Vladimir Sorokin is one of those rare authors whose novels provoke a lively reaction not only from highbrow critics, but also from the most literary inexperienced citizens. So, a couple of years ago, overly chaste members of the Nashi movement, to the aria of Lensky, lowered Sorokin's books into a huge toilet. At first, nothing foreshadowed such a high-profile literary career: he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in mechanical engineering and worked for several years book graphics, painting and conceptual art. He began to write at the very end of the 70s, before perestroika he published only the novel The Queue (in 1985 in Paris) and earned world fame after the publication of his works already in the mid-90s. Most bright representative school of Moscow conceptualism in literature, who brought the methods of this school to extreme limits. Despite his reputation as a literary enfant terrible, he prefers a measured village life, cooking intricate dishes like triple fish soup and playing chess. Dislikes Soviet rock, Tarkovsky's films and pretentious cinema in general. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.

City where I live



Where he was born


city ​​in the Moscow region

Who was born

“I grew up in a wealthy and intelligent family. I was born in the Moscow region, studied at three schools, because my parents moved from place to place all the time.

“My grandfather was a forester. Since childhood, I love and know forest and village life very well: hunting, fishing. I especially love the forest.

Where and what did you study

Graduated from the Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in mechanical engineering.


readers and family

Where and how did you work?

During the year he worked in the magazine "Change", from where he was fired for refusing to join the Komsomol.

Two years at Tokyo Gaigo University

“I got into the underground in 1975 precisely as an artist. But the Moscow art underground inspired me to take literary classes. It was the artists who blessed me, not the writers. Such a paradox."

Academic degrees and titles

no and probably won't

What did he do

"Norma", "Queue".

“I quickly moved on to rigid Sotsart prose. I trusted her more. And the first publication was - 1985, the novel "Queue" in Paris. Fortunately, I was not very eager to publish in our émigré magazines. And actually it's good that I waited, and "Queue" came out in "Syntax". The hunger of the first publication was fully satisfied. It was not bad to get published in Paris in those years.”

"The First Subbotnik", a collection of short stories; "Marina's Thirtieth Love", "Roman", "Hearts of Four", "Collected Works in Two Volumes", " Blue fat”, “Ice”, “The Way of Bro”.

“To write Way Bro, I went to Hanover, they gave me a grant and a small apartment opposite the house where Leibniz lived. This apartment had a very strange sideboard, carved out of wood, with twelve wooden apostles. I examined them for two months and led a very restrained lifestyle - I went out only for a walk and lunch. Quite a monastic regime.

"23 000", "Day of the Oprichnik".

Konstantin Borovoy, businessman and politician: “I really like everything he does. In "The Day of the Oprichnik" he ... showed himself as an analyst, philosopher and politician. This is rare in writers. Sorokin is a very deep author, he has sharp literature. I wouldn't be surprised if they excommunicate him like Leo Tolstoy and ban him."


hammered a golden nail into the head of the Great Russian Literature.

public affairs

Member of the Russian PEN Club.

Public acceptance

Awarded the "People's Booker" award. Winner of the Andrei Bely Prize "For Special Merit to Russian Literature" and the Liberty Prize. He was awarded the Prize of the German Ministry of Culture.

Important life events

“Creativity began with a kind of flash that happened when I fell off the table. He climbed on the battery to the desk and fell off, hung on a pin - he is on old batteries, they don’t make them anymore. The pin went into the back of my head. Fortunately, everything worked out, but after that I began to have visions, and I began to live, as it were, in two worlds. There was a separation between reality and fantasy. And fantasies flowed one into another. Filled the fountain of inspiration. At first, this was expressed in the fact that I constantly came up with games with meaning, which boiled down to the creation of parallel worlds.

First created and invented

Borough dialectics

Brought to clean water

method socialist realism. Then he was eaten by fish.

Participated in scandals

He got into a scandalous chronicle in connection with the initiation of a criminal case under the article "distribution of pornographic materials." The reason was the novel "Blue fat". The charges were subsequently dropped.

In 2005, the youth movement Walking Together subjected Sorokin's books to ritual flushing down the toilet. The scandal erupted around Leonid Desyatnikov's opera "Children of Rosenthal", staged according to Sorokin's libretto. The State Duma held a discussion about the premiere of the opera in Bolshoi Theater. Sergei Neverov, a member of the United Russia faction, then said that on stage the largest theater the country staged a "pornographic" performance, and suggested instructing the Committee on Culture to provide parliamentarians with information about the production.

“When they called me and told me about this performance - in front of the Bolshoi Theater, to the aria of Lensky, they tear my books and throw them into a huge toilet bowl, - I realized that I was in the plot of one of my own stories, and treated it accordingly - ironically. But when the "walkers" came to my house under the guise of workers and showed me the order: to hang prison bars on the windows, it sobered me up. And about a week later, a criminal case was opened against me. It's cute, isn't it?"

I'm interested

look at trees, play chess, talk to friends and dogs, cook food, visit distant lands,

I love

when it smells like forest, mushrooms, autumn


“...Something intricate that takes a lot of time. For example, a triple ear. Nothing fills up like this free time, like cooking a triple fish soup. When it's really not really spelled, only the triple ear helps. In general, I love to cook. But everything else is being prepared quickly.”

Ping pong

“I like to play ping-pong, however, here you can’t get by with a computer - you need a live partner.”

/ (Sorokin about his hobbies in cooking, dog breeding and literature; Ilya Kormiltsev, Rolling Stone, February 2007)

skiing in the suburbs

talk and drink with smart people

Well I don't like

gin and sweet wines

Soviet rock and the USSR

smell of perfume

Putin's brigade

our thick lit. magazines

smell of Sheremetyevo-2

football and football fans

"parallel" cinema

nostalgia for young and old for the scoop

vulgar women like A. Pugacheva


become truly free. Externally and internally. Utopia, of course...


Wife Irina.

“I was 21 and she was 18. Our mutual friend saw us apart and really wanted to introduce us to each other. She said that we are very similar, and thanks to her we met. And a year later they got married.

Twin daughters, Anya and Masha.

And generally speaking

“It seems to me that now there is a certain new material, at the language level. This newness is in the air. Russia is back in more country of the grotesque, as it was in the days of Gogol or in the Soviet era. This grotesque is different at all times. In Russia, there is something to describe. A writer never gets bored if he is good.”

“There are various writers who fall into nostalgia, not very conscious, for totalitarian power. I think it's naive. They forget about the essence of totalitarian regimes: imperial power is still based on absolute indifference to the individual. This, in fact, is the inhumanity of the Soviet state, that people for it are only a kind of building material. In general, I would advise young writers to read The Gulag Archipelago. It seems to me that this is a great book, it shows the wrong side of the totalitarian regime. Such a country will never be a mother to its citizens. She is a cold, pragmatic creature."

The work of this writer causes conflicting opinions. He is either heavily criticized or recognized as one of the best authors of our time. Writer Sorokin Vladimir - what do we know about him? What books are most popular with readers? What does he write about? We offer you information about the life and work of Vladimir Sorokin.

Writer Sorokin: works

His books most often shock the readership. Many critics suggest that they be banned, but despite this, it is read and talked about. He uses a variety of literary styles and genres. Possessing an impeccable literary style, he can refute any idea. Why are his books criticized? First of all, for the use of profanity. But perhaps this is one of the ways to focus on some problem.

His first novel "Queue" was published abroad. This happened in 1985. In Russia, his books began to appear only in the nineties. The writer Sorokin very often plunged fans of traditional Soviet literature into a state of shock with his work. He writes about what is happening with the country and people, while his texts are full of unpleasant details. But, despite the shocking works, the writer Vladimir Sorokin (reviews from numerous readers and critics confirm this) is really a brilliant stylist. Let's take a closer look at two of his works.

The story "Snowstorm"

One of the few Sorokin books that is easy to read. What is this story about? The plot is quite simple. In one village there is an epidemic of a terrible disease. Main character- Dr. Platon Garin with a healing vaccine is going to save people. The matter is complicated by a heavy blizzard and snowfall. He tries to get there, but he can't. The doctor freezes on the road.

Blizzard was nominated for a Big Book Award and was a runner-up in 2011. This small book has philosophical overtones. A snowstorm is a kind of barrier that prevents good intentions from being realized. You can see here another meaning, deeper. Russia - is on a dangerous path that threatens death. What will happen to her? Will she survive? You will not get clear answers to these questions in the book, but it is read in one breath.

The story is written in the best traditions classical literature 19th century. It can be read by both adults and children.

"Day of the Oprichnik"

The genre of the novel is dystopia. The action takes place in Russia in the near future. Who is an oprichnik? Let's take a little tour of history. Oprichniki are devoted warriors of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Without trial or investigation, they killed people and raped women. This is one of the most terrible periods in the history of Russia.

The oprichnik in Sorokin's novel travels around Moscow in an expensive car and follows all the instructions of his sovereign (ruler of the country). Remorse is unknown to this man. Society is divided into classes. The most important are guardsmen. There is only one law - the word of the ruler. The novel describes one day of the guardsman. He buys and takes drugs, commits crimes with impunity. "Oprichnik's Day" - makes you look at everything that happens in our country with completely different eyes. Such books must be read in order to prevent what in question in the novel.

Writer Sorokin: reviews

His work always causes noisy disputes and discussions. There are people who simply dream that the works of Vladimir Sorokin would be banned. His books were even burned, but interest in them does not fade away. They conquer literary awards and translated into different languages ​​of the world. Writer Sorokin believes that the purpose of literature is to inflict pain. He warns against irreparable mistakes that each person individually, and society as a whole, can make.

His books are not comfortable and cozy reading, it is always a kind of explosion, a challenge Everyday life. With his work, he pushes the boundaries of literature and tries to lead the reader into new world, which is not always beautiful and pleasant. Sorokin's books are a protest against any kind of pressure and lack of freedom. With his non-standard works, he makes you think about such questions as: where are we going, what awaits us. It remains to be hoped that the books of Vladimir Sorokin will help find the right path.

Date of Birth: 07.08.1955

Modern Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter. A prominent representative of domestic conceptualism. The work of Vladimir Sorokin causes sharply contradictory responses among critics and readers.

Vladimir Georgievich Sorokin was born in the town of Bykovo near Moscow. After leaving school, he entered the Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas as a mechanical engineer. Sorokin's first literary experiments date back to the early 1970s: in 1972 he made his debut as a poet in the large-circulation newspaper For the Cadres of Oil Workers. In 1977 he graduated from the institute, but did not work in his specialty. Instead, he worked for the Smena magazine for a year, from where he was fired for refusing to join the Komsomol. In the future, Sorokin was engaged in book graphics, painting, participated in exhibitions, designed and illustrated about 50 books. As a writer, Sorokin was formed in the Moscow underground of the early 80s, was close to the circle of "Moscow conceptualism", published in samizdat.

In 1985, a selection of six stories by Sorokin was published in the Parisian magazine A-Ya. In the same year, the publishing house "Syntax" (France) published the novel "Queue". The writer was summoned to the KGB, but no sanctions were applied to him - perestroika began. Nevertheless, the first publication of Sorokin in the USSR refers only to 1989, and in 1992 the novel "The Queue" was published in the journal Art of Cinema. Since that time, Sorokin's work has become known to a wide range of readers, critics notice him. Sorokin's collection of short stories and the manuscript of the novel Hearts of Four were shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The writer is married and currently lives in Moscow with his wife and two twin daughters.

Known hostility to the work of Vladimir Sorokin on the part of the pro-government youth movement "Walking Together" (in 2005 reorganized into the movement "Ours"). Representatives of this movement held a number of public actions related to the destruction of Sorokin's books, the books were burned, tore, sprinkled with bleach and thrown into the toilet, etc. . The court dismissed the claim. In 2005, Walking Together organized a Theater Square round-the-clock picket, protesting against the production of the opera "Children of Rosenthal", the libretto for which was written by Vladimir Sorokin. The writer himself calls these actions "state masturbation."

Writer's Awards

Award from the German Ministry of Culture.
People's Booker Award (2001)
"For special services to Russian literature" (2001)
Liberty Award (2005)

Konstantin Sorokin - famous actor cinema and theater, which played mainly comedic roles. In the theater, he played more than 150 roles, and in the cinema he starred in more than 70 films. Each time, his heroes opened up in a new way to the audience, but they always looked at the heroes of Konstantin Nikolayevich with surprise and interest. In his personal life, the actor was unlucky, although women liked him and could easily seduce them.


Sorokin Konstantin Nikolaevich was born on September 3, 1908. His parents had nothing to do with the world of cinema. So, the father of the future actor, Nikolai Nikanorovich, worked as a simple foundry worker, and his mother, Sofya Mikhailovna, took care of the house and children. But in 1918 he became an orphan and quickly moved from Pskov to his aunt.

Passion for reading

Every day in childhood, the future actor had to deceive his aunt, who took him in, but on the condition that he could live, but he should not rely on food. Therefore, the boy had to not only study, but also work at the factory. But he left early, telling his aunt that he was going to the factory, and he himself spent two hours every day reading in the library.

All his life, Konstantin Sorokin read a lot and loved to do it. The actor had an excellent memory, so he could easily quote any texts, even philosophical or historical ones.


It is known that Konstantin Sorokin graduated from the factory school at the Red Shipbuilder plant in Leningrad. After that, he entered the private theater studio of Nikolai Khodotov, and then successfully graduated from it in 1930.

Theatrical career

Immediately after graduating from the theater studio, Konstantin Sorokin, whose actor is known and loved by the whole country, began to serve in theaters in different cities: Arkhangelsk, Pskov and others. This went on for three years. During this time, he was able to play about 150 roles. Beginning in 1933, Konstantin Nikolayevich became an actor in the music hall and theater of miniatures in the city of Leningrad. In 1942, he moved to the theater-studio of a film actor.

Cinematic career

In 1936, a cinematic biography of Konstantin Sorokin began. In the film "Dubrovsky" directed by Alexander Ivanovsky, he played Paramoshka. After that, every year he starred in several films at once, but most often these roles were small and episodic. That is why he is considered the master of the episode, since the actor Sorokin, even in his small roles, was magnificent and talented: it was impossible not to notice him.

That is why most often the actor Konstantin Sorokin, whose biography is full of events, played in the cinema either priests, or small roles of athletes, or sentries. And if in the cinema he was still simple and funny, then in life everyone knew him as a wise man, a philosopher.

Many directors offered the talented actor only roles in comedy films. In 1942, in the film "Kotovsky" directed by Alexander Feintsimmer, the actor Sorokin Konstantin played a young orderly who does not want to part with his beautiful forelock. And when a nurse cuts off a piece of forelock, he is just ready to tear her to pieces. He calls his comrades who have shaved their heads fools, but only until Kotovsky himself hears this and shows him his head. And then he also cuts his hair bald.

In 1950, the talented and gifted actor Sorokin starred in the film "Generous Summer" directed by Boris Barnet. After the war, soldier Pyotr Sereda returns home, where, having met Oksana Podpruzenko, a shock worker, he immediately falls in love. Soon, Peter becomes an accountant on this collective farm, and his friend Nazar becomes the chairman. But suddenly Peter begins to be jealous of Oksana for his friend. In this film, the charming actor Sorokin played the head of the collective farm Philip Fedorovich Teslyuk.

Teslyuk has a lot to do, but the scene where he bought a sire bull is interesting. Before the actor, this bull was kept on sticks by specialists, and the actor himself quickly and without sticks approached the animal, although the experts tried to stop him. The director recalled that the actor Sorokin never gave advice on how to shoot him, but every frame with him made Boris Vasilyevich laugh.

In 1956, the talented actor Sorokin starred in the film " different fates directed by Leonid Lukov. Yesterday's schoolchildren Tanya, Styopa, Fedya and Sonya enter adulthood, but they do it in different ways. Tanya chooses handsome Fedya and then cheats on him with famous composer. And Sonya sacrifices everything in her life, recovering for Styopa, whom Tanya rejected. In this film, Konstantin Nikolayevich plays the head of the personnel department, Pyotr Petrovich. The hero of the actor Sorokin is friends with the director of a large factory, which allows him to rule over people.

In 1965, Konstantin Sorokin starred in the famous film "The Cook" by the director. The main character confesses his love to the lively girl Pavlina, without choosing the place and time. He gets a ladle on the head from the girl, and soon everyone on the farm learned about this story. Therefore, the young Cossack was forced to leave her home and go to the field, where she got a job as a cook. But soon the enamored Stepan Kazanets also arrives there.

Unusually and talentedly played his role as grandfather Plum actor Sorokin. The actor got an unusual lyrical and comic figure. He likes to drink, lie, and also will not miss a single girl. Often he tells his fellow villagers stories that are hard not to believe. But many of them turn out to be invented by Grandfather Plum himself. All the gossip in the village is started up by grandfather Plum. But at the end of the film, his gossip and stories turn out to be of no interest to anyone.

The role of the actor Sorokin in the film "Guardian" directed by Albert Mortchyan and Edgar Khodjikyan turned out to be fun. This film was released in 1970. The main character Misha Koroedov does not want to do anything, but at the same time he dreams of getting everything from life. One day, he meets a pretty waitress, Lyuba, who offers him to become the guardian of an elderly woman who is allegedly constantly sick and is about to die. The most interesting thing is that Antonina Ivanovna has no relative, and therefore she wants to leave her entire household, as well as the house on the seashore, to her guardian.

Mikhail begins to look after his grandmother, but it turns out that she is fond of sports, makes him constantly work, and she is also the honorary walrus of the city. In this film, the talented actor Konstantin Sorokin played the moonshiner Mitriy Prokopych Samorodov. After exposing the old woman, Mikhail and his friend turn to him. They are surprised that, having moved to a one-room apartment, the moonshiner took with him only a moonshine still.

Work at Mosfilm

In 1941, Konstantin Sorokin, whose films are known and loved by the audience, was enrolled in the staff of the Mosfilm film studio. It is known that a talented actor, despite the fact that there is very little information about him, starred in 75 films.

"Air carrier"

In 1943, the talented actor Sorokin starred in the film "Air Carrier" directed by Herbert Rappaport. At the beginning of the war, pilot Baranov falls in love with Natasha Kulikova, who is just starting her career as Opera singer. Ivan Baranov is not young, but he nevertheless met her when he was forced to land the plane. But the girl's mother is against this marriage, as she believes that best husband for the daughter will be Svetlovidov, a famous singer. But the opinion of the mother is not interesting to young and in love people.

But when the war begins, the pilot Baranov asks to be transferred to fighters, but the leadership refuses him. When he is transporting ammunition, gets to the rear of the Germans, then, having lost his orientation due to thick fog, he cannot fly out, and only the voice of his beloved woman helps him in this situation. In this film, the actor Sorokin plays the role of the theater administrator Zadanaisky. He is rude and not always predictable.

Zadanaisky singles out tenor Anania Palych from all the actors, whom he takes care of and tries to help in his love for the aspiring singer. But this very tenor already has a large crowd of fans. To save his ward from all the annoying girls, he tries to dress like Opera singer so that they constantly confuse them.

The most significant role of the actor

In the mid-sixties, when the career of a famous and talented actor was slowly coming to an end, Konstantin Sorokin still hoped that something would change in his cinematic life and he would stop playing only comedic characters. That is why in 1964 he gladly agreed to the proposal of director Samson Samsonov to star in the film "Three Sisters".

This time the actor Sorokin got the role of the strange cynic Chebutykin, who was affectionately attached to three sisters. During filming, the talented actor was happy. Subsequently, it was this role that Konstantin Nikolayevich considered the most significant in his life. No one else offered him similar roles.

Last role

In 1975, the famous actor Sorokin played his last role in the film "Ivan and Columbine" directed by Ivan Chechunov. The protagonist Ivan Cheprasov returns from the army and immediately comes to work in the convoy. But the boss, seeing that the guy is young, decides to give him an old and ruined car, which no one wants to repair. Drivers call this car among themselves "Columbine".

It was this very "columbine" that became the test for the young driver, where all the traits of his character were manifested. In this film, Konstantin Nikolaevich got the role of Yegorych.

Personal life

It is known that Konstantin Sorokin, whose personal life is always interesting to the audience, knew how to beautifully charm women, but at the same time he was always faithful and decent towards them. It was believed that a talented actor is very courteous towards the ladies, and there was even an opinion that he had increased attention to them.

His marriage did not work out. But he loved his daughter madly. And despite the fact that he was lonely, he was in no hurry to enter into a new marriage.

The actor died in mid-May 1981 in Moscow. The cause of his death was myocardial infarction. The talented and famous actor Konstantin Sorokin was also buried in Moscow.