However, I'm lying. Once during the vacation, I still moved more than a hundred meters from home.

This is me to Agavre agavr I went to Radio Kultura to discuss Bushkov's book Genghis Khan. Unknown Asia. The book is complete, sorry, ge with a capital G, but I'm not talking about that now.

The cover of this book of the famous whistleblower of historians is decorated with a quote:

“Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar. A. Pushkin».

I didn't like the signature. No, there is no doubt, after Lenin was canceled, all quotes are traditionally attributed to our everything, but I somehow doubted that Pushkin was engaged in Tatar studies.

And I started digging. Found a lot of interesting things. The quote is more than popular; as usual, all famous personalities in the range from Homer to Panikovsky are named as authors. But most often those who quote, without further ado, simply declare it to be a proverb. For example, Putin, almost all of us, put it this way: “We, you know, they say: “If you rub every Russian properly, a Tatar will appear there.”

Aside - I wonder if this saying evokes allusions to the fairy tale about Aladdin, where the role of the lamp is Russian, and the role of the genie is the Tatar?

But I digress. In general, it seemed that the ends could not be found - they chattered a quote and zayuzat. But there are no barriers to an inquisitive mind, especially if this mind does not want to shake the rattle in front of the heirs, justifying itself by preparing for a radio performance.

I will not torment you with the history of my searches, I will immediately move on to the main thing - I did dug up the original source. And as a result, he replenished his collection of distorted quotes.

You know, I am becoming more and more convinced that there are practically no exact quotations in mass use. At all. All idioms or godlessly distorted, or cut off to a distortion of meaning, or originally had a completely different meaning.

"Russian with a Tatar", as it turned out, belong to the third category. To make it clear what kind of category this is, let me remind you of the famous: "Religion is the opium of the people." Formally, the quote from Marx is practically not distorted (he had - “Religion is the opium of the people”), but de facto the meaning is pretty much changed. In the original, the bearded mind spoke not about the intoxicating, but about the analgesic properties of opium (Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world ...), which, you see, fairly shifts the emphasis.

So, about the Tatars. As a result of the research, it turned out that Putin was wrong. This is not what we say at all.

The expression "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" came to us from the French language, and in the original it sounds like this: "Grattez le Russe, et vous verrez un Tartare". There, this saying is also very popular, so much so that the authorship has not yet been accurately established, this catchphrase was attributed to various historical persons: Joseph de Maistre, Napoleon I, Prince de Lin, etc.

But the meaning put into this proverb by the French is very definite and completely different.

In fact, the phrase about the Russian and the Tatar is just a short version of the famous quote from the famous essay "La Russie en 1839". The one that the famous marquis, freemason and pederast Astolf de Custine gave to the world. For those who have not read it, let me remind you that the book "Russia in 1839" still retains the title of "the bible of Russophobes." Well, Custine, of course, speaks about his own, about obsessive. Here is how this thesis sounds in his expanded form:

“After all, a little over a hundred years ago they were real Tatars. And under the outer veneer of European elegance, most of these upstart civilizations kept the bearskin - they only put it on with fur inside. But it is enough to scrape them a little bit - and you will see how the wool crawls out and bristles.

Precisely as a kind of kvitessence, a kind of squeeze of Russophobia, the phrase "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" was very fond of quoting our European-educated classics. In particular, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky often sinned with this, exposing the intrigues of pernicious Europeans - both in the "Diary of a Writer" and in "The Teenager" ... From their writings, this aphorism went to the people.

Well, our people, as usual, perverted everything. As a result, the dubious maxim “Under the thin shell of a sham culture, savages-cannibals are still hiding in Russians” turned into a peaceful and generally true thesis “Russian and Tatar are brothers forever.”

Sorry if boyan

There are many strangers in our country. It is not right. We should not be strangers to each other. I'll start with Tatars - the second largest ethnic group in Russia, there are almost 6 million of them. Who are the Tatars? The history of this ethnonym, as often happened in the Middle Ages, is the history of ethnographic confusion.

In the 11th-12th centuries, the steppes of Central Asia were inhabited by various Mongol-speaking tribes: Naimans, Mongols, Kereits, Merkits and Tatars. The latter wandered along the borders of the Chinese state. Therefore, in China, the name of the Tatars was transferred to other Mongolian tribes in the meaning of "barbarians". Actually, the Chinese called the Tatars white Tatars, the Mongols who lived to the north were called black Tatars, and the Mongolian tribes who lived even further, in the Siberian forests, were called wild Tatars.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan undertook a punitive campaign against real Tatars in retaliation for the poisoning of his father. The order that the lord of the Mongols gave to his soldiers has been preserved: to destroy everyone who is taller than the cart axle. As a result of this massacre, the Tatars as a military-political force were wiped off the face of the earth. But, as the Persian historian Rashid ad-Din testifies, “due to their extraordinary greatness and honorary position, other Turkic clans, with all the difference in their ranks and names, became known under their name, and everyone was called Tatars.”

The Mongols themselves never called themselves Tatars. However, the Khorezm and Arab merchants who were constantly in contact with the Chinese brought the name "Tatars" to Europe even before the arrival of Batu Khan's troops here. Europeans brought together the ethnonym "Tatars" with the Greek name for hell - Tartarus. Later, European historians and geographers used the term Tartaria as a synonym for the "barbarian East". For example, on some European maps of the 15th-16th centuries, Moscow Rus' is designated as "Moscow Tartaria" or "European Tartaria".

As for the modern Tatars, they have absolutely nothing to do with the Tatars of the XII-XIII centuries, neither by origin nor by language. The Volga, Crimean, Astrakhan and other modern Tatars inherited only the name from the Central Asian Tatars.

The modern Tatar people do not have a single ethnic root. Among his ancestors were the Huns, Volga Bulgars, Kipchaks, Nogais, Mongols, Kimaks and other Turkic-Mongolian peoples. But even more, the formation of modern Tatars was influenced by the Finno-Ugric peoples and Russians. According to anthropological data, more than 60% of Tatars have Caucasoid features, and only 30% have Turkic-Mongolian features.

The appearance on the banks of the Volga Ulus Jochi was an important milestone in the history of the Tatars. In the era of Genghisides, Tatar history became truly global. The system of state administration and finance, the postal (Yamskaya) service, inherited by Moscow, has reached perfection. More than 150 cities arose where the boundless Polovtsian steppes recently stretched. Some of their names sound like fairy tale: Gulstan (land of flowers), Saray (palace), Aktobe (white vault).

Some cities in size and population far exceeded those of Western Europe. For example, if Rome in the XIV century had 35 thousand inhabitants, and Paris - 58 thousand, then the capital of the Horde, the city of Saray, has more than 100 thousand. According to Arab travelers, there were palaces, mosques, temples of other religions, schools, public gardens, baths, and water supply in Saray. Not only merchants and warriors lived here, but also poets. All religions in the Golden Horde enjoyed the same freedom. According to the laws of Genghis Khan, insulting religion was punishable by death. The clergy of each religion were exempted from paying taxes.

In the era of the Golden Horde, a huge potential for the reproduction of the Tatar culture was laid. But the Kazan Khanate continued this path mostly by inertia. Among the fragments of the Golden Horde, scattered along the borders of Rus', Kazan was of the greatest importance for Moscow due to its geographical proximity. Spread out on the banks of the Volga, among dense forests, the Muslim state was a curious phenomenon. As a state formation, the Kazan Khanate arose in the 30s of the 15th century and, over a short period of its existence, managed to show its cultural identity in the Islamic world.

The 120-year neighborhood of Moscow and Kazan was marked by fourteen major wars, not counting the almost annual border skirmishes. However, for a long time, both sides did not seek to conquer each other. Everything changed when Moscow recognized itself as the "third Rome", that is, the last defender of the Orthodox faith. Already in 1523, Metropolitan Daniil outlined the further path of Moscow politics, saying: "The Grand Duke will take all the land of Kazan." Three decades later, Ivan the Terrible fulfilled this prediction.

On August 20, 1552, the 50,000-strong Russian army encamped under the walls of Kazan. The city was defended by 35 thousand selected soldiers. About ten thousand more Tatar horsemen hid in the surrounding forests and disturbed the Russians with sudden raids from the rear.

The siege of Kazan lasted five weeks. After the sudden attacks of the Tatars from the side of the forest, the cold autumn rains annoyed the Russian army most of all. The soaking wet warriors even thought that Kazan sorcerers sent bad weather on them, who, according to Prince Kurbsky, went out onto the wall at sunrise and performed all sorts of spells. All this time, a tunnel was being built under one of the Kazan towers. On the night of October 1, the work was completed. 48 barrels of gunpowder were laid in the tunnel. At dawn there was a huge explosion. It was terrible to see, wrote the chronicler, many tormented corpses and crippled people flying in the air at a terrible height.

The Russian army rushed to the attack. The royal banners were already fluttering on the city walls, when Ivan the Terrible himself drove up to the city with guards regiments. The presence of the tsar gave the Moscow warriors new strength. Despite the fierce resistance of the Tatars, Kazan fell a few hours later. There were so many killed on both sides that in some places the piles of bodies lay flush with the city walls.

The death of the Kazan Khanate, of course, did not mean the death of the Tatar people. On the contrary, it was within Russia that, in fact, the Tatar nation was formed, which finally received its truly national-state formation - the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Muscovite state has never closed itself in a narrow national-religious framework. Historians have calculated that among the nine hundred most ancient noble families of Russia, the Great Russians make up only one third, while 300 families come from Lithuania, and the other 300 from the Tatar lands.

The Moscow of Ivan the Terrible seemed to Western Europeans an Asian city not only in terms of its unusual architecture and buildings, but also in terms of the number of Muslims living in it. One English traveler who visited Moscow in 1557 and was invited to the royal feast noted that the tsar himself with his sons and Kazan tsars sat at the first table, Metropolitan Macarius with the Orthodox clergy at the second table, and the third table was entirely reserved for the Circassian princes. In addition, another two thousand noble Tatars feasted in other chambers. In the state service, they were given not the last place. Subsequently, the Tatar clans gave Russia a huge number of intellectuals, prominent military and political figures.

Over the centuries, the culture of the Tatars was also absorbed by Russia, and now many native Tatar words, household items, culinary dishes have entered the consciousness of a Russian person as if they were their own. According to Valishevsky, going out into the street, a Russian person put on a shoe, an army coat, a zipun, a caftan, a hood, a cap. In a fight, he used his fist. As a judge, he ordered to put shackles on the convict and give him a whip. Going on a long journey, he got into a sleigh to the coachman. And getting up from the mail sleigh, he went into a tavern, which replaced the old Russian tavern.

After the capture of Kazan in 1552, the culture of the Tatar people was preserved, first of all, thanks to Islam. Islam (in its Sunni version) is the traditional religion of the Tatars. The exception is a small group of them, which was converted to Orthodoxy in the 16th-18th centuries. This is how they call themselves: "Kryashen" - baptized.

Islam in the Volga region was established as early as 922, when the ruler of the Volga Bulgaria voluntarily converted to the Muslim faith. But even more important was the "Islamic revolution" of Khan Uzbek, who at the beginning of the XIV century made Islam the state religion of the Golden Horde (by the way, contrary to the laws of Genghis Khan on the equality of religions). As a result, the Kazan Khanate became the northernmost stronghold of world Islam.

In Russian-Tatar history there was a sad period of acute religious confrontation. The first decades after the capture of Kazan were marked by the persecution of Islam and the forcible planting of Christianity among the Tatars. Only the reforms of Catherine II fully legalized the Muslim clergy. In 1788, the Orenburg Spiritual Assembly was opened - the governing body of Muslims, with its center in Ufa.

And what can be said about the “Kazan orphan” or about uninvited guests? The Russians have long said that "an old proverb is not said in vain" and therefore "there is no trial or reprisal against the proverb." Hush up inconvenient proverbs - not The best way achieve international understanding.

So, " Dictionary Russian language" Ushakov explains the origin of the expression "Kazan orphan" as follows. Initially, this was said "about the Tatar mirzas (princes), who, after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate by Ivan the Terrible, tried to receive all kinds of indulgences from the Russian tsars, complaining about their bitter fate."

Indeed, the Moscow sovereigns considered it their duty to ingratiate the Tatar murzas, especially if they decided to change their faith. According to the documents, such "Kazan orphans" received about a thousand rubles of annual salary. Whereas, for example, a Russian doctor was entitled to only 30 rubles a year. Naturally, this state of affairs gave rise to envy among Russian service people. Later, the idiom "Kazan orphan" lost its historical and ethnic coloring - this is how they began to talk about anyone who only pretends to be unhappy, trying to arouse sympathy.

Now about the Tatar and the guest: which of them is “worse”, and which is “better”. The Tatars of the times of the Golden Horde, if they happened to come to a subordinate country, behaved like masters in it. Our chronicles are full of stories about oppression by the Tatar Baskaks and about the greed of the Khan's courtiers. It was then that they began to say: “A guest in the yard - and trouble in the yard”; “And the guests did not know how the host was tied up”; "The edge is not great, but the devil brings a guest - and the last one will be carried away." Well, and - "an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar." When times changed, the Tatars, in turn, knew what he was like - the Russian "uninvited guest". Tatars also have a lot of offensive sayings about Russians. What can you do about it?

History is the irreparable past. What was, was. Only the truth heals morals, politics, interethnic relations. But it should be remembered that the truth of history is not bare facts, but an understanding of the past in order to live correctly in the present and future.

Sergey Tsvetkov, historian

I recently published an up-to-date material "The Genetic Map of Russians" -

The author of a very interesting work began the article with a completely "left" attack on a certain Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who in his interview joked with the well-known "flying" phrase: "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar." Based on this, the author branded GDP a Russophobe and expressed himself in different ways.

The topic "Genetic map of Russians" was in no way related to the author's attitude to the GDP, and therefore, in order to save the publication from the possible diversion of readers' attention to the wrong steppe, I removed the "attacks" on the GDP from there.
As the author of the publication, I am within my rights. This is not called a pure "repost" according to the author, but according to the materials of the magazine. Deleted a paragraph, gave a link to full text, but did not allow any "gag".

However, I was touched by the thought ... and why such a ficus are those who say this saying - bad people? After all, it is completely clear even to a child that when giving an interview, this VVP meant that Russia is a multinational country, that "a Russian is a brother of the Tatar" ... well, I also think that there was a subtext that oh, don't wake up the Russian euro -Eastern temperament, otherwise it will be bad ...

It is in this sense that we usually use this proverb.
However, I was interested in the etymology of this stable group of words, which is considered to be a proverb.
Internet to help me - that's what I found.

Absolutely wonderful text and, by the way, quite solid work.
One, alas! All ends are chopped off and I did not get to the bottom of the author. It's a pity.

I am posting the text as it is. Without editing spelling and style. Everything is clear there. Enjoy! Very interesting!


"Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar." no such saying

Scratch a Frenchman, an Italian, and you'll find a Jew. Is there such a saying?

"Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar"

And I started digging. Found a lot of interesting things. The quote is more than popular; as usual, all famous personalities in the range from Homer to Panikovsky are named as authors. But most often those who quote, without further ado, simply declare it to be a proverb. For example, Putin, almost all of us, put it this way: "We, you know, they say:\"Every Russian, if you rub it properly, a Tatar will appear there \".

In general, it seemed that the ends could not be found - they chattered a quote and zayuzat. But there are no barriers to an inquisitive mind, especially if this mind does not want to shake the rattle in front of the heirs, justifying itself by preparing for a radio performance.

I’ll go straight to the main thing - I still dug up the source.

You know, I am becoming more and more convinced that there are practically no exact quotations in mass use. At all. All popular expressions are either godlessly distorted, or cut off to a distortion of meaning, or originally had a completely different meaning.

"Russian with a Tatar", as it turned out, belong to the third category. To make it clear what kind of category this is, let me remind you of the famous: "Religion is the opium of the people." Formally, the quote from Marx is practically not distorted (he had - “Religion is the opium of the people”), but de facto the meaning is pretty much changed. In the original, the bearded mind spoke not about the intoxicating, but about the analgesic properties of opium (Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world ...), which, you see, fairly shifts the emphasis.

So, about the Tatars. As a result of the research, it turned out that Putin was wrong. This is not what we say at all.

The expression "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" came to us from the French language, and in the original it sounds like this: "Grattez le Russe, et vous verrez un Tartare". There, this saying is also very popular, so much so that the authorship has not yet been accurately established, this catchphrase was attributed to various historical figures: Joseph de Maistre, Napoleon I, Prince de Lin, etc.

But the meaning put into this proverb by the French is very definite and completely different.

In fact, the phrase about the Russian and the Tatar is just a short version of the famous quote from the famous essay\"La Russie en 1839\". The one that the famous marquis, freemason and pederast Astolf de Custine gave to the world. For those who have not read it, let me remind you that the book "Russia in 1839" still retains the title of "the bible of Russophobes." Well, Custine, of course, speaks about his own, about obsessive. Here is how this thesis sounds in his expanded form:

“After all, a little over a hundred years ago they were real Tatars. And under the outer veneer of European elegance, most of these upstart civilizations kept the bearskin - they only put it on with fur inside. But it is enough to scrape them a little bit - and you will see how the wool crawls out and bristles.

Precisely as a kind of kvitessence, a kind of squeeze of Russophobia, the phrase "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" was very fond of quoting our European-educated classics. In particular, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky often sinned with this, exposing the intrigues of pernicious Europeans - both in the "Diary of a Writer" and in "The Teenager" ... From their writings, this aphorism went to the people.

Well, our people, as usual, perverted everything. As a result, the dubious maxim “Under the thin shell of a sham culture, savages-cannibals are still hiding in Russians” turned into a peaceful and generally true thesis “Russian and Tatar are brothers forever.”

In the original \"Opium des Volkes\", not \"Opium für das Volk\". The translation of the original is quite unambiguous: \"the opium of the people\",\"the opium belonging to the people\",\"the opium of the people\" in the sense of\"folk remedy\".

From my discussion with a well-known network banderlog, who attributed the phrase about the Tatar to Turgenev:

This is a very accepted method in theoretical Russophobia. Brought to perfection by the crap-up Shtepa. The name of some great Russian is taken, and then a suitable quote is inserted into it. "As the Russian classic Turgenev said (Tolstoy, Gorbachev, Khryun Morzhov ...) all Russian goats (dolbodyatles, freaks, microcephals)". End of quote. How, you do not agree to admit that you are a dung cattle? What a shame, because the great Khryun Morzhov himself said this! Fall down, you little ones! After all, Khryun Morzhov himself! etc. and so on.

Here, not without pleasure, I conducted a network investigation on the topic “who said“ meow ”, in the sense of which classic the phrase about scratching a Russian belongs. Turgenev was in good company:

\"scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar\" (Karamzin)

The great Russian writer N.S. Leskov did not say in vain that if you scrape a Russian, you will find a Tatar.

And when Dostoevsky wrote:\"scratch any Russian-you will see a Tatar\"

A.S. himself Pushkin said - Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar

As Klyuchevsky used to say, scratch a Russian - you will see a Tatar

Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar (as in Shestov).

Ivan Bunin's remark - if you scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar

Scratch any Russian - you will scrape off a Tatar, Gogol also said

This, as Kuprin said, scratch any Russian, you get a Tatar

paraphrasing the statement of V. V. Rozanov ("Scratch any Russian, and you will find a Tatar \"),

\"Scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar,\" President Vladimir Putin said not so long ago.

This is a fox. Complete and comprehensive. Soon there will not be a single Russian classic who will not be stuck with the authorship of this nasty and bad phrase. For - Khryun Morzhov himself, don’t flicker!

Here is an enlightened European opinion about the Tatars:

\"The Tatars surpass us not only in abstinence and prudence, but also in love for their neighbor. For they maintain friendly and good relations among themselves. With slaves, which they have only from foreign countries, they treat fairly. And although they are either obtained in battle, or [acquired] for money, but they are not kept [in captivity] for more than seven years. Holy Scripture, Exodus, 21. And we keep in eternal slavery not obtained in battle or for money, not strangers, but of our kind and faith, orphans, the poor, who are married to slaves.

And we abuse our power over them, for we torture, mutilate, execute them without legal trial, on any suspicion. On the contrary, among the Tatars and Muscovites, not a single official can execute a person, even if convicted of a crime, except for capital judges; and then - in the capital. And in our villages and cities people are being sentenced.

Until now, we take taxes to protect the state from only the poor townspeople and the poorest farmers subject to us, bypassing land owners, while they receive a lot from their latifundia, arable land, meadows, pastures, orchards, orchards, orchards, forests, groves, apiaries, traps, taverns, workshops, trades, customs, maritime extortions, marinas, lakes, rivers, ponds, fisheries, mills, herds, labor of slaves and female slaves. But military affairs would go on much better and the taxes necessary for us would be collected, which would be levied from each person, if the begun measurement of all lands and arable lands [belonging] to both the gentry and the common people came to an end. For he who has more land would contribute more.

(c) an enlightened European

Geneticists do not confirm the presence of a Mongoloid component in Russian populations, but they have found the presence of Caucasoid components in Asian peoples. So, the Altaians have 23.8% of them, and the Shors have as much as 35.3 Russian blood!
In other words, Russians and Tatars sit on the same, Slavic substrate, which suggests that it was the Tatars who were assimilated by the Russians, but the Russians were never assimilated by the Tatars.

Original taken from andy_sinclair VThe famous saying "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar"

One of the most ancient and well-known Russophobic myths that are firmly planted in the minds of people.
Most often, this myth is associated with the invasion of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" and the mass rape of Russian women by the invaders.
Proponents of this myth are silent about the fact that these women usually died from an overdose of iron in the body.
Also, these arguments are more than refuted by geneticists, since Russians have Asian genes at the level of European statistical error.
So let's look at the possible sources of this historiographic stamp on the Russian people.

Genetics. Homogeneity of European ethno-linguistic communities (Germanic, Slavic, Celtic and Romance) according to mtDNA:

An analysis of mtDNA variability in Europe also made it possible to draw a number of conclusions about the formation of the gene pool of European peoples: Four clusters were clearly identified in the analysis using the multivariate scaling method (Fig. 3A).

The first cluster included only the Saami, which is not surprising given their genetic diversity (Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994; Tambets et al., 2004).
The second cluster included those populations of the eastern borders of Europe, in which the frequency of East Eurasian haplogroups is increased. The third cluster included the populations of Western Asia and the Caucasus.
All other populations from the main territory of Europe (from the Volga to the Iberian Peninsula) were included in the fourth "pan-European" cluster, the small size of which on the graph indicates low interpopulation variability.
These results confirm the homogeneity of the gene pool of Europe (Simoni et al., 2000), but point to the originality of the gene pools of the Cis-Urals and Western Asia.

In addition, a conclusion was made about the comparative homogeneity of the gene pool of European ethno-linguistic communities (Germanic, Slavic, Celtic and Romance) in terms of mtDNA. The gene pool of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples is the most heterogeneous: photo

Also, the results of the studies do not confirm the assumptions about the presence of a Mongoloid component in Russian populations: An analysis of the interaction between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid populations in the vast zone of the steppe zone of Eurasia, carried out using cartographic analysis, revealed only a slight influence of the Central Asian gene pool, limited to the southeastern steppe regions of Europe. In Russian populations, a noticeable (above 1-2%) "Mongolian" component is not detected either on the Y chromosome or on mtDNA, and is a typical indicator for northern peoples Europe.
O.P. Balanovsky
Taken from cancellarius (

The famous saying "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar"
This phrase itself is actually attributed to everyone: Pushkin, Karamzin, Turgenev, and further down the list.
Recently compiled a complete selection of this fake:

"Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" (Karamzin)
"The great Russian writer N.S. Leskov did not say in vain that if you scrape a Russian, you will find a Tatar."
"And when Dostoevsky wrote: "scratch any Russian - you will see a Tatar"
"A.S. Pushkin himself said: "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar"
"As Klyuchevsky used to say, scratch a Russian - you will see a Tatar"
"Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar" (as in Shestov).
"Ivan Bunin's remark - if you scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar"
"Scratch any Russian - you will scrape off a Tatar," said Gogol.
"This, as Kuprin said, scratch any Russian, you get a Tatar"
"Paraphrasing the statement of V.V. Rozanov "Scratch any Russian, and you will find a Tatar",..."
"Scratch any Russian, you will find a Tatar," President Vladimir Putin said not so long ago.
"Everyone has probably thought at least once about Derzhavin's saying "Scratch any Russian - you will find a Tatar"

In fact, our classics did not say anything of the sort.
It's actually a French phrase:
Grattez le russe et vous verrez le tartare (They also have many fathers!)
This phrase was attributed to Napoleon and the Prince de Lin, and the Marquis de Custine, and Joseph de Maistre.
You can understand the French - they were hurt too much.
All he could do was hiss through his teeth.
And fill up with vile quotes of Russian-haters.

Russians and Tatars.
By the way, the Kazakhs have a saying: "Scratch a Tatar, you will find a Russian."
And, oddly enough, unlike the craft "Scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar", it is consistent with reality, because. The Y-chromosome haplopool of the Tatars is very specific. It contains rare lines for the region, such as J-L283, Q-L245.
In addition, lines such as R1a-Z93, N-P43 are common for Tatars.
Where are all these lines with the Russians? They simply don't exist. The lines R1a-Z280, R1a-M458, I-M423, typical for the Slavs, are common to Russians and Tatars.
Their presence in the Tatar haplopool reflects the influence of the Slavs on the Tatars, but not vice versa.
In other words, Russians and Tatars sit on the same, Slavic substrate, which suggests that the Tatars were assimilated by the Russians, but the Russians were never assimilated by the Tatars.

The Tatars themselves have significant and Balto-Slavic, and Germanic, and Finno-Ugric, and East Asian, and Western Asian components. Genetically, this is a wild hodgepodge. Initially, their ancestors may have been subject to the population of the Hun empire, who later switched to the Turkic language.

The anthropological diversity of the Tatars is also very high. Here you have the North Europeans - the descendants of the Germans, Balts and Slavs, and the Near East - people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, and completely Mongoloid types (with the exception of the Volga-Kazan Tatars).

Russians and Germans.
Identification of mitoDNA in Russians, whether it is European or Asian.
The female haplogroups of the Russians are also completely Slavic, as evidenced by their comparison with the same haplogroups of the Poles. (See

A similar uniformity is demonstrated by the comparison of MitoDNA in the Russian and German peoples. Data taken from Europe. Obviously, the genetics of German women is Slavic, which allows us to draw some conclusions ...

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___

Our Ukrainian-Svidomo "brothers" are actively spreading the myth about Finno-Ugric, Mongolian or Tatar admixture among Russians. But, according to famous saying, the loudest shouts "stop the thief" just the thief himself.

On the difference between Western Ukrainians and Eastern "Ukrainians" (Russian Little Russians)

At present, anthropology, paleoanthropology, genetics (data on blood types, classical markers, autosomal DNA, Y-chromosome, mtDNA, etc.), as well as historical science and archeology, and other branches of science, have accumulated enough data to make a reasonable conclusion about that (Western) Ukrainians genetically belong to the circle of "Balkan" populations, and the ancestors of (Western) Ukrainians migrated to the territory of modern Ukraine, probably from the territory of modern Romania, and originally belonged to the Thracian (Geto-Dacian) ethno-linguistic group.

According to anthropology, Western Ukrainians belong to the Alpine race, which dominates the circle of "Balkan" populations (South Slavs), and not to the Baltic and Nordic races, which dominate the Northern Slavs (Great Russians, Belarusians, Little Russians, Poles).

Ukrainians are part of the Dnieper-Carpathian group of populations. This also includes ... Slovaks and partly Czechs, Serbs and Croats, southern, central and eastern Hungarians.
This is a fairly tall, dark-pigmented, brachycephalic population characterized by a relatively broad face.

Even at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. a complex of signs, the power of the population of the Central Ukrainian anthropological region (medium and high growth, brachycephaly, dark color of eyes and hair, healthy straight nose shape, middle development of tretinous hairline, etc.) anthropologist V. Rіpleєm under the name "Alpine race". Occupying an industrial camp between pivnichnymi and pivdenniy evropeoids, but this complex is characterized by the presence of numerous varieties. So, V. Bunak, the Alpine Crimea, who saw the similar Alpine, or Carpathian, race, the signs of such a one-to-one thought, outweigh the middle of the Ukrainians.

“Poles, Belarusians and Russians are anthropologically closer to each other;
the Ukrainian, in his line, is already quarreled with all his suffices and, from the anthropological
I’ll see, I’m occupying a whole independent space ”(in the words of Rudnitsky, article 182).

"Ukrainians, - without a doubt, the greatest controversy is manifested by
pіvdennymi and zahіdnimi (for the wine of the Poles) words "yanami" (op. F. Vovka, art.
31). /%D0%92%D1%96%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80-%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2 /19903/%D0%90%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1% 87%D0%BD%D1%96-%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%96-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0% B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%96-%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0#text_top

See also Average Russian anthropological type in comparison with average Ukrainian:

The presence of a significant Turkic (Mongoloid) admixture in Ukrainians is an indisputable fact based on data from many branches of science (and anthropology, linguistics, genetics). Discussion:

Ukrainian-Aryans and Slovaks, on the vіdmіnu vіd Muscovites.

Svidomo often say that Muscovites are "descendants of Tatars, Udmurds, Ugrofins", and they themselves are purebred Slavs. However, judge for yourself.

Ukrainians: up to 20% mtDNA mtDNA admixture

There is no such nation as "Ukrainians" (just as there is no such nation as "Russians"). Alas, it didn't work out. Nation building is a separate interesting topic, I will only say that the Ukrainians had neither time nor opportunity due to the difference in mentality, history, culture, language, religion, etc. to build a single nation even at the political level. Like other sectarians, Ukrainian Svidomites are divided into three categories:

1) Honest but ignorant. These are those who are deceived (ordinary people, mostly Westerners)
2) Knowledgeable but dishonorable; calling these to deceive the "younger brother".
3) Knowledgeable and honest. These are deceiving themselves.

By the way, how Svidomo rewrite history: now you can find Kostomarov’s essay in the public library, where the hand of an unknown Ukrainian falsifier made “corrections”. The volume bears the number 31, 117/2:X.
On pages 292, 293 it is printed: "The Grand Duchy of Russia". "Russian" is crossed out, "Ukrainian" is written above.
Printed: "The Grand Duchy of Russia". "Russian" is crossed out, "Ukrainian" is written above.
Printed: "with paperwork in Russian". Crossed out "Russian", handwritten "Ukrainian".
In this form, the dissected history is presented to a simple layman who will never check the authenticity of other people's works or history textbooks copied by Svidomo.

"Dig a Russian and find a Tatar!" - Napoleon I Bonaparte(about Denis Davydov and Mikhail Kutuzov).

famous poet and hero Patriotic War 1812 led his family
from the Tatar Murza Minchak, who left for Rus' at the beginning of the 15th century.

I went on a feat of arms - and I was beaten by a Tatar,
He returned to capital Kyiv - and the Khazarin lured his wife,
I wanted to gallop away from here - but the Mongol took the horse away ...
Maybe in vain I went to the Tatar at first?

We, the Tatars - what vodka, what a machine gun - if only it would fall down!
We, the Tatars, do not care - what to love, what to fight, if only to lie down on top!
We Tatars don't care - what to love to drag, what to drag our loved ones!
We Tatars don't care whether it's a sanatorium or a crematorium, as long as it's warm!
We, the Tatars, one x ...: that the war, that Sabantuy is still a fight!
We, the Tatars, do not care - what to drink tea, what to kick the samovar - just to sweat!

The Varangian guest is worse than the Tatar.
Alone in the field is worse than a Tatar.
An unexpected nail is worse than a Tatar.
An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.
Especially in Tatarstan. From there you need to drive uninvited guests in three necks.
An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar, but better than a snotty Russian.

Friendship of peoples is when crest, russian And Tatar get together and go wet Jew.

Sued Tatar With Jew, Prosecutor given 10 years of strict regime.

Ermak Timofeevich. Portrait of the early 18th century.

In 2000 in Kazan passed celebrations on the occasion of the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Russian Academy of Sciences).

Second day, morning, Anniversary Scientific Session. Some excerpts from local speeches academicians:

President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, academician of the Academy of Sciences M.Kh. Khasanov:
- Allow me to congratulate you on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan!
- It seems to me, and I already think that this event is important not only for Russia, but for the whole of Tatarstan!

Academician of the Academy of Sciences M.Z. Zakiev, Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences:
- scientific ancestors of modern Tatars ...
- in the 13th century, scientists and thinkers developed ..
- Only the Bulgarian military arts were utterly defeated on the soles of the Zhiguli mountains, they defeated the hordes of Genghis Khan.
- In the members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, humanitarian problems and common ones were actively dealt with ...
- We have already begun to publish works jointly with the relevant scientists.
- According to history, after the decision of 44 years, our origins did not dare to go beyond the borders of Tatarstan.
- they wanted to create more in architectural art, but .. I understood.
- coordination of the work of scientists in this science
- It is necessary to complete the history of the Tatar people!

Sergei Efoshkin. "For Holy Rus'!"


A Tatar was born - a Jew wept.
Tatar - the same Jew, but with a sign of quality.
If you want to get a shepherd dog, get a Tatar wife.


The Tartar master is sharpening his teeth, he wants to eat us!


In late autumn there was a shipwreck. Only two Tatars survived. But they ended up on two neighboring islands. They live slowly, get accustomed, shout to each other.
But soon there was another shipwreck. And a woman came up to one of the Tatars. A few days later, he decided to share his joy with a comrade in misfortune:
- Hey, Mustafa, swim here! There is something here that you probably dream about every night.
Mustafa threw himself into the icy water, shouting:
- My jumpers!!!

Ilya Muromets comes to the Security Council.
- Heard, noblewoman, benefits are due to us, participants in the Battle of Kulikovo?
- Definitely! Bring a certificate that the participant, right now we will fix everything: rent, electricity, telephone ...
- Yes, where can I get it, a certificate? Come on, everyone died for such a time!
- N-n-n-o-o! Don't know! Tatars somewhere find!

Got out somehow Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich And Alesha Popovich in an open field. Looked around - no one. Suddenly, two frail Tatars appeared from behind a hillock.
Dobrynya Nikitich says - it's time to dump the brothers!
Why? - asks Ilya Muromets.
There are two of them, and we are ONE, Dobrynya answered.

10 Tatars and 1 Russian are walking through the desert. Russian tells jokes about Tatars all the time. They get tired of it and they warn him that if he tells another joke about the Tatars, they will kill him. He thought and said:
- A new joke. Walking through the desert 3 blacks: Shamil, Farid and Rafael.

The teacher reads an essay to the class Vovochki:

- "I imagine him as a narrow-eyed, yellow-faced rider, galloping with a screech and hooting on his lathered horse. He usually lives in a yurt, in Asia. Before the revolution, he was completely illiterate, and after the revolution, the Russians taught him to read and write, build houses and to wear jeans..."
Vova, the essay was written without errors, but the theme of the essay was "How I imagine Gagarin", not "How I imagine Tatar".

At the Tatar language lesson, the teacher says:
- Vovochka, tell us in Tatar about death Chapaeva.
Little Vovochka says:
- Machine gunner: "Tra-ta-ta-ta!", Chapaev: "Ulyam!"

Goes to Easter in the village pop. And towards him Tatar, sad such, looks at the ground. Pop and says:
- Hey, Tatar, listen, Christ resurrected.
The Tatar raises his head and slowly breaks into a smile:
- Ay, well done!

We argued Tatar With Jew about something. When all the arguments ran out, they switched, as usual, to personalities.
Jew and says:
- you at all us two hundred years under the yoke kept.
Tatar answers him:
- And you, and you ... And why are you our Christ crucified?!

Tatarstan appealed to the Russian parliament with a complaint about the proverb "Uninvited guest worse Tatar".
Parliament considered the complaint and decided:
- From now on, say: "Uninvited guest better Tatar".

Tsar-father, the Tatars have come. They ask for a bribe.
- Mzdu?! - Write my decree:
Give to the Tatars bribes!

When the Tatars attacked Great Rus', they said:
- Russians, give up, we are the Horde!
And the Russians answered them:
- And we are an army !!!

Ilya Muromets peers into the distance in an open field, putting his palm to his forehead and squinting at the sun.
A Tatar passing by was interested:
- Where are you peering Ilyushenka?
- Yes, I'm looking for a good place.
- Eh, don't you know, it's good where we are not.
- Well, look where you, Tatars, are not.

There is a performance in the Tatar language:
Nadezhda Konstantinovna:
- Kaya barasyn, Vladimir Ilyich?
- Saunarkumga, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, saunarkumga!


1. When you appear, everyone lies face down and without tricks.
2. Your gift is bluntly but carefully considered.
3. The bottle of vodka you brought is drunk while you take off your coat.
4. Your owners hang your coat and hat on the bell button.
5. The good-natured owner's bull terrier hangs on your hip all evening.
6. The owner has been looking at you strangely through the peephole all evening.
7. As soon as you enter, everyone starts to beat you, and one heart-rendingly shouts: "It's not him, it's not him!"
8. They ask you: "I hope you didn't have a tail?"
9. After your knock from behind the door, you can hear: "Oh, Lord! Another pogrom!"
10. You... Tatar.

How to determine what nationality you are?

1. If you experience a sense of superiority during a tourist trip to any eastern country, and experience an inferiority complex during a trip to a western country, then you - Russian.
2. If you have a small jar with cut off eggs of a captured soldier in your basement, then you - Chechen.
3. If any mention of fat infuriates you, then you - Ukrainian.
4. If in childhood after school lesson stories about the Mongol invasion of Rus', you returned home with a black eye, then you - Tatar.
5. If your native language is broken Tatar, but you do not consider yourself a Tatar, then you are Bashkir.
6. If you regularly listen to Armenian radio programs, but they Not laugh, then you - Armenian.
7. If you regularly listen to radio programs "Echo of Moscow", and they will make me laugh, then you - Jew!