At the first meeting with a stranger, for some reason, it is the lips that are remembered: their shape, color, condition. The appearance of cracked and inflamed bright red lips does not leave a pleasant impression. The presence of a bright red color is not always a positive factor, and such a condition may indicate that a person is not completely healthy.

Bright red lips as a symptom of the disease Lip care in the winter season How to prevent herpes on the lips?

Bright red lips as a symptom of the disease

The bright red color of the lips is most often found in patients with hypertension, in people prone to stroke and in representatives of the so-called "apoplexy" type. A bright red color may be present with oral thrush and inflammation of the lips (cheilitis).

Dry, cracked and inflamed lips can indicate that a person has a lack of B vitamins or a metabolic disorder in the body. It is considered a delusion that cracks on the skin of the lips appear only from windy weather. It turns out that the cause of the problem should be looked for deeper, within yourself.

If there is a constant bright color of the lips and the same symptom appears in close relatives, you should consult a doctor, undergo a medical examination, be tested for the presence of fungi and dysbacteriosis. What tests need to be done - the doctor will indicate after the initial examination.

You should not ignore the characteristic symptoms and leave everything as it is. It is better to seek medical advice as soon as possible. In this way, a serious disease, such as hypertension, can be prevented in advance.

Winter lip care

The skin on the lips of a person is very delicate, thin and does not contain a protective layer. It is five times thinner than the skin on the face. Therefore, the skin of the lips is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is necessary to ensure constant protection of the surface of the lips and create conditions for normal hydration, since the moisture from the lips evaporates very quickly.

To maintain an attractive and healthy appearance, it is necessary to protect the lips from the influence of external negative factors. In winter, this should be done especially carefully. Here are a few essential measures that will come in handy to protect the skin of the lips in the winter season.

Preventive measures:

Permanent hydration of the lips. You can buy hygienic lipstick for this purpose. It is better to opt for lipstick, which includes vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and lanolin. Refuse to use balms containing alcohol, retinol and menthol. These substances only dry the skin of the lips. Use UV filters in all weathers. When leaving the house, you should always have cosmetics that provide protection from ultraviolet radiation at hand. Periodically do a light massage of the lips. Can be carried out with an available face cream or a special lip balm. A few light movements from the center of the lips to their corners will accelerate blood circulation and improve the structure of the surface. Periodically apply nourishing masks to the lips. For such purposes, you can use sour cream, honey, decoctions of herbs and other nutrients.

Keeping the skin of the lips in a healthy state will help get rid of bad habits, such as licking and biting the lips, using persistent irritating lipstick. From such actions, the lips become inflamed, bleeding wounds and cracks appear.

How to prevent herpes on the lips?

Very spoils appearance"blooming" herpes on the lips. Especially a lot of trouble delivers this disease to women.

There is no cure for herpes completely. However, the use of antiviral drugs will help to get rid of a relapse for a long time.

It is known that the herpes virus can be dormant in the body for many years. It “wakes up” when favorable conditions for reproduction appear.

Especially often this happens at a time when the human immune system is weakening, and the protective functions of the body are reduced.

In order to increase the protective factor and help the immune system produce more antibodies, preventive measures are needed.


the intake of vitamins in the body protection from hypothermia elimination of stressful situations alternation of rest and work

Such simple actions will help ensure the proper functioning of the immune system and speed up the recovery of the affected areas of the lip membrane.

For any person, especially a young girl, herpes brings a lot of trouble and creates discomfort. For this reason, many meetings, trips to the cinema or a trip with friends for a picnic are cancelled. Many will agree that during the “heyday” of herpes, several days of life simply turn into gray, monotonous everyday life.

To prevent this, you need to support your body and help it cope with viruses by making the following efforts:

periodically take immunomodulatory drugs, such as echinacea tincture, Immunal daily use ascorbic acid (vitamin C) periodically cleanse the gastrointestinal tract for better absorption of vitamins

Such simple actions will help strengthen the weakened body, create a reserve of vitamins and resist the “attack” of viruses.

As you can see, the lips need to be properly looked after and monitored for their appearance in order to prevent the development of various diseases.

Health & BeautyFace CareLip Care

Lip redness

Redness around the lips, in the corners of the lips, inflammation of their mucous membranes is called cheilitis by doctors, and among the people it is called more simply - jamming. Cracks appear at the places of redness, but they may not appear - many diseases are called cheilitis; doctors even say that this term is collective, but this does not make it easier - I want to know how to avoid this and how to treat it.

The external environment affects the lips all the time, and in the process of life they have to endure a lot: these are not only temperature changes, wind, frost, heat, unfavorable ecology, poor-quality water; infections that literally fly in the air of big cities, but also the process of eating food, and decorative cosmetics - and we do not always follow the rules of hygiene.

For example, if you ate a pie or donut on the street (in the office), washed it down with sweet soda, and then quickly took out a mirror and tinted your lips, you hardly think how they - lips, of course - will feel. They can’t tell us anything, but they eloquently show us, and they also give us a feeling: when the lips turn red, it becomes painful and unpleasant for us, and we don’t look well, we are embarrassed to communicate with others, we get even more irritated and worsen our well-being, so it’s better than such not allow problems.

Types of lip redness

So, doctors divide cheilitis into several types.

A disease caused by constant stress and depression, disorders in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, unfavorable heredity, is called exfoliative cheilitis- in addition to redness and cracks, scales may appear on the lips. It is usually treated by neuropathologists and psychoneurologists. Of course, they also prescribe vitamins, but not those that grow in the garden and in the garden - they have to make injections, and not only vitamins, but also drugs, including tranquilizers; more serious methods are also connected: laser, hormonal and radiation therapy; correction of immunity, blood composition, etc.

With the growth of small salivary glands, or infection (more often both) occurs glandular cheilitis, and it is aggravated by caries, periodontal disease, and other diseases of the oral cavity, which in our time - unfortunately - have become a frequent occurrence. This cheilitis usually appears after the age of 30, but may appear earlier - it depends on the general state of health. Why do salivary glands grow (swell)? Doctors, as often happens, have not fully studied this problem: they talk about infection, and about genetic factors, and about external influences - all this has a place to be. Stones often form in the salivary glands, but here they also say that everything has not been fully clarified, although they do not hide that the main reason may be a violation of mineral metabolism and hypovitaminosis. Treatment in this case is also quite serious: anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed, including those with antibiotics; surgical treatment; electrocoagulation - cauterization by electric current; laser ablation is the removal of surface layers of tissues using a laser. In general, everything turns out not so harmless and simple as it might seem at first glance.

Contact allergic cheilitis: the name of the disease explains its origin. This is the reaction of the body to irritants, often chemical ones, which today can be found anywhere: in food and water, in cosmetics, toothpastes, dentures, and even in dishes and clothes - today there is enough “chemistry” everywhere. In this case, it is necessary not only to treat allergies, but also to remove irritants - and this is difficult for many people.

Meteorological (actinic) cheilitis It is caused by exposure to the weather as well as radiation, and if left untreated for a long time, it can go into other, more complex and intractable forms. This cheilitis is treated with hormonal ointments, but vitamins are also prescribed, and especially group B - hypovitaminosis has not been avoided here either.

Atopic cheilitis can also be due to allergic causes and ecology, and in this it is similar to contact allergic cheilitis: as already mentioned, this is the general name for a group of diseases. They are treated with allergy medications, hormones, diet - most often the diet becomes lifelong.

Macrocheilitis- this is also an allergy, heredity, infections, and the disease is quite difficult. What doctors do not use for treatment: leeches, ultrasound, currents, a laser, various drugs - including potent ones, and again vitamins - doctors know that the body cannot do without them.

One of the types of cheilitis is so directly called - hypovitaminosis, and with it, both the red border, and the corners of the lips, and the tongue become inflamed. They even call the type of hypovitaminosis - most often it is a lack of B vitamins, namely riboflavin, which is easily replenished by eating cabbage, green vegetables, bran and nuts, avocados and brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, mushrooms and eggs, offal and brewer's yeast; but all these products - in their natural form - we rarely eat. Most often, we consume them overcooked and overcooked, canned and candied, and instead of real beer, we drink a chemical substance from cans and plastic bottles; By the way, brewer's yeast can be easily bought at a pharmacy, like regular dietary supplements.

Iron deficiency can also be the cause of cheilitis, and here it is necessary to include in the menu not only meat - beef, lamb, veal, pork - but also plant foods: leafy greens, cereals, fruits, vegetables and nuts, black bread, legumes, germinated wheat etc. So malnutrition still remains one of the main causes of cheilitis, as well as many other (including incurable) diseases.

You can name other causes of cheilitis: fungal infections caused by non-compliance with basic hygiene rules, chronic diseases internal organs, stomatitis, serious imbalances in the intestinal microflora, and the disease can be transmitted - so do not share a towel or utensils, as is often the case in many families.

Remedies and treatment for lip redness

Well, how to be treated? It is clear that it is necessary to treat the main cause of cheilitis, so you can’t do without a visit to the doctor, but in parallel you can and should use folk, home and medical cosmetics - they are known enough.

A proven folk remedy for redness of the lips is the juice of garlic or plantain - they lubricate the inflamed areas of the lips. You can simply rub the reddened areas with a cut garlic clove, although this is not very comfortable - the garlic juice causes a slight burning sensation.

Mixtures of fatty and essential oils are milder: you can take rosehip, sea buckthorn, tea tree and avocado oils, and use them in different combinations or separately. It is known that tea tree oil has a wound-healing and bactericidal effect - apply a swab soaked in it to the reddened areas in the morning and before going to bed, for 20-30 seconds. If you do this regularly, the inflammation will disappear, and the cracks will heal.

You can lubricate jams with infusion of chamomile or mint, honey, butter and petroleum jelly.

You can make a homemade ointment and use it several times a day. Raw yolk - better than homemade - is thoroughly rubbed with 1 tsp. boric acid and 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

Another option is to mix pork fat with honey (1: 2), and lubricate the lips with this mixture after eating.

Aloe grows in many homes, on the windowsill, but for some reason we forget about its healing properties. Cut the leaf with a plastic knife, rinse and squeeze the juice directly onto the inflamed areas; if there are cracks, try to get the juice inside. Do this 2-3 times a day.

Pharmaceutical products can also be used: tetracycline and zinc ointment, iodine tincture, synthomycin emulsion, silver nitrate solution - it has a bactericidal, cauterizing, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

One could not talk about the need for stricter hygiene, but, unfortunately, practice shows that even quite educated and, as they say, civilized people “forget” about it, or do not attach any importance to it, and then run around doctors and pharmacies, seeking to recover from unpleasant and dangerous diseases.

This also applies to women: do not forget to wash your hands with soap every time you need to touch your face; do not take other people's towels and clean the dishes - do at least this, and the incidence rate will decrease dramatically.

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Redness of the lips, the areas around them can be caused by many reasons.. Most often, redness is a symptom of such common diseases as seizures and cheilitis.

Redness of the lips - seizures. Reasons for the appearance

The disease begins with the appearance of redness in the corners of the mouth, then small cracks, and in some cases even erosion. Late treatment can cause crusts and even bleeding ulcers. Zaeds deliver a lot of discomfort, trouble and inconvenience. Because of pain, which accompanies this disease, it is not uncommon for the patient to even refuse to eat food.

The appearance of jamming most often occurs due to a lack of vitamin B2, the so-called riboflavin. Often, this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as the appearance of crusts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose and other parts of the face, peeling of the skin, burning of the tongue and its redness. The patient has weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite.

The appearance of jamming can also be caused by wearing a denture.. This can be caused by improper care of the prosthesis, its poor quality, and sometimes anatomical features: the small size of the oral fissure, the increased size of the prosthesis in comparison with its size. The removal and maintenance of a denture from the oral cavity can lead to mechanical tears of the tissues of the corners of the mouth and their subsequent infection.

Some toothpastes can also provoke the appearance of a jam., for example, containing fluorine. The reason for the appearance and development of seizures in children is often the habit of licking their lips and taking foreign objects into their mouths.

Unpleasant sensations when small cracks appear in the corners of the mouth are a signal from the body about the problems that exist in it. If the cause of their appearance is a lack of riboflavin in the body, then the problem is very easy to eliminate by providing the intake of vitamin B2. It should be noted that the lack of this vitamin in the body is often caused by smoking. Nicotine prevents its entry into the body.

Seizures in the corners of the mouth can also appear due to the existence of quite serious violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in the absence of an effective result after taking vitamin B2, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Seizure treatment

Treatment of seizures should begin with the elimination of the causes that may cause their appearance. To do this, you need to visit a dentist and check your teeth for caries, as well as remove tartar, replace low-quality crowns and dentures. Smokers should try to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke.

With long-lasting symptoms, to detect the cause of the disease, it is necessary to perform laboratory tests of scrapings and a blood test for the presence of vitamin B2 in it. Among the pathogens that cause the appearance of jam include staphylococci, streptococci or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

If a fungus is detected, the doctor recommends the use of antifungal drugs (levorin, nystatin). For external lubrication, 5% mercury ointment or 1% erythromycin ointment, oxycort, 10% glycerin solution of borax, as well as levorin or nystatin ointment are used. Do not self-medicate. Medicinal ointments and preparations should be selected by a doctor. When selecting medicines, he will take into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, individual sensitivity to medicines.

The doctor most often prescribes vitamin preparations (vitamin C, vitamin A oil solution and vitamin B2 complex), medical brewer's yeast, rosehip syrup.

The diet should be enriched with vegetables, fruits, avoid the use of spicy, sour, salty foods, increase the consumption of dairy products. From meat dishes, preference should be given to boiled meat. With fungal lesions of the lips, you should also limit the use of sweets. Strict adherence to hygienic requirements for oral care and hygiene items will help prevent the recurrence of jamming.

Seizures are among the contagious diseases. Sharing hygiene items can lead to person-to-person transmission of this infectious disease. For the treatment of seizures, it is necessary to use disinfectant and bactericidal drugs: tinctures of Japanese Sophora, eucalyptus, mint, calendula or ointments with eucalyptus, immortelle, calendula, and also with an antibiotic.

Folk remedies for redness of the lips

Among the public folk remedies that can speed up the healing process of seizures include some homemade products. Lubrication of the affected areas of the lips with goose fat, heated beeswax, honey, as well as sea buckthorn, olive, linseed oils and avocado oil has a good effect on seizures.

A good result is also provided by compresses and lotions prepared from infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula).

To speed up the healing process of seizures, lubricate them with fresh cucumber or carrot juice, as well as apply grated apple gruel mixed with honey and butter to them.

And, of course, do not forget about the well-proven method of treating seizures - smearing them with sulfur from the ears, which you can get with an ear cotton swab.

Lip redness - cheilitis

Sometimes the appearance of red spots, inflammation of the skin and even its cracking can cause a disease called cheilitis. Unlike zaedov, it is not among the infectious diseases. Depending on the causes and factors that provoke the onset of the disease, varieties of cheilitis are determined. Its simplest forms are allergic and meteorological cheilitis. The symptoms of this disease in any form are almost the same - redness of the mucous membrane and skin around the lips, the appearance of a red border around the mouth.

Meteorological cheilitis caused by external factors. It can be caused by changes in humidity and temperature, wind, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you are predisposed to this disease, you must follow some measures to prevent its occurrence, for example, lubricate your lips with hypoallergenic lipstick or greasy creams before going outside.

Allergic cheilitis most often attacks women after 20 years. It is called "lady's disease". The hallmark of the disease is a red border around the mouth, and in rare cases, reddening of the mucous membrane. With a long-term illness, the skin of the lips and the red border become dry, then crack, and itching may be felt in problem areas. The main source of allergic cheilitis are lipsticks, or rather, the ingredients that make up their composition (for example, fluorescent substances).

Also, the occurrence of the disease can provoke some of the components of toothpastes. Treatment of the allergic form of cheilitis involves the use of antiallergic drugs and, of course, the elimination of the allergen itself.

There are also atopic cheilitis. It is distinguished from allergic by a longer period of treatment and more pronounced redness in the corners of the mouth.

Allocate also actinic cheilitis, the appearance of which is due to the increased sensitivity of the border of the lips to sunlight. It is most activated in the spring, progresses in the summer, and subsides in the winter-autumn period. A feature of actinic cheilitis is a more red border in the region of the lower lip. It can be prevented by reducing sun exposure or by providing UV protection (for example, wearing a wide-brimmed hat).

Lip Care

Almost every person in his life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as irritation or redness around the lips. The causes of such a problem may lie in the development of an allergic reaction, in the appearance of seizures, herpes or other diseases. Redness near the lips makes a person feel shy, he feels discomfort while communicating with others. If the lips turn red in a child, this often causes anxiety and tearfulness. Therefore, it is important to know why this problem occurs and how to fix it.


The most common cause why the lips or the area around the lips become red, this is cheilitis. These are inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane in the mouth and on the surface of the lips. The main cause of this disease are pathogens - bacteria, viruses, fungi. They are activated in the presence of favorable conditions, which include:

development of diabetes; deficiency in the human body of B vitamins; having a bad bite.

Often, after prolonged therapy with antibacterial drugs, a red border appears on the surface of the lips, they begin to peel off, sometimes they bake or itch. This develops cheilitis of fungal origin. Outwardly, there is also a white film, crusts on the surface of the damaged areas. With the development of bacterial cheilitis, a small bubble appears, it opens with any movement of the mouth. This type of pathology most often occurs in children.


If redness occurs on the surface of the lips, red spots in the mouth, the herpes virus can provoke such a phenomenon. At first, pronounced red spots and irritations appear, then small bubbles appear in their place. Additional symptoms are itching, soreness, burning. It is painful for a person to talk and eat, especially if herpes appears in the mouth.

It is important to remember that herpes is transmitted by contact. The peculiarity of the disease is that it cannot be cured completely. You can only achieve a stable remission, this virus, once it enters the human body, is constantly present in it, activating in the presence of favorable conditions:

hypothermia or being in a draft; overheat; deterioration of the immune system (this often happens after suffering viral or colds - influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and others).

In women, the virus is often activated during menstruation. This is due to the weakened immunity in girls during menstruation. Particular discomfort appears if the inner surface of the lips suffers, since eating is very difficult.

allergic reactions

Make your smile Hollywood To achieve a snow-white and dazzling smile, you just need to ... ... The most easy way get rid of caries Found The best way protect your teeth from caries! To do this, you need ... ... the increased work of the body's immune system is the rejection of stimuli. Histamines are formed, which cause redness of the lips and around the lips. Additional symptoms are peeling, skin irritation, damaged areas itch, bake and even hurt.

Food can often cause redness in adults and children. Food allergies are manifested precisely by redness around the mouth and in the oral cavity, in the throat. Allergies appear to citrus fruits, bee products, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggplant. Also, food allergies can appear after eating exotic fruits.

What to do

What to do in case of redness on the face? It is recommended to consult a dermatologist, since it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, as well as to choose the most competent and effective treatment. In each case, reddened areas are treated differently. People suffering from seizures or cheilitis are treated with fucorcin, sulfuric or salicylic ointment. Well removes such symptoms nystatin ointment. It is only necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and medical recommendations.

In parallel, doctors prescribe a course of taking vitamin complexes. The duration of the therapeutic effect should be at least 10 days, this will completely get rid of redness, remove the scarlet border, and achieve lasting results. Sometimes surgery is needed to get rid of cheilitis. But this is extremely rare, only if the disease is of oncological origin. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor - to exclude a possible danger.

If the cause of redness is herpes, treatment is carried out with the help of antiviral drugs. Among such funds, tablets and ointments are prescribed in a complex.

One of the most effective drugs is lavomax, thanks to which you can quickly eliminate itching, spots and peeling around the mouth.

Also, to combat herpes, drugs such as acyclovir, herpevir or fenistil are used. They stop the activity of the virus, inhibit its further development. With the help of applying ointments, sores heal much faster, and other symptoms of the disease are eliminated within a few days.

You can get rid of allergic manifestations with the help of antihistamines - tavegil, suprastin, l-cet, claritin, cetrin, loratadine. Such drugs inhibit the production of histamine, as a result of which the inflammatory process on the mucosa decreases, swelling and redness disappear, and the wounds heal. In addition to oral medications, antihistamine creams and ointments are also prescribed - elokom, sinaflan, advantan. Such drugs quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. But it is not recommended to use them on their own, especially for a child. Such funds are not allowed during pregnancy and lactation, in other cases, the type of drug and dosage, as well as the duration of therapy, are prescribed by a dermatologist, after a preliminary examination and diagnosis. It is very important to avoid contact with a potential allergen. During the period of treatment, you should follow a diet.

anna base

Most women throughout their lives change their image, the manner of applying makeup and hair color. But the color of lipstick, at the same time, they rarely change. On a woman's dressing table there may be many tubes of different colors that she uses from time to time. But there is one lipstick that is always in the purse and is a favorite. And this color does not depend on fashion, season or style of clothing. She is simply the one and only. Only the tone can change. Therefore, by the color and tone of lipstick, you can always find out the character of a woman.

The language of color in psychology

Since ancient times, it has been known that there are seven colors that determine the effect of celestial bodies (planets) on the psyche and the position of a person in society. Each nationality has its own symbolism, in which certain colors are used that determine their attitude to life. For Muslims, white is the color of mourning, and in Christianity it is a symbol of purity and innocence. In many ways, color preferences are formed depending on culture, upbringing, nationality, climatic conditions in which a person lives.

By what colors a person uses in his wardrobe, you can determine whether he has a positive attitude towards life or not. By the brightness of the makeup, you can judge where the woman was going to go. And by the color of your favorite lipstick, it is easy to determine the character traits of a lady.

How to determine the character of a woman by the color of lipstick

Gather together all the tubes of lipstick that you have in your beauty arsenal. Now open them and arrange from dark to light. You will immediately notice that most lipsticks are shades of the same color. The rest are experimental.

Flashy, bright colors

The bright colors that women choose characterize them as cheerful, sociable, quick to make decisions and prone to flirting natures.

These colors include the following:

- Defiantly red;

- Hot pink;

- Crimson.

These are enchanting and energetic ladies. The positive attitude of these women allows them to go through life with their heads held high and not be distracted by troubles. They are always in the center of attention of men and have a lot of fans.

Not without reason, many actresses use always and everywhere.

Delicate shades of pink.

It is generally accepted that soft pink tones are preferred by frivolous and windy natures. But it's not. These are smart, serious and self-confident women who do not consider it necessary to be distracted by trifles, and are closed in feelings and experiences. Their inner world always closed from others, so it seems that they are always doing well. Women who give their heart to lipsticks of delicate tones of pink are always positive, they are wonderful mothers, housewives and worthy wives.

Cold pinkish tones.

Light pinkish tones, which are close to white, indicate that the lady has free judgments and views. These ladies rarely adhere to public opinion, do not recognize the laws of fashion and always look the way they themselves think is right. They have a great taste that never fails them. The main difficulty for such ladies is not to play with a sense of their own greatness. Sooner or later, there may come a moment when they face a choice - to remain themselves or follow the lead of the man who provides them. If they choose the second option, they immediately lose their independence and become a firebird in a golden cage.

Cream tones.

Cream shades are characteristic of calm and balanced natures. They feel great in the life they live. These are not catchy natures who need to constantly “stick out” their significance and prove their sexuality. These women are well aware of their beauty and femininity. At work, such women are valued and respected, they always have reliable friends and strong families. These are careerists, but not workaholic fans. For them, personal life is more important, in which they always try to succeed. These are good housewives, caring mothers and reliable girlfriends of life for any man.

Saturated tones.

These include the following:

— Chocolate;

- Burgundy;

- Lilac.

Mysterious, sensual and extraordinary nature. Each step is calculated with the utmost care. They cannot be taken by surprise by an unexpected visit. They always look great, even in a dressing gown.

But all of the above pales before what is actually going on in the soul of these women. Usually a tender girl is hiding there, who really wants male warmth and protection. The only unfortunate thing is that she is afraid to admit it.

Unnatural, catchy shades.

These are the following colors:

- Lilac;

- Carrot;

- Dark purple.

The colors themselves are unusual. The same can be said about the character of a woman who paints her lips in such colors. Creative, bright and extraordinary nature. It is impossible to prove to these ladies that lilac lips are not beautiful. They always have their own point of view on everything and do not allow the thought that they can be wrong in their beliefs.

Such colors are typical for young girls who, in search of a new image, try themselves in all forms. Thus, they prove to others their "I", trying to be original and catchy. Over time, this infatuation wears off, but as an experiment it can be very useful to select permanent preferences.

Lip gloss.

Ladies who use lip gloss or colorless lipstick are characterized as impressionable and enthusiastic natures. Chaos always reigns in their soul from the feelings that overwhelm it. These are women who make decisions with their hearts, not their minds. Usually these are self-sufficient ladies who know their own worth and do not doubt their attractiveness. They themselves suffer from excessive sensitivity, but in vain! The men who are next to them, this is what they consider the main advantage of these women.

Eyeliner (pencil).

Some women, before making up their lips, clearly outline them with eyeliner or a pencil. Often you can see that the color of the pencil is very different from the color of the lipstick. These women can only be advised one thing - to include feelings at least occasionally. They are too passionate about career growth and are guided only by logic in their actions. These are born leaders who are used to taking orders and giving advice.

Black lipstick.

You don't even need to explain anything here! A woman tries to be extremely defiant and extravagant. For a European, black is the color of mourning and sadness. Therefore, women with black lips "strain" the imagination a little and scare passers-by. With all their appearance, they demonstrate their inaccessibility and detachment from the real world. Most likely, these are young girls who have decided to follow some kind of cult or teaching. This is a temporary phenomenon and you should not be afraid of this. The second option is an image for photo shoots and concerts.

I am glad that there are very few women who prefer black lipstick. At least it's unnatural.

The same can be said about ladies who paint their lips in green, blue or unnatural carrot color. What they are trying to prove to others is known only to themselves. One thing is clear, they are trying to stand out from the "crowd" in the most accessible way.

It happens that a woman likes it. Usually they are young people. If the color of lipstick is changed by an older lady, this characterizes her as a person who is trying to show her acting skills in this way. These are eccentric, fickle natures who cannot decide what they need in any way. They are impressionable and can dramatize any situation, bringing it to an extreme.

It turns out that in order to determine the character of a woman by the color of her lipstick, it is enough to watch her for a while and find out what colors she prefers. Sometimes her make-up can say much more about the character traits of a woman than words.

January 18, 2014, 09:17

Psychologists say: the first thing a man pays attention to when meeting a woman is how seductive her mouth looks. Not the legs, not the chest, but the mouth. Bright lips invariably catch the eye and are considered a sign of femininity and sensuality. Has it always been like this? We decided to find out where the fashion for red lipstick came from, and what preceded it.

We owe the invention of makeup to the women of Mesopotamia, who lived in the middle of the 4th century BC. It turns out that even then the weaker sex came up with their own little tricks to attract the stronger sex. The beauties of antiquity adorned their lips and eyelids with precious stones, which were crushed into small crumbs for ease of application.

However, it is in Ancient Egypt make-up was elevated to a cult. In those distant times, graceful faces with high cheekbones and a well-defined mouth line were considered the standard of beauty. Therefore, women tinted their lips with purple dye, made from brown seaweed with the addition of iodine and henna. As history testifies, an exclusive paint composition was invented for Queen Cleopatra: in addition to the above components, ant eggs were mixed into it. From this, the lips acquired a more intense blood-red hue.

In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition categorically forbade any "decorations" of one's appearance. A woman who wore makeup was declared a witch and burned alive at the stake.

But in the 16th century in England, bright lipstick became incredibly popular with women of wealthy classes. No wonder: they wanted to be like their queen. Elizabeth the First, who had very pale skin from birth, used rich red lipstick. At that time, lipstick was ordered to be made by physicians, it was based on waxes, various plant pigments were added to them.

In the Renaissance in freedom-loving France, the use of cosmetics was strongly encouraged, not only for women, but also for men. At the court of King Louis XVI, it became fashionable to brightly line the lips and powder the face liberally.

In the XVIII century there was another revolution in the history of red lipstick. The Parliament of England banned it officially by passing a corresponding law, according to which all women who painted their lips were proclaimed libertines. Queen Victoria of England also opposed the use of make-up, considering it a manifestation of vulgarity.

Until the end of the 18th century, in Puritan England, only actors for performances were allowed to paint their lips. Lipstick at that time was “packaged” in small round jars, applied with a brush.

In the 80s of the 19th century, lipstick appeared in Paris in a new package, it was wrapped in thick paper. It contained deer fat, castor oil and wax. This makeup tool had a significant drawback: it could not be carried with you.

It was only in 1923 that lipstick was first released in America in a vertical metal case with a retractable lead. She was very expensive. A little later, cases began to be made from plastic. But the appearance of lipstick has survived to this day.

In the 20s of the 20th century, cinematography rapidly entered our lives. On the screen, the stars of that time shone with dark red lipstick - it looked amazingly beautiful. Therefore, wine shades have become popular in Everyday life. Brands Max Factor, Tangee and Coty have released entire lipstick palettes. Chemical pigments of increased durability were now added to her formula, thanks to which the color “sticked” to the lips tightly. On the one hand, this was a plus, the makeup did not require correction during the day, but on the other hand, it dried the skin, and it was possible to wash it off only the third time.

Since the 1950s, plump, bright lips have been in vogue. Red lipstick becomes a sign of sexuality. We are indebted to these film stars of that time: Marilyn Monroe,Elizabeth Taylor, Rita Hayward, Vivien Leigh and Audrey Hepburn.

In the following decades, the fashion for lipstick has constantly changed. Over the years, it was important to wear pastel shades on the lips, then purple, then pink, then almost black ... And only the red color and all its variations invariably remained in the top. Because it is this shade that is associated with female strength, passion and attractiveness.

Nowadays, red lipstick is not only a tool of seduction, it is also a versatile accessory that goes well with both evening and everyday looks. They say correctly: there are no women who would not wear red lipstick, but there are women who have not found their ideal shade.


First of all, lipstick should be in harmony with your skin tone. Here's a little "cheat sheet" to help you make the right choice.

If you have very pale skin: your choice is orange and coral shades. But at the same time, try to avoid cold impurities of purple pigment, from this the face will acquire an unhealthy cyanotic tint. The ideal texture of lipstick for pale-faced women is matte.

If you have fair skin: your choice is dark red. Try to avoid orange and scarlet colors, which can make the face look yellow. The ideal lipstick texture for women with fair skin is glossy.

If you are dark: your choice is scarlet, coral, raspberry, strawberry. Try to avoid bright orange flowers, which will emphasize all the imperfections of the skin. As well as dark red colors, they age. The ideal texture of lipstick - with shimmering particles.

The phrase “beautiful and lush lips” reminds many of us of Hollywood megastar Angelina Jolie. She has repeatedly been in the top of the most beautiful lips in the world. Naturally beautiful lips are pride and reward. Beautiful lips are eye-catching and make men dream of touching them. While we are young and beautiful, we boldly use our beautiful lips, highlight them with lipstick or gloss, give them a shade and boldly use such a weapon of seduction as a sweet flirtatious smile. A woman's smile can work wonders, it can radically change the appearance and transform an unprepossessing gloom into a charming girl. Such a treasure as beautiful lips must be taken care of in advance, to prolong their youth.

Why are lips bright pink?

Unlike other areas of our skin, the surface of the lips does not have a dense outer layer that performs a protective function. That's why blood vessels better visible - hence the bright pink color. Lips do not have sebaceous glands, for this reason they often crack. They are especially susceptible to the negative effects of sunlight. And besides, they do not have melanin - a pigment that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so the lips cannot tan in the sun, and the sun can damage them. At the same time, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lips, they are hypersensitive to any irritants, so daily lip care is a must.

Pay attention to your lips. They will need urgent help if their lips:

Dry and cracked, very often this problem accompanies allergy sufferers and people with skin diseases.

Have distinct vertical streaks above and below caused by sun exposure, smoking, or aging

Decreased in volume, this may be a hereditary property or as a sign of aging;

Lost a clear outline, it's all about the collagen and elastin cells responsible for elasticity, a decrease in their number leads to the fact that the borders of the lips become blurry

The simplest and most effective lip care solutions:

First: easing
, often dryness and cracking means that the lips are inflamed. This happens under the influence of the sun, wind and dry air. Makeup is the simplest and best lip protection. Never go outside without applying cosmetic to your lips. All lipsticks, glosses, tinted balms and hygiene preparations of the latest generations are multifunctional: they not only color the lips, but also prevent their peeling and the appearance of small cracks. All decorative lip products contain vitamins, fats, moisturizers and filters that reflect ultraviolet rays. If you do not use colored lipsticks, then you should apply a moisturizing gloss or hygienic lipstick to your lips.

Second: care (moisturizing, nutrition, improving blood circulation). Apply to lips in the evening Propolis Geliant 25% Optima" and do a little gymnastics in combination with a massage: put your index finger to your lips, puff out your lips, as if you were offended. With counter movements, press your finger on your lips, and your lips on your finger, and so on 40 times. This is a very good exercise that increases blood circulation. And if the skin on the lips peels off, then massage with " Propolis Geliantom 25% Optima" will help to quickly exfoliate all dead cells, which will save you from lumps on lipstick.

Third: improve elasticity. It's all about the composition of the drug" Propolis Geliant 25% Optima". Propolis has a unique property to influence the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to this property, the contour of the lips will be clearly visible, the wrinkles near the lips will gradually smooth out, as they arise from dehydration of the skin around the lips, and the lipstick will no longer annoy you with spreading.

Do-it-yourself caring lipstick. For its manufacture you will need:

beeswax 2 ml
cocoa butter - 3 ml
shea butter - 2 ml
jojoba oil - 1 ml
avocado oil - 2 ml
"Propolis Geliant 25% Optima", honey, vitamin E in oil - 1 drop of each ingredient

Cooking method:
We melt solid oils and wax in a water bath, then we introduce liquid oils into it, mix everything thoroughly, cool slightly and add honey with Propolis Geliant and vitamin E. Pour it into a tube for lipstick or into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for several minutes. This lipstick helps prevent colds, softens and moisturizes lips.

Dear ladies, smile more often, because a smile decorates you and makes the world more beautiful.
Top woman smile
Hopes of Faith and Love
Shine always in the lips of your loved ones
In the name of eternal beauty!

A very interesting topic is covered in the article. Here the psychologist talks about what carries a certain type of makeup and they can be perceived by others, in particular men. Of course, as always and everywhere, there are exceptions and various nuances. But overall, it's interesting. because every detail in our image serves a purpose)


Anna Barinova is an analyst and lecturer at the French Fashion Institute, studying the relationship between psychology and fashion. She was the first editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Russia, then the editor-in-chief of Madame Figaro Russia. He has a higher psychological education, works as a coach and helps to solve life problems.

Another long overdue premiere. The connection between beauty and psychology is obvious, but shrouded in mystery. At least I have not seen any interesting, exhaustive and relevant texts on this subject. So let's fill in the gaps, yes. For the first issue of the column, we invited psychologist and coach Anna Barinova and invited her to comment on the main trends of spring-summer 2014 and answer the question: “How will others perceive me if I do…”


Anna's opinion:

The secret of the attractiveness of this image is the combination of the ascetic styling and make-up and the sensuality of the lips. The lips are very plump, and it is they who ensure the success of the entire event. This is a classic game of contrast. And contrast is always a provocation. A provocation is always an interest. Tanned skin, by the way, seems so sexy to many, because it contrasts with the whites of the eyes and teeth. As for the image of Chloe, if you imagine a girl with the same monastic-straight hair, almost no makeup, but without such naturally luxurious, defiantly sexy lips, then, alas, she is unlikely to collect a pile of compliments. If you imagine that a girl with such lips will wind the curls of Marilyn Monroe, she will collect them even more. But this will be frank work on the “below the belt” zone.

Ya-z-va's notes: Looks like it's only worth copying if you're confident in your own lips and want to please an intellectual.


Anna's opinion:

This is also a provocation, but a childish one. For approximately the same purpose, the girl puts on her mother's high-heeled shoes. Find out what I will look like when I grow up. Very sexy if your goal is to send a message to the world (more precisely, to the male half of it): “I am a young and never saddled wild horse, but you, so mature and wise, can try to tame me.” It is important to understand that here you are appealing to paternal qualities.

Ya-z-va's notes: That is, it turns out that if you want to attract a man older than yourself, then arrows with a ponytail are the right move. If peers are more interesting - not really.


Anna's opinion:

This image requires inner strength from the bearer. Its motto is openness. I do not camouflage anything, I do not hide anything, I am who I am, I am defenseless - and thus protected. There is a challenge here, and often more so than three layers of blush, bright lipstick, and other armor. He is not aggressive, and from this even more honest. We often hide behind bangs, lipsticks, blushes. It is impossible to hide here, and even such an attempt is not made. Despite the seeming childishness, this is an adult image. Teens are rarely capable of such unconditional acceptance - and demonstration of themselves.

Ya-z-va's notes: If you want to check how confident you really are, try this look on at least in front of a mirror. And don't be surprised if equally self-confident men don't get excited about it. Why do they need an exact copy of themselves? ..


Anna's opinion:

A trend that in Russia, like everything gold, has its own attitude. I do not like the used word "sacred", but this is just the case. Everything gold in the territory from Vladivostok to Brest has a special cultural value. This, by the way, explains the desire of our women to buy “everything that glitters”, and the desire of buyers to meet this demand with supply, and the fact that these shades are repeated in makeup from year to year. Whether you like it or not, but by applying golden shades on the forehead, eyebrows, cheekbones, you will increase your material value in the eyes of those around you and hint at the inexhaustibility of resources. The more casual this is done - paired with simple straight hair and a plain white tank top - the more "expensive" you will look.

Ya-z-va's notes: Give everyone a golden gel - a golden fight. It seems that for the look to be in demand where the golden boys are found - for example, in Sardinia or St. Barts, you will need to limit yourself in the desire to wear a rhinestone swimsuit. It is also advisable not to forget to apply gold powder on thin collarbones - and learn how to use sculpting makeup tools :)


Anna's opinion:

No matter what you fantasize about yourself, no matter how you justify your love for red lipstick, men always perceive it the same way - as an offer for sex. Lips are a projection of the genitals, and we will not get away from this. The combination with unpainted eyelashes and the general chastity of the image sometimes further enhances the offer to have sex, since the provocation is double, and the contrast is also added. It is therefore more difficult for many to do not make up eyelashes than to make up them.

Ya-z-va's notes: Yes, I love sex, and you? :)) The trouble is that I absolutely do not like red lipstick.


Anna's opinion:

All this carelessness in hairstyles is evidence of the infantilization of society. Baby-like-look became in demand as soon as we expressed the desire to fall into childhood. Adult men play computer games, everyone desperately needs likes on Instagram as praise and proof that we are good, and lolita girls who just got out of bed and did not comb their hair because the nanny hesitated and missed the moment - on the wave. Sloppy hairstyles attract teenage boys because they recognize you as one of their own, and they are always too lazy to comb their hair, and adult men who want to become your Humbert-Humberts and hire you the right nanny.

Ya-z-va's notes: So that's why female girls are more in demand than ever. On the one hand, they are so touching. On the other hand, there is no deadline for having sex with them.


Anna's opinion:

The most powerful, adult and bold image. The desire to dominate is read by men at a subconscious level. For them, in general, no one here didn’t really try - as if they didn’t lift a finger. I didn’t paint on the arrows, I didn’t make up my lips, I didn’t build any hairstyle. High cheekbones, thick eyebrows, open forehead. A direct view is required. Don't be surprised if you get scared. Sometimes no one approaches beautiful and seemingly unpainted women precisely for this reason - fear. Such a woman is self-sufficient, why does she need some kind of bastard from Rublyovka?

Ya-z-va's notes: If that matches what you want to broadcast, great. If you're on the lookout for a prince, don't be surprised if he doesn't show up, even if you're as good as Sasha Luss or Karlie Kloss.


Anna's opinion:

Hiding behind bangs - turning from blonde to brunette and vice versa - emphatically avoiding blush and striving for perfectly even skin without color accents in the form of blush or bright shadows - all this indicates a desire to hide oneself. As a one-time action, it’s normal and commendable, sometimes we all want no one around us to understand what we really are. As the norm of life - an occasion to think. Long bangs are comfortable. On the other hand, it's a sign that you don't like yourself. Do not be surprised that someone will not intuitively believe you, someone will take you for a character that you really are not and attribute those qualities that you, alas or cheers, do not have and never had.

Ya-z-va's notes: All my life I wear long bangs, I hide wrinkles on my forehead under it, and all my life I wonder how people perceive me in a peculiar way. But here's the thing, it turns out... Eh, Semyon Semyonitch...


Anna's opinion:

Strong claws are an indicator of strength. At least this is the case in the animal world, and we have no reason to believe that it is otherwise in the human world. Red lacquer is obvious aggression. All other shades are still a statement that you, if necessary, can cling tightly to the prey. Although somewhat softened. The drawings on the nails are evidence that you are not averse to playing with your victim before. But you still emphasize that you have claws.

Ya-z-va's notes: Well, yes. I have claws... :)


Anna's opinion:

Again, this is about childhood. About the sincere and natural desire for color - and the unwillingness to bother where and what gradient I put. There is no aggression in this desire (and in this trend). Such makeup shows your vulnerability, because sincerity is usually vulnerable. Is desire a skill? - be direct. In the image as a whole there is no hint of sexuality. True, the matter is again saved by the plump lips of the model.

Ya-z-va's notes: Of course, there remains a faint hope that someone will feel this sexuality after all. Because blue oxford shirts, buttoned up to the throat, I really like. As well as mono-shadows. And the prospect that others perceive me as a five-grader-excellent student - no.