Folklore main topic oral folk art - the struggle for independence; epics were formed about the heroes of the Russian land: they reflected both the early periods of the heroic struggle of the people, and later military achievements; in the XVI century. the most common genre of folklore was historical songs that responded to the most important events that left a deep imprint on the people's consciousness; lyrical and wedding songs, witty proverbs and sayings, funny ditties were composed among the people;

“A word about the destruction of the Russian land” “Oh, bright and beautifully decorated, the Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clear fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles. You are full of everything, Russian land, O orthodox Christian faith! Heroic theme

"Zadonshchina" "The Tale of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother Vladimir Andreevich. The writings of Zephanius of Ryazan” or “Zadonshchina” were created at the end of the 14th century. Written in a joyful, major style All the Russian princes came to the glorious city of Moscow and said this word: “The filthy Tatars are standing near the Don, Mamai is the king at the Swords River, between Churov and Mikhailov, they want to cross the river and part with their lives for our glory” . And the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich said: “Brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, let's go there, glorify our life, surprise the land, so that the old will tell, and the young will remember! We will test our brave men and fill the Don River with blood for the Russian land and for the Christian faith! Heroic theme

“The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev” “And both great forces came together menacingly, fighting firmly, brutally destroying each other, not only from weapons, but also from terrible crowding under horse hooves, they breathed their last, for it was impossible to fit everyone on that Kulikovo field ...” Heroic subject

"The Life of St. Alexander Nevsky" It told about the exploits of the prince in the fight against the Swedish and German conquerors, about his diplomatic activities and relations with the Horde, about his mysterious death on the way from Sarai. Russian people, reading "Life ..", imbued with the highest ideas of serving the Motherland. Biographical theme

“The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh” From the pages of his life, the image of a highly moral, hardworking, deeply religious person arises, for whom the highest happiness is to do good deeds and work for the sake of well-being native land. The image of a highly moral, hardworking, deeply religious person rises from the pages of his life, for whom the highest happiness is to do good deeds and work for the well-being of his native land. Compiled by Epiphanius the Wise (XIV century). Compiled by Epiphanius the Wise (XIV century). Biographical theme

"Great Readings-Minei" "Monthly Readings" (XVI century) - calendar collections of the lives of the saints, arranged by months in accordance with the days of their memory. The collection absorbed all the books read in Rus', became a kind of church literary encyclopedia Russian medieval society. Teachings

"Domostroy" Priest Sylvester (XVI century), a devout champion of the patriarchal order, compiled a guide to the behavior of an Orthodox person in the family and society. One of the main ideas of "Domostroy" is subordination in the state to royal power, and in the family to its head. “Children… love your father and your mother and listen to them and obey them according to God in everything. And honor their old age. “... Do not steal ..., do not lie, do not slander, do not envy, do not offend, do not rivet, ... do not gossip, ... do not remember evil, do not be angry with anyone, be obedient and submissive to the big ones, lovingly to the middle ones, to the smaller and to the wretched - hello, well, and merciful ”Teachings

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" A work of ancient Russian literature (XVI century), written by Yermolai-Erasmus, tells about the love of a peasant woman and a prince. Prince Peter of Murom, cured of a serious illness by Fevronia, breaks his promise to marry her. God sends sickness on him again. Only after returning to Fevronia, the prince finally recovers. The boyars, dissatisfied with the fact that an ordinary girl has become a princess, demand that she leave Murom. The prince leaves with her. In the end, the boyars and the inhabitants of Murom ask Peter and Fevronia to return. Peter and Fevronia rule to death and die on the same day, and their bodies are miraculously united in one coffin. Teachings

Publicism the most important issues of society's life become the subject of wide discussion the most important issues of society's life become the subject of wide discussion the most important ideas of the official doctrine of autocracy were substantiated the most important ideas of the official doctrine of autocracy "The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir", created at the beginning of the 14th century, derived the genealogy of the Russian royal dynasty from the Roman emperor August "The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir", created at the beginning of the XIV century, derived the genealogy of the Russian royal dynasty from the Roman Emperor Augustus Theory "Moscow is the third Rome" (Elder Philotheus, XV century) - the true guardian of Christianity Moscow, which will exist forever. The theory “Moscow is the third Rome” (Elder Philotheus, XV century) is the true guardian of Christianity Moscow, which will exist forever. In the works of Ivan Peresvetov, the idea of ​​the need to create a strong autocratic power based on the nobility is developed. In the works of Ivan Peresvetov, the idea of ​​the need to create a strong autocratic power based on the nobility is developed. remarkable publicists of the 16th century are A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan IV the Terrible, remarkable publicists of the 16th century are A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan IV the Terrible Journalism

"Journey Beyond Three Seas" The notes of the Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin contain a description of Persia, India, China, and Ceylon. “But Rus' (God save! God, save her! Lord, save her! There is no country like it in this world, although the emirs of the Russian land are unjust. May the Russian land be organized and justice be in it! God, God, God, God!)" Walking

Chronicles Late XIII century. - the revival of local chronicles. The end of the XIII century. - the revival of local chronicles of the XIV - XV centuries. - All-Russian chronicle: XIV - XV centuries. - all-Russian chronicle: "Russian Chronograph" (1512) - a collection of entertaining and moralizing essays on Russian and world history "Russian Chronograph" (1512) - a collection of entertaining and moralizing essays on Russian and world history "The Facial Code" (Nikon Chronicle) - created in the 70s. XVI century., Contains 16 thousand colored miniatures - a kind of historical encyclopedia of the XVI century. "The Facial Vault" (Nikon Chronicle) - created in the 70s. XVI century., Contains 16 thousand colored miniatures - a kind of historical encyclopedia of the XVI century. chronicle writing

Writing became more than handwritten books, although "book writing" remained hard work more handwritten books, although "book writing" remained hard work paper, an attempt was made to start a paper business, and in Russia an attempt was made to start a paper business, and in Russia, writing was done in ink, as well as dissolved gold and silver to decorate texts, writing was done in ink, and cursive began to dominate with dissolved gold and silver to decorate texts cursive writing began to dominate spread of secret writing spread of secret writing by the middle of the 16th century, the manufacture of handwritten books did not satisfy the growing demand for books, which became the main reason for the need for book printing in Russia Russia

Book printing The first printing house in Moscow was opened in 1553 The first printer was Ivan Fedorov and (his assistant Peter Mstislavets) The first dated printed book - "The Apostle" - was published on March 1, 1564 In the 16th century, only 20 books were printed in Russia by typographic method , all church and religious content

Literature of the XIV-XVI centuries. reflected the events and ideology of the time of the unification of the principalities, the formation of a centralized state reflected the events and ideology of the time of the unification of the principalities, the formation of a centralized state strengthened the official character of literature, its hallmark becomes pomp and solemnity the official character of literature is enhanced, its distinctive feature becomes pomp and solemnity the literary style of the author is more noticeable the literary style of the author is more noticeable historical works Fiction is penetrating more and more, giving the narrative more plot entertainment. Fiction is penetrating more and more, giving the story more plot entertainment.

Schools typography contributed to the spread of literacy typography contributed to the spread of literacy 1574 in Lvov the first Primer was printed, which became the first secular textbook 1574 the first Primer was printed in Lvov, which became the first secular textbook frequently teaching aids liturgical books were often teaching aids liturgical books were taught reading, grammar with the rules of declensions and conjugations were taught reading, grammar with the rules of declensions and conjugations learning in Russia was carried out by the subjunctive method: repeating in a singsong voice learning in Rus' was conducted by the subjunctive method: in a singsong voice repeating what was read

summary of other presentations

"Literature of the Middle Ages" - Lesson plan. French poetry of the troubadours. Georgian poem. Literature of the Middle Ages. Literature of the Middle Ages. Stages of communication with a literary text. Ancient literature. Dictionary. Aesthetic ideals of the Middle Ages. German heroic epic.

"Literature in the 14th-16th centuries" - Enlightenment. Literature. Typography. Enlightenment, oral folk art, literature in the XIV- XVI centuries. Folklore. "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu". Features of the development of Russian culture in the XIV-XVI centuries. historical songs. Summarizing. The development of literature of the 16th century. Chronicle.

"Medieval Literature and Art" - Painting. Knightly poetry. Poets-singers. Knightly Literature. Gothic. Francois Viyon. Dante Alighieri. Romanesque temple. Love. The last ballad of François Villon. Stained glass. Knight Poets. Gothic temple. Urban Literature. Bible for the illiterate. Medieval art. medieval literature. Book miniature. Journey to the underworld. Knightly novels and stories.

"Medieval European Literature" - A chivalric novel. It goes through two major stages in its development. city ​​literature. Knightly Literature. Lyrics. Pierre Abelard. medieval literature. A time of ignorance. Religious Literature. European Medieval Literature.

"Literature of the 15th century" - Journeys. Education. Chronicle. Historical stories. Processes of overcoming cultural isolation. First printed editions. Epic epic. interest in world history. Fragmentation of the state. Chronicle. Literature. Folklore. Folk art. Publishers. Literature of the 14th – 16th centuries Historical songs, legends. Lives. Check yourself.

"Literature of the Middle Ages" - "The Song of the Nibelungs". Romance. Literature of the Early Middle Ages. "The Song of Roland". Poetry of the Vagants. Heroic Poems. Song about fasting in love. Song about my Sid. Urban Literature. courtly literature. Literature of the Mature Middle Ages. Little humorous stories. "The most drunken liturgy", the famous anonymous parody of the 13th century .. "The Song of Side". Test yourself. Beowulf, 10th century

In the middle of the 16th century, Russian society, which had just experienced a long period of boyar unrest and chaos, sought to restore order in all areas of life, collect and systematize its spiritual values. A number of generalizing works have responded to this need.

Metropolitan Macarius prepared Great Menaion Cheti- A 12-volume collection of all the lives of the saints known in Rus'. His disciple and successor at the metropolitan see, Athanasius, created a kind of encyclopedia of Russian history - power book. The royal clerks prepared a new set of laws ( Sudebnik of 1550), and Ivan IV himself, in his questions to the higher clergy at the council of 1551 ( Stoglav) brought together all the main problems of the then church. Among this series of generalizing works is the famous Domostroy- a collection of instructions on family relationships and household chores.


were popular " ABC-kovniki". In them, as in modern encyclopedic dictionaries, information about nature, flora and fauna, different countries was given in alphabetical order. The knowledge contained in the "Az-bukovnik" was sometimes fantastic. However, interest in the secrets of nature and man increased the demand for these books.


Domostroy is a unique composition of the 16th century, which allows you to look into everyday life medieval Rus'. It is believed that one of the members of the Chosen Rada, the priest of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Sylvester, was its compiler. Some advice of Domostroy will seem to us hopelessly outdated today, others - funny and naive, and still others - quite reasonable.

Nikon chronicle

Under Metropolitan Macarius, Russian chronicles were reduced to a huge code - Nikon chronicle.

facial vault

Later, a large multi-volume book was made for the king. facial vault. Its pages were decorated with thousands of "faces" - miniatures. The facial vault included the entire world and Russian history.

power book

Degree Book of the 16th century. for the first time she set out the history of Rus' not by years, but by the reigns of the great princes. They were considered as "steps" ("degrees") of the country's development, leading it to greatness.

Great Menaion Cheti

At the initiative of Metropolitan Macarius, all the literature for “spiritual reading” was collected in 12 volumes. In these, as they were called, "Great Menaion" included a huge number of Russian and translated lives, stories, walks (stories of travelers), interesting stories, moralizing stories and sermons. They were supposed to be read by months and days.

Maxim Grek

Literature of the second half of the XVI century. enriched by such a genre as historical song(songs about the capture of Kazan, about Yermak, about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, nicknamed the Terrible). The image of the king in these songs looks contradictory. On the one hand, this is a just and kind king, on the other hand, his cruelty towards “the old and the young” was condemned. Oprichnik Malyuta Skuratov in these songs was rightly portrayed as a villain.


Chronicle, which in scientific literature named Nikonovsky, was compiled in the late 20s of the 16th century by Metropolitan Daniil Ryazants and was a significant event in Russian medieval historiography, which had a great influence on subsequent chronicle writing.

Front Chronicle Ivan the Terrible, or the Tsar-book - a chronicle of events in world and especially Russian history, created in the 60-70s specifically for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name of the Code means illustrated, with the image "in the faces."

Consists of 10 volumes containing about 10 thousand sheets of rag paper, decorated with more than 16 thousand miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" to 1567.

A remarkable work appeared in the literature of the 16th century "Step Book". It contained portraits - descriptions of the great princes and metropolitans from Vladimir to Ivan IV, the book affirmed the inviolability of the union of church and state.

Historical and publicistic writings were widely disseminated. "Chronograph",“The Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom”, “The Tale of the Beginning of Moscow”, in these books the grand ducal power was exalted and the role of Russia in world history was affirmed.

In what has come down to us "Chronograph" 1512 the presentation of world history is conducted from the "creation of the world." Then it is said about the Assyrian and Persian kingdoms, about Alexander the Great, etc. A special chapter is devoted to the "beginning of the kingdom of Christian kings", after which the events Russian history occur more and more frequently. The Chronograph of 1512 ends with a story about the capture of Constantinople by the Turks.

The desktop book of Russian literature of the 16th century was "Domostroy". Most of the articles included in Domostroy are written in living Russian. His speech is simple in a popular way, accurate in the choice of words, and in some places unintentionally beautiful and figurative, coinciding with proverbs that have survived to this day, and repeating them (for example, “bow heads the sword does not cut, but humbly the word breaks the bone”).

"Domostroy" covered literally all sides human life, from moral standards, recommendations for raising children and family relationships, to culinary recipes. "Domostroy" was a kind of code of rules and norms of behavior, which served as a reference book for Russian society for a long time.

The highest achievement of literature Ancient Rus' this time - The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Peter and Fevronia were revered in Murom as saints as far back as the 15th century; in 1547 they were canonized, and the story about them was perceived as life. The plot of the "Tale" undoubtedly reflected folklore features: the motives of the fairy tale about the hero-serpent fighter and the fairy tale about the wise maiden.

Literary language of the 16th century. 7 classes.

Official literary and historical works were written during this period in an upbeat solemn style. However, the monumentality of forms, that pomp, decorativeness and cumbersome "theatricality" that was so honored by the scribes of the 16th century, come to the fore. - centuries of "second monumentalism".

The language of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia"

The author of the story constantly uses the old book unions - Asche, Yako, others like him and special forms. Epithets: God's gift, a single table, a noble prince, a dull voice. Comparisons: like psi barking, like a single mouth. Phraseological combinations: serve righteously, establish a feast.

However, everything in more elements of live colloquial speech were poured into Russian writing.

Great Russian speech serves as a life-giving source that nourishes the language of business documents in comparison with the language of business writing in ancient Rus'.

The language of business writing is represented by official business documents: petitions- petitions for appearance in court, for release from duties; diplomas spiritual, bill of sale, security; sududiki - codes of laws; private correspondence: letters, personal notes, fairy tales.

The meanings of the words have changed: forehead ceased to mean "skull", leprosy(harm) - now just the name of the disease.

Comes into use terminological vocabulary:

    Mount a horse - go hiking

thought - advice, agreement

live for one - be in union, in peace

kiss the cross - take an oath

sad man - patron, intercessor

Gat - Road through the swamp from bulk earth and brushwood

killer - killer

tokmo - only

more - more, better

play a deadly game - fight, fight

fiercely - firmly, steadfastly

famously - evil, evil deed

saint - righteous, servant

supposedly - supposedly

scold - scold

drunkard - drunkard

moshna - a bag for storing money

interpreter - translator

eliko - because

Grades 5-6 - heroes of literature of the 16th century.

"Life of Peter and Fevronya of Murom"

In the middle of the 16th century, the priest Yermolai-Erasmus wrote the life of two semi-legendary heroes - Prince Peter and Princess Fevronya of Murom - these heroes are the basis of the Day of Love and Family Welfare, which we now celebrate in Russia.

    In the 15th-16th centuries, the first lives of the holy fools were written: Procopius of Ustyug, St. Basil the Blessed, and others.

    Such is the life of the Murom prince Konstantin and his sons Mikhail and Fyodor, which tell about the baptism of the Murom land - these princes are known only from their lives.

    This also includes the story of Mercury Smolensky, a young man, the owner of a miracle sword, who saved Smolensk from the army of Batu Khan and, as a result, sacrificed himself.

Acquired great importance in the XVI century. journalism. In the journalistic writings of Ivan the Terrible, Andrei Kurbsky, Ivan Peresvetov, the most important problems of state administration, the relationship between the sovereign and subjects, the church and the grand-ducal or royal power are raised.

In the writings of church hierarchs (Joseph Volotsky, Nil Sorsky, Metropolitan Daniel) there is a controversy with heretics, public vices are denounced, and there are disputes over issues of church life.

The idea to regulate the circle of soul-beneficial reading was best implemented by the gigantic code, created on the initiative of the Archbishop of Novgorod Macarius (later Metropolitan), - "The Great Menaion" - a collection of all "holy books" that are "acquired" in Rus'.

In the “Russian Chronograph”, Elder Filofey led to the idea that “old Rome” fell for sins, and “ new rome"" - Constantinople, for, having agreed to a union with the Catholics (at the Florentine Council of 1439), the Greeks betrayed Orthodoxy, and the time has come for the "third Rome" - Moscow. Moscow is the last Rome, "the fourth Rome will not be."

Typography in Rus'.

On March 1, 1564, the "cunning masters of printing" Ivan Fedorov and his assistant Peter Mstislavets printed the first book - the Acts and Epistles of the Holy Apostles.

The first printer himself did a lot of editorial work on it, designed it according to all the rules of the printing art of that time. Ivan Fedorov made in this book rich headlines for each section, colorful vignettes at the top of the pages, initial initials.

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Second half of the 15th century - a time of great change in North-Eastern Rus'. End of the 15th century - the heyday of civil and church construction of Ancient Russia (at the end of the 15th century, the main temple of Moscow Russia was built - the Assumption Cathedral and the building of the Faceted Chamber. The most important changes take place during this period in Russian writing. If before the main material for writing was expensive parchment, then from the 15th century it was replaced by paper.Paper was an imported commodity, but it was still much cheaper than parchment.Russia in the 15th century had some fragments of ancient and medieval science.Pchela, popular among scribes, cited statements by Aristotle, Democritus and other philosophers.

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One of the most stable forms of ancient Russian literature was historical narrative. The second half of the 15th century. - the heyday of Russian chronicle writing. From no historical epoch, such a variety of chronicles has come down to us. By the middle of the XV century. refers to the general Russian code. Trinity Chronicle with a rich Novgorod chronicle tradition and also using Tver, Pskov and other local chronicles. This code is usually called the Novgorod-Sofia code or the code of 1448. It was the first all-Russian code in the full sense of the word, which introduced into the annals a number of detailed stories about major events national history (extensive stories about the Mongol invasion, stories about Mikhail Chernigov, Mikhail Yaroslavich, Dmitry Donskoy, the Battle of Kulikovo, the invasion of Tokhtamysh).

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The first leaf of the “Teaching Psalter”, 16th century. Novgorod chronicles. Chronicles appeared in Novgorod early. Only a few Novgorod annals have come down to us.

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We encounter vivid satirical sketches, for example, in the annalistic code reflected in the Ermolinskaya chronicle. The story of the bribe-taking governor Semyon Beklemishev is especially expressive. By order of the Grand Duke, he was supposed to protect the inhabitants of the city of Aleksin on the Oka, which was invaded by the Tatars. But Semyon Beklemishev demanded a "promise" (bribe) from citizens for their protection. The Aleksins agreed to give him five roubles; then Beklemishev wished to receive another "sixth ruble - to his wife." They began to bargain, but in the meantime the Tatars approached, and Beklemishev - "a man in the army is brave", according to the chronicler's mocking remark, fled across the river with his wife and servants, leaving the city to the mercy of the enemy. Athanasius Nikitin's "Journey Beyond the Three Seas" consisted not only in the fact that Nikitin's journey was not a pilgrimage to a Christian land, but a business trip to distant India, but also in the deeply personal nature of the merchant-traveler's story. The immediacy of Nikitin's story, the abundance of specific details that make his narrative visible and convincing, not only bring The Journey closer to those "pictures from life" that we met in unofficial chronicles.

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Written for himself, Nikitin's notes are one of the most "personal" monuments of Ancient Rus': we know Afanasy Nikitin, we imagine his individuality incomparably better than the individuality of most Russian writers from ancient times to the 17th century. The autobiographical and lyrical nature of Journey Beyond the Three Seas, which conveys the author's emotional experiences and moods, were new features in ancient Russian literature characteristic of the 15th century.

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In the 15th - 16th centuries, the first lives of holy fools were written: Procopius of Ustyug, St. Basil the Blessed, and others. Such is the life of the Murom prince Konstantin and his sons Mikhail and Fyodor, which tell about the baptism of the Murom land - these princes are known only from their lives. Here you can also include a hang about Mercury Smolensky - a young man, the owner of the miracle of the sword, who saved Smolensk from the army of Batu Khan and, as a result, sacrificed himself. In the middle of the 16th century, the priest Yermolai-Erasmus wrote the life of two semi-legendary heroes - Prince Peter and Princess Fevronya of Murom - these heroes are the basis of the Day of Love and Family Welfare, which we now celebrate in Russia.

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In the 50s of the 16th century, the first Russian printing house appeared in Moscow, founded in the house of the priest Sylvester. The books of this printing house do not have an imprint that indicates the time and place of publication, the name of the owner and printer. Untitled books of seven titles are known: "Four Gospels", "Lenten Triodion", "Psalter.

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All known folios were printed between 1553 and 1565. According to indirect documents, the names of the "masters of printed books" were established; Marushi Nefediev, Novgorodian Vasyuk Nikiforov, Andronik Timofeev Nevezhi. Ivan Fedorov was put at the head of the state printing house, who set about organizing the "drukarny" together with his assistant Peter Mstislavets. On April 19, 1563, Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets "began printing the book of the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Council, and the Epistles of St. Paul." This edition went down in history as Ivan Fedorov's Apostle. The publication on March 11 (March 1, according to the old style), 1564, of the first precisely dated Moscow printed book had great importance for Russian culture. The activities of Ivan Fedorov in Moscow ended with the publication of the "Apostle" and "The Clockworker", after which he was forced to leave the "first throne" - the capital city. Ivan Fedorov writes about the reasons for his departure in the afterword to the "Apostle" in 1574: in Moscow there were people who wanted to "turn good into evil and completely destroy God's work", "many heresies plotted against printers for the sake of envy."

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