What was she, Tatyana, a Russian soul? How do we see it when reading Pushkin's novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"? The whole description of her actions points to a melancholy temperament.

Thought, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural Leisure Current
Decorated her with dreams.

The following epithets also indicate a tendency to melancholy: sad, silent, immersed in despondency, a tender dreamer.

Pushkin does not mention her appearance anywhere - he does not talk about the color of her eyes, nor about the shape of her lips, he does not draw a portrait. All description is reduced to internal, spiritual world Tatyana, her actions. The only thing that catches your eye is that Tatyana was the exact opposite of her energetic and carefree sister. And if Olga was a blond and round-faced young lady, then Tatyana, most likely, was a brown-haired woman with delicate features of an always pale face and brown eyes.

And he remembered Tatyana dear
And pale color and dull look;

Why brown eyes?

And paler than the morning moon
And more tremulous than the persecuted doe,
She has dark eyes
Doesn't lift:

It is unlikely that Pushkin would call blue or green eyes darkening.

Tatyana lived in the world of her dreams, avoided communication with her neighbors, preferring them to empty conversations and games with children walking through the forest or field.

Dika, sad, silent.
Like a doe forest is timid.

Like most noble children, she did not know Russian well. At night I read French novels, and imagined myself as the heroine of what I read. But, despite this, she was a Russian soul, loved winter, believed in fortune-telling and omens.

At the time of the development of the plot, Tatyana was 13 years old. This is mentioned twice in the poem. True, there is an opinion literary critics that Tatyana was 17 years old. But let's leave this point of view on the conscience of the critics themselves, because if Tatyana was 17, the girl's relatives would diligently look for her groom, and Pushkin would hardly have remembered the dolls.

The reader will meet Tatyana Larina again a few years later in St. Petersburg. She has matured, become more feminine. In society, Tatyana behaved with self-esteem, and with her manners, her article, she inspired respect for those present for her own person. There is no coquetry, vulgarity, ladies' antics in it. In the final part of "Eugene Onegin" we read the following description of Tatyana:

She was slow
Not cold, not talkative
Without an arrogant look for everyone,
No claim to success
Without these little antics
No imitations...
Everything is quiet, just was in it.

The provincial girl rather quickly learned the lessons of high society, in which she found herself thanks to her marriage. But she became such thanks to the acquired bitter experience. Her stay at the estate and reading his books made it possible to get to know this man better. She managed to lock up her heart, and did not show people true feelings. No, she did not prevaricate, she did not need this. She simply did not bare her soul, her heart to anyone. Hiding doesn't mean lying. Even if she did not feel love and passion for her husband, she respected him, and he could be proud of his wife -

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel by Alexander Pushkin 8220 Eugene Onegin 8221

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" in the image of Tatyana Larina, all Pushkin's ideas about the ideal were embodied. It seems to me that when we are talking about virtue and beauty, Pushkin in more able to show them with an example female characters: this is Masha Mironova from “ captain's daughter”, and Marya Gavrilovna from “Metel”, and Masha Troekurova from “Dubrovsky”. All of them are characterized by selflessness, nobility, beauty and fidelity to marital duty.

Tatyana is Pushkin's favorite heroine. He confesses: "I love my dear Tatyana so much." He sincerely sympathizes: “Tatiana, dear Tatiana! With you now I shed tears ... ”, he is proud of her nobility when she rejects Onegin’s love in the name of duty:

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

The ability to self-sacrifice is characteristic of Tatyana to an even greater extent than the heroines of the above stories. She carried her love for Onegin through her whole life, was the first to confess her love to him, endured the humiliation of his refusal, did not lose her dignity, realizing the frivolity of Eugene's attitude towards her, and managed to build her life, "ruling herself." Giving her hand to her husband, mutilated in battles, she will never betray him. It seems to me that when creating the image of Tatyana, Pushkin was inspired by real women, for example, the wives of the Decembrists, who managed to remain devoted to their marital duty until the end of their days.

Where do these women come from? Tatyana grew up on her parents' estate, and this "charming corner" brought up in her a love for nature, for ancient customs, for everything natural and beautiful, which made her soul unique and, as Pushkin emphasizes, "Russian soul". It would seem that there is nothing unusual in her: she "believed the legends of the common folk antiquity, and dreams, and card divination”, she listened with trepidation to the fairy tales of the nanny, she was “disturbed by signs”, but at the same time “she seemed like a stranger girl in her own family”. Why? Because there was no pretense, coquetry and affectation, which were considered integral features of secular young ladies, and although the Larin family stood out among other landowner families by the simplicity and naturalness of behavior, Tatyana stood out even in her. She was an extraordinary person. She didn’t play with dolls, she didn’t imitate the ladies of high society. This is probably why, when she got married and got into the world, she stood out noticeably there too. In the light

She was slow

Not cold, not talkative

Without an arrogant look for everyone,

No claim to success

Without these little antics

No imitations...

Everything is quiet, it was just in it ...

The intonation with which Pushkin describes Tatyana gives him away. This is the same ideal that the poet, perhaps, aspired to all his life. .

Tatyana from childhood differed from coquettes in that she had a rich inner world, an inquisitive contemplative world, instead of dreaming about balls and learning manners,

She loved on the balcony

Warn dawn dawn

When in the pale sky

Stars disappears round dance.

Pushkinskaya Tatyana, despite the fact that she was “wild, sad, silent, like a doe in the forest, timid”, nevertheless “gifted from heaven”

Mind and will alive,

And a wayward head...

Her willfulness was expressed, for example, in the fact that, having fallen in love with Onegin, she was the first to confess her love to him. In the 20s of the XIX century, this was not accepted among young people.

But Pushkin not only does not condemn Tatyana, he defends her:

Why is Tatyana more guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no lies

And believes in his own dream?

Both Pushkin and his beloved heroine "hate the unrest of the world." They strive for naturalness, appreciate openness and directness. Spiritualized, poetic love of Tatyana makes her image inimitable, worthy of respect. The reader experiences with her the bitterness of unrequited love. Having learned a bitter lesson, having listened to Onegin's moralizing, she continues to keep in herself this high feeling, love in her understanding of this word. Onegin's refusal did not humiliate her, but exalted her.

Pushkin once again brought the heroes together in a similar situation a few years later. Now Tatyana, who has married a general, listens to Onegin's declarations of love. There is no gloating in her rebuke. Despite the fact that she now belongs to high society, she is still simple and natural, and Onegin asks a question that betrays a reasonable and sober nature in her: “Why do you have me in mind?”. And since Onegin has nothing to answer, she answers herself:

Is it because my shame

Now everyone would be noticed

And could bring in society

You seductive honor?

We note once again - she does not triumph over victory, does not seek to avenge past humiliations. She does not want to play cheap secular games, does not accept relationships behind her husband's back, and although she again confesses her love for Onegin, she rejects his courtship. No one had taught Onegin such a lesson before. This is an act of a person of high morality with a deeply conscious sense of his own dignity. Tatyana refused the love of a man whom she had loved for many years, in order not to tarnish the honest name of her husband in society.

It seems to me that such concepts as fidelity, purity, nobility, embodied by Pushkin in the image of Tatyana, have not become outdated so far. Yes, the relationship between a man and a woman has become simpler and more primitive in some ways, but every person, dreaming of true and only love for life, has in mind just such a beautiful and genuine feeling as Tatyana has for Onegin.

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The image of Tatyana Larina from the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is one of those that evoke a feeling of admiration and pity at the same time. Her life path once again makes one think that a person's happiness depends not only on the integrity of his actions and sincerity of intentions, but also on the actions of other people.

Larin family

Tatyana Larina is an aristocrat by birth. Her family lives in the rural hinterland, rarely leaving it, so all the girl's communication is based on communication with her closest relatives, a nanny, who is actually equated with family members and neighbors.

At the time of the story, Tatyana's family is incomplete - her father died, and his mother took over his responsibilities for maintaining the estate.

But in the old days, everything was different - the Larin family consisted of Dmitry Larin, a foreman in his position, his wife Polina (Praskovya) and two children - girls, the elder Tatyana and the younger Olga.

Polina, married Larina (her maiden name Pushkin is not mentioned), was forcibly married to Dmitry Larin. For a long time, a young girl was burdened from a relationship, but, thanks to her husband’s calm disposition and good attitude towards her person, Polina was able to discern a good and decent person in her husband, become attached to him and even, later, fall in love. Pushkin does not go into details of the description of their family life, but it is likely that the tender attitude of the spouses towards each other continued into old age. Being already at a respectable age (the author does not name the exact date), Dmitry Larin dies, and Polina Larina, his wife, takes over the functions of the head of the family.

The appearance of Tatyana Larina

Nothing is known about Tatyana's childhood and appearance at that time. Before the reader in the novel appears already an adult girl of marriageable age. Tatyana Larina did not differ in traditional beauty - she was not much like the girls who captivate the hearts of young aristocrats at dinner parties or balls: Tatyana has dark hair and pale skin, her face is devoid of blush, it seems somehow completely colorless. Her figure also does not differ in the sophistication of forms - she is too thin. The gloomy appearance complements the look full of sadness and melancholy. Against the background of her blond and ruddy sister, Tatyana looks extremely unattractive, but still she cannot be called ugly. She has a special beauty, different from the generally accepted canons.

Tatyana's favorite activities

The unusual appearance of Tatyana Larina does not end with an unusual appearance. Larina also had non-standard ways to spend her leisure time. While the bulk of the girls indulged in needlework at their leisure, Tatyana, on the contrary, tried to avoid needlework and everything connected with it - she did not like to embroider, the girl was bored at work. Tatyana loved to spend free time in the company of books or in the company of his nanny - Filipievna, which in its content was almost equivalent to actions. Her nanny, despite the fact that she was a peasant by birth, was considered a member of the family and lived with the Larins, and after the girls grew up and her services as a nanny were no longer in demand. The woman knew many different mystical stories and with pleasure retold them to the curious Tatyana.

In addition, Larina often liked to spend time reading books - mainly the works of such authors as Richardson, Rousseau, Sophie Marie Cotten, Julia Krudener, Madame de Stael and Goethe. In most cases, the girl preferred books of romantic content, and not philosophical works, although they were contained in literary heritage author, as, for example, in the case of Rousseau or Goethe. Tatyana liked to fantasize - in her dreams she was transferred to the pages of the novel she had read and acted in her dreams in the guise of one of the heroines (usually the main one). However, none of romance novels was not Tatyana's favorite book.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote.

The girl was ready to wake up and fall asleep only with Martyn Zadeki's dream book. Larina was a very superstitious girl, she was interested in everything unusual and mystical, attached great importance to dreams and believed that dreams do not just dream, but contain some message, the meaning of which the dream book helped her decipher.

In addition, the girl could spend hours looking out the window. It is difficult to say at this moment she was watching what was happening outside the window or indulging in dreams.

Tatiana and Olga

The Larina sisters differed significantly from each other, and this concerned not only the external. As we learn from the novel, Olga was a frivolous girl, she liked to be in the spotlight, she flirts with young people with pleasure, although she already has a fiancé. Olga is a merry laugher with classical beauty, according to the canons of high society. Despite such a significant difference, there is no enmity or envy between the girls. Attachment and friendship firmly reigned between the sisters. Girls spend time together with pleasure, they guess at Christmas time. Tatyana does not condemn the behavior of her younger sister, but does not encourage him either. It is likely that she acts according to the principle: I act as I see fit, and my sister as she wants. This does not mean that one of us is right, and someone is wrong - we are different with her and act differently - there is nothing wrong with that.

Personality characteristic

At first glance, it seems that Tatyana Larina is Childe Harold in a female form, she is just as dull and sad, but in fact there is a significant difference between her and the hero of Byron's poem - Childe Harold is dissatisfied with the arrangement of the world and society, he is bored because that he cannot find an occupation that would interest him. Tatyana is bored, because her reality is different from the reality of her favorite novels. She wants to experience something that she experienced literary heroes, but the reason for such events is not foreseen.

In society, Tatyana was mostly silent and dull. She was not like most young people who enjoyed talking to each other, flirting.

Tatyana is a dreamy person, she is ready to spend hours in the world of dreams and dreams.

Tatyana Larina has been reading women's novels and from them she took into service the main character traits and elements of the behavior of the main characters, so she is full of novel "perfections".

The girl has a calm disposition, she tries to restrain her true feelings and emotions, replacing them with indifferent decency, over time Tatiana learned to do it masterfully.

A girl rarely indulges in self-education - she spends her free time in entertainment or just whiles away the hours, spending time aimlessly. The girl, like all the aristocrats of that time, knows well foreign languages and sosem does not know Russian. This state of affairs does not bother her, because in the circles of the aristocracy it was a common thing.

Tatyana lived in solitude for a long time, her social circle was limited by relatives and neighbors, so she is too naive and too open girl, it seems to her that the whole world should be like that, so when she encounters Onegin, she realizes how deeply mistaken she was.

Tatyana and Onegin

Soon Tatyana will have the opportunity to fulfill her dream - to transfer one of her women's novels from the plane of the world of dreams to reality - they have a new neighbor - Eugene Onegin. It is not surprising that Onegin, who has a natural charm and charm, could not help but attract the attention of Tatyana. Soon Larina falls in love with a young neighbor. She is overwhelmed with hitherto unknown feelings of love, different from the one she felt in relation to her family and friends. Under the pressure of emotions, the young girl decides on an unimaginable act - to confess her feelings to Onegin. In this episode, it seems that the girl's love is invented and caused by a secluded lifestyle and the influence of romance novels. Onegin was so different from all the people around Tatyana that it seems not surprising that he became the hero of her novel. Tatyana turns to her books for help - she cannot entrust the secret of her love to anyone and decides to solve the situation on her own. The influence of romance novels on the development of their relationship is clearly visible in the letter, this is evidenced by the very fact that Tatyana decided to write this letter as a whole.

At that time, such behavior on the part of the girl was indecent, and if her act was made public, it could be disastrous for her. later life. What can not be said about the fair sex at the same time living in Europe - for them it was a common occurrence and did not mean anything shameful. Since the novels usually read by Tatyana belonged to the pen of European masters of the word, the idea of ​​​​the possibility of writing a letter first was acceptable and only intensified under Onegin's indifference and strong feelings.

On our website you can get acquainted with the characteristics of which are summarized in the table.

In her letter, Tatyana defines only two ways of developing their relationship with Onegin. Both paths are essentially cardinal and are clearly opposed to each other, because they contain only pole manifestations, avoiding intermediate ones. In her vision, Onegin had to either provide her with a family idyll, or act as a tempter.

There are no other options for Tatyana. However, the pragmatic and, moreover, not in love with Tatyana Onegin lowers the girl from heaven to earth. In Tatyana's life, this was the first serious lesson that influenced her further formation of personality and character.

Eugene does not talk about Tatyana's letter, he understands all its destructive power and does not intend to bring even more grief into the girl's life. At that time, Tatyana was not guided common sense- she was covered with a wave of emotions that the girl could not, due to her inexperience and naivety, cope with. Despite the disappointment and the unsightly reality that Onegin revealed to her, Tatyana's feelings did not dry out.

Christmas dream and its symbolism

Winter was Tatiana's favorite season. Perhaps because just at that time the Holy Week fell, in which the girls guessed. Naturally, the superstitious Tatyana, who loves mysticism, does not miss the opportunity to find out her future. One of the important elements in the life of a girl is the Christmas dream, which, according to legend, was prophetic.

In a dream, Tatyana sees what worries her most - Onegin. However, the dream does not bode well for her. At first, the dream does not portend anything bad - Tatyana is walking through a snowy meadow. On her way there is a stream that the girl needs to overcome.

An unexpected assistant - a bear - helps her cope with this obstacle, but the girl feels neither joy nor gratitude - she is overwhelmed with fear, which intensifies as the beast continues to follow the girl. An attempt to escape also leads to nothing - Tatyana falls into the snow, and the bear overtakes her. Despite Tatyana's presentiment, nothing terrible happens - the bear takes her in his arms and carries her further. Soon they find themselves in front of a hut - here a terrible beast leaves Tatyana, telling her that the girl can warm up here - his relative lives in this hut. Larina enters the hallway, but is in no hurry to enter the rooms - the noise of fun and feast is heard outside the door.

A curious girl tries to peep - Onegin turns out to be the owner of the hut. The amazed girl freezes, and Eugene notices her - he opens the door and all the guests see her.

It is worth noting that the guests of his feast do not look like ordinary people - they are some kind of freaks and monsters. However, this is not what scares the girl most of all - laughter, in relation to her person, worries her more. However, Onegin stops him and seats the girl at the table, driving all the guests away. Some time later, Lensky and Olga appear in the hut, which displeases Onegin. Eugene kills Lensky. This is where Tatiana's dream ends.

Tatyana's dream is essentially an allusion to several works. First of all, to the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin's "Groom", which is an expanded "dream of Tatiana". Also, Tatyana's dream is a reference to Zhukovsky's work "Svetlana". Tatyana Pushkina and Svetlana Zhukovsky contain related features, but their dreams differ significantly. In the case of Zhukovsky, this is just an illusion; in the case of Pushkin, it is a prediction of the future. Tatyana's dream really turns out to be prophetic, soon she really finds herself on a shaky bridge and a certain person, who looks like a bear, and also a relative of Onegin, helps her to overcome it. And her lover turns out to be not the ideal person that Tatyana portrayed in her dreams, but a real demon. In reality, he becomes the killer of Lensky by shooting him in a duel.

Life after Onegin's departure

The duel of Onegin and Lensky, in its essence, happened because of the most insignificant things - at the celebration of Tatyana's birthday, Onegin was too kind to Olga, which caused a fit of jealousy in Lensky, which was caused by a duel that did not end successfully - Lensky died on place. This event left a sad imprint on the life of all the characters in the novel - Olga lost her fiancé (their wedding was to take place two weeks after Tatyana's name day), however, the girl was not too worried about Lensky's death and soon married another person. The blues and depression of Onegin increased significantly, he was aware of the gravity and consequences of his act, staying on his estate was already unbearable for him, and therefore he sets off on a journey. However, Lensky's death had the greatest impact on Tatyana. Despite the fact that she had nothing to do with Lensky except comradely relations, and her position and views were only partially similar, Tatyana had a hard time with the death of Vladimir, which, in essence, became the second significant lesson in her life.

One more unattractive side of Onegin's personality is revealed, but there is no disappointment, Larina's feelings towards Onegin are still strong.

After Yevgeny's departure, the girl's sadness intensifies significantly, she is more than usual looking for solitude. From time to time Tatyana comes to Onegin's empty house and, with the permission of the servants, reads books in the library. Onegin's books are not like her favorites - the basis of Onegin's library is Byron. After reading these books, the girl begins to better understand the character traits of Eugene, because he is inherently similar to the main characters of Byron.

Tatyana's marriage

Tatyana's life could not continue to flow in the same direction. The changes in her life were predictable - she was an adult, and she had to be married already, because otherwise Tatyana had every chance to remain an old maid.

Since no suitable candidates are expected in the vicinity, Tatyana has only one chance left - to go to Moscow to the bride fair. Together with her mother, Tatiana comes to the city.

They stop at Aunt Alina's. A relative has been suffering from consumption for the fourth year, but the disease did not prevent her from welcoming visiting relatives. Tatyana herself is unlikely to accept such an event in her life with joy, but, considering the need for marriage, she reconciles with her fate. Her mother does not see anything wrong with the fact that her daughter will not be married for love, because at one time she was treated the same way, and this did not become a tragedy in her life, and after a while even allowed her to become a happy mother and wife .

The trip for Tatyana did not turn out to be useless: a certain general liked her (his name is not mentioned in the text). Soon the wedding took place. Little is known about the personality of Tatyana's husband: he took part in military events and is essentially a military general. This state of affairs contributed to the question of his age - on the one hand, obtaining such a rank required considerable time, so the general could already be at a decent age. On the other hand, personal participation in hostilities made it possible for him to move up the career ladder much faster.

Tatyana does not love her husband, but does not protest against marriage. Nothing is known about her family life, moreover, this situation is aggravated by Tatyana's restraint - the girl learned to restrain her emotions and feelings, she did not become a cutesy aristocrat, but she also confidently moved away from the image of a naive village girl.

Meeting with Eugene Onegin

In the end, fate played a cruel joke on the girl - she again meets her first love - Eugene Onegin. The young man returned from a trip and decided to pay a visit to his relative, a certain general N. In his house he meets Larina, she turns out to be the general's wife.

Onegin was struck by the meeting with Tatyana and her changes - she no longer looked like that girl, overflowing with youthful maximalism. Tatyana became wise and balanced. Onegin realizes that all this time he loved Larina. This time he changed roles with Tatyana, but now the situation is complicated by the girl's marriage. Onegin is faced with a choice: suppress his feelings or make them public. Soon the young man decides to explain himself to the girl in the hope that she has not yet lost her feelings for him. He writes a letter to Tatyana, but, despite all Onegin's expectations, there is no answer. Even greater excitement seized Eugene - the unknown and indifference only provoked him more and agitated him. In the end, Eugene decides to come to the woman and explain himself. He finds Tatyana alone - she looked so much like the girl he met two years ago in the village. Touched, Tatyana admits that she still loves Yevgeny, but now she cannot be with him - she is bound by marriage, and being a dishonorable wife is against her principles.

Thus, Tatyana Larina has the most attractive character traits. She embodied the best features. In her youth, Tatyana, like all young people, is not endowed with wisdom and restraint. In view of her inexperience, she makes some mistakes in behavior, but she does this not because she is poorly educated or depraved, but because she has not yet learned to be guided by her mind and emotions. She is too impulsive, although generally a pious and noble girl.

Tatyana appears in chapter II of the novel. The choice of the heroine's name and the author's thinking about this, as it were, indicate a distinctive character in comparison with others. actors trait:

Her sister's name was Tatyana...
Gentle pages of a novel
For the first time with such a name
We will sanctify.

In these lines, the author introduces Tatyana to the reader for the first time. We are presented with the image of a simple provincial girl with very peculiar features. Tatyana is “wild, sad, silent”, “in her own family she seemed like a stranger girl”, “often she sat silently at the window all day long”. She did not play with her sister Olga's friends, "she was bored with their sonorous laughter and the noise of their windy joys." Larina grows thoughtful and lonely. The environment to which parents, relatives, guests belong, i.e. the society of local nobles is something alien to her, which has almost no effect on Tatyana. Other aspects of her being have a stronger influence on the formation of her personality. She is captivated by "terrible stories in the winter in the darkness of nights", i.e. fairy tales of a serf nanny. She loves nature, reads the novels of Richardson and Rousseau, which educate her sensitivity, develop her imagination.

The appearance of Onegin, who immediately struck Tatyana with his peculiarity, dissimilarity with others whom she saw around, leads to the fact that love flares up in Tatyana.
The girl in love again turns to books: after all, she has no one to trust her secret, no one to talk to.
Sincere and strong love involuntarily takes on the character of those passionate and strong feelings that the loving and suffering heroines of the books read are endowed with.
So, Tatyana was strongly influenced by the sentimental West, but the European novel. But this, of course, was not the main factor in the development of Tatyana.

A lot to understand the image of Tatyana is given by the episode of Tatyana's conversation with the nanny and the letter to Onegin. This whole scene - one of the best in the novel - is something amazing, beautiful, whole.

The nature of Tatyana's frank conversation with the old nanny is such that we see a great intimacy between them. The image of Filipyevna bears the beginnings of folk wisdom, her words reflect the experience of a long and difficult life of a simple Russian woman. The story is short and simple, but it contains imagery, expressiveness, purity and power of thought and a truly folk language. And we vividly imagine Tatyana in her room at night, and

On the bench
With a scarf on his gray head,
Before the young heroine
An old woman in a long jacket.

We begin to understand how much the nanny meant to Tatyana, the closeness to her; we note those purely Russian influences that will occupy the main place in the formation of Tatyana.
Tatyana perfectly understands the common language of the nanny, for her this language is her mother tongue. Her speech is figurative and at the same time clear, there are also elements of folk vernacular in it: “I feel sick”, “what needs me”, “yes tell him” ... etc.
Tatyana's letter to Onegin is a desperate act, but it is completely alien to the environment of a young girl. Larina was guided only by feeling, but not by reason. The love letter does not contain coquetry, antics - Tatyana writes frankly, as her heart tells her.

I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?

And following these simple and touching words, in which trembling and restrained excitement are heard, Tatiana, with increasing delight, with excitement already openly pouring out in the lines of the letter, reveals this “trusting soul” of hers to Onegin. The central part of the letter is the image of Onegin, as he appeared to Tatyana in her imagination inspired by love. The end of the letter is as sincere as the beginning. The girl is fully aware of her actions:

I'm cumming! Scary to read...
But your honor is my guarantee,
I freeze with shame and fear ...
And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

The writing scene is over. Tatyana is waiting for an answer. Her state, immersion in the feeling that had taken possession of her, was noted in scanty details:
The second meeting with Onegin and his cold "rebuke". But Tatyana does not stop loving.

Love insane suffering
Don't stop worrying
Young soul...

Chapter V opens with a landscape of a belated but suddenly come winter. It is noteworthy that a purely Russian landscape of a winter estate and a village is given through Tatiana's perception of it.

Waking up early
Trees in winter silver
Tatyana saw through the window
Forty merry in the yard
Whitewashed yard in the morning,
And softly padded mountains

And in direct connection with the pictures of native nature, the author's statement of the national, Russian appearance of the heroine is expressed:

Tatyana (Russian soul,
With her cold beauty
I don't know why.)
I loved Russian winter...

Poetic pictures of Christmas divination also connect Tatyana with Russian, national, popular beginning.
"... Tatyana, on the advice of the nanny" tells fortunes at night in the bath.
Russian national features are more and more clearly put forward in the development of the image of Tatiana.

In portraying Tatyana, Pushkin completely renounces all irony, and in this sense, Tatyana is the only character in the novel, in relation to whom, from the moment of its appearance to the end, we feel only the love and respect of the author. The poet more than once calls Tatyana "dear", declares: "I love Tatyana my dear so much."
Tatyana's dream is a fantastic combination of motifs from the nanny's fairy tales, pictures that arose in the game of Tatyana's imagination, but at the same time - and real life impressions. artistic value sleep in the story of Tatyana - expression state of mind heroine, her thoughts about Onegin (even in a dream he appears to her strong, but also formidable, dangerous, terrible), and at the same time - a premonition of future misfortunes.

All subsequent tragedies: the death of Lensky, the departure of Yevgeny, the imminent marriage of her sister - deeply touched Tatyana's heart. The impressions gained from reading books are replenished by the harsh lessons of life. Gradually, Tatyana gains life experience and seriously thinks about her fate. The image of Tatyana is enriched in the course of events, but by nature Tatyana is still the same, and her “fiery and tender heart” is still given over to the feeling that has taken possession of her once and for all.
Visiting Onegin's house, Tatyana "with a greedy soul" indulges in reading. Byron's poems and novels are added to the previously read sentimental novels.

Reading Onegin's books is a new step in Tatyana's development. She does not freely compare what she knows about Onegin with what she learns from books. A whole swarm of new thoughts, assumptions. In the last stanzas of Chapter VII, Tatyana is in Moscow society. She "... is not well at a housewarming party", she seems strange to the young ladies of the Moscow noble circle, she is still restrained, silent
At the end of the work, Tatiana appears to us as a lady secular society, but Pushkin clearly distinguishes her from the circle into which her fate has led. Drawing her appearance at a social event, the poet simultaneously emphasizes Tatyana's aristocracy, in Pushkin's high sense of the word, and her simplicity.

She was slow
Without these little antics
Not cold, not talkative
No imitations...
Without an arrogant look for everyone,
Everything is quiet, it was just in her ...

Episodes of meetings with Onegin after for long years separations emphasize Tatyana's complete self-control. Larina turned into a secular lady, into an “indifferent princess”, “an impregnable goddess of the luxurious, regal Neva”. But her worldview has not changed, her principles and foundations have remained the same. It was these principles that prevailed over Tatyana's innermost feeling: over her love for Eugene. The whole essence of Larina's character is revealed in her last monologue:

...You must,
I know that there is in your heart
And pride and direct honor ...
I ask you to leave me;
And pride and direct honor ...

In our imagination, the image of Tatyana will forever remain something high, unshakable, pure and beautiful.
We also understand all the poet's love for his creation, when in the last stanza of the novel, saying goodbye to the heroes, he recalls "Tatiana's dear ideal."

The image of Tatyana Larina absorbed all the author's dreams of feminine ideal. Tatyana remained forever the beloved heroine of the great poet and prose writer. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in her parents' estate, which the mother of the Larin sisters sympathetically watches. Tatyana's father is a "kind fellow", a little "lagging behind" the modern pace of time. Life in the family is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From a very young age, Tatyana was very different from other village children. She did not like simple children's amusements, resembling a "shy doe", which is good in solitude. The girl was brought up on the legends of an old nanny and loved to pass the time reading books. The atmosphere of "old times" in her native estate instilled in Tatiana a belief in ancient customs, girlish divination, and interpretation of dreams. Having matured, Tatyana turned into a dreamy and thoughtful young lady. Not possessing a "screaming" beauty, she attracts rich people inner world, naturalness and innocence.

It's time for love. Tatyana, as if she lived in anticipation, when Onegin appeared on her horizon - mysterious and unknown. And the girl loved it. Ardent, anxious and wholeheartedly. Tormented by exciting torments, Tatyana decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter to her lover with a confession. She delivers the real confession and herself with it into the hands of Eugene Onegin. Tatyana hopes for reciprocity, but her chosen one rejects her. He was so alien sincere feelings and impulses.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he caused the death of Lensky, her sister's fiancé. And when he left on a long journey. She visited his empty estate, trying to better understand the man she fell in love with. Two years later, the reader meets Tatyana again. She is married to a noble prince. There was no trace of that inexperienced and outspoken girl. The "new" Tatyana matured spiritually, became impregnable, but at the same time she did not lose her natural simplicity. Rotation in high society and the nobility of the new position did not spoil her at all. The meeting with Onegin, of course, stirred up a storm of feelings in Tatyana. But she didn't show it. Having received a letter from him with a confession, the heroine sheds tears of sadness, but does not honor former lover answer. Once alone with Onegin, Tatyana does not hide the fact that she still loves him, but at the same time intends to remain faithful to her legal spouse. Tatyana does not hold a grudge against Yevgeny, but leaves no reason for his hopes.


So, she was called Tatyana.
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.

She couldn't caress
To my father, not to my mother;
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
Didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
Sitting silently by the window...

Thought, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural Leisure Current
Decorated her with dreams.

And there were childish pranks
Alien to her: scary stories
In winter in the dark of nights
They captivated her heart more ...

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Rousseau...

For a long time her imagination
Burning with grief and longing,
Alkalo fatal food;
Long hearted languor
It pressed her young breast;
The soul was waiting... for someone...