Sultanova Asemgul Bakhtvaevna
Advice for parents "Why it is necessary to read fairy tales to children"

In our time, books have faded into the background, they have been replaced by computers, tablets, phones, gadgets. Parents also prefer give your child a tablet, how good - silence, no one bothers them to go about their business. And then suddenly rises question: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly - solid in Russian "2". Why is this happening? May be parents you need to remember your childhood and teach your child to love a book.

Preschool children tend to animate natural phenomena, endow animals and plants with human properties. So they can easily understand the language fairy tales. Heroes fairy tales are simple and typical: their characteristic is limited to two, three qualities (unprecedented kindness, courage and resourcefulness). At the same time, the heroes fairy tales do everything what ordinary people do People: eat, drink, work, marry. Before fairy tale was written, millions of people worked on it, passing it from mouth to mouth, discarding the insignificant, leaving the most important. It did fairy tale bearer of human wisdom. stories, fairy tales And inner world children are inseparable. In any society, children stories gather a large audience of small listeners. There are good reasons for this.

If we, adults, want to acquire some knowledge, we have many ways and channels for this. Internet, books, in the end you can consult from a specialist in this field, get information from newspaper and magazine articles, listen to lectures, take part in seminars. Finally, talk to friends and exchange information and thoughts. Children, especially small ones, cannot acquire knowledge in the same ways, and yet the problems that occupy them are no less important. How can you help them acquire knowledge?

And what's the use fairy tales?

1) Fairy tales develop attention.

Listening to the description of events, happening miracles and adventures of characters, the child uses all his attention and keeps it throughout the story. This, in turn, at the level of emotions, encourages the child to think, gives rise to many different questions in his head, to which he will look for answers.

2) Develop hands. And this needs no comment. It is no coincidence that it is said “When I listen, I learn, when I do, I remember”. children something is offered do: cut, glue, depict fairy tale sketchy, show an episode of the text using facial expressions and gestures.

3) Instill the concept of good and evil. IN fairy tales All characters are divided into good and bad, good and evil. listening fairy tales, the child understands what is good and what is bad, how to do the right thing and what not to do. In addition, children tend to imitate their favorite characters. No the need to convince that kindness has become the most scarce thing in the world. How do we imagine good man- those who love to help others, who know how to sympathize, empathize, etc. In the whole system of methods and means of cultivating good feelings, it is precisely fairy tales: children love heroes, they become close to them, which means they can and should become role models. It is only important to tactfully direct the thoughts and feelings of the kids in the right direction.

4) Familiarize yourself with the outside world and human relationships.

IN fairy tales describes the relationships and interactions of people. At an early age, the child does not yet know how to analyze, compare and think logically. Therefore, the benefit fairy tales is obvious. Everything is explained in simple language and in simple terms Thus, the child becomes aware of the world around him.

5) Learn how to deal with difficult situations. A child who is faced with some kind of difficulty can find solutions or ideas for himself, based on fairy story. Children themselves subconsciously use fairy tale to solve their problems. Why do children invent and tell chilling stories"horror" And Why they are so popular among children? Because this is a defensive reaction that helps to overcome the fear and confusion that arise in a child's soul when faced with a large and incomprehensible world full of dangers and surprises. So children get rid of their fears and worries with the help of horror stories.

6) Comfort. Thanks to fabulous stories, the child understands that others also experience difficulties. Not only he alone can be upset, cry, afraid, others do the same. Knowing that he is not alone in his difficulties can support a child at an early age.

7) Develop children's speech and imagination. Reading fairy tales expands the vocabulary of the child and helps the development of speech. listening fairy tale the child gets to know folklore memorize proverbs and sayings ( "Don't get in your sleigh", "There is no better friend than your own mother"). It is no coincidence that teachers and speech therapists use fairy tale therapy for classes with children with speech delays. fabulous Images help develop children's imagination. Putting myself in my place goodie, the child can engage in battle with the enemy (nettle thickets) with a magic sword (sticks) or go to Mars in a rocket made of shifted chairs. Psychologists say that fantasy helps the child in the development of intelligence, so it is very useful for a child to fantasize.

8) Benefit fairy tales before bed. Fairy tale has been used for centuries as a means of positive influence on emotional condition child. The clearest example of this effect is bedtime story. The child listens to the soothing, lulling rhythm of words, hears his native voice - everything is fine, mom is nearby, fabulous history takes him farther and farther away from daytime sorrows and joys, and finally he falls asleep. By the way, if your child is worried about bad dreams, then fairy tale easily help you deal with this problem.

Stand with your child storyteller. After all, no audio and video equipment, no professional performance can replace your baby's presence and attention. Feel free to come up with tell stories to your children, especially since you got attentive and grateful listeners. With help fairy tales, adults can enrich the inner world of their children, instill in them a love of reading and books. And this, in turn, helps them become more confident and successful people.

Fairy tale affects the feelings of the child. listening fairy tale, the child unconsciously in his imagination identifies and identifies himself with the characters, if they like him.

Together with the heroes, the child learns to show kindness and nobility, to risk himself for the sake of others, to perform feats, to become brave, faithful, and fair. Fairy tales convey moral concepts and feelings to the baby not in the form of naked morality or a tedious sermon, but in a transparent, clear in meaning and at the same time exciting form. In addition, listening fairy tale, the child receives a beautiful and correct speech pattern, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who from the very early childhood read fairy tales, poetry. Nursery rhymes, they begin to speak correctly much faster.

Without fairy tales are indispensable. How else to explain to a child that you can’t drink from a puddle (you will become a goat, that you can’t open the door without looking through a crack or peephole (a gray wolf will steal that you need to live together (and no wolf will pull you out of a reliable stone house built by joint efforts). Fairy tales give a basic idea of ​​the world in which a person finds himself, about the relationship between people, about things, types of personalities that the child will then have to face in life. That is, albeit imperceptibly, with jokes, jokes, or vice versa, horror stories. They create, as psychologists say, a system of values. So if you are with a child read some book, do not forget its heroes, periodically return to them in various life situations. Until 5-6 years old, you do not need to force the child read yourself let him learn to listen to you and watch books on his own. Let the smallest ones look at books, where there are only pictures with captions, at two years old you can safely begin to study letters, at three you can buy the first encyclopedias (just make sure that they are written in accessible language - if they have a lot of unfamiliar words, child lose interest quickly). But if you are from childhood read to a child, then it will be easier for him to learn read, because he will know that it is interesting, and after all, when something is interesting, then learning is much more pleasant.

Modern children often do not understand that a person dies once and for all. Accustomed to the computer game, they consider that they have nine lives. And there is no one around to explain the situation. The child plays alone. While listening fairy tale, which mom reads, he can ask questions and receive questions on them. On fairy tales C. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, A. Pushkin, N. Nosov and many other authors have grown up dozens of generations, among which there are many brave, honest and talented people. The country is proud of them. Fairy tales with their miracles and magical transformations, they are closest to the children's worldview. Unlike myths, where the main characters often die, in fairy tale everything ends well. The child learns to empathize with the character. Children many times like to listen, watch the same fairy tales, since they are interested not only in the plot, but in the moral strength of the hero. Fairy tale gives support in the development of certain personal qualities. Read a story to a child. Talk with him: about what fairy tale, Who main character who liked the child and Why. Do not impose your opinion, let the child reason and think, because he experienced a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings when he listened fairy tale. Help him to understand them. If you don’t even like something in the child’s reasoning, take your time. Ask questions, ask about what he feels and, yourself, also try to feel everything that happens in fairy tale. get along fairy tale together and you will get extraordinary enjoyment of communication with fairy tale and your wise child. He will probably ask again read the same story, do it. For him in this fairy tale there is something very important. Healthy read short stories and, together with the child, remake them into large fairy tales. In addition to learning spiritual guidelines, your child will begin to develop imagination and become a little creator. fairy world. And, I hope, in time, he will want to turn his good fairy tale to life. Read fairy tales to children come back to them at any age. And you'll always find yourself in the old fairy tales something new, otherwise it cannot be, because the soul lives in them. IN preschool age educational impact fairy tales not inferior to the educational impact of the role-playing game. Mastering the actions of the game, visual activity and listening fairy tales, the child simultaneously masters arbitrary aspects of mental processes, preparing himself for the next busy life period.

1) Fairy tales are good helpers for adults! They can suggest how to act in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are saturated with optimism - we miss this so much in life!

2) A fairy tale is a wonderful simulator for fantasy, both the reader and the author.
More than once it happened that the ideas of fairy tales were subsequently embodied in life.

3) A fairy tale is an opportunity to talk with a child who lives in each of us.
This child wants to be loved. Childhood trauma comes out with tears.
Tales for adults - good way help yourself, talk to yourself, help forgive many things.

4) We know what kindness is, how to behave worthily, but in real life we forget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
A fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral norms!
Awakening the forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of a child, you need to remember yourself as a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) In our tough time, when we are inexorably stale, a fairy tale is simply necessary. It encodes important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to maintain spiritual health.

7) A fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, help to recover from the bustle of life.

8) Fairy tales help to find confirmation of their own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) Fairy tales are like a reminder to yourself about important things that you dreamed about, and then forgot. For what? To move on for your guiding star. To not give up when the going gets tough.

10)Rereading a fairy tale, you are charged with energy and you can perform new feats! And then you can certainly be where you always wanted to be!


Your "10 reasons" speak of great observation and originality of the author's mental abilities: to think, reflect and draw such deep conclusions is not given to everyone.
You have come up with an ingenious treatise-study called "What is a FAIRY TALE?"
I absolutely agree with all the conclusions you made.
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Thank you for such a necessary, pleasant and unexpected gift to readers. Probably, he will make many "adults" think.

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The role of fairy tales in the development of children is very great. Why? Let's think. Who among us does not like fairy tales? Of course everyone loves them. A fairy tale is something kind, cozy and interesting, something that brings us back to childhood. Every writer considers it his duty to write at least one short story where good triumphs over evil, and love triumphs over sadness and misfortune. Fairy tales will always be in fashion, they will be filmed and remade in a new way, only one thing will remain unchanged - their role in the development and formation of the child's personality.

Why is fairy tales so important for children's development?

All parents understand the role of fairy tales in a child's life, but do they read them to their children? Listening to these little instructive stories is both interesting and informative. For a long time, smart professors and psychologists have proven that they develop fantasy, memory, thinking and, of course, speech, moreover, correct and beautiful speech, which is why the role of fairy tales in raising children is so great. It is through fairy tales that any kid first encounters such concepts as "good" and "evil", realizing that he wins in the end.

Boring conversations and moralizing of parents are not interesting for the child, but the same thing in a "fabulous" form will allow him to look at it from the other side. But modern mothers and fathers often do not find time to read fairy tales, not realizing that this clearly will not benefit the child, will not allow him to develop and understand the world around him to the fullest. At the same time, everyone always talks about the role of fairy tales in the development of children with a smart look.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children cannot be overestimated. On their basis, the guys learn to imagine and understand the characters, worry and rejoice for them, learn new and incomprehensible words that enrich their speech, making it lively, vivid and emotional. There is no doubt that those children who began to read fairy tales early, whether they understood the meaning or not, began to speak earlier, competently shaping their speech. The foundations of behavior and communication are also laid down while reading and listening to fairy tales.

A fairy tale is very important not only for the development of speech or thinking, it helps to relieve stress or a psychological problem that even the smallest children have. They are capable of destroying the child's psyche, disrupting its formation. How do fairy tales solve such problems?

For this, whole theatrical performances are played out and role-playing games, it's not for nothing that it is so popular among children puppet show, and in kindergartens and schools there are real drama circles and theater studios. You need to pay attention to what characters your actor chooses, whether he is happy with the happy ending of the fairy tale, and with whom he associates himself and those around him.

Choosing the “right” fairy tale for your child

Now parents take the choice of books for their children very seriously, sometimes even too much, since many modern authors create such works. What questions do parents ask when choosing a fairy tale?

  1. How to choose fairy tales so that they correspond to the age and development of the child?
  2. Why do kids love animal stories more?
  3. Do fairy tales help solve any child's problems?
  4. Are all fairy tales "equally useful"?
  5. What is the role of fairy tales in the development of children?
  6. At what age can you start reading books with fairy tales with an intricate plot?

Of course, each parent may have their own questions regarding the choice of books and fairy tales for the child, because all children are individual, whatever you say. The answers to all these questions can be found by understanding how a baby develops at a certain age. The role of fairy tales in the development of the baby is great regardless of this factor.

The mother begins to talk with the child from the first days of his life. In the first year after birth, the baby perceives well lullabies, nursery rhymes, small poems, babble, in general, everything that helps him develop, move and learn everything around him. After a year, the child is able to understand and remember the simple actions of the heroes and their names (names). From a year to 3 years old, kids love fairy tales about animals, because it is still difficult for them to perceive the intricate relationships of adults and their world. The role of fairy tales in the upbringing of children at this stage is especially important.

A fairy tale never gives direct instructions, which no child likes, it only provides images that help to learn about the dangers of the world. Toddlers imitate their favorite fairy tale characters, taking their role upon themselves. By the age of 5, our little dreamers are able to come up with and compose in their minds the whole plot of a fairy tale read to him, and right now fairy tales will be of interest to any child.

It is already possible to read “serious” fairy tales or fairy tales for girls and boys, but be careful, the child should not have fears or misconceptions about the world. Modern fairy tales sin too vivid images various robots, transformers, non-existent objects and other "god knows what" characters.

Older kids love interesting tales who will develop intellectual abilities that affect his personality. At this age, the guys already understand where is reality and where is fantasy, and they can think of something on their own. At the end of the fairy tale, it is necessary to discuss what has been read with the child, to find out if everything is clear to him, therefore, the relationship between parents and children comes to the fore here.

The role of fairy tales in the life of a child

In order for the role of a fairy tale in a child’s life to be really high, you need to buy books where there are fairy tales with an open plot, because you can come up with your own storylines, think of the ending, interesting to parents and their children. So you can adjust the development of the child, increase confidence in their abilities and their future. It is important that the fairy tale has a meaning that is understandable for the child and that it helps him find a way out of difficult situations and problems.

Reading fairy tales is important and necessary! Old people play an important role good tales in the lives of their little readers. You can not only read them, but also come up with your own stories, finding out what is interesting to the child. This is how children develop, learn the world and we, parents, are getting closer to our children!

Everyone loves stories. It does not matter how old you are, whether you are a boy or a girl, what you wear and where you live. But a fairy tale is something that came to you at such an early age, when, perhaps, you did not even remember yourself. And your mother told you fairy tales. Or grandma.

About a kolobok and two stupid mice. About a simple and cunning fox. About the turnip and the straw goby. And then, growing up, you yourself learned to read, and sat up in the evenings with stories about the seven underground kings or the little girl Ellie, who fought with evil sorceresses. A fairy tale is something that will stay with you throughout your life.

And here's what's interesting. Fairy tales (legends) have existed since time immemorial, as soon as a person learned to speak and human speech appeared. Hundreds of centuries ago, even when there was not a single book on the whole planet, but people already knew how to speak, every mother told her baby a fairy tale. After all, fairy tales are different. Now thousands of authors compose stories, publish interesting books with colorful illustrations. And before, stories were retold, “said” - that’s why “tale”, “tale”, “fairy tale”. They passed from mouth to mouth, acquired new details, improved, they were passed down from generation to generation.

We all love fairy tales, because a fairy tale is magic, a miracle. A fairy tale is a victory of good over evil. Magical stories in which fictional characters live, which means that they can be endowed with any character traits and abilities. It can be people, and animals, and even incredible creatures from human imagination.

Almost all fairy tales have a happy ending, and good always triumphs over evil.
In a fairy tale, you can feel like a beautiful princess or a brave knight, you can invent the country of Frukland and meet the charming Alf. In a fairy tale, things happen that would never happen in real life. All dreams and fantasies come true in fairy tales.

A lot of fairy tales, even those that live among us now, have no author. Because they were composed by many people, even entire generations of people, over many centuries. So many fairy tales have existed for hundreds, thousands of years. Moreover, many fairy tales are based on events that actually happened. It's just that the storytellers added something of their own, new, fictional details to these stories. If we compare the tales of many peoples with each other, we will find a lot in common, even if the people who composed these stories lived on different continents. And this suggests that all people on Earth have a lot in common. They dream of the same thing: that in life good always triumphs over evil and there is always a place for real miracles.

It turns out that not all parents are aware of the importance of fairy tales for children. In the UK, 25% of parents recently surveyed said they don't read fairy tales to children under five because they don't teach them anything, they teach them bad things or they're just too scary. For example, one of the reasons some parents don't read The Three Bears to their children is that they believe the story subtly teaches children that stealing is good. Hardly. Rather, the message contained in it can be interpreted in a slightly different way: do not break into someone else's house, because a family of bears can live there. Or interpreted in a more positive way.

The meaning of fairy tales

“If you want your children to be smart, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be even smarter, read to them. more fairy tales" (Albert Einstein).

1. Fairy tales teach children how to deal with problems. We learn from fairy tale characters even in adulthood. Fairy-tale heroes help us, because we connect their ups and downs with our own lives, dreams, anxieties and reflect on what we would do in their place. Fairy tales help children learn to understand this life and navigate it.

“Fairy tales do not tell children about the existence of dragons. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be defeated.” (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

2. Fairy tales develop emotional resilience. Fairy tales tell about the real problems that almost every person faces, and they do it delicately, with the help of fantastic plots in which main character most often triumphant (with the exception of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.) Being in the safe environment of their own family, children must understand for themselves that bad things can happen to anyone. Why? No one is immune from problems - that is why it is so necessary for us to reveal the potential of our children. Basically, there are two options: either we help them build their “emotional muscles” so they can use them during difficult times, or we constantly protect children, making them so weak that they become unable to cope with any problem that requires mental strength. .

3. Fairy tales teach us spoken language (cultural literacy and rules). We meet fairy tales in various paraphrases and pantomimes, they help us understand allegorical expressions and delicately express our opinion. We breathe them. We know them.

4. Fairy tales blur cross-cultural boundaries. In many cultures, there are fairy tales that are common to all, such as, for example, Cinderella, which have their own special cultural flavor. We read different versions and understand that all of us are characterized by a very important feature - the need to find the meaning of life through a certain story and hope for the victory of good over evil.

5. Fairy tales teach to understand the structure of the story. Fairy tales teach to understand the basics of any story - time and place of action, characters and plot (outsets, climaxes and denouement), as well as to understand the difference between artistic and scientific literature. When a child understands the principles of a story, it develops his ability to anticipate and understand the meaning of other stories he reads.

6. Fairy tales develop the child's imagination.

“When I analyze myself and my methods of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy means more to me than any talent for the abstract, positive thinking" (Albert Einstein).

7. Fairy Tales Provide Opportunities To Teach Children Skills critical thinking. You can just hate Disney's The Little Mermaid. A girl who gives up life itself for the sake of a boy should hardly become a role model for her daughters. Even the original version shows, at first glance, weak woman who dies for a man (at least suffers the consequences!) .

But ... This does not mean that children should be forbidden to read stories about a mermaid. A parent's attempt to protect a child will not teach critical thinking skills. And the disclosure of information and the conversation directed in the right direction will certainly teach!

8. Fairy tales teach lessons. Use fairy tales to teach morality to your child. What can a child learn from Ruslan and Lyudmila? What about Cinderella and Puss in Boots?

So, are there too scary fairy tales for children? Sometimes.

  • You must take into account the age and developmental level of the child. We do not read to two-year-old children the fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the original, where the prince is blind and bloody, because the children will not understand it anyway. Use your parent logic. Let the children express their own opinions as well - they can tell you if they think this story is too scary or not.
  • When reading fairy tales, it is necessary to take into account the time of day. Perhaps some stories should not be read at bedtime. Well, read them during the day!

Fairy tales should not be excluded from a child's life just because some of them are scary or politically incorrect. You can always find adapted versions of fairy tales that are more suitable for your child and your family.