Pencil Drawings for Beginners: Flowers is a collection of simple and easy to understand step by step lessons drawing, with which everyone can quickly and easily learn how to draw beautiful flowers.

The feeling of beauty is not alien to every person, and for many it is an expression of this feeling. Images created by a skillful hand with a simple pencil evoke admiration and a desire to create something similar, to throw out your sense of beauty on paper.

If you feel the need to create something beautiful, but still have a rather poor idea of ​​​​how to draw with a pencil, then this article is what you need. Here we have collected useful step-by-step pencil drawing lessons for beginners dedicated to eternal theme"Flowers". Following these simple circuits, you can independently learn how to draw beautiful flowers with a pencil and delight your friends and loved ones with your new talents.

Is it possible to learn how to draw with a pencil on your own?

According to expert opinion, anyone can learn to draw with a pencil, regardless of predisposition and age.

Let's start with wonderful world drawing from the list of materials and tools that you will need in your hobby:

  • a sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencils.

How to draw with a pencil: where to start

You need to “fill your hand” in drawing and gain experience, starting with the simplest pencil sketches. Pencil drawings for beginners: flowers in this case are one hundred percent suitable, as they allow:

  • Make the first meaningful sketch and the simplest composition of the drawing,
  • Define contours, draw details and apply shadows,
  • If desired, colorize the drawing, making it more realistic.

Having prepared the tools and materials for drawing and having decided on the theme of our composition, we can move on. We bring to your attention a selection of step-by-step flower drawing lessons for beginners. Choose from them the most interesting in your opinion and start practicing. At first, you can simply redraw the lines and shapes according to the photographs. Once you master the simple techniques presented in the photo workshops, you can modify them to create your own style of drawing flowers with a pencil.

How to draw callas with a pencil:

How to draw tulips with a pencil:

How to draw roses with a pencil:

True, it's a shame when spring flowers and summer forbs in winter remain only as a memory? You can stop time and save not only in memory, but also on paper a presented bouquet of field daisies. It is enough just to have a pencil and paper in your arsenal, but we will tell you in detail how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

Learning to draw bouquets

The easiest way to master the technique of drawing with a pencil will be for those who, in childhood, made applications from dried leaves and buds. But even if you do not own this type of needlework, it is never too late to start. In addition, special tools or materials are not required. Everything you need can always be found in the nearest stationery store and in the flower bed. When composing a flat collage or a herbarium, you will gradually understand how best to combine colors and paints, where to place one or another element of the picture.

The advantage of drawing with a pencil is that there is no need to select the main background of the substrate and think over the colors of the sketch in advance. But this fact is also considered a minus of the picture. Flowers painted with paint or at least colored with a colored pencil look much more natural. Of course, how best to do it is up to you.

It would also be useful to think over the main theme of the drawing in advance. Think about what you want to end up with - an abstract image, a landscape, or a simple miniature. In the meantime, you are making a decision, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with master classes that will tell you in detail how to draw a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Dahlias, daisies, roses: master class

A very interesting picture is obtained, in which several types of flowers and parts of the composition are drawn. For example, spectacular dahlias blend harmoniously with simple daisies and royal roses. How to draw such a bouquet of flowers with a pencil in stages is described in this lesson. By the way, it will be beautiful if the picture is painted with watercolors. Such works look very unusual.

Necessary materials:

  • graphite pencils;
  • eraser;
  • blank sheet of paper.

Process description:

The sun in miniature

How to draw a classic lush bouquet of flowers in a vase? The main thing is to think over the subject of the sketch in advance and outline the main lines. Please note that the flowers should occupy the main background of the sheet, but the jug will only be an addition to the miniature. In the background, if desired, you can draw a window frame or supplement the sketch with a plain background. By the way, it is not necessary to decorate the free space, because you can draw on a colored sheet of paper or cardboard.

Necessary materials:

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • slate pencils;
  • ruler;
  • eraser.

Process description:

Friends, in this article I will tell you how to draw a bouquet of roses in stages with a simple pencil. These flowers, with their beauty, attract the attention of artists, as well as anyone who loves to draw. Everyone wants to learn how to draw them on paper, as beautifully as they look in real life.

He cannot be evil who loves roses so much.

Robin McKinley

At first glance, the complexity of the flower and its layering can scare those people who are just mastering art. To avoid your fears, we have prepared a step-by-step instruction, following which you will be able to create a beautiful drawing with a bouquet of roses.

Get a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser ready. You are ready? Then we start.

7 stages of drawing

Beautifully drawing a bouquet of roses with a pencil is not a difficult task for beginner artists, the main thing is to do it in stages and follow the recommendations. Just seven simple steps and you will get a beautiful drawing.

These tips are also suitable for people who can draw. From memory it is difficult to remember what the buds look like, so it's easier to see exactly how to draw the petals and leaves to make it believable. Sometimes you draw, but something is missing to complete the picture and the image does not come out natural. In order to avoid all these nuances, draw with us in stages and get the desired result at the end.

Step 1

We have seven buds. We depict them using six and a half circles, and draw stems with lines. We cross the center of the circle with a line to determine the middle of the bud and keep the proportions. Repeat the pattern you see in the picture. After that, proceed to the next step.

Step 2

Now begin to draw the shape of each flower, its outer petals, as shown in the picture. Take your time, start with the top buds and go down to the bottom.

Step 3

Continue creating the flowers as in the example and then add some detailing to the flower buds. If you take your time, you should end up with a beautiful painted bouquet of roses that everyone you show it to will love it.

Step 4

Finish the buds at the top by sketching in the inner petals and then a few more leaves. When that is done, you can add more detail to the buds and also add more leaves at the bottom.

Step 5

Guys, almost done. All you have to do is paint in the flowers on the left and then draw in more leaves to create a lush and voluminous effect. When this is done, trace the lower stems and tie them with a thin ribbon.

Step 6

Finish the inner petals of the bud on the left side of the sketch.

Step 7

Draw the correct contours and erase the unnecessary lines that were sketched out in the first stages. Now our picture with a bouquet of roses is ready.

Here we have such a drawing lesson, during which you can easily learn how to draw a bouquet of roses. Following the instructions, carefully and carefully repeating all the steps, you can get a very realistic image with three-dimensional colors as a result. It is not a shame to give such a drawing to someone, and it will bring joy no less than real flowers. Yes, and on the wall in a frame, it will please the eye.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself, there is nothing terrible and difficult in drawing the queen of flowers. This activity is suitable for novice artists and those who love to draw. The main thing is how you approach the task and whether you follow the recommendations correctly. If yes, then the result will please you and those to whom you will show your drawings. And we will be happy that they taught you how to draw on the pages of the site.

Very often, when drawing, you have to depict various flowers. In our lessons, we have already taught you how to draw, for example, a rose. Sometimes it is necessary to draw not individual flowers, but a bouquet, consisting, as a rule, of flowers of different types. The art of making bouquets of fresh and dried flowers is called Ikebana. This trend originated in Japan and has been taught there for a very long time. There are principles in the selection of certain flowers for the composition and bouquet. These are color rules, and dimensional rules, and according to smells and shades of petals, etc. Often, bouquets must be drawn in the hands of people. It's not hard to picture them. Let's try to learn step by step drawing beautiful bouquet in pencil.

Stage 1. The bouquet is usually wrapped from the bottom in beautiful paper. First, we will draw this particular part of the bouquet. We draw a strapping wide tape. From it down we draw lines of paper, usually covering the stems. We draw beautiful folds. And up from it, we also draw lines of paper that will directly frame the flowers themselves.

Stage 2. Now let's draw a wide bow, on which a ribbon is tied, intercepting the packaging of the bouquet. On one side there are two knots of a bow, on the other two fluttering tips.

Stage 3. Now on the left we draw two beautiful flower. They look like daisies. We draw two circles - the cores and the petals extending from them (six pieces each). We show the dots on the cores and the lines of dents on the flower petals.

Stage 4. On the other hand, in a similar way, draw two more exactly the same flowers.

Stage 5. Draw bells behind the daisies. They peek out on their feet. Their flowers resemble tulips.

Step 6. Now, between the daisies and the bells, draw a few small wild carnation flowers. They also have cores, from which not rounded, but slightly straightened petals depart.

Stage 7. In all directions from our bouquet we will show thick leaves. They seem to frame the whole bouquet and give it a finished look. appearance. These are leaves of various shapes, peeking out from behind the flowers.

Stage 8. We erase the helper lines, leaving the bouquet itself directly.

Stage 9. Let's paint our magnificent bouquet of wildflowers. Now you look at the picture, and it seems that the aroma of these beautiful summer flowers is in the air.

Continuing the flower theme, I will tell how to draw a bouquet of flowers. This time, not just one, but a whole bunch of different ones. In general, now the bouquet symbolizes love-carrots, and, in general, all sorts of drool-snot. Why men give flowers, we already know (or guess). It remains only to find out where this tradition came from.

First story.

A long time ago, when water in plastic bottles was not sold on the third planet from the sun, there were only two people: Adam and Eve. And everything would be fine if someone didn't want an apple. Well, in general, everyone knows this story about an apple? Poor Eva was upset, upset that they would not be able to live in paradise now as before. And God gave her a bouquet of flowers as a consolation. This is such a beautiful story.

Second story.

And there is an even more rational and less ancient tale. Probably, our great-grandmothers could easily catch this. At the time when the men returned from hunting, they brought home not only the carcass of a bear, but also an armful of flowers! So note to modern men: the getter carried a bouquet to the house. It is clear that at that time it was not a sign of attention. The brought flowers were dried and used for medicinal purposes. Not a bad tradition.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil step by step

Step one

First, outline the outline of the vase. Place large circles on top of it. A little later they will turn into buds.
step two

Let's make a little vase. Let's start drawing flowers: stems, core, leaves.
Step Three

Draw smaller ones between the large ones. Some of them are smooth, some are serrated.

Step Four

On the vase we have a drawing - a heart. Now let's pay attention to individual large flowers. These are roses. To draw them correctly, you can refer to special lessons: about a rose and about a bouquet of roses.
Step Five

Now let's do the hatching. Shade some small leaves harder. The cores of the flowers should also turn out dark. The petals themselves are lighter. Well, perhaps our bouquet is ready. Now it can be colored.
See more lessons.