People born in the twentieth century still remember how quite recently almost every "iron" heard the song "The boy wants to Tambov." An uncomplicated text, a simple motive made both her and her performer, Murat Nasyrov, popular. His biography is quite short, but at the same time bright and interesting.


Murat Ismailovich Nasyrov was born in 1969, on the thirteenth of December. Kazakhstan became his homeland, namely Alma-Ata. In addition to Murat, more children were growing up in the family - two older brothers and two older sisters. Their mother, Khatira, worked at a plastic factory, and their father, Ismail, managed to combine two jobs at once - he was a taxi driver and a poet. He often read his poems to his family and played folk songs. musical instruments(by nationality, the family belonged to the Uighurs). So Murat saw a creative example from an early age before his eyes.

In the biography of Murat Nasyrov there is no special information about his school successes, however, it is known that most of all he gravitated towards mathematics and physics, he was more of a techie than a humanist. At that time, Murat did not even think about studying music, and after graduating from school, instead of choosing a further educational institution, he went to serve in the city of Ashgabat.


Oddly enough, but the idea of ​​engaging in creativity seriously came to Murat Nasyrov in the army. He began his musical career with performances in front of the soldiers - he sang songs to them in different languages. The conscripts admired his talent, so Murat returned from the service inspired.

The traditions of the Kazakh people assumed that he, as the youngest son, would stay with his parents and would help them in everything. But the dream of music had already completely and completely taken possession of the young man - and the parents, seeing his sincere enthusiasm, did not interfere with their son. Murat left for Moscow.

Carier start

Once in the Gnessin Music College in the vocal department, Murat Nasyrov first lived in a student hostel, then, having saved up a little money, he was able to rent a separate apartment. From time to time he attended various competitions and festivals, but he made a real sensation in Yalta, in 1991: at the festival with the same name, the young man managed to get the Grand Prix. The eminent jury, which included many masters of the Russian stage, were impressed by the vociferous Uighur. Not only that: he was offered cooperation by Igor Krutoy himself! Probably, another person in Murat's place would not hesitate to accept such a flattering offer. However, Murat refused - he only wanted to sing songs of his own composition.

The heyday of creativity

The next few years in the biography of Murat Nasyrov are odd jobs. He worked at a recording studio - the characters of many famous and beloved Disney cartoons sing in the voice of Murat. Perhaps this would have continued further, but the case helped - or rather, the A-Studio group. Her musicians, who were Murat's compatriots, introduced him to Arman Davletyarov, not the last person in the world of show business.

Nasyrov made an impression on him, and in 1995 the debut disc of an aspiring artist called “This is just a dream” was released. The composition "Step" from this album broke into the ratings of radio stations. So the public learned about pop singer Murat Nasyrov. He gained some fame, but real glory was still far away. She was waiting for him ahead.

"The boy wants to Tambov"

Two years later, having sung the Russian version of the Brazilian hit "Tik Tik Tak" - "The Boy Wants to Tambov", Murat Nasyrov, as they say, woke up famous. The song brought him the very phenomenal popularity that, probably, all artists dream of. For the performance of this composition in the same year, Nasyrov received his first award - the Golden Gramophone statuette.

And in order to finally consolidate the success, the musician released the second disc - “Someone will forgive”. She became much more successful than the first. Musical career Murata Nasyrova went uphill with swift steps.

Further creativity

The next few years, Nasyrov's musical life boiled and splashed over the edge. He shot several videos, released dozens of songs, many of which became real hits. In the biography of Murat Nasyrov, there are, in addition, duet compositions - for example, he collaborated with Alena Apina, Batyrkhan Shukenov, his old friend. In the late nineties of the last century, the musician was extremely in demand, he constantly went on tour, where he gathered crowds of thousands of fans.

One by one, two more albums of Nasyrov appeared. In addition, he tried to sing in English and Uighur, and also acted in films - in the film "Military Field Romance".

decline in popularity

The twenty-first century gave Russian listeners new idols, and popular love slowly began to leave Nasyrov. It cannot be said that he abruptly ceased to be popular - his songs still appeared on the radio (though not so often), were published on various collections - however, he no longer released albums, he did not go on constant tours.

There is little information about the work at the beginning of the twenty-first century in the biography of Murat Nasyrov. He recorded the soundtrack for the film, was going to perform at Eurovision in 2007, and worked on creating a new hit. Perhaps everything would have turned out the way he planned - do not interfere with this tragic circumstances ...

Personal life

Murat met his wife, Natalia, while still at a music school. At first, only he fell in love, the girl did not look at the gentleman, and Murat had to seek reciprocity for a rather long time. They did not have registration in the registry office - but there was a traditional ceremony according to ancient Uyghur customs.

Murat Nasyrov and Natalya had two children - a daughter, Leah, and a son, Akim. The latter followed in the footsteps of his parents, getting an education at the same university as them, and his daughter decided to connect her life with international relations.


The famous musician died tragically on the night of January 19-20, 2007. The cause of Murat Nasyrov's death has not yet been established. He fell from his own window, and how it happened is shrouded in obscurity. Relatives of the artist believe that the accident is to blame. The fact is that the artist was found with a camera in his hands - so he probably tried to take some kind of picture and awkwardly leaned out of the window. Some believed that everything happened under the influence of drugs, but an autopsy was performed - and no traces of such drugs were found in the musician's blood.

Another version of what happened is suicide under the influence of depression. Some sources claim that the artist's daughter was an eyewitness to the tragedy, and she allegedly agrees with this version of his death. Murat is also called the probable cause of Murat Nasyrov's death. Be that as it may, but there is no reliable information on this subject even after the past ten years. Buried Murat Nasyrov in hometown, Alma-Ata, next to his father.

  1. The Uighur traditions were strong in the family. For example, children addressed their parents exclusively to you, and it was also impossible to argue with the elders in anything.
  2. In his youth he was actively involved in sports.
  3. Despite the fact that the song "The Boy Wants to Tambov" by Murat Nasyrov brought him fame, the singer himself did not like her.
  4. He always performed live, even at national concerts.
  5. He was appreciated by Alla Pugacheva, at whose invitation Murat performed at her subordinate "Star Factory" (number five).
  6. Murat Nasyrov's wife performed under the pseudonym Selena.
  7. He is a co-author of the song "Where the light is born", which is performed by Alsou.
  8. In the spring of 2007, Murat was going to formalize his relationship with his wife Natalia in the registry office.
  9. Murat's acquaintances said that he always took everything to heart and was a very impressionable person.
  10. He knew how to play the guitar.
  11. Before entering the school, he worked as a laborer.
  12. He informed his parents about the birth of his first granddaughter after the fact.

During his lifetime, many called Murat Nasyrov "a sunny boy." Such people live brightly, interestingly, but not enough. They flared up and went out. Unfortunately, this happened to Murat Nasyrov. However, as long as a person is remembered, he remains alive.

"I was born, like my friends" and "studians", in Alma-Ata, - said Murat Nasyrov - however, not a Kazakh, but an Uighur by nationality, - in a family ordinary people. Was the fifth child in the family - I have two brothers and two sisters, and I was the latest. All the children were gifted and no less talented than me, although I was the only one who went on stage. And it's all thanks to my father. Now he is 75 years old, he reads the Koran. His voice is of indescribable beauty, he sings folk songs, plays various instruments. The father is so strongly developed musically that it was passed on to all the children. In any case, the vocal gift - for sure: we all sing well ... "

Despite his innate abilities, in the sultry Alma-Ata, Murat did not even think about a career as a singer. He studied approximately at school and especially liked to "click" problems in mathematics, for a change alternating them with experiments in physics. And he would have become a standard Soviet engineer, if not for the yard guys and, most importantly, his older brother with his giant Bryansk tape recorder.

He was not spared by his passion for sports: boxing, freestyle wrestling, fencing, but football was his favorite. He even played for the Enbek team in Alma-Ata, mainly in defense and midfield. However, at school tournaments he was always on the attack. Rooted for "Kairat". I even had to serve balls at the games of my favorite team. After school, I faced a choice of who to be: either to enter the physics and mathematics, or to devote myself to art.

"At the age of eight, I was taught to play the guitar. I grasped everything very quickly, picked up chords, and soon taught my peers myself. And thanks to my older brother, I played the Beatles from a young age. Then there were Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, "Pink Floyd" and others. Of course, I sang all this. And already then my friends said: yes, you have the talent of an imitator!"

When "Modern Talking" flooded the country, Murat was already a school graduate. Of course, Thomas Anders could not but leave an indelible mark on the souls of schoolchildren of the perestroika era. While the girls were crying into the pillows from a passionate love for a Western idol, Nasyrov ... "copied it" for a penny. "Acquaintances, having heard me sing, said that with such a voice I should become a superstar. There is something in my head it flipped." In general, thanks to the "harmful" influence of Western culture, the country has lost an average engineer, football player and "kitchen-access" guitarist. But acquired - without five minutes of the artist.

The first minute of this "five-minute" flew by ... in the army. After school, Murat went to repay his debt to the Motherland in Ashgabat. Actually, there began his active musical activity. With the first "military" tour came (and since then) a sense of the stage. After such a "hardening" there was nowhere to retreat, and Murat decided to go to conquer the expanses of show business in Moscow. "They said goodbye to me in Alma-Ata with tears in their eyes: the last child in the family, the most beloved. But I firmly decided that I was created only for the stage."

After parting with his native home, Nasyrov hoped for the warm hospitality of the white stone. However ... "From a wealthy family, where I didn’t have to think about where to get a piece of bread, I came to a completely“ hungry ”(for myself) city. Before entering Gnesinka, I simply lived from hand to mouth, somehow worked part-time to rent a room Thank you, friends and acquaintances helped out - they invited me to visit, gave water and fed. " But the first bastions of Moscow - the exams for the Gnessin Institute - were taken. Murat overcame the competition of 40 people for a place and lived an unforgettable life as a Moscow student...

The next conquered Everest for him was the contest "Yalta-91". Nasyrov carefully prepared for it together with the teacher Gnesinka - and received the Grand Prix. The jury - Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky, Laima Vaikule, Yaak Yoala - turned out to be unanimous in their decision, putting the highest mark on the Kazakh boy, who was the first of all the contestants to aim at the performance of Alla Pugacheva's hit.

Best of the day

However, the absolute victory in the competition did not mean instant ascension to the starry Olympus. Some proposals appeared, but after a while everything fell apart. Desperate Murat decided to give up all-encompassing fame: "Then I thought that you can have your own audience without chasing popularity - and got a job singing in a tavern. It was hard work. But many people liked what I was doing, and they began to invite me to other places". So, in one of the clubs, fellow countrymen saw each other in cigarette smoke: Murat met the group "A" Studio.

Of course, the Kazakh brothers could not but help and introduced the young Alma-Ata resident to the then just beginning producer Arman Davletyarov. After several performances at show parties, Murata Nasyrova discovered the bohemia of the capital, and with the release of her debut album "Someone will forgive ..." and the broad music lovers. By the way, it included a cover version of the song "The Boy Wants to Tambov", written by Sergey Kharin. Then the rights to it were owned by the Soyuz studio. The song stayed on the first positions of the music charts for almost 4 weeks.

A year later, the singer released his second album "My Story" (1998), then there was a third - "All this was not with me" (2000). And here is the presentation of the disc called "Wake me up" (2002), which was helped by the birth again of the president of "Musical Unity" Arman Davletyarov.

Although more than 2 years have passed since the release of the last record, during this time a lot of interesting things have happened in the life of the artist. Murat had a son, whom happy parents named Akim. By the way, the singer called one of the songs in the album "My a little boy". And it’s clear to whom he dedicated it. In addition, this album differs from the previous ones precisely in dedications. Many works are written in honor of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity beloved and dear to the singer - Alina Kabaeva, Eva Polna. And on the disc you can hear the duet of the singer with his wife Natasha (song "Mimosa"). All these and many other songs at the presentation Murat performed live, which amazed the gathered friends and journalists. important event congratulated the Deputy of the State Duma, the Leader of the All-Russian public organization "Youth Unity" Alexander Burataeva, Grigory Leps, Katya Lel, the group "A-Studio", Shura. And the producer of the Dynamite group, Yuri Aizenshpis, introduced his new ward Dima Bilan to the birthday boy.

Murat Nasyrov has achieved a lot in his life. I wanted to conquer Europe with creativity. And when asked what his formula for success is, he answered: “Success, probably, can be called when a person feels in a state of a dream and goal that has come true, when he has achieved what he wanted. But this, from my point of view, is not unambiguous the concept of a successful career. After all, you yourself understand that you can achieve the desired success with your own efforts or receive such a gift from Lady Luck, but still wish for more. For example, I have been striving for what is now in my life for a long time. I stop, I want to achieve even more success. What is happening in my life, a successful career, a beloved family is a great gift of fate. I am very lucky. Isn't it happiness when you do what you love and return home to your family with pleasure. "

By the way, a separate word must be said about the Nasyrov family. Murat, despite his busyness, tried to devote more time to his children and wife. With pleasure he helped his wife Natasha around the house, cooks when inspiration comes, played with Leah and Akim. And to the question of the journalist of the newspaper "World of News" at the press conference for the release of the album "Wake me up" "What comes first for you - work or family. And do women really put you to sleep?" Marat said that the family has always been and will be more important for the singer. After all, she is the main support and support in life. And his beloved women do not "lull" him at all, but, on the contrary, it is calm and comfortable next to them, they inspire and charge him with positive emotions.

Murat Nasyrov
Madonna 09.02.2007 08:00:42

I liked Murat. He was very talented and a good man. Although, I did not know him personally, but, I know this. It's a pity that everything turned out this way... We will all miss him...

Never forget!!!
Irene 26.04.2007 09:02:41

There is not a day that I do not think about Him ... Not a single date is lost from memory ... This will never be forgotten and not torn out of my heart! Every day I go to all sites related to Murat, and even if I do not leave any messages, I read everything that other visitors write. It's just, it still hurts so much that sometimes there just aren't enough words to express my feelings. I know one thing that I will never forget and never fall out of love with this beautiful little man! And it is not just words. This is a state of mind! God, how hard, how painful and ridiculous! How he is missed! It would seem that over time it should become calmer and easier, but, on the contrary...

The inspection of the prosecutor's office in the winter of 2007 ended with a dry conclusion: suicide. Rumors about the causes of the musician's death, as they went 10 years ago, have not been resolved to this day.

The drugs were only later

At first, almost the official version of the investigation was called drug abuse. This reason was named first in the media and, accordingly, took root among the masses. It was said that Murat Nasyrov "moved out" under the influence of LSD. It was like the truth: the witnesses of the last hours of his life - children and neighbors - said that Nasyrov was walking all day not himself. Either he measures the room with steps, then he just puts the camera around his neck, then he runs out into the stairwell and starts ringing the doors of other apartments with strange screams. At that time, journalists wrote that the fact that Nasyrov had been in a neurological clinic for some time, which also treats drug addiction, supports the drug version of suicide. However, according to the results of the autopsy of the musician's body, alcohol and drugs were not found in his blood.

Later it turned out that Murat Nasyrov was taking drugs, but a deeper problem could have been the cause of death. She told about it narcologist and psychotherapist Ummuraizat Hajiyeva, who admitted that Murat in May 2006 was treated for deep depression - even then the musician was visited by thoughts of committing suicide. IN During the examination, the doctors came to the conclusion that the musician's condition was a consequence of sluggish schizophrenia. They did not have time to make a diagnosis: for this, according to the rules of the patient, it is necessary to observe a year. To improve his condition, Nasyrov was prescribed antidepressants, as well as treatment by a psychotherapist. Probably, all this did not help the musician cope with the disease.

Best friend and beloved woman

If Murat Nasyrov's psychiatric diagnosis had not been confirmed, the cause of the musician's suicide could have been prolonged depression. And one of the main reasons was death. best friend, guitarist of the group "A-studio" Baghlan Sadvakasov. When, on his last day, Nasyrov rushed around the landing and rang the neighbors' doors, he screamed in hysterics.

I saw God and Bagu. He calls me... He feels bad there

Murat Nasyrov

This phrase is interpreted in different variations by many eyewitnesses, but its essence is clear: Nasyrov either had a bad dream, or he had a hallucinogenic "arrival", or an attack of illness.One way or another, Murat Nasyrov was really very worried about the death of his best friend, with whom he had been friends for many years. Baghlan Sadvakasov died in a car accident in August 2006 . The singer's friends recall that on the last day Nasyrov insisted that he captured the ghost of a deceased friend in the photo.

Another reason for Murat Nasyrov's depression could be his relationship with his wife, Natalya Boyko. Despite the fact that they had two children, their marriage remained unregistered. And the reason for this, apparently, was Natalia's unwillingness to legitimize the relationship. Perhaps Murat, being a man from a traditional Muslim family, was burdened by such a marriage. This is confirmed by the musician's psychiatrist.

Nasyrov complained that he had lost interest in life, complained about the lack of demand in creativity, about being unsettled. And most of all he was oppressed by problems in his personal life, - reported Ummuraizat Hajiyeva. - Murat was worried that the common-law wife did not want to register a marriage with him.

Nasyrov's most famous lyrical song "I am you, you are me" is said to have been the anthem of their relationship with Natalia, and Nasyrov also dedicated his last song "Romeo and Juliet" to his common-law wife.

Mother will never believe

For Nasyrov's mother Khatira Niyazovna (now she is 80 years old), Marat forever remained a calm and cheerful child who loved music, obeyed his parents and never conflicted with anyone. The woman refuses to believe that her son could have committed suicide. Ten years later, she is also sure that Nasyrov was killed.

I don't know who is to blame for his death. Perhaps he had ill-wishers and envious people, he himself could not do this to himself

Khatira Muratova

The woman is convinced that her son did not drink or use drugs, because in last years he showed great interest in a faith that forbids it, asked his mother to teach him the verses (verses from the Koran. - Note. Life).

Murat Nasyrov is a singer whose life was surprisingly bright and fleeting. His star lit up on the Soviet stage very quickly, but subsequently burned out in a matter of years. That is why today Murat Nasyrov has become a legend of the Kazakh and Russian scene.

His songs remained with us, and the artist himself disappeared under the thickness of years. Thus, our today's article is another proof that the name of a talented Kazakh musician is not forgotten by the audience.

Early years, childhood and the family of Murat Nasyrov

Murat Ismailovich Nasyrov was born in the city of Alma-Ata on December 13, 1969. His mother worked in a plastics factory and his father worked as a taxi driver. In addition, Nasyrov Sr. also sometimes entertained his relatives by playing Uyghur folk instruments, and also reciting poems of his own composition. Perhaps it was his example that first made Murat think about a career as a musician.

Love for creativity has always lived in the soul of our today's hero, however, the young man began to somehow show his musical talents only much later. He first graduated from high school, where he earned the recognition of teachers for his excellent knowledge of mathematics and physics. After that, the future singer went to Ashgabat, where he served in the army.

It is noteworthy that it was at this moment that Murat Nasyrov began to seriously study music. He performed in front of his colleagues, singing songs in a variety of languages. That is why he was always very respected among conscript soldiers.

After returning from service, the Kazakh performer decided to continue to engage in creativity. He honed his talent at the vocal department of the Gnessin Musical College. And also from time to time appeared at various competitions and song festivals.

The first success came to Murat Nasyrov after his brilliant performance at the Yalta-91 competition. An extraordinary performance of one of Alla Pugacheva's early songs brought him the highest score from all the members of the festival jury. His talent was appreciated, and therefore very soon famous composer Igor Krutoy invited him to sign a contract to record a studio album. However, surprisingly, Nasyrov refused.

The reason for this was the desire to perform their own songs.

Star Trek musician Murat Nasyrov

In 1995, our today's hero brought a demo recording of his songs to the Soyuz music studio. The compositions of the talented Kazakh musician made a favorable impression on the representatives of the recording company, and therefore they soon decided to sign a full-fledged contract with Nasyrov.

So, already in the same 1995, the first single of the musician “It's just a dream” was recorded, which very soon sounded on all music channels of the CIS countries. After that, there was another hit - the song "Step".

Murat Nasyrov - The boy wants to go to Tambov

In 1997, our today's hero presented the audience with another of his radio hits - "The Boy Wants to Tambov", which became a Russian-language adaptation of the hit of the Portuguese-language hit of the Brazilian group "Karapisho". As a result, it was this composition that lifted the Kazakh singer to the heights musical Olympus, and also became his hallmark for many years.

In the same year, Murat Nasyrov received the Golden Gramophone award for this hit. Around the same period, his first full-length album, Someone Will Forgive, appeared on the shelves of music stores in the CIS countries.

Thus, in the late nineties, Murat Nasyrov rapidly soared to the heights of popularity. He sang a duet with Alena Apina, performed at a large-scale gala concert by Alla Pugacheva. His songs were played on many radio stations in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. One of the main hits of this time was the song “I am you, you are me”, which brought the artist his second Golden Gramophone.

In 1998 and 2000, our today's hero released two more albums. In addition, in 1998, Murat Nasyrov tried himself in a new incarnation, starring in the film "Military Field Romance". He also performed the title songs for the animated series Black Cloak and DuckTales.

Murat Nasyrov - I am you

In 1999, Murat Nasyrov presented his first English-language compositions to the public. Five years later, the Kazakh artist also released a string of songs in the Uyghur language, which was native to his parents. Subsequently, in 2004, the singer also released a whole album composed exclusively of Uyghur songs - "Kaldim Yalguz", which, however, did not become very popular.

In the early 2000s, Nasyrov's popularity slowly declined. His compositions were often published on various collections, but the singer himself did not release a single solo album.

In 2007, the artist recorded one of the title songs for the film Rock Climber and the Last of the Seventh Cradle. This composition was the last work of Murat Nasyrov.

Death of Murat Nasyrov

On the night of January 19-20, 2007, Murat Nasyrov fell out of the window of his apartment. Subsequently, the investigation put forward a variety of versions of what happened. Someone said that the singer chose the wrong angle when shooting art photographs, someone said that his act was intentional.

The body of the artist was buried in Alma-Ata.

Murat Nasyrov's personal life

Murat Nasyrov spent most of his life with a singer named Selena (Natalia Boyko). Their marriage was concluded in accordance with the Uighur traditions and was not registered in the registry office.

As part of this union, a daughter and son of celebrities were born. Their names were often mentioned in the songs of the artist.

The tragic death of 37-year-old singer Murat NASYROV, who crashed on the evening of January 19 as a result of a fall from the 5th floor, was a real shock for everyone. His wife Natalia BOYKO and director Alexander SKURIKHIN were quick to announce that it was an accident. Allegedly, Murat was adjusting a television antenna on the balcony and accidentally fell off. However, law enforcement officials concluded that the singer had committed suicide. According to them, he was in a state of drug intoxication and, before throwing himself off the balcony, he shouted that he was talking to God and to his dead friend, the guitarist of the A-Studio band, Baghlan SADVAKASOV, who died in a car accident on August 2, 2006.


Murat lived not far from me, and I arrived at his house literally half an hour after the tragedy, ”said the singer Felix Tsarikati, who had been friends with Nasyrov since their participation in the Yalta-91 contest. - The place of his fall was already fenced off with tapes, and the police did not let anyone near him. With tears in my eyes, I began to explain that this was my friend. But I got kicked out anyway. They said that Murat fell with an icon in his hands.

Indeed, some broken frames were lying next to him. But these were frames not from an icon, but from an ordinary portrait. For some reason, Murat himself was dressed in a concert costume. It all looked a little like an accident. Well, who will climb to fix the antenna in a concert suit and with a portrait in their hands ?! Yes and no, there are no antennas on that balcony where he fell from. And why does the wife insist on the version of the accident? I'm still in shock. I didn't expect this from Murat. We talked with him before the New Year. He was in absolutely normal condition. Talk about his lack of demand as an artist is complete nonsense. Yes, he rarely appeared on television. So what? He was already known and loved. He was preparing an album. On March 2, he was going to go to Alma-Ata with me and other friends with a big concert program. What they say about drugs also raises serious doubts in me. I have known him for a very long time and never noticed the slightest sign. It is strange for me to hear about his dying mystical statements. His father is an imam. And he is a Muslim himself. Maybe he was involved in some kind of sect or someone zombified? Well, he couldn't do it himself.

rooftop sex

Oddly enough, the assumption of the possible involvement of some sectarians in what happened turned out to be by no means as absurd as it might seem at first glance.

Recently, Murat recorded a song at our studio together with Dynamite, and the guys also said that he rubbed them about some kind of visions and about communication with God, - said Alexander Tolmatsky. - In my opinion, he could pick up this crap from his producer Arman Davletyarov.

Even when we worked together at the Media Star company, Arman was a member of a sectarian-type organization. And under the threat of dismissal, he forced all the employees of our company to visit her, up to the secretary. All this was done under the auspices of team building. As the employees later complained to me, they were locked up there for several days and constantly inspired some kind of heresy. After that, people's roofs moved out. On this basis, a conflict began with Arman. As a result, he hung out with Alexandra Burataeva from Youth Unity and, having lured some of the artists from Media Star, created his own production company Musical Unity.

RELATED: musicians from "A-Studio" - Keti and Baga, who later died in a car accident

Whether he then continued to lead people into this sect, I do not know. But at the time of Media Star, Arman and Nasyrov were dragged there.

Unfortunately, the assumption that the singer could lose control of himself due to alcohol and drug abuse also looked quite plausible. “I can’t say that Nasyrov appeared at every party drunk or stoned, like Shura and some other artists, but I have seen him in a completely insane state,” producer Alexander Valov admitted. - I was especially shocked by one incident that happened on the ship during the celebration of the birthday of producer Vladimir Zolotarev. I don’t know what exactly Nasyrov drugged himself with then, but in the end he went so far as to drag Eva Polna, the soloist of “Guests from the Future”, to the roof of the ship and, in front of everyone, began to have sex with her. How did they not get off this roof...

On the eve of his death, on the night of January 18-19, Murat Nasyrov attended the presentation of the Russian Dance Music Awards (RDMA) in the fashionable metropolitan club Diaghilev, where, according to eyewitnesses, almost all the guests were "high".

In "VIPs" some "muddy" people were spinning for the most part, - a certain dimantip reported in his Internet diary. - In the upper lodges, like a benoir in Bolshoi Theater, some kind of a la elite was sitting - almost everyone was under the "white", yes, yes, under the "coca". Most did not understand at all what was happening and “why is it finally written “RDMA” on all screens. They just came, as usual, to the club “to sniff out whites and drink che-thread”, and then some kind of award ... One of the nominations was supposed to be presented by Malinovskaya, but they said that she had snot ... Nasyrov instead of Malinovskaya presented. Fully promoted himself. I forgot why I went on stage at all. He said that he had a wedding on March 21 (with Natalya Boyko, the singer lived in a civil marriage for 15 years. - M.F.), pushed something about wishes to all the ladies in the new year, so that they would be bought the most beautiful wedding dress. In general, everything about the high and completely off topic was broadcasting ...