Maria Sharapova is one of the brightest stars in world tennis. The athlete is distinguished not only by talent and diligence, but also by beauty and excellent physical shape.

Updated on 16.02.2018 18:19

Maria Sharapova figure parameters:

  • Age: 30 years (as of February 2018)
  • Height: 188
  • Weight: 65
  • Dimensions: 89-64-91
  • Foot size: 42

Sharapova's age, height and weight

Sharapova is an honored master of sports, the face of many well-known companies, as well as the ex-first racket of the world. Despite her workload, she devotes a lot of time to her appearance. First of all, the figure. With her height - 1 m 88 cm - the mark on the scales never exceeds 75 kg. The thing is that in addition to tennis, the girl is also involved in other sports. IN free time she exercises with a fit-ball, goes to Pilates.

High growth, broad shoulders, impressive foot length (42 shoe sizes) do not prevent Mary from being feminine and sophisticated. At all events, the girl is always in the spotlight, she has many fans, especially among the opposite sex.

Photo: Instagram @mariasharapova_

Now the athlete is 30 years old, she is full of strength and confidence in the future. In her interviews, Sharapova says that she never works out to the point of exhaustion. Once a week, he always takes a day off, explaining that rest is sometimes more useful for achieving the goal than a few extra hours of training on the court.

Maria's sports regimen and healthy diet

In her free time from her main work, the athlete does not stop monitoring her body. Classic-style workouts are Sharapova's choice for maintaining a figure. She chooses exercises such as planks, squats, leg swings, as well as lunges with weights and jumps.

Photo: Instagram @mariasharapova_

In addition, one of the secrets of harmony and youth of a tennis player is a balanced diet. She does not adhere to any strict diets. Its main rule is to avoid eating excessively fatty foods, semi-finished products and refined oils. Maria prefers complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, and foods that are high in protein. Sharapova can treat herself to a cookie or a slice of chocolate, but in moderation and not often.

The famous tennis player is a role model. The secret of her attractive appearance is a long and hard work on herself. According to the athlete, it is important not only to devote time to physical activity, but also to carefully consider your diet.

Actress Maria Kozhevnikova recently became a mother for the third time. The star admits that each pregnancy is accompanied by a set of extra pounds, with which there is a fierce struggle after childbirth. For example, during her last pregnancy, Maria Kozhevnikova recovered by as much as 27 kg, which she successfully lost through hard training and diets.

Maria is a fan of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. On her Instagram, the star consistently tells how to lose weight, responds to comments and gives valuable advice to young mothers.

Biography and personal life

The actress was born in Moscow in the family of the famous hockey player Alexander Kozhevnikov. Inspired by a star parent, the girl decided to become an athlete. As a child, little Masha was seriously involved in gymnastics, even received the title of master of sports. After an excellent graduation from school, the future star entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. During her studies, the girl began her singing career in the group " Love stories", which soon broke up.

Since 2002, Maria has been acting in episodic roles. You can see Kozhevnikova on the screen in the TV series “Gift of God”, “Heartbreakers”, “Gaimen”. But the real success came to the actress after filming the series "Univer", where she played the frivolous Allochka. Maria's work in the cinema was noted by famous directors, she was invited to such films as "Exchange Wedding", "Newlyweds", "Battalion" and many others.

To date, Kozhevnikova is happily married to Yevgeny Vasilyev, to whom she gave three children. She is an exemplary wife, loving mother, social activist. The girl develops her profile on Instagram, where she gives advice on raising children and a healthy lifestyle.

Kozhevnikova was not going to stop at the success achieved in the cinema. In 2011, she became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and in 2014, Maria was included in the TOP-100 powerful women Russia.

Figure after the third birth

Maria Kozhevnikova is an example for many Russian women. She managed to build a strong family, combine her career with motherhood and find time to take care of herself. Recently, the actress gave birth to her third son and gained 27 kilograms. Maria admits that every pregnancy she gains excess weight, with which he then wages a fierce struggle.

It is noteworthy that Instagram stars are full of real photos of the figure, while many domestic and foreign celebrities correct the shape in Photoshop. Fans of Kozhevnikova appreciated her naturalness, positively commenting on the photo.

Maria shared with followers that during the third pregnancy she gained 2 times less weight than during the second.

The actress admits that she is a fan of natural childbirth, as it is less dangerous for mother and child. After the birth of the baby, she published a photo on Instagram, which is depicted in full growth.

The figure of Maria Kozhevnikova delighted the subscribers, they noted that the actress had become prettier. Under the picture, the star shared her plans for the future, in which weight loss was the main role.

Despite the fact that at first the star became noticeably stout, she is sure that no matter how many kilograms stand in the way of the goal, you need to make every effort, and everything will work out.

Weight loss secrets of Maria Kozhevnikova

The star has repeatedly demonstrated to followers the postpartum change in figure. In the first and second pregnancies, Maria Kozhevnikova gained 40 kg, and in the third - only 27 kg.

The actress takes an active life position and is happy to share the secrets of losing weight with subscribers in the microblog.

Today, with a height of 172 cm and a weight of 55 kg. Masha's figure parameters are approximately the following: chest 90 cm, waist - 60 cm, hips - 92 cm.

Proper nutrition

The star does not adhere to any particular diet. She believes that a significant dietary restriction leads to stress, which is not the most in a positive way reflected in the figure.

The principle of the diet of Maria Kozhevnikova- maximum calorie reduction while maintaining a balance of nutrients. The girl believes that such a regimen stimulates the body to produce additional energy, at the expense of which weight is reduced.

The basis of the diet is:

  • complex carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vegetable fats.

Maria eats foods with a low glycemic index. The star advises eating according to the scheme: 3 main meals and 2 healthy snacks. The size of one serving should not exceed 200 g. By the way, the actress completely refused the evening meal, she tries to eat 4-5 hours before bedtime.

On Instagram, Kozhevnikova quite often publishes nutrition principles, lists of allowed and prohibited foods.

Some believe that the weight loss of the actress is the result of taking fat-burning drugs. Maria replied that she had never taken such pills, since one can often expect the exact opposite effect from them.

Sports in the life of an actress

After a rapid weight gain, Maria discovered the main female truth - to accept yourself as you are. The star is sure that you need to be in harmony and love your body. At the birth of her first child, Kozhevnikova threw all her strength into active weight loss. She admits that she spent 6-7 hours in the gyms, exhausting herself with workouts, dreaming of putting her forms in order.

In the past, Masha was a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, so her desire for the ideal is understandable. The actress regularly posts on Instagram a photo from the fitness center, which is captured while exercising on a treadmill. Kozhevnikova admits that going to the gym is always effective, because there the body works and loses weight with every cell.

The young mother considers tennis to be her favorite sport. She feels joy, picking up a racket and spending a couple of sets. Masha also goes in for swimming, Nordic walking. But the girl is indifferent to running, because this sport heavily loads the spine and legs.

The actress gives advice to readers: if you don’t have time to train in the gym, do the exercises at home. Maria herself prefers loads on the press, hips and buttocks.

The psychology of weight loss

Kozhevnikova was often recognized as one of the most beautiful women Russia. Even the significant weight that the girl gained during each pregnancy did not prevent her from attracting men's views. In an interview, the actress said that after giving birth, older men began to pay attention to her, because their psychology had different standards. female beauty and attractiveness.

Maria recently posted a microblog post in which she encourages women to love themselves. The star advises you to learn to accept your body in any form, because this is the first step towards a dream figure. In addition, the actress recommends to tune in to the positive, as this is half the success. Don't be afraid to dream, breathe deeply and love yourself.

  1. The actress sticks separate power system, which is based on the principles: without fatty, fried and starchy foods. Maria admits that she is a rare sweet tooth who cannot refuse her favorite treats even during the period of weight loss. She tries to eat sweets in the morning in order to have time to use up the calories received. Recently, Kozhevnikova decided to try out detox and fitness tours. The choice fell on the program in Greece, because then she rested there with her family. For a week of proper nutrition and training, the body improved, health improved, and the kilograms began to melt before our eyes.
  2. Maria starts each new day with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. She is sure that the correct drinking regimen helps not only the regeneration of skin cells, but also allows you to lose weight.
  3. Despite severe food restrictions, Kozhevnikova cannot exclude sausage from her diet. But the girl found a way. She started buying natural product without fragrances, preservatives and dyes. As part of the sausage, you can see chicken meat, turkey and only herbal supplements.
  4. For breakfast, the actress prefers to eat scrambled eggs, fresh vegetable salad, natural yogurt. For lunch, the star mom has diet soup, and Maria advises dinner with a small portion of buckwheat or rice, an apple.
  5. Kozhevnikova recommends drinking more liquid than 1 liter. in a day. The actress herself tries to use only hydrogen water, which has a good effect on the body and appearance. Reviews about this liquid are extremely positive. The negative point is the high price per liter.
  6. The star beauty advises her subscribers to find time for themselves - to indulge in new styling or professional makeup. These little joys are what self-love is all about.

The parameters of the figure of Maria Kozhevnikova are the subject of interest for mothers with many children and not only. Now the actress is raising three children, creates comfort in the house and is considered an exemplary wife in the world of show business. Maria, who has lost weight, delights fans, stimulates them to lose weight and love themselves.

Mariya Kozhevnikova - popular Russian actress, former soloist of the Love Stories group. She became famous throughout the country thanks to her role in the TV series Univer, where she played the attractive Allochka.

Father Maria Kozhevnikova- the famous Russian hockey player, master of sports, two-time Olympic champion. Of course, the daughter of an outstanding athlete has been associated with sports since childhood. At one time, she did a lot of rhythmic gymnastics, as a result of which she was awarded the title of master of sports.

But Creative skills it was impossible to hide. The girl wanted to always be in the spotlight, and she became a successful actress.

At Maria Kozhevnikova always had problems with weight, because of the great love for buns and cakes. She was never fat, but she was not particularly thin either.

Weight and height of Maria Kozhevnikova

At Maria Kozhevnikova always had problems with weighing, because of the great love for buns and cakes. She was never fat, but she was not particularly thin either.

Now, with a height of 170 cm, Maria Kozhevnikova weighs only 50 kg . Her model proportions 90-60-92 even Hollywood "stars" will envy.

The secret of her slimness is, of course, her sports past, as well as

Maria Kozhevnikova - one of the sexiest girls in Russia - was born on November 14, 1984 in Moscow. Russian actress, performer of the roles of Allochka in "Univer", as well as Anna Prokhorova in "Kremlin cadets", former soloist group "Love Stories" has been acting in films for almost 10 years. Maria looks amazing! How does she manage to be in great shape?

Maria loves her job, and in spite of her fatigue, she boldly steps to the top of her acting career. Her natural appearance allows her to transform beyond recognition. The mother of three children, the beautiful young Maria Kozhevnikova always looks flawless. She keeps herself in good shape and willingly shares her secrets with fans. Maria Kozhevnikova is an excellent "illustrative example" of the fact that even after several births, with effort, you can look great! The actress took the diet of Barry Sears as the basis for losing weight, which formed the basis of nutrition.

How Kozhevnikova lost weight: before and after

The weight-to-height ratio of Maria Kozhevnikova is impressive 172 cm at 52 kg. It's hard to believe that the actress managed to lose 30 kg after giving birth! The beauty claims that being overweight brought great discomfort, especially psychological. For a long time after giving birth, the actress could not lose weight, as she claims, the reason was the changes hormonal background.

Now Maria's parameters are very close to ideal:

  • waist - 60 cm;
  • chest girth - 90 cm;
  • hips - 92 cm;
  • breast size - 2;
  • foot size - 38.

Secrets of losing weight Kozhevnikova

Women are interested in how the actress managed to quickly return to her previous shape and look stunning after the birth of three children. We open all the cards for our readers!

Here are a few secrets of Kozhevnikova:

  • Stabilization of hormonal levels, patience and proper nutrition. For weight loss, it is important to normalize your mood and well-being in order to get rid of complexes.

  • The diet necessarily contains foods enriched with vitamins: vegetables with fruits, cereals, berries, lean fish and meat, low-fat sour milk and greens. In this case, all ingredients must have a low glycemic index.

  • You only need to eat when you feel hungry, but sometimes our body gives false signals, and to check, you can drink a couple of sips of water. Has the hunger gone? Then you need something to eat.

Given how much weight Maria was able to lose, it becomes clear that the diet was not very strict, which may be why she brought great results.

Menu and recipes from the actress

Key rules for losing weight from Mary:

  • exclude high-calorie and fatty foods from the diet: flour, fried, sweet, pastries;
  • meals at least 5 times a day in small portions;
  • per day you need to drink from 1.5 liters of water without gases.

Eating like Kozhevnikova, you can lose weight phenomenally: quickly and easily. The ratio should be like this:

  • breakfast - a steam protein omelette or oatmeal with berries, and finally - green tea;
  • lunch - fruit salad;
  • lunch - fish soup, and then a seafood salad and compote;
  • afternoon snack - natural juice;
  • dinner - vegetables baked with meat.

Recipes from Kozhevnikova

Steam omelet

Separate the whites from two eggs and beat them with milk with a whisk. The mixture is poured into a steamer dish, and an omelette is steamed for 15 minutes.

Fruit salad

From the peel you need to peel the apple, orange and pear. Everything is cut into small pieces. The components are mixed and poured over with natural yogurt.

Vegetables baked with chicken

Free the chicken fillet from the skin and sprinkle with spices. Onions, carrots, eggplant and greens cut into cubes. Spread meat on a greased baking sheet, and vegetables on top. Bake the dish for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Nutritionists consider the proposed diet healthy, as it allows you to strengthen the immune system and lose weight. She has no contraindications.

Sports and weight loss

The actress did not have time to regularly engage in the gym. However, she found time for physical activity. Therefore, if you do not go to the gym, you should definitely do exercises for the press and other muscles of the body at home. There are many lessons on the network, you can choose classes to your taste.

In her free time, Maria Kozhevnikova went swimming, played tennis and rode a bicycle.

That's all the secrets. Nothing supernatural. Maria put proper nutrition and an active lifestyle at the forefront.

How do you find Maria Kozhevnikova's recommendations? What prevents you personally from being slim? Write to us! Perhaps we can help you by providing you with interesting materials that will allow you to lose weight without harm to your health!

Maria Kozhevnikova: photo motivation

A beautiful daughter, Maria, was born. Parents predicted the girl a career as a gymnast, but she preferred theater to sports. Oddly enough, Maria had problems with being overweight as a child, but now it's hard to believe. The height and weight of Maria Kozhevnikova are ideal: 170 cm, 53 kg.


Desperate beauty and natural blonde Maria Kozhevnikova successfully graduated from GITIS and immediately went to conquer the heights of show business. In 2002, she became a soloist of the once famous and beloved by everyone, and already in 2005, the girl began her career as an actress, and the first film in which she starred was Rublyovka Live. Then followed minor roles in the films "Servant of the Sovereigns", "She-Wolf" and "Three and Snowflake".

Also, the audience could see her in other films and TV shows, but they did not bring fame to Mary. Perhaps it was the low level of popularity of the projects, and perhaps in rather modest roles. Not so long ago, no one even knew who Maria Kozhevnikova was. The weight, height, beautiful figure and bright appearance of this girl were also of little interest to anyone, unlike the present, but more on that later.

Maria Kozhevnikova - the star of "Univer"

The girl’s hard work and diligence eventually bore fruit - in 2008 she passed the casting and got the role of Allochka Grishko in the still popular sitcom Univer, which is broadcast on TNT.

It was Univer that made Maria Kozhevnikova popular and recognizable. Her character is a typical blonde. She is beautiful and a little stupid, ready for anything for fame and money, loves shopping, jewelry and jewelry, drives men crazy, but most likely incapable of great love. Scenes with Allochka sometimes caused just a slight smile, and sometimes outright laughter.

In fact, Maria Kozhevnikova and Allochka Grishko are complete opposites. The only thing they have in common is, of course, the mass of loyal fans.

Maria Kozhevnikova is used to achieving everything on her own and with great difficulty. For example, on the set of the series "She-Wolf" she spent almost all her time, not complaining of fatigue and lack of sleep.

After "Univer", or Why did Maria Kozhevnikova refuse to act in the series?

Maria Kozhevnikova, whose weight is ideal, is a very attractive woman, so with her departure, the Univer series lost perhaps the most colorful and vibrant heroine. This is a significant loss, but Maria herself decided to leave the sitcom. She wanted to develop in different directions, which she subsequently managed to achieve.

The impetus for the development and self-expression of Mary was given by the role in the TV series "Kremlin Cadets". She played - a selfless, courageous and courageous wife of a military man. Kozhevnikova showed herself from a new side and proved that her acting talent is multifaceted.

Maria Kozhevnikova: height, weight, parameters

Of course, the figure of Mary is perfect. And these are not big words, but reality. Now almost every person in Russia and the CIS countries knows who Maria Kozhevnikova is. Weight, height and played in this far from the most leading role. All thanks to talent and hard work. However, it is worth noting that the parameters of the girl are 90-60-92. The modeling business has lost a star, one might say, but Maria Kozhevnikova nevertheless acted as a model in Playboy magazine in 2009.

A candid photo shoot that conquered all men

A photo shoot in Playboy magazine gave the girl even more popularity and slightly candid photos. Maria Kozhevnikova acted as a sexual seductress. It is difficult to call this photo shoot vulgar. She is rather beautiful and original.

Maria is constantly among the leaders in the lists of the sexiest women in the country. In a similar list of the magazine "Maxim" Kozhevnikova took a well-deserved first place. The girl is incredibly sexy and attractive, and if you add to this her talent and intelligence, it turns out for almost any man.

However, appearances are known to be deceiving. A girl can appear in the role of both a glamorous fool and a fatal beauty. This is the whole Maria Kozhevnikova. Weight, height, parameters Also, do not forget about its attractive appearance. The smile is especially admirable - open, always generous and honest. Readers of the magazine "Glamour" with their honest votes gave Maria a victory in the nomination "Smile of the Year".

It is safe to say that Maria will also prove herself as an actress and as a singer. She is talented in literally everything. Impossible to forget her enchanting performances in the show "Ice and Fire". Acting, plasticity of movements - everything was perfectly combined, and the numbers with the participation of Kozhevnikova gave the audience extremely positive emotions.

Maria's fans can cool off - the girl is married. She married her lover in Nice and even bore him an heir. Kozhevnikova's wife's name is Eugene, but the happy wife still hides his last name from the public. It is only known that Maria's husband is engaged in real estate and has nothing to do with show business.