“One skillful healer is worth a hundred warriors” - Homer's wise phrase, which eventually turned into a proverb. And this is true, and applicable to all areas of life. Let's take the diets that the Net is full of. Tips from those who have lost weight, techniques from the stars, folk secrets, nutrition systems for models, and so on. What to choose, because the eyes run up from such an abundance of proven methods of losing weight? It's up to you, meanwhile, doctors recommend adjusting weight only according to technology approved by medicine, when not only the rate of fat burning is taken into account, but also the safety of the system for the body. One of these comprehensively thought-out methods is the Svetlana Fus diet, 1 week on which can change your food culture as a whole.

Acquaintance with Svetlana Fus

For many victims of excess weight, Svetlana has become an authority thanks to the fascinating show “Zvazhenі i schaslivі” — a project where participants come in “koloboks” with a body weight sometimes under 200 kg, and after a few months they return home beautiful, slender, self-confident and happy people, sometimes becoming 2 times lighter. Such results are achieved by obese patients thanks to the skill of the project team, consisting of experienced trainers, a born psychologist and a talented nutritionist - the author of the methodology, which you will get acquainted with below.

But first, about Svetlana Fus herself, her wealth of knowledge and experience. Behind this man is a higher medical education, more than 15 years of medical practice and successful results in the fight against obesity - the scourge of our century. After graduating from a medical university, Fus worked for some time as a gastroenterologist, which allowed her, having retrained as a nutritionist, to teach people to become beautiful without harming their health.

For the past 15 years, Svetlana has been working as a nutritionist, rescuing people's figures from the captivity of fat, increasing beauty and making her patients happy, believing in their own strengths and the miraculous power of proper nutrition. Now, when choosing something, consumers pay great attention to reviews and recommendations from users who have tried the thing or service on themselves.

So, in the case of Svetlana Fus, you don’t have to “wool” the Network for days on end, you just need to open the video of one of the programs of the “Star and Happy” project. The results will amaze you, as they say, nothing works so convincingly as what you see with your own eyes. Look, “wind on your mustache”, get acquainted with the technique and lose weight competently!

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How to preserve beauty without harm to health

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Basic principles of nutrition from the lips of a star nutritionist

Svetlana Fus not only created the author's weight correction system, but also tried it on herself, because at one time the nutritionist gained an extra 6 kilos of weight. But safely and forever parted with them thanks to her professionalism. It is worth paying tribute to Svetlana's creativity, because in her work she applies the acquired knowledge and experience, but at the same time, without using standard methods, sometimes outdated or not effective enough. Not every nutritionist is willing to invest part of their time in the development of new nutrition systems, using those that have been tested by time and practice. But Svetlana Fus was not afraid and invented her own method, perhaps that's why she became famous?!

So, what does a well-known nutritionist propose to change in nutrition?

The main rules of the diet:

Worth paying attention! Regarding what kind of water to drink, Svetlana has a special opinion. A nutritionist does not welcome the consumption of mineral water, unless your doctor has prescribed it for you. Such "experiments" can harm health. For example, an excess of calcium in the body can disrupt the absorption of iron, and so on. Drink ordinary pure water, then you will feel great.

In addition, Svetlana Fus advises to move actively (your daily rate is 25,000 steps), start exciting hobbies, be outdoors more often, get enough rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day and be less nervous. After all, sometimes the cause of overeating lies not in hunger, but inside us, due to stress or fatigue.

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Sample menu from Svetlana Fus

So, an example of a daily diet of Svetlana Fus's diet is 1 week of fighting fat:

  • morning - healthy porridge, in which you can add a few dried fruits, a little low-fat cottage cheese;
  • snack - favorite coffee with a block of cheese or yogurt with berries / fruits;
  • lunch - a steamed piece of fish / meat with vegetables and a salad with seasonal ingredients;
  • afternoon snack - a sour-milk drink or cottage cheese casserole, a handful of nuts;
  • evening - buckwheat without fat, vegetable stew or baked vegetables.

Worth paying attention! Didn't find fresh vegetables for sale? Do not worry, according to Svetlana Fus, you can include frozen gifts of nature in the diet. It's still healthier than eating flour or fat.

Despite the fact that Svetlana offers a choice in relation to the second breakfast, you should remember that fruits should be in your diet every day. If the menu of the first snack does not contain them, then enjoy the gifts of nature during the second snack. In between meals, you can treat yourself to tea, but, of course, without the sweets that many are used to. As you understand, the star nutritionist is against the consumption of sugar and all products containing it. Unable to abruptly refuse such delicacies? Then at least eat them in the morning, and not, as many do, in the evening in front of the TV, and even at night - in bed.

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Common Diet Mistakes

Now you are familiar with the wisdom of the Svetlana Fus diet, which means that you are on the way to fulfilling your cherished desire - to be slim, beautiful and happy.

Popular Lately diet of Svetlana Fus is a system of proper balanced nutrition. Following the principles of this nutritionist allows you to permanently get rid of excess weight.

Svetlana Fus– professional doctor – gastroenterologist, practitioner with 15 years of experience. She has been working with obese people for a long time. He also has personal experience of losing weight.

Practice and scientific approach helped to develop the current system weight loss, in which patients forever, though not instantly, parted with excess weight.

Surely from your own experience or the experience of your losing weight friends, you know what fast diets are fraught with. Unfortunately, the weight lost after such diets returns as quickly as it left, and even with “interest”.

Do you want to permanently expel the hated kilograms and centimeters from your body? Then just follow the rules of Svetlana Fus nutrition, and your problem will be solved.

Basic nutrition principles of Svetlana Fus

At the heart of this diet, although there is an elementary counting calories, but the nutrition system is based on several rules, which are the guarantor of weight loss. Svetlana was able to bring together all the basic commandments of proper nutrition in her nutrition system, following which there is a 100% guarantee of gradual weight loss.

1. The daily intake of kilocalories consumed should not be less than 1200. When losing weight, you should not exceed 1500 kilocalories. When losing weight together with active sports loads - 1800-1900 kilocalories. To maintain weight, do not exceed the daily allowance for 2100 kilocalories.

2. The nutritionist calls hunger one of the main enemies of the figure. You should cancel all starvation diets, and even fasting days. This stressful situation for the body causes it to store fat in reserve. During starvation, water-lipid metabolism is disturbed, the psycho-emotional state worsens, which significantly affects the process of losing weight.

3. Eat healthy foods correctly - natural vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, bread, dairy products. Your food should be free of chemicals, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. They are the enemies of well-being and the friends of excess weight.

4. Water should be the main drink. The rule of two liters per day is also confirmed by Svetlana, and when eating dry or solid food, the volume of water drunk can be 3 liters per day.

5. Do not drink strong tea and coffee on an empty stomach. Also, do not drink tea immediately after eating. The tinin included in its composition contributes to the leaching of useful substances and trace elements from the stomach.

6. Stick to fractional meals - 5 meals per day- an excellent indicator. Put the main "blow" in the morning, the lightest should be dinner. Breakfast is a must, but if you don’t feel like eating in the morning, don’t force yourself. Drink water and eat after a while when you feel hungry.

7. Cooking should be as simple as possible - boiling, stewing, steaming. Bake in foil, excellent healthy dishes will be prepared for you by a double boiler and slow cooker. Cancel fried, smoked dishes for the period of weight loss, exclude categorically fatty sauces and mayonnaises.

8. Active movement with such a diet is welcome. Svetlana suggests a daily rate of 25 thousand walking steps, do not neglect walks and sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours, and also try not to be nervous.

"In 7 days you will get rid of 2 kilograms. Svetlana Fus calls this weight loss optimal for the body. "

Diet for a week

Diet for a week from Svetlana Fus. We immediately divided the daily diet into several meals, as the nutritionist advises.

1st day - 1470 kilocalories

250 grams of omelet with herbs, cauliflower salad, a slice of grain bread, one pomegranate.

Baked apples with raisins and low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams / 10 grams / 50 grams.

Soup with vegetables and meatballs from lean meat (turkey) 300 grams, 150 grams of buckwheat porridge and boiled beetroot salad with sour cream (130 grams / 20 grams).

100 grams of seaweed. Baked potatoes (150 grams) with the same amount of boiled fish.

Day 2 - 1400 kilocalories

45 grams of cereal flakes, 200 grams of one percent natural yogurt, 10 grams of raisins and 15 grams of walnuts, one orange.

Baked apple sprinkled with cinnamon (200 grams).

300 grams of borscht without meat with sour cream (10 grams), fresh tomato in sour cream (100 grams/10), an egg and a slice of grain bread.

Salmon baked in foil in greens (150 grams), vegetable salad - 240 grams, a piece of grain bread.

Day 3 - 1490 kilocalories

Cereal flakes 200 grams with fruit (50 grams), a glass of fermented milk.

80 grams of cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream and 10 grams of dried fruits, 1 pomegranate.

240 grams of beans stewed with vegetables, 160 grams of vegetable salad, 20 grams of feta cheese.

120 grams of baked fish, one egg, 100 grams of seaweed, 200 grams of stewed cabbage and a piece of grain bread.

During the day, drink a glass of kefir, 200 grams of apples and drink half a liter of rosehip broth.

Day 4 - 1390 kilocalories

Zucchini-eggplant caviar 150 grams, scrambled eggs with herbs, a piece of grain bread, two kiwis.

200 grams of baked apples.

200 grams of vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge 150 grams with stewed turkey (120 grams piece).

250 grams of cabbage stewed with mushrooms. 150 grams of potatoes baked with garlic. 30 grams of feta cheese.

For a day, drink 200 ml of sour milk starter and eat 200 grams of apples. Drink half a liter of decoction of rose hips.

Day 5 - 1350 kilocalories

45 grams of cereal flakes with kefir (200 grams). One orange.

80 grams of cottage cheese with a spoonful of sour cream and berries, including frozen ones (50 grams).

A bowl of vegetable soup and 100 grams of boiled turkey. 130 grams of beets with sour cream and a slice of grain bread.

250 grams of cabbage salad with marinated fish and vegetables (180 grams), a piece of bread.

For snacks - fermented milk sourdough 200 grams, 200 grams of apples and half a liter of dried fruit compote.

Day 6 - 1315 kilocalories

45 grams of cereal with a glass of one percent yogurt and one grapefruit.

Apples baked with cottage cheese and dried fruits.

Vegetable soup from cauliflower (300 grams), 200 grams of vegetable salad and 100 grams of stewed veal.

Buckwheat porridge 150 grams, 200 grams of stewed cabbage with mushrooms and one boiled egg.

Drink a glass of fermented milk sourdough and half a liter of dried fruit compote per day.

Day 7 - 1410 kilocalories

Cereal flakes 45 grams with a glass of kefir, nuts and raisins (15 grams / 10 grams). 2 kiwi.

80 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream and berries. 25 grams of prunes.

Eggplants stuffed with vegetables under cheese - 250 grams, bread 30 grams.

220 grams of vegetable cutting. 150 grams of salmon baked with herbs and a piece of bread.

Also during the day, drink a glass of sourdough and half a liter of compote from fresh or dried apples.

There are practically no contraindications for such a diet - only individual intolerance to certain components. If there are food bans on a particular product, it can easily be replaced with another one that is similar in essence and number of calories.

Even in a week of such a diet, you can learn the basic rules of a balanced diet. Stick to it as long as possible - and the weight will return to normal.

Upon reaching the desired result, increase the number of calories to a daily allowance of 2100 kilocalories, and stay light and slender for a long time!

In the article we discuss the diet of Svetlana Fus. We talk about its advantages and disadvantages, allowed and prohibited products. You will learn about the diet menu for 7 days and how long you can stick to it. Is it suitable for the elderly, teenagers and diabetics. To whom it is contraindicated and what results should be expected.

Svetlana Fus is a highly qualified nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. She created her own medical center for correction and weight loss, whose specialists have already helped thousands of men and women cope with their problems.

Basic principles of the method

The essence of the technique of Svetlana Fus is as follows:

  • A preliminary study of the usual diet and lifestyle in order to find out the reasons for gaining extra pounds;
  • The obligatory maintenance of a food diary, in which it is necessary to record absolutely everything that goes into the mouth during the day, indicating weight, calories and time of eating. This “exercise” will clearly show how much was actually eaten;
  • Lack of rigid frameworks and terms. Everyone is free to choose the duration of the diet. However, ideally, the recommended principles of nutrition should become a way of life;
  • The norm of calories consumed per day should not exceed 2000;
  • Tools that every losing weight must have: floor scales for weight control; kitchen scales for determining the size of portions; centimeter for measuring body volumes;

Nutrition rules for weight loss

While losing weight, follow these recommendations:

  1. An obligatory full-fledged protein-carbohydrate breakfast to charge the body with energy for the whole day ahead. It can be cereals, cottage cheese, eggs, yeast-free rye bread.
  2. It is not recommended to drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach. According to the nutritionist, this worsens the work digestive system. Drink should be an hour after eating.
  3. Fractional frequent meals, excluding the occurrence of hunger. The most abundant meals should be in the first half of the day; you should not eat up at night.
  4. The categorical prohibition of fasting. When a person abstains from food in a strict regimen, the body experiences stress and the brain gives him a signal that difficult times have come and at the first opportunity it is necessary to make reserves for a “rainy day”. We all know perfectly well what these stocks look like and where they are stored. After hungry days, it is very difficult to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted and you want to eat everything that is “not nailed down”. The result is a breakdown excess weight, guilt, digestive problems.
  5. Do not drink during meals. This hinders the digestive process.

Advantages and disadvantages

This food system has practically no contraindications. It will allow not only to get rid of the required amount of kilograms, but also will allow you to keep your figure in shape throughout your life.

Of course, in order to achieve such a result, you will have to reconsider your eating habits forever. This can be seen as a drawback of the method, but believe me, it is impossible to eat everything you want, in any quantities and at any time, and still lose weight.

Such a system of weight loss has not yet been invented, and it is unlikely that they will ever be invented. This is not a diet to lose 5 kg in three days, this is a way of life. Don't expect quick weight loss. But between speed and stability man of sense will always choose the latter. In addition, with a slow weight loss, the skin will not sag, which inevitably happens with quick methods of weight loss. Pulling it up is not so easy.

Grocery list

As in any diet, there is a division into foods that you can eat, and those that are recommended to be removed from your diet or at least limited.

Products and dishes allowed for consumption:

  • Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, turkey);
  • Low-fat fish, seafood;
  • All non-starchy vegetables. You can consume them up to 500 grams per day.
  • Vegetable soups, casseroles, salads. Dressing salads with vegetable oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar;
  • Any porridge on the water. Sometimes you can boil them in milk, but use skim or low fat;
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits (except raisins);
  • Any fruit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • Mushrooms (boiled or baked);
  • Honey (no more than 1 teaspoon per day);
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Green tea;
  • Diet bread;
  • Various spices.

Foods to limit:

  • Bananas and grapes;
  • semolina and white rice;
  • Pasta, flour and confectionery products;
  • Mayonnaise and all fatty sauces;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Fatty meat (goose, duck, pork, lamb);
  • Canned fish;
  • Fatty fish can be eaten no more than 1 time per week;
  • Everything fried, salted, smoked;
  • Sausages, frankfurters, sausages, sausages;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Sugar. Limit salt;
  • Coffee and black tea.

Diet food

Menu for the week

This is one of the diet options for weight loss from Svetlana Fus. The menu here is divided into 4-5 meals.


  • Egg and cauliflower casserole, one piece of fruit, a slice of bread.
  • Cottage cheese casserole from fat-free cottage cheese (150 g), a few prunes and dried apricots;
  • Lenten cabbage soup, fish meatballs;
  • Seaweed with egg, fish baked with potatoes.


  • Muesli with orange juice, a few nuts of any kind, an orange, low-fat natural yogurt;
  • Grilled vegetables;
  • Mushroom soup,
  • Baked salmon, seafood salad, slice of bread.


  • Oatmeal, a couple of apples;
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream, dried fruits, 1 pear;
  • Vegetable stew, steamed chicken cutlets, 100 g low-fat cheese;
  • Braised cabbage with boiled mackerel;
  • Bifilife, 1 apple.


  • Vegetable caviar, scrambled eggs, 1 persimmon;
  • 2 oranges;
  • Turkey ragout with tomato salad;
  • Bifilife or kefir, apple.


  • Muesli with apple juice, yogurt 100g;
  • Cottage cheese with any berries;
  • Vinaigrette, boiled chicken leg, bread;
  • Dried fruit compote, a couple of biscuits.


  • Buckwheat porridge on the water, yogurt, pomelo;
  • Cheesecakes cooked in the oven with sour cream, berries, prunes;
  • Zucchini boats with minced chicken and vegetables, baked with cheese;
  • Vegetable salad, a piece of baked pollock, bread;
  • A glass of kefir.


  • Wheat porridge with skimmed milk, green tea;
  • Cottage cheese and a couple of plums;
  • Braised cabbage with mushrooms, egg;
  • Fat-free yogurt.

As you can see, this menu for a week for weight loss is quite diverse, it will not allow you to feel hungry all day long. You can stick to such a diet for as long as you like, making equivalent replacements for foods and dishes. Try to stick to it for 4 weeks and you will be pleased with the results.

Bean diet of Svetlana Fus

As a change, Svetlana Fus suggests trying the bean diet. Beans are a leguminous plant that contains a large amount of protein and, according to recent studies, helps to effectively fight extra pounds, as it speeds up metabolic processes in the body. This does not mean that you will need to eat only one bean all day long.

It can be used as a main dish or side dish, be sure to add other products. For example, in the menu above, replace all stewed vegetables and salads with different types of beans (white, red, green beans). You can also cook it in different ways: boil, stew, make casseroles, salads and mashed potatoes.

Diet of Svetlana Fus for the elderly

In old age, a person's metabolism slows down and, as a result, many begin to gain weight, and you always want to look beautiful. Rigid methods and active physical activity here are already life-threatening. Is this diet for weight loss suitable for an older woman, for example, after 60 years?

Since this is not a diet at all, but a balanced nutrition system containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, not only women, but also older men will be safe and comfortable to adhere to this eating style. Weight will go away gradually, without exerting stressful effects on the body.


Below are recipes for delicious and simple dietary dishes.

Meat casserole with cauliflower

You will need:

  • cauliflower - 1 head;
  • minced meat (low-fat) - 800 g;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 200 g of white bread;
  • 1 cup skim milk;
  • 1 bunch of fresh thyme;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the mold).

How to cook:

  1. Put the minced meat in a deep dish.
  2. Soak bread in milk; chop the onion, carrot and pepper and sauté. Put everything to the minced meat, flavored with thyme.
  3. Divide the cabbage into florets and boil.
  4. Grease a baking dish with oil. Lay out a thick layer of minced meat, spread the cabbage in two rows. Top with the remaining stuffing.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
  6. Can be served both cold and hot.

Meat roll baked

You will need:

  • minced meat (low-fat) - 600 g;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs;
  • raw egg - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the eggs.
  2. Add salt, pepper, a little water, a raw egg to the minced meat, mix everything thoroughly. Divide the mixture into 2-5 parts.
  3. Shape each piece into a patty. Wrap one peeled egg in each. Carefully pinch the edges of the roll so that there are no tears. Roll in flour if necessary.
  4. Put the rolls on an oiled baking sheet, pierce each one in several places with a toothpick and bake for half an hour at medium temperature.
  5. Serve sliced ​​roll with buckwheat porridge.

Nutritionist Svetlana Fus


The diet has no sharp contraindications. However, people who have chronic diseases kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system Before using any diet, you should consult with your doctor. You need to be especially careful with the diet for diabetics. For them, special medical nutrition systems are shown. It is not recommended for minors either.

“Eat and lose weight!”, “To lose weight, you need to eat”, “We lose weight with taste”. All these fashionable slogans agree on one thing - you need to eat and lose weight is also necessary. How to combine two opposite processes? The secret is in proper nutrition. The well-known nutritionist Svetlana Viktorovna Fus has developed a menu for a week, with the help of which the process of losing weight goes without health consequences.

The principles of nutrition from Svetlana Fus are popular with losing weight

The diet from Svetlana Viktorovna Fus has collected the well-known rules of rational nutrition. Unlike many self-proclaimed "gurus" of weight loss, Svetlana Fus has a higher medical education and more than fifteen years of work as a nutritionist. In addition, she herself had to go through the difficult path of weight loss, that is, Svetlana Viktorovna Fus knows the problem of losing weight from the inside.

Most main principle weight loss and weight maintenance proper nutrition plus physical activity. You can not force the body to starve or deny yourself some certain dishes. It will only slow down your metabolism. Every day on the table should be present:

  • proteins (meat, fish, dairy products);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • cereals.

You can have breakfast whenever you want, but be sure to eat five times a day (no passes!), This is one of the tips from the famous nutritionist.

  • frying (dishes are boiled, baked or stewed);
  • pure sugar;
  • unloading days.

Dairy products should not be completely fat free. It is necessary to drink clean non-carbonated water (about two liters per day). It is better not to combine meat with bread. Do not eat immediately after training, wait at least two hours. Do not treat the diet as a temporary state, consider it a smooth transition to rational nutrition, the goal of which is not only weight loss, but also health.

Where to begin

A sample weight loss menu for a week will help you choose the right volume, number of dishes, and decide on the choice of products. But Svetlana Fus draws attention to the fact that there is no need to drive yourself into strict limits. Choose what you like, find your options. The tighter the “nuts” of the diet are “tightened”, the faster the “thread will break”, and all undertakings will go to waste.

Sticking to a diet does not mean starving yourself

Going on a diet should not cause fear or irritation. Yes, there will be some inconvenience associated with the prohibition of the usual diet. But no one will starve you. The menu is designed in such a way that a person has the strength not only to fulfill his regular activities, but also to load yourself physically, accelerating the process of losing weight.

Care must be taken to be able to weigh the finished dishes. You can buy scales or borrow from someone you know. At first, this will be necessary, but pretty quickly you will learn to navigate without the help of scales.

Plastic containers are a lifesaver for those who want to lose weight. You can prepare meals for the next day in advance, arrange in portions and take with you. You will have to accustom yourself to think over your diet for the day in advance, so that in the morning you can simply remove the containers from the refrigerator (the usual pies, buns and hamburgers are canceled for obvious reasons).

Cheat sheet for beginners

Recipes from Svetlana Fus for those who want to lose weight, summarized in the menu for the week (approximate weight in grams is indicated in brackets):

Breakfast Eggs + vegetables (you can use an omelette) (250), bread (two slices), apple Muesli (45), yogurt 1%, raisins (10), nuts (15), orange Baked zucchini and eggplant caviar (150), scrambled eggs + greens (2 eggs), bread (30), kiwi (2 pcs.)
Lunch Cottage cheese (80), sour cream (20) and berries (60) Baked apples (160) with cottage cheese (50) and raisins Baked apples (200) with pomegranate seeds
Dinner Vegetable soup with meatballs (380), buckwheat on the water (130), boiled beets (120), sour cream (20) Borsch + sour cream (300), bread (1 slice), boiled egg, tomatoes (110), sour cream (10) (can be combined in a salad) Vegetable stew with beans (240), fresh vegetables (160) + cheese (20) (can be combined)
Dinner Baked potatoes (150), fish (150), seaweed (90) Baked fish (120), half boiled egg, braised cabbage (200), seaweed (120), bread (1 slice) Sea fish (150), fresh vegetable salad (240), bread (1 slice)
Drink A glass of sourdough, rosehip decoction (500) A glass of kefir / sourdough, sugar-free apple compote (500) A glass of kefir, dried fruit compote (500)

Some of the products listed on the menu can be simply combined into one dish or swapped, choose the combination you need (should be delicious!). Try not to combine meat with bread, vegetables are much more suitable for this. Svetlana Viktorovna Fus emphasizes that the above menu for the week is only a guide to the quality and quantity of dishes, methods of their preparation, combination options, taking into account calorie content. Based on the advice of a qualified nutritionist, create your own menu.

You should not expect immediate weight loss, the body must rebuild. If you want to speed up weight loss, add sports in any of its manifestations to the menu. Uncontrolled loads, like uncontrolled diets, especially for sick or untrained people, can be dangerous. In the field of physical activity, a coach should act as a guru instead of a nutritionist.

Summing up

Diet is not a cure, but a way of life. The transition to dietary nutrition will help the body to rebuild and lose weight, and what was initially perceived as the most severe self-restraint will eventually become a way of life. Moreover, all that fatty, sweet, salty and so on, without which you could not imagine life before, will now become tasteless for you, and even disgusting.

Our weight loss friends:

  • healthy eating;
  • food diary;
  • physical exercise;
  • water.

A food diary can help you lose weight

Do not leave hunger a chance - eating five times a day at regular intervals (from 3.5 to 5 hours) will not let this age-old enemy of those who want to lose weight raise their heads. Plan a diet, develop a menu in advance. For the winter, you can make blanks from frozen vegetables and fruits, and you can freeze almost everything: stewed or baked zucchini and eggplant blanks for vegetable caviar, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band tomatoes for salads, bell peppers, any berries, greens. Another tip from Svetlana Fus: get a separate freezer for such blanks (you won’t fit much in the freezer of an ordinary refrigerator).

Take care of your winter menu by freezing vegetables in summer

Enemies of health and thin waist:

  • pure sugar;
  • products made from refined white flour;
  • sweets from the store;
  • fast food, sausages, canned food, smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • ready-made sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • fatty dairy products.

Store-bought confectionery products must be excluded from the diet

Weight loss is an important and worthy goal, but a thin waist is far from always a synonym for health, while good health necessarily leads to a slender, toned silhouette. Do not confuse the guidelines, do not put your health at risk in the pursuit of weight loss. The advice of nutritionist Svetlana Fus is followed by thousands of people, which confirms their effectiveness and safety.