Maria Kozhevnikova - one of the sexiest girls in Russia - was born on November 14, 1984 in Moscow. Russian actress, performer of the roles of Allochka in "Univer", as well as Anna Prokhorova in "Kremlin cadets", former soloist group " Love stories For almost 10 years he has been acting in films. Maria looks amazing! How does she manage to be in great shape?

Maria loves her job, and in spite of her fatigue, she boldly steps to the top of her acting career. Her natural appearance allows her to transform beyond recognition. The mother of three children, the beautiful young Maria Kozhevnikova always looks flawless. She keeps herself in good shape and willingly shares her secrets with fans. Maria Kozhevnikova is an excellent "illustrative example" of the fact that even after several births, with effort, you can look great! The actress took the diet of Barry Sears as the basis for losing weight, which formed the basis of nutrition.

How Kozhevnikova lost weight: before and after

The weight-to-height ratio of Maria Kozhevnikova is impressive 172 cm at 52 kg. It's hard to believe that the actress managed to lose 30 kg after giving birth! Beauty says that excess weight brought great discomfort, especially psychological. For a long time after giving birth, the actress could not lose weight, as she claims, the reason was the changes hormonal background.

Now Maria's parameters are very close to ideal:

  • waist - 60 cm;
  • chest girth - 90 cm;
  • hips - 92 cm;
  • breast size - 2;
  • foot size - 38.

Secrets of losing weight Kozhevnikova

Women are interested in how the actress managed to quickly return to her previous shape and look stunning after the birth of three children. We open all the cards for our readers!

Here are a few secrets of Kozhevnikova:

  • Stabilization of hormonal levels, patience and proper nutrition. For weight loss, it is important to normalize your mood and well-being in order to get rid of complexes.

  • The diet necessarily contains foods enriched with vitamins: vegetables with fruits, cereals, berries, lean fish and meat, low-fat sour milk and greens. In this case, all ingredients must have a low glycemic index.

  • You only need to eat when you feel hungry, but sometimes our body gives false signals, and to check, you can drink a couple of sips of water. Has the hunger gone? Then you need something to eat.

Given how much weight Maria was able to lose, it becomes clear that the diet was not very strict, which may be why she brought great results.

Menu and recipes from the actress

Key rules for losing weight from Mary:

  • exclude high-calorie and fatty foods from the diet: flour, fried, sweet, pastries;
  • meals at least 5 times a day in small portions;
  • per day you need to drink from 1.5 liters of water without gases.

Eating like Kozhevnikova, you can lose weight phenomenally: quickly and easily. The ratio should be like this:

  • breakfast - a steam protein omelette or oatmeal with berries, and finally - green tea;
  • lunch - fruit salad;
  • lunch - fish soup, and then a seafood salad and compote;
  • afternoon snack - natural juice;
  • dinner - vegetables baked with meat.

Recipes from Kozhevnikova

Steam omelette

Separate the whites from two eggs and beat them with milk with a whisk. The mixture is poured into a steamer dish, and an omelette is steamed for 15 minutes.

Fruit salad

From the peel you need to peel the apple, orange and pear. Everything is cut into small pieces. The components are mixed and poured over with natural yogurt.

Vegetables baked with chicken

Free the chicken fillet from the skin and sprinkle with spices. Onions, carrots, eggplant and greens cut into cubes. Spread meat on a greased baking sheet, and vegetables on top. Bake the dish for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Nutritionists consider the proposed diet healthy, as it allows you to strengthen the immune system and lose weight. She has no contraindications.

Sports and weight loss

The actress did not have time to regularly engage in the gym. However, she found time for physical activity. Therefore, if you do not go to the gym, you should definitely do exercises for the press and other muscles of the body at home. There are many lessons on the network, you can choose classes to your taste.

IN free time Maria Kozhevnikova went swimming, played tennis and rode a bicycle.

That's all the secrets. Nothing supernatural. Maria put proper nutrition and an active lifestyle at the forefront.

How do you find Maria Kozhevnikova's recommendations? What prevents you personally from being slim? Write to us! Perhaps we can help you by providing you with interesting materials that will allow you to lose weight without harm to your health!

Maria Kozhevnikova: photo motivation

Maria Wei(MWaytv) is the virtual name of a Russian woman from the cohort of "opinion leaders", as popular Russian video bloggers are called today. Her real name is Maria Olegovna Kerimova (according to other sources - Shaposhnikova).

In 2015, she joined the YouTube Golden Button Awards for channels with 1 million followers. In 2016, the blogger starred in the horror film Dislike. By September 2017, the audience of its subscribers had grown to 3.8 million.

In the same period, she and other leading representatives of the Internet community were invited to the Russian State Duma for a meeting of the "Council of Bloggers". But both she and her colleagues (Katya Klep, Yuri Dud, Sasha Spielberg, Wylsacom, Nikolai Sobolev, and others) ignored the initiative of the country's legislature.


The future Russian-speaking YouTube star was born in Tambov on December 3, 1993. The girl prefers to hide information about her parents and many other personal information.

It is known that in high school she was interested in philosophy and thought about getting a philosophical education at Moscow State University, which seemed to her quite fundamental. Then she decided that she would enter the faculty of journalism, participated in various competitions and olympiads to make sure that this was the profession she wanted to devote her life to. Perhaps this decision was facilitated by the fact that during this period she began to record the first videos for one of the beauty and health sites on YouTube and think about creating her own channel.

She studied "excellently", graduated from school with a gold medal. This circumstance was especially pleased with her grandmother, a former teacher. But, in the end, Maria followed the advice of her relatives and chose not journalism for admission, but the Faculty of Economics, as one of the most prestigious and in demand.

Development of creativity

In 2012, as a student at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, Maria created her own beauty channel on YouTube. The first video published was a review on how to apply false eyelashes of various types. It was followed by master classes on skin care, the selection of cosmetics and other intricacies of the makeup industry.

One of the first videos on the Maria Way channel

Neither relatives nor friends believed in the success of her undertaking. But she liked this activity, and she continued to move forward and develop as a blogger. Masha made friends with a talented colleague Katya Klep, adopting her skill in creating exciting, interesting videos for the audience. Then she appeared in a joint video with Katya and, in addition to lessons about the art of makeup, she began to shoot videos about her life, maintain a public VKontakte, and try herself as a blogger-columnist.

Masha's channel was also promoted by the fact that her videos bribed the audience with the simplicity of presenting the material, interesting design using Internet memes, the presence of self-irony, and high information content.

After graduating from high school, she did not work in her specialty, but continued to do what she loved on the Web. Gradually, she managed to win the hearts of a huge number of users - about 3 thousand people subscribed to her channel every day.

Particularly popular among her works was a four-minute video explaining the addiction of girls to take selfies. It has been viewed by over seven million users.

How do girls take selfies?

The audience also really liked the video demonstrating her transformations with the help of make-up into famous people, which the girl called “make-up transformation”. Among the images tried on her were Johnny Depp, Megan Fox, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne.

In 2015, she was invited to become a presenter on the CTC Love cable TV channel, aimed at a youth female audience. At the same time, she showed her artistic abilities by playing the role of a self-serving girlfriend of a young man (he was played by Dmitry Vlaskin, familiar to viewers from the TV series Fizruk) in the video of the humorous rap duet Successful Group, created by Eldar Dzharakhov and Sasha Tileks.

Successful group - Tsok-Tsok (Maria Wei and Dmitry Vlaskin)

A year later, Masha could already be safely called not only a video blogger, but also an aspiring actress - the first domestic film "Dislike" appeared on the screens, where she made her debut in a central role. According to the plot, a group of young bloggers (in fact, the actors played themselves - in addition to Masha, Anastasia Akatova, Diana Melison, Oleg Gaas, Alexander Panin and Evgeny Dakot starred in it) arrive at a luxurious cottage for an advertising event, but fall into the trap of a maniac.

The film, shot in the trash-horror genre, received mixed reviews from the public. For example, according to Interfax, this is a "peppy youth movie", according to the same blogger Dmitry Larin - "mediocre shameful vomit."

Together with other well-known video makers, including Stas Davydov, Ilya Prusikin, Ruslan Usachyov, Maria participated in the Vidfest-2016 video blogging festival held in the Northern capital. In the company of Sasha Spielberg and Pasha Mikus, she advertised the youth services of Sberbank.

Maria Wei's personal life

The sex symbol of the Russian-language YouTube, as she is sometimes called in the press, is not married. According to fans, she had affairs with Maxim Golopolosov (known as Max +100500) and with Ilya Prusikin (Ilyich from the Little Big group). In one of the interviews, the girl mentioned her young man named Alexander, with whom she often went to rock concerts. In addition, she intrigued subscribers by posting a video called "My boyfriend does my makeup." Note that the video appeared on the Web in 2015 - probably since then the situation has changed.

A popular Tambov woman is a lover of delicious food, while she claims that she does not go to the gym, but loves to dance to any music - this replaces her physical activity in the gym. She likes the work of Stephen King, thrillers and horror, classic literature she likes it too.

She loves her cat Motya, who lives with her parents, and the dog Totoshka, who lives with her, the series Breaking bad, the Nirvana band, she knows how to play the electric guitar.

Maria Wei shows off her apartment and her dog

In 2016, she quarreled with Katya Klep. According to omniscient fans, Katya's boyfriend was the cause of the quarrel. Allegedly, a classic situation occurred - Katya broke up with the guy, and Masha, having shown herself not from the best side, “appropriated” him for herself.

Maria Wei now

The Internet star actively realizes herself as a model, is engaged in advertising cosmetics and fashion accessories of world brands. In April 2017, she presented the spring-summer collection of the American company Claire's. It included earrings, bracelets, varnishes, cases for mobile phones, cosmetic bags, as well as souvenirs and gizmos dedicated to Hello Kitty's Kitty and Minions - cartoon servants of Dracula and other villains.

In May, fashionistas learned from her about new series#BeautyBox makeup products from Faberlic. She became the face of the collection, held a make-up lesson using this cosmetics, assuring her fans that this is an absolute must-have that can make them irresistible.

In the summer of the same year, Maria became the heroine of the cover of Cosmopolitan Beauty magazine and talked on its pages about how to become a popular video blogger. She could also be seen on the TNT channel and on the O'STIN YouTube channel as one of the hosts of the Style in 90 Seconds project. She gave advice on the combination of various toilet items and demonstrated this clearly.

It is known that Maria will appear in the cast of the New Year's family film "Santa Morozov or the Kingdom of Crooked Relatives", which will also star Vladimir Menshov, Inga Oboldina, Jan Tsapnik and Konstantin Kryukov. In the center of the plot is the wayward General Morozov, who invited the whole family to the festive table. But he does not suspect that relatives have gathered in his house only for the sake of the inheritance.

Maria Sharapova is one of the brightest stars in world tennis. The athlete is distinguished not only by talent and diligence, but also by beauty and excellent physical shape.

Updated on 16.02.2018 18:19

Maria Sharapova figure parameters:

  • Age: 30 years (as of February 2018)
  • Height: 188
  • Weight: 65
  • Dimensions: 89-64-91
  • Foot size: 42

Sharapova's age, height and weight

Sharapova is an honored master of sports, the face of many well-known companies, as well as the ex-first racket of the world. Despite her workload, she devotes a lot of time to her appearance. First of all, the figure. With her height - 1 m 88 cm - the mark on the scales never exceeds 75 kg. The thing is that in addition to tennis, the girl is also involved in other sports. In her free time, she exercises with a fit-ball, goes to Pilates.

High growth, broad shoulders, impressive foot length (42 shoe sizes) do not prevent Mary from being feminine and sophisticated. At all events, the girl is always in the spotlight, she has many fans, especially among the opposite sex.

Photo: Instagram @mariasharapova_

Now the athlete is 30 years old, she is full of strength and confidence in the future. In her interviews, Sharapova says that she never works out to the point of exhaustion. Once a week, he always takes a day off, explaining that rest is sometimes more useful for achieving the goal than a few extra hours of training on the court.

Maria's sports regimen and healthy diet

In her free time from her main work, the athlete does not stop monitoring her body. Classic-style workouts are Sharapova's choice for maintaining a figure. She chooses exercises such as planks, squats, leg swings, as well as lunges with weights and jumps.

Photo: Instagram @mariasharapova_

In addition, one of the secrets of harmony and youth of a tennis player is a balanced diet. She does not adhere to any strict diets. Its main rule is to avoid eating excessively fatty foods, semi-finished products and refined oils. Maria prefers complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, and foods that are high in protein. Sharapova can treat herself to a cookie or a slice of chocolate, but in moderation and not often.

The famous tennis player is a role model. The secret of her attractive appearance is a long and hard work on herself. According to the athlete, it is important not only to devote time to physical activity, but also to carefully consider your diet.

A beautiful daughter, Maria, was born. Parents predicted the girl a career as a gymnast, but she preferred theater to sports. Oddly enough, Maria had problems with being overweight as a child, but now it's hard to believe. The height and weight of Maria Kozhevnikova are ideal: 170 cm, 53 kg.


Desperate beauty and natural blonde Maria Kozhevnikova successfully graduated from GITIS and immediately went to conquer the heights of show business. In 2002, she became a soloist of the once famous and beloved by everyone, and already in 2005, the girl began her career as an actress, and the first film in which she starred was Rublyovka Live. Then followed minor roles in the films "Servant of the Sovereigns", "She-Wolf" and "Three and Snowflake".

Also, the audience could see her in other films and TV shows, but they did not bring fame to Mary. Perhaps it was the low level of popularity of the projects, and perhaps in rather modest roles. Not so long ago, no one even knew who Maria Kozhevnikova was. The weight, height, beautiful figure and bright appearance of this girl were also of little interest to anyone, unlike the present, but more on that later.

Maria Kozhevnikova - the star of "Univer"

The girl’s hard work and diligence eventually bore fruit - in 2008 she passed the casting and got the role of Allochka Grishko in the still popular sitcom Univer, which is broadcast on TNT.

It was Univer that made Maria Kozhevnikova popular and recognizable. Her character is a typical blonde. She is beautiful and a little stupid, ready for anything for fame and money, loves shopping, jewelry and jewelry, drives men crazy, but most likely incapable of great love. Scenes with Allochka sometimes caused just a slight smile, and sometimes outright laughter.

In fact, Maria Kozhevnikova and Allochka Grishko are complete opposites. The only thing they have in common is, of course, the mass of loyal fans.

Maria Kozhevnikova is used to achieving everything on her own and with great difficulty. For example, on the set of the series "She-Wolf" she spent almost all her time, not complaining of fatigue and lack of sleep.

After "Univer", or Why did Maria Kozhevnikova refuse to act in the series?

Maria Kozhevnikova, whose weight is ideal, is a very attractive woman, so with her departure, the Univer series lost perhaps the most colorful and vibrant heroine. This is a significant loss, but Maria herself decided to leave the sitcom. She wanted to develop in different directions, which she subsequently managed to achieve.

The impetus for the development and self-expression of Mary was given by the role in the TV series "Kremlin Cadets". She played - a selfless, courageous and courageous wife of a military man. Kozhevnikova showed herself from a new side and proved that her acting talent is multifaceted.

Maria Kozhevnikova: height, weight, parameters

Of course, the figure of Mary is perfect. And these are not big words, but reality. Now almost every person in Russia and the CIS countries knows who Maria Kozhevnikova is. Weight, height and played in this far from the most important role. All thanks to talent and hard work. However, it is worth noting that the parameters of the girl are 90-60-92. The modeling business has lost a star, one might say, but Maria Kozhevnikova nevertheless acted as a model in Playboy magazine in 2009.

A candid photo shoot that conquered all men

A photo shoot in Playboy magazine gave the girl even more popularity and slightly candid photos. Maria Kozhevnikova acted as a sexual seductress. It is difficult to call this photo shoot vulgar. She is rather beautiful and original.

Maria is constantly among the leaders in the lists of the sexiest women in the country. In a similar list of the magazine "Maxim" Kozhevnikova took a well-deserved first place. The girl is incredibly sexy and attractive, and if you add to this her talent and intelligence, it turns out for almost any man.

However, appearances are known to be deceiving. A girl can appear in the role of both a glamorous fool and a fatal beauty. This is the whole Maria Kozhevnikova. Weight, height, parameters Also, do not forget about her attractive appearance. The smile is especially admirable - open, always generous and honest. Readers of the magazine "Glamour" with their honest votes gave Maria a victory in the nomination "Smile of the Year".

It is safe to say that Maria will also prove herself as an actress and as a singer. She is talented in literally everything. Impossible to forget her enchanting performances in the show "Ice and Fire". Acting, plasticity of movements - everything was perfectly combined, and the numbers with the participation of Kozhevnikova gave the audience extremely positive emotions.

Maria's fans can cool off - the girl is married. She married her lover in Nice and even bore him an heir. Kozhevnikova's wife's name is Eugene, but the happy wife still hides his last name from the public. It is only known that Maria's husband is engaged in real estate and has nothing to do with show business.

Maria Kozhevnikova is an actress of the popular TV series for young people Univer, the same sexy provincial Allochka, a hunter for wealthy men. In her youth, she posed for Playboy magazine. Master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Since 2011 - member of the Young Guard of the United Russia party, deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation. Winner of the Golden Eagle Award for the role of Countess Natalya Tatishcheva in the drama Battalion. Leads a secular lifestyle, acts in films, brings up three sons with her husband.

Childhood and youth

When a girl was born in the autumn of 1984 in the family of Muscovites Alexander and Margarita Kozhevnikov, she was named Maria. The famous hockey player, two-time Olympic champion and teacher in English son Andrei was already growing up.

The brother of the actress is four years older than her. Now they have a great relationship, but in childhood they were not competitors in everything from parental attention to control over the TV remote control. And since Andrei was older and stronger than the girl, she had to develop ingenuity and the ability to adapt to external circumstances. Perhaps Maria is joking when she says that without the rivalry with her brother, adulthood would be harder, but every joke has only a fraction of a joke.

Alexander Kozhevnikov ended his sports career when Masha turned 6. Until then, the girl missed her dad, because he spent most of his time at training camps and training. Recalling that period as a famous actress, Kozhevnikova will say that she perceived her father as Santa Claus, who came, played with them as little ones, spoiled them with gifts, and then left again. But even then, she understood that her dad was a great athlete and the pride of the country.

WITH early childhood little Mashenka began to show her stubborn wayward character. Dad, the main landmark of her sporting achievements, offered to give the girl to figure skating, but her mother insisted on the rhythmic gymnastics section, where her daughter's perseverance found its application.

In addition to training and competitions, the girl became interested in reading poetry, and in her school years she enrolled in a dance club. Kozhevnikova, like everything else, was responsible for her studies and never upset her parents with her behavior or bad grades and was always the first au pair.

When the girl turned twelve, her father left the family for another woman, from whom another Kozhevnikova, Katya, was born. From confusion and worries, Masha ended up in the hospital on a nervous basis, and then for another eight years she did not communicate with her dad. But in one of the interviews, she admitted that, having matured, she was able to accept the separation of her parents, and during the time of separation from her father, she realized that the people who gave you life should be accepted as they are. And love them with all your might, paying attention only to the pluses and not noticing the minuses.

Over time, Masha proved that she was a worthy daughter of her father, becoming a master of sports. But her sports career was over for her. By the age of sixteen, it turned out that Kozhevnikova had a strong, not too flexible physique, somewhat exceeding the standards of rhythmic gymnastics, and she could not reach Olympic heights.

The girl brought the certificate of the master of sports to her mother, put it on the table and stated that she had fulfilled her parental dream, and now she would start doing what she wanted. And the first thing she dyed her naturally blond hair, becoming a blonde. Later in an interview, the girl says:

I am still grateful to my mother. Sport has developed in me the character and understanding that from the age of four you have to plow in the hall for hours in order to achieve something, through pain and tears to go to the result. I did not win an Olympic medal, but it was an achievement for me that I became the champion of Moscow.

First roles

Masha organized the first photo session for herself, while still at school. One of the pictures of that period - a bright blonde in a red dress on a red background - she will later share with her millionth army of followers on Instagram.

Her first acting job was participation in the video for the song "You will become an adult" by the Lyceum group, popular in those years. Masha also tried her hand as a performer in musical group"Love Stories", a project by producer Valery Belotserkovsky. But then Kozhevnikova successfully passed the exams and became a student of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts at GITIS. At the same time, she went to castings in the hope of getting an interesting role in the cinema.

Maria Kozhevnikova in the video of the Lyceum group

At first, Mary was given episodic roles in serials. So, in "Lawyer", where the main character was played by Andrey Sokolov, she appears as an office secretary. In The She-Wolf with Maria Kaznacheeva in the title role, Kozhevnikova played Olesya, and in The Servant of the Sovereign with Alexander Bukharov, she played the court lady-in-waiting.

Then there were “The Right to Happiness” (Lisa), “Still I Love” (Barbie), “Gift of God” (Lena), “Heartbreakers” (Lika). This went on for several years, Maria managed to graduate from RATI-GITIS, but she could not achieve popularity.


Only in 2008, when the youth series "Univer" started, Kozhevnikova, having beaten hundreds of applicants, got the role of Alla Grishko - a greedy, stupid, but good-natured blonde, who most of all dreams of "picking up" a rich Moscow fiance.

Filming, according to the actress, was difficult and exhausting. Despite the fact that Maria became extremely popular playing Allochka, and even got on the pages of Playboy, one day she realized that her strength was running out. According to Kozhevnikova, filming twelve hours a day, six days a week, she "stopped sleeping, stopped laughing and living."

In one of the interviews, the artist said that the shooting of "Univer" was expensive for the actors, who were sometimes taken away by the "Ambulance" directly from the set. The creators got used to the turnover of personnel, so when Maria announced that she was leaving the sitcom, the producers did not persuade her.

One day from the filming of "Univer"

Moreover, many did not like the quarrelsome nature of the girl. Quarrels and disagreements arose with colleagues Valentina Rubtsova and Ararat Keshchyan. And in the frame, Ararat and Maria had to play lovers. The conflicts reached the point that the actors almost got into a fight. Kozhevnikova did not regret her departure, and attributed the quarrels to accumulated fatigue.

I don’t miss Univer, because I left there on time and at my own will.

However, with Vitaly Gogunsky, who played the main character of the series Kuzya, they recorded the song "Who, if not us", which became popular not only on the network. Maria and Vitaly performed the composition more than once at various events.

Gogunsky and Kozhevnikova - Who, if not us

Later career

While working on Univer, Kozhevnikova hardly starred in other projects - there was simply no time. But there were still exceptions. She starred in the Indian melodramatic action movie In Search of Truth (2008), played Nastya in the TV series Gift of Fate (2010), then reincarnated as the bitchy girl Elvira in Duxless (2011) and nurse Anya in Sklifosovsky (2012). ).

In the historical adventure film "Treasures of O.K." (2013) Maria played main character Dayan, and in "Red Mountains" (2013), a series about civil war, daughter of the commander of the Red Guards Zhenya.

main role- Vasilisa Kremnev - Maria brilliantly embodied in the detective series "I Believe I Don't Believe", where Yulia Aug became her partner on the set. The tandem of the former lieutenant colonel of the Investigative Committee, who became a private detective, and her friend, who is fond of astrology, are well remembered by fans of the detective genre.

The serious and powerful role of Private Tatishcheva went to the actress in Dmitry Meskhiev's military drama Battalion. For a complete entry into the image of Mary, like some other artists, they shaved their heads baldly. The episode was filmed without the tricks of make-up artists, so it had to be done on the first try.

Later, Kozhevnikova admitted that this moment was exciting for her, but this is the least that she could do for the sake of the film and the memory of the women who fought in the First world war. Her role was awarded the Golden Eagle film award.

Maria Kozhevnikova is shaved bald

Following the actress played a talented, but unfairly removed from the competition athlete Nadezhda Smirnova in the film "Sports Without Borders". The film also invited the star of world cinema Gerard Depardieu, who embodied the character of a ski coach.

In the image of the former military intelligence officer Nina Kolosova, Maria reincarnated in Kim Druzhinin's drama "You Can't Execute Pardon". The girl cold-bloodedly avenges the death of her beloved husband, who was killed by bandits, terrifying the inhabitants of post-war Leningrad.

At the time of filming, the actress was pregnant, but she really wanted to play this role and dedicate it to her grandfather, Major General Valentin Trofimov (died in 2013), who commanded the reconnaissance company of the regiment during the war years.

Another serious work of Kozhevnikova was the role of Selma Weinberg, a prisoner in the Sobibor concentration camp. The military drama of the same name by Konstantin Khabensky, in which he acted not only as an actor, but also with a director, told about a fascist concentration camp in Poland, from which the only successful mass escape of prisoners took place during World War II.

Among them was Selma and her husband Chaim Engel. The real prototypes of the heroes of the picture managed to hide in a Polish family, and then move to Israel, followed by the United States. Together they lived for more than sixty years, waiting for the birth of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The actress later shared her feelings about filming in an interview:

Taking on a role that I have never had before, I did not feel fear, only responsibility. It is correct that actors from different countries were filmed in the film. This movie is needed now by the world audience, because the way they try to turn and rewrite history is unacceptable.

Another role, but already a comedy one, Kozhevnikova celebrated 2018. She played a young writer, next to whom a pretty but noisy neighbor settled, performed by Konstantin Kryukov, in Dina Shturmanova's film How to Get a Neighbor. Unbeknownst to herself, the writer falls in love with the smiling protagonist...

Maria Kozhevnikova: about work, children and the State Duma

2019 brought the actress participation in Dinara Garipov's debut noir series "Woe from Wit" in a modern way. Her Sofya Famusova is the heiress of her father's empire (Igor Ugolnikov played the father) and does charity work in the fictional city of Gotum.

Politician and MP

In 2011, Maria tried to make a career in politics and social activities: first became a member of the Young Guard, then acted as a confidant of the All-Russian Popular Front and a trustee of one of the Moscow orphanages.

At the end of the year, Kozhevnikova became a member of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from United Russia. The actress explained her position with a heightened sense of justice, a desire to do something useful for her constituents.

Deputy Maria Kozhevnikova

And although Kozhevnikova was no longer in the next, seventh Duma composition, for the previous four years Maria honestly worked out her deputy mandate. Was recognized as one of the hundred most powerful women Russia 2014.

Personal life of Maria Kozhevnikova

Filming at Univer brought Maria not only popularity, but also an acquaintance in 2008 with the president of the Mirel company, Ilya Mitelman. They met at one of the events dedicated to the series in Chelyabinsk.

A passionate romance almost led Maria to an official marriage, but almost on the threshold of the registry office she came to her senses, remembering what scenes of jealousy the groom threw her. Kozhevnikova did not take risks and decided to put an end to these relations.

Maria was also credited with an affair with the head of the Manege exhibition complex in Moscow, but in one of the interviews, the actress denied these rumors, saying that journalists simply had a "mania to marry her." By the way, about the relationship with Mitelman, the actress also casually mentioned that all this was speculation and she was not going to get married.

Kozhevnikova declassified her personal life only in 2013 after her wedding in Nice with businessman Yevgeny Vasilyev, whom she met for two years and from whom she was pregnant at the time of the wedding in France.

Alone with everyone. Mariya Kozhevnikova

By the way, the couple has not yet formalized their relationship, postponing the wedding in Russia. First, information appeared that Maria and Eugene would get married at the beginning of 2019, but instead the couple left to rest. Kozhevnikova believes that spending time with family on vacation is much more important than hasty registration at the registry office. According to her, the wedding ceremony should be in no way inferior to the wedding process, which solemnly took place at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice.

According to some reports, Evgeny graduated from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and has a diploma in IT-technologies. According to Maria, her husband is in the real estate business. According to other sources, Vasiliev works in the construction segment, and some journalists call him an ordinary computer scientist who came to Moscow to work and left his wife and children in Tver for the actress.

Be that as it may, they have been together for almost ten years, three sons are growing up in the family: the eldest Ivan (01/19/2014), the middle Maxim (01/26/2015), the youngest Vasily (07/20/2017).

The eldest son, continuing the dynasty, enjoys playing hockey in the section of his godfather, Vyacheslav Fetisov, and the younger one is also pulling up to him. Maxim, according to Maria, categorically does not perceive sports:

He is not interested in taking care of them. In this he took after his father. And the youngest, Vasya, like Vanya, already has sports inclinations. Looks at his older brother and takes an example. When he scores a goal, he throws his head back, falls to his knees and rides on them. As hockey players sometimes do after decisive goals.

Despite three children, Kozhevnikova managed not only to act in films, but also to participate in various television shows. So, in 2016, she demonstrated excellent athletic shape, fearlessly performing acrobatic stunts in the circus project "Without Insurance". As the actress herself said, she decided to check herself and her own body, and fans showered her with compliments and set an example for all young mothers who forget about themselves during maternity leave.

But there were also negative responses that Kozhevnikova devotes little time to children, to which Maria reacted sharply on her Instagram page, posting a post stating that if a mother of three children can provide good care for them, then she has every right to dance , and on social life. To feel like happy woman, not a mother hen. And parting with her sons helps her keep an emotional connection with them and the joy of meeting.

Together with Vanya and Maxim, Maria prepared a surprise for her father when the 60th anniversary of the famous athlete Alexander Kozhevnikov was celebrated at the Spartak hockey club. The soulful song of Oleg Gazmanov "Ice and Fire" sounded in their performance on the ice field and touched everyone present. The Internet community also appreciated the composition, offering Masha to create a video for it, to which Masha replied that it was quite possible that she would start creating the video a little later.

Maria Kozhevnikova now

At the end of 2019, Maria became a member of Lera Kudryavtseva's Secret for a Million program. When the presenter traditionally handed the actress an envelope with a secret, hinting at some kind of loss in life, Kozhevnikova, having read the contents, began to cry and did not voice the text inside the envelope, saying that she was not yet ready to make this topic public. By the way, Masha did not agree to take part in the show for a long time.

On the New Year, 2020, Kozhevnikova had to literally kick her beloved husband out of the house. The thing is that the youngest son on the eve of the holiday fell ill with chickenpox, which, according to his mother, he caught at the New Year's performance: “It turned out that our dad did not have this virus, and adults very often endure it quite difficult. There was nothing to do, we had to urgently "kick" her husband out of the house, and we changed all plans and met New Year apart. The mood, of course, was not the most festive, but Vasilek let us go with the elders to dad, and he met 2020 with his grandmother, ”Maria told her followers on Instagram.

The year 2020 was not without scandals for Kozhevnikova. As an academician who is obliged to vote, the owner of the Golden Eagle, the actress honestly reviewed all the films nominated for this year's award. And she very emotionally shared her opinion in the microblog, calling many films depressing, but recommending for viewing the non-fiction film by Alexander Zvyagintsev “Without a statute of limitations. Opening the closet of shame. And she complained to subscribers that she had to “depart for a long time” from everything she saw. .