The Russians celebrate - a holiday symbolizing the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring warmth. In 2017, Pancake Week fell at the end of February - from February 20-26. For seven days, the Russians will bake pancakes, welcome guests, arrange noisy and cheerful festivities.

By the way, every day of Maslenitsa has its own traditions and rituals. And every day has its own name. Let's take a closer look at Shrovetide Week.

Pancake week 2017 by day: signs

The entire Maslenitsa week is divided into several periods: the Narrow Maslenitsa and the Broad Maslenitsa. The Narrow Shrovetide lasts from Monday to Wednesday, and the Wide Shrovetide lasts from Thursday to Sunday. In the first half, it is customary to prepare for the holiday, and in the second part of the week - to celebrate on a larger scale.

Monday - Meeting

On this day, which opens Shrovetide week, it is customary to prepare for the holiday: on this day they started baking pancakes, arranged meetings during the week, and built snow slides. In addition, the dead were commemorated on this day.

Tuesday - Games

On the second day of Shrovetide week, brides were held. The young people on this day got to know each other and looked at each other while skiing.

Wednesday - Gourmands

On this day, sons-in-law go to their mother-in-laws for pancakes, hence the name of the day. On Wednesday, it is customary to bake pancakes and overeat them with relatives.

Thursday - Walk around

On this day, the Wide Maslenitsa began, which means that festivities began. In Rus', on Thursday they organized skiing, snow and fist fights. In a word, they had fun in the fresh air.

Friday - Mother-in-law evening

If on Wednesday the son-in-law went to the mother-in-law for pancakes, then on Friday, on the contrary, the mother-in-law went to the son-in-law for pancakes. The daughter, who set the table, was responsible for the pancakes.

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings

On this day, young daughters-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit, and if the girl was not married, she invited her friends to visit.

Sunday - Seeing Shrovetide

On the last day of Shrove Tuesday, or Forgiveness Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness, forgave offenses and prepared for Great Lent. The dead are also commemorated on this day.

History of Maslenitsa

Our ancestors joyfully met the long-awaited spring, as since ancient times it has been associated with a new life.

The essence of Shrovetide:

  • celebration of the arrival of the New Year, the symbol of which is the spring equinox;
  • the engagement of young people for further marriage and procreation;
  • worship of the cult of dead ancestors, who “left” into the earth and influenced its fertility.

Thus, the Maslenitsa holiday is timed to coincide with the beginning of the new year, the awakening of spring, the birth of a new life, and the approach of field work.

Maslenitsa - a scarecrow made of straw, dressed up with shabby rags - symbolized the cold Winter. And the round decorated wagon wheel personified the hot summer Sun-Yarilo. Glorifying the god of the Sun, the people baked round cakes (pancakes), also symbolizing the solar disk, and arranged merry feasts. It was believed that such actions contribute to the awakening of the fertile forces of spring from winter sleep.

What date is Maslenitsa in 2017?

Nowadays, Maslenitsa does not have a clear date that would change from year to year. Its beginning precedes the coming Great Lent. In 2017, Great Easter is celebrated on April 16, and the beginning of Great Lent on February 27. This means that in 2017 Maslenitsa Day falls on February 26, and the festival will last from February 20 to 26.

In Orthodoxy, Maslenitsa Week is called Cheese Week. It is worth noting that believers during the Cheese Week are forbidden to eat meat products. All this in no way prevents a person from taking part in the celebration, the main rule is to exclude alcohol abuse.

Shrovetide traditions

According to tradition, Maslenitsa is celebrated on a grand scale. We prepared for it in advance - two days in advance.

Hearty meal

A very old custom is associated with the festival - to bake pancakes, personifying the heavenly body.

It is advisable to include pancakes with a variety of fillings in the diet. Allowed:

  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • caviar;
  • cottage cheese.

On a note! According to popular belief, if it’s fun in the house on Maslenitsa, the owners bake delicious pancakes, the richer the family will live. In a house where they do not rejoice at the holiday and do not bake pancakes, poverty awaits the family.

The first pancakes were given to the poor, so that they would remember their relatives who had gone to another world. It was believed that the dead ancestors were able to protect their family from diseases and all evil.

On Maslenitsa it is recommended to eat fish, caviar, chicken eggs, vegetable dishes. Preference is given to dairy products: milk, sour cream, butter. Hence the name of the holiday. You need to eat everywhere and a lot. The week should be full. Thus, during the whole festive time, a lot of dishes were prepared.

Dough products were especially popular:

  • buns-cranes;
  • syrniki;
  • vareniki;
  • cakes;
  • pies;
  • pancakes.

wide walk

The popular celebration of Maslenitsa is not complete without a wide festivity with songs, dances, round dances, competitions, sledding, sledding. Fellow villagers organized carnival processions. Swings were installed in the center of the village and ice slides were filled. Colorful fairs and booths were arranged. At fairs, local artisans sold their goods. Noisy booths showed performances and tricks with trained bears.

Men competed in different competitions:

  • climbing poles;
  • swimming in holes;
  • horse racing.

Ringing songs were heard everywhere, which were accompanied by carols. The whole village built a snow town, sculpted snow women. The favorite pastime of the children was the pursuit of singles - throwing snow cakes at them.

As mentioned above, the rites of Shrovetide week are designed to drive away the fierce cold, call for a red spring and return warm days to everyone.

Other holiday names

Throughout the festive week, rituals were carried out that, as it were, “caused” the Sun. By the way, the name Maslenitsa comes from this word. She also has many other funny nicknames:

  • World holiday;
  • Oil eater;
  • Masny;
  • Maslena;
  • oiler;
  • kisser;
  • Cheese week;
  • Gluttonous;
  • byedukha;
  • Pancake Eater;
  • Crepe maker.

Maslenitsa by day of the week

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name. In 2017, Maslenitsa days fall on these numbers:

February 20 - "Meeting"

On Monday, the hostesses start baking pancakes. A huge scarecrow is made on the street, dressed up in shabby clothes, and installed in the central square. In the evening married women pay a visit to their parents, later the husband's parents also come there.

February 21 - "Fun"

On Tuesday, young people ride sleds, carousels, and arrange other fun activities. For example, different competitions. The winners were treated to delicious pancakes. Tuesday is the day when brides were held. This is one of the main Maslenitsa rites. Sociable matchmakers were engaged in this delicate matter.

February 22 - "Lakomka" or "Teschin pancakes"

On Wednesday, the son-in-law was supposed to come to the mother-in-law for pancakes, taking some kind of treat. IN ancient Rus' On Lakomka, the men measured their strength.

February 23 - "Wide Maslenitsa" and "Razgulyay"

Thursday is the time for the completion of all household affairs and the beginning of Revelry. Hearty meals were brought to the general street tables. Everyone around is having fun, rejoicing, singing, dancing, playing snowballs, participating in competitions.

February 24 - Mother-in-law evening

Now the son-in-law is showing hospitality, inviting his mother-in-law and other relatives to pancakes to spend the evening in a warm atmosphere, eating fragrant dishes.

February 25 - "Zolovkina gatherings"

On Maslenitsa Saturday, married women invited their sisters-in-law and relatives of their husbands to their homes, honoring them with various goodies.

February 26 - "Forgiveness Sunday"

This is the time when everyone should ask for forgiveness from their neighbor for the offenses they have caused. At the end of Shrovetide week, they continued to eat festive dishes. However, the feast was coming to an end: the owners washed the floor, burned garbage and old things. This action destroyed everything dilapidated, freeing up space for a new, better one.

On Forgiveness Sunday, it was supposed to honor the ancestors, so leftovers of food intended for them were left on the table in the houses. It was believed that in the dead of night, when everyone was asleep, the ancestors came out from behind the stove to eat.

One of the obligatory ceremonies, which was held at the end of Shrovetide week, was the burning of an effigy of winter. At the same time, when the flame became smaller, everyone jumped over it. According to an old sign, by this action a person, as it were, burned his sins. The ashes left from the ritual fire were scattered over the fields, calling for a harvest year. By ancient tradition, sacrifice and death are closely related to the idea of ​​resurrection and fertility.

Maslenitsa signs

One of the customs: they dipped a knife into the water, then after wiping it, they stuck it into the festive cake. According to the sign, if the knife:

  • stands exactly - everything will be as before;
  • leaned in the direction of the girl - her dream will come true;
  • fell - to an unsuccessful year.

All the hostesses tried very hard to bake delicious ruddy pancakes, hoping that New Year will bring a bountiful harvest. Pale thin pancakes foreshadowed a hungry year.

A few more clues:

  • unexpected guests will bring prosperity to the home;
  • on the eve of the holiday it is pouring rain - there will be many, many mushrooms, and if frost hits, then a rich harvest is expected;
  • if you throw away or burn old things, new things will appear;
  • the number of holes in the first pancake will indicate the number of children in the family.

On Forgiveness Sunday, pancakes with various fillings were baked and distributed to passers-by. Sign: if a woman takes the first pancake, a daughter will be born in the host family, if a man - a son.

Thus, the bright funny "World Holiday" is designed to drive away the harsh winter-winter, to invite the awakening spring-red. To date, our people have preserved the traditions of the ancient Maslenitsa week, but more for the sake of fun. Every year, concerts, various competitions, round dances and fairs are held in the central squares of our cities in honor of the wonderful Maslenitsa festival.

Maslenitsa celebration in 2017. Maslenitsa week.

considered one of the most fun holidays of the year. It lasts seven days, and during the pancake week people have fun, arrange festivities, go home to visit, and eat pancakes. In 2017 Maslenitsa will begin on February 20 and end on February 26.

Shrove Tuesday is a truly national celebration of the meeting of spring. Before entering Great Lent, people say goodbye to winter, enjoy the first fine days by baking traditional pancakes, and get ready to cleanse their soul and body.

Cheese week (before the spelling reform, it was also often buttermilk) is a folk holiday cycle that has been preserved in Rus' since pagan (pre-Christian) times. The rite is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

Other names for Shrovetide: Shrovetide, Shrovetide, Shrovetide week, World holiday, Pancake week, Pancake week, Pancake week, Pancake eater, Gluttonous week, Obyedukha, Wide Maslenitsa, honest, cheerful, Tselovalnitsa, Krivosheyka, Boyar Maslenitsa, Dairy Week, Ustsilem. Milkmaid, woodland. Butter dish, Masloed, Masny tyzhden, Belarusian. Carols buttered, Karovina i horse holy, Ukrainian. Kolodiy, Slovak. Smrtni week "a, Christ. Raw week.

Shrovetide traditions

Maslenitsa has several names: it is called meat-empty, because there is an abstinence from meat, cheese - because of the abundance of cheese this week, and directly, Shrovetide - because of the use of a large amount of oil.

Celebration traditions go deep into our history. But just as before, this holiday is usually celebrated on a grand scale, with songs, dances, contests. The most common amusements that took place in the villages were fist fights, sleigh rides, eating pancakes for a while, climbing a pole for a prize, swimming in ice holes, playing with a bear, and finally, burning a stuffed animal. The main treat is pancakes with various fillings. You need to cook them every day, and in large quantities.

The people claimed that those people who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will live in poverty for a year and there will be no fun in their house.

  1. In no case should you eat meat food on Maslenitsa. Dairy products and fish are allowed. The main dish that should be on the table of every housewife is pancakes.
  2. On Maslenitsa you need to eat a lot, often and wherever possible. Gluttony - here main principle this holiday. That is why it is customary to eat not only at home, but also at a party, where they are often invited this week.

Maslenitsa is celebrated from Monday to Sunday, and every day this week is usually celebrated in a special way, observing the traditions of the holiday.

Monday (20 February) is called "Meeting Maslenitsa". On this day, the housewives began to bake pancakes, and the first pancake was always given to needy, poor people. As early as Monday, a stuffed Maslenitsa was being prepared, which was exhibited on the main street. And it, dressed in rags, had to stand until the resurrection.

Tuesday (21 February) popularly called "Zagrysh". This day was completely dedicated to the newlyweds. On this day, folk festivals were organized: sledding, carousels and ice slides.

Wednesday (22 February)- "Gourmet". On this day, it was customary to call guests (neighbors, friends, relatives) to the house and treat them with delicious pancakes, pies, honey gingerbread. Also on Wednesday, mother-in-laws treated their sons-in-law to pancakes, hence the expression “Son-in-law came, where can I get sour cream?”. On this day, fisticuffs and horse racing were popular.

Thursday (February 23) people called it "Razgulyay". It was from this day that the Wide Maslenitsa began, which was accompanied by sledding, snowball fights, cheerful songs and round dances.

Friday (February 24). This day was designated as "Teschin's Evenings", because it was on Friday that sons-in-law invited their mother-in-law to their house and treated them to pancakes. At the same time, the husband of their daughter, the day before, should come to the mother-in-law's house and invite her to visit.

Saturday (25 February) is called by the people "Zolovkina gatherings." Young daughters-in-law called her husband's sisters, talked to them, treated them to various delicacies and gave gifts. If the sister-in-law had not yet managed to get married, then the daughter-in-law called her unmarried friends, and if the husband's sister was married, then only married relatives were invited.

Sunday (26 February) is the apotheosis of Maslenitsa and has the name "Forgiveness Sunday". It was on this day that they saw off Maslenitsa, said goodbye to winter and symbolically burned an effigy. Even on Sunday, it is customary to ask relatives and friends for forgiveness for those grievances that have accumulated over the whole year.

Many signs are associated with Shrovetide, and people in the old days believed these signs. It is believed that on Maslenitsa you need to bake as many pancakes as you want happiness and prosperity. Mountains of pancakes foreshadowed good luck, health, prosperity in the families of relatives and friends. If the table is empty, then a financial collapse should be expected for the year. It was not for nothing that Maslenitsa was also called the "Despoiler", because in a week the money was spent immeasurably.

It was a bad omen if the pancakes failed, burned or turned out tasteless. This meant that trouble, illness or trouble would come very soon.

Also, our ancestors believed that the cold weather on Maslenitsa prophesies a good harvest year. The girls who intended to get married this year had to drink all the men they met on the way.

Interesting old traditions of Maslenitsa:

  • Young people should show special respect to the elders in the family;
  • Newlyweds can kiss in public, showing their love;
  • It is necessary to commemorate the deceased relatives. The best thing -
    go to the cemetery and bring pancakes there;
  • Be sure to treat the beggars near the church with the most delicious pancakes with rich fillings;

What to do for children

IN folk traditions On Maslenitsa celebrations, children did not bake pancakes, but they had their own special activities. You can sculpt from clay or make whistles from wood, painting them with bright colors. These musical instruments emit a trill-like sound. It was believed that in this way it was possible to summon spring more quickly, deceiving it that the birds were already singing.

As for the places of public celebrations, it is necessary to hold fairs, arrange booths, ride a sleigh from the ice slides. In the old days, fisticuffs were still held on Sunday, but in modern society this custom is forgotten. By the way, some dived into the hole to repeat their epiphany feat.

Shrovetide symbol - pancakes

It is believed that modern pancakes are the “ancestors” of oatmeal jelly, which someone decided to bake on fire. A little later, people began to bake pancakes not only from oatmeal, but also from rye, wheat, and buckwheat. Traditional cuisine knows many recipes for pancakes with various fillings.

The hostesses prepared pancakes with fish, mushrooms, eggs, honey, buckwheat, onion sauce, cottage cheese. Pancakes were served with sour cream, red or black caviar and butter. It is noteworthy that pancakes had to be eaten only with your hands. It was believed that if they were pierced with a fork or cut with a knife, then trouble would not be long in coming.

Pancake as a symbol of satiety

If we consider pre-Christian traditions, then pancakes were a symbol of sacrificial bread brought as a gift to the gods. Only since the 19th century, pancakes have become a treat for Maslenitsa with the symbolic meaning with which we accept them now. It is believed that the predecessor of the pancake was the usual oatmeal jelly. Someone decided to warm it up on fire and get the first pancake. Then they began to bake pancakes from flour of different varieties, including buckwheat or rice flour.

Most importantly, an ordinary pancake can be completely transformed in taste, depending on the filling that will be added to it. Pancakes with fish and caviar are a great main appetizer. Pancakes with vegetables and mushrooms are a cold appetizer, and, of course, sweet pancakes with honey, jam or just butter. Each recipe is special and has its own culinary symphony.

Days of Maslenitsa celebrations in 2012-2030

The start date of Maslenitsa changes each year depending on when Lent begins. The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia are pancakes and festivities.

Maslenitsa is the last week before the Easter fast. Every year Maslenitsa is celebrated on different dates, it all depends on the beginning of Lent and, accordingly, Easter. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week before Lent. This week prepares people for fasting and the beginning of spiritual and physical cleansing. Maslenitsa always starts on Monday and ends on Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa and Maslenitsa week are celebrated in certain years in February, and in certain years in March (while Maslenitsa itself can take place from February to March).

Ancient Slavic holiday Maslenitsa harmoniously combines church and pagan rites. It lasts seven days before Lent and is marked by merry festivities and feasts. Some traditions and signs for Shrove Tuesday are still relevant today.

Folk omens for Shrovetide week

Maslenitsa - seeing off winter - it was customary for the Slavs to celebrate on a grand scale. The whole week (it was called pancake, cheese, etc.) songs did not subside, folk festivals were held with games and competitions. The main Maslenitsa sign concerned pancakes (hence another name - Pancake). Their baking and eating symbolized the beginning of spring. Pancakes in Rus' lured the sun, treated all friends, acquaintances and strangers. People believed that by their actions they would increase fertility in the coming year. Many customs and signs of the oil week relate to the harvest and changes in the weather.

Folk omens for Shrovetide week - weather

For centuries, our ancestors have noticed, predicting weather phenomena on next year and this was important, since life and well-being depended on a rich harvest. Signs for Shrovetide week about the weather were formed:

  1. How many pancakes the hostess baked for the holiday, so many sunny and happy days waiting for a family in the coming year, but it is important to know when to stop here. Few pancakes - a lean summer, and too many - to a drought.
  2. Frost hit the holiday - the weather in the summer months will be warm.
  3. On Thursday of the oil week it started snowing - warming was expected, on Friday - cooling.

Wedding on Shrove Tuesday - signs

A generous holiday punished to have fun all seven days before Lent. It was especially welcomed if during this period the young people decided to get married. According to popular beliefs, a wedding on Shrovetide week promised good luck in the life of lovers, calmness and measuredness in relationships. The snow that fell on the day of the festival was a sign of blessing. The newlyweds were always honored, and they did not skimp on treats, but weddings, however, were not held.

Give birth on Shrove Tuesday - signs

The most popular signs for the Shrovetide week for girls have always touched the vital important events: weddings and births of children. Maslenitsa, associated with fertility and land, could tell a lot about the future baby to pregnant women, even indicate the sex of the baby:

  • if the child moved for the first time on "women's" days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) - a girl will be born, on other days, except Sunday - a boy;
  • the birth of a boy was foreshadowed by snow on Shrovetide Tuesday, and the birth of a girl on Wednesday.

During the holidays, pregnant women asked nature and the Lord for an easy birth: they put water on the windowsill and poured water on their stomachs all week. If the water did not freeze, it meant that the Almighty heard it. And those who were lucky enough to be born on Pancake Week believed that their child would become famous for his exploits. Born on Forgiveness Sunday, he was successful in business and smart.

Shrovetide traditions

Traditions and customs for the Maslenitsa week are rooted in the past. Many ceremonies and rituals are preserved by the people's memory. Many of them are outdated, and some can be followed today. Every day of the holidays has its own traditions:

  1. Monday is a meeting. The hostesses begin to bake pancakes, the first one being given to the poor. The youth makes a straw-rag doll and wears it all over the street.
  2. Tuesday - games. Traditionally, on this day, brides were wooed and bridesmaids were arranged.
  3. Wednesday is sweet. All the most delicious is put on the table, and the sons-in-law go to visit their mother-in-law.
  4. Thursday - revelry. The most magnificent festivities began on the streets, ritual bonfires were lit everywhere, songs were sung and a favorite pastime was arranged - the capture of an ice fortress.
  5. Friday - "Teschin's evenings" or guest. The return visit of the mother-in-law and all her relatives to the daughter's family, where they laid a chic table. On this day, it was not customary to stay at home.
  6. Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings." According to the customs, wives invited their sister-in-laws and girlfriends (either all married or not) to the table.
  7. Sunday is the farewell to winter, when the brightest, large-scale festivities took place. It was customary to burn a straw effigy of Shrovetide, and let her ashes fly into the wind or bury them in the ground. On this day, the tradition has been preserved to ask for forgiveness from all loved ones.

What should be done on Shrove Tuesday?

For those who do not have the desire or ability to stick to every plan for the days of the week, there are basic recommendations for the spring holidays. What do they do first?

  • bake pancakes;
  • go to visit;
  • amuse themselves;
  • ask for forgiveness from others on the last day of the holidays.

What can not be done on Shrove Tuesday?

When planning how to spend Shrove Tuesday, people sometimes think about how a pagan holiday and Christian traditions coexist. In the Orthodox calendar, the seven days before fasting are called Cheese Week, and dictate certain rules for believers. This time is devoted to a single goal: reconciliation with others and preparation for repentance. It is not advisable to do the following during this period:

  • be sad and angry;
  • offend neighbors;
  • perform menial and chore work (it is recommended to finish it the day before);
  • refuse treats and eat little.

But the rules associated with leave their mark on the traditions of the holiday. Some are wondering: what can you eat on Shrovetide week? In addition to pancakes and pancakes, the table should contain products such as cottage cheese, milk and cheeses. It is forbidden to eat all meat. The organism must be ready for the great abstinence, which will last until Easter itself.

Some customs and signs for Shrove Tuesday are forgotten over the years, but the main rule of this holiday with pagan roots remains unchanged: have fun and eat a lot. No matter what dates Maslenitsa falls on, it always marks the border between winter and spring, and this is an occasion for noisy fun. The attributes of the holiday are pancakes, a straw effigy, sleigh rides and other fun.

Maslenitsa is an ancient folk holiday that precedes Lent and lasts a whole week. Maslenitsa week, from Monday to Sunday, was always celebrated noisily: “Maslenitsa walks for a week”, “Shrovetide buzzes for seven days”. Our ancestors believed that "not to make fun of the wide Maslenitsa means to live in bitter misfortune and end life badly."

Each day of this week has its own name: Monday - "meeting"; tuesday - "play"; Wednesday - "gourmet", "revelry", "fracture"; thursday - "walk around-four", "wide"; Friday - "Teschinas' evenings", "Teschinas' evenings"; Saturday - “sister-in-law gatherings”, “seeing off”; Sunday - "forgiveness day", "spell for Great Lent".

The most significant days of Shrove Tuesday are considered to be Monday - “meeting Shrovetide”, Thursday - “wide Shrovetide”, “wide Thursday” and Sunday - “seeing off Shrovetide”, “farewell”, “forgiveness day”.

Signs and customs for Maslenitsa

Monday - meeting

Pancakes started baking on Monday. The night before, when the stars appeared, the eldest woman in the family went out to the river, lake or to the well quietly from the others and urged the moon to look out the window and blow on the dough:

"A month you are a month, your golden horns! Look out the window, blow on the dough!"

The first pancake was not eaten on Monday, it was left for the souls of the dead; they carried him out onto the porch with the words:

"Our honest dead, here's a pancake for your souls!" - or gave to the poor to pray for the repose.

On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, they put on old women's clothes on it, put this effigy on a pole and drove it around the village on a sleigh with singing, and then put Maslenitsa on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.

We rode on a sleigh all the days of Shrove Tuesday, as well as on troikas to songs, with jokes, jokes, kisses.

Most of the attention and honors were given to the newlyweds at Shrovetide. They went out "to people" in painted sledges, paid visits to everyone who walked with them at the wedding.

Tuesday - "play"

The people played and had fun, entertained by wandering buffoons. Specially erected "snow towns" were taken by storm, and sometimes fisticuffs "wall to wall" were arranged, which was a pleasure for both the spectators and even the participants themselves. This day was also dedicated to the newlyweds.

Wednesday - "gourmet"

Lush tables were set in all the houses. Numerous tents were opened right on the street, selling hot sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread.

On the third day of Shrovetide, which is celebrated this week, it is customary to treat sons-in-law.

From Wednesday, both unmarried youth and adults are actively involved in skiing from the mountains and on horseback. Only babies and old people who no longer left the house do not ride on troikas on Shrove Tuesday.

Skating young couples, according to the ancestors, should have contributed to the awakening of the earth from winter sleep. Artificial ice mountains symbolized the earthly womb, in which new life was born.

Young women went around the village and hung wooden blocks on overgrown guys because they did not want to marry, and they, in turn, tried to pay them off with sweets and pancakes.

There was a special attitude towards those young couples who got married that year: they had to participate in skating, show up in their best clothes, and kiss in public.

Thursday - "Walk-Thursday"

If on Wednesday everyone overate, then on Thursday everything eaten was “washed down”, it was the widest reckless day, which was called “walk-a-four” or “broad Thursday”. On this day, it was customary to arrange the famous fist fights, the capture of specially built snow fortresses.

Thursday at Maslenitsa week was considered the day of veneration of the god Veles (Volos) - the patron saint of livestock. Therefore, on this day, before baking pancakes for the family, they baked pancakes for their cow-nurse. Treating a cow with such a pancake, they read prayers and conspiracies.

On this day, it was also necessary to drive around young horses.

Friday - mother-in-law evening

On Wednesday, the sons-in-law went to the mother-in-law for pancakes, and on Friday, on the contrary, the mother-in-law should come to visit.

But on Friday, at the mother-in-law's supper, the son-in-law himself must treat the mother-in-law and father-in-law with pancakes.

True, this custom was very peculiar. The curiosity consisted in the fact that the called mother-in-law was obliged in the evening to send everything necessary for baking pancakes to the young people's house: a frying pan, a scoop and even a tub in which the dough was kneaded.

Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings"

On Saturday - seeing off At the sister-in-law gatherings (the sister-in-law is the husband's sister), the daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her.

If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she called her unmarried friends to visit. If the husband's sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law invited married relatives.

The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to her sister-in-laws.

Sunday - Forgiveness Day

Sunday is the last day of carnival. People call this day - "forgiveness Sunday", "tsolovalnik".

On Sunday, Shrovetide was sent off. Young people in a sleigh with a stuffed Maslenitsa drove around the village and outskirts with songs until dark.

Late in the evening, an effigy was burned on a fire prepared in the morning. The Maslenitsa bonfire was always lit at the highest place near the village.

And after a straw effigy was burned in a fire, the ashes were scattered across the field and trampled into the snow in order to wake up the sleeping earth and return to it the ability of a new generation. A lot of people always gathered around the Maslenitsa bonfire, it was fun, songs sounded, games were arranged.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - on Sunday - they sat down at the table seven times, according to the number of weeks in Lent. And in the evening, the whole family had to treat themselves to food of animal origin for the last time before fasting.

After dinner, nothing was removed from the table, everything left was covered with a white tablecloth, and then with sheepskin fur upstairs. All this was done so that there would be no quarrels and disagreements in the family for a whole year.

On this day, people asked each other for forgiveness. The rite of forgiveness took place in the evening, after dinner. Turning to each other, people said: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you." Then there could be a list of all possible offenses and misconduct, for which they asked for forgiveness. Forgiveness ended with mutual forgiveness and kissing. This custom has been preserved to this day, and on the last day of Maslenitsa people ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends.

Before sunset on this day, they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and bowed to the ashes of relatives.

On this day, we tried to drink less alcohol.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you must fall asleep before midnight, then in the morning you will wake up easily.

After the end of Maslenitsa, they went to the bathhouse - ahead was " Clean Monday", the first day of Lent.

Divination was also popular these days. According to the first baked pancake on Shrove Tuesday, they judged what awaits during the year until the next Maslenitsa:

If the pancake easily turned over - this year there will be marriage.

If the pancake stuck to the pan - another 3 years to sit in the parental home.

Smooth edges of the pancake - there will be a happy marriage.

The edges are uneven, torn - you need to think about whether you are going to marry.

If there is a bake in the middle, the husband will be faithful. If from the side, he will start looking at his neighbors.

How many holes in a pancake - so many kids on the benches.

A beautiful ruddy pancake - there will be a lot of health, pale - to illness.

A thin pancake - for an easy life, a thick one - for work.

On Shrove Sunday, pancakes with various fillings were baked and treated to passers-by. It was noted who would be the first to take a pancake: a man or a woman - the child will be born of this gender. All pancakes will be taken apart - a happy fate awaits. How many pancakes will remain - so many years to sit in the girls.

Various conspiracies acquire special strength and significance on such days. Below are some of them.

Conspiracy from envy

If you feel that the people around you envy you, on the eve of Maslenitsa (on Sunday), in complete solitude, read the conspiracy-amulet three times, which will protect you from negativity for the whole year: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me, (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would have touched me. I didn’t stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Amulet against witches

On the first day of Maslenitsa (Monday), looking at the night sky, read a conspiracy three times that neutralizes the effects of witch spells: “You witches, branded devils, when you calculate the stars in the sky and grains of sand in the sea, then you can harm me, my house and my people."

On the same day, pour three pinches of Thursday salt on the east-facing windowsill and at the front door.

On the last day of Maslenitsa (at sunset on Sunday), sweep the salt into a black canvas bag and, while reading the Our Father prayer, bury it away from home.

Conspiracy to fulfill a wish

On Shrovetide Sunday, before going to bed, read the plot: “Light up, a clear star, in the skies, to the joy of the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. You look, star, into the house of the servant (s) of God (her) (name). You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen. Amen. Amen". Cross yourself three times, bow three times towards the east and go to bed. The dream that occurred that night can be considered prophetic: after waking up, carefully analyze all its aspects, remember the associations that accompany your sensations. They can be both positive and negative. In any case, the correct interpretation of the dream will leave no doubt whether it will be fulfilled or not in real life your wish. All that remains is to choose the right way(take appropriate steps) to realize the cherished dream in order to achieve success as soon as possible.

Conspiracy for money

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the festivities took place.

Walk there, looking at your feet from time to time, until you find any money (even a penny).

Raise the coin with your left hand, say: “I walked (walked) and found (found), like me, (say your name), I went (walked) to this money, so that the money would come to me. As many people were here today in honor of the holy Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Keep the money for a full calendar year. It will attract finances to you, strengthen well-being. After the specified period, "lose" it in the same place.

Love spell on Maslenitsa

A love spell is performed daily in the evening throughout the oil week at the time when you bake pancakes. But remember, the first pancake baked on Maslenitsa Monday was not eaten, but left for the souls of the departed; they carried him out onto the porch with the words:

"Our honest dead, here's a pancake for your souls!" - or gave to the poor to pray for the repose. So, when you cook pancakes, say on the dough: "As people love Maslenitsa, so do you (name) love me, (your name). Pancakes reflect the sun, bring you (name) closer to me. So be it, amen!" . Say three times while stirring the dough with a spoon clockwise. Then bake pancakes. Divide one pancake in half: eat half yourself, and crumble the other half and sprinkle it for the birds in front of your loved one's house. When scattering pieces of pancake, say: "As birds love pancake, so do you (name), love me (your name), fly-run to me from everywhere, wherever you are. As you said, so be it. Truly!". After that, go home silently and without looking back. On this day, do not give anything to anyone from home.

Husband's fidelity spell

So that the husband does not walk and think about it, on Sunday (the last day of Maslenitsa), read the conspiracy three times in a whisper over the pancake dough, then bake the pancakes:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and when he is full, let his homesickness eat him, do not let him go beyond the threshold, let him yearn for his family, let his legal wife (name) has mercy. And when he walks along the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s courtyards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that longing for home torments him both in the day-noon, and at night-midnight. From now on and always and forever and ever. Amen".

For a drink that will be served with pancakes (tea, juice, compote, etc.), also read the plot three times so that the breath touches the cup:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, Let the servant of God (name) drink tea (coffee, juice, compote), let the servant of God be sick without me, let the servants of God (name) be without a house and without me , will not be able to watch an hour, not a minute to pass. Neither sleep, nor breathe. From now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen. "