• Roman Mstislavich Galitsky (c. 1150-19 June 1205) - Prince of Novgorod (1168-1170), Prince of Volyn (1170-1187,1188-1199), Galician (1188), first prince of Galicia-Volyn (from 1199-1205), Grand Duke of Kiev (1201, 1204).
  • Narrative work with a complex plot and many characters
  • great narrative, piece of art with complex plot
  • Literary work
  • Great creation of a venerable writer
  • AND male name, and literary work
  • Narrative work with a complex plot
  • Name, affair or great work
  • Name, affair and literary work
  • A literary work that "argues" with the saying "brevity is the sister of talent"
  • Piece of art

    • language feature speech interspersed in a work of art
      • Drama. UA is a contemporary drama festival that has been taking place in Lviv since 2010.
      • Literary and artistic work
      • Work for the theater
      • A literary work with a serious plot without a tragic outcome
      • Theatrical play, stage-oriented literary work - serious, with deep internal conflict
      • One of the three major genres of fiction
      • One of the main genres of fiction
      • A type of literary work written in dialogic form and intended to be performed by actors on stage
      • If someone was killed at the beginning of the work, then this is a child.
        • Installation (English installation - installation, placement, installation) - form contemporary art, which is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (natural objects, industrial and household items, fragments of textual and visual information) and is an artistic whole.
        • A work of art that is a composition of various objects
  • Roman Mstislavich Galitsky (c. 1150-19 June 1205) - Prince of Novgorod (1168-1170), Prince of Volyn (1170-1187,1188-1199), Galician (1188), first prince of Galicia-Volyn (from 1199-1205), Grand Duke of Kiev (1201, 1204).
  • Narrative work with a complex plot and many characters
  • A large narrative, fictional work with a complex plot
  • Literary work
  • Great creation of a venerable writer
  • Both a male name and a literary work
  • Narrative work with a complex plot
  • Name, affair or great work
  • Name, affair and literary work
  • A literary work that "argues" with the saying "brevity is the sister of talent"
  • Piece of art

    • Linguistic feature of speech interspersed in a work of art
      • Drama. UA is a contemporary drama festival that has been taking place in Lviv since 2010.
      • Literary and artistic work
      • Work for the theater
      • A literary work with a serious plot without a tragic outcome
      • Theatrical play, stage-oriented literary work - serious, with deep internal conflict
      • One of the three major genres of fiction
      • One of the main genres of fiction
      • A type of literary work written in dialogic form and intended to be performed by actors on stage
      • If someone was killed at the beginning of the work, then this is a child.
        • Installation (English installation - installation, placement, installation) is a form of contemporary art, which is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (natural objects, industrial and household items, fragments of textual and visual information) and is an artistic whole.
        • A work of art that is a composition of various objects

The book is intended to acquaint Russian readers with the outstanding theoretical positions of modern narratology (narrative theory) and offer solutions to some controversial issues. Historical overviews of key concepts serve primarily to describe the relevant phenomena in the structure of narratives.

Based on the features of literary narrative works (narrativity, fiction, aesthetics), the author focuses on the main issues of "perspective" (communicative structure of the narrative, narrative instances, point of view, the ratio of the text of the narrator and the text of the character) and plot (narrative transformations, the role of timeless connections in the narrative text).

In the second edition, the aspects of narrativity, event and eventfulness are developed in more detail. This book is a systematic introduction to the main problems of narratology.


Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Russian classics List of school literature grade 5-6

"Dubrovsky" is an example of the narrative prose of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, one of the first examples of the Russian literary language. This is the story of a man hurt by a wealthy neighbor and justice, and is based on a true court case. At the same time, the plot of the work is in many ways reminiscent of Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet.

What is the genre affiliation of "Dubrovsky"? What is it - an unfinished novel or an almost written story? Why did Pushkin leave an almost finished text and start working on The History of Pugachev and The Captain's Daughter? Literary critics are still arguing about this, and readers are happy to follow the adventures of a young daring nobleman ...

Poetics of Chekhov. Chekhov's World: Emergence and Approval

Alexander Chudakov Biographies and Memoirs cultural code

Alexander Pavlovich Chudakov (1938-2005) - Doctor of Philology, researcher of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries, writer, critic. To a wide circle of readers, he is known as the author of the novel “The darkness falls on the old steps ...” (Russian Booker Prize 2011

for the best novel of the decade), and in the philological community - as the largest specialist in Chekhov's work. In the diaries of A.P. Chudakov there is an entry: “And they also say - there are no signs, predestination. I arrived in Moscow on July 15, 1954. It was all covered with newspapers with portraits of Chekhov - it was his 50th birthday.

And I walked, looked, read. And I thought: “I will study it.” And so it happened." The monograph "Chekhov's Poetics", published in 1971, when its author was in his early thirties, received international recognition and provoked fierce resistance from scientific conservatives.

The discoveries made in it and in the next book - Chekhov's World: Emergence and Statement (1986) - largely determined the further development of Czech studies. A.P. Chudakov was one of the first to propose exact methods for describing the writer's narrative system, introduced the concept of the "material world" of a work, and his main thesis - about the "accidental" organization of Chekhov's poetics - invariably causes interested disputes among researchers.

In pdf A4 format, the publisher's layout is saved, including the name index and the index of works.

Essays on Historical Writing in Classical Greece

I. E. Surikov Story Studia historica

The monograph is the result of research in the field of ancient Greek historiography, conducted by the author over a number of years. The book consists of two parts. The chapters of the first part analyze the general features historical memory and historical consciousness in ancient Greece.

The following topics are covered: the relationship between research and chronicle in historiography, aspects of the origin of historical thought, the place of myth in the construction of the past, cyclist and linear ideas about the historical process, the mutual influence of historical writing and dramaturgy, local traditions of historical writing in the ancient Greek world, elements of the irrational in the works of classical Greek historians and etc.

The second part is devoted to various problems of the work of the "father of history" Herodotus. Its chapters deal with the following issues: the place of Herodotus in the evolution of historical thought, the influence of the epic and oral historical traditions on his work, the images of time in Herodotus' History, the problems of reliability of this author's data and his narrative skill, gender and ethno-civilizational issues in Herodotus, the question about the degree of completion of the "History" by the author, the geographical representations of Herodotus, etc.

In conclusion, the question is raised whether Herodotus belonged to the archaic or classical tradition of historical writing, and an attempt is made to give a reasoned answer. The book is intended for specialists - historians and philologists, for teachers and students of the humanities faculties of universities, for all those interested in the history of historical science.

Ada, or the Joys of Passion

Vladimir Nabokov Russian classics Eternal books (ABC)

Created for ten years and published in the USA in 1969, Vladimir Nabokov's novel "Hell, or the Joy of Passion", upon publication, gained the scandalous fame of an "erotic bestseller" and received polar reviews from the then literary critics; the reputation of one of the most controversial Nabokov's books accompanies him to this day.

Playing with the narrative canons of several genres at once (from the Tolstoy-type family chronicle to the science fiction novel), Nabokov created perhaps the most complex of his works, which became the quintessence of his previous themes and creative techniques and was designed for a very sophisticated in literature, even an elite reader. .

The story of a dazzling, all-consuming, forbidden passion that flared up between the main characters, Ada and Van, in adolescence and carried through decades of secret meetings, forced separations, betrayals and reunions, turns under the pen of Nabokov into a multifaceted study of the possibilities of consciousness, the properties of memory and the nature of Time.

Poetics of Russian autobiographical prose. Tutorial

N. A. Nikolina Educational literature Absent

The manual proposes methods for analyzing prose autobiographical texts, which can be used when considering works of other genres. Particular attention is paid to the narrative structure of the genre, its spatio-temporal and lexical-semantic organization.

Russian autobiographical prose is studied against a broad historical background (from the end of the 17th century to the 20th century), while it examines both fiction and non-fiction texts. For students and teachers-philologists, teachers of the Russian language and literature.

The manual will be useful when studying the courses "Philological analysis of the text", "Linguistics of the text", "History of Russian literature", "Stylistics".

Russia in the Mediterranean. Archipelago Expedition of Catherine the Great

I. M. Smilyanskaya Story Absent

The monograph is devoted to the initial period of the formation of the Russian presence in the Mediterranean - the Archipelago expedition of the Russian fleet in 1769-1774. The authors of the monograph turn to documentary and narrative sources (including from Russian and Western European archives), Russian and foreign press, sermons and literary works in order to identify hidden mechanisms for asserting the influence of Catherine's Russia in the Eastern Mediterranean, the role of the Archipelago expedition in establishing cultural and political contacts Russia with the population of Greece, with the ruling elite of the Italian states, with the rulers of the Middle East and North Africa.

In this perspective, the Mediterranean policy of Catherine II has not been studied before. The monograph specifically examines the propaganda strategies of Catherine the Great, as well as the Western European and Russian perception of Russia's Mediterranean action. The appendix publishes newly found manuscripts and archival documents.

Ontological problems of modern Russian prose

O. V. Sizykh Linguistics Absent

The monograph examines the problem-thematic field that determines the development of small epic forms in Russian literature of the late XX - early XXI centuries; the plot-narrative discourses that make up art systems modern prose writers (T.

N. Tolstoy, A. V. Ilichevsky, V. A. Pietsukha, L. E. Ulitskaya, L. S. Petrushevskaya, V. G. Sorokin). The main attention is paid to the semantic transformations of canonical textual units as a reflection of the ontological conflict. Continuity and connection between classical and modern Russian prose is established at the problem-thematic level, the cultural and philosophical context of modern works is revealed.

The book is addressed to philologists.

Stories by the way

Nikolay Semyonovich Leskov Russian classics Absent

The audiobook includes works united in the author's cycle "Stories by the Way". These are works that are completely different in plot, built on an anecdote, a “curious case”, depicting amusing, but no less significant situations in their national character. 1964, 1969

For the first time in Russian, the famous dilogy of Archibald Cronin! “A Sixpence Song and a Pocket of Wheat” are the first two lines of a famous English song, as well as the names of two no less famous works by Archibald Cronin, created in the best traditions of the “education novels” of Dickens, Balzac and Flaubert.

The story about the fate of a young man from Scotland, dreamy, ambitious and naive, reflected many autobiographical facts from the life of the author. Cronin narrates about his adventures, victories and defeats, losses and gains, loves and disappointments with warm humor and with that heartfelt realism that evokes sympathy and empathy, which distinguishes his original creative style.

The reader will find here the same vivid narrative gift that marked other novels of the author that have become modern classics, such as Brody's Castle, Stars Look Down, The Citadel and many others.

"Fishing in America", which brought the author worldwide fame, two million copies and a truly cult status, has been repeatedly called an "anti-novel" by critics, is a purely modernist work in which Brautigan deliberately abandons the usual narrative forms and immerses the reader in the realm of a psychedelic kaleidoscope of motives and images understood more intuitively than logically.

The book contains foul language.

Tale of fairy tales, or Fun for little kids

Giambattista Basile foreign classics Missing No data

The collection of fairy tales by the Neapolitan writer and poet Giambattista Basile (1566–1632) is one of the most striking monuments of Italian Baroque literature. Using the storyline folk tales, combining with them the narrative techniques of the novellas of the XIV-XVI centuries.

Basile creates original works that give a vivid picture of the life and customs of his time, a gallery of psychologically reliable images that do not lose their freshness even four centuries later. Some of Basile's tales served as the basis for Charles Perrault's The Tales of Mother Goose, as well as for the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Pyotr Epifanov translated from ancient Greek monuments of Byzantine hymnography (Roman the Melodist, John of Damascus, Cosmas of Mayum), from French - the philosophical works of Simone Weil, from Italian - poems by Giuseppe Ungaretti, Dino Campana, Antonia Pozzi, Vittorio Sereni, Pier Paolo Pasolini.

4. As you know, everything literary works depending on the nature of the depicted, they belong to one of three KINDS: epic, lyric or drama. Literary gender- this is a generalized name for a group of works, depending on the nature of the reflection of reality.

EPOS (from the Greek "narrative";-) is a generalized name for works depicting events external to the author.

LYRICS (from the Greek "performed to the lyre";-) is a generalized name for works in which there is no plot, but the feelings, thoughts, experiences of the author or his lyrical hero are depicted.

DRAMA (from the Greek. "action";-) - a generalized name for works intended for staging on stage; the drama is dominated by the dialogue of the characters, the author's beginning is minimized.

Varieties of epic, lyrical and dramatic works are called types of literary works.

Type and genre are very close concepts in literary criticism.

Genres are variations in the type of literary work. For example, a genre version of a story can be fantastic or historical tale, and the genre variety of comedy is vaudeville, etc. Strictly speaking, a literary genre is a historically established type of work of art containing certain structural features and aesthetic quality characteristic of this group of works.


Epic, novel, story, short story, fairy tale, fable, legend.

EPIC - a major work of art that tells about significant historical events. In ancient times - a narrative poem of heroic content. In the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, the epic novel genre appears - this is a work in which the formation of the characters of the main characters occurs in the course of their participation in historical events.
ROMAN is a large narrative work of art with a complex plot, in the center of which is the fate of the individual.
A STORY is a work of art that occupies a middle position between a novel and a short story in terms of the volume and complexity of the plot. In ancient times, everything was called a story. narrative work.
STORY - a work of art of a small size, which is based on an episode, an incident from the life of a hero.
FAIRY TALE - a work about fictional events and heroes, usually with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.
FABLE (from “bayat” - to tell) is a narrative work in poetic form, small in size, moralizing or satirical in nature.


Ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, message.

ODA (from the Greek “song”) is a choral, solemn song.
HYMN (from Greek “praise”) is a solemn song based on programmatic verses.
EPIGRAM (from Greek “inscription”) is a short satirical poem of a mocking nature that arose in the 3rd century BC. e.
ELEGY - a genre of lyrics dedicated to sad thoughts or a lyrical poem imbued with sadness. Belinsky called an elegy "a song of sad content." The word "elegy" is translated as "reed flute" or "mournful song". The elegy originated in Ancient Greece in the 7th century BC e.
MESSAGE - a poetic letter, an appeal to a specific person, a request, a wish, a confession.
SONNET (from the Provencal sonette - "song") - a poem of 14 lines, which has a certain rhyming system and strict stylistic laws. The sonnet originated in Italy in the 13th century (the creator is the poet Jacopo da Lentini), appeared in England in the first half of the 16th century (G. Sarri), and in Russia in the 18th century. The main types of the sonnet are Italian (from 2 quatrains and 2 tercets) and English (from 3 quatrains and the final couplet).


Poem, ballad.

POEM (from the Greek poieio - “I do, I create”) - a large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot, usually on a historical or legendary topic.
BALLAD - a story song of dramatic content, a story in verse.


Tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

TRAGEDY (from the Greek tragos ode - "goat song") - dramatic work, depicting a tense struggle strong characters and passions, which usually ends with the death of the hero.
COMEDY (from the Greek komos ode - "fun song") - a dramatic work with a cheerful, funny plot, usually ridiculing social or domestic vices.
DRAMA (“action”) is a literary work in the form of a dialogue with a serious plot, depicting a person in her dramatic relationship with society. Drama may be tragicomedy or melodrama.
VAUDEVILLE - a genre variety of comedy, it is a light comedy with singing couplets and dancing.
Farce is a genre variety of comedy, it is a theatrical play of a light, playful nature with external comic effects, designed for a rude taste.

Genre is a type of literary work. There are epic, lyrical, dramatic genres. Lyroepic genres are also distinguished. Genres are also divided by volume into large (including rum and epic novel), medium (literary works of “medium size” - novels and poems), small (story, short story, essay). They have genres and thematic division: adventure novel, psychological novel, sentimental, philosophical, etc. The main division is connected with the genres of literature. We present to your attention the genres of literature in the table.

Thematic division of genres is rather conditional. There is no strict classification of genres by topic. For example, if they talk about the genre-thematic diversity of lyrics, they usually single out love, philosophical, landscape lyrics. But, as you understand, the variety of lyrics is not exhausted by this set.

If you set out to study the theory of literature, it is worth mastering the groups of genres:

  • epic, that is, genres of prose (epic novel, novel, story, short story, short story, parable, fairy tale);
  • lyrical, that is, poetic genres (lyric poem, elegy, message, ode, epigram, epitaph),
  • dramatic - types of plays (comedy, tragedy, drama, tragicomedy),
  • lyrical epic (ballad, poem).

Literary genres in tables

epic genres

  • epic novel

    epic novel- a novel with a picture folk life during critical historical periods. "War and Peace" by Tolstoy, " Quiet Don» Sholokhov.

  • Novel

    Novel- a multi-problem work depicting a person in the process of his formation and development. The action in the novel is full of external or internal conflicts. By subject, there are: historical, satirical, fantastic, philosophical, etc. By structure: a novel in verse, an epistolary novel, etc.

  • Tale

    Tale- an epic work of medium or large form, built in the form of a narrative of events in their natural sequence. Unlike the novel, in P. the material is chronicled, there is no sharp plot, there is no blue analysis of the feelings of the characters. P. does not pose tasks of a global historical nature.

  • Story

    Story- a small epic form, a small work with a limited number of characters. R. most often poses one problem or describes one event. The short story differs from R. in an unexpected ending.

  • Parable

    Parable- moral teaching in allegorical form. A parable differs from a fable in that it draws its artistic material from human life. Example: Gospel parables, the parable of the righteous land, told by Luke in the play "At the Bottom".

Lyric genres

  • lyric poem

    lyric poemsmall form lyrics written either on behalf of the author, or on behalf of a fictional lyrical hero. Description of the inner world of the lyric hero, his feelings, emotions.

  • Elegy

    Elegy- a poem imbued with moods of sadness and sadness. As a rule, the content of elegies is philosophical reflections, sad thoughts, grief.

  • Message

    Message- a letter of poetry addressed to a person. According to the content of the message, there are friendly, lyrical, satirical, etc. The message can be. addressed to one person or group of people.

  • Epigram

    Epigram- a poem that makes fun of a specific person. Character traits- wit and brevity.

  • Oh yeah

    Oh yeah- a poem, distinguished by the solemnity of style and sublimity of content. Praise in verse.

  • Sonnet

    Sonnet- a solid poetic form, usually consisting of 14 verses (lines): 2 quatrains-quatrains (for 2 rhymes) and 2 three-line tercetes

Dramatic genres

  • Comedy

    Comedy- a type of drama in which characters, situations and actions are presented in funny forms or imbued with the comic. There are satirical comedies (“Undergrowth”, “Inspector General”), high (“Woe from Wit”) and lyrical (“The Cherry Orchard”).

  • Tragedy

    Tragedy- a work based on an irreconcilable life conflict, leading to the suffering and death of heroes. William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

  • Drama

    Drama- a play with a sharp conflict, which, unlike the tragic, is not so elevated, more mundane, ordinary and somehow resolved. The drama is built on modern rather than ancient material and establishes a new hero who rebelled against circumstances.

Lyric epic genres

(intermediate between epic and lyric)

  • Poem

    Poem- the average lyrical-epic form, a work with a plot-narrative organization, in which not one, but a whole series of experiences is embodied. Features: the presence of a detailed plot and at the same time close attention to inner world lyrical hero - or an abundance of lyrical digressions. poem " Dead Souls» N.V. Gogol

  • Ballad

    Ballad- an average lyrical-epic form, a work with an unusual, tense plot. This is a story in verse. A story told in poetic form, historical, mythical, or heroic. The plot of the ballad is usually borrowed from folklore. Ballads "Svetlana", "Lyudmila" V.A. Zhukovsky