Fear, anxiety, panic are among the most common psychological conditions. Any stresses and experiences cause anxiety, fears. And in our unstable time everything more people experience these conditions. Some people can quickly and independently cope with their fears and anxieties. And others cannot cope, and these states begin to influence their life, sometimes turning it into a nightmare. Then fear becomes obsessive, it haunts a person, causes panic, becomes the cause of mental disorders.

We had fewer fears of mothers than a few years ago. Approximately 60% of mothers are afraid to give birth, says Irena Neska, teacher of prenatal courses at the Devitka Center in Brno. The fear of birth is absolutely natural, almost all women are afraid of childbirth.

The female body prepares for a stressful situation throughout pregnancy with a number of physiological changes. Breastfeeding, duration of labor, and sudden events represent the physical and mental burden that causes a woman's stress response in the body. This is manifested in anxiety, fear, pallor, sweating, blood pressure, the woman may vomit or feel pain.

However, there are also positive aspects of anxiety and fear - they warn us of real dangers, the possibility of injury, pain. It's normal for a person to be nervous about going to an exam or worried about arriving on time for an important meeting.

Fears, anxieties, panics are a large group of different states, united by the emotions of fear and anxiety, with corresponding thoughts and often accompanied by various sensations in the body.

Is excessive fear during childbirth dangerous?

A woman's body is adapted to a certain dose of fear, but if the fear is too great, it can negatively affect the course of childbirth. If the parent does not control it, the birth process can be very difficult. High cortisol levels can cause uterine abnormalities and reduce placental blood flow in a stressful birth situation. The fetus is then insufficiently supplied with oxygen. This will happen during cardiotocographic monitoring.

Most mothers are afraid of giving birth in pain, of entering into the unknown, of a change in their life or during childbirth in general - if they are in control, if they are strong enough, if their partner fails, etc. for all women, the only common primary source. Every woman's fear of childbirth can be related to her personality characteristics, current situation or life history, says psychologist Petra Vondrackova.

Fears (phobias)- this is a negative emotional experience that a person experiences when meeting with a specific threat or while waiting for it. They can relate to anything: movement, transport, living and non-living beings, etc. The most common phobias are the fear of being outside the home, the fear of people (crowds), fears related to illness (including “going crazy”), as well as fears of traveling in transport (often in the subway), etc. The degree of manifestation of these fears is strong differs. For example, the vast majority of people, to one degree or another, are afraid of flying on airplanes, but at the same time, people usually cope with this fear and this subsequently does not affect their lives. But when fears turn into an independent psychologically difficult problem, they begin to actively interfere with the normal course of a person’s life, limiting it. To live such a life filled with fears, a person spends a lot of energy, loses health. In addition, depression, feelings of guilt and shame are often mixed with phobias, which greatly aggravate the condition.

Suffering from labor pain is very individual and is even described by the same woman depending on the time that has passed since birth. It is caused by muscle contractions of the uterus and cervical throat. All this must be done to allow the child to go through the path of birth. Nature has given us the ability to endure these pains. Our body in moments severe pain produces endorphins that weaken it. Stress, fear and anxiety interfere with the effect of endorphins. Remember, therefore, that the more you keep your composure, the more your own body will help you overcome the pain.

Alarm states(generalized anxiety disorder) is a state of almost constantly expressed anxiety that is not associated with a specific situation. Anxiety is a vague, prolonged and vague fear about future events. Anxiety is expressed in a person’s constant thoughts: fears “with or without”, the expectation of failures, “that it will only get worse”, “bad forebodings”, etc. It lasts most of the time for at least a few weeks in a row, sometimes turning into decades of life. All anxieties and fears are directed to the future. Often depression is mixed with an anxious state, and then not only the future, but also the past and the present are painted in gloomy colors. The anxious person becomes agitated, irritable, is on the verge of a breakdown, easily frightened, cannot concentrate, suffers from insomnia (“spinning” and disturbing thoughts do not fall asleep). Attacks of intense anxiety can be manifested by increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, trembling, "sucking in the stomach", muscle tension, etc. This hard-to-experienced condition significantly worsens the quality of a person’s life, and in itself becomes a source of constant stress for them and their loved ones. In an effort to get rid of an anxiety state, people can abuse alcohol, which in turn often leads to the development of specific problems with its own range.

Today, pain can be effectively suppressed, whether pharmacologically or without drugs. Don't take medicine as an indicator of your weakness, according to studies, 70% of Czech women use medicine to relieve pain during childbirth. But keep in mind that even with epidural anesthesia, pain is born.

Childbirth is not only the moment of childbirth, but also the moment when you take your life for your child. You become a mother, a parent, you three are together in the world. Not only the first-born is afraid of a situation that knows only theoretically. Some women systematically avoid birth information in order to "not worry", others are too interested in it. Reduce your fear of stepping into the unknown if you know what happens to you at birth.

The most acute experiences of anxiety and fear are panic attacks (panic).

Panics (panic attacks)- these are short-term acute states of emotions of fear and anxiety in combination with various physiological and behavioral manifestations. It can be pronounced heart palpitations, cold sweats, feelings of suffocation, nausea, sudden muscle weakness. In a state of panic, a person, as a rule, has little or no control over his behavior and thoughts. The feeling of fear during a panic attack is usually very strong, although sometimes a panic attack is manifested only by bodily sensations - "panic without fear." At first glance, it seems that panic develops without any reason, "out of the blue." However, during psychotherapeutic work, certain thoughts and situations are identified that are “provocateurs” of panic attacks (use of transport, being in a crowd or confined space, the need to leave the house, etc.). A person who first encounters this condition is very frightened, begins to think about some serious disease of the heart, endocrine or nervous systems, digestion. He begins to "go to doctors" of various profiles (therapists, cardiologists, neuropathologists, etc.), trying to find out the causes of "attacks". Specialists, as a rule, prescribe various methods of diagnosis and treatment, which does not help. This gives the person the impression of the complexity and uniqueness of their disease, often leading to hypochondria (the belief that there is a severe incurable disease). In most cases, panic attacks are not limited to one attack. The first episodes leave a significant mark in the memory of a person. This leads to the emergence of anxiety "waiting" for an attack, thoughts about its inevitability, which in turn leads to the recurrence of panic. The repetition of attacks contributes to the formation of restrictive behavior, that is, the avoidance of potentially dangerous ones for development. panic attack, places and situations. Because of fear, a person is not able to leave the house or stay alone, dooming himself to house arrest, becomes a burden for loved ones. In the future, depression joins, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Get enough information about your birth, but don't overdo it

Even with a natural fear of childbirth, you can work to help you during childbirth so that the levels of all hormones are normal and you are simply helping in the labor process. Take a few steps to make your fear "healthy". The ideal is to participate in preparatory delivery classes, purchase a birth publication, or search for information on the Internet. When you know what to expect during a delivery, you will be less surprised and intimidated by it. Be careful when receiving information from your friends and acquaintances.

All these states can be combined into one group according to the mechanisms of occurrence and development, as well as the similarity of the impact on the life of a person suffering from them: they limit the thoughts, feelings and actions of a person, focusing his life around fears and anxieties.

Let's try to figure out how this happens. Fear is a natural innate reaction that protects us in case of danger. Therefore, to feel fear in a situation of real danger and stress is normal, and sometimes even necessary. The state of moderate fear causes the release of hormones (adrenaline, etc.), activates the work of muscles, increases breathing, speeds up thinking, etc., thus mobilizing the body to danger or stress. This mobilization helps to look for and find ways out of the current situations. Everyone can remember examples from their lives when fear mobilized their forces, and a person coped with a dangerous or stressful situation (exams, important events etc.). But the described mechanism works for the benefit only when the strength (intensity) of fear does not exceed the norm. With a higher level of fear, on the contrary, it “paralyzes” the body and the person feels helpless in front of the situation, often without even trying to resolve it. This reaction strong fear and helplessness can be fixed in the memory, subsequently forcing a person not to resolve situations of emerging fear, but to hide and avoid them. He begins to think about the fact that he cannot cope with his fear, about the many terrible consequences for himself and others, involuntarily exaggerating and "inflating" them. Under the influence of developed fear, a person does not analyze these thoughts, does not think about how real these dangers are. Gradually, the condition worsens, and fears begin to arise not only in specific situations, but even with some memories of them. Thoughts that “unwind” fear are quite typical: “it will become bad”, “I will die”, “I won’t cope”, “I won’t survive”, “what if ...”, etc. At the same time, a person, often realizing the inadequacy of these thoughts, cannot cope with them in any way. As a result, fears grow and limit life. To get rid of painful fears, a person begins to seek various ways avoid situations in which these fears arise. And here various obsessive thoughts, actions etc., called "protective rituals" (for example, "so that nothing bad happens" you need to pull the door handle five times when leaving the house). At first, this brings short-term relief. Then the ritual ceases to help and the next more complex ritual is required. As a result, rituals take a lot of time and effort, and become a significant problem in their own right. Human life remains filled with fears. The number of fears increases, and life becomes like a nightmare. I have repeatedly had to work with people who, for months and years, could not simply leave the house due to expressed fears.

Share your feelings with your partner and acquaintances

Description of a 34-hour birth will not bring you anything, stop listening to such stories. You can get into a situation where you can only strengthen your pregnancy through childbirth. Talking about your feelings and fears will free your internal stress. Seek support from your good friends and friends who have experience with childbirth and know what they are talking about.

Keep in mind that births take an average of 14 hours and many women have successfully delivered you

When considering childbirth, keep in mind that the average birth is 14 hours, and most of that time is a relatively easy delivery of the first stage. Also remember that memories of labor pain are usually erased by the euphoria at first sight of your newborn offspring. Don't forget that most women have successfully delivered you.

What to do?

Most practicing psychotherapists immediately begin with the appointment of medications (usually antidepressants and tranquilizers, sometimes antipsychotics). In my opinion, this may be necessary only in the most extreme and difficult cases. Why?

1). There are no drugs that can change a person’s thoughts (and it is precisely the repeating circle of certain thoughts and memories that triggers these states), and the maximum that potent drugs (tranquilizers, antipsychotics) can do is to suppress all thoughts for a short time (including those that cause fear). ).

Think about what will happen after delivery

Don't think about a long, painful birth. Think through the process to the end, imagine yourself with a baby on your stomach and next to a proud partner or other close person. After giving birth, you will be more proud than ever.

Seek professional psychological help

If you feel that the fear of childbirth is so strong and your efforts to eliminate it are unsuccessful, try to find professional psychological help.

Take a partner or dall to give birth

Having a close relative during childbirth will help you not feel so alone. For example, having a partner's hand holding your and supporting words will make your birth easier. Apart from loved one, you can also take part in the audience - your own midwife or doulu. They are especially difficult for you - they will calm you and look after the entire period of labor, no matter how long it takes.

2). Any active drug has its own side effects, and sometimes they are significantly pronounced, and it is possible to predict their development in a particular person only with a certain degree of probability.

3). Taking drugs that suppress thinking (tranquilizers, antipsychotics) not only does not improve the quality of human life, but also interferes with Everyday life and serves as a source of increased danger for him (driving, working with moving mechanisms, responsible decisions, etc.). In addition, it interferes with full-fledged psychotherapeutic work.

A woman who is not afraid of childbirth grows. They take delivery at the shortest time in their lives, after which a wonderful change awaits - a baby, says Irena Neska, an obstetrics teacher. We all know the feeling of fear. Usually we associate it with something negative, fear is something we want to run away or, if possible, ignore.

As a result, we do everything in our power to avoid it. But we want to tell you clearly: running away from fear is never a good solution. Remember, fear does not protect us from death, it only blocks us from life. Trying to escape, we reach, it would seem, more simple solution. We provide the same obvious, instant relief from disturbing thoughts and feelings. Sooner or later, however, they return to us. Thus, we manage to dispel fear, but we never overcome it.

4). The most commonly used drugs - antidepressants require long periods of admission (at least six months) and begin to fully work after about a month of admission. At the same time, they artificially change emotions, that is, they affect the consequences, and not the causes of disease states.

5). Even with the gradual withdrawal of long-term drugs, there is often a "withdrawal effect" with increased negative experiences and imbalance of emotions.

Fear - know in front of you that you feel it

Admitting mistakes, being perfect, and feeling fear is one of the most difficult things in our lives. We often feel ashamed because we cry. There are many things that we hide because we are afraid that we will consider ourselves weak. We do not understand that only the recognition of what is happening to us is a factor that can strengthen us. If you are sad and cry and admit it, the pain will pass before you look.

If you hide negative emotions and just try to keep them, the pain will last for a long time. The first step to fear is to admit that you feel it. If you feel trapped in your thoughts, you will not be able to get out of their trap and run away from them and pretend that nothing is happening. This will be your first step to overcome the fear of feeling your own fear.

6). Long-term drugs can cause psychological dependence in a person, and tranquilizers can also cause physical dependence.

In my practice, the most effective method of working with these states is cognitive therapy. During the sessions, the patient learns to analyze thoughts that disturb him, to cope with the emotions of fear, anxiety, panic, depression, freeing himself from the nightmare of anxiety and discovering new facets in himself that contribute to the acquisition of inner harmony and development.

Once you become aware that you are feeling fear, it will be much easier for you to face it. Think of it this way: the longer it takes you to admit it to yourself, the longer you will be locked in and paralyzed by your own fears. Listen to this short but informative story.

She used to be a little mouse who was constantly afraid. When he saw how scared she was, he regretted it and turned her into a cat. It turned out, however, that the mouse, she became very afraid of the dog. When the magician turned the mouse into a dog, panic began to panic.

Come and let's walk this path together.

In this article, you will learn what fear, panic attacks, panic disorder and agoraphobia and how to learn to distinguish and understand these conditions.


Fear is an emotion given to us by nature for salvation and survival. If we do not experience fear, we will not be able to adequately respond to danger. For example, if you are walking down the street in the evening, and a robber jumps out from behind a corner, then fear makes you gather strength and run away or fight back. In the absence of this emotion, your survival would be in jeopardy.

Tired of all this, the wizard returned the original form to his mice and said, "I can't do anything to help you, because you will always have a heart attack." Maybe you've been trying so hard to avoid your fear and that's why you pretend to be yourself and others that you don't feel like you've completely forgotten what you're really afraid of?

Maybe the fear is only in your imagination, but if you don't want to face it, it persists. You need to learn to trust yourself and trust that you will be able to overcome any anxiety and worry that comes into your mind. Do you really want to conquer you and always accompany you? Remember, it's just fear, a simple word, a negative feeling that can even turn into something positive over time.

And one more important point. Fear is given to us by nature for salvation, which means that it is absolutely safe. Yes, it is a very unpleasant emotion. It causes a lot of discomfort. We don't like to be afraid. But the main purpose of these sensations is to draw our attention to a situation that may be threatening to us.

What happens in the body when you are afraid?

After all, life is not about constant worry. Of course, it will not be easy to face such a strong opponent, but it is impossible. Isn't it that you have faced difficulties in life much more than fear? Trust and trust our words: you can overcome fear.

There is a certain tribe of Indians who, from a very early age, teach their children to face their fears face to face. To achieve this, they sit the child down, make him close his eyes, and imagine that a large cobra is standing in front of them. And children are known to have a very rich imagination, making the cobra really "real".

To do this, we need to understand how our nervous system works. I will make it as simple and affordable as possible.

The autonomic nervous system has two branches: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

The sympathetic department mobilizes the body's resources for vigorous activity and joins in a period of danger. To this end, the adrenal glands produce activating hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine. As a result of their action, the heart rate and blood pressure increase, the level of sugar in the blood rises, breathing quickens, muscles unconsciously tense. All these changes occur in order for a person to perform some action and save his life. In our burglar example, the person escapes by fleeing or self-defense. At the moment of his salvation, he does not pay attention to what is happening with the body, but reacts to the actions of the attacker.

This tribe teaches their children that every time they try to get away from a cobra, it gets bigger and bigger. If they try to run away, the cobra pursues and catches up with them. However, when carefully and concentrates on her eyes, the cobra gradually decreases.

In many situations you will encounter in your life, looking at the problem in the eyes will bring the solution. The same principle applies to the occasional feeling of fear and anxiety. If you run away from it - grows. If you run into this - it will decrease.

Will you let your fear win? Any form of fear, fear or fear can be overcome. The problem is always within us. The truth is that every fear is an opportunity to overcome your own limitations and grow inwardly. Look at your fear in your eyes, but do it very carefully, confidently, with concentration and confidence. Tell me - will you really let him win?

After the situation is over, the parasympathetic department turns on nervous system. His task is to restore the body and the spent resources. The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with the process of relaxation and sleep. Under its influence, wound healing, stress reduction, energy accumulation occur.

Now imagine a different situation. Imagine a person who has not completed the task of his boss and understands that he is in for a scolding. He starts to worry about it. In this case, there is no real threat to life. After all, the boss will not put a knife to his throat. But the body reacts as if it were a real danger. The sympathetic part of the nervous system also turns on, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released, and the process is started. But there is no external threat to which attention can be shifted. There is only imagination in the head about scolding from the boss. There is no action to be taken. After all, you can’t run away from the boss and you won’t fight with him. At this point, a person may listen to their body and notice some of the symptoms that come with adrenaline. And he can perceive these symptoms as threatening. For example, heartbeat and breathing changes can be mistaken for the onset of a heart attack. Thus, a vicious circle of panic is formed.

Panic attack

A panic attack is an attack of intense fear that occurs during a period of non-danger. An attack can last from 5 to 30 minutes. The following factors could have influenced the onset of an attack: stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, etc.

Most people have experienced a panic attack at least once in their lives. If a person did not attach any importance to this attack, then panic attacks do not recur. But if a person is very frightened of their symptoms and began to perceive them as catastrophic, then there is a high probability that panic attacks will develop into a panic disorder.

panic disorder

Panic Disorder - Panic attacks can occur without any reason and last from 1 hour to several days. The person feels constant anxiety. Lack of energy and vitality.

What is panic disorder characterized by?

  • Sudden recurring panic attacks.
  • Fear of a possible recurrence of an attack, expectation of a recurrence of panic symptoms.
  • Seizures are not explained by any other disease.
In panic disorder, a person begins to avoid the places where the attack occurs. For example, an elevator or subway. The brain remembers this information and you begin to avoid other places that cannot be quickly left. Today a person does not go down the subway, tomorrow he cannot be in a traffic jam, cinema, theater, supermarket. The brain begins to perceive all situations from the position of “you can escape”, “you can’t escape”.

If a person does not seek help, then panic disorder turns into agoraphobia.


Agoraphobia is a state of intense fear of open spaces. Forces a person to stay at home most of the time. A person feels helpless and constantly seeks the support of relatives or friends.


  • Panic attacks are based on fear.
  • Fear is an unpleasant but safe feeling.
  • Fear of one's symptoms causes panic disorder.
  • Avoidance only aggravates the condition and leads to agoraphobia.
In order to quickly and effectively cope with all of the above conditions, you need to seek help from a professional who knows how to work with similar conditions. If you liked the article, then share it on social networks Victoria Repetskaya