"Culture of the Renaissance" - Flagellation of Christ. Julius II, c. San Pietro in Vincoli, in Rome), "Ap. The Miracle of the Stater. MAZACCCIO (Masaccio) (1401–1428), Italian painter of the Florentine school. Main work:" Adoration of the Magi "(Florence)," The Last Supper"(1498, on the wall in the monastery. Martini Condottiere Guidoriccio de Fogliano.

"MHK Renaissance" - From Rus' to Russia: the art of the Pre-Renaissance. 3 hours 1. Formation of a unified artistic culture. Virginal is the main instrument of professional music. W. Byrd is a prominent composer-virgilist. 1 h. III. Sculpture as the center of architectural space in the work of Michelangelo. Course content: Form of reporting: projects or mini-studies (at the choice of students).

"Fine art of the Renaissance" - Madonna with the Christ child and John the Baptist. Peruzzi Baldassare (1481-1536), Italian architect and painter. Pavel III. Holy family. Portrait of a young man with an apple. In Renaissance culture, periods are distinguished: Antonio Rossellino is a sculptor, brother and student of Bernardo Rossellino. Raphael (1483-1520), Italian painter and architect.

"Renaissance in Italy" - Culture in the Renaissance. Maholet. Early Renaissance. Sounds like frottola. Rafael Santi (1483 - 1520) - portraits, sculptures, painting of cathedrals. 2. High Renaissance, first quarter of the 16th century. The work of Michelangelo, Titian acquires dramatic tension, tragedy. High Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) Encyclopedist.

"Renaissance" - Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa. Portrait of Thomas More, 1527 Summary. Flemish composer of the 15th century. Guillaume Dufay. Various genres of musical art appear: ballad, solo song, opera. Academy building in Florence. Leonardo da Vinci. "Vitruvian Man", 1490 and the system of planetary motion of Nicolaus Copernicus - ideas about the place of the Earth in the Universe.

"Renaissance Revival" - Leonardo da Vinci. "Self-portrait" (circa 1510-1513). BOTTICHELLI (Botticelli) Sandro (present. Representative of the Early Renaissance. Vatican. Built in 1334-1359. An original Renaissance culture developed in Spain, Portugal and England. Fragment. Was close to the Medici court and the humanistic circles of Florence.

Total in the topic 32 presentations

, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Titian - brought in world art invaluable contribution. Among these artists, Michelangelo created titanic, heroic, courageous images both in form and content, in internal spiritual strength.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

“The merit of Michelangelo lies in how much passion and impulse, how much storm, pain and strength he put into his works. He gave art an unprecedented dynamism and learned to depict what is actually impossible to depict - burning. human soul, and in general everything that is invisible and immaterial.

Priest Georgy Chistyakov. Embraced by fire

It was not by chance that I called my presentation dedicated to the work of Michelangelo "Titan". Calling the name of Leonardo da Vinci, we first of all remember his intellectual abilities. The name Raphael is associated with harmony. Michelangelo Buonarroti strikes, first of all, with the power of his creations. The beauty and strength of man delighted the artist and aroused the desire to embody this beauty and power in both sculptural and pictorial images.

Beauty, strength, power, energy

Strength and power distinguish even the female images of Michelangelo. Take a look at his Madonnas, at the Sibyl from the Sistine Chapel, at the figures "Morning" and "Night" from the Medici Chapel. Compare them with female images Leonardo and Raphael. What to say about male images! It's the titans! Titans are not only externally. The artist was able to express in these creations the strength of the spirit, the energy that can change the world. Michelangelo lived a very long life, outliving his great compatriots Leonardo and Raphael, several popes with whom relations did not always develop. He was often forced to obey the Pope and do not what his soul demanded. The world was changing around him, the Baroque era was approaching. And in the work of Michelangelo, features appear that are not characteristic of classical art. The storm that raged in the soul of this titan finds expression in his titanic images.

In my presentation, I focused on the pictorial range. It will help the teacher illustrate the story of Michelangelo. For those who would like to know more about the life and work of this titan, I recommend a list of books.

  • Argan J.K. History of Italian Art. - M .: JSC Publishing House "Rainbow", 2000
  • Beckett V. History of painting. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003
  • Vasari D. Biographies of famous painters, sculptors and architects.K.: Art, 1970
  • Great artists. Volume 38. Michelangelo. - M .: Publishing house "Direct-Media", 2010
  • Vipper B.R. Italian Renaissance 13th - 16th century. - M.: Art, 1977
  • Volkova Paola Dmitrievna Bridge over the abyss / Paola Volkova.M.: Zebra E, 2013
  • Julian Freeman. History of art.M.: Publishing house "AST" Publishing house "Astrel", 2003
  • Emokhonova L.G. World art culture. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1998
  • Clients A. Michelangelo.Moscow White City, 2003
  • Christofanelli Rolando. Diary of Michelangelo the Furious.M.: "Rainbow", 1985
  • Kushnerovskaya G.S. Titanium. (Michelangelo. Composition)M .: "Young Guard", 1973
  • Makhov A. Michelangelo. Fourteen sketches for the fresco "The Last Judgment".Moscow "Ladder", 1995
  • Michelangelo. Series “The World of Masterpieces. 100 world names in art.M.: Publishing Center "Classics", 2002
  • Poetry by Michelangelo. Translation by A.M. EfrosM.: "Art", 1992
  • Rolland R. Lives of great people.M.: Izvestia, 1992
  • Samin D.K. One hundred great artists. – M.: Veche, 2004
  • One Hundred Great Sculptors / Ed.-comp. S. A. Mussky.Moscow: Veche, 2002
  • Stone I. Torments and joys.Moscow: Pravda, 1991


Michelangelo ( full name- Michelangelo de Francesco de Neri de Miniato del Sera and Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti Simoni) - an outstanding Italian sculptor, architect, artist, thinker, poet, one of the brightest figures of the Renaissance, whose multifaceted work influenced the art not only of this historical period, but also on the development of the entire world culture.

On March 6, 1475, a boy was born in the family of a city councilor, a poor Florentine nobleman, who lived in the small town of Caprese (Tuscany), whose creations will be elevated to the rank of masterpieces, the best achievements of Renaissance art during the life of their author. Lodovico Buonarroti said that higher power inspired him to name his son Michelangelo. Despite the nobility, which gave reason to be among the urban elite, the family was not prosperous. Therefore, when the mother died, the father of many children had to give 6-year-old Michelangelo to be raised by his nurse in the village. Before reading and writing, the boy learned to work with clay and a chisel.

Seeing his son's pronounced inclinations, in 1488 Lodovico gave him as an apprenticeship to the artist Domenico Ghirlandaio, in whose studio Michelangelo spent a year. Then he becomes a student of the famous sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni, whose school was patronized by Lorenzo de Medici, who at that time was the de facto ruler of Florence. After some time, he himself notices a talented teenager and invites him to the palace, introduces him to the palace collections. At the court of the patron, Michelangelo is from 1490 until his death in 1492, after which he leaves for home.

In June 1496, Michelangelo arrives in Rome: there, having bought a sculpture he likes, he is summoned by Cardinal Rafael Riario. Since that time, the biography of the great artist has been associated with frequent moves from Florence to Rome and back. Early creations already reveal features that will distinguish Michelangelo's artistic style: admiration for beauty human body, plastic power, monumentality, dramatic artistic images.

During the years 1501-1504, returning in 1501 to Florence, he worked on the famous statue of David, which a respectable commission decided to install in the main city square. Since 1505, Michelangelo is back in Rome, where he is called by Pope Julius II to work on a grandiose project - the creation of his magnificent tombstone, which, according to their joint plan, should have surrounded many statues. Work on it was carried out intermittently and was completed only in 1545. In 1508, Julius II fulfills another request - he starts painting the frescoes of the vault in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican and finishes this grandiose painting, working intermittently, in 1512

Period from 1515 to 1520 became one of the most difficult in the biography of Michelangelo, passed under the sign of the collapse of plans, throwing "between two fires" - the service of Pope Leo X and the heirs of Julius II. In 1534 he finally moved to Rome. From the 20s. the artist's attitude becomes more pessimistic, painted in tragic tones. An illustration of the mood was the huge composition "The Last Judgment" - again in the Sistine Chapel, on the altar wall; Michelangelo worked on it in 1536-1541.

After the death of the architect Antonio da Sangallo in 1546, he held the position of chief architect of the Cathedral of St.. Peter. The largest work of this period, work on which lasted from the end of the 40s. to 1555, was sculptural group"Pieta". Over the last 30 years of the artist's life, the emphasis in his work gradually shifted to architecture and poetry. Deep, tragic, dedicated eternal themes love, loneliness, happiness madrigals, sonnets and other poetic works were highly appreciated by contemporaries. The first publication of Michelangelo's poetry was posthumous (1623).

A brilliant artist, poet, sculpture, Renaissance architect, younger contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci - Michelangelo Buonarroti (). Michelangelo was born in the small Italian town of Caprice, near the city of Florence. First of all, Michelangelo is better known as a sculpture and architect, and only then as an artist. Unfortunately, not all of his sculptures have survived to our time.

This sculptural image outstanding biblical hero from the old testament, the future king of Israel, David. The sculpture was made in 1504 and was perceived by the Florentines themselves as a symbol of the Florentine Republic. Michelangelo depicts David naked, proceeding from the ancient ideals of human beauty, translating in marble ancient ideas about the correspondence of physical beauty, power and fortitude. This is a sculpture of an outstanding biblical hero from the Old Testament, the future King of Israel, David. The sculpture was made in 1504 and was perceived by the Florentines themselves as a symbol of the Florentine Republic. Michelangelo depicts David naked, proceeding from the ancient ideals of human beauty, translating in marble ancient ideas about the correspondence of physical beauty, power and fortitude. He stands calmly, confident in his rightness and in the coming victory.

"Lamentation of Christ", or "Pieta" Another outstanding sculpture by the artist a, it depicts the Virgin Mary holding the dead Jesus taken down from the cross in her arms. The sculpture is called Lamentation of Christ. Copies of this sculpture can be found in many Catholic churches in Western Europe. Another outstanding sculpture by the artist a, it depicts the Virgin Mary holding the dead Jesus taken down from the cross in her arms. The sculpture is called Lamentation of Christ. Copies of this sculpture can be found in many Catholic churches in Western Europe.

This is a sculptural image of the great Jewish prophet Moses sitting in thought. This is a sculptural image of the great Jewish prophet Moses sitting in thought. Interestingly, the sculpture depicts the prophet with horns. Michelangelo depicted him with horns due to an incorrect translation of the Vulgate. Where it was about Moses, it was said that it was difficult for the Jews to look at the face of Moses, because it shone with rays, but the word "rays" in Hebrew has several meanings, one of which is just a horn. Therefore, Michelangelo depicted the horned Moses. Interestingly, the sculpture depicts the prophet with horns. Michelangelo depicted him with horns due to an incorrect translation of the Vulgate. Where it was about Moses, it was said that it was difficult for the Jews to look at the face of Moses, because it shone with rays, but the word "rays" in Hebrew has several meanings, one of which is just a horn. Therefore, Michelangelo depicted the horned Moses.

All of Michelangelo's sculptures were made of marble. All of Michelangelo's sculptures were made of marble. According to legend, once a man asked Michelangelo: - How do you manage to make such wonderful sculptures from these pieces of marble? - Oh, very simple! - The artist answered: "I just take a piece of marble and cut off everything superfluous from it." According to legend, once a man asked Michelangelo: - How do you manage to make such wonderful sculptures from these pieces of marble? - Oh, very easy! - The artist answered: "I just take a piece of marble and cut off everything superfluous from it."

In 1508, Michelangelo was invited by Pope Julius II to Rome, where the pope instructed the artist to paint the ceiling of the famous Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel itself was built in 1481 by the architect George de Dolce by order of Pope Sixtus IV and is one of the most famous architectural monuments era of Reness.

The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo's great artistic creation, is the fruit of his continuous and hard work, which lasted for four years, from 1508 to 1512. The ceiling area of ​​the Sistine Chapel is about 600 square meters, on which about 300 figures were painted. Michelangelo was engaged in painting alone, without assistants, and the customer of the work, Pope Julius II, turned out to be very impatient and constantly bothered the master, wanting to see how the work was going. They say that even once an angry artist threw boards from his platform onto his dad, who pestered him with his remarks from below. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo's great artistic creation, is the fruit of his continuous and hard work, which lasted for four years, from 1508 to 1512. The ceiling area of ​​the Sistine Chapel is about 600 square meters, on which about 300 figures were painted. Michelangelo was engaged in painting alone, without assistants, and the customer of the work, Pope Julius II, turned out to be very impatient and constantly bothered the master, wanting to see how the work was going. They say that even once an angry artist threw boards from his platform onto his dad, who pestered him with his remarks from below.

In addition to painting the very ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo painted one of its walls, where the artist painted a monumental fresco - The Last Judgment. The fresco of the Last Judgment was made already in the second half of the life of the great master, he made it from 1536 to 1541 by order of Pope Paul III. In the center of the fresco is depicted Jesus Christ, who, like a formidable pagan god of thunder, administers his judgment. The fresco of the Last Judgment was made already in the second half of the life of the great master, he made it from 1536 to 1541 by order of Pope Paul III. In the center of the fresco is depicted Jesus Christ, who, like a formidable pagan god of thunder, administers his judgment.

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Slides captions:

Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475–1564 Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Even during the life of Michelangelo, his works were considered the highest achievements of Renaissance art. Who does not believe in genius, who does not understand what genius is, will believe and understand, thinking about the fate of Michelangelo. Romain Rolland

Michelangelo himself did not take care of his self-portrait. He left to his descendants a somewhat unusual image of himself on the fresco "The Last Judgment" in the form of a face-mask with features as if reflected on the rippled surface of the stream. There is no other self-portrait.

His new huge fresco "The Last Judgment" occupies the entire altar wall of the chapel. Welcome! The Sistine Chapel will tell you about itself, reveal its secrets to you in the words of the creator of the frescoes - Michelangelo.

At the feet of Christ, Saint Bartholomew with a dagger in his hand, in the face of which the artist depicted himself. In whom the heart is gunpowder and from tow - flesh, And the whole backbone is like dead wood,

Who is not familiar with either the measure or the bridle And his whim is not able to overcome, ..

The Lord did not endow him with a mind, To properly manage himself.

He will instantly burn out with a penny candle, And there is no need to prick the eyes of fate.

Michelangelo makes the center of the movement in a circle the figure of Christ, who condemns sinners with an expressive gesture. He raised right hand, pronouncing his terrible verdict: "Go, damned ones!". It is not spoken, not written, but it is heard from the fresco. The Madonna is depicted next to Christ. She is humble and meek in the hour of judgment. Who is gifted from above, his creations Will be able to amaze nature itself, Although the seal of his hand is on everything.

I am not blind to art, not deaf from birth, And in torment I will serve it for a century.

Guilty is the one who related with fire. The Creator of the whole and all parts No wonder he singled out one creation To exalt with the power of inspiration And with his miraculous grace.

There are angels in the sky, whose trumpet call calls the dead to rise. At the bottom right, sinners on the boat of Charon, falling into hell. The term of earthly life is over. Sailing through the sea of ​​storm and sorrow. My boat has landed at the last pier. The hour of terrible retribution is not far off. The term of earthly life is over. Sailing through the sea of ​​storm and sorrow. My boat has landed at the last pier. The hour of terrible retribution is not far off.