
Ways to characterize characters.

2. The main part.

2.1 Oblomov and Stolz: “poet of dreams” and “poet of labor”.

2.2 The appearance of the heroes.

2.3 Upbringing and education of heroes.

2.4 Heroes and Olga Ilyinskaya.

2.5 Further fate heroes.

3. Conclusion.

Hope for the future.

I. A. Goncharov

Writers resort to various methods of characterizing heroes in order to more fully and multifacetedly portray their character and inner world. It could be detailed description the circumstances of the upbringing and education of the character that shaped his personality. The protagonist's dream is a popular description technique internal state character, repeatedly used by many Russian classics. Another way to characterize literary hero is the reception of antithesis (opposition) of two completely dissimilar actors works. Such are the antagonists Onegin and Lensky from the novel in verse by A. s. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov by I. S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons", Prince Myshkin and Parfyon Rogozhin from the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot". It is the dissimilarity that characterizes the heroes most vividly and deeply. The heroes of the novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" are completely different from each other. And the external difference only emphasizes their antagonism. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, main character works, pampered and imposing. His skin is white, his body is plump, his hands are effortless, plump and soft. This is a real Russian master, slow and unhurried. His favorite clothes are a dressing gown, cozy and roomy, perfectly suited to Oblomov. Andrey Stolz, a friend of the protagonist, fit and slender. It's like it's all made up of muscles in constant motion. His skin is tanned from constant exposure to fresh air. So unlike in appearance, the characters are close friends. They lived next door as children and grew up together. Oblomov's estate is an example of a classic Russian estate, a piece of paradise, located far from major roads, cities, events, life itself. Life in Oblomovka proceeds measuredly and obeys its own rules: eating is a kind of ritual, and any work is a punishment. Little Ilya Ilyich was always surrounded loving parents, numerous relatives, guests, nannies who followed his every step. Ilya, like any child, was curious and observant. However, constant control and excessive guardianship by adults have blunted these traits. Stolz was brought up in different conditions. Parents paid much attention to his education. And if the mother studied music and literature with her son, then the father was worried about the practical side of life. Stolz was sent alone on business, and when he disappeared, the father did not go to look for his son, hoping for his independence. Stolz was taught from childhood to work, diligence, independence. And he grew up to be a stubborn, ambitious, smart, businesslike person who achieved a lot in life. And yet, little Stolz was irresistibly attracted to the sleepy Oblomovna. Perhaps that harmony and love, the atmosphere of peace and comfort in which Ilya Ilyich grew up, was not enough for his friend in his parental home. Stolz was always drawn to the lazy and serene Oblomov. Warmth, tenderness, nobility, sincerity were valued by Stoltz above the business acumen and perseverance of other people. Stolz loses somewhat in comparison with Oblomov. His efficiency is abstract. The reader does not see the fruits of his activity. He does not dispose to himself at first sight, like Oblomov. But the characters certainly complement each other.

The meeting with Olga Ilyinskaya revealed the characters of both friends from a new side, and, first of all, the personality of Oblomov. He turned out, unlike Stolz, capable of strong sincere love, which changed and main character. Olga, direct and natural, after meeting with Ilya Ilyich turned from a naive girl into a beautiful young woman, subtly and deeply feeling. She was enriched internally and acquired a huge life experience that raised her even above the developed Stolz. Olga immediately saw and appreciated the spiritual beauty of Ilya Ilyich, but even she was unable to defeat Oblomovism. Stolz already fell in love with the “new” Olga, who changed thanks to Oblomov, who experienced a lot, suffered, fought, but lost.

After that, the fate of the heroes diverged. Oblomov found happiness in his understanding - he found Oblomovna in the house of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. He sank, flabby, and already very vaguely resembled the former charming gentleman. Stolz started a family with Olga Ilinskaya. They seem to be happy, only sometimes an incomprehensible sadness and longing finds on Olga, memories of Ilya Ilyich visit. The son of Oblomov and Andrei becomes a kind of focus of the best qualities of both heroes. Oblomov’s heir and Stolz’s pupil in the future, perhaps, will become in all respects a wonderful person, active and active, but with a tender poetic soul and a heart of gold.

Comparative characteristics of I. I. Oblomov and Stolz

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich - the main character of the novel "Oblomov". Landowner, nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Leads a lazy life. Doesn't do anything, just dreams and "decomposes" lying on the couch. Bright representative Oblomovism.
Stolz Andrei Ivanovich is a childhood friend of Oblomov. Half German, practical and active. The antipode of I. I. Oblomov.
Let's compare the heroes according to the following criteria:
Memories of childhood (including memories of parents).
I. I. Oblomov. From the early childhood everything was done for him: “The nanny is waiting for him to wake up. She pulls on his stockings; he is not given, he is naughty, dangles his legs; the nanny catches him." “... She washes him, combs his head and leads him to his mother. Since childhood, he also bathed in parental affection and care: “Mother showered him with passionate kisses ...” Nanny everywhere, for days on end, like a shadow followed him, constant guardianship did not end for a second: “... all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with turmoil, running around: either by trying, or by living joy for the child, or by fear that he will fall and hurt his nose ... ”.
Stolz. His childhood passes in a useful but tedious study: “From the age of eight he sat with his father behind a geographical map ... and with his mother he read sacred history, taught Krylov’s fables ...” His mother was constantly worried about her son: “... she would have kept him near her.” But his father was completely indifferent and cold-blooded to his son, and often "put his hand": "... and kicked him from behind so that he knocked him down."
Attitude towards study and work.
Oblomov. He went to school without much interest and desire, hardly sat in the classroom, to overcome any book for Oblomov was a great success and joy. “Why all these notebooks ... of paper, time and ink? Why educational books? ... When to live? Instantly cold to one or another kind of activity, be it study, books, hobbies. The same attitude was to work: “... you study, you read that the time of disaster is about to come, an unhappy person; here you gather your strength, work, homogenize, endure terribly and work, everything is preparing clear days.
Stolz. He studied and worked from childhood - the main concern and task of his father. Teaching and books fascinated Stoltz throughout his life. Labor is the essence of human existence. "He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a home and money."
Attitude to mental activity.
Oblomov. Despite the lack of love for study and work, Oblomov was far from being a stupid person. Some thoughts, pictures were constantly spinning in his naked, he constantly made plans, but for completely incomprehensible reasons, all this was put off in a debt box. “When he gets out of bed in the morning, after tea he immediately lies on the sofa, props his head with his hand and thinks it over, sparing no effort, until, finally, his head gets tired ..”
Stolz. Realist to the core. A skeptic in life and in thought. “He was afraid of any dream, or, if he entered its area, then he entered, as they enter a grotto with an inscription ... knowing the hour or minute when you leave from there.”
Choice of life goals and ways to achieve them. (Including lifestyle.)
Oblomov. Life is monotonous, devoid of colors, every day is similar to the previous one. His problems and worries are breathtakingly funny and ridiculous, even funnier he solves them by turning from side to side. The author justifies Oblomov with all his might, saying that he has a lot of ideas and goals in his head, but none of them materialize.
Stolz. Skepticism and realism are everywhere. “He walked firmly, cheerfully; lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble. “And he himself went stubbornly along the chosen path.”

Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Lazy people are always going to do something.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues.

The novel "Oblomov" was written by I.A. Goncharov in 1859. When the work was published, it captured all the attention of society. Critics and writers called the novel “a sign of the times” (N.A. Dobrolyubov), “the most important thing that has not been for a long time” (L.N. Tolstoy), a new word has appeared in everyday life: “Oblomovism”. I.S. Turgenev once remarked: “As long as at least one Russian remains, Oblomov will be remembered until then.”

Starting to read this work, to be honest, I was a little annoyed. From the first chapters, the image of Oblomov was incomprehensible to me, and even ... I had a certain dislike for this character. Not to the work itself, but to it. I can explain - my namesake greatly resented me with his laziness and apathy. It was unbearable. And how glad I was to learn in the process of reading this novel that Oblomov has, as Dobrolyubov puts it, an “antidote” - his friend, Andrei Stoltz. Strange, but for some reason I was very happy. I noticed that Goncharov took advantage of this antithesis for a reason - he shows two opposites, originally conceived as an opposition between the West and Russia. But I learned about this a little later, in a literature lesson ...

What about the comparison of these characters? Take, for example, the image of Oblomov in the novel. He is not drawn with satirical, but rather with soft, sad humor, although his laziness and inertia often appear grotesque, for example, in the first part of the novel, Oblomov's day is described, during which the hero cannot gather strength for a long time and painfully to get up from the couch . This is how it appears before us main character. Why be surprised? Everything comes from childhood! Let's remember Oblomovka, the village where Ilya lived as a child... Oblomovka is a village of peace, blessings, sleep, laziness, illiteracy, stupidity. Everyone in it lived for his own pleasure, without experiencing any mental, moral and spiritual needs. The Oblomovites had no goals, no troubles; no one thought about why man, the world, was created. And it was in this atmosphere that Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up and, I’m not afraid of this word ... “educated” Ilya Ilyich Oblomov ... Further, in the process of reading, we learn about his studies at the boarding school, where he “... listened to what the teachers said, because there was nothing else to do it was impossible, and with difficulty, with sweat, with sighs, he learned the lessons given to him ... ”About the same later, he treated the service. True, at the very beginning he dreamed of serving Russia, "until he was strong." But laziness and indifference to life were so deep that all his noble dreams remained unfulfilled. He turns into a sloth and couch potato. The people around you are used to it. But do not think that Oblomov is completely hopeless. All powers and all positive traits it is revealed in his romance with Olga Ilyinskaya, which, however, is torn apart due to Oblomov's inability to radically change his lifestyle and take serious practical steps.

What about Stoltz? Stolz is the complete opposite of Oblomov. Half German by nationality, he grew up in an atmosphere of mental and physical labor. Stolz has been accustomed to order since childhood and knows for sure that everything in life can only be achieved through hard work. He repeated this thought to Oblomov tirelessly. This is natural, because Ilya Ilyich was nurtured like "an exotic flower in a greenhouse." Stolz, on the other hand, grew up as "a cactus accustomed to drought." And just like that, all this was the soil for the further way of life of a friend of Ilya Ilyich. Andrei is energetic, not devoid of charm, gives the impression of a reliable person. As for me, but I see a strong and straightforward personality in Stolz, I don’t understand why Chekhov said otherwise about him. Stolz is super-energetic, muscular, active, firmly on his feet, amassed a large capital, a scientist who travels a lot. He has friends everywhere, he is respected as strong personality. He is one of the main representatives of the trading company. He is cheerful, cheerful, hardworking ... This is the difference from Oblomov, which is evident.

Behind the antithesis of Stolz and Oblomov, one can see the opposition of the West and Russia. Stolz is portrayed by Goncharov as a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality, combining German pragmatism and Russian spirituality. He is clearly idealized by the author, who sees the future of Russia in Stolz and others like him, the possibility of its progressive development, this is emphasized in the plot by the fact that Olga Ilyinskaya gives her hand to Stolz. This, in my opinion, is the main comparison between Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov.

In the novel Oblomov, Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people who are completely different in character and views.

A comparative description of the image of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether she is able to change a person for the better.

Childhood and upbringing

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. Parents took care of their son too much, did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as a punishment for sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was placed in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home, not to go to school. I did not get enough knowledge at the university because of my own laziness.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was a smart boy. Knowledge absorbed like a sponge. His father raised him strictly. Mother did not encourage "labor education". When the father sent his son to the university, he did not lead him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him down.


Ilya It has excess weight. His "chubby arms and soft shoulders" gave the appearance of a certain effeminacy. "His complexion was not ruddy or swarthy, he seemed positively pale." There were always some thoughts in gray eyes that quickly disappeared before they could settle in my head.

Andrey thin, he has no cheeks at all, his skin is swarthy. "He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, reminiscent of an English horse." His face had expressive green eyes. From him comes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and prosperity

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two, he had made absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents to the wrong address. He was unable to complete a simple task. Lives in rented apartments. An estate inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring proper prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.

He does not try to keep pace and create something in life. Lying on the couch, constantly being in a sleepy state.

Stolz“Served, retired, went about his own business and made a house and money. He is involved in some company that sends goods abroad.” Does not allow mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth, thanks to his own efforts. “Constantly on the move: if a society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. It is necessary to create a new project or analyze a new idea - they choose Stolz.

Love for a woman

Andrey respectful of the opposite sex. In relations with Olga Ilyinskaya, he manifests himself as a true gentleman, able to solve all the worries of his beloved, to please her. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but he could not overcome his laziness, unwillingness to change. I was afraid of the routine of marriage. He brought his beloved a lot of trouble, she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stoltz, full of health, wishes to live for many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to "live for two hundred, three hundred years." Adheres to the goal that everything should be carried out on the basis of clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself "the old caftan". Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often draws fictitious pictures. Especially clearly highlights the images of the future wife and children.

The novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" rightfully occupies an important place in the luggage of the Russian classical literature nineteenth century. A work that reveals the characters of people living at the same time and in the same society cannot but attract attention, and the biographies of two friends, Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, deserve special attention.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is an ambiguous and very curious character. He spends his days on his favorite couch, being in eternal half-asleep and some semblance of a state of relaxed apathy. He is not interested in active work, farming, or self-development - his whole life is like a sluggish river flow, measured and unhurried. It can be seen that Ilya Ilyich's parents also encouraged such a lifestyle - he was brought up in love and tenderness, and sometimes he was too much patronized, which led to the formation of a frankly infantile attitude to life at a conscious age. Dreams, dreams and memories of happy childhood- this is what Oblomov's world consists of.

Oblomov's childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, is the complete opposite of the protagonist of the novel. Stolz is hardworking, and this trait was instilled in him from the earliest years of his life. Andrei Ivanovich's parents, by their own example, showed the hero how important it is to be an economic and active person, so as not to simply live your life in vain. But, in my opinion, there are a number of misconceptions in Stolz's lifestyle - the character literally “lives” with work, his whole life is planned out by the hour and minute, there is no place for surprises and simple human joys that are not overshadowed by the constant oppression of the need to work and keep trite Everything's under control.

Despite the fact that Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz are completely different, their friendship has lasted for decades. Stolz respects Oblomov for his kindness and honesty, and Oblomov appreciates high moral qualities and decency in a friend. Watching the history of their friendship, you begin to think about how secondary character traits, life guidelines and goals can be, if the main thing lives in the soul of people - kindness, justice, openness and willingness to help and support.

In my opinion, in the novel Oblomov, Goncharov shows readers how important it is to respect and appreciate each other, even if we are talking about completely different people. Neither Stolz nor Oblomov can be called ideal people, but they are able to demonstrate their best qualities and be true friends and it's worth a lot.

Composition by Oblomov and Stolz

Goncharov, creating a novel called Oblomov, showed readers two specific types of people. Such different people. And both are inherently unfortunate ... Drawing the images of Oblomov and Stolz, the author captured in them qualities that are different from each other. It cannot be argued that the qualities of any of the presented heroes are negative. No, these are some kind of shortcomings that sometimes you don’t pay attention to. And habits are often too hard to break...

Ilya Oblomov... A true dreamer, a true romantic. Since childhood, he grew carefree. The child did not know what commitment and curiosity were. All his life he was away from fame and luxury. The hero grew up at home, completely unprepared for life's circumstances.

The mother at an early age of her son took care of him too much, because of which Oblomov left the family as a sloppy and inexperienced person. The character loves being in a fantasy world so much that he forgets about reality. That is why his pastime is often in dreams, rarely the hero wanders the streets. Oblomov is not able to work, he is too tender and weak for work. However, the character is notable for the fact that in any situation, his feelings are above all. Not the material in priority, but the spiritual component!

What to say about Stolz? This character is the complete antipode of Oblomov. He dresses brilliantly, is well educated, a hard-working man. Since childhood, he showed curiosity to all the oddities in this world. From an early age, his mother managed to bring art into Stolz's life, to introduce the boy to music and books. The father did not infringe on the freedom of his own child. He knew that if a person is interested, then in no case should this curiosity be ruled out. Otherwise the child will lose all attachment to the world. Therefore, the hero often left home for the night in order to explore new areas and outskirts. He himself was responsible for his own life. He himself took the punishment for his disobedience. Already in the early period of childhood, the child learned the important qualities of adults. Responsibility, integrity, striving for excellence. That is why Stoltz was known successful person. He has a great job that brings a huge income. His wardrobe is amazing. However, the hero does not care about family relationships. It is tied in numbers and calculations. His calling is to work like a machine. But behind this, Stolz has nothing ... Feelings do not come out ...

Comparing the two heroes of Goncharov's novel, it should be noted that Stolz and Oblomov are completely different personalities. If the first is a hard worker, then the other is a real dreamer. For Stolz, it is important to set goals and achieve them. For Oblomov to draw a heavenly life in his head. But, what is noteworthy, Stolz's beloved initially longed to be with Oblomov. Why? The answer is simple: Oblomov had real feelings. Sincere smile, beautiful eyes, childish carelessness. All this was attractive. However, due to the fear of Elijah, the beloved doves could not find each other. But the heroine was not happy with Stolz either. They didn't even have children. Here is the right choice!

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