(Lesson 2)

Artistic originality story "After the Ball".

Contrast as the main artistic technique story.


- help students identify the features of the story, the writer's intention;

- introduce the main artistic device of the story (contrast);

- improve the skills of expressive reading of the text;

- develop text analysis skills;

- develop the ability to work in pairs, groups;

Methodical methods: analytical conversation; expressive reading, teacher's comments, work with the table, work in pairs, groups

Equipment: board, laptop, presentation for the lesson, illustrations for the story


All life changed from one night

or rather morning.

"After the ball".

During the classes

1.Org. moment (checking readiness for the lesson, marking absentees, wishes to be active in the lesson, attentiveness)

2. Repetition of the past, conversation on primary perception

Today's lesson I want to start with the characteristics of one famous person try to guess who he is?

(listen to the end, do not shout, raise your hand)

This person purposefully followed the path of self-improvement .., tried to understand why he and other people act this way and not otherwise, where does love and hate, good and evil come from in a person ... He considered self-improvement, self-education, the desire to be necessary, useful , do good, distinguish it from evil. Observing himself, striving to understand himself, he learned to understand others ... ()

- Why so decided?

What examples from the life of L.N. can you give to prove it?

Yeah, that's right, L.N.T. believed that no one removed responsibility from a person for his thoughts, feelings, desires, actions, .. you don’t have to wait for the conditions for self-education to be created, you need to prepare them now, by personal example, by striving to become better, cleaner, more moral, .. and the moment of intent to remake oneself can come at any moment.

In what work does Lev Nikolaevich present a case that helped the main character decide to start his own upbringing?

(The story "After the ball")

Which hero?

(to Ivan Vasilyevich)

3. Message topics, goals of work

Today we continue the work started in the last lesson on the story “After the Ball”. We must reveal artistic features story, get acquainted with the main artistic technique, we will learn to analyze a prose text, read expressively, work in pairs, groups.

(Recording the topic in a notebook)

Open the tutorials p.27, what can you say about the features

story composition? (Story within a story)

How does the story begin? What is unusual about such a start?
(The story begins suddenly, with a replica of the protagonist.
Tolstoy immediately introduces the reader to the problems discussed
ge swarms of story. The conversation is about moral values,
about "... what is necessary for personal improvement

first change the conditions among which people live ... ".
A laconic, sudden beginning puts the reader into action,
gives the impression that we hear the conversation).

What do we learn about Ivan Vasilyevich at the beginning of the story?
What does it matter? (We learn that this is a “respected person”, that he has a “manner of responding to
his own ... thoughts", this is a thinking person, immersed in his inner world. We also know that Ivan
- very sincere and truthful speaker. So
Thus, the reader has confidence in the story of Ivan

What does Ivan Vasilyevich say about his youth? What character does this description remind you of? ("I was very
cheerful and lively fellow, and even rich. From the words of one
from the interlocutors we learn that he was also "handsome". This
the description is similar to the story about himself of the hero of the story genev "Asya". Both heroes reminisce about their youth,
about events that changed their lives. In "Ace" too we are talking
about love, but in the story "After the Ball" love "came to naught"
due to "chance". This case"
- main event of the story
for which it was written).

What are the main events in the story? (There are two main
events: a ball at the provincial leader and a scene of punishment

Briefly describe the essence of these events - 1, then 2 ...

4. Benchmarking

Let's try to compare these 2 events. At home, you filled out the table according to the options, writing out words - epithets, expressions characterizing the state of the main characters, appearance, events according to various criteria: feelings, epithets, color, sounds, various details. We work in pairs for 3 minutes, comparing descriptions, try to draw a conclusion from your observations.


Table work. Comparison of the columns of tables 1 and 2 options.


At the ball

After the ball


In love, cheerful, lively, admired, did not feel his body, delight, gratitude, enthusiastic tenderness, enthusiastic tender feeling, satisfied, happy, blessed, kind, infinitely happy

Shame, sickening melancholy, is about to vomit with horror, awkward, unpleasant, love has come to naught


Graceful, affectionate, cute, radiant, blushing, beautiful, tall, stately, fresh, affectionate, joyful, brilliant.

Cruel, bad music, unpleasant, terrible, wrinkled with suffering, writhing, firm step, frightened, menacingly, viciously, angry


White, pink, blush, silver, light

Black, red, colorful, white


Mazurka, waltz, polka, quadrille

Flute, drum, shrill melody, shot, scream, angry voice, sobbed


white kid glove
Varenki, suede glove
colonel, a feather from a fan,
Colonel's "homemade" boots

Protruding lip, suede glove

Analysis of the first part(according to the text)

Let's read the key words-epithets from the first part.

“The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent, the musicians are famous; the motif of the mazurka resounds continuously.

Varenka is in a white dress with a pink belt, white kid gloves, and white shoes. She has a radiant, reddened, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes, a graceful figure.

Varenka's father is a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man. The face is very ruddy, with a white mustache, white whiskers; affectionate joyful smile; sparkling eyes and lips. He was beautifully built, with a broad chest, strong shoulders and long, slender legs. Tall, heavy figure.

Ivan Vasilievich - satisfied, happy, blissful, kind: "At that time I hugged the whole world with my love." For Varenka’s father, “at that time he experienced some kind of enthusiastic tender feeling.”

- Pay attention to the twice repeated words "at that time."

How to explain that in the ball scene the hero of the story perceives everything around him “with enthusiastic tenderness”? (He's in love he is fascinated by the festive atmosphere of the ball, the closeness of love my girls, a feeling of happiness, youth and beauty).

Read the description of the landscape on p. 34-37 textbook. How does this landscape sketch help to understand the state of the hero?

What is the beginning of the second part? Why is the story not divided into chapters? (From the words "When I entered the field ..." The story is not divided into chapters in order to make a greater impression on the reader. The transition occurs suddenly. A mazurka still sounds in the hero's soul, but it is hammered by "another, tough, bad music." )

Analysis of the second part.

Let's read the key words-epithets from the second part.

- “Something big, black; flute and drum sounds; hard, bad music; unpleasant, shrill melody; a blacksmith in a greasy sheepskin coat; something terrible; something motley, wet, red, unnatural; stumbling, writhing person.

The colonel is still the same - with a ruddy face and a white mustache and sideburns.

Determine the role of white in both parts of the story. (The white color in the first part is the color of joy, purity, love. The white color in the second part determines only the mustache of the colonel and the bared teeth of the tortured soldier, contrastingly emphasizes the black and red colors.).

What is the role of the detail - the colonel's suede glove - in the story?

(This detail links the parts of the story. In the first part, the colonel puts on a suede glove when he goes to dance with his daughter. At the same time, he says, smiling: “Everything must be done according to the law.” In the second part, with the same hand in a suede glove, the colonel hits “in the face of a frightened small, weak soldier because he did not put his stick on the red back of the Tatar enough." The phrase "Everything must be done according to the law" acquires an ominous meaning: "according to the law" one must beat the delinquent with all his might.)

- What device does Tolstoy use to convey the impression of the endlessly repeated horror of the execution? (Tolstoy uses syntactic means: repetition and parallel structure of the phrase. He conveys the soullessness, duration and horror of what is happening by repeating the same words: “... blows still fell from both sides on a stumbling, writhing person, and they still drums and whistling flute , and still the tall one moved with the same firm step,- the stately figure of a colonel next to the punished. This technique is also present in the first part: it conveys a feeling of infinity of happiness: “I waltzed again and again”, “I chose her again, and for the hundredth time we walked along the hall.” The word "still" is reinforced by the French "epsoge".)

Compare the behavior and appearance of the colonel at the ball and after the ball.

Let's compare the descriptions of the colonel and the person being punished using the table (on the blackboard and in notebooks).



Tall military man in an overcoat and cap

A man stripped to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers. His back is something motley, wet red, unnatural

Walked with a firm, trembling gait

Twitching with his whole body, slapping his feet in the melting snow ... he moved towards me, then tipping back - and then the non-commissioned officers who led him by the guns pushed him forward, then he fell forward - and then the non-commissioned officers ... pulled him back

Ruddy face and white mustache with sideburns

Face wrinkled with pain

A tall, stately figure moved with a firm step

A stumbling, writhing man

- What conclusions can be drawn from these observations?

(The episode of the ball and the events after the ball are opposed to each other. The bright, joyful colors of the ball, the carefree fun of young people who are unaware of the existence of another, terrible world, sharply set off the gloomy picture drawn in the second part of the story. The contrasting image of the heroes, their psychological state, the environment in which they operate allows the writer to reveal the essence of their characters and reveal the social contradictions of Russian reality.)

5. Acquaintance with the concept - contrast

Contrast - a sharp contrast. Contrast can be between words, images, characters, compositional elements, etc. Contrast is an expressive technique, a way to have an emotional impact on the reader.

Contrasting - Contrasting, completely opposite.

ANTITHESIS - opposition characters, circumstances images, compositional elements, creating the effect of sharp contrast.

Wider: comparison of opposite concepts, states, any elements of a literary work.

There are antitheses:

Character (in character organization),

Plot (in plot construction),


Often used to express antitheses. antonyms - words that are opposite in meaning ("Black and White", "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", "Thick and Thin" and etc.).

(Entry in a notebook)

The story was written in 1903. What time period does Tolstoy write about? (About the forties XIX century, about the reign of Nicholas I nicknamed Nikolai Palkin.)

How important is the timing of the story? Why, at an advanced age, did he return to the memories of his youth, putting them at the basis of the plot of the story “After the Ball”?

(Tolstoy refers to the events of seventy-five years ago to show that almost nothing has changed during this time: flagrant arbitrariness and cruelty reign in the army, justice and humanity are violated at every step. He was most worried that "educated" people are convinced that this necessary “for a good, right life.” He exclaims: “What terrible moral crippling must take place in the minds and hearts of such people!”)

Do you think the story “After the Ball” has lost its relevance?

(The words of the hero of the story, Ivan Vasilyevich: “The whole life changed from one night, or rather, morning.” The main thing in the story is what happened early in the morning, after the ball: the narrator saw how a soldier was being tortured, and the father of his beloved commanded the execution. )

6. Consolidation and generalization


The spirit of oppression is so widespread in our army that cruelty is a quality that the youngest officers boast of. Soldiers are spotted, beaten every minute, and the soldier does not respect himself, hates his superiors, and the officer does not respect the soldier.

In the 1820s, the Semyonov officers, the flower of the youth of that time ... decided not to use corporal punishment in their regiment, and, despite the then strict requirements of front-line service, the regiment continued to be exemplary even without the use of corporal punishment ...

This is how educated Russians looked at corporal punishment 75 years ago. And now 75 years, and in our time, the grandchildren of these people sit as zemstvo chiefs in the presence and calmly discuss questions about whether they should or should not, and how many blows with rods should be given to such and such an adult person, often the father of the family, sometimes grandfather.

The most advanced of these grandchildren in the committees and zemstvo assemblies draw up statements, addresses and petitions that, in view of hygienic and pedagogical purposes, not all peasants (people of the peasant class), but only those who have not completed their course in public schools, should be flogged .. .

But the main harm of this disgrace is not here yet. The main harm is state of mind those people who establish, permit, prescribe this lawlessness, those who use it as a threat, and all those who live in the conviction that such a violation of all justice and humanity is necessary for a good, right life. What terrible moral crippling must take place in the minds and hearts of such people, often young ones, who, I myself have heard, with an air of thoughtful practical wisdom, say that a peasant cannot be left without flogging and that this is better for a peasant.

It is these people who are most sorry for the brutality into which they have fallen and in which they are stagnating... Shame on you!



(to everyone)

2. (optional)

Homework (optional)

1. Answer 3 test questions (to everyone)

2. (optional)

Make a test on the story "After the ball"

Prepare a coherent story “The Colonel at the ball and after the ball. How to explain the changes in it?

Write an essay-miniature “Why did love for Varenka “vanish?” or "didn't serve anywhere?"

Homework (optional)

1. Answer 3 test questions (to everyone)

2. (optional)

Make a test on the story "After the ball"

Prepare a coherent story “The Colonel at the ball and after the ball. How to explain the changes in it?

Write an essay-miniature “Why did love for Varenka “vanish?” or "didn't serve anywhere?"

Homework (optional)

1. Answer 3 test questions (to everyone)

2. (optional)

Make a test on the story "After the ball"

Prepare a coherent story “The Colonel at the ball and after the ball. How to explain the changes in it?

Write an essay-miniature “Why did love for Varenka “vanish?” or "didn't serve anywhere?"

TEST (continued)

7. Define the idea of ​​the story.

injustice flourishes;

d) condemnation of despotism.

TEST (continued)

7. Define the idea of ​​the story.

a) the fate of a person depends on chance;

b) condemnation of the thoughtless execution of the rules, due to which
injustice flourishes;

c) the idea of ​​a person's personal responsibility;

d) condemnation of despotism.

8. What can be said about the life position of the protagonist?

a) approves the idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil by violence”;

c) the idea of ​​the need to "change living conditions"
for "changing the mind of a person".

9. Mark the statement that impresses you:

Antithesis in Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball"

The purpose of the lesson:

  • show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​the story;
  • work on the analysis of artistic means that create pictures of the ball and execution;
  • reveal the humanistic pathos of the story “After the Ball”.

Equipment: presentation

During the classes

1. introduction teacher and goal setting.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”. The writer was worried all his life by the thought of the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he worked on a project to reorganize the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment - "driving through the ranks." But the story "After the Ball" goes far beyond the protest against the inhuman treatment of soldiers, it raises broad humanistic problems, such as duty, honor, conscience, humanity.

How Leo Tolstoy expresses these problems, with the help of what artistic techniques and means he achieves the expression of these problems, we will talk today.

2. Conversation with students.

How is the story structured?

What two scenes are opposed?

What do we call contrast?

(Contrast - antithesis - opposition. Contrast can be between words, images, characters, compositional elements, etc. Contrast is an expressive technique, a way to have an emotional impact on the reader)

Why is the story, most of which is devoted to the description of the ball, called "After the ball"?

3. Comparative characteristics the behavior of the characters at the ball and after the ball.

Let's compare the behavior of the characters at the ball and after the ball.

Drawing up a plan for comparative characteristics.



Hall of the leader of the nobility;

Description of the street;

hosts of the ball;






Ivan Vasilievich.

Ivan Vasilievich.

Record plans in a notebook.

4. The word of the teacher.

Guys, let's find the epithets with which L.N. Tolstoy draws pictures in the first and second parts, and write them down in a notebook.

Notes in notebooks.

The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent, the musicians are famous, the motive of the mazurka sounds continuously.

Varenka is in a white dress, white gloves, white shoes. She has “a radiant, flushed, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes.”

Varenka's father is handsome, stately, fresh, with a white mustache, white whiskers with sparkling eyes, a joyful smile, a broad chest, strong shoulders and long, slender legs.

Ivan Vasilyevich - satisfied, happy, blessed, kind, looks with enthusiastic tenderness.

How to explain that in the ball scene the hero perceives everything around him “with enthusiastic tenderness”? (Love, lofty feelings, closeness of the beloved, youth, beauty).

In the second part of the story, the colors darken: something big, black.

Key words are written on the blackboard: in a wet spring fog, sledges with firewood, horses under glossy arcs with wet heads, a blacksmith in a greasy sheepskin coat, Soldiers in black uniforms, an unpleasant screeching melody, scary picture punishment.

The colonel is still the same - with a ruddy face and a white mustache and sideburns.

Compare the colonel and the punished (entry in notebooks).



"A tall military man in an overcoat and cap."

A man stripped to the waist, his back “something unnatural, motley, wet, red.”

"Walked with a firm, trembling gait."

“Jerking with his whole body, slapping his feet on the melted snow… he moved towards me, then tipping back… then falling forward”…

"Red face and white mustache and sideburns."

"A face wrinkled with suffering."

“A tall, stately figure moved with a firm step.”

A stumbling, writhing man.

The contrast intensifies when the narrator sees a tall, stately colonel hit a short, weak soldier in the face with a strong hand in a suede glove.

What conclusions can be drawn from these observations?

5. Discussion and clarification of the idea of ​​the story.

Why did the colonel, as if he was a loving, attentive father, turn out to be cruel towards the soldiers?

Why does Tolstoy oppose two parts of the story to each other and use contrasting colors in descriptions?

Why did Ivan Vasilievich's love for Varenka fail?

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich refuse public service? Was he right, do you think?

6. Composition-miniature.

“My impressions after reading the story of Leo Tolstoy “After the Ball”.

Homework. Reflect on the question: Why does the author of his hero lead to the parade ground, where the picture of the execution of a soldier unfolds?

The purpose of the lesson:

  • show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​the story;
  • work on the analysis of artistic means that create pictures of the ball and execution;
  • reveal the humanistic pathos of the story “After the Ball”.

Equipment: illustration for the story “After the Ball”.

During the classes

1. Opening speech of the teacher and setting the goal of the lesson.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”. The writer was worried all his life by the thought of the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he worked on a project to reorganize the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment - "driving through the ranks." But the story "After the Ball" goes far beyond the protest against the inhuman treatment of soldiers, it raises broad humanistic problems, such as duty, honor, conscience, humanity.

How Leo Tolstoy expresses these problems, with the help of what artistic techniques and means he achieves the expression of these problems, we will talk today.

2. Conversation with students.

How is the story structured?

What two scenes are opposed?

What do we call contrast?

(Contrast - antithesis - opposition. Contrast can be between words, images, characters, compositional elements, etc. Contrast is an expressive technique, a way to have an emotional impact on the reader)

Why is the story, most of which is devoted to the description of the ball, called "After the ball"?

3. Comparative characteristics of the behavior of the characters at the ball and after the ball.

Let's compare the behavior of the characters at the ball and after the ball.

Drawing up a plan for comparative characteristics.

Record plans in a notebook.

4. The word of the teacher.

Guys, let's find the epithets with which L.N. Tolstoy draws pictures in the first and second parts, and write them down in a notebook.

Notes in notebooks.

The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent, the musicians are famous, the motive of the mazurka sounds continuously.

Varenka is in a white dress, white gloves, white shoes. She has “a radiant, flushed, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes.”

Varenka's father is handsome, stately, fresh, with a white mustache, white whiskers with sparkling eyes, a joyful smile, a broad chest, strong shoulders and long, slender legs.

Ivan Vasilyevich - satisfied, happy, blessed, kind, looks with enthusiastic tenderness.

How to explain that in the ball scene the hero perceives everything around him “with enthusiastic tenderness”? (Love, lofty feelings, closeness of the beloved, youth, beauty).

In the second part of the story, the colors darken: something big, black.

Key words are written on the blackboard: in the wet spring fog, sledges with firewood, horses under glossy arches with wet heads, a blacksmith in a greasy sheepskin coat, Soldiers in black uniforms, an unpleasant screeching melody, a terrible picture of punishment.

The colonel is still the same - with a ruddy face and a white mustache and sideburns.

Compare the colonel and the punished (entry in notebooks).

The contrast intensifies when the narrator sees a tall, stately colonel hit a short, weak soldier in the face with a strong hand in a suede glove.

What conclusions can be drawn from these observations?

5. Discussion and clarification of the idea of ​​the story.

Why did the colonel, as if he was a loving, attentive father, turn out to be cruel towards the soldiers?

Why does Tolstoy oppose two parts of the story to each other and use contrasting colors in descriptions?

Why did Ivan Vasilievich's love for Varenka fail?

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich refuse public service? Was he right, do you think?

6. Composition-miniature.

“My impressions after reading the story of Leo Tolstoy “After the Ball”.

Homework. Reflect on the question: Why does the author of his hero lead to the parade ground, where the picture of the execution of a soldier unfolds?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910) L.N. Tolstoy. Self-knowledge. Self-education From the writer's diaries. “Rereading and correcting the essay, do not think about what needs to be added (no matter how good the incoming thoughts are), unless you see ambiguity or understatement main idea, but to think about how to throw out as much as possible from it without violating the thought of the composition (no matter how good these extra passages are). From the writer's diaries "Crime of the Rules" Tolstoy reproached himself for getting up late, daydreaming, indecision, laziness, lies, vanity, fuzzy writing, thoughtlessness, intemperance ... "After the ball" - So you say that a person cannot understand by himself that it's good, but it's bad, that the whole thing is in the environment, that the environment is stuck. And I think it's all about the case. I'll tell about myself. Subject of the image Ball of the Hall Buffet Musicians Varenka Father Varenka, Pyotr Vladislavovich Ivan Vasilyevich Epithets, keywords Epithets, keywords Subject of the image Ball of the Wonderful Hall Beautiful Buffet Magnificent Musicians Famous Varenka In a white dress with a pink belt, in white kid gloves, in white shoes. She has a radiant, ruddy, dimpled face and gentle, sweet eyes; graceful figurine. Varenka's father, Pyotr Vladislavovich A very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man. The face is very ruddy with a white mustache, white whiskers; affectionate, joyful smile; shining eyes. He is beautifully built. Ivan Vasilyevich Satisfied, happy, blessed, kind. “I embraced the whole world at that time with my love.” For Varenka’s father, “at that time I experienced some kind of enthusiastic tender feeling” After the ball Subject of the image Music Colors Description of the colonel punished Key words, epithets After the ball Subject of the image Key words, epithets Music Sounds of flute and drum, harsh, bad music, unpleasant, shrill melody Colors Red, white Colonel's description Ruddy face and white mustaches and sideburns, firm gait, a tall, stately figure moved with firm steps Punished A stumbling, writhing man, a face wrinkled with suffering, a stumbling, writhing man. His back is something variegated, wet red, unnatural. Detail - suede glove 1. When we approached the door, the colonel refused, saying that he had forgotten how to dance, but still, smiling, throwing left side hand, took the sword out of the harness, gave it to the obliging young man, and pulling on a suede glove on his right hand, “everything is necessary according to the law,” he said smiling, took his daughter’s hand and stood a quarter turn, waiting for the beat. 2. Suddenly the colonel stopped and quickly approached one of the soldiers. “I will anoint you,” I heard his angry voice. - Will you rub? Will you? And I saw how with his strong hand in a suede glove he beat the face of a frightened short, weak soldier because he did not put his stick on the red back of the Tatar enough. Draft version Final version “I don't see her much anymore. “Well, do you think that I then decided that what I saw was And my love is so and - a bad thing? Not at all. “If it ended in nothing, and I did it with such confidence and did what I wanted, was recognized by everyone as necessary, then, therefore, military service, and they knew something that I didn’t try to work out, I knew, ”I thought, and tried to find out this consciousness for myself, but no matter how much debt I called it, I tried - and then I couldn’t find out how colonel, and this one. And without knowing it, he could not enter the military service, as he partly achieved this. And I wanted to before, and not only not only in my old age I now served in the military, but nowhere did I understand the whole horror of the fact that I served and, as you see, I didn’t see anywhere and what I myself did. fit." Characteristics Feelings Epithets Color Sounds Details At the ball After the ball


About some features of stylistic skill

L. Tolstoy

(observations on the text of the story "After the Ball")

With. Krasnogvardeyskoe

gymnasium No. 1.8 "A" class

Head - Alpeeva E.I.

teacher of Russian language and literature,

With. Krasnogvardeyskoye, gymnasium No. 1
With. Krasnogvardeyskoe

V. V. Vinogradov in his work “Problems of Russian Stylistics” considers stylistics in three aspects: the stylistics of the language, the stylistics of speech and the stylistics of artistic speech.

I tried to consider the style of artistic speech in L. N. Tolstoy's story "After the Ball", to find those linguistic features that allow the author to solve the problems of this particular work.

V. V. Vinogradov considered the language of artistic speech in a complex connection: firstly, as “speech”, or a text built on the basis of a given national language and reflecting its system; secondly, as a "language of art", i.e. a system of means artistic expression: "The language of verbal art is a system of verbal and artistic forms that arises on the basis of the synthesis of the communicative function of the literary and folk-spoken language with the expressive-pictorial function."

Hence the tasks of linguistic analysis of a literary text, which boil down to the following: 1) correctly understand the text; 2) try to comprehend the plot and idea of ​​the work; 3) show artistic means used by the author to achieve the goal; 4) pay attention to some features of the writer's language, his artistic manner.

The story of L. N. Tolstoy was written in 1903. According to family tradition, the plot is based on the events that happened to the writer's brother Sergei Nikolayevich. It is assumed that L. N. Tolstoy was also familiar with the future prototypes of the story - Varvara Andreevna and her father, Colonel A. P. Koreish - a military commander in Kazan.

In the draft sketches of L. N. Tolstoy, there are several options for the title of the story: “The story of the ball and through the system”, “Daughter and father”, “Father and daughter”, “And you say ...”, and only at the last moment the writer stops at the title "After the Ball", considering the events related to the execution scene to be the main part of the story. The identification of linguistic means and techniques by which Tolstoy reveals two important topics for understanding the ideological concept of the story - at the ball and after the ball, is the main task of the analysis.

In the analyzed text, there are words that are uncommon or rarely used in modern Russian, outdated, colloquial, colloquial, in need of explanation. Here are some of them.

Maslenitsa - pagan Slavic holiday seeing off winter, associated with the custom of baking pancakes and arranging various entertainments.

Chamberlain - in monarchical states: senior court rank.

Feronierka - women's jewelry with precious stones, worn on the forehead.

Choirs - an open gallery, a balcony in the upper part of the main hall to accommodate the choir and musicians.

Like - made from husky (a kind of soft leather).

Stirrup - braid sewn on from below to trousers, boots, etc. and threaded under shoes, under the foot.

Opoikovy - made of thin and soft skin made from the skin of a dairy calf.

Shrovetide(weather) - characteristic of Shrovetide, which happens on Shrovetide.

Rigid ( music) - in the text: rough to the ear, sharp.

The obsolete ones are:

Pusovy - dark brown.

Hall - room for receiving guests.

To colloquial and colloquial:

spilled sea champagne spacious, abundance.

Faithful - experienced zealous, employee (more often about the military).

Build - sew.

Pacer - a horse that ambles - first takes out both right, then both left legs.

Daguerreotype portrait - An old photograph made on a metal plate.

The phrase may not be clear:

Didn't know my quality. We are talking about the provincial custom of that time: two young people conceived the names of objects or different qualities of character - each his own, the girl had to guess what was conceived, the one, the quality was guessed, became a couple, in the same way gentlemen chose their ladies.

Epaulets- ceremonial officer epaulettes.

Draft - haulers who carried heavy loads.

Gauntlets - rods or sticks with which they beat the punished.

The text contains words and names written in French. So, in the text we meet: "... for me, as Alphonse Karr said - he was a good writer ...".

Alphonse Carr - French satirist of the 19th century. In the 19th century, there was a rule: foreign words, names should be presented in the text in their original spelling. In Russian graphics, foreign-language phrases, names were found only in the speech of semi-intellectuals, merchants, etc.

Bronze clothes - this expression is used in the text in the sense of "reliable means of protection": we are talking about protecting the honor of a woman

The composition "After the Ball" is peculiar: it is a story within a story. The author, as it were, remains in the shadows. The narration is conducted on behalf of the second, "acting" narrator - Ivan Vasilyevich. He is briefly characterized at the beginning: “Thus spoke respected by all Ivan Vasilyevich ... told He very sincere and true».

The story begins with a replica of the hero, in which the theme seems to be defined:

“You say that a person cannot understand on his own what is good and what is bad, that the whole thing is in the environment, that the environment is jamming. And I think that's the case."

Such an "accident" constitutes the plot. However, the beginning echoes the ending, where, after everything told, Ivan Vasilyevich reflects:

“Well, do you think that I then decided that what I saw was a bad thing? Not at all. “If this was done with such confidence and was recognized by everyone as necessary, then, therefore, they knew something that I did not know,” I thought and tried to find out. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find out later."

The whole story is built on contrasts, which are expressed both in composition and in vocabulary. The description of the ball and punishment, father and daughter are contrasted. Two images of the colonel are contrasted.

Such a compositional opposition entails a difference in linguistic means and a stylistic opposition between the first and second parts of the story, although the narrator is the same - Ivan Vasilyevich.

V. V. Odintsov, exploring the poetics of the story, drew attention to the nature of the narrative in each of the parts. In the first part, "the scene was described by a person for whom all this is a distant past", in the second part it is "no longer the same person for whom what is depicted has become a distant past, but one who sees for the first time, who still does not even know exactly what happens”, that is, the generalized transmission of the past is replaced in the second part by forms of direct perception.

Revealing language features each part, I noted the following.

To describe the ball, the writer uses emotional epithets: the ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful with choirs, the musicians are famous at that time serfs of an amateur landowner, the buffet is magnificent and the spilled sea of ​​champagne.

Describing Varenka, with whom the narrator is in love, Leo Tolstoy strictly selects vocabulary, does not use vivid metaphors: “... in her youth, at eighteen, she was charming: tall, slender, graceful and majestic, precisely majestic; …always cheerful smile and mouth, and lovely shining eyes; ... I ... only saw tall, slim figure…; …she smile thanked...; ... as a sign of regret and consolation smiled at me...". Tolstoy very often uses the repeated use of the same words, the same constructions. Here's another example: " especially touched me his boots; square toe boots especially touched me; I'm not the only one, everyone was looking at her and admired her, admired both men and women."

To convey the high spirits of a young man in love, the construction “I + verb” is repeated: “ I took feather and only with a glance could express all his delight and gratitude. I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blessed I was kind, I was not me, but some unearthly being who knows no evil and is capable of good alone. I hid feather in a glove and stood, unable to move away from her.

Epithets also play an important role in revealing the images of the story, conveying them emotional state. Here's how the Colonel looks different. At the ball: a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man; affectionate, joyful smile; it was well built...

During the punishment: ... walked ... drawing in air, puffing out his cheeks, and slowly letting it out through his protruding lip; angry voice; frowning menacingly and viciously, hastily turned away,

Stylistically important is the use and arrangement of adjectives denoting color. There are only four such adjectives in the story: white, black, pink, red. Two of them are used in the first part of the story: white (Varenka's white dress, white gloves, white shoes, the colonel's white mustache...), pink (Varenka's pink belt). This is the light, joyful part of the story, and here are the appropriate colors.

The second part begins with an adjective black (saw something big black; soldiers in black uniforms). The adjective is also used here. white, but in a different context (grinding white teeth). And finally, the word red (something motley, wet, red - this is the back of the punished). In Russian icon painting, red often meant hell and martyrdom, so the use of this color is symbolic.

Sound images also have an emotional impact on the reader, also helping to convey changes in the narrator's soul: joyful cheerful music at the ball and the sounds of a drum and flute, harsh screeching music on the parade ground.

Change internal state conveyed, in essence, in one phrase: “In my soul I sang all the time and occasionally heard the motive of the mazurka. But it was some other, tough, bad music.”

Of the poetic figures, Tolstoy used comparisons in the story: about the hostess of the ball: as good-natured as he is; father smile, like a daughter. More expressive comparison: with ... plump, white shoulders and chest, like portraits of Elizabeth Petrovna. And also: "How is it that, after one drop poured out of the bottle, its contents pour out in large jets, so in my soul, love for Varenka freed all the ability to love hidden in my soul.

There are also anaphoras in the story: “the procession began to move away, all the same blows fell from both sides on a stumbling, writhing man, and still the same drums beat and flute whistled, and still the same a tall, stately figure of the colonel moved with a firm step next to the punished.

In my opinion, such a detail is also interesting: the picture of the ball in the story is given in evening artificial lighting, and the scene on the parade ground is “in daylight”. Means,

everything that happened at the ball - a pretense, a mask? And the scene on the parade ground is a protest against the inhuman treatment of soldiers and even against the corporal punishment of peasants.

As noted, one of the main compositional and stylistic devices used by Leo Tolstoy is the antithesis. The story combines two themes: the theme of a magnificent ball and the theme of a cruel execution. Hence the contrast of artistic and visual means, the clash of light and black colors in the description of the ball and “after the ball”, in the description of Colonel B. at the ball and in the execution scene, in the selection of contrasting epithets. Disclosure moral issues The story is subject to the selection of vocabulary, and special word usage, and the use of various syntactic constructions and poetic figures.

Used Books:

  1. Tolstoy L. N. "After the ball."

  1. Belenky G. I., Khrenova O. M. "We read, we think, we argue" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1995

  1. Geller E. S. “Methodological recommendations for linguistic analysis works of art at school "Makhachkala Daguchpedgiz 1989

  1. Collection of articles "In the world of Tolstoy" Moscow "Soviet writer"