Lesson summary

Why didn't happiness happen?

Tatiana Larina and Eugene Onegin?

(The theme of love in r.

"Eugene Onegin".)

The lesson that completes the in-depth

reading a novel.

Lesson teaching writing-reasoning.

Lesson teaching how to plan

ordinary and quotation plan.


Lesson Objectives:

1. Finish an in-depth reading of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

2. Analyze chapter 8 and answer the main question of the lesson.

3. Determine what is the originality of the genre of writing - reasoning, name its components.

The main task of the lesson:

learning how to plan an essay.


group, research, creative.


Illustrations for the novel and drawings by students;

Recordings of the aria of Onegin and Tatyana;

Texts of the novel;

Textbook on literature 10 cells. ;

Decorated board.

Plan. (Lesson and as an essay plan).



I. Love and happiness are very close concepts.

II. Onegin and Tatyana are two banks of one life - the river.

1. Captured by books and light.

2. Meeting of heroes. (Village).

3. Letter from Tatyana.

4. Date in the garden.

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin).

6. New meeting. (Petersburg.)

7. Last date. Separation forever.

III. 1. The originality and role of composition in the disclosure of the main storyline novel - the failed happiness of the author's favorite characters.

"God forbid that in this book you (the reader) at least a particle could naigi."


I. "Love is the heart of everything."

Main part.

II. "Shores, shores. This shore and that one - between them is the river of our life.

1. She"fell in love with the novels of both Richardson and Rousseau."

He"like Childe Harold sullen."

2. She: "You almost entered, I instantly found out ..."

He: "Tell me, which Tatyana?"

3. She: "I know you are sent to me by God."


4. She"Listened a little breathing."

He: “Your perfections are in vain. I don't deserve them at all."

5. He:“One more thing separated us, Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.” (Or "From all that heart nice, then I tore off.


6. He: “How Tatyana has changed! - Goddess of the royal Neva!”

She"... does not notice him."

7. He: "How wrong I was, how punished!"



III. 1. "Forever alive, forever new."

(Opinions and judgments about the novel by critics, readers of different eras).

Preparatory work.

1. Draw illustrations for the 8th chapter of the novel (your own, not copy them).

3. Answer in writing (in workbooks) the following questions:

How does the novel end? (8 chapter).

Who and what is the whole novel about?

Your understanding(s):

What is love?

what is happiness? Are they related?

Under what circumstances, where, how did Tatyana and Eugene Onegin meet?

Why did Onegin not reciprocate, although he immediately noted her mind, modesty, spiritual beauty?

Letter from Tatyana Onegin. How does it reveal Tatyana's character, nature?

Onegin's confession to Tatyana (a date in the garden) in response to her letter. How does it characterize Onegin, what are his character traits?

Why did the duel between Onegin and Lensky take place, because they were friends?

Have our heroes (Onegin and Tatyana) changed in 2 years of separation?

Why did Onegin now fall in love with Tatyana, a lady of the world?

Why now Tatyana refused Onegin?

Who do you feel more sorry for: Tatyana or Onegin? And Pushkin?

Why does Pushkin leave his hero (Onegin) at such a fateful moment for him, and the novel remains unfinished?

Is it possible to continue it? If yes, how would you complete it? Try to write another chapter (prose, of course).

Why, in your opinion, did the happiness of Onegin and Tatyana not take place?

Or maybe they found a different happiness? In what? What is the ideal of the poet Pushkin?

Individual assignments.

1. Prepare brief references(repetition) about romanticism, sentimentalism, the originality of their development in Russia (2 students). The material is in the textbook.

2. Prepare expressive reading Tatyana's letters by heart (with my abbreviations) (1 student).

3. Dramatization of the last meeting of Onegin and Tatyana (Petersburg). (I compiled it myself on the basis of Onegin's letter, chapter 8. I prepared its execution.)

4. 2 individual tasks about Tatyana and Onegin: - a message about Onegin's journey and how he appeared in St. Petersburg; - a message about what events happened in Tatyana's life during Onegin's absence, how are they explained?

Making the board for the lesson.

Records on the board: topic, goals, tasks, plan. (The plan is normal ( left-hand side) boards, and the right one is empty).

During the classes.

I. Introduction.

"Love is the heart of everything." (Or love and happiness are very close concepts.)

1. Guys, what and who is this novel about? (About love, about unfulfilled hopes, about young people of the 10s-20s of the 19th century.)

2. What is love? What meaning do you put into this word? And what does Pushkin mean by the word love? (The guys name the words: love is passion, suffering, illness, illness, happiness or misfortune, family; this is life, favorite work, beloved friends ...)

I already have these words prepared in advance on the leaves and a heart is drawn. I attach these words (or all this on the poster) to it (like rays).

It turns out here is such a reference outline (the guys can draw it in notebooks)

Favorite work life

favorite friends passion


family Children

misfortune disease

happiness illness

3. What is happiness? (We do the same vocabulary work and with this word.

Sun (happiness): a sense of accomplishment, life, love, light, the warmth of a family hearth, children, service to the Fatherland.

We write the first output:

Love and happiness are very close concepts, they always coexist, one is revealed through the other. These words are synonyms. The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a novel about love, but failed, did not become happiness.

So we will try today in the lesson to find out the reasons why the happiness of Tatyana and Onegin did not take place, what are the reasons. This is the topic of the lesson.

We pass to the main part of our reasoning.

II. Main part.

1. Captured by books and light.

1. A brief literary dictionary summary of sentimentalism and romanticism and the peculiarities of their development in Russia. (2 students are prepared in advance.)

2. Conversation with students.

Do you guys find the presence of these trends in the literature regarding the novel "Eugene Onegin"? (Yes, especially since Pushkin himself called his work a "novel".)

What is this novel: a tribute to fashion, that is, romanticism fashionable at that time, or an attempt by the author to explain the characters of his characters, their relationships? (Both.)

What are our main characters Onegin and Tatyana? What can you say about them (according to the first chapters of the novel) about their lifestyle, hobbies, habits? (To save time, 2 pre-prepared students can briefly talk about them.)

We write the output: Onegin and Tatyana live the life of the heroes of books, like all the youth of 10-20 years: Tatyana - Richardson, Rousseau; Onegin - Byron ("Childe Harold"), Benjamin Constant ("Adolf").

Pushkin himself was fond of them and studied them! That is, Onegin and Tatyana are typical representatives of the youth of the early nineteenth century, they are no exception, they are the same tribute to fashion; this is captivity, this is deceit, these are mistakes, delusions, life under the influence of what has been read. (" She fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau”; He like Childe Harold sullen.)

2. Meeting. (Village).

Briefly tell us how, under what circumstances, where did Onegin and Tatyana meet for the first time? (In the village, Lensky invited a friend to the Larins.)

What was this meeting for Tatyana? (Fatal!)

Why fatal? What is the result of this meeting? (Tatyana falls in love with Onegin, but unrequited!) She: "You almost entered, I instantly recognized." He: “Tell me, which Tatyana?”

3. Letter (of Tatyana).

A student (dressed as Tatiana) reads by heart (abridged) Tatiana's letter.

Question for the class:

What can you say about Tatyana's feelings, what are they?

How does the letter reveal the nature, character of Tatyana? (Her feelings are sincere, pure, strong, she fell in love for life. This is a whole nature, but too trusting, believes in fate, etc.)

She: "I know you were sent to me by God."

He:"... touched by the letter of the innocent Tanya."

4. Date. (In the garden.)

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin at first sight?

(I read books, waited for my hero, saw him in Onegin - mysterious, unlike; she believed in the fate.)

Why did Onegin not use divine gift that fate sent him?

(I didn’t want to lose the freedom that I had just gained by leaving the “light” of Petersburg; he still was unable to love myself and couldn't appreciate love of another.) But he showed gratitude, warning where "inexperience leads."

She: "... listened a little breathing."

He: "Your perfections are in vain,

I don't deserve them at all."

5. Separation. (Duel, departure of Onegin.)

What caused the separation of Onegin and Tatyana? (Duel, death of Lensky.)

Why took place duel between Onegin and Lensky? Duel between friends?

(“The spring of honor is our idol.

And this is what the world revolves on!”)

Fear of gossip, rumors. Yes, and they are friends "from doing nothing."

It turns out that Onegin is not capable of either love or friendship, because he is not free from the "light", its laws. Only then will it come to him.

He"One more thing tore us apart,

Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.

(Or "From all that sweet heart,

Then I broke my heart.)

She(in Onegin's house): "Isn't he a parody?"

The student and student briefly talk about how and where Onegin and Tatyana lived for two years apart:

about Onegin - a journey and what returned to Petersburg, as received;

about Tatyana - a series of events in her life, her feelings, thoughts, new outer the shape of a heroine.

6. New meeting. (Petersburg.)

How does he find the St. Petersburg "light" of Onegin, why?

(Strange, he doesn't look like his former self, doesn't look like them.)

What does the “light” advise Onegin? (Be like everyone else.)

And what, in your opinion, is the “strangeness of Onegin”? What has changed in it? (I began to notice people, became capable of feeling, suffering, fell in love!)

How does he find Tatyana now? (He does not find a trace of the former humble girl. She is impregnable, cold: “Goddess of the royal Neva!”) He: "Goddess of the royal Neva!" She: "... does not notice him."

Let's see it firsthand.

7. Staged. "Last date".

(Scene of the last meeting

Onegin and Tatyana.)

It is based on Onegin's letter, chapter 8 of the novel.

How is this date different from the first, in the garden, in the village? (Onegin has become himself, loves, suffers, but does not find the former Tanya. The situation has changed directly “on the contrary.” She is now teaching him a moral lesson.)

What motivates Tatyana Onegin's sudden love for herself? Answer with lines from the text of the novel. (What is notable, what is in the light, that her shame would be noticed by everyone.)

Do you think she is right? (No! He loves sincerely, repents of his previous mistakes, that then "he did not give way to the habit", that "he did not want to lose his hateful freedom.")

What do they both understand? (that both love each other. That Tanya is the same, that Onegin is different, but that happiness is impossible.)

Why does Tatyana ask to leave her? (Married, faithful to duty, cherishes the honor of her husband, respects him, because he is a noble general, wounded in battles, respected by all.) He: "How wrong I was, how punished." She: "But I am given to another, I will be faithful to him for a century."

8. What mistakes did they both make?

(Tatyana got married, yielding to her mother’s entreaties, and “all the lots were equal” to her; Onegin once did not believe himself (“the habit is given to us from above”), he could not once rise above the “light”.)

Conclusion: Their happiness did not take place for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): a tribute to fashion; ignorance of the laws secular life Tatyana, her imprudence; the desire to be free from family ties by Onegin; duel; Marriage of Tatiana

What lesson of life, what science of love did Pushkin teach us? (Life is harsh, unlike its beauty in books, in dreams; it is filled with human suffering, separations, late realization of one's mistakes and the inability to correct them, since it is impossible to turn back time, to live anew (you cannot enter the same river twice). So always has been, always is and always will be...

What examples of a similar fate of the heroes of works of classical and modern literature do you know?

("Romeo and Juliet" - literary heroes; M. Volkonskaya - in life. She married, like Tatyana (in the river "Eugene Onegin") not for love, but she carried a high sense of duty through her whole life, went for her husband to Siberia...) About the same destinies, sufferings, mistakes of life is also sung in the song "Shores" performed by A. Malinin. Let's listen to her.

9. (Musical pause.)

III. The final part of the lesson.

"The Distance of the Free Romance".

1. The role of composition, its originality in revealing the ideological concept of the novel.

Questions for the class:

What can you say about the composition of the novel?

What is the role of chapter 8 in it?

What is the originality of the composition of the novel "Eugene Onegin"? (answer)

(The composition is traditional, simple, as the novel reveals the typical fate of the characters in the development of their love relationships.

First: She loves him

He won't notice her.

She writes him a letter, listens to his sermon.

Then: He loves her, she does not notice him; he writes her a letter, listens to her sermon

It often happens in life. This is a simple construction of the novel (mirror composition, reverse reflection.) But it emphasizes the complexity of human relationships, the experiences of our heroes.

Critics, readers about the novel.

2. And now let's turn to the opinions of critics, literary critics (Pushkin's contemporaries and today). What did they find in the novel, what do they think of its characters?

(The statements of Belinsky, Herzen, Dostevsky, Merezhkovsky, Lotman, Kuchelbeker, Gukovsky are ending.) We read from the textbook and listen to individual information from the student.

Question for the class: - Are their opinions unambiguous?

Answer: No, they are different. Yes, many are the same…”

Question: "And why?"

Answer: …

Conclusion (teacher): because our life is filled with diversity, the movement of thoughts, destinies. The main thing in it is the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to think, feel, love, warm others with your love, shine on others like a candle in a dark night, warm the warmth of your outstretched hand to another who needs it. The great Pushkin hoped for this, he prayed to God about this: “God grant that in this book, reader, you could find at least a grain.” I. Moiseev and A. Pugacheva sing about the same in the song “Two Candles in a Dark Night”. (We light candles from one to another, join hands and listen to the song.)

2nd musical break.

so our journey through the pages of Pushkin's favorite novel "Eugene Onegin" ended, the last page of the life of his favorite heroes closed. Take it with you to life wise advice, carefully, like a candle, carry your love through life and remember that love (as the poet told us) is a priceless gift, a divine gift! Learn from Pushkin all your life.

Lesson grades. They are set according to the number of tokens, their colors, which students have earned in the lesson.


Write an essay on one of the suggested topics. (The topics were given in advance in one of the lessons at the beginning of the commented reading of the novel.)

Here is a list of those topics.

1. Why did the happiness of Onegin and Tatyana not take place? (According to the novel "Eugene Onegin".)

2. The role of the episode ("Tatyana's Dream") in the disclosure of character and fate main character novel "Eugene Onegin".

3. “Where there are no passions,

Where there is no sadness

There is no life there.

V. Belinsky

(According to the novel "Eugene Onegin" or at the student's choice.)

4. "I love my dear Tatyana so much."

A. Pushkin

5. Features of the genre and composition of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

6. My opinion about Onegin. (According to the novel "Eugene Onegin".)

This lesson was conducted according to the program: V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, I.S. Zbarsky, V.P. Polukhina, V.I. Korovin. In accordance with thematic planning this is the last lesson on the novel "Eugene Onegin". Lesson type: combined. Type of lesson: lesson - workshop. Development Technology Techniques critical thinking through reading and writing: "Associative series", "Key words", "Three-part diary", "Insert", "Cross discussion", "Written reflection". Forms of work: group, individual



Literature lesson summary in grade 9

Why didn't happiness happen?

Tatiana Larina and Eugene Onegin?

(based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin

"Eugene Onegin")

Done by: Karpova E.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU "Vorovskaya secondary school"

Theme of the lesson: “Why didn’t the happiness of Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin take place?” (based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Lesson Objectives:

  1. educational - consider causes of drama failed love Tatyana and Onegin through the motivation of the actions of the heroes of the novel; finish reading the novel
  2. developing - development of skills and abilities of philological analysis literary work; development of thinking skills: the ability to solve problems, make informed decisions, analyze various aspects of phenomena; development of the ability for independent analytical and evaluation work with information of any complexity;
  3. educational - creating conditions for the formation of social competence, communication skills and responsibility

Lesson equipment: A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", fragments of A. Kuprin's story " Garnet bracelet”, a decorated board, a multimedia projector, a presentation for the lesson, illustrations by E. Samokish - Sudkovskaya, A. Samokhvalov, P. Sokolov, an audio clip by A. Malinin “Shores” and A. Pugacheva, B. Moiseev “Two Candles”.

Techniques of TRCM: "Associative series", "Key words" "Three-part diary", "Insert", "Cross discussion", "Written reflection",

Forms of work: group, individual

Lesson type: combined

Board design for the lesson: schemes - blanks

During the classes:

Organizational moment (slide 1)

Hello, those who are in a good mood today.

Hello, those who have bad weather in their hearts.

Hello, those who are single.

Hello, those who are already in love.

Teacher's word: (slide 2)

Love for A.S. Pushkin is the subject of high poetry. It seems to be taken out of everyday life, everyday "prose". “Poems whose purpose is to stir up the imagination with voluptuous descriptions,” Pushkin emphasized, “degrade poetry.” Pushkin's poems are not at all a diary of his love victories and defeats. In them we find something that no biographical "search" concerning Pushkin's love interests is able to give. Here is not only captured psychological truth love experiences, but also expresses the philosophical ideas of the poet about the Woman as a source of beauty, harmony, inexplicable pleasures. Pushkin loved women, but sang the Woman.

Love and friendship are two states that a person goes through, they reveal the richness of the soul or its emptiness. Therefore, their heroes A.S. Pushkin guides through these feelings.

What is love for you? (a feeling that inspires, gives strength, pushes for feats, makes you suffer, suffer, worry ...)

What is this word associated with?

Board writing:

(slide 3)

Each of us dreams of such love, about which General Anosov, one of the heroes of A. Kuprin's story “Garnet Bracelet”, very accurately said: “Love is disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward. The one about which it is said is "strong as death." Such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment, is not labor at all, but one joy ... love should be a tragedy, the greatest mystery in the world.

What do two ladles need to understand that he is the only one in the world, that it is she who is the most beautiful on earth? (A moment, time, years, a lifetime...)

And what is happiness?

How do these two concepts relate to each other?

Love and happiness are very close concepts, they always coexist, one is revealed through the other. This words are synonyms. The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a novel about love, but failed, did not become happiness. (slide 4) The topic of the lesson is: “Why didn’t the happiness of Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin take place?”

How do you define lesson objectives? What are we trying to figure out today? (slide 5) (must understand the motivation of the actions of the heroes of the novel, the reasons for the drama of failed love)

What are our main characters Onegin and Tatyana? What can you say about them (according to the first chapters of the novel), about their lifestyle, hobbies, habits? Let's start with Tatiana. (slide 6)

What about Onegin? (slide 7)

Conclusion: Onegin and Tatyana live the life of the heroes of books, like all the youth of 10-20 years: Tatyana - Richardson, Rousseau; Onegin - Byron ("Childe Harold"), Benjamin Constant ("Adolf"). Pushkin himself was fond of them and studied them! That is, Onegin and Tatyana are typical representatives of the youth of the early nineteenth century, they are no exception, they are the same tribute to fashion; this is captivity, this is deceit, these are mistakes, delusions, life under the influence of what has been read.

Is it easy to say ... love? (It all depends on the character of the person. It can be very difficult to confess love, it happens that it is impossible.)

Why? (Restrains fear: love can be unrequited. Someone is afraid of ridicule, someone is afraid of being incomprehensible.)

Why do you think people in love choose the epistolary genre for this, the genre of writing? (Writing a letter is easier: you don't look me in the eye.)

A student (dressed as Tatiana) reads by heart (abridged) Tatiana's letter. (slide 8)

What can you say about Tatyana's feelings, what are they? (Her feelings are sincere, pure, strong, she fell in love for life.)

Why does Tatyana turn to the epistolary genre? (she is afraid to talk about her feelings, this was not accepted in those days, she could be condemned, they would be mocked, this is what the heroines of the novels that Tatiana reads to read)

What is love for a heroine? What key words in the text will help to understand it inner world to penetrate the secrets of her soul? You were supposed to highlight the keywords at home. Let's compare the results and draw a conclusion.

Students complete a three-part diary.


Comments on them

Comments on comments

“Souls of inexperienced excitement”, “Punish me with contempt ...”

“My unfortunate lot…”, “bitter torment…”

Love for Tatyana is a great suffering, sacrifice. She is naive, inexperienced...


To be completed at home, because after the lesson is completed, some positions are often rethought

"Only to hear your speeches..."

"I'm yours…"

"My Keeper..."

"Sent by God..."

Love for her is the greatest joy, a sublime feeling...

"In my dreams it appeared to me..."

"Wonderful look..."

"The Will of Heaven..."

Tatyana is a sensual person, a romantic at heart, sentimental. The influence of "book love" is obvious.

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin at first sight? (I read books, waited for my hero, I saw him in Onegin - mysterious, unlike; I believed in the destiny.)

Now let's turn to the image of Eugene Onegin. What are his ideas about love? (when he lived in St. Petersburg, for him in the first place were the pleasures of love, for Onegin is a “true genius” in the “science of tender passion”, he mastered the art of seduction, but “early his feelings cooled down in him”, “a sharp chilled mind”, “he has completely cooled off to life” - with these words the author characterizes the new state of his hero)

But having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was vividly touched:

The language of girlish dreams

In it thoughts a swarm revolted;

And he remembered Tatyana dear

And a pale color, and a dull look;

And in a sweet, sinless dream

He was immersed in soul.

Perhaps the feelings of the ardor of the old

He took possession of him for a moment;

But he didn't want to cheat.

The trust of an innocent soul.

Now we will fly into the garden,

Where Tatyana met him. (slide 9)

What key words will help to understand his inner world, to penetrate the secrets of his soul? You were supposed to highlight the keywords at home. Let's compare the results and draw a conclusion.

Let's try to figure it out. Why does Onegin call his monologue a confession? And the author, addressing the reader, says: "This is how Eugene preached." (Onegin frankly admits that he likes Tatyana, but he is not ready for marriage, does not want and cannot limit his life to the “home circle”, that his interests and goals are completely different, that family life will surely bore him and teaches him, instructs her, spreads his ideas)

What are these words associated with? ( frank confession in something, a frank story, instructions ...)

Which word leaves a chance for a person in love, and which one puts an end to the relationship? (he managed to appreciate her, admits that he doesn’t need anyone else besides her if he decides to live a family life, says that he loves her, but with the love of a brother; Indicates to her that you need to be able to cope with your feelings, because others can use it)

Why didn't Onegin take advantage of the divine gift that fate sent him? (I didn’t want to lose the freedom that I had just gained after leaving the “light” of Petersburg; he was not yet able to love himself and could not appreciate the love of another, but he showed nobility, warning where “inexperience leads”).

How do you perceive Onegin's monologue?

To answer this question, let's work with the text from this position:

I agree with the hero. This is in line with my moral beliefs. (Onegin is very sincere, capable of appreciating "the souls of a trusting confession").

I disagree with the hero. This is contrary to my beliefs. I would have a different solution. (Onegin is mistaken when he says: “But I was not created for bliss; my soul is alien to him ...”. He dooms himself to loneliness, refusing love).

It's hard for me to decide on this issue. (Onegin evokes ambivalent feelings in me: I like his frankness, the nobility of the soul, but it’s hard for me to understand why a person who has not known love teaches Tatyana to “rule himself”).

Let's try to protect each of the heroes. Start your speech with the words: - I want to protect my hero, his actions ...

Group work:

  1. What can be considered positive in the character of Tatyana?
  2. Which negative traits Can you name Tatyana's character?
  3. What can be considered positive in the character of Onegin?
  4. What is the negative side of the character's character?

1. Tatyana


She has an open, pure heart

Sincere, sensual

Incapable of betraying

Be a faithful wife...

4. Onegin

Selfish, hurts Tatyana

Does not want to understand the soul of a girl in love

Doesn't give her or himself a chance

Dooms himself to loneliness

3. Onegin

Honest, open, noble person

Incapable of lying

He doesn’t love her, because you can’t order your heart ...

2. Tatyana

Lives in his imaginary world

Created an image of a certain ideal man

Too frank, unable to restrain her emotions ...

What caused the separation of Onegin and Tatyana? (Duel, death of Lensky.)

Why did the duel between Onegin and Lensky take place? Duel between friends?

(“The spring of honor is our idol.

And this is what the world revolves on! Fear of gossip, rumors, and they are friends "from doing nothing.")

It turns out that Onegin is not capable of either love or friendship, because he is not free from the "light", its laws. Only then will it come to him.

The paths of Onegin and Tatyana diverged forever. Both of them begin to build their lives anew. He goes to distant lands, to long wanderings in Russia; she went to Moscow, to the fair of brides, and then, after marriage, to St. Petersburg. However, three years later, their destinies suddenly intersect again. Now these are significantly changed, in many ways other people, their new meeting turns out to be quite difficult for both. (slide 10)

How does he find the St. Petersburg "light" of Onegin, why? (Strange, he does not look like his former self, does not look like them.) (slide 11)

How does he find Tatyana now? (He does not find a trace of the former humble girl. She is impregnable, cold: “Goddess of the royal Neva!”)

Staged "The Last Date". (slide 12,13,14)

Listening to the song "Shores" performed by A. Malinin.

How is this date different from the first, in the garden, in the village? (Onegin has become himself, loves, suffers, but does not find the former Tanya. The situation has changed directly “on the contrary.” She is now teaching him a moral lesson.)

What motivates Tatyana Onegin's sudden love for herself? Answer with lines from the text of the novel. (What is notable is that in the light of her shame, everyone would notice.)

Do you think she is right? (No! Eugene loves sincerely, repents of previous mistakes)

What do they both understand? (that they love each other, that Tanya is the same, that Onegin is different, but that happiness is impossible.)

Why does Tatyana ask to leave her? (She is married, faithful to her duty, cherishes her husband's honor, respects him, because he is a noble general, wounded in battles, respected by all.)

What mistakes did they both make? (Tatyana got married, yielding to her mother’s entreaties, and “all the lots were equal” to her; Onegin once did not believe himself (“the habit is given to us from above”), he could not once rise above the “light”.)

What prevented the heroes of the novel from being together and being happy?

Conclusion: Their happiness did not take place for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): tribute to fashion; Tatyana's ignorance of the laws of secular life, her imprudence; the desire to be free from family ties by Onegin; duel; Marriage of Tatiana

Try to write a cinquain about Tatyana and Onegin (slide 15)

What lesson of life, what science of love did Pushkin teach us? (Life is harsh, unlike its beauty in books, in dreams; it is filled with human suffering, separations, late realization of one's mistakes and the inability to correct them, since it is impossible to turn back time, to live anew (you cannot enter the same river twice)). So it has always been, so it is, and so it will be...

The main thing in life is the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to think, feel, love, warm others with your love, shine on others like a candle in a dark night, warm the warmth of the hand you extended to another who needs it. The great Pushkin hoped for this, he prayed to God about this: “God grant that in this book, reader, you could find at least a grain.”

B. Moiseev and A. Pugacheva sing about the same in the song “Two Candles in a Dark Night” So our journey through the pages of Pushkin’s favorite novel “Eugene Onegin” ended, the last page of the life of his favorite heroes closed. Take his wise advice with you into your life, carefully, like a candle, carry your love through life and remember that love (as the poet told us) is a priceless gift, a divine gift! Learn from Pushkin all your life.

Homework: (slide 16)

  1. Draw the happiness of Tatyana and Onegin
  2. Try to write an essay - an essay (6-7 sentences, very subjective, in a colloquial form): How do you see the modern Tatiana Larina or Eugene Onegin?
  3. Compare the characters in the image of Pushkin A.S. and in the performance of the Vladimir Drama Theater directed by Vladimir Petrov

List of sources used

  1. Pushkin's sayingshttp://www.unbi74.ru/biblioteka/a-s-pushkinlish.html
  2. A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" Chapter 8 -http://www.modernlib.ru/books/kuprin_aleksandr_ivanovich/granatoviy_braslet/read/
  3. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" - http://www.modernlib.ru/books/pushkin_aleksandr_sergeevich/evgeniy_onegin/read/
  4. Illustrations for the novelhttp://www.a4format.ru/book



    Family Children



    Light and warmth of the family hearth



    A sense of accomplishment


    Let's imagine for a moment that we find ourselves in the middle of the nineteenth century. We will find ourselves in the society in which the heroes of A.S. Pushkin Tatiana Larina and Eugene Onegin.

    Despite the fact that Eugene and Tatyana lived at the same time and in the same society, their perception of this society is very different. Onegin's world is a secular world of magnificent receptions and balls, and Tatyana is a poetic, dreamy and spiritual nature. You will involuntarily ask yourself: could Evgeny and Tatyana be together? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. First you need to determine: what do they have in common?

    I think the only thing they have in common is the desire to love and be loved. Perhaps they could have been together if not for the influence of the society in which they lived. Societies where there is no love, where there is only a game of love. Therefore, Onegin does not believe in anything: neither in happiness, nor in love. The years spent in the artificial world of illusions of kindness left a certain imprint on his later life. After many years of his life spent in lies and betrayal, Eugene simply cannot believe in his happiness. This explains his tragic misunderstanding of Tatyana.

    Having written a letter, Tatyana does an unusual a brave deed, not characteristic of a girl of that time, violating all the rules generally accepted in her environment, since for such an act they could not only not understand the girl, but also slander. But her confession was not heard by Onegin's chilled heart. He is not able to respond to Tatyana's love, as his feelings are distorted by society. He did not understand Tatyana: she writes to him about love, and he tells her about marriage.

    Onegin's confession, perhaps at first glance, is very noble. He did not deceive Tatyana, but, on the contrary, immediately told her the whole truth. But if you think about it, it's safe to say that the hero is soul dead and has a heart of stone. Onegin with his own hands ruined the happiness that suddenly fell on him. Perhaps he was simply afraid of love and was afraid to do or say something wrong to Tatyana. Indeed, at that time, many girls were just having fun with boys, without experiencing absolutely anything. Perhaps that is why Eugene was afraid of such happiness.

    He was always lonely, but when another person extended his hand to him, opened his heart, he turned out to be morally blind and deaf.

    I think that he once dreamed of a girl like Tatyana, but over time everything changed. The society in which he lived killed everything beautiful that once was in him. It seems that Onegin is much higher than the society that surrounds him, at the same time he is his prisoner.

    The last scene is the most amazing in the whole novel. In it, Onegin still decides to tell Tatyana about his feelings, but years later, when they met at the ball.

    When Tatyana becomes a noble lady, she sadly recalls her former rural life. Tatyana still loves Evgeny. Even at the meeting, she remained faithful to her husband.

    Based on everything, I can say for sure that the relationship between Eugene and Tatyana could not have ended differently, since even after years they could not understand each other, and in a relationship, I think, the most important thing is understanding.