Want to find out how many children you will have by date of birth. You can do this completely free of charge, it is enough to know the dates of birth of both partners and make simple calculations with them.

It is believed that the number of children that can be born to a woman or a man is included in the date of birth. To find out, you need to calculate the birth code that affects the fate of a person. They do it like this:

  1. The date of birth is written in a line. For example, a person was born on 03/02/1990.
  2. The numbers add up: 2+3+1+9+9. Get the number - 24.
  3. The resulting number is converted into a simple number: 2+4=6.

The resulting figure affects the ability of a person to conceive and give birth to a child in the future.

1 number

Ones usually have 3 children. Often, pregnancy does not proceed smoothly - miscarriages and complications are possible. For people with this birth number, all children are born from one life partner and strengthen the marriage. After the appearance of babies, the worldview of a person with a unit in the birth code can change radically.

number 2

Heralds the appearance of one child. Pregnancy and childbirth proceed easily, but further attempts to conceive a second child often end in failure.

It is important for moms and dads with such numbers in the birth code to monitor the upbringing of the child. Due to excessive parental love and a poor approach to education, the baby can grow up spoiled and naughty.

number 3

3s have trouble choosing a life partner. Often a 3-k partner is infertile. Therefore, they manage to give birth or adopt only one baby. Although with certain efforts on their part and compromises (when deciding on IVF or adoption), they manage to have more children.

4 number

Numerology portends the birth of two babies of different sexes. Children can appear with a big difference in age - from 5 years, but they will be friendly and friendly to each other. 4-cams should not try to speed up the process of having a second child - they will have it when they prepare for it morally, financially.

number 5

These people have big families. A woman with this birth code can easily bear 5 children, give birth to twins and triplets. 5s are amorous, they often have several marriages in their lives, children appear from different fathers. But they maintain warm relations and often live with their parents for a long time.

number 6

These people are more likely to have 3 children. The first two are early - before the age of 30. The third can be born after 35. Often these children are from different marriages. But it is easy for them to maintain warm friendships.

number 7

The result of fortune-telling shows that you can completely abandon the happiness of fatherhood or motherhood. This will come from excessive self-love and unwillingness to compromise for the sake of the child. Children born to such parents are mainly sent to be raised by grandparents and other relatives. Men and women with a birth code of 7 can start a family with babies in adulthood, when they get tired of fulfilling only their own whims. Even with minimal care for children, they receive a lot of love and attention from them.

number 8

8-to more often 2 children are born. The birth of a third is likely, but it is being cut off due to a poor material base and other external factors. If a person with such a birth code wants to become a father or mother of many children, he can easily realize himself in this role. 8s manage to easily get pregnant and bear children. With the upbringing of offspring, 8-k does not have problems.

number 9

It is difficult for people with this birth number to become pregnant and give birth. They can resort to artificial insemination, but not get a result. They better take the kids for adoption. If the 9s can give love to adopted children, their family life will be happy.

How many children will there be by the man's date of birth?

The method presented above, how to find out how many children there will be by date of birth, can be used to calculate the number of offspring in men. But in this case, the calculations must be carried out adjusted for the number of brothers and sisters in his family. It is necessary to add up all the numbers of his birth, as shown above, and add to the result the number of children in his family. The prognosis for men is as follows:

  • 1 - can have many children in marriage and out of marriage.
  • 2 - able to conceive no more than 2 children. Will pay little attention to kids, concentrating on career development.
  • 3 - up to 3 children.
  • 4 - there will be one child. You will no longer be able to conceive due to health problems or a precarious financial situation.
  • 5 - two children.
  • 6 - father of many children. May also have children outside the family.
  • 7 - will be able to conceive one baby. This can be difficult. You will probably need treatment.
  • 8 - depending on the state of health and desire, she will be able to have many children or remain childless at all.
  • 9 - 1 or 2 children.

It should be remembered that the date of birth of a man does not indicate those children whom he can adopt. This is important for couples with health problems.

How many children will there be by the woman's date of birth?

How to determine how many children will be by date of birth for women? Use the first method of calculating by date of birth. Remember that the resulting number of children may include both those babies who will be carried and born by a woman, as well as adopted children.

What year is considered auspicious?

You can determine a favorable year for free for any couple. It is enough to add up the numbers of the date of birth of the partners, the numbers of the year for which the birth of the child is planned. For example, partners have personal numbers 2 and 3, they plan to give birth in 2020 (year number 3). We add the numbers: 2 + 3 + 3, we get 8.

We are looking for a forecast for the year in the general list:

  • 1 is a difficult year. It will be possible to give birth to a child or build a career. It is better to choose the second one in order to create a good base for a future pregnancy.
  • 2 - a favorable period. If you responsibly treat the health of the expectant mother, everything will go well.
  • 3 - the year is suitable for family planning.
  • 4 - family relationships are unstable. Conception should be postponed.
  • 5 - healthy and strong children are born. You can conceive twins.
  • 6 - the year is good both financially and in terms of marital relations. Favors the appearance of healthy children.
  • 7 - the unstable emotional background of the mother can have a bad effect on the baby.
  • 8 - the probability of an unplanned pregnancy.
  • 9 - threatens with severe pregnancy and childbirth. The mother can spend the entire pregnancy on conservation. Probably the emergence of financial difficulties.

If the choice fell on an unfavorable year, be sure to enlist the support of relatives and doctors. This will help you deal with difficulties.

leap year

Not a leap year

A good year for the birth of children, if the family horoscope indicates a favorable time. Choose year 2, 5 or 6 according to family numerology, but weigh various external factors when planning to conceive.

Any girl, like a future mother, is curious about how many children she will have. Of course, this depends on many reasons, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to predict the number of your babies with absolute accuracy. However, everyone can try to guess their number based on one of the methods proposed below.

How can you find out how many children a girl will have?

As you understand, all of the above methods are pseudoscientific in nature, since the possibilities of determining the future, in our time, do not yet give reliable answers. But it is not necessary to turn to fortune-tellers who charge a lot of money for their services - try to do it yourself by choosing any method you like:

  1. How to find out how many children will be, in the palm of your hand, fist or wrist?
  2. In the palm of each person there is a so-called marriage line. These are horizontal folds on the arm, located just below the little finger. They have small vertical lines that mean children. Take a closer look at your hand (they usually guess on the right), and you can easily calculate the number of your future heirs.

    Keep in mind that there can be several lines of marriage, then the number of children born from different men will be different: each horizontal strip has its own vertical ones.

    By the bumps on the wrist, you can also determine how many times you will become a mother. Clench your fist right hand, and press on the point located in the middle of the line encircling the wrist (it is called the belt of Venus). As a result of such an action, bumps will appear in the palm of your hand just above this place, corresponding to the size of your future offspring.

    Similarly, they look at the "children's" lines on the back of the hand clenched into a fist - they are under the little finger.

    However, all these lines and bumps do not always correctly respond to question asked because they also show the number of miscarriages and abortions;

  3. As practice shows, you can more accurately find out how many children there will be according to the horoscope of numerology– although this option will not be final. For such a numerological calculation, you need to find out “your” number from 1 to 9: sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and the total number of children in the family where you grew up. Then add the resulting two numbers together to find out the coveted number, and then read its interpretation:
  • 1 - there is a chance to become a mother of many children or have several miscarriages and abortions - it all depends on the choice of the woman;
  • 2 - there will be only one baby;
  • 3 - a woman most likely will not find her mate, and therefore will be childless or give birth to one;
  • 4 - two children of different sexes;
  • 5 - a chance to become a large family and / or give birth to twins;
  • 6 - many children from different husbands;
  • 7 - there will be no children due to the woman's great narcissism, or there will be only one;
  • 8 - most likely adoption is coming;
  • 9 - there will be two children, if life circumstances (career, financial situation) do not intervene.
  • There is another interesting way to find out how many children you will have - by a needle. This method is very close to fortune telling, because, in fact, one can only guess about such things. What needs to be done to get this information?
  • So, arm yourself with a thread and an ordinary sewing needle. The thread should be long, white. Pass it through the eye of the needle, grab the tip and lift it over the open palm of your right hand. Lower the needle on the thread three times between the thumb and forefinger, and then raise it again and observe the "behavior" of the needle. It can sway in different directions, and this will mean that you will have a boy, or make circular movements - this is a sign of the appearance of a girl. After each approach, repeat the procedure, again lowering the needle between your fingers, and start fortune telling again. When the needle shows how many children fate has prepared for you, it will freeze in place;

  • Divination with a ring- a similar way. It should be held either on your birthday or at Christmas time. Take a ring (preferably smooth, without inserts), tie it to a thread and lower it into a glass beaker three-quarters filled with water. The ring should remain 1 cm above the water level. First, it will swing on a thread, hitting the walls of the container. How many times the ring touches the glass - so many times to be your mother.
  • When conducting such fortune-telling, remember that their results may differ. And you can only find out how many children you will actually have in the process of real life.

    Everyone knows that a child is born with his own character, because even in the womb, one baby is active, constantly kicking, and the other is calm and quiet, not disturbing his mother, but that's what he will be born, interest Ask, the answer to which all the relatives of the crumbs want to know.

    Of course, you can compare the character traits and temperament of relatives and friends and derive something in between, but it’s impossible to calculate exactly like that, because family members cannot have the same traits: one child can be cheerful and sociable, with a light character, very similar to his own. mother or aunt, and the other, on the contrary, is sullen, withdrawn and complex, like a grandfather or paternal cousin. Although there is a great option to find out what kind of character the baby will be - numerology will help with this - the science is exact, and therefore true.

    Thanks to it, you can find out what is inherent in the child by nature - his inclinations and abilities. To do this, you need to make a certain calculation - add up all the numbers of the date of birth and get a numerological code. For example, a baby was born on August 1, 2007, so his number is: 1+8+2+7=18=1+8=9. Now you can refer to the characteristics below, having received an online answer for free and correctly.

    So, find out what the character of the child is according to numerology:

    As soon as the baby is born, he will give pepper to everyone - mom will rock, grandmother will sing, and dad and grandfather will dance, so long as the child does not cry. He will go early and speak, and the only thing left for his parents is to listen and catch the fidget. From the outside, it seems that the baby is so independent that he does not need either mom or dad, but this is not at all the case - the child is waiting to be praised and appreciated for his independence - they will hug, kiss and say that he is the very best .

    The “one” never sits still, he is curious about everything, so after his games it was as if a hurricane had passed - the floor, littered with toys and mother's beads, all this was sprinkled with flour from grandmother's stocks and decorated with bolts and screwdrivers taken from father's workshop. But it will not be possible to limit and punish him for pranks - the baby will be offended and will behave even cooler - he may not talk, fight, or even get ready to leave the house, so parents need to learn patience.

    A child who wears the numerological code “one” is inquisitive, which must be encouraged in him, the main thing is to direct this character trait in the right direction, he will be able to stand out from others in the chosen field of knowledge, and besides, he will also attract others, because he is a leader, which means that defeats in his life are excluded!

    Such children are used to playing secondary roles, but they turn out to be quite successful. Having found a leader for themselves, they will be ready to do anything for him, so good sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, as well as friends grow up among such children. These kids are charm itself, they will always go around sharp corners, conflict-free, often to the detriment of their own self, so parents need to teach their children at least a minimum of independence and firmness, as they can grow up indecisive and insecure. While the child is small, he is very shy, but having matured a little, he becomes sociable, chatting incessantly.

    There are many mentally fragile personalities among these children, therefore, from an early age, both the son and the daughter need to be hugged and kissed, encouraging and praising. When he becomes an adult, parents will receive a loving child, for whom the family comes first, which, by the way, can cause loneliness in life, so you need to instill in the crumbs such character traits as independence in choosing a decision, push, but do not push.

    If you calculated the character of the child by date of birth and got a “three”, then know that you got a universal favorite, he will win the heart of the midwife already in the maternity hospital, at home he will become the center of attention not only of relatives, but also of neighbors who will look with tenderness for an adorable baby. Although these kids are shy, yet they never stay away from important events, they always get what they want - care and attention. Especially parenting. By the way, among the boys there are many mother's sons, and among the girls - daddy's daughters, the attention of the opposite sex in the face of parents will be transferred to adulthood.

    "Troika", if he grows up in a family alone, will grow up as a wonderful person, otherwise his sunshine will go out, which will affect both his studies and relationships with his peers. The desire to be the very best will be transferred to school, where he will become the favorite of teachers and an unpleasant personality for classmates.

    Kids-"triples" are fidgets, so the task of parents is to teach them concentration, then everything will be fine in their studies, and in relationships with friends.

    From the outside, this child seems slow, but this is not bad, rather, on the contrary, with his methodicalness he will be able to achieve a lot for himself and for his relatives. These children have a highly developed intuition, therefore, if they immediately fall in love with someone, then this is forever, and, most importantly, such children will not be mistaken in their choice of “their” person.

    Are you inclined to be overweight? You don’t have to worry, after the birth of a “five” child, you will quickly lose weight, since you don’t have to sit - he crawls quickly, walks quickly, climbs everywhere, which means you need an eye and an eye for him, but you definitely won’t be able to keep track - there will be a broken hand, and bruises on the legs, and falls from trees, etc. All this will anger the parents, but not for long, because this affectionate and gentle kitten will hug and kiss after the perfect Skoda, and all the anger will go away.

    These children have a drawback - they quickly get bored with everything, so any new toy will quickly end up in the corner, and a boring subject at school will forever become unloved. By the way, these children quickly get bored with little brothers and sisters who can neither play nor talk, so parents should not expect help from them in taking care of their little ones. So the task of parents is to interest their crumbs - "fives", then everything will be fine!

    These children do not like to live alone, so urgently give your only baby a brother or sister, he will have someone to look after and command, and for him this is a great happiness.

    Such children have a fickle mood - during the day he is sometimes capricious, sometimes cheerful, sometimes greedy, sometimes generous, so in the morning he can offend, and in the afternoon he climbs to kiss and hug.

    These kids are used to taking responsibility, if I may say so, almost from the cradle, so they do not tolerate criticism, because they believe that their experience is their trump card, they often argue, even when they don’t know something, they can scream and fight if something doesn’t suit them, so the task of parents is to teach them restraint and poise. By the way, there are many manipulators among them, but this is even good, because they will be able to achieve a lot in their lives.

    These children are very calm, so they will never create problems for their parents, especially since they are children of the regime, therefore, if they are fed and put to bed on time, then mom and dad will not notice that another family member has appeared in their lives. Although there are temperamental children among the “sevens”, you can’t envy your parents here, they always do what they want, do not tolerate prohibitions and disputes. But if mom and dad take care, then these grumblers will become white and fluffy. "Sevens" are very sensitive personalities, so they always know when a person is feeling bad, and when it's good, they will console those who are upset.

    Physically, they are weak children, but do not be upset, as they are mentally strong, these children never have problems with their studies.

    With age, children more often retire, and it is better not to interfere with them, so the guys are cleansed of the emotions accumulated during the day that they do not like to show.

    Looking at this charming creature in diapers, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from it - it is charming! However, by reaching adolescence, many parents will catch themselves thinking that their sweet child has been replaced - it will become a pretty monster if it is not kept in check. Therefore, the task of relatives is to make it clear who is the boss in the house, then everything will be fine!

    These guys are very jealous, so they perceive brothers and sisters as enemies, constantly preparing a trick for them, often because of such relationships, having matured, children stop communicating, which can upset parents, but this can be fixed if the "eights" are made clear that they are the best - spend a lot of time with them, sharing their sorrows and joys, then you can hope for reciprocity.

    You gave birth to a “teacher”, since your child is very smart, and not even in terms of studies, but in terms of life situations - he always acts wisely and judiciously. He is sociable and reserved, versatile and imaginative.

    While he is small, he does not cause any problems to his parents, but every year he will more and more often show his character, although he will not knock his relatives out of the usual rut, rather this will affect communication with friends.

    These children take on the solution of all family problems, and quite successfully. They can be trusted with secrets even when they are very young, always keeping their mouths shut when asked.

    Children need to instill an interest in the world around them so that they can develop and devote a curious crumb to whatever he wants - they can grow up to be great professionals in their field.

    The kids never show that they need hugs and caresses, but they are madly waiting for them, so moms and dads definitely need to caress their outwardly callous babies, they need it, then you will grow up a sincere and caring son or daughter who will always be there, let not physically, but emotionally, never forgetting his dear parents, even being thousands of kilometers away from his father's home.

    Many people want to know the number of babies in the future. When a woman is in love, she will definitely want to give birth from her partner. To look into the future, you can use numerology to calculate how many children will be by date of birth. The calculations are simple and do not require additional knowledge and effort. All you need to know is the full name and birth date of the girl or both partners.

    It is not necessary to go to a fortune teller to find out the answer to this request. Numerology shows the number of children with great accuracy. With it, you can do the calculation yourself. To do this, an unmarried woman needs to add up the numbers in the date of birth and add to the number of brothers / sisters. This is a general divination for the future.

    Example, a woman was born on 12/31/1987 and she has one brother. All numbers are added up: 3+1+1+2+1+9+8+7+2=34. The resulting amount must be added up to a monosyllabic number: 3 + 4 = 7. The last number is the answer. Here is the value for each digit:

    Age of pregnancy

    Girls, especially young ones, often have this thought: “how to find out at what age I give birth.” To do this, you need to make a calculation under the conditional name "test: how old do I give birth." Pregnancy must be calculated using numerology. To do this, make the following calculation:

    • the date of birth of the expectant mother is taken and all the numbers are added up;
    • the same operation is carried out with the number of the year;
    • both results are cumulative.

    The result obtained is the answer to the query "when I give birth to a child by date of birth." The calculation should be done for each year until your 40th birthday. You can take the age and less.

    So , here are the values ​​of the resulting numbers:

    This fortune-telling for pregnancy by date of birth is suitable for married women. Men can apply this method to themselves too.

    There is not always a desire to independently calculate the number of future babies . There are online tests for this.. You need to enter the F.I. About the future mother into them, and the program will make the calculation itself. Below will be detailed description the value of the resulting number.

    Every girl would like to know how many children fate will send her. Surely, of course, no one will give an answer to such a question, but you can try to do this with the help of fortune-telling. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods of predicting the number of babies in this material.


    In the palm of a person, it’s really possible to learn a lot about the characteristics of his personality, career, health and love. If you clench your palm into a fist, then on the fold, slightly below the little finger, horizontal lines. Their number will tell about how many times great love will visit a person's heart. Moreover, not in all cases an official marriage is implied - the line can indicate strong feelings, emotions in relation to the object, even if they remain undivided.

    Vertical lines go up from these lines, which will tell about the number of babies:

    • long line - promises a girl;
    • short line - boy;
    • if the child is not destined to be born - that is, there will be a miscarriage - the line is broken, uneven or crossed out;
    • the presence on the lines of children of a sign resembling English letter"V" - tells about the birth of twins.

    Please note that right-handers should study their right hand, and left-handers their left, as the lines may differ on both limbs.

    Divination with a thread and a needle

    The method is simple, it was used by our great-grandmothers. You need to take a white thread and thread it through a needle. At the same time, put your hand with your palm up, let it hang in the air and do not rely on anything.

    The thumb is retracted to the side, and the remaining fingers are compressed. Then pass the needle three times in the gap between the thumb and palm. The needle is brought in turn to all the fingers, and they observe how it behaves:

    • if it sways from side to side, get ready for the appearance of a boy;
    • and when it turns around in circles, a girl will be born;
    • there is no movement - fate will not send children, or they will not be born very soon.

    It is necessary to carry out the action on all the fingers of the hand, counting how many times it moved - this is the number of children you will have.

    Divination by stones

    To carry it out, they stock up on a bowl of water, a few pebbles and a marker. A number is written on each stone. Then they are lowered into water and wait until the ink is completely dissolved. The last figure will indicate the number of babies in your family.

    You can modify fortune-telling by writing variants of male and female names instead of numbers. That name, which until the last will not be erased from the pebble, will shed light on half the child.

    Divination with a ring

    The best time to do it is Christmas Day or birthday. Everything is done simply - a glass is taken, half filled with water, you also need to stock up on a smooth wedding ring without pebbles or inserts.

    The ring is hung on a thin thread, lowered into the glass so that it is about a centimeter above the water level. How many times it touches the walls of the glass - so many babies you will give birth.

    Guessing how many children will be by date of birth

    Option one

    Here, the date of birth of the future mother is taken as the basis. The fortuneteller must perform the following manipulations:

    1. Write down the full date of your birth.
    2. Add all numbers to each other. Eg:

    25.06.1994 =2+5+0+6+1+9+9+4=36.

    Then you should interpret the result:

    • an even number is the index of one child;
    • odd - two;
    • if there is a zero at the end of the number, the woman will not have children;
    • and if nine, triplets will be born.

    Option two

    It is also numerological, a little more complicated. In it, first of all, you need to sum up all the numbers of your date of birth. Then add the total number of children in your parent family to the value.

    Let's look at a specific example:

    25.06.1994 =2+5+0+6+1+9+9+4=36 =3+6 = 9.

    The girl has a sister, that is, there are only two of them in the family. Then we add nine to two and get the number eleven. It must, like the date of birth, be reduced to a single value.

    Then refer to the decoding of the value:

    • Unit- a sign of a mother of many children. It is unlikely that such a lady will be realized in a career, rather, that she will find happiness in family affairs. There can be many babies, up to five.
    • deuce- on the contrary, it does not promise a large number of children. Or a woman will give birth to one child, but it will be very problematic for her to conceive and endure a second. With a strong desire to expand the family, it will be possible to turn to artificial insemination or the help of a surrogate mother. But in general, the deuce promises one baby.
    • Troika– in the case of the three, the situation will develop according to one of two scenarios. In the first case, a single child will be born, but at a fairly mature age. And the second option - suggests the impossibility of having children of yours or your man.
    • Four- the number promises the birth of two children - a boy and a girl with a difference of five to six years from each other.
    • Five- brings news of a large family, which is likely to have twins or even triplets. Most likely, the babies will be female.
    • Six- portends three children. Moreover, two of them will be born at a fairly young age, but the last baby will be born later, by the age of 30 or even 40.
    • Seven- the figure does not promise a single child.
    • Eight- two babies will be born safely, but the birth of a third is unlikely.
    • Nine- most likely, a woman will not be able to endure and give birth to a baby herself, she will have to turn to the help of doctors or the services of a surrogate mother.

    Option three

    This is the latest numerological method based on the date of birth of both parents. He will tell you who is preparing for the birth of a person - a boy or a girl.

    The fortuneteller should perform the following actions:

    1. Write out your own date of birth along with the date of your spouse.
    2. Then you will need to add all the digits of your date and the date of your partner until you get single digits. In the end, you should have only two numbers - one is yours, and the second is your husband's. If two-digit numbers come out (for example, 12), then reduce them to a single-digit 1 + 2 = 3.

    The results obtained are interpreted as follows:

    • if the number of the lady is much larger than the male, the first baby in the pair will be a boy;
    • and, on the contrary, the predominance of the male figure - will tell about the first birth of a girl;
    • if the difference between the numbers is small - there is a big risk of making a mistake when determining the sex of the unborn baby;
    • if the numbers are the same, it is likely that the couple is in danger of infertility.

    Fortune telling how many children there will be at Christmas time

    Christmas days are a magical time when you can guess for anything, for anything, in particular, for the number of future babies. Use this simple method.

    You will need to stock up on several pieces of paper on which numbers from one to five are written. Then each piece of paper is neatly folded and sent under the pillow. The next morning, waking up, you need to remove one of the leaves. The number on it will tell you about the number of kids in your family.

    If desired, it is allowed to put a piece of paper with the number zero, which will tell about the absence of children.

    Divination by frozen water

    Let's get acquainted with another version of winter fortune-telling held at Christmas time. For it, you need to collect a bucket of water in the evening, put it in the yard (or on the balcony), and in the morning carefully examine the ice:

    • the pits formed on it will tell about the number of girls in the family;
    • and the bumps describe the number of boys.

    Fortune telling "ask the child"

    Toddlers are often highly sensitive and can give truthful answers to some questions. This is explained by the fact that children strong connection with the Spiritual world and a more developed intuition, with age, these skills gradually atrophy if they are not developed.

    Therefore, if you are worried about the question “How many children will there be?” - try asking it to a small child aged 4 to 6 years. This should be done unexpectedly, without first speaking on such a topic, and the question itself should be formulated clearly for understanding the baby.

    For example:

    "Katya, tell me, how many children will I have?"

    It is believed that the younger the baby, the more reliable the answer he will give you.

    In conclusion

    As you can see, there are many options for guessing the number of children. Which method to choose is up to you. Most importantly, do not rush to be very upset if you suddenly get a not very good answer, because the future is changing every minute, and you yourself can change the situation for the better with your own efforts.

    And finally, watch the thematic video: