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culture Russia XVII century

Architecture: - Gradual departure from strict church canons and traditions - External elegance, nicknamed by contemporaries "wonderful patterned" Terem Palace. Moscow Ogurtsov, Ushakov, Konstantinov Mikhail Fedorovich

The Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin In 1624-1625 the tower was built on (B. Ogurtsov) and a clock was added (H. Galovei) Mikhail Fedorovich

Wooden Palace in Kolomenskoye Alexei Mikhailovich "Wonderful" Assumption Church. Uglich

Church of Elijah the Prophet. Yaroslavl Alexey Mikhailovich

Naryshkinskoye (Moscow baroque) multi-tiered aspiration upwards multi-colored rich decoration of buildings decorative carvings on white stone colored tiles coloring of facades

Belfry of the Novodevichy Convent. Moscow Under Sophia, Ivan and Peter

Church of the Intercession in Fili. Moscow Peter I Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Moscow Alexei Mikhailovich

Painting - Icon painting, but there are stories about the everyday life of people - Development portrait painting(parsuns) images in icon-painting technique (egg paints on the board), later - oil paints on canvas Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands Simon Ushakov

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands Simon Ushakov Alexey Mikhailovich

Literature “The Tale of Shemyakin Court”, “The Tale of Yersh Ershovich”, “The Tale of Thomas and Yerema”. Poems of Simeon of Polotsk "Life" of Archpriest Avvakum Recorded works of oral folk art - epics, proverbs, songs, incantations. The first history of Russia "Synopsis" was published, large circulations and at an affordable price they print primers, religious literature. - New literary genres appear: satirical, biographical and autobiographical stories:

Education - In 1687 (under Sophia, Ivan and Peter), the first higher educational institution in Moscow was opened - the Slavic-Greek-Latin School (the Greeks were the Likhud brothers), where they studied Greek grammar, poetics, rhetoric and philosophy. - The need for educated people grew - The most common form was home schooling: posad children were taught by literate family members or lower ranks of the clergy, and boyars and nobles invited teachers from abroad (the Commonwealth), schools were opened at churches and monasteries For the first time, they began to teach widely foreign languages(Polish and Latin) A state school was opened at the Zaikonospassky Monastery in Moscow to train educated clerks for orders (at the suggestion of Simeon of Polotsk)

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The emergence of another style - SENTIMENTALISM (
N.M. Karamzin
« Poor Lisa»:
This artistic direction, characterized by attention to the spiritual life of a person, sensuality and an idealized image of people, life situations, nature.
Sentimentalism gives preference not to reason, but to feelings.
Sentimentalism is the forerunner of romanticism.
N.M. Karamzin
"The election of Mikhail Fedorovich to the kingdom" and "The capture of Kazan"
New types of educational institutions under Catherine
Public schools
(for children of taxable estates) two and four years of study in each provincial town
Specialized educational institutions
: Artillery and Engineering Cadet Corps; school at the Academy of Arts; Mining Institute; Commercial school for children of merchants and townspeople

closed schools
: Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens; Catherine's Institute for girls from merchant and petty-bourgeois families
A special teacher training program has been developed
In 1725 (under Catherine
), the Academy of Sciences was opened (the first President was Princess Ekaterina Dashkova.
In 1755 (under Elizaveta Petrovna), Moscow University was opened, with it - two gymnasiums (for nobles and raznochintsy).
Under Pavel, Medical and Surgical Academies were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
M.V. Lomonosov 1711-1765
DI. Fonvizin
G.I. Derzhavin
- The paintings were distinguished by a variety of genres: portraits, theatrical scenery, landscapes, still lifes, scenes from folk life
History painting:

"Vladimir before
Russian culture
VC. Trediakovsky 1703-1768
A.P. Sumarokov 1717-1777
- In the second half of the 18th century, monumental sculpture in the style of RUSSIAN CLASSICISM achieved great success:
Monument to Peter the Great
E.M. Falcone
Monument to A.V. Suvorov
M.I. Kozlovsky
Journalism is developing rapidly (Ekaterina
“All sorts of things”, about wastefulness, female inconstancy; N.I. Novikov’s magazines “Neither this nor that ...”, “Mixture”, “Drone”, “Painter” - by means of satire showed the vices of serfdom)

A.N. Radishchev
"Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (about arbitrariness and lawlessness in the country, for the first time posed in an artistic form the problem of the need to eliminate autocracy and serfdom)
The emergence of a new literary language and a new system of versification
(V.K. Trediakovsky)
A system of genres has developed: ode, fable, elegy, tragedy, comedy, story, novel
The emergence of a new style in literature in the second half
century -
: criticism of social shortcomings, departure from ancient stories, disclosure of important truths on the example of national history, connection with the folklore, poetic basis:
V.K.Trediakovsky, A.P.Sumarokov
(in tragedies he drew attention to the images of noble princes and brave boyars; in fables he criticized the vices of the serf system),
M.V. Lomonosov
(sang in his odes of the victory of the Russian troops, the deeds of Peter the Great),
(denounced the ignorance and arbitrariness of the landowners in "Undergrowth"),
(ridiculed noble mediocrity and idlers, glorified the victories of the Russian army in patriotic odes)
Father and son
Portrait of "Unknown in Russian costume" and a portrait of P.I.
- With Anna
the court opera was first created (singers and music authors were foreigners)
Under Catherine the Great, the first Russian composers appeared:
(director of the court chapel, author of spiritual choral compositions),
V.A. Pashkevich, E.I. Fomin
- In the second half of the 18th century, the foundations of Russian sculpture were laid, its founder was
the first master of Russian sculptural portrait, worked with marble:
Bust of A.M. Golitsyn
Statue "Catherine the Legislator"
Bust of M.V. Lomonosov
Development of scientific knowledge
M.V. Lomonosov
in various fields: in physics, chemistry, astronomy, history, philology (the atmosphere on Venus; the current helicopter model; the law of conservation of matter and motion ...)
- the first Russian anatomical atlas
Creation of the first "Atlas of the Russian Empire"
I.I. Polzunov
- the first steam engine, the project of a universal continuous steam engine
I.P. Kulibin
– a mirror lamp (spotlight), an elevator for the empress, a microscope, projects:
single arch
bridge, self-propelled carriage, watercraft…

cast the Tsar Bell
K.D. Frolov
– a unique installation for working in mines (pumping water from the mine and supplying ore)
– First Kamchatka expedition (discovery of the strait between Asia and America); Second Kamchatka expedition (exploration of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands)
Stepan Krasheninnikov
- "Description of the land of Kamchatka"
Vasily Tatishchev
- "Russian History" (scientific coverage of the history of the state)

In 1761, the first Russian professional permanent public theater appeared under the direction of F.G. Volkov
Under Elizabeth, theaters appear in the gentry building (Petersburg) and at Moscow University
Theatrical art is developing: a Grand Theatre; private, home theaters were famous (Count Sheremetev had 4 theaters), the Yusupov Theater in Arkhangelsk ...
Serf actresses of Counts Sheremetevs: P.I.
and T.V.

Portrait painting

M.I. Lopukhina
D.G. Levitsky
"Lady in Blue"

F.S. Rokotov

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Winter Palace. Petersburg
V.V. Rastrelli
Elizaveta Petrovna
Grand Palace. Peterhof
V.V. Rastrelli
Elizaveta Petrovna
Elizabethan Baroque
CLASSICISM is affirmed. Its main features:
the predominance of straight horizontal and vertical lines;
parts of buildings are symmetrical, proportional, balanced;
columns serve not only as decoration, they support ceilings;
roofs are made flat;
facades of buildings are painted in discreet colors: yellow. Coffee, gray, fawn.
The building of the Academy of Arts.
and J.B.
Wallen Delamotte
Pashkov's house. Moscow

A.I. Bazhenov
The Senate building in the Kremlin. Moscow

M.F. Kazakov
Great Catherine Palace. Tsarskoye Selo
V.V. Rastrelli
Smolny Monastery. Petersburg
V.V. Rastrelli
Elizaveta Petrovna
Elizabethan Baroque

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and Pavlovskaya hospital. Moscow
M.F. Kazakov
Mikhailovsky Castle. Petersburg
project author
A.I. Bazhenov
Tsaritsyno Palace Ensemble. Moscow
project author
A.I. Bazhenov and M.F. Kazakov
Russian Gothic and Classicism
Tauride Palace. Petersburg
Alexander Palace. Petersburg
D. Quarenghi
House of princes Dolgoruky. Moscow
M.F. Kazakov
Petrovsky Travel Palace. Moscow
M.F. Kazakov
Russian gothic


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Culture of Russia First quarter of the 18th century

Education The beginning of the formation of the system vocational education: The growth in the number of educational institutions that are secular in nature The emergence of digital schools The emergence of mining schools in the Urals and Olonets factories The emergence of medical, artillery and engineering schools The emergence of special textbooks for teaching The introduction of a new civil font Under Peter, study became one of the types public service(for nobles) The number of printed publications has increased (books, reference books, visual aids) The first newspaper Vedomosti appeared The Arithmetika by Leonty Magnitsky (an encyclopedia of mathematical knowledge of that time) The first scientific library was opened

The development of scientific knowledge The first Russian museum "Kunstkamera" appeared, the Naval and Artillery Museums The year began to begin on January 1, A.D. weather Expeditions were sent to Central Asia and the Caspian Sea, for the first time the Aral Sea, which was not known in Europe, was on the map The first observatory was created in the Sukharev tower in Moscow The first hospital was opened, surgical instruments began to be made in St. Academy of Sciences, Yakov Bruce organized the Navigation School in Moscow, where astronomy was studied, the Russian map of the starry sky was drawn up, regular meteorological observations began. Nikonov the first Russian submarine

Literature - In literary works appeared new hero- educated, courageous, eagerly knowing the world The genre of journalism was established: Feofan Prokopovich in his "Laudable word about the Russian fleet" glorified Peter the Great's transformations The works of Ivan Pososhkov became famous Music dance, military, table melodies popular cantes (multi-voiced everyday singing on the days of state and military holidays) Fine art art A new phenomenon: engraving (printed print of a relief drawing on paper) - Alexei Zubov The development of portrait secular painting - Ivan Nikitin

Panorama of St. Petersburg Wedding of Peter and Catherine

"Peter I on his deathbed" "Outdoor Hetman"

Architecture Transition from ecclesiastical to secular canons Further development of Russian (Peter's) baroque Appearance of regular gardens (Summer) of Kikin's chambers. Petersburg Peter the Great Baroque Peter I Andreas Schluter?

Peter and Paul Cathedral. Petersburg Petrine Baroque Peter I Domenico Trezzini

Peter-Pavel's Fortress. Petersburg Petrine Baroque Domenico Trezzini Peter I

The building of 12 colleges. Petersburg. Peter I Petrine Baroque by Domenico Trezzini

Menshikov Palace. Petersburg. Peter I Peter the Great Baroque by Giovanni Fontana and Gottfried Schedel

Menshikov tower. Moscow Peter the Great Baroque

Sculpture Bust of Peter I (C. Rastrelli) Empress Anna Ioannovna with a black child (C. Rastrelli)

Changes in everyday life: Introduction of European clothing (jackets, stockings, shoes, ties, hats) Shaving of beards Celebration of the New Year New European entertainments: assemblies, masquerades, fireworks The appearance of the first public theater in Moscow honest mirror, or Indication of worldly behavior, collected from various authors "


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Features: did not lead to decline; development of their own cultural traditions. Literature: Chronicles are maintained in each principality. "Instructions" and "Word" - new literary genres: Vladimir Monomakh "Instruction to children" - the idea of ​​strengthening the unity of the Old Russian state. Daniel the Sharpener - 1197 - "The Word of Daniel the Sharpener" Unknown author "The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener" is the ideal image of the prince, the defender of all the disadvantaged, the supporter of a firm order, capable of ensuring the external security of the country. Unknown author - 1185 - "The word and the regiment of Igor": The campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsy Protest against strife, strength in unity !!!

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral Pereyaslavl-Zalessky 1152 Yuri Dolgoruky

Fresco "Miracle of George about the serpent"

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, Veliky Novgorod, 1198

Fragment of the fresco "The Last Judgment"


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Culture of Russia from the 9th century to the 12th century

The main motive of ancient Russian art is patriotism. Epics are poetic tales about the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified. Ilya Muromets Alyosha Popovich Dobrynya Nikitich Mikula Selyaninovich Oral folk art Writing and literacy The Slavic alphabet of the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius penetrated Rus' in the 10th century The opening of the first schools at churches and temples

Literature 1113 - chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" - monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor Life - a literary description of the life of people canonized as saints. The Life of Boris and Gleb - Nestor "The Word of Law and Grace" - Hilarion, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, a native of Rus' 1049, in honor of the completion of the construction of the defensive structures of Kiev: In the first part, the ideas of Christianity are praised In the second part, "Praise to Prince Vladimir" In the third parts dedication to Yaroslav the Wise, successor of Vladimir's work

Architecture and fine arts St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 1037 Yaroslav the Wise Golden Gates in Kyiv Church of the Tithes (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in Kyiv, 989 Prince Vladimir

Artistic craft: filigree, granulation, enamel Filigree: an ornament or drawing with thin gold or silver wire, which was soldered onto a metal surface. Grain: when a pattern is applied to the product, consisting of many tiny balls-grains. Enamel: when the gaps between the partitions were filled with multi-colored enamel. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod Yaroslav the Wise

Culture of Russia from the 12th century to the 13th century

Features: did not lead to decline; development of their own cultural traditions. Literature: Chronicles are maintained in each principality. "Instructions" and "Word" - literary genres: Vladimir Monomakh "Instruction to children" - the idea of ​​strengthening the unity of the Old Russian state. Daniil Zatochnik "Word" and "Prayer" - the ideal image of the prince, the defender of all the disadvantaged, a supporter of a firm order, capable of ensuring the external security of the country. Unknown author - 1185 - "The word and the regiment of Igor": The campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsy Protest against strife, strength in unity !!!

Architecture: Novgorod-Pskov school Church of St. George, Staraya Ladoga second half of the 12th century

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, Veliky Novgorod, 1198 Yaroslav Vladimirovich

Vladimir-Suzdal School Assumption Cathedral in Vlad and Peace, 1160 Andrey Bogolyubsky

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, 1165 Andrey Bogolyubsky

Golden Gate in Vladimir, Andrey Bogolyubsky

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir, late 12th century, Vsevolod the Big Nest

Culture of Russia from the 14th century to the 16th century

Culture of the Muscovite state in the 14th - 16th centuries: Features: Cultural revival of Russia Revival of a single Russian culture Moving the center to Moscow Cultural contacts of Russia with other countries Relations with Italy are developing especially successfully Printing: The appearance of paper Opening in Moscow and in other cities at churches and monasteries of schools 14th century - the emergence of Russian printing: Moscow, Printing House, Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets - the first Russian printed book "Hours", "Apostle"

Monument to Ivan Fedorov in Moscow

Oral folk art: Epics - about Vladimir the Red Sun; About the Novgorod merchant Vasily Buslaevich and about Sadko Historical songs - “about Avdotya Ryazanochka”; "About Shchelkan Dudentievich"; "about the struggle of Ivan the Terrible with the boyars" Literature: The theme of the struggle against foreign invaders: Military stories: "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu" "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev" by an unknown author Poem "Zadonshchina" in honor of Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhov - author Safony Ryazanets Travel notes (walking): Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin 1466: “Journey beyond three seas” Revival of the all-Russian annals: the Trinity Chronicle and the Moscow Chronicles of 1418 - 1479 (alliance of the Moscow grand ducal authorities with the urban population in order to politically unify Russia

Literature: Journalism: Ivan Peresvetov (projects of reforms that strengthen autocratic power based on the nobility) Prince Andrei Kurbsky - "Stories about the Grand Duke of Moscow" (the monarch must rule together with an elected body from representatives of the estates) "Chronograph" - a collection of interesting and moralizing essays on world history Metropolitan Makariy's entourage - " Chet's Menaion"- books intended for reading, works are distributed by days and months

Archangel Cathedral in Moscow, second quarter of the 14th century Ivan Kalita Aristotle Fioravanti Aleviz New Architecture:

Bell tower of Ivan the Great / Church of Ivan of the Ladder, Ivan Kalita Aristotle Fioravanti Bon Fryazin after the addition to a height of 81 m in 1600 (under Boris Godunov), the bell tower was the tallest building until the beginning of the 18th century.

Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, second quarter of the 14th century Ivan III Aristotle Fioravanti

The Faceted Chamber Ivan III Marco Ruffo Pietro Solari

Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow, 15th century Ivan III

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (tent style), 1532 Vasily III

Intercession Cathedral on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral) Ivan the Terrible Barma and Postnik

Church of the Transfiguration, 14th century Veliky Novgorod

Church of Fyodor Stratilat on the Brook, XIV century Veliky Novgorod

Painting of the Savior the Almighty painting of the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration of Our Savior in Veliky Novgorod Feofan the Greek Church of the Nativity, the Kremlin Terem of Vasily the First, frescoes of the Archangel Cathedral, the iconostasis of the Cathedral of the Annunciation

"Trinity" Andrei Rublev Together with Feofan the Greek and Prokhor from Gorodets, he painted the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow and With Daniil Cherny he worked on the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, then he decorated the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Pioneer Ivan Fedorov and Francysk Skaryna

Smolensky Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent

Cathedral of the Nativity Monastery in Moscow

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

St. Basil's Cathedral

Church of the Transfiguration

Introduction The history of art does not know a sharper turn from the Middle Ages to the modern times than in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. The culture of the time of Peter the Great was businesslike, but you can’t call it boring: it hid romantic impatience - to quickly learn, discover, master, catch up.

Engraving The most accessible and common type visual arts in the Petrine era there was engraving. Engravings reflected major events, served as a kind teaching aids and illustrations in books. The most famous Russian engraver of the early 18th century was Alexei Fedorovich Zubov A.F. Zubov. Peter I on a horse Depiction of the palace in an 18th-century engraving

Iconography of the Soul of Christ St. Macarius of Unzhensky and Zheltovodsky At the beginning of the 18th century, Tsar Peter the Great forced Russian artists to follow Western canons. In the art of icon painting, the "free" style prevailed with characteristic features baroque. It was in the 18th century that icons began to be decorated with metal covers, which were called salaries.

Literature M.V. Lomonosov Since the 60s of the 18th century, a new literary direction called sentimentalism. The ruler of the thoughts of young people in the 90s was N.M. Karamzin (his novels: "Poor Liza", "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter"). In the 1990s, a completely new page opens in Russian literature - classicism. The most prominent figures of the new literary era were Prince A. D. Kantemir and M. V. Lomonosov In the times of Peter the Great, Feofan Prokopovich N.M. Karamzin A.D. Kantemir F. Prokopovich was known

Music D.S. Bortnyansky E.I. Fomin The Petrine Epoch laid the foundation for the development of a new type of secular music. The creativity of this time was limited mainly to the simplest genres of applied music - military, table, dance. The main genre characterizing the development of musical Art XVIII century in Russia, there was an opera. It is not surprising that it was precisely in the opera genre that the creative potential of Russian composers of the 18th century manifested itself most clearly. Along with opera, various genres are gaining popularity in Russia. chamber music. IN mid-eighteenth century, chamber concerts at court became commonplace.

Education A significant role in the development of education in Russia was played by the so-called soldiers' schools - general education schools for soldiers' children, the successors and continuers of the digital schools of the time of Peter the Great. The second type of schools in Russia in the 18th century. these are closed noble educational institutions: private boarding houses, gentry corps, institutes for noble maidens. The rise of literacy in Russia at the end of the 18th century. B.M. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Rus'. The third type of educational institutions includes theological seminaries and schools. The training of specialists was also carried out through the universities Academic at the Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Vilna.

Science Russian science of the 18th century. also needed titans, and it is no coincidence that it was in the Russian Academy that the physicist and chemist Lomonosov, the mathematicians Euler and Bernoulli glorified their names with discoveries of world significance. The Academy of Sciences in the 6070s conducted five expeditions that explored vast territories. In the second half of the XVIII century. the foundations of scientific biology are being laid in Russia. In 1793, the first medical journal in Russia, St. Petersburg Medical Gazette, was published. Euler Bernoulli

Results The eighteenth century in the field of culture and life of Russia is a century of deep social contrasts, the rise of education and science. Russian art, as we will see below, which continued to develop in the 18th century on new European principles, still remained expressed as a national phenomenon with its own specific face, and this fact in itself is very significant. However, unlike the previous period of time, the culture was greatly influenced by the nobility, and the dominance of foreigners also continued.

Materials « encyclopedic Dictionary Russian artist." Pedagogy A. N. Petrov. "Russian architecture of the first half of the 18th century." 1954. Big Soviet Encyclopedia, M.: 1975 Volumes 18,19,20,21. V.V. Mavrodin "The Birth of a New Russia.", - M., 1998. Essays on Russian culture. Higher School of Moscow State University 1990 B.A. Rybakov. History of Russian music. T. 1. From ancient times to the middle of the 19th century O. Levashova, Yu. Keldysh, A. Kandinsky. Russian lira. "Essays on Musical Russia". 1971. Mironov A.G. About Russian art. Collected works vol. 24. M., Gorky A.M. At the origins of the Russian theater. Kuzmin A.I. M Rybakova B. A. History of the USSR from ancient times to the end of the 18th century. M.: Higher School Krivorotov V. Milestones. Ups and downs of Russia's special path // Knowledge is power. 8, Anisimov E.V. Birth of an empire // book. History of the Fatherland: people, ideas, solutions. Essays on the history of Russia in the 9th and early 20th centuries. Moscow: Politizdat. 1991

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Main problem questions: Is Russia an original cultural type? Can Russia be considered an independent civilization? What and how is the original image of national culture maintained in the conditions of centuries-old development?

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1. Geographic location borders most of the world regions: Western Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, China and Japan, North America. Hence - the historical interaction of Russian culture with the main world civilizations. Russia - the state, society and culture - is developing on the vast territory of Eastern Europe and North Asia,

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2. territory and resources Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of territory; the potential of its resources is proportional to this fact: Russia has almost all the resources for independent civilizational development

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3. Climate North Caucasus). But most of the territory of Russia is one of the coldest parts of the globe, the development of which is associated with great difficulties.

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4) the population and the nature of its activities Over the centuries, the people of Russia as a multi-ethnic cultural and historical community has become the largest nation in Europe. The Russian nation was formed on the basis of the integration of many peoples of Eurasia into a single whole in interaction with a number of peoples who retain their cultural identity within Russian state. Russia: Identity factors:

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5) national character The harsh climate conditions and the dangers associated with the protection of vast borders have formed a persistent, unpretentious character, the ability to make extreme efforts, a special sense of social cohesion and justice (community, catholicity, “sense of elbow”) Russia: Factors of identity

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6) The originality of culture In the history of Russia, the unity of culture has formed - a system of meaning, meanings, values, norms, forms of thinking and communication, which determines the conscious goal-setting motives of historical activity. Culture acts as a special factor of identity, not reducible to natural conditions, since it acts as a conscious program of activity - program of rethinking natural reality. It is the properties of such a conscious program that make it possible to speak of Russia as a special cultural type. Russia: Factors of Identity

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1. Slavs. Slavic paganism: the main areas of preservation and processing of traditions: - folk life up to the 20th century, - traditional folklore, folk art - stylization motifs of professional art - some features national character, - the phenomenon of neo-paganism The origins of Russian culture

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Influence of Byzantium: cultural prototype. Russia is the spiritual heir of Byzantium Spheres of borrowing and influence: - Orthodox Christian faith, - writing and literature, - education, - architecture, church art and music, - political culture Origins of Russian culture

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3) Interaction with the cultures of other countries and peoples Spheres of borrowing and influence: - state-political system, - equipment and technology, science, education - Lifestyle phenomena (starting from the 18th century) with traditions and with a developing cultural type The origins of Russian culture

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Ancient Rus'modern Russia: Factors of unity 1) Language and common background 2) The emergence and development of a centralized state: Kievan Rus, Muscovy, Russian Empire, Soviet Union, Russian Federation. 3) A single faith, a system of worldview and meaning formation, accepted by the elite and the majority of the country's population. 4) The integration of many peoples of Europe and Asia into the Russian nation and the formation of a homogeneous cultural and historical type. 5) "Russian idea" - the formulation of a view on the goals and mission of cultural development.

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The semantic cosmos of culture and the uniqueness of the cultural type of Russia Types of cultures as options for understanding - rethinking the world: Options for making sense: Rational: "I" as a sense-making center, Mystical: "Other" as a source and center of finding meaning Aesthetic: empathic interpenetration of one's own and another - meaning as the potential of the emerging event - the potential for miraculous perfection Cultural-semantic type - the specific organization of these ways of gaining meaning into a single system through the subordination of some to others

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Western civilization Rationality Aesthetics Mysticism Spheres of main goals and achievements: Technology, science, law, politics, Economics, art

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East Asian civilization (China, Japan, Korea) Aesthetics Mysticism Rationality Spheres of goals and achievements: Art, meditative practice, ritualization of life, ethics of submission, knowledge as contemplation

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Ancient Greek civilization Aesthetics Rationality Mysticism Spheres of main goals and achievements: art, philosophy, education, ethics, politics

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South Asia: Indo-Buddhist type of culture Mystic rationality 3 aesthetics of the sphere of goals and achievements: magic, technique of self-control (yoga) secret knowledge, meditation, folk art

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Middle East: Islamic civilization and Judaism Mysticism Rationality Aesthetics Spheres of goals and achievements: Religion - strict monotheism, moral law, dogmatic law, family, education

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Orthodox civilization: Russia Mysticism Aesthetics Rationality Spheres of goals and achievements: Religion, Ethics of conscience and service, Art

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1. Faith: - Faith of Christ, Holy Rus' its symbols: the Temple as a symbol of Heaven on earth, Christian values ​​of mercy and love and traditions of piety, Russian saints - Moral priorities of consciousness: the concepts of truth and conscience Faith in a higher meaning and higher justice