Scenario of the holiday "Russia-My Motherland" for students primary school for the day national unity

Scenario of a festive event dedicated to the Day of National Unity for children of primary school age

Fimina Ekaterina Borisovna, teacher of the GPA MOU-SOSH p. Lebedevka, Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region
Description of work: Civil-patriotic education today is one of the most important links in the system of educational work. It is very important to start instilling in a child love for the Motherland, country, and people with early childhood. material will be helpful preschool educators, primary school teachers, GPA educators. The script is intended for children of senior preschool and younger school age. Application in educational work.
Target: Education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland
Tasks: Contribute to the formation of the right attitude of children to their country. To cultivate respect for the cultural past of Russia. To consolidate in children knowledge of the state symbols of the country.

Event progress:

Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you. Today we have a holiday dedicated to our Motherland. Very soon, on November 4, all of Russia celebrates the Day of National Unity.

This holiday is very young, it is only 9 years old. But this is not a newly invented, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history.
Listen to one story. It all started 400 years ago, in the 17th century. Then a terrible time began in Rus', which was called the Time of Troubles (everything was mixed up, nothing could be understood). There was no king in the country, the laws were not respected. Traitors-boyars (noble rich people) took advantage of this. They wanted to become even richer by selling their homeland to enemies (Poles). The Poles wanted to seize our country, make it part of their state.
At that time, the merchant Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod. He was an honest and respectable man, and the people chose him as the mayor of the city. Minin urged the people to "stand for the faith, for the Fatherland." The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod began to gather together and decided where to get people and means to fight the enemies. On the advice of Minin, people began to give "third money", i.e. a third of the property, for equipping the troops. On his own advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as the leader of the troops.

Soon other cities joined the Novgorodians. The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors, and in October 1612. Moscow was cleared of the Poles. The people restored state power, elected a king and handed power over to him.

In Moscow, on Red Square, in honor of the victory over the Poles, a bronze monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected so that people do not forget and honor the heroes of their country

It is in honor of this event that the Day of National Unity is celebrated.
400 years have passed, during this time many times different countries tried to seize Russia, but they did not succeed, all people stood up to defend their country.
Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs, fairy tales and songs. But we all have one big, united Motherland Russia!

People, nation, people -
Holiday bright at the gate!
Congratulations on Unity Day
And with all our hearts we wish
At the same time be strong
One, indivisible
Holy revere history
And spacious meadows
Rivers, villages, cities -
We are a great country!

They don't argue with history, they live with history.
It unites for a feat and for work.
One state when one people
When with great strength he moves forward
He defeats the enemy by uniting in battle,
And Rus' liberates and sacrifices itself.
For the glory of those heroes we live by one destiny,
Today we celebrate Unity Day with you!
The song "My Russia" is performed by the choir.

A man has one mother, and he has one homeland. The people love her dearly. “What is the Motherland? And the guys will tell us about this in their poems.


Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, native apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek a mole -
This is also homeland.

Let's continue the conversation about our Motherland. Our country is called Russia, the Russian Federation. How is one country different from another? They differ in the language spoken by the people, in their symbols, history, customs, traditions, geographical location. Country symbols are distinctive signs with which you can understand belonging to a country. What are the main symbols of our country (children call) (coat of arms, flag, anthem).
The coat of arms is the emblem of the state, it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, documents. Our Russian emblem depicts a double-headed golden eagle against the background of the Russian flag. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms. It appeared 500 years ago.

Coat of arms of Russia
Russia has a majestic
Double-headed eagle on the coat of arms
To the west and east
He could look right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is the free spirit of Russia.
(Alexander Trifonov)

Guys, what is depicted on the coins? What is the name of the coins that depict the rider? Why are they called that?

The spear of St. George the Victorious gave the name to the coin - a penny. The Moscow princes, and then the Russian tsars, used seals, minted coins with the image of a horseman slaying a snake with a spear.

The Russian flag is a tricolor with white, blue and red stripes.
What does the white, blue, red colors of the Russian flag symbolize? There are different versions.
Version 1 is the unity of the sea, earth and sky.
Version 2 is a community of three Slavic peoples.
3rd version - white - faith, purity; blue - the sky, nobility, fidelity; red - heroism, courage, courage.
Version 4 - white is faith, blue is hope, and red is love.

About the Flag of the Russian Federation
Red - blue - white flag,
You are the native banner of the country.
Proudly blowing up to the sky
What do we know about you?
The power of life is red
The color of battles and victories.
Spilled red
The blood of grandfathers who died in wars.
Blue color - inspires confidence
To the Fatherland, to the right thing.
In it is the constancy of the people,
Friendship, inseparability, brotherhood.
The top one is white
Sky pure hello.
Let it be clear above us!
Every day will be great!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is a symbol of our state. And who is the author of words and music?
The music of the anthem was invented by the composer Aleksandrov, and the words by the poet Sergei Mikhalkov.
And Sergey Mikhalkov wrote a lot of poems for children, you know them well (children remember the works of S.V. Mikhalkov: “Uncle Styopa”, “And you?”, “Foma”, “My friend and I”, etc.) .
People have long loved proud and bold songs. Already the ancient peoples had solemn chants. They were famous for their beauty native land, her wealth, the exploits of heroes. - When does the anthem sound? (When meeting distinguished guests, at solemn meetings, in honor of athletes - winners in competitions).
And now we will listen to the Anthem - the solemn song of our Motherland. Remember that the national anthem must be listened to while standing.
An excerpt from the anthem sounds.

Anthem of Russia and me
I love the National Anthem.
I was born and raised with him.
It is my pride, my strength,
I'm on guard with him.

I survey the country with him,
Its open spaces, beauty,
And the heart fills with pride:
I was born and raised here.

I like forests and rivers
Fields, lakes and meadows.
I'm with them forever
I love Russia so much.

I will not change to abroad
Nature is our purity.
Flocks of birds will support me -
I was born and raised here.
(Rudolf Doronov)

Each country has, in addition to symbols, a main capital city. Name the capital of Russia (Moscow).

Russia is an immense country.
But you, the capital, she has one.
Although I have never been to Moscow,
But I know a lot about you.
A star is burning on the tower near the Kremlin,
Which never goes out.
The beautiful Moscow River flows,
And a bridge over it, like a rainbow-arc.
You, Moscow, I love with all my heart,
You conquered everyone with your beauty!

In every country there is a chief man - the president. Name our Russian President.

There are many different beautiful countries in the world and every nation loves its Motherland most of all. We were born in Russia, we are Russians. But each of us has another homeland, a small one, the place (city, village) where each of us was born.

Motherland is sacred
Small and big.
Motherland in a child's heart -
Why the house has a porch.
Homeland - the smell of chamomile,
Blots on a blotter.
Homeland - expanse songs,
Motherland - a grain field,
Motherland - mother's hands,
And lullabies.
Homeland where he was born -
There, they say, it came in handy.

A lot of works have been written about our Motherland, poems, songs have been composed, pictures have been drawn. And you and I, too, as best we can, draw our homeland.

In my drawing, a field with spikelets,
Church on a hill next to the clouds.
In my drawing Mom and friends,
In my drawing, my Motherland.

In my drawing, the rays of dawn,
Grove and river, sun and summer.

In my drawing, my Motherland.

Daisies grew in my drawing,
A rider on a horse gallops along the path,
In my drawing, a rainbow and me,
In my drawing, my Motherland.

In my drawing, mom and friends,
In my drawing the song of the stream,
In my drawing, a rainbow and me,
In my drawing, my Motherland.
(P. Sinyavsky)

Yes, the Russians did not joke with a sword or a roll. They did not look for enemies, they valued their friends. They took care of the Russian lands, sang the beauty of the Motherland in songs and legends. At the festive festivities, games and dances were started.
Dance in Russian costumes "The moon shines, the clear one shines"

On the eve of National Unity Day, open lessons were held in a number of Russian cities.

In the schools of Volgograd, students talked about the unity of the peoples inhabiting the country. The participants in the conversation "Slavic unity: the history of peoples - the history of the native language" were seventh grade schoolchildren, representatives of the "Slavic Club" at the Trubachev Museum of the History of the Russian Language, Cossack folk song groups "Poteshka" and "Zlatitsa".

Thematic open lessons are held in the schools of the Amur Region on the topics: "Strength is in unity", "Let's leaf through the pages of the history of our Fatherland", "And united Rus' arose", "Protectors of the Russian land", "We are the children of Russia".

On November 2, St. Petersburg hosted master classes for children and parents as part of the Academy of Talents festival. The participants knitted intricate Chinese knots, danced the Buryat round dance, tried to play the Khakass folk instruments chatkhana and khomus and on Scottish marching drums, they made home decorations in Russian folk traditions, folded origami in the form of a crane - a "symbol of peace".

After the master classes, a festive concert took place, in which the best folklore dance and vocal ensembles of St. creative teams national-cultural associations of the city.

Public lesson, dedicated to the Day of National Unity, in the lyceum No. 200 of Novosibirsk held the Acting Governor of the region Andrey Travnikov. He reminded the children about the history of the holiday, when the united civil uprising under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky in 1612, they were able to drive the Polish-Lithuanian invaders from the territory of our state.

Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova took part in an open lesson held at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on the eve of National Unity Day. Before the lesson, the Ombudsman and the children had a tour of the temple. Archpriest Vasily Ivanov, the church's dean, spoke about the peculiarities of the structure of the cathedral, its murals and further landscaping. He also showed how the bells could be controlled by a computer.

"I'm waiting for my return home to complete the tasks for several children on Sakhalin - I really hope that in the near future it will be possible to make sure that they end up in families, return back from different institutions," Kuznetsova admitted.

Another problem for children in Sakhalin, the Ombudsman called the inability to get treatment on time due to the removal of the region. At the same time, she noted the role of Internet resources, for example, in providing psychological assistance.

On November 4, Russia celebrates National Unity Day. The holiday was established in memory of the events of 1612, when an uprising led by Minin and Pozharsky liberated the Kremlin and Moscow from the Poles. This year, Russians celebrate the holiday for the twelfth time.

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Explanatory note The All-Russian lesson dedicated to the Day of National Unity has the following goals: - fostering a sense of civic responsibility, patriotism, pride and involvement in the history of the country; - fostering a sense of duty to the Motherland and respect for public holidays in Russia; - familiarization of students with the history of the holiday "Day of National Unity". Tasks: - to acquaint students with the historical roots of the holiday dedicated to the day of national unity; - To promote moral and patriotic education on the examples of the heroes of the People's Militia of 1611 - 1612; Raise in children the joy that we were born and live in Russia, the desire to become heirs to the glorious traditions of Russian history

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, computer presentation.

Class hour progress

I. Org. moment

We start again

walk through history.

Try to understand everything

Learn about your country.

II. introduction teachers.

Slides 1-5

There is a slide show, the teacher reads a poem by S. Vasiliev by heart.

Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

Surrounded by forests, fields and rivers.

Expanse, Russian soul.

I love you my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes,

I love, I understand with all my heart

Steppes mysterious sadness.

I love everything they call

In one broad word - Rus'.

Teacher. - What is this poem about? (about homeland)

What feelings did this poem evoke in you?

(A feeling of triumph and pride in their homeland - Russia, for its mighty and glorious people.)

It is very important for everyone to know the history of their Motherland. History is the memory of the people about who we are, where are our roots, what is our path? The most important thing in studying the historical past of your Motherland is to learn to love it. And Russian people tend to love native land where they were born and raised. From time immemorial, this love has been manifested in their readiness to defend, not sparing their lives, their Fatherland from enemies.

Our great Motherland has a glorious eventful heroic story. For centuries, the people of our country had to fight with numerous, strong and cruel enemies in order to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland.

The bell rings and the teacher reads the poem:


Don't argue with history

Live with history

She unites

For feat and work

One state

When the people are one

When with great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Rus' liberates

And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live with the same destiny

Today is Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

National Unity Day.

Guys, do you know what historical events Is this holiday related?

In the 17th century, 4 centuries ago, the Time of Troubles began in Russia. Tsar Ivan the Terrible died. The eldest son was unable to reign, and the youngest, Dmitry, died under mysterious circumstances playing knife. Without a king, as without a master in the house, disorder immediately began. And as the people say: trouble has come, open the gate. Immediately 2 years in a row there were lean years, and famine began. Many wanted to take the Russian throne in these difficult years for everyone. And even foreigners, Poles and Swedes, fraudulently wanted to put false kings on the throne. That's what they were called: False Dmitry-I and False Dmitry-II. Robberies and robberies began in Russia, and there was no one to put things in order. So our country was ruined, and the Poles captured it. The impostor False Dmitry I reigned for a whole year, but he failed to deceive the Russian people, he was exposed and killed. But order in the country was never established, which is why there was no unity in the country. Soon another impostor, False Dmitry II, appeared. And people did not know what to do and whom to believe. Enemies continued to seize Russian lands, devastate the country, and humiliate people.

But always, when the Motherland is in danger, there are heroic people to save it.

The merchant Kozma Minin and the governor Dmitry Pozharsky gathered the people's militia. The Monk Irinarkh the Recluse of Borisoglebsky blessed Minin and Pozharsky for the holy cause - the expulsion of the invaders. Long haul the people's militia had to go to Moscow, for a whole year they liberated the Russian lands captured by the Poles and Swedes. Everyone helped as much as they could, they also joined the ranks of the militias.

They liberated Moscow from the interventionists in 1612. They defeated the enemy because they were together, because they defended their homeland, they did not want to lose it.

They won thanks to the intercession of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

In Russia, they chose a new tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. And there was peace and tranquility in the country. A monument was erected to the heroes-liberators Minin and Pozharsky with the money collected by the people.

The history of Russia teaches us: apart, one by one you cannot do what can be done together.

So it happens in life: one plant a tree, and all together - a garden; one will have time to lay only a brick, and for those who set to work together, the house is already ready!

Friendship unites people and nations. Together they live happily.

We must not forget the lessons of history: Russia is strong only when it is united!

That is why our country has such an important holiday - National Unity Day.

1. Homeland and unity... Such a deep meaning lies in this holiday.

Russia has been tested many times, experienced times of chaos, hostility and anarchy more than once. When the country weakened, neighbors attacked it, trying to conquer the lands and enslave our people. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. But the country rose again and again from the ashes. After each tragedy, she only became stronger at the envy of her enemies.

2. A holiday dedicated to the Day of National Unity. This is not only a celebration of the expulsion of interventionists who carry values ​​alien to us, it is a celebration of friendship and unification, a celebration of love and harmony, faith that God is in truth, and not in power. Remember the slogan of the winners: stick together, love and help each other, be able to sincerely forgive the offender.

Let's all stand up, join hands and together say this chant:

The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

We do not need indifference!

Anger, resentment drive away!

And now together we will sing a song about kindness and friendship.

sl. M.Plyatskovsky

music E.Ptichkina

Thin threads wrapped around the earth:

Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Every person must believe in friendship,

Do a miracle - stretch out your hand,

Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,

Even the snow melts from a funny joke,

An unfamiliar, gloomy person will smile,

It's so wonderful to be next to you

An unfamiliar, gloomy person will smile.

It was not in vain that we dreamed of a magical miracle,

Let the almighty century circle the planet,

Perform a miracle - let it go out to people,

Let a man come out, let a man come out into the people.

Remember, guys, this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors.

Slides 7-8

Motherland and unity... Tell us, how do you understand these words? (answer)

What do you think, what does the Day of National Unity call us to do?

(Toward the unity of Russians. After all, it is precisely in unity, in the unity of the people, that the strength of Russia.

But how do we know all this?

That's right, history! Russia has been tested many times, experienced times of chaos, hostility and anarchy more than once. When the country weakened, neighbors attacked it, hurrying to snatch a bigger piece, but fatter. However, the most plausible pretexts can always be found for robbery and robbery. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. Internal and external storms shook the country to its very foundations, so much so that not only the rulers changed, but also the forms of government themselves. But the country rose again and again from the ashes. After each tragedy, she only became stronger at the envy of her enemies.

slide 9-10

And now let's fast forward 400 years back to the beginning of the 17th century, when the Great Troubles began in Russia. This was the name given to the alarming time of crop failures, famine, unrest and uprisings. Taking advantage of this, the troops of the Polish and Swedish kings invaded the Russian lands. Soon the Poles were in Moscow. Mortal danger hung over the country. Polish troops burned the Russian state, ruined, killed people. Sighs and cries were heard all around.

Then the patience of the people came to an end. The Russian people decided to unite into one whole to expel enemies from their native land.

Slide 11 - 14

A huge crowd filled the Cathedral Square in Nizhny Novgorod. The people did not disperse for a long time, as if they were waiting for something. Then the elected chief of the townspeople climbed onto the empty barrel. Headman Kuzma Minin.

Brothers! We will not regret anything! - said the headman.

We will give everything we have to save the Motherland.

Pulling from his bosom a purse full of money, he immediately poured it into a bucket standing next to him. Here, all the people from the square began to throw money, jewelry. Residents began to demolish everything they have, what they have accumulated in their lives. And whoever had nothing, he took off his copper cross and gave it to the common cause. It was necessary to have a lot of money in order to gather a large and strong army, arm it and feed the soldiers.

slide 15-16

Soon a great force gathered. They began to think who to call as leaders. We settled on Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky. Pozharsky was a capable, intelligent military leader, an honest and fair man. The prince agreed to lead the troops, but on the condition that Minin would manage the militia and its treasury.

According to legend, Sergius of Radonezh blessed Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to lead the army and fight against enemies.

The miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent from Kazan to the militia, which was headed by Prince Pozharsky. Knowing that the disaster was allowed for sins, all the people and the militia imposed a three-day fast on themselves and with prayer turned to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for heavenly help. And the prayer was heard.

The celebration, November 4, of the Most Holy Theotokos, in honor of Her icon, called "Kazan", was established on this day in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612.

The army led by Dmitry Pozharsky moved to Moscow and grew by leaps and bounds along the way. People flocked from everywhere.

The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior.

Pozharsky besieged Moscow for two months. Soon the Poles surrendered, Pozharsky triumphantly entered the city.

On November 4 (October 22, old style), 1612, the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors, the militia led by Minin and Pozharsky took Kitai-gorod. Moscow was liberated.

Here are the real heroes. They managed to unite the people around the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland.

Slide 21 - 22

When peacetime came, the new tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was the memory of the people. It is not for nothing that a bronze monument to them stands on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia with the inscription: “Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky”

And such a monument was erected in Nizhny Novgorod.

In memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, the Kazan Cathedral was built in Moscow with the money of D. Pozharsky, in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Prepared student reads a poem

Gone in the history of the year

Kings have changed and nations

But the time is troubled, adversity

Rus' will never forget!

A line is written in victory,

And praises the verse of former heroes,

Defeated the people of outcast enemies,

Found freedom forever!

And Rus' rose from its knees

In hands with an icon before the battle,

Blessed by prayer

To the sound of coming changes.

Villages, villages, cities

With respect to the Russian people

Celebrate freedom today

And Unity Day forever!

III. Summing up the conversation.

What misfortune befell Rus' in those years? (answer)

Who called on the Russian people to unite to protect their homeland? (answer)

Who led the Russian army? (answer)

Tell me, guys, do you know how the Russians thanked the militia heroes? (answer)

Can it be argued that the people passionately love their homeland? What words and deeds show this? (answer)

How did you imagine the image of Kuzma Minin? (answer)

Make a conclusion about the character traits of Minin and Pozharsky by choosing the right words.

whiteboard writing

Calm, balanced, resolute, brave, disinterested, strong, responsible, selflessly devoted to the Motherland and loving her, selfless, courageous, steadfast, authoritative, sacrificial, able to inspire people and lead them along.

slide 24-25

The holiday DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY is a tribute of deep respect to those significant pages of national history, when patriotism and citizenship helped our people to unite and protect the country from invaders. To overcome the times of anarchy and strengthen the Russian state.

November 4 is the day of Russia's salvation from the greatest danger that has ever threatened her;

IV. creative project

What is another name for this holiday?

On this day, we help the unfortunate and the needy, that is, we do charity work. And that means what are we doing? (answer)

What is the name of this day. (Day of good deeds.)

And what can each of you do for those who need help and support.

1. "Clean city" (cleaning the territory kindergarten, beautification of obelisks, monuments).

2. "Let's help the children" (collection of children's books, toys for the pupils of the Orphanage).

3. "Hurry to do good deeds" (help for the elderly, the disabled, war and labor veterans, the sick, the lonely).

In conclusion, let's join hands and all together say a little chant:

The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!

We do not need indifference!

Anger, resentment drive away!

Remember this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors. All the best!

Reading by heart a poem by Natalia Maidanik.


On Unity Day we will be near,

Let's be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages, cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sow bread, raise children,

Create, love and argue,

Keep the peace of the people

Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts

To fill life with happiness

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Teacher: Thank you all for sharing.

The All-Russian lesson dedicated to the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2013 pursues the following goals: education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; studying the history of their people; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland, respect for public holidays in Russia.



Job title:Open lesson on the topic:"Day of national unity"

Subject area:Social science. Story. MHC

Annotation: The open lesson pursues the following goals: education of patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; studying the history of their people; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland, respect for public holidays in Russia.

Job title: teacher of general education disciplines

(social science and history)

Place of work: State autonomous educational institution

middle vocational education Moscow city


Members: students of SVE/NGO groups (16-19 years old)

Methodical development of an open lesson

on this topic:

"Day of national unity"



Explanatory note

The All-Russian lesson dedicated to the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2013 pursues the following goals: education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; studying the history of their people; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland, respect for public holidays in Russia.

Lesson type: combined (integrated) lesson with game elements.

Equipment: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, a personal computer with Internet access, multimedia equipment (interactive whiteboard), Microsoft Power Point presentation on this topic.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Deepen students' knowledge about the events of the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century;

2. Contribute to strengthening the feeling of pride for the Motherland;

3. To promote moral and patriotic education on the examples of the heroes of the People's Militia of 1611 - 1612;

4. To bring up in children the joy that we were born and live in Russia, the desire to become heirs of the glorious traditions of Russian history.

Event preparation: prepare a presentation on a given topic in advance, distribute topics and material for preparing messages to students.

Lesson steps:

I. Organizing time

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher

Slide #1

Teacher's story:

November 4th is a national holiday in Russia.National Unity Day.The scientific community, the media, public and political figures have done a lot to convey to public consciousness the meaning of this holiday.

This holiday is wonderfully captured in verses:

Student presentation:

National Unity Day

Celebrates every year

Who is a Russian patriot.

Who loves our homeland,

There is none sweeter and more beautiful!

And on a November day

Congratulations loudly

In honor of the people of the militia,

Homelands of Liberation.

From the Poles-interventionists,

To the capital of the contenders.

Glory to the brave people

For Russian freedom!


III. Learning new material

Slide number 2

The day of November 4 went down in national history as the day of liberation in 1612 of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

The history of the emergence of this holiday is by no means simple, and, according to sociological surveys, a significant part of Russians still find it difficult to answer the question of what events led to the establishment of a new public holiday.

The question of the teacher, how did a new holiday appear on our calendar?

Speech by a student who tells about the history of the emergence of the holiday of National Unity Day.

Slide number 3

Initially, it was assumed that November 4 would become one of the days of Russia's military glory, along with such events asBattle of the Neva, Battle of the Ice and the battle on the Kulikovo field.

Slide number 4

Later, the attention of Russian politicians focused only on the anniversary of the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Not the last role was played by the government's intention to exclude November 7, which was originally called"Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution", and since 1996 - "Day of consent and reconciliation."

Slide number 5

Politicians have repeatedly stated that November 7 is associated not with consent and reconciliation, but with the split of Russian society, which resulted in a bloody civil war.

Slide number 6

In September 2004, the Interreligious Council of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate, then the Duma faction of the United Russia party, came up with the initiative to introduce a new state holiday. In accordance with the adopted law, amendments were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: the celebration of November 7 was canceled, and November 4, as the Day of National Unity and Consent, was proclaimed a holiday (non-working) day and in 2005 was widely celebrated in the country.

Slide number 7

It was from this year that a tradition was established according to which the President of the Russian Federation, as head of state, lays flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square.

What is this youngest of the state holidays of modern Russia dedicated to?

Teacher's story:

Slide number 8

For several years, Russia was engulfed in a series of severe upheavals, which contemporaries aptly called"Troubled Times""Trouble" and modern historians are increasingly characterizing it as the first civil war in the history of our country.

Slide #9 Slide #10

After the suppression of the royal dynasty of Rurikovich, which ruled the country for more than seven centuries, the ruler elected at the Zemsky Sobor, the tsar, ascended the throne for the first time.Boris Fyodorovich Godunov.

The change of the royal dynasty took place in the most unfavorable conditions: the country was gripped by a protracted economic crisis, which in the early years of the 17th century. It is not surprising that the people perceived what was happening as God's punishment for the sins of society, and the newly elected Tsar Boris was considered the main sinner.

Slide #11 Slide #12

Slide number 13

Rumors of atrocities circulated in the countryBoris Godunov,he was credited with seizing power by fraudulent means and even killing the youngest son of the king Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry.

Slide #14 Slide #15

Soon in a state neighboring Russia - Commonwealth - an impostor appeared, posing as"miraculously saved" Tsarevich Dmitry.

The weakening of Russia was in the interests of the Polish ruling circles, who secretly financed the collection of mercenary troops by the impostor on the territory of the Commonwealth. At the end of 1604, a small army False Dmitry invaded the territory of Russia, many Russians, dissatisfied with the tsar, went over to the side of the impostorBoris Godunov.In the midst of the confrontation, in the spring of 1605, Tsar Boris died, and this predetermined the success of his rival: in just two months False Dmitry entered Moscow and was crowned king.

However, the impostor stayed on the throne for less than a year - among the boyars, dissatisfaction with his power grew, and the people were irritated by the dominance of foreigners in the royal environment (mainly people from the Commonwealth).

Slide #16 Slide #17

In May 1606, the boyars succeeded in carrying out a coup d'etat, during which False Dmitry was killed, and the royal crown passed into the hands of the head of the conspirators - the boyarVasily Ivanovich Shuisky.

The four years of his reign were accompanied by continuous disasters and upheavals.

There were rumors that the "legitimate Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich" escaped, and the rebel army that fought for him under the leadership of a former serfIvan BolotnikovBy the end of 1606, it approached Moscow.

With considerable difficulty, the rebel army was thrown back from the capital and defeated, but by this time a new impostor had appeared on the western borders of Russia - False Dmitry II.

Slide №18

His motley army (in which there were many both subjects of the Commonwealth and Russian people) in the summer of 1608 set up their camp in the village of Tushino near Moscow; many cities swore allegiance to the "miraculously saved tsar", not wanting to serve the "self-tsar". Desperate to cope with the enemy on his own, the king Vasily Shuisky turned to Sweden for help, having received an unreliable mercenary army in exchange for territorial concessions on the northwestern borders. However, the appearance of Swedish detachments on the territory of the country served as a signal for the invasion of Russia by the army of the Polish king, who intended to achieve both the Swedish and Russian crowns.

Slide #19

The courage and heroism of the Russians, who resolutely fought against foreign troops and Russian supporters of the impostor, are worthy of the grateful memory of posterity: for 20 months the garrison of the Smolensk fortress heroically resisted the Polish troops, for 16 months they held the defense against people False Dmitry II and the Trinity-Sergius Monastery did not submit to the enemy.

Slide #16 Slide #17

In the summer of 1610, the unpopular tsar Vasily Shuisky was deposed and forcibly tonsured a monk; by the end of that year, his rival also fell victim to betrayal - False Dmitry II. The Moscow boyars declared their readiness to transfer the Russian throne to the son of the Polish king, Prince Vladislav.

This step immediately turned the recent allies of Russia - the Swedish mercenaries - into no less greedy than the troops of the Polish king. Sigismund III, invaders.

The election of a foreign prince to the throne did not bring peace to the country. The Polish-Lithuanian detachment, which entered the Moscow Kremlin with the permission of the boyars, quickly turned into an occupying garrison, dictating to Muscovites more and more unacceptable living conditions in their hometown.

Meanwhile, Prince Vladislav was in no hurry to accept the royal crown offered to him, refusing to accept the main condition of the Russian side - to convert to the Orthodox faith.

Slide #20 Slide #21

IN provincial towns already at the beginning of 1611, armed detachments began to form, merging by spring intoThe first people's militiawhose leaders were the Ryazan noblemanProkofy Lyapunovand recent supporters False Dmitry II - boyar prince Dmitry Trubetskoyand Cossack ataman Ivan Zarutsky.

Slide number 22

The militias who marched towards Moscow, however, did not have time to liberate Moscow: Muscovites in March 1611 raised an uprising against the invaders, which was brutally suppressed, and the city itself was put on fire. Regrettably, but the idea to set fire to the city was prompted to the enemy by the Russian people themselves, who were on the side of the enemy.

The flame spared only the Kremlin and Kitay-gorod, where the Polish-Lithuanian detachments took up defense. Troops approaching the ashes of the capitalFirst People's Militiabegan the siege of the city and even managed to achieve the first successes.

But the lack of unanimity and trust in each other in the ranks of the militias ruined the common cause. European contemporaries already predicted Russian state imminent and inevitable death. They planned to profit at the expense of Russian lands even at the opposite end of Europe - in England and Spain.

Slide #23 Slide #24

At that moment, when it seemed that there was no one to wait for salvation, in Nizhny Novgorod, the formation ofSecond People's Militia.

Slide #25

The events of that time are wonderfully reflected in the verses. Irina Krymov oh

Student presentation:

Rus' woke up from a heavy slumber,

Rus' is strong by the people's will.

The appeals of the church are so weighty:

For Orthodoxy, country!

There is excitement on the banks of the Volga.

Popular anger sprouts.

Minin is preparing the militia,

Pozharsky will lead the regiments.

The initiative for its creation came from the Nizhny Novgorod Zemstvo head Kuzma Minina, a middle-class butcher. It was he who turned to the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod with an appeal to sacrifice their property for the sake of saving the Fatherland. Myself Kuzma Minin set an example by donating most of his property to the cause of the people.

However, the emerging militia needed more than money and food. No less important was the leader, who had serious combat experience, and, at the same time, earned high moral authority from his compatriots. The military leadership of the emerging militia was offered to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. At the age of 33, he had considerable voivodship experience behind him and, what was especially important, was not noticed in any betrayals that were so abundant in that era.

At the beginning of 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod army set off and settled in the city of Yaroslavl in the spring. In Yaroslavl, news was received that a strong detachment under the command of the hetman was moving to the besieged Moscow to rescue the Polish garrison. Khodkevich with a large food convoy, Pozharsky and Minin came to the aid of the remnantsFirst militia,commanded by the princeDmitry Trubetskoy.

Slide number 26

Student speech (poetryIrina Krymova)

Chodkiewicz army of Poles,

Lithuanians, Hungarians led to Moscow

To help the garrison of the gentry,

She settled down in the Kremlin itself.

Pozharsky gave a battle in Moscow

For holy Rus' not in chains.

And the militia won

In those bloody battles.

And soon the garrison in the heart

The country sat like a sharp knife,

The militias took the siege.

Rus' perked up again.

Heroes of those distant times -

Pozharsky, Minin - for centuries!

About the glorious feat high

It sounds like a folk song.

Forces Second militiaarrived at the walls of the capital just in time to block the path of the hetman's army Khodkevich. The joint efforts of the militia Trubetskoy and Pozharsky at the end of August 1612, they were able to repel an enemy attempt to break into the Kremlin.

Slide number 27

Combining efforts soon bore fruit: on October 22, 1612, the militia drove the enemy out of Kitay-Gorod, and on October 26, the remnants of the Polish-Lithuanian garrison in the Kremlin capitulated. The capital was liberated from foreign domination, and this meant the biggest victory on the way to overcoming Troubles.

Slide number 28

Only having gained unity, our ancestors were able to defend the independence of the Fatherland 400 years ago, thereby confirming the gospel wisdom:“every kingdom divided against itself will be desolate; and every city or house. divided against itself, it will not stand."

IV. Quiz:

Slide #29

Methodology: slides are shown on the projector, which contain fragments of architectural structures in Moscow, the task of the students is to find out which architectural structure is shown on the slide. The first student to give the correct answer will receive a prize.

Slide #30


Slide #31

Answer: State Historical Museum- one of the best museums in Moscow, located in the very center of the capital on Red Square. The unique exposition reflects all the milestones in the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century; more than 5,000,000 exhibits are stored in the museum funds. The State Historical Museum is the largest museum in Russia.

Slide #32

Question: a fragment of what building in Moscow do you see on the slide?

Slide #33

Answer: Spasskaya Tower - the most beautiful and slender tower of the Moscow Kremlin, its main gate.

Slide #34

Question: a fragment of what building in Moscow do you see on the slide?

Slide #35

Answer: St. Basil's Cathedral, which is also commonly known as the Intercession Cathedral or the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, is one of the most beautiful and ancient churches in Moscow, the most important decoration of Red Square.

Slide #36

Question: a fragment of what building in Moscow do you see on the slide?

Slide #37


GUM is a store located right on Red Square, combining imperial scope with Soviet chic.

People come here not only for shopping, but also to plunge into history, run along the famous bridges, stare at the fountains and enjoy the shopping process in every possible way, which in GUM is always pleasant, not boring and in a good leisurely way.

Slide #38

Question: a fragment of what building in Moscow do you see on the slide?

Slide #39


State Kremlin Palace - main stage country is one of the best and most prestigious theater and concert venues in Russia.

Events of all genres and directions are held on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. Among them are pop concerts, fashion shows, film premieres, ballets, operas, forums, circus performances etc. Russian and world stars of the first magnitude perform here.

The State Kremlin Palace hosts about 300 events a year.

Slide #40

Question: what is the name of this place in Moscow today, which you see on the slide?

Slide #41


Okhotny Ryad is one of the oldest streets in Moscow. It runs from Manezhnaya Square to Teatralnaya Square, parallel to Georgievsky Lane and Nikolskaya Street. The street got its name in the 17th century, as it was a small part of a large Moscow market where game could be traded. Over the centuries, the market square was moved several times to other parts of the city, and the name of the street stuck.

Slide #42

V. Consolidation of the material covered

It is very important for everyone to know the history of their Motherland. History is the memory of the people about who we are, where are our roots, what is our path? The most important thing in studying the historical past of your Motherland is to learn to love it. And Russian people are characterized by love for their native land, where they were born and raised. From time immemorial, this love has been manifested in their readiness to defend, not sparing their lives, their Fatherland from enemies.

Our great Motherland has a glorious and eventful heroic history. For centuries, the people of our country had to fight with numerous, strong and cruel enemies in order to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland.

Literature for preparing for the lesson:

  1. - Methodological recommendations for conducting the All-Russian lesson dedicated to the Day of National Unity.
  3. Skrynnikov R.G. Russia on the eve of the "Time of Troubles" - M., 1981.
  4. Zaitsev Yu. V. History of Russia: From ancient times to the Romanov dynasty. - M., 2002.
  5. Morozova L.E. Troubles: its heroes, students, victims / L.E. Morozov. - M.: AST [and others], 2004.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

secondary school №939 South Administrative District

Traditional lesson (students of the basic school)

Theme of the lesson "Day of National Unity"

Art teacher: Artamonova Ksenia Andreevna

Moscow, 2017

lesson in school museum"National Unity Day" (traditional)

Explanatory note:


    To give basic knowledge about the history of the holiday "Day of National Unity";

    To form the concept of Russia as a multinational state, whose peoples live in friendship and harmony among themselves;

    Raise the level of creative and cognitive activity of students.


    Develop a sense of tolerance, the ability to form one's point of view, draw conclusions and conclusions;

    To develop the cognitive activity of students by analyzing the material of the lesson;

    To form skills in applying the algorithm for constructing an emblem.


    To instill a sense of morality and citizenship;

    To cultivate feelings of patriotism, interest in the history of the state, respect for historical decisions and personalities;

    Cultivate friendly relationships in the team;


    Develop vocabulary.

Lesson type


Planned educational outcomes

Subject: pose and form the problem of the lesson: put forward versions of what they saw, work according to the plan, referring to the goal, draw conclusions; independently create an algorithm of actions when working on creating the emblem of the National Unity Day holiday.

Metasubject: regulatory - accept and save the learning task; take into account the guidelines of action allocated by the teacher in the new educational material; evaluate their achievements in the lesson;

cognitive - learn to observe, analyze information, draw conclusions, express their opinion in a dialogue;

communicative - learn to reason, form answers to questions, enter into educational cooperation, listen to classmates, teachers; conduct a small cognitive dialogue on the topic of the lesson.

Personal: are motivated to study and creative activity, form the skill of cooperation with adults and peers.

Methods and forms of education

Conversation, explanatory and illustrative, practical, creative search; frontal, group


Technical: computer,multimedia projector, screen (on a tripod or hinged).

Equipment: A3 paper, watercolor paints, pencils, erasers, compasses, rulers, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, water jars, brushes.

Sound aids: audio recordings.

Visual and demonstration material

Expositions dedicated to the "Days of Glory of Russia": "Borodino", "WWII 1941-1945". State symbols, map of the Russian Federation.

Pictures in the electronic presentation:

    Vasnetsov V. "Ivan the Terrible".

    "Tsarevich Dmitry". Icon of the 17th century.

    "Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich". Parsuna.

    "False DmitryI"," False DmitryII". Engravings.

    Ivanov A. "In troubled times."

    Kivshenko A. "Minin's Appeal to the Nizhny Novgorod". 1611

    Lissner E. "The expulsion of the Polish interventionists from the Moscow Kremlin."

    Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, former in the Second Militia. 17th century

    Martos I. Y. "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky."

Music material:

    Mussorgsky M., Boris's monologue "I have reached the highest power" from the opera "BoricGodunov".

    Russian folk song “Remember, brothers, Rus' and glory!”

Basic concepts and terms

"Time of Troubles", people's militia, unity, bas-relief, emblem.

Organizational structure (script) of the lesson



Educational and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activity

Activities carried out by students

Forms of organization of cooperation

Formed Skills (UUD)


Organizing time

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the studied material. Lesson topic message

Four centuries have passed

Over our Russia since that time,

When swords clashed in battle

And the axes were raised.

Pozharsky and Minin soldered

And they saved their native Rus'.

Townsman and boyar agreed

For your great military work.

And this day has not disappeared for centuries,

He lives in people's memory.

Russia will not run out of power -

After all, this force is our people!

slide 1 (Coat of arms of Russia)

Good afternoon Today we are not accidentally gathered in the museum of the school. Very soon, Russia will celebrate a public holiday, which is marked with a red day in the calendar. Do you know what holiday we are talking about?

The students answer the question.

All right! Since 2005, the date of November 4 has been celebrated by all Russian citizens as the "Day of National Unity".

slide 2 ( Fireworks on Red Square (photo))

The law on naming the date November 4 as the Day of National Unity or the Day of Reconciliation and Consent was adopted at the level of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the end of 2004. “This day reminds us how, in 1612, Russians of different faiths and nationalities overcame division, overcame a formidable enemy and led the country to a stable civil peace.”

Guys, would you like to know more about the events associated with this holiday? And how did these events affect the works of art?

The students answer the question.

Listening to teachers

answer questions

Front work

Personal: exhibit cognitive activity.


Communicative : answer questions.


Learning new material

Explanatory and illustrative. Conversation in the form of "question - answer"

Slide 3 (The topic of the lesson is "Day of National Unity")

To learn the history of the holiday, we will go to the distant past. Let's talk about RussiaXVIXVIIcenturies. This is the period of the end of the royal dynasty of Rurikovich.

Slide 4 (Vasnetsov V. "Ivan the Terrible")

Before you is a painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible." This picture is the most deeply and faithfully conveyed image of Ivan the Terrible in our heritage. visual arts. In the picture, the appearance of the king is given exactly as he was preserved in the testimonies of his contemporaries - this is a firm will, decisive, very clever man, severe, self-contained, suspicious, secretive due to the historical conditions of his reign.

And so, in 1584, the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible died. He did not leave behind a worthy heir who could cope with the management. This was the reason for the beginning of the Time of Troubles in Russia.

Slide 5 (Nesterov M. V. "Tsarevich Dmitry")

The youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry, died under unclear circumstances.

Slide 6 (Person of Tsar Fedor)

The successor to the throne, the son of Ivan the Terrible - Fedor. Most historians believe that Fedor was incapable of state activity, according to some sources, in poor health and mind, he took little part in government.

Slide 7 (Sokolov-Skalya P.P. "Boris Godunov")

After Fedor's death, a relative of Ivan the Terrible's wife, the boyar Boris Godunov, was elected tsar.

Muses. fragment: Mussorgsky M. Boris Monologue “I Have Reached the Supreme Power” from the opera “Boris Godunov”

Guys, you just heard the Boris Monologue from the opera "Boris Godunov" by Modest Mussorgsky. Can you tell me what feelings this piece of music is imbued with?

The students answer the question.

Right. And the reason for such sentiments was that the boyars did not support Godunov, they wove intrigues against him. And most importantly, the people did not accept him, considering him the culprit of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry and all the troubles of the country: hunger, cold, devastation. Therefore, Godunov's reign was short-lived.

Slide 8 ( False Dmitry I, portrait of the beginning of the 17th century. )

The first stage of the turmoil began with the appearance of False Dmitry 1 (in reality, Grigory Otrepyev), who allegedly miraculously survived the son of Ivan the Terrible. He lured a significant part of the Russian population to his side. In 1605, False Dmitry 1 became the legitimate tsar. But he acted too independently, which caused discontent of the boyars, he also supported serfdom, which caused a protest of the peasants. May 17, 1606 False Dmitry 1 was killed.

Soon False Dmitry appearedII, who was nicknamed "Tushinsky Thief". The impostor posed as a never-existing relative of Tsar Dmitry.

Slide 9 ( Ivanov S. "In Time of Troubles" )

The painting by Sergei Ivanov “Time of Troubles” reflects a historical moment. It seemed that Russia had already lost its freedom, the Russian people were threatened by foreign oppression. Detachments of Poles scoured the cities and villages, robbed and killed. The Swedes ruled in the north of the country.

slide 10 ( Kivshenko A. "Appeal of Minin to the people of Nizhny Novgorod")

The Russian people could not put up with this situation and began to create partisan detachments and the people's militia. We needed people who could rally everyone who hated the enemy and wanted to fight him. And such people were found.

In the autumn of 1611, in Nizhny Novgorod, the mayor Kuzma Minin appealed to the townspeople with an appeal to stand up for the Russian land and create a second people's militia, all to unite and drive the enemies out of Moscow.

slide 11 ( portrait of Pozharsky)

The second people's militia was headed by the governor, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Nizhny Novgorod residents were also supported by other cities. From all over the country, people rushed to the militia to fight the enemy.

slide 12 ( Lissner E. "The expulsion of the Polish interventionists from the Moscow Kremlin")

In the summer of 1612, the militia cleared the northern regions of the country of enemies and approached Moscow. In a fierce battle, the Polish troops were defeated. Moscow was liberated. The finale of this battle was depicted by the artistXIXcentury Ernest Lissner. He called his painting "The Expulsion of Polish Interventions from the Moscow Kremlin".

Muses. fragment: Festive bells.

slide 13 (Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, former in the Second Militia)

Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who entered the capital with the militia on October 22 (November 4, according to the new style), 1613, liberated the city from the Poles. On this day, Pozharsky ordered the icon of the Kazan Mother of God to be brought to Moscow and vowed to build a church here. Subsequently, the promise was fulfilled - the temple of the Kazan Mother of God was built in 1633 and an icon was installed in it.

Slide 14 (Martos I. "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky")

Everyone who comes to Moscow definitely visits its heart - Red Square. Here, on February 20, 1818, a monument was unveiled to the organizers of the Second Militia - Minin and Pozharsky. The monument was designed by the sculptor Ivan Martos and cast in bronze by the Russian master Ekimov.

There are two bas-reliefs on the granite base: on one - the scene of collecting donations by the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod, on the other - the flight of the Poles from Moscow. The figures of Minin and Pozharsky are placed on a high pedestal. Pozharsky is depicted sitting, Minin is standing in front of him - right hand he points to the Kremlin, and with his left he gives the sword to Pozharsky. On the front side there is an inscription: “Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Summer of 1818".

So grateful Russia immortalized the names of her sons who saved her from destruction in the distant Time of Troubles.

Consolidation of the material covered:

1. Have your ideas about the holiday of national unity been replenished today?

The students answer the question.

2. Wonderful! Can you answer the question, what do you mean by "unity"?

The students answer the question.

3. Why is it necessary to unite the forces of the people?

The students answer the question.

4. Could our country survive without unity in the "Time of Troubles"?

The students answer the question.

5. What do you think, is the unity of today's Russia necessary?

The students answer the question.

(See Appendix 1)

Listen to the teacher, participate in the conversation, analyze the information,

watch a presentation, analyze pictures, answer questions

Front work

Personal: show interest in subject-cognitive activity.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task.

Communicative: express their opinion in a dialogue, reason, answer questions


Creative practical activity

Practical. creative search

Now you have to split into two teams by drawing lots. Each team will have to develop an emblem for the Day of National Unity. The team with the best presentation of their logo will be the winner.

Pupils pull out marked pieces of paper, divide into teams and proceed to the task. Students are given working materials and are given 15 minutes to complete the collective task.

(See Appendix 2)

Carry out the task

group work

Personal: have motivation for learning and creative activities.

Regulatory: planning activities in a learning situation.

Communicative: organize work in a group, exchange opinions, learn to understand the position of a partner.


Lesson results. Reflection

Presentation of student work. Revealing better job

Teams take turns going to the center of the hall and presenting the emblem developed in the lesson.

Teachers evaluate the work and announce the winner.

Russia is a native home for the multinational people living on its territory. In all ages, peoples have united to fight against the enemies of our country, becausewhen we are united, we are invincible!

We wish you to live amicably and peacefully and remember the exploits of your ancestors.

(See Appendix 3)

Present completed creative work review and evaluate them

Front work

Cognitive: make a conclusion.

Personal: evaluate the work and answers of classmates based on specified criteria.

Regulatory: evaluate their achievements in the lesson, adequately perceive the information of a teacher or a friend that contains an evaluative character.

Communicative: reasonably evaluate the work of comrades

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3