, rather, tend to strive to present themselves well, and when the object of attention disappears, the young lady forgets about him. Tatyana's feeling for Eugene Onegin is much deeper, she is trying to understand who he is, trying to comprehend his soul. Later main character will understand what kind of devoted love he refused. Alas, the time for regret came too late.

At the end of the book, the main character, being a secular lady, confesses to Onegin that she still loves him, but is given to another.

So, now we understand why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin. His image fit very well into the ideas of a young girl about how the chosen one of her heart should look. However, Tatiana's feelings were serious and deep, which is undoubtedly due to the wealth and breadth of her nature.

Essays on topics:

  1. The main character of the novel "Eugene Onegin" fell in love without looking back. In Evgenia, Tatyana appreciated the originality, sharp mind, a strong character. The girl thought...
  2. Tatyana Larina is moral ideal famous poet and writer A. S. Pushkin. That is why the author is always on the side of the girl ....
  3. The work of A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" tells about two completely different girls, Tatyana and Olga. Olga is a cheerful, modest, cheerful girl. She...

Bustle reigns in Moscow, but the girl slowly got used to it. And to the delight of Tatyana's mother, one general became interested in her at one ball. Some time has passed. Onegin is already 26. He traveled for a long time and finally decided to return to the capital. And he began to attend balls often. Once at one of these events, he saw Tatyana. She has changed a lot compared to that young Tatyana. Asking a prince if he knew this girl in a crimson beret, Onegin heard an answer that surprised him greatly. The prince said that it was his wife. Tatyana seemed to be indifferent towards Onegin. She was very easy on him. Communicated good-naturedly, as with everyone, but no more. But Onegin, without noticing it himself, cannot live a day without seeing her, even for a moment. He takes pleasure in touching her hand briefly or picking up her handkerchief. And Tatyana is really indifferent, she does not pretend at all in her indifference. Onegin fell ill with consumption and began to dry up. He realizes that he doesn't have long to live. And Eugene decides to write letters to Tatyana. He says he loves her with all his heart. That then did not take her love seriously. He explains that he went then because of the death of Lensky. He apologizes for the sheet. He asks her permission to see her. And asks for a meeting, but the woman does not answer the letter. Onegin writes the second and third, but still does not receive an answer. Then Eugene decides to visit Tatyana. She greets him with great coldness. Onegin tried to arouse sympathy, but only aroused anger. The man understands that Tatyana does not have any feelings for him, although he is immersed in thoughts about her. And when Onegin already looked like a dead man, he again came to Larina. And I saw her crying. She read Eugene's letters. Onegin fell at her feet. She stood up and decided to take a break. She says that when she was a naive girl, he did not need her, but as she became a secular woman, his feelings began to play sharply. She says that she did not stop loving him, but she will keep...

Autumn has passed, January is already outside the window. The time has come for fortune-telling and, having decided to do this, Tatyana has a dream. For her, he was very scary. The girl walks through a clearing covered with snow. Ahead, she needs to cross the bridge, but it seems very fragile and the girl is afraid. In addition, a bear unexpectedly crawled out of a snowdrift, which extended its paw to her. The girl leaned against it and thus crossed the stream. Tatyana walked quickly, but the bear followed her exactly. She lost her earrings and shoes, besides, she let in her handkerchief. She no longer had strength, and she fell into the snow. Then the bear picked her up and carried her. Tatyana did not resist from impotence. They came to a snow-covered hut from which noise was heard. The bear said that he would leave her with his godfather. And he left. The girl looked inside and saw a bunch of different monsters. And what surprised her most was the fact that Onegin was the main one among them. The monsters saw the girl and began to shout "mine, mine", but Onegin stopped them and himself said that she was his. Then the monsters retreated. Tatyana and Eugene were left alone. Onegin clung to Tatyana. And here Lensky and Olga came to the hut. Eugene was very angry with the uninvited guests and began to scream loudly. Subsequently, he stabbed Vladimir to death. After that, Tatyana woke up in horror and fear. She tried to interpret her dream, but she could not do it exactly. Even so, I understood that this meant some kind of trouble.

The friendship of the two men continues, but Lensky tries to spend more time in the Larins' house, because his beloved lives there. But Onegin does not share Lensky's desire to spend time in the company of ordinary Russian people. After some time, he nevertheless decided to ask Lensky to introduce him to the Larin family, which he did with pleasure. However, after meeting Onegin, he told Lensky that Olga was very interesting and narrow-minded. She says that Tatyana is much more interesting. After this visit, everyone around said that Onegin was courting Tatyana, although this was not so. And Tatyana at that time fell seriously in love with Eugene. She stopped sleeping at night and decided to write a letter to her boyfriend. She says that she fell in love with him, and considers the letter sent absurd, but she cannot keep her feelings. And she will understand if Onegin then takes pity on her.

It's Tatyana's birthday. Many guests arrived. Including Onegin. They put him in front of the girl. And what about her, that he was very embarrassed and very unpleasant to look at each other. Everyone began to have fun, but they were not up to fun. Onegin wanted to quickly get rid of this society, as he believed ordinary people. But he also really wanted to take revenge on Lensky, who forced him to come to this holiday. And from this he invites Olga to dance and whispers in her ear, which are vulgarities. Vladimir Lensky did not like this situation very much and therefore he challenged Yevgeny to a duel. Lensky quickly disappeared from the day Tatyana was born and Olga did not understand what was the matter. Tatyana was in thought why Onegin behaved like this with Olga. But Lensky really wanted to stop loving Olga.

She had been seen to marry a general; she could not go against the will of her parents. She changed a lot, became impregnable and majestic. After the ball, Onegin thought only about Tatyana, he fell in love with her like a child. Onegin writes a letter to Tatiana, in which he confesses his love for her. She is silent, does not answer his letter, Onegin sends her two more letters, but still no answer. Tatyana is a married woman, she does not want to dishonor herself and her family, so she does not answer him, although she still loves him. Tatyana admits that she loves Onegin, but will remain faithful to her husband. With these words, she left. Eugene was amazed, but her husband appears ... By this, the author gave a great lesson to Onegin ... On this, their two sad destinies parted ...

Tatyana Larina is the eldest daughter in the Larin family. Her features included: dreaminess, thoughtfulness, silence. These features set her apart from other people. She lived "in the wilderness of a forgotten village." Love appeared in her life when it was time for her to love. Tatyana fell in love with Onegin and continued to love her all her life. The naturalness and humanity inherent in Tatyana, at the first collision with life, set in motion, made her bold and independent. The eldest Larina fell in love with Onegin, because with her heart, and not with her mind, she immediately felt a kindred spirit in him. She wrote a letter to Onegin and waited for an explanation, hoping for reciprocity. Onegin answered Eina, because he did not love her. The protagonist Eugene Onegin himself represents a nobleman who saw everything in the world, he was not interested in life either. Onegin, according to many people around him, is an eccentric. When his uncle was dying, he went to the village to say goodbye to him, but Evgeny was late. In this village he met "out of nothing to do" with Vladimir Lensky. At first they were friends together, but everything in them gave rise to disputes. In the end, the duel Onegin killed Lensky, and the reason was a rash act. Onegin simply did not yet truly love anyone, so he did not understand Lensky and other people.

Onegin did not reciprocate Tatyana for a very banal reason - he did not love her. He distinguished her, understood that she was not like all the young ladies, when compared with Olga, she clearly won, but he did not feel love. To the same experienced womanizer, it is unlikely that a village girl could seriously turn her head. Only a deep person could love such a girl, he experienced a lot in his lifetime. Onegin fell in love with Tatyana when she dressed in a modern way and acquired the manners of a secular lady. And add her mind, kindness, purity, simplicity. And the forbidden fruit is oh so sweet - and Tatyana is married. And it flatters his vanity that she once loved him. In general, which Onegin was at the beginning of the novel, remained almost the same at the end. The only thing that could make amends for him is to become a Decembrist. And most likely he will be.

Onegin acted nobly, at least he thought so. He did not take advantage of the girl's naivety and inexperience, did not break fate, she was sympathetic to him with her intelligence and depth, her folk purity. Tatyana was written out with love by Pushkin, one phrase "Tatyana, a Russian soul, without knowing why, with her cold beauty, loved the Russian winter" says a lot. Pushkin is a patriot and we know how harshly he reacted to the enemies of Russia and how he loved her heroes.

Onegin did not answer Tatyana, because she showed too much initiative for those times. Writing a long letter to an outsider at the beginning of the 19th century is like putting a lasso around his neck and dragging him through the streets to the registry office in front of everyone. Onegin was simply taken aback by such activity on the part of a rural girl.

He would change Tatyana, he would be bored with children. And so - she had a life, she entered high society, enjoyed recognition and authority there. Her life in marriage is not clearly described, it is not clear whether there are children, well, Pushkin was not interested in this.

Tatyana is completely different. Her lyrical disposition is not a symptom of a naive mind, but rather an expression of her power to give a shimmer to poetry to the prose world. Tatiana's unrequited love for Onegin reflects the dramatic fates of the characters in her favorite novels, but in reality her deep personal disappointment hurries her development as a woman. After all, it is she who sends Onegin the same, although still in love with him. During her last encounter with Onegin her reactions to his immediate and impassioned protests of love are articulated, while at the same time woven through with moving observations about her own life. She remembers, for example, her "poor nurse's grave" and the construction in her mind of the "neglected garden" of her childhood. Then, unexpectedly, she says, "I love you (what's the use of hiding behind deceit or a double game?)." She leaves. Onegin has no doubt about her true feelings.According to Neumeier, Onegin does not, at any point during the story, possess Tatiana's honest permission and her ability at the end to balance sincere emotions with rationality.

First of all, there is a premonition and memory of the duel in which he killed his friend Lensky, who was engaged to Olga, Tatiana's sister. This is a tragic event, the result of passion and uncontrollable jealousy in the life of an immovable code of honor, represented by the figure of Zaretsky. Onegin, who was looking for passion and purpose in life, shot Lensky, who possessed precisely this passion and purpose of a deep degree. The death of Lensky Onegin haunts all his life.

Tatyana Larina in the work "Eugene Onegin" is called the ideal image of a Russian woman. While still a small child, she lived in her own family and seemed a stranger to close people: little Tatyana did not like to frolic with other children, she could sit all day at the window. Outwardly, she was cold, but inner world her was very rich. The nanny's stories made the girl a real dreamer, a child "not of this world."

Spiritual life of Tatyana

In the essay “Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana?” the student can tell about what the heroine was like before meeting with Eugene. Despite the fact that Tatyana was alien to children's games and village entertainments, she was interested in folk mysticism with all her heart. Her penchant for fantasizing allowed her to see the unusual in signs. And then from the fairy tales told to her by the nanny, Tatyana switched to novels. She turns into a dreamy girl who lives in her own world, surrounds herself with the characters of her favorite novels, and the rural reality is alien to her.

The purity of the girl

Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana precisely after the second meeting in the capital? Many believe that in the village she was too simple, did not represent a riddle for him. When Onegin appears, Tatyana thinks he is the hero she was waiting for, because he was too noticeable and original. Again, the girl rushes to her favorite novels, imagining herself as their heroine. And under the impression of re-read books, she composes a letter to Onegin, in which she repeats the phrases from the love letter to Julia from the work of Rousseau. The great Russian poet strives to justify this act in the eyes of the reader. He asks for indulgence for a naive girl, because in her one cannot find that coquetry or hypocrisy that is characteristic of secular beauties. Tatyana "loves without art."

Rejected feelings

In the essay “Why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana”, the student can compare how the main character reacted to the girl’s letter at the beginning of the work with his attitude towards her after the second meeting. Onegin was "touched" by Tatyana's message. However, he began to act according to his habit: he was frightened by the prospect of family life, and he did not want to stoop to a boring village existence. Happiness with an ordinary provincial girl seemed to him completely prosaic. And take advantage of the inexperience of Tatyana Onegin had absolutely no desire, because then she was too "uninteresting" for him. At this stage, he did not see any "intrigue" for himself, the opportunity to "fight" for Tatyana. In addition, Onegin thought that in his soul he was Childe Harold, and it was precisely in such a case that he rejected Florence's love. However, in addition to his refusal, Onegin also adds moralizing: "Learn to rule yourself, not everyone, as I understand."

Could Onegin fall in love with Tatiana in the countryside?

In order to answer this question, you need to imagine for a moment how events would have developed if Onegin had answered Tatyana's feelings back in the village, at their first meeting. After all, only one glance was enough for him to appreciate the girl. Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana precisely after the meeting in the capital? Imagine that Tatyana's letter would not leave him indifferent. Most likely, this love would be similar to pity. After all, it would be difficult for Onegin to understand Tatyana's poetic nature. Of course, it can be objected that over time, his pity could develop into love. However, this would not be the feeling that the heroine really deserves. At that moment, she would not have expected deep and sincere love from Onegin. He could be carried away by her for a while, but once he got used to it, he would stop loving her forever.

Tatyana was an absolutely self-sufficient person. Village life did not bother her, the girl lived in harmony with the outside world. measured country life only contributed to her spiritual development. Intelligence and kindness allowed her not to get bored in those conditions. But if we assume that Onegin would have loved Tatyana at that time, then, most likely, he would soon be tired of such a life, and he would again go to the capital from the disgusting village and leave Tatyana. Therefore, it can be argued that at that stage, Onegin's reciprocal love for Tatiana was impossible.

Understanding gained by Tatyana

After Lensky died, Onegin left the village. The question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatiana later at this stage takes on a dramatic connotation. If Onegin had known that suffering awaited him due to unrequited feelings, perhaps he would not have treated Tatyana so dryly. Tatyana did not manage to forget him. She took advantage of Onegin's departure, entered his home and re-read his favorite works. It turns out that her lover was only interested in Byron, whose works described characters disappointed and embittered at the world. Having carefully read these novels, Tatyana understood what rules Onegin is guided by in his life: he is "a sad and dangerous eccentric." And so Tatyana Larina asks herself the question: “Isn’t he a parody?”

She understood Onegin better, but she did not stop loving him at all. Tatyana said goodbye to him forever with a soul full of regrets. After this mistake, Tatyana's romantic dreams dried up, she managed to abandon the influence of fictional book characters on her life. Yielding to her mother's wishes, she married an elderly prince. There is no love in her, but she is full of a sense of respect for her husband. Now Tatyana looks at life with a sober and completely calm look.

New Tatiana

Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana at the end of the novel? Perhaps the reason was not only changes in Tatyana's behavior. Rather, he himself changed: gloomy moods were replaced by love, and he was able to see the meaning in his life. The value of Tatyana became obvious to him. After some time, Onegin meets her again in the capital. He is amazed at the change that has happened to her. Instead of a naive and dreamy girl, he meets a calm and reserved socialite.

All her behavior shows that she is guided by generally accepted norms and is not going to deviate from them one iota. "Dependency" is now the most important thing for Tatyana. But Onegin falls in love with her without memory. He doesn’t make any more of himself, turning into a “good fellow” with an unhappy soul. The hero does not expect anything for himself from these feelings, but he cannot overcome them and also writes a letter to Tatyana. In it, every word turns out to be true, and the last explanation of the heroes takes place.

Changes in Onegin

When meeting in the capital, the first thing that catches Onegin's eye is Tatyana's new behavior. He is amazed by the meeting with the princess. “How Tatyana has changed!” he exclaims. There is an opinion that the answer to the question why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana at the end of the work may be as follows: for changes in behavior. However, it is difficult to argue that Tatyana herself changes throughout the novel. Indeed, in the final scene, she throws off her secular mask. Onegin himself is changing because of his feelings - he has new interests, the perception of life becomes different.

Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana - a mature woman? Another version

In the final part of the work, the village girl is presented as a mature woman who knows how to control her emotions. It is quite possible that she spent the rest of her life in this self-control, and the meeting with Onegin was just a brief episode. Perhaps the reason for the emergence of bright feelings in Onegin for Tatyana was her internal changes. After all, she managed to separate the image created by her imagination and seasoned with dreamy illusions from the real Onegin. Understanding who he really is helped her take control of her feelings, and her detachment caused Onegin to become passionate.

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Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana Larina?

April 21, 2015

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be considered one of the best literary works of the nineteenth century. On its pages, the author introduces us to the main characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Both characters are definitely worth watching. To answer the question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana, let's first try to understand what Eugene is.

The image of Onegin at the beginning of the novel

Features of the character of the hero, his feelings, disposition and thoughts are revealed to us gradually.

Eugene Onegin is a typical aristocrat of his time, a nobleman. He was "little by little, something" studied by French teachers and tutors, which gave him the opportunity to talk about everything superficially, with the "look of an expert."

In the light, Eugene was a success with the ladies. At first he was pleased that he knew how to impress the representatives of high society, but gradually indifference took possession of him, he was attacked by the blues.

The hero is trying to find something interesting in life. He begins to write, but, as it turned out, he does not like "hard work." Reading is also of little interest to him.

He comes to the village to his sick uncle, embittered at the whole world. Here Onegin meets the Larin family. The eldest daughter of this family, a sweet provincial young lady, is imbued with feelings for him. To understand why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana, let's try to find out more about this heroine.

The image of Tatyana Larina. Why did she choose Onegin

Pushkin loves his heroine very much. Tatyana Larina is a sensitive and sentimental girl, brought up on novels. This is a highly spiritual person with a rich inner world.

Pushkin singles out Tatyana among other characters, calling her
"sweet ideal." The author appreciates the ability to feel sincerely. Tatyana loves Russian nature, sees its extraordinary beauty. Since childhood, she has been striving for solitude, reading French books about love.

Why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin is easy to understand. He is a dandy from the capital who knows how to make an impression, who knows how to touch a lady's heart.

We continue our writing. Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? At first glance, everything is clear: "The soul was waiting ... for someone, And it waited ...". However, the girl's feelings are deep, "Tatiana loves in earnest."

What is common between Onegin and Tatyana

Two characters, Onegin and Tatyana, it would seem, are completely different: he is confident in himself, she is timid; he knows the world, she is a modest provincial girl. However, in the character of the heroine there are features that are inherent in Onegin.

Firstly, both heroes are distinguished by their originality and originality of character. Secondly, the unsociable Onegin, like Tatyana, feels alone in the world, while she is a stranger among her loved ones. Thirdly, they yearn because of dissatisfaction with their environment. Fourth, the characters understand the emptiness and vulgarity of provincial and metropolitan societies. On these features, the essay is built.

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? The girl made Eugene the hero of her novel for a reason. She found a kindred spirit in him. However, we are looking for an answer to the question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatyana. As we know, in response to the confession of the girl, Eugene advised her to learn to "rule herself." So let's read the novel.

Second meeting

After the duel with Lensky, as we know, Onegin leaves the village. He goes to travel. Two years pass before our hero meets Tatyana Larina again. Onegin finds her in Moscow, she is a secular lady, a princess who makes her husband happy, behaves very dignified, not allowing herself "these little antics", "claims to succeed." Everyone around admires her, including our hero. He writes a confession to her, to which Tatyana replies that, despite her love for Eugene, she is given to another.

Why Onegin now fell in love with Tatyana

This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. On the one hand, Tatyana herself suggests that Eugene now liked her because of a certain position in high society. She is now "caressed by the yard." The shame of Tatyana could be noticed by everything that would bring Onegin "seductive honor."

Nevertheless, resentment most likely speaks in her, because she admits that she loves Eugene.

So why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana? Perhaps she simply aroused his interest as a young secular woman who is much more attractive than a provincial young lady. In addition, the forbidden fruit is always sweet, because Tatyana became the wife of a respected general. She is beautiful and inaccessible. We can conclude that Eugene did not love her.

However, it is worth remembering how, at the first meeting, he told Lensky that he would have chosen Tatiana, not Olga, if he had been a poet. This confirms that Onegin saw in her a deep personality capable of evoking true feelings, for which the hero himself was not ready at that time, fearing to lose his "hateful freedom." Nevertheless, it can be assumed that with his words Onegin tried to divert the attention of the young poet from Olga.

Most likely, Onegin really fell in love with Tatyana, because his letter to Larina seems so sincere.